The pressure generated by the baby pump. Benefits of submersible pumps kid

Many owners of summer cottages and private farms that are not connected to a centralized water supply are familiar with the problem of supplying water to their homes and homesteads.

The submersible pump "Malysh" will help to partially solve it. Although it is not a powerful device capable of pumping water from artesian wells, it can quite cope with the supply of water from wells, shallow wells and open reservoirs.

For those who are just going to equip an autonomous water supply, as well as for users of pumping equipment, it will be useful to learn about the device, the principle of operation and the rules for operating the unit. We will describe in detail how to install the "Kid" in the well and ensure its smooth operation.

Submersible pumps of the Malysh series are produced by the Russian company Livgidromash, which has a history of nearly seventy years. During this time, more than three million copies of various pumping equipment came off the assembly line of the plant.

The use of a filter will not only extend the life of the unit, but also ensure the flow of better quality water purified from any impurities.

Maintenance of pumps Kid

In order for the pump to serve for a long time and properly, it is necessary to comply with the operating and storage conditions recommended by the manufacturer. In this case, the manufacturer guarantees its normal operation for two years. The pump does not require complex maintenance and care, and simple rules will not be difficult to follow.

After the first installation of the device in the well, you need to let it work for one or two hours, and then remove and carefully inspect the body and components for any faults. If everything is normal, then the vibration pump can be put in place and used further, leaving it immersed in water for a long time.

Periodically, at least once every three months, and if possible, every hundred hours of operation, the unit must also be inspected. If at the same time traces of friction are found on the body, then it was incorrectly installed and, during operation, came into contact with the walls of the water intake.

To avoid this, it is necessary to align it and put an additional rubber ring on the body.

If the inlets are clogged, they must be carefully cleaned without damaging the rubber valve. It is best to use a blunt tool for cleaning.

If the pump is not used in winter, it must be taken out of the well, rinsed and dried well. During storage, the unit should be placed away from heating devices and protected from direct sunlight.

If, following the manufacturer's recommendations, a breakdown occurs due to reasons beyond the control of the user, the pump should be taken to the service center. The list of popular breakdowns of the "Kid" pump and the ways to eliminate them are described in.

The submersible pump "Kid" is a convenient and inexpensive household appliance, easy to use and easy to maintain. Of course, due to its small capacity, it is not able to provide a full-fledged water supply to a private house, and, in fact, no one sets such tasks for it.

An inexpensive vibrator perfect for seasonal use. He will become a real assistant on summer cottages. So, with the help of "Kid" you can organize watering of plants and water supply from wells, wells or open reservoirs.

Experienced in installing or using the Baby Pump? Please share information with our readers, tell us about the specifics of the unit's operation. You can leave comments and ask questions in the form below.

The most inexpensive but reliable devices for pumping water from wells and shallow wells include the Trickle or Kid pump. They are distinguished by their simplicity of design, stability of operation, durability, and a pleasant ratio of price and technical capabilities.

The types and parameters of the Kid will be discussed in this article.

Application area

The operating power of the baby pump is small, so it cannot be used to extract water from deep water. But it works great in wells and boreholes "on the sand", and can also pump water from rivers and lakes containing mechanical impurities.

What tasks can be solved with its help:

  • Water rise from a depth of up to 40 meters;
  • Its pumping into the water supply system of the house and site;
  • Watering garden plantings;
  • Pumping water from swimming pools, flooded basements and cellars;
  • Washing the car, paths and platforms, building facades, etc.

Note. The device of the vibration pump Malysh allows you to use it for pumping liquids contaminated with insoluble impurities - sand, silt. But if their number exceeds the maximum allowable, a filtration system is needed.

Operating principle

The submersible pump Kid is a vibration unit, the principle of which is based on the conversion of electrical energy into electromagnetic oscillations. They are transmitted to the piston, the vibrations of which lead to the pumping of the liquid and its expulsion from the device. Every second the piston makes about a hundred reciprocating movements.

A coil with a core is responsible for converting electricity into electromagnetic. Its winding is quite sensitive to overheating, which occurs when the pump is idle. Therefore, you must always monitor the water level in the source or equip the device with an automatic switch that is triggered when it drops critically.

Depending on the location of the suction valve, Toddlers are classified into two types of designs:

  • With top water intake. In it, the working elements are located in the lower part of the body, therefore they are always in the water and are better cooled, and less sand, silt and other contaminants from the bottom of the source get into the suction hole;
  • With bottom water intake. Less resistant to overheating, require constant monitoring, and when working in a low-rate well (see) - installing mechanical filters on the suction pipe.

Council. Do not ignore the recommendations for installing the filter, this will save the parts of your pump from rapid wear. Moreover, the price of the most popular EPVP filter for vibration pumps is only about one hundred rubles.

Specifications and features of models

In the line of pumps of this brand there are several models with top and bottom suction. All of them are used for taking water from a well or a shallow well, as well as from open reservoirs, and supplying it horizontally to a distance of 100-150 meters. That makes them convenient both for water supply at home (see), and for watering a personal plot.

Note. The baby pump for a well can only work with water whose temperature does not exceed 35 degrees, and the content of impurities and insoluble impurities is no more than 0.01% of the volume.


When studying the pump before buying, you should pay attention to the markings and be able to decipher the alphanumeric designations.

We will tell you how to do this using the example of the BV 0.12-40 Malysh-K (p) Ikl device:

  • BV - household vibration;
  • 0,12 - nominal flow in liters per second;
  • 40 - head in meters at nominal flow;
  • Kid-K - the name in which the letter K indicates the presence of built-in thermal protection;

Note. Malysh-3 is a pump, the only one of all units of this brand that can be used in narrow three-inch wells.

  • (P) - if the designation contains this letter in brackets, it means that the device case is made of high-strength plastic. Its absence indicates the aluminum case;

  • Ikl - the first class of protection against electric shock. The absence of such a designation indicates the second class.

Basic model Kid

This is the simplest modification with a bottom water intake, designed to work in a source with a diameter of at least 100 mm. It has no filter, no overheating protection, no pressure switch. But all this can be purchased and installed separately, as well as a hose with a diameter of 18-22 mm for supplying the pumped water to the consumer.

The submersible pump Kid has the following characteristics:

Note. The specified parameters are approximately the same for all modifications.


In terms of its parameters, this unit does not differ from the base model, the difference lies in the upper location of the water intake valve. The performance of the Malysh-M pump is the same as that of the Malysh.


The diameter of the Malysh-3 pump allows it to be used in narrower wells - from 80 mm. This is a more compact version of the basic model, the power rating of which has been reduced to 165 W and the head to 20 m. It is ideal for installation in sources with a small flow rate.

The set includes a network water-resistant cable 30 meters long.


This is the most advanced version with built-in thermal protection and bottom water intake. Automation protects the device from overheating, disconnecting it from the network in time when the engine temperature rises. Unlike other devices, rewinding of the Malysh-K pump is not required as a result of winding combustion.

Installation and connection features

The main rule: the pump must be mounted in an upright position, otherwise its service life will be seriously reduced. And the depth of its immersion should be such that the suction port is always in the water. Therefore, you need to know the lower dynamic water level in your source.

For reference. The dynamic level is the mark at which the water in the well is kept when the pump is running. It depends on its performance.

Installation instructions:

  • Prepare a water supply hose. Its length should correspond to the immersion depth, and its diameter should correspond to the diameter of the discharge pipe;
  • Secure the hose to the branch pipe with a plastic clip;
  • Fix the filter to the suction port. This is especially true for pumps with a bottom water intake, since mechanical impurities entering the working chamber of the device lead to rapid wear of the check valve and piston, clog the hose, which leads to a critical increase in pressure inside the device;

Council. Pumps with bottom water intake should not be located closer than 50 cm from the bottom of a well or well, even if they are equipped with a filter.

  • Make sure the length of the network cable is long enough. If this is not the case, you need to build it up with your own hands, but so that the junction is above the level of the well;
  • Use plastic clamps to combine the hose and cable so that the latter cannot slide down, but is in a loose state;

  • If there is a very small gap between the pump and the walls, then a rubber ring must be put on its body, which will prevent mechanical damage to the device from vibration;
  • Fix in a special eyelet on the body the steel cable or nylon cord that comes with the pump. Tie an elastic rubber tape about 50 cm long to its upper end - it will damp vibration;
  • Lower the pump on the cable into the source to the specified depth, then carefully fasten the cable outside.

Now you can plug the cable into the network and use the device. Connection is possible only after complete immersion, as idling will quickly lead to breakdown.

Unfortunately, not everyone is satisfied with the pressure the Baby pump creates, especially if there are devices in the house, for the normal operation of which it must be at least 2 atm. Vibration devices, in principle, are capable of producing it, but if the source is located far away, then significant head losses occur in horizontal sections.

But there is a way out: the pump must be additionally equipped with a check valve, a pressure switch and a hydraulic accumulator, turning it into a mini-pumping station. Automatic maintenance of the water level in the accumulator is carried out using a relay: it turns on the pump when the pressure in it drops.

Automation for the pump

  • Dry-running controllers that turn off the unit when air or sand enters it;
  • Float switches that are triggered when the water level drops;
  • Pressure switch and thermal relay;
  • Stabilizer for the pump Kid, maintaining the current constant during pressure surges;
  • Start protection devices;
  • Check valves;
  • Accumulators that maintain the pressure in the network through a pressure switch.

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow all this works, we suggest studying the following diagram:

  • 1 - control unit;
  • 2 - cable with a plug for connection to the network;
  • 3 - cable with a socket for connecting the pump;
  • 4 - automatic switch;
  • 5 - socket;
  • 6 - pump Kid;
  • 7 - power cable;
  • 8 - nipple;
  • 9 - check valve;
  • 10 - pressure pipeline;
  • 11 - crosspiece;
  • 12 - transition nipple;
  • 13 - flexible liner;
  • 14 - hydraulic accumulator;
  • 15 - distribution pipeline.

When the pump is turned on, it supplies water to a hydraulic accumulator connected to the automation system. When the pressure in it reaches the nominal value, the pressure switch turns off the pump and turns it on again when it drops.

Council. To drain water from the system for the winter, insert a ball valve between the filter and the check valve.


The technical characteristics of Vibrating Pumps Baby, of course, are not amazing. But these devices successfully cope with the water supply of a small country house or a summer residence of several acres. That, combined with a low cost, is good news.

In order to avoid mistakes when choosing and installing a pump, we advise you to watch the video in this article before buying it.

To ensure water supply at summer cottages and in farms, it is worth using a household electric pump. A universal option is considered a submersible pump Malysh, which is used at various objects where water supply is required. The name of the equipment is explained by its compact size and low weight. Despite the modest power, such a device guarantees a good water pressure.


People living in rural areas, as well as summer residents, use the Malysh pump for the following purposes:

  • water supply for non-residential and residential buildings;
  • water supply for summer cottages and vegetable gardens;
  • the inclusion of an irrigation system that works in automatic mode, which facilitates the care of plants;
  • spraying shrubs and green spaces with spray nozzles;
  • pumping out water.

It is important to remember that submersible pumps are not designed for pumping contaminated liquid, because in this case, the structural parts will quickly wear out. Accordingly, the service life will be short.

In general, a wide range of applications for submersible pumps Malysh is explained by ease of operation, reliability and low price. Also, an important role is played by the absence of the need for installation. The pump will start running as soon as it is submerged in water.

Many consumers prefer submersible models with top water intake, thus avoiding contamination from the bottomincluding sand and silt. Moreover, this equipment cools faster, which means that you can not be afraid of engine overheating and its failure. Similar pumps are used to lift water from a well or well. They are also an important element in an autonomous water supply system.

Main characteristics

Universal submersible pumps can have different characteristics, depending on the manufacturer and specific modification.

We should also mention the presence of automation. Thanks to such equipment of submerged structures, the Kid is easier to care for and use, and safety increases. The automatic system maintains a certain pressure and monitors the operation of the engine. Also, the automation will protect the Kid pump from overheating, and the engine will not be damaged due to power surges. If the water level is insufficient, the pump will be powered off.

On sale you can find models with an electric generator or equipment powered by solar panels.

Universal units are sold at an affordable price, which affects the service life. Usually, working life is designed for 3-4 years... At the same time, the device will pay off in one season.

For many consumers, the classic model is considered the best option. It is suitable for wells with a diameter of 100 mm and provides a water supply for a distance of 100–150 m. It is important to remember that the basic version does not have an automatic system that protects the unit from overheating, which reduces the cost of equipment and reduces the service life.

Principle of operation

After connecting the drive to the network, the electricity is converted into electromagnetic vibrations. They enter the corresponding valve, after which the membrane begins to oscillate. This results in pressure build-up and water pumping... Naturally, such mechanisms turn out to be sensitive to overheating, so there is an automatic system that turns off the engine when the water level drops. Such equipment is recognized as low-level, but it copes well with its tasks.

It is important to remember that Kid's submersible pumps are of 2 types:

  • device with top water intake: this option is considered the most preferable, because the equipment will cool faster and will not suck in dirt;
  • units with a hole at the bottom: they need close control, automation, thermal protection system and mechanical filter to prevent sand or debris from entering the pump.

Installation and connection

To perform a correct installation, you need to pay attention to the type of equipment:

  • pumps with an opening located at the bottom must be fixed at a distance of 1 cm.
  • equipment with a valve at the top is lowered to the very bottom.

Before installation, the end of the nylon cord is fixed on the pump body, and to the other end it is necessary connect a medical harness or rubber hose... Thanks to such a solution, the resulting vibrations will be significantly reduced.

During operation, it is necessary to check that the submersible pump does not touch the pipe or well. In this case, the rubber ring located on the device body will become additional protection. After reaching the depth, you need to fix the pump, and then connect the unit to the network.

How to extend the service life?

Almost always, a submersible pump is used in difficult conditions, so it is worth taking care in advance to avoid equipment damage. In particular, it must be remembered that small debris, lime deposits and sand can get under the hull, which means that the parts will wear off over time, and the pipes will become clogged, which will cause you to buy a new submersible pump. To avoid this, it is necessary to purchase a special filter capable of trapping solid particles. Such equipment is easy to install and protects the pump from the smallest particles, the size of which does not exceed 150 microns. Thanks to such an inexpensive filter, the service life of the Kid's pump will significantly increase, and the efficiency will increase.

In order for the device to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to remember about other important nuances.

The submersible pump Malysh is the best option for summer residents and owners of small garden plots. The use of such equipment will help solve the problem of water supply. In order for the unit to serve as long as possible, it is worth choosing the right power, following the manufacturer's recommendations and using the device carefully.

The presence of a home well or an equipped well on the site requires the participation of water-pumping equipment for the unhindered rise of moisture for domestic needs. According to the recommendations of users, special attention should be paid to the domestic version of the submersible pump, named according to its dimensions - "Kid". Small dimensions, however, there is no reason to doubt the productivity of the unit.

"Kid" - the principle of work, advantages and disadvantages

The units are classified as vibrating. The principle of operation is to create electromagnetic waves that act on the pump valve. The float, in turn, interacts with the membrane, causing vibrations. Their strength is sufficient to create pressure and buoyancy pressure. Hence the benefits:

  • Compactness... All parts of the unit - electromagnetic core, vibrator - are in a sealed case. There are no outboard mechanisms except for the electric cable. The dimensions allow pumping water from narrow shafts of wells, wells or hard-to-reach flooded places - the "Malysh" is used not only to deliver drinking water, but also to drain basements and storm drains.
  • Durability... It is due to the absence of rubbing parts that require regular maintenance and lubrication. The service life is calculated in several tens of years, given that the unit is repairable.
  • Light weight... "Kid" is light - from 5 kg. Therefore, the installation will take place quickly, without the use of additional mechanisms and assistance. retrieving it from a well or borehole shaft will also be easy.
  • Profitability... Due to its low power, in contrast to centrifugal ones, the use of a submersible pump "Malysh" for country and residential needs is economically justified. True, with a caveat - in the case of a house of more than 100 sq. m, year-round living and a developed "infrastructure" - bathrooms, baths, sinks - a different version of the unit is required.

In fairness, disadvantages should also be pointed out. This is the collapse of a well or well that is not reinforced with casing pipes. Vibration causes the soil to fall off the walls, which in the future will result in clogging of the filter with dirt and water of the appropriate quality.

It is also important to mention the impossibility of operating the pump for a long time - more than two hours. Vibrating units are sensitive to cable heating. Low productivity and depth of installation are the accompanying qualities of the "Kid" - that's why it is purchased.

Pump specifications Kid

The line of "Kid" models is wide. Each option has its own technical characteristics for rational use for a specific situation. Consider:

Classic submersible pump

Designed for operation in wells over 100 mm, lifting height up to 40 m and pressure transmission up to 150 m. The option is good for use in summer cottages and in small houses with year-round living for modest needs. Pump Kid Specifications:

  • The concentration of suspended solids in water should not exceed 0.01% of the total mass, otherwise the coarse filter may not cope, and the unit will operate at full capacity, which is fraught with overheating.
  • The temperature of the pumped-over water is up to +35 C. Not suitable for pumping liquids from warm tanks or flooding due to district heating.
  • Power - 245 W. The unit operates from a 220 V network.
  • The capacity is directly proportional to the rise - the deeper, the slower and less water is pumped. From 1 m - more than 1 cubic meter m, from 40 m - up to 500 liters.
  • Work safety - 2 hours.

The model is equipped with a pump only. Hoses, cables and cleaning filters are missing. In addition, it is important to pay attention - there is no pressure switch that protects the unit from idling and other protective automation.

Series "Kid - M"

It is identical to classic units, with the only difference that in the first version, the submersible pump is made with a lower water intake circuit, and the M series - with an upper one.

"Kid - 3"

Depending on the financial capacity and the available source of water - a well, a well - namely, the debit of the resource - these models are selected related to the budget. The differences from the basic configuration are as follows:

  • Reduced power. For reservoirs with a small inflow of moisture, 165 watts are enough.
  • Small horizontal length - about 20 m. However, this is quite enough for dacha needs.
  • The pump is compact, and its weight is close to the minimum - 3 kg, which greatly facilitates installation.
  • In addition to the model, a hose and filter are purchased. Power cable included - length 30 m.

"Kid - K"

Owners who care for the long-term operation of the unit, but for obvious reasons, who cannot pay fabulous money for the pump, are offered Kid-K - a device indistinguishable from a classic unit, but with additional protection against overheating. With it, the pump is not threatened by abnormal situations - long uncontrolled work, dry running.

Features of connecting the pump Kid into the well

The algorithm for installing any model of the Kid is simple, but responsible. To begin with, the depth of the location is determined - almost every series is designed for a small size. Next, a supply hose is purchased with the required diameter indicated in the unit's marking.

This is important, as a mismatch is fraught with overloading the engine due to the difference in the cross section of the pipe and hose. Plastic clamps are used for fastening. It is undesirable to mount the wire, as vibration is already capable of affecting the borehole walls, subjecting them to destruction.

Other features:

  • Depending on the installed water intake circuit - upper or lower - the pump is installed directly on the bottom of the reservoir or half a meter from it, respectively. This is due to the receipt of a clean resource - in the first case, water will flow from the column, in the second, the pump will not draw up dirt.
  • It is impossible to observe the exact setting of the depth for the model, indicated in the marking as the lower dynamic level. This is a limit value, and the real parameter should be lower. Pumps "Malysh", of any series, are installed in a well or a well strictly vertically.
  • The horizontal position will reduce the service life of the unit and give a dirty resource - the filters will not cope with the constant movement of silted soil.
  • Before lowering the unit into the mine, it is recommended to equip it with a coarse filter - all components are offered by sales representatives. In case of omission, the submersible Kid is in danger of clogging the hoses with soil, silt and dirt. The pressure will increase, which, in turn, will lead to system problems. In this case, the automation would have protected it, but it is not offered in the kit.
  • It is recommended to lower the pump on a strong nylon cord fixed to the eyelet on the unit - it is fixed on the head of the source. To damp the vibration of the pump, a rubber tube or a piece of gasket is attached to the cable or cord. It is also recommended to purchase a kind of rubber cover for the body, in the event that the diameter of the well does not allow the pump to be placed freely, and it is impossible to allow strikes against the walls.

Pumping station from Malysh for the needs of a private house

The essence of the complex equipment is the use of protective devices in addition to the pump. Like that:

  • check valve;

Let's consider in detail:

  • The check valve prevents the flow from becoming intermittent during the entire pump operation.
  • The pressure switch prevents the hydraulic tank from drying out and maintains the set water level for normal use.
  • The accumulator restrains the shocks that occur due to the loss of pressure and its salvo.

In a word, the equipment serves for the long-term operation of the submersible pump, increases the comfort of use for the owners. It will not be difficult to equip the unit with the listed devices - they are all commercially available and will fit any series "Kid".


Undoubtedly, "Kid" is not a panacea for solving problems with water supply for a private house or plot - there are many other models for use in autonomous systems. However, this is a budget ( the price of pumps Kid starts from 1500 rubles, depending on the modification) and rational acquisition is not inferior to "eminent" models in terms of consumable characteristics. Therefore, "Baby" is worth your attention!

A convenient submersible pump Kid will help to solve the problem of supplying water to many owners of private farms and dachas that are not connected to the water supply. The Malysh electric pump is not a powerful device for pumping water from artesian wells, but it will quite cope with the tasks of lifting water from wells, small wells, open reservoirs.

The lineup

There are 3 main models produced under the Malysh brand, which differ not only in technical parameters and in the fence system, but also differ in scope.

The standard submersible pump Kid has a bottom water intake. Such units are designed for:
pumping water from remote open reservoirs;
drainage of flooded basements and lower floors;
pumping water to a minimum level.

If the name has a K marking, it means that additional thermal protection is built into the design. That is, there is a thermal relay in the case, which will turn off the device if it overheats. Such equipment can be left unattended for a long time without fear of burning out.

If the name contains the M mark, it means that the housing is made of durable plastic. It is made of aluminum by default. No doubt the aluminum case is more durable, but it costs more.

The design of the Malysh-M and Malysh-3 pumps includes an upper water intake. The Malysh M pump is similar in technical characteristics to the basic modification. The device Malysh-3 has significant differences from it.

Apparatus with the upper suction method are used for the intake of liquids from wells / wells. In these places, units with a bottom water intake may fail if they are not equipped with an additional installed filtration system. Electric pumps with an upper intake during operation do not suck up silt deposits from the bottom, which can clog the system.

Application area

The vibrating pump Baby has gained wide popularity due to its good technical characteristics, inexpensive cost and ease of use. Compact and not heavy (weighing up to 3 and a half kilograms) devices cope with a wide range of tasks.

They are used for:
uninterrupted lifting of water from wells / wells with an inner diameter of 8cm to 11cm and from any water bodies in which the ambient temperature does not exceed 35 degrees;
for pumping liquids from a distance of 100-150m, which is quite enough to provide a small area;
pumping water from a container into a water supply system;
creating a water supply for agricultural or domestic needs;
pumping flood waters from flooded basements;
filling / draining pools.

Gardeners also include these electric pumps in their automatic irrigation systems to care for garden crops or to spray shrubs using spray nozzles. The Kid's water pump works with liquids in which the amount of mechanical impurities does not exceed 0.01%. For pumping more polluted water, these models are not suitable, as the parts are subject to increased wear, which shortens the service life of the devices.

Construction and connection

Vibration pump Baby consists of a hermetic housing, inside which there is an electric drive and a vibrator. The inlets of the models are closed by a valve. The operation of the device is based on the power of an alternating current, under the influence of a shock absorber, forcing the armature and piston to oscillate, while simultaneously pushing water into the pipe.

The reason for the popularity that the vibration pump Malysh deservedly enjoys is also the fact that it can be used to create a full-fledged pumping station included in the auto water supply system. To do this, it will be necessary to supplement the design of a pressure switch, a hydraulic accumulator and a check valve. The relay will help maintain the desired liquid level, since it will automatically turn on / off the pump when the water level changes. The pressure of the Kid will be quite enough even for the device of an autonomous water supply system in a country house, which allows to reduce the cost of organizing water supply.

Such a unit is highly reliable, largely due to the proven design. And if a breakdown happens, then this is not a problem at all, because thanks to the widespread availability of spare parts, it is not difficult to repair the Kid pump today.


It is very important to connect the kid pump correctly. Its working position should be strictly vertical, without distortions. The baby submersible pump is fixed with a strong nylon cord, for which there are grooves on the body. A load with a spring must be suspended at the bottom of the unit to dampen vibration.

The pump casing is separated from the casing with special elastic cuffs or just a wide ring made of dense rubber. Do not lower the electric pump on the wire, as it will resonate with vibration, which will lead to wear of the mount. From the bottom of the bottom to the pump housing, a distance of at least one meter must remain.

Pump Kid Specifications

All modifications of the line operate on a 220V household network. They can submerge up to 3 meters in depth. They are produced in several modifications differing in the length of the power cord, power and pressure.

In wells with low flow rates, deeper sinking is acceptable. The water intake rate for all models is the same - 430 l / h.

Malysh, Malysh-M have a head of 40m - 60m, Malysh-3 - 20m - 25m.

Productivity increases when working without pressure up to 1,500 liters.

Electric pumps also differ in size and power.

The power of the basic modification Malysh and M is 240W.

Dimensions in length - 25.5 cm and weight - 3.4 kg. The Malysh-3 modification has a lower power - 185W, the length of the unit does not exceed 24cm, weight - 2kg.

The Malysh and Malysh-M electric pumps can be used to lift liquids from wells with a diameter of more than 100mm from a depth of up to 40m, and Malysh-3 is designed to work with wells with a diameter of more than 80mm and a depth of up to 20m.

Where to buy a pump Baby

Due to its widespread prevalence, it will not be difficult to buy a baby pump. The price of such a device, depending on the modification, is in the range of 1500 - 3000 rubles.

The baby water pump has the following advantages:
The location of the suction openings at the bottom of the body in electric pumps The Kid allows you to pump out water from the bottom.
The location of the suction openings on top of the Malysh-M, Malysh-3 electric pumps allows the device to be operated without supervision, since the unit will not overheat.
Electric pumps can also be used for pumping clean drinking water.
They are maintenance free.
Long service life.

Video about the pump Kid

To provide water supply to household plots and small farms, household electric pumps are used. Universal pump Kid submersible type can be optimally used in places with little water consumption. The electric pump got its name due to its compact miniature size and light weight. Despite the modest power characteristics, the baby submersible pump provides a fairly good water pressure, depending on the delivery height.