Terrace made of wood by its own. How to build a veranda with your own hands - an open and closed extension to the house

How to make a wooden terrace: step by step photos of building an open terrace in the country.

The article presents a photo and description of the process of attaching a wooden platform to a wooden country house.

The terrace is a raised horizontal platform, an extension to the house, designed to accommodate furniture and interior items, for convenient outdoor activities and recreation.

Usually terraces are installed right next to the house, summer cottage or summer kitchen; in addition, over such a platform, you can erect a pergola, a shed, a gazebo, or glaze and make a veranda.

In this case, we will consider the construction of the simplest wooden terrace, this will be an extension to a wooden country house.

Construction of a wooden terrace: step by step photos.

Initial stage: preparing the site for construction, clearing the site of debris and vegetation, marking the dimensions of the future building.

The next stage is the installation of the foundation, in this case, a columnar foundation was made, concrete blocks were used. Small pits were dug under the blocks, and a crushed stone pillow was made in each pit.

The concrete blocks are level in one horizontal plane. During the casting, reinforcement embedments were installed in the blocks, which will be used to fasten the trim from the bar.

We will make a strapping from a bar with a section of 100 x 100 mm. We fasten the beam to the mortgage with long bolts.

We lay logs for the floor, as a log, you can use a bar or a board laid on the edge, the option with a board is preferable, since the board will cost less than a bar, if you have a sawmill, you can dissolve the bar into boards and less materials will be needed.

We attach the logs to the harness made of timber, check with a building level and level them so that all the logs are at the same level. From the side of the house, we fasten the logs with their ends to metal corners to the support board fixed on the wall of the house. We attach the sidewalls from the same board to the back ends of the lag.

The logs must be treated with an antifungal impregnation, as an option, you can use the old proven method, cover the logs with used engine oil.

We lay flooring from boards, since this is an open terrace, then atmospheric precipitation will affect the wood, if the wood becomes damp, it begins to swell, so the floorboards should not be laid end-to-end, but with a small uniform gap of 3 - 5 mm, which compensates for the expansion of the wood. We fasten the boards to the logs with nails or screws.

We process the entire surface of the floor with a grinder and use medium-grain sandpaper.

The wooden terrace must be treated with an antifungal impregnation, which will protect the wood from rotting, then covered with paint or varnish for outdoor use.

For the terrace, use paint or varnish intended for outdoor use only!

It is very important not to skimp on high-quality varnish or paint, otherwise in a couple of years the coating will swell and you will have to sand and repaint everything, the cost of materials will be even higher, so it is better to immediately process the wood with high-quality materials.

f There are many options for organizing a place for recreation in a suburban area. The quickest and easiest way is to attach a wooden deck to the house. This simple structure allows you to comfortably enjoy the fresh air and sunbathe. And if you make a closed-type terrace, which will reliably protect from wind, dust and precipitation, then you can relax in any weather.

The practicality of such an extension has been appreciated by many homeowners. With a sufficient area on the terrace, the whole family will comfortably accommodate with guests, and if you install a barbecue or barbecue, the recreation area turns into a convenient place for cooking and eating. In a word - the possibilities are endless!

Thematic material:

The best option for novice builders would be an open summer terrace adjacent to the house. To erect such a structure correctly, you need to understand all the stages - from drawing up a detailed project to finishing and decorative work. Where do you start?

Features of the terrace design

A place to relax on a suburban area can be designed in the form of a free-standing gazebo, a closed veranda at the entrance to the house, or an open terrace.

The last option has a number of features that distinguish it from other buildings:

Where to build a terrace

The place for the construction of an open area is chosen taking into account:

  • which side of the house is illuminated by the sun;
  • view from the terrace;
  • soil features - the nature of the soil affects the choice of foundation;
  • the landscape of the site - the building should organically fit into the overall design of the yard and be in harmony with the style of the house.

Often, an open area is located near a pool or natural reservoir. The shape of the structure can be different: rectangular, round, asymmetrical, curved.

Interesting multi-level terraces, eliminating the need to make separate steps and providing an effective drain.

The building can be placed:

  • next to one of the walls of the building on a common foundation;
  • around the whole house;
  • separate from the dwelling - in this case, the terrace resembles a gazebo.

Material selection

What is the best way to make a terrace? There are many options.

  • Wood. The wooden structure is durable, reliable, provides maximum comfort and a homely atmosphere. Construction will be the most economical and least labor-intensive.
  • Stone, concrete, brick. It is more difficult to work with these materials, they are more expensive and do not allow you to implement some of the design ideas.
  • Metal. Beautiful railings and structure posts are made of steel or cast iron. But this option is costly from a financial point of view. Also, not everyone can work with metal on their own - you need at least own a welding machine. In addition, resting on such a terrace will be less comfortable, since the steel heats up strongly in the sun.
  • Wood-polymer composite, or WPC. These raw materials are the cheapest and easiest to process. Thanks to the PVC coating, the material does not need to be protected from decay with impregnations, like elements of a wooden structure. Externally, WPC is attractive - it resembles the texture of natural wood.

When erecting a terrace, it is not necessary to use new materials; you can also make a recreation area from the remains after the construction of a house. The main thing is that the boards, concrete blocks for the foundation and other elements are free from defects and are treated with special impregnations that protect against moisture and temperature changes. Only in this case, the structure will turn out to be strong and durable.

Drawing up drawings

Before, it is important to understand all the details of the design of the structure. A correctly drawn up and approved construction plan is a guarantee of the quality and legality of the construction.

What should be in the project?

The drawing reflects the following design specifications:

  • area with exact dimensions;
  • materials used;
  • mass of the structure;
  • type of foundation.

When drawing up a project, it is important to take into account the features of the place chosen to place the terrace: the type and structure of the soil, the technical condition of the wall and foundation of the house, climatic factors.

Users often search:

Since it is quite difficult to make a drawing of the terrace on your own, the best solution would be to contact a specialized design organization. Professional engineers will draw up a construction plan, taking into account building codes and the wishes of the customer.

Project approval

Despite the fact that the house is the property of the owner of the land plot, changes in the design of residential premises must be agreed and approved by:

  • fire safety service;
  • bodies of sanitary and epidemiological control;
  • local administration.

Without a complete package of documents, the building will be considered an unauthorized building, which will not allow you to sell, donate, exchange the house in the future, or use the property as a loan collateral.

Stages of construction of an open terrace

An extension to the house of a recreation area is carried out in several steps:

The last stage can be omitted, but additional elements will make the design original and functional.

For the terrace, a strip or columnar base is suitable. However, builders often resort to a simpler option - the use of a curbstone under the foundation. In this case, the work is as follows:

  1. With the help of reinforcement or wooden pegs, they mark the boundaries of the future building. For the convenience of further work, a string is pulled along the perimeter.
  2. At the corners, temporary supports made of bricks are installed with a height of about 40 cm.
  3. Logs are laid on top at an angle to the house of about 2 ° (this will ensure a good drain of precipitation). A building level is used for leveling.
  4. A string is pulled along the top of the log, the logs are removed.
  5. Instead of temporary supports, columns are made of concrete.
  6. Trenches are dug between the posts under the curb and poured with concrete.
  7. Install stones.
  8. When the mixture hardens, the gaps between the foundation elements are covered with expanded clay for thermal insulation.

If the structure is new, the foundations of the house and the terrace should not be rigidly connected - the building's shrinkage will lead to the destruction of the extension. If the house has been standing for a long time, the foundations are combined with metal fasteners.

Wood flooring design

Step-by-step instructions for installing a terrace floor:

  1. Lags are installed on the foundation.
  2. Mark the places for fixing the timber.
  3. The crossbars are fixed with metal corners.
  4. Boards are mounted. Before this, the tree is carefully treated with impregnations from decay, bacteria and fungus. Small gaps are left between the boards for ventilation and temperature deformations.
  5. The edges of the flooring are trimmed for aesthetics.
  6. The surface is varnished or painted.

It is advisable to use larch as it is rich in natural resins and is ideal for outdoor use.

If the deck-terrace seems too simple, the structure can be supplemented with auxiliary elements, for example, a roof.

There are several roofing options for the terrace:

  • the structure adjacent to the house is laid on rafters made of wooden beams, attached to the upper harness on vertical racks;
  • polycarbonate roof;
  • transparent slate construction;
  • removable canopy in the form of a stretched awning.

However, you don't have to bother with the construction of the roof - simple umbrellas will perfectly protect from the sun. However, in this case, furniture and decor will have to be removed every time heavy rainfall begins.

Terrace decoration

The decorative elements are striking in their variety. For example, on an open recreation area, wooden fences are installed, consisting of three parts: racks, railings and balusters. These elements are attached to the supports on which the roof is held, or to their own vertical beams.

As an alternative to wooden fencing, lightweight fabric tulle is used, creating a feeling of airiness, decorating the terrace and protecting from sunlight.

Obligatory elements of the recreation area are tables, armchairs, sun loungers and other furniture. Additionally, you can decorate the room with potted vegetation or a hedge around the perimeter of the structure.

Thus, building a terrace is the best option for a novice master. It is not difficult to build an open area with your own hands - you just need to carefully follow the recommendations and follow the work technology.

The veranda allows you to profitably expand the useful space of a residential building. In a properly built and well-equipped annex, you can comfortably spend time both in warm and cold seasons.

It is best to build an extension so that it closes the front door to the main house. Therefore, you will not be able to build a veranda on any desired side of the already finished main building. Otherwise, the veranda will be torn off from the main building and you will have to enter it across the street.

The dimensions of the extension are selected individually. For a family of 3-6 people, a veranda measuring 3x4 m is enough. It is also important to take into account the general view from the street. For example, if you live in a large two- or even three-story house, and the veranda is very small, the overall architectural ensemble will turn out to be inharmonious. For compact houses, you can safely attach verandas the width of the entire wall of the main building - it looks great.

Important note! Regardless of the chosen dimensions and the general features of the extension, its construction must first be legalized. To do this, you must have a project on hand. You can find it in open sources or order it from a specialized company.

Head over to your local architecture department with your finished project. The department staff will study your project, make the necessary changes and issue a permit. Keep in mind that it takes about 2-3 months on average to consider and approve a project, so it is most profitable to deal with this issue in winter, before the start of the construction season.

Construction site marking

We are starting the preparation of our construction site.

First step. We remove about 150 mm of the top layer of the soil around the perimeter of the future building and take it to flower beds, to a vegetable garden or another place.

Step two. Align the resulting depression.

Step three. We carry out the markup. First, focusing on the project, we drive in metal or wooden pins in the corners of the site, then in the same way we drive in intermediate pegs every 1-1.5 m, and then we pull the rope between the pins. We will be guided by it in the process of arranging the foundation.

Making the foundation

Most often, verandas are built on columnar or tape-type bases. The depth of the support is taken equal to the depth of the foundation of the main house. It is strongly discouraged to tie the main support to the foundation of the extension, because these structures will have very different weights. Therefore, the degree of their shrinkage will also differ. To prevent a heavy house from pulling a relatively light extension behind it, the latter must be erected on a separate foundation. To do this, we leave about a 3-4 cm gap between the foundations.

An important point! When choosing the type of foundation, consider, first of all, the characteristics of the soil in your region and the total mass of the veranda. For the construction of heavy structures on heaving soils, monolithic ones are best suited. Lightweight structures, for example, made of wood, can be built on columnar supports.

Tape base

The tape-type foundation is optimal for the further construction of a veranda on it from building blocks or bricks. The thickness of the base, as already noted, is equal to the thickness of the foundation of the house. If this is a new building, keep the thickness at the level of 70-80 cm.

First step. We dig a trench around the perimeter of the walls of the extension.

Step two. We align the bottom and walls of the trench, made of wooden boards or shields, according to the height of the future concrete support.

Step three. We consistently fill the bottom of the trench with a 10-centimeter layer of sand and the same layer of gravel with the obligatory compaction of each ball of filling.

Fourth step. We lay a reinforcing mesh of 10-12 mm rods. The recommended mesh size is 10x10 cm. So the base will be as strong as possible.

Fifth step. Pour in concrete made from a portion of cement, three portions of sand, 4-5 portions of gravel and water.

Thoroughly level the fill and leave it to dry and gain strength for 3-4 weeks. We spill concrete every day in hot weather to prevent cracking.

Columnar base

Perfect for a veranda made of timber or polycarbonate. It is recommended to make holes for pillars with a depth of 80-110 cm. If the veranda is small (up to about 3x4 m), it will be enough to install supports in the corners. However, professional builders recommend installing intermediate racks for any size of the veranda. We maintain the distance between the supports within 0.8-1 m.

First step. Digging holes in the places of the future filling of the pillars. The most convenient way to do this is with a drill.

Step two. We fill the bottom of each depression with a 15-20 cm layer of sand. Additionally, it is recommended to add about 10 cm of crushed stone. We tamp each layer.

Step three. Pour concrete to ground level and let it harden.

Fourth step. We coat the finished concrete supports with bitumen.

Fifth step. We fill up the cracks between the ground and the supports with sand.

Sixth step. We erect the above-ground part of the pillars made of bricks. We make the height equal to the height of the foundation of the main house.

Making a rough floor

The floor can be wood or concrete. For example, in a frame veranda made of wooden beams, a wooden floor would be more appropriate. Concrete pouring will best fit into the brick extension.

We do a wooden sub-floor like this:

  • we fix the lower trim bar on the foundation. We use suitable fasteners, for example, an anchor. To connect the beams directly, we first make selections at their joints and additionally fasten them with galvanized nails;
  • we attach wooden logs to the lower strapping. We maintain the step at a level of 50 cm - so the floor will definitely not fall through. We use the connection option described above;
  • fill up the space between the lags with expanded clay;
  • we make flooring from unedged boards or plywood with a thickness of about 50 mm. We fasten the flooring elements to the joists with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

We do the concrete screed as follows:

  • fill the base with a 10-centimeter layer of sand;
  • pour a layer on top;
  • we lay the reinforcing mesh. For the floor of the veranda, a mesh of bars with a diameter of 6-8 mm with cells of 25x25 cm is enough;
  • pour concrete.

Important! The screed should be as flat as possible. We carry out the work with the obligatory use of the level.

We build a wooden veranda

Basic material properties

Wood is one of the most popular and ancient building materials. Even after all kinds of blocks and other budgetary and easy-to-arrange elements appeared on the market, wood practically did not give up its positions.

Almost everyone can handle the construction of a simple frame wooden veranda. You just need to correctly mount the frame racks and sew them up with shields, clapboard or other suitable material.

The indisputable advantage of wood is its environmental friendliness, beautiful appearance and relatively low weight. The latter property allows you to abandon the arrangement of expensive and difficult to build foundations.

The main disadvantage of a wooden veranda is its fire hazard - the installation of a barbecue in such an extension, or in the immediate vicinity of it, is a very important event that requires taking into account many nuances and trifles. Therefore, it is better to take the source of fire somewhere far away from the wooden veranda.

Another significant disadvantage of wood is its poor tolerance to high humidity, and therefore the material needs serious pre-treatment with special ones. Without such preparation, the wood will rot very quickly.

Construction procedure

For the construction of the frame, we use a high quality wooden beam with a section of 100x100 mm. We already have the lower harness and the subfloor, so we continue to work following the instructions below.

First step. We cut out grooves in the lower trim bar for installing vertical supports. We maintain a half-meter step.

Step two. We install vertical racks. To fasten the frame elements, we use staples and screws or nails.

Important! The roof of our veranda, as noted, will be sloped. Therefore, the vertical beam, installed at the lowest point of the slope, is made 50 cm below the opposite racks.

Step three. We mount the upper strapping beam. At higher racks, no questions will arise - we perform the connections in the same way as in the previous stages.

When installing the strapping of lower supports, we do the following: first, we connect the posts longitudinally with a strapping bar, and then fix the transverse crossbars connecting the high and low posts at the height of the low posts. We fasten the crossbeams with high posts by means of pre-created grooves and nails.

Fourth step. The top harness is ready. The resulting slope will allow us to lay the rafters for the roof. Additionally, we nail the girder near the roof slope. We use anchor bolts to fasten the beam to all the supports. For greater reliability, it is recommended to fasten the strapping beam with transverse boards or beams, if possible and necessary (we focus on the weight of the future roofing material). We will attach racks and struts to them for greater strength of the rafter system.

Fifth step. We mount in 50 cm increments. For this we use a wooden beam with a section of 100x200 mm. The connection of structural elements is performed using any of the previously considered methods.

Sixth step. We sheathe the frame. For interior cladding, lining is perfect, for exterior - siding or other material. Lay layers of hydro and thermal insulation between the materials of the outer and inner cladding. We attach the film to the frame. The position of the insulation is fixed with transverse slats. The finishing material is also attached to them. When trimming, do not forget to leave openings for windows and doors.

Prices for various types of timber

Brick verandas

Basic information about building material

Brick is great for the construction of capital verandas. In a building made of this material it will be cool in summer and, provided that the insulation is done correctly, it will be warm in winter. Brickwork is durable, fireproof and unpretentious to maintain.

The main disadvantage of a brick building is its heavy weight. Such structures are erected exclusively on the basis of which does not have the best effect on the total cost of construction.

The procedure for erecting a veranda

The foundation is ready and waterproofed, the screed is poured, the base is flat and does not require any additional preparatory measures. Let's start laying out the walls.

Pre-select the appropriate type of masonry. The simplest options, perfect for self-erecting a veranda, are as follows:

  • spoon masonry. The final wall thickness is 120 mm;
  • bonded masonry. Wall thickness - 250 mm;
  • chain masonry. Allows to obtain walls with a thickness of 380 mm.

First step. We attach a docking cord at two opposite ends of the foundation with a tie. It should run along the edge of the base.

Step two. We expose the corner bricks along the cord, and then fill the space between them in accordance with the chosen masonry method. We use standard cement mortar to fasten the building elements together.

Step three. We check the evenness of the first row and in the same way lay out the walls to the desired height, not forgetting to leave openings for doors and windows.

Important! will be inclined, therefore, the wall that falls on the bottom of the slope, as well as the side walls adjacent to it, are made one row lower compared to the wall supporting the top of the roof.

Having laid out the last row of walls, we equip the armopoyas. To do this, we fix on the upper surface of the walls a formwork with a height of about 70 mm on each wall, set anchor bolts in the corners, lay reinforcing bars and pour concrete.

We let the concrete harden, and then we attach a strapping made of a wooden beam with a section of 10x10 cm to the anchor bolts. The further procedure for arranging the rafter system remains similar to the situation with

If the veranda is planned to be used throughout the year, the walls can be laid in two rows, filling the gap between the rows with thermal insulation material. For single masonry, we carry out insulation, moisture insulation and interior decoration by analogy with a wooden veranda. Exterior decoration is at your discretion. You can just carefully sew up the seams and be done with it.

Masonry sizeLength, L
Width, BHeight, НNumber of bricks
excluding thickness
mortar joint
Number of bricks
taking into account the thickness
mortar joint 10 mm,
1 cubic meter single brick masonry250 120 65 512 394
1 cubic meter thick brick masonry250 120 88 378 302
250 120 65 61 51
1 sq. m masonry in half a brick (masonry thickness 120 mm)250 120 88 45 39
1 sq. m of masonry in one brick (masonry thickness 250 mm)250 120 65 128 102
250 120 65 189 153
1 sq. m masonry in one and a half bricks (masonry thickness 380 mm)250 120 88 140 117
250 120 65 256 204
1 sq. m masonry in two bricks (masonry thickness 510 mm)250 120 88 190 156

250 250 65 317 255

1 sq. m masonry in two and a half bricks (masonry thickness 640 mm)
250 250 88 235 195

Prices for building and facing bricks

Building and facing bricks

We make the roof of the veranda

And the rafters are installed. It remains to make the lathing, mount the insulating layers and lay the finishing roofing material.

The lathing can be solid (for roll materials) and sparse (for sheet roofing). We make a continuous crate from OSB boards. To do this, we attach them to the rafters with a 1-centimeter gap. We fasten the beams of the sparse lathing with a step recommended by the manufacturer of the selected roofing material. On average, it is 30-35 cm. To fasten the battens to the rafters, we use galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

Fill the cells between the battens with mineral wool for thermal insulation. We lay a waterproofing film on top and attach it to the crate using a stapler with staples. In the case of arranging a solid lathing, we fix the thermal insulation from the inside of the room. We provide the fixation of the insulation boards with the help of transverse slats, nailing them to the crate.

In the end, it remains to mount. It is best to match the roof covering of the main house. For the rest, we focus on our preferences and available budget.

Finishing the floor

If the subfloor is wooden, we put insulation in the space between them and stuff the flooring of edged boards to the logs. We paint and varnish the boards.

On top of the concrete screed, you can also equip a boardwalk, similar to the previous method, or lay another material at your discretion, for example, linoleum.

In the end, the door remains, furnish it at your discretion and connect lighting if necessary. We will not pull the wiring. It is enough to remove the extension cord from the house and turn on the necessary lighting fixtures.

Happy work!

Video - Veranda do it yourself

Many owners of private houses, wishing to increase the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe building, tend to attach various structures to it. One of the most common is an open veranda. Let's consider how a terrace is made of wood - the most affordable building material in our country.

We draw up an extension project

Before proceeding with the construction of a veranda made of wood and any other materials, it is worth carefully working out the project documentation. That will allow you to pre-calculate all the necessary materials, to determine the shape of the future structure, to avoid possible mistakes during construction. Even if you do not have the necessary level of drafting or similar tools, we recommend that you complete the simplest sketches of the future building indicating its dimensions.

Users often search:

During the preparation of the project, you should think over the entire sequence of work, the most optimal techniques for its implementation. Similarly, you should decide on the equipment and tools necessary for the construction of a terrace.

Stage one - laying the foundation

After determining the sequence of construction, a do-it-yourself veranda from wood is erected step by step. It is necessary to start from the base of the terrace, which is a strip shallow or columnar foundation.

As a rule, both types are quite widespread when performing independent production of house extensions. Consider the features of the data for the future terrace.

Column by column

Simple and less costly in terms of materials and physical efforts is the columnar foundation of the veranda. It represents several separate supports of rectangular cross-section in the horizontal plane. The following materials are used for manufacturing:

  • ceramic red brick;
  • concrete foundation blocks;
  • concrete building blocks;
  • masonry sand-cement mortar.

Before installation, pits 0.6-1m are dug under future posts. The depth of deepening under the terrace supports depends on the quality of the soil and the mass of the future structure. The bottom of the holes is filled with sand and gravel with intermediate compaction. On top of the dump under the base of the terrace, a concrete pad is poured for leveling.

The wooden veranda should rest evenly on all foundation elements. For this, the pillars are brought to a common height level. For this purpose, you can use partially cut blocks or bricks, as well as different thicknesses of joints. After installing all the terrace supports, they must be protected from moisture. In this case, use ready-made bitumen mastic and roll waterproofing. Similarly, waterproofing of the head of the posts under the veranda is carried out.

Tape under the terrace - pros and cons

For the terrace requires a lot of effort in construction. Main steps:

  1. marking tape along the perimeter of the terrace walls;
  2. digging a trench to a depth of at least 0.6 meters and a width of about 30 cm;
  3. installation of formwork for lifting the tape above the soil level to the veranda lining;
  4. filling the bottom of the trench with sand and gravel;
  5. manufacturing and installation of a reinforcing frame made of steel rods;
  6. preparation of concrete mortar in sufficient volume, pouring the tape to the upper edge of the formwork;
  7. waterproofing hardened tape with ready-made compounds;
  8. backfilling the trench with soil.

As can be seen from the description of the process, the technology of installing a strip foundation under a wooden terrace is a rather laborious and time-consuming process, requires higher qualifications than when installing a columnar base. In case of improper erection or high mobility of the soil, the tape can break and bend, which will certainly affect the entire structure.

Stage two - construction of the frame of the building

The installation of the structure frame is performed on the finished foundation. A wooden deck can be made quickly, even alone. For work, you will need a building beam with a section of 150x150 and 100x100 mm. The first beam fits on the lower harness - the base of the veranda floor, the second - on the racks and supports for the railing.

We lay the lower strapping

A beam with a section of 150x150 is laid on the foundation for the terrace, pre-lined with roofing material. If the dimensions exceed 6 meters - the standard length of lumber in our country, you will have to splice the strapping elements. The technology of the angular and longitudinal connection of the timber is as follows:

  1. Select the smoothest, unbeaten lumber.
  2. At the ends, mark the cuts at half the thickness of the timber. The length of the future groove is, in our case, 150 mm.
  3. Saw a bar along the markings using a hand or power tool - a joiner's hacksaw, circular or chain saw.
  4. Join the groove parts into the groove at an angle or lengthwise.
  5. Additionally strengthen the connection by driving in 2-3 nails # 150.

In order to avoid possible displacement of the terrace frame relative to the base (this should be considered at the stage of foundation construction), several pieces of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm and a free end length of 200-250 mm are left in the upper part of the posts or tape. Before laying the strapping, holes of a larger diameter are drilled at the exit points of the steel rods, and the bar is laid on the pins, which are then bent flush.

After completing the timber strapping of the terrace floor around the perimeter, lay in the same way several transverse bars of the same section, installing them in the grooves marked and sawn in advance with a step of about 1 meter, fastening them with long nails.

Installing racks

To support the roof of the veranda made of wood, it is necessary to install several vertical bars at the outer corners and along the long side parallel to the wall of the house. The length of which is chosen so that the height of the terrace roof from the floor is at least 2 meters, and the slope of the roof from the main structure is observed.

Connection diagram of strapping and racks

If it is allowed not to plan the terrace strapping timber, then the racks must be pre-planed with an electric plane. This will give them a more aesthetic look and simplify further decoration and processing of the veranda. The posts should be fastened to the strapping with self-tapping screws using reinforced steel corners. In the upper part, the ends of the timber are attached to the terrace trim, which is a frame element that serves to increase the strength of the veranda structure.

It is better to make the upper harness from a 100x100 planed bar. The assembly is carried out on the ground in detail, after which it is installed on the ends of the racks and attached to them. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the vertical parts are perpendicular in two planes. To do this, use a plumb line or a building level.

Stage three - installation of the terrace floor

The step-by-step process of installing a wooden terrace continues with the manufacture of the floor of the extension. Particular attention should be paid to the correct selection of material, these are operating conditions associated with constant exposure to moisture and sudden temperature changes.

Standard pine or spruce flooring is the worst you can go for your veranda. If you decide to use it, it is imperative to treat the lumber twice with antiseptic compounds that protect the tree from decay and damage by various microorganisms. Pay special attention to processing the boards from the end.

The best choice for a veranda floor is a larch floorboard. Its advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and damage by fungi, mold, insects;
  • has a beautiful woody structure;
  • lends itself well to additional processing with protective and decorative compounds.

Instead of larch for outdoor terraces, an artificial floor material is often used - decking.

To increase the decorative properties of the entire product as a whole, flooring can be laid not only traditionally along one of the sides of the terrace, but also at an angle to them. With this method, the consumption of floorboards on the veranda will be increased by 20 percent, but it's worth it. It is also carried out from the center along the diagonals, which requires precise angular cuts, which can be made on a miter circular saw.

Stage 4 - roof installation

A high-quality roof will help protect visitors to the veranda and flooring from rain and sunny heat. Its frame is made of wood, using a vertical strapping of the terrace and a horizontal bar-base, fixed on the wall of the house. When erecting the roof of the veranda, it is necessary to provide for a slope relative to the horizon of at least 15-20 o in order to avoid the accumulation of large masses of snow.

As roofing materials for terraces, both traditional metal sheets or soft roofs and less common glass or colored cellular polycarbonate are used. Thanks to the use of the latter, the roof of the veranda can have a radius curvature or a domed shape. Of course, this will require the manufacture of a more complex rafter system, but it will give the appearance of the terrace uniqueness.

Stage 5 - installation of railings, finishing

Wooden railings will help to limit the internal space of the veranda and protect visitors from falling. They are made of profiled metal or planed timber. Balusters will add zest to the exterior interior.

After finishing the installation of the fence, the wood should be treated with wood stains, stains or oil-based paints, in other words, protect and prepare for use.

In this article, we examined the issue of building a veranda, as it turned out it was not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and a step-by-step algorithm.

The opportunity to be at home and on the street at the same time, enjoy the surrounding nature and not get wet in the rain, sunbathe and barbecue, arrange a winter garden, relax with the whole family - all these desires become fulfilled thanks to the ancient invention of architects, which is still popular today. You can even attach a terrace to a finished house with your own hands without spending significant money.

What is a terrace, its types

A platform near the house or in the garden, equipped for comfortable relaxation, as a rule, adjacent to one of the walls of the house, traditionally raised above the ground level, with a deck and a canopy - this is the standard definition of a terrace. In fact, there are many varieties of terraces. To choose the right option for your site, you need to understand the differences and subtleties of different types of these sites.


The division into main groups is done according to design features and degree of openness, as well as location on the site. The choice of the type of site is influenced by the purpose and the surrounding natural conditions, for example, strong winds or the presence of a reservoir.


For a mild climate and if you want to relax in the fresh air, an open terrace is perfect. It is made without walls and a roof, which allows you to enjoy the closeness of nature. For privacy, on such a site, you can place tall plants or decorative elements, make a glass fence, mount balusters and railings.

The sun's rays and precipitation will fall on furniture and other interior elements, so it is better to choose sofas and armchairs from a material that is not damaged by water and does not fade.

It is better to clean the interior items for the winter.


Today is a sunny day and I want an open area, and in the evening it will rain and get colder. In this case, a good solution would be a compromise between a protected from all sides, closed veranda and a terrace open to the sun and fresh air. Semi-open options come without a roof, but surrounded by walls and with a canopy in combination with a different number of walls and partitions, columns.

The most advanced version of such a private recreation area is a structure with sliding glass or plastic walls and a canopy. When conditions change, you can close the sash and find yourself in a completely weather-protected room.

If you want to fence yourself off from immodest looks, you can use curtains and curtains, put pots with indoor plants, hang a flowerpot, plant a hedge around


If the weather conditions in the region are difficult and often change, then the best solution would be to build a covered terrace, where you can relax and enjoy the countryside landscape even in winter. This is a whole room with walls and a ceiling, a canopy or roof, it can be heated and has a separate entrance from the street or from the house.

In the closed terrace, winter gardens are often arranged, and to make the site more open in summer, sliding frames and walls are installed

By location

The terrace can be located in the back of the garden, by the pond or pool, adjacent to the house. Depending on the location, recreation areas have their own design features and nuances of decor and lighting.


A beautiful area in the garden can be arranged directly on the ground, having carried out preparatory work to strengthen and level the base for the terrace. A light canopy will shade and create privacy, wicker furniture will provide comfort, and garden plants and flowers around will give aroma and merge with nature.

Lightweight partitions can be installed to protect the terrace from the wind

Benefits of a soil structure:

  • ease and speed of construction;
  • minimum financial costs;
  • openness of space and closeness to nature.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • exposure to bad weather, the possibility of flooding;
  • the need to process materials with antiseptics;
  • not recommended for unstable and difficult soils;
  • need a flat area.


These decks are raised slightly off the ground and are mounted on joists or a concrete base. The finishing material for the flooring is traditionally a decking, which looks great and does not rot, has no splinters, is safe and pleasant to walk barefoot.

Advantages of ground sites:

  • can be both open and closed or combined;
  • small financial costs;
  • the flooring protects from water and dust;
  • great opportunities for design and decoration;
  • does not require a fence due to its low height.

There are also relative disadvantages:

  • the need to equip the foundation;
  • wooden parts require special processing.

The deck flooring should be 5 cm below the threshold of the house so that melted snow and rain do not fall into the room


Such terraces are raised above ground level to a height of half a meter, have steps, a fence or walls, partitions. This is the optimal solution for difficult terrain and areas with a slope, houses with a high basement and a porch, if you want to build a multi-level area for comfortable rest. The advantages of this terrace are:

  • the possibility of useful use of space with a slope or height differences;
  • the possibility of arranging multi-stage complex structures.


If there is a natural reservoir, pool or pond next to the estate, then the construction of an overhanging terrace would be a good solution. It is also recommended for difficult terrain and steep slopes near the house. Overhanging structures are very popular in mountain resort areas and estates with beautiful views. Pros of an overhanging terrace:

  • allows you to enjoy the proximity of water;
  • the possibility of useful use of areas with complex relief;
  • stunning view, the platform seems to float in the air.

The disadvantages of the overhanging structure are the complexity of construction and the significant cost of the estimate, the need for a fence for a safe rest

What can you build from

Various materials are used for the construction, the choice depends on the purpose and the presence of walls and a roof. Heavy structural elements will require a stronger frame and solid foundation. On the market, you can find special weather-resistant and expensive materials for outdoor use, and with a limited budget, use available and cheap ones.

Base and floor

For light open ground and ground galleries, it is enough to make a gravel-sand cushion. During its construction, gravel or crushed stone of the middle fraction and sand are used, and geotextiles are laid between these layers. Geotextile will prevent mixing of sand with gravel and subsidence of the base, as well as strengthen and level the soil and prevent weeds from germinating on the terrace.

More solid wooden platforms are traditionally built on a base of metal screw piles, concrete supports, screeds and lower strapping from wooden beams and logs.

For closed massive structures with a roof, the following types of foundations are suitable:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • screw.

A tape and pile view is performed from concrete of the M-300 brand, sand, water and a plasticizer, which is taken as liquid soap. Reinforcement is carried out using a rod, metal mesh or scrap materials. When installing the formwork, you will need boards and bars for props, and the installation of piles involves the use of roofing material with fixed formwork and waterproofing.

The screw foundation is mounted from steel piles with blades at the bottom

The floor of the unpaved terrace is not laid at all, furniture is arranged and you can enjoy your rest in good weather. You can lay out the site:

  • paving slabs;
  • tiled stone;
  • sprinkle with small sea pebbles of different colors.

On any foundation, a strapping is mounted on top and logs from a bar of 50x150 mm in size, an aluminum profile or WPC for decking are laid.

It is recommended to finish the decking with a terrace board, specially invented for the street. It looks neat and imitates natural wood of valuable and expensive varieties, has a rich palette of textures and shades, and provides ample opportunities for a stylish design of the recreation area.

For fastening the terrace board, you need to take galvanized or steel nails

The advantages of this material:

  • does not rot, does not fade, does not burn;
  • does not deform under the influence of water and heat: does not warp and does not swell;
  • the service life is at least 30 years;
  • absolutely environmentally friendly and safe, it is pleasant to walk on it barefoot;
  • affordable price, ease of installation;
  • can be washed and cleaned with detergents.

Plain flooring is also used for flooring. Wood is inexpensive, this is its plus, but there are also disadvantages:

  • under the influence of moisture, fungus and mold form on it, insects start, dark spots appear, then wood is destroyed;
  • boards are deformed from water, and dry from dry air;
  • fire hazard.

To make it last longer, you should treat the board with an antiseptic impregnation and cover it with several layers of weather-resistant or yacht varnish, as well as choose rocks that are resistant to outdoor conditions, such as larch.

Clinker or ceramic tiles for outdoor work, natural stone look great on the terrace. It is advisable to choose unglazed and non-slip coatings. Stamped concrete is an innovative material consisting of monolithic concrete, printed with polyurethane molds to form various textures on its surface.

Stamped concrete imitates wood, stone, paving stones, ceramics


The frame is the basis for the roof and future walls of a closed terrace, it bears the main weight load, therefore, for the strength of the frame, either a thick wooden beam or a metal profile is chosen. For lightweight sites, you can use metal-plastic structures.

Processing of wooden parts is carried out with fungicidal impregnation and varnish or paint for outdoor use

The standard size of the timber for support posts is 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm, from the species you should choose larch or oak, coniferous. Aspen, birch or beech are not suitable for building a frame, as they quickly deteriorate from water. Support legs are reinforced with braces, which reduce the load on the supports and give the structure additional rigidity and stability. For these works, a timber with dimensions of 50x100 mm is taken.


Often a lightweight canopy is made on the terrace. It can be made of tarpaulin or other waterproof fabric, polycarbonate, wood, glass. The canopy is mounted flat or with slopes, semicircular, complex configuration. When building massive verandas, you will need support posts 150x150 mm, a rafter system made of wood or metal and roll waterproofing, as well as roofing material.

A soft roof requires a continuous sheathing, it is used for domed roofs and tents

Polycarbonate is suitable as a roofing material. It is lightweight, transparent, tolerates low temperatures well, and can take a curved shape. Decking is inexpensive and easy to install.


For a semi-open and closed area, it is necessary to mount partitions and walls that will create privacy and protect from bad weather. Most often they are made of wood, they are solid and carved, in the form of lattices or low. With the help of partitions, the site is zoned into several corners with different purposes, for example, the summer kitchen and the dining area are separated from the recreation area.

Indoor terraces look great with full-height glass walls that have sliding mechanisms to open on a fine day

How to make a terrace with your own hands

Building a terrace with your own hands does not take much time and is quite within the power of even a novice master.

Drawings and projects

If the main building has already been built and the terrace was not included in the project initially, you can design it later by drawing a detailed plan showing all dimensions and location on the site.

The owners of ready-made terraces post projects of their creations for general use on the Internet

If the terrace is attached to the house, then the length of the area adjacent to the house is taken as the length

The area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is determined by multiplying the length by the width. For example, for a terrace with dimensions of 3x4 m, the area will be 12 m². Layout and construction rules:

  1. The decking consumption for finishing should be increased by 15%, making a reserve for waste. We round off 13.8 m² to 14 and we get the consumption of decking or other finishing material.
  2. Consumption of fasteners per 1 m² will be 22 clips and 4 starting fasteners per 1 running meter. m. Each fastener has a hole for a self-tapping screw. Thus, for 12 m² you need to take 240 clips and 24 starter clips, 264 screws.
  3. Along the perimeter of the finished flooring, the ends of the boards are closed with an end tape or corner. The perimeter is 14 m.
  4. For the base, you will need 3 main beams of 3 m each, logs that are stacked in 35 cm increments, for 1 m² you will need to take 3 running meters of log. The standard length of the logs from the manufacturer is 4 m. With an area of \u200b\u200b12 m², you will need to buy 9 logs of 4 m in length. In addition, you will need crushed stone, sand, concrete supports.
  5. Concrete pillars are dug in or poured to a depth of 40 to 60 cm every 1.5 m. The size of the supports is 40x40 cm, 9 supports are needed.
  6. The height of the terrace should be slightly less than the height of the first floor of the main building in order to be able to slope under the canopy. With a house height of 3 m, the height of the terrace will be 2.5 m.
  7. We calculate the supporting pillars of the frame by the supporting blocks along the perimeter of the site, we get 8 racks of 2.5 m each. 16 m of 50x100 mm timber will go to the braces on both sides of each rack.
  8. Spans up to 4.5 m are covered with a single-pitched roof; with a longer length, it is necessary to strengthen the structure with purlins and rafter legs. The step between the rafters from boards should be 60–120 cm, from a bar 100–175 cm, from a thick bar 150–200 cm. With a step of 80 cm, you will need 5 rafters of 3.5 m in length and dimensions 50x200 mm, waterproofing 12m² plus a margin for overhanging canopy, total 14 m².
  9. For the lathing, boards of 25x100 mm are needed. The roofing material must be taken with a margin for the visor, which will be 14 m².

Wooden with a canopy

The project has been selected, there is a drawing, now you can start construction work. Let's take an example of all the stages of installing a wooden terrace with a canopy, one of the most affordable and popular options.

For construction, the following tools and consumables should be prepared:

  • tape measure, level, pencil, ruler;
  • shovel, hammer, hacksaw;
  • sand, gravel, water;
  • fasteners, screwdriver, drill with nozzles;
  • timber, waterproofing, roofing material, boards;
  • decking and accessories for it;
  • antiseptic impregnation, varnish or paint for outdoor use.

Substrate and floor preparation

Stages of preparatory work:

  1. The site is marked out according to the scheme, the perimeter is outlined, the places of the support blocks are marked. The top fertile soil layer is removed. Stones and debris are removed. Pits are dug under the support blocks, sand and gravel are poured onto the bottom.

    The layer of gravel and sand in the pit should be 10 cm

  2. Ready-made supports are installed on the pillow; they should protrude 15 cm above the surface to ventilate the flooring. For waterproofing, they are coated with a bituminous solution and wrapped in roofing material. You can make a permanent formwork from roofing material and pour concrete pillars. The support bar is mounted horizontally to the wall of the house 5 cm below the floor level.

    The bar is fastened with anchor bolts every 60 cm

  3. Beams are installed and fixed on the supports with reinforcement and fasteners, all junction points are waterproofed, logs are placed on top, attached to the support bar and beams, the strapping is knocked off.
  4. Terrace or regular floorboards are laid and fixed across the log.

    The ends of the terrace board are closed with corners

  5. The floorboard is sanded and impregnated with stain and antiseptic, varnished in several layers.

Erection of the frame


For a wooden terrace attached to a house, a pitched roof with a slope of 5–10º would be the best solution. Installation includes the following steps:


Polycarbonate is flexible, transparent and lightweight, available in various shades, and durable. Due to these qualities, it is often used for the construction of terraces, where it is an excellent alternative to wood and metal.

Polycarbonate is easily and quickly assembled by hand

Required materials and tools

For work, the master will need:

  • shovel, tape measure, level;
  • crushed stone, sand, concrete M-300, water;
  • wood or metal for the frame: profile pipe 80x80 for the main racks, 40x20 for the truss, embedded parts for the base;
  • transparent or matt polycarbonate;
  • welding machine;
  • fasteners: bolts, nuts, hardware;
  • drill, screwdriver, circular saw, construction knife.

Substrate and floor preparation

For lightweight polycarbonate, a metal frame and a columnar base are sufficient. Installation is carried out as follows:

Erection of the frame

Stages of work:

Canopy and walls

If the terrace is planned to be open, then it is enough to make a fence to the desired height. For a semi-open and closed recreation area, walls, partitions and a canopy are mounted. Work order:

Video: building a wooden deck

Photo gallery: arrangement and decor of the terrace

It is beneficial to expand the usable space and to equip the recreation area near the house with your own hands is not difficult and inexpensive. The result is a comfortable living room or outdoor dining room where the whole family will enjoy spending fine summer days.