How much should the bathtub be from the floor. Bath height from the floor: norms and permissible deviations

A bath is the central element of every bathroom, without which it is impossible to imagine living in a modern, comfortable house. Fortunately, home improvement stores offer a wide range of plumbing fixtures to suit every taste or budget, from cast iron, steel to acrylic.

To ensure the convenience of using the washing container, it is important not only to choose a high-quality container, but also to install it correctly. In this article we will tell you what the height of the bathtub should be from the floor according to generally accepted building codes.

Standards, norms

The height of the bathroom from the floor is an important factor for the safety and usability of this sanitary fixture, which is not affected by its size or shape. This figure is made up of the depth of the bowl, which for different models is 50-65 cm and the height of the supports used for installation. The installation height of the tank is strictly regulated by building codes:

Note! The standard installation height of the wash tank as stated in building codes is a guideline. In children's or health care institutions, this figure is reduced to 50 cm in order to increase the comfort of hygiene procedures.


The recommended installation height of the bathtub of 60 cm is based on the average height of the person and the standard bowl depth. However, when installing plumbing equipment, you need to approach this indicator individually, taking into account the wishes of the homeowners, as well as the size of the product. The allowed range of the height to which the bathtub is raised above the floor is 50-70 cm.

The optimal distance from the edge of the bowl to the floor depends on the following factors:

  1. Average human height. The smaller the height of the person who uses the bathroom, the lower it should be installed. You need to understand that with a height of 150 cm, raising a leg above 70 cm is problematic, and besides, it is unsafe. It is more convenient for a tall person to use a bathtub set at a level of 65-70 cm, since there is no need to bend low to it.
  2. Living in an apartment for children and elderly family members. If the bathroom is used by children, elderly relatives or people with limited mobility, it is recommended to install the bathtub no higher than 50 cm in order to simplify and secure hygiene procedures.
  3. Depth of plumbing equipment. If the depth of the bowl is 50 cm, then the minimum level at which the bathtub can be installed is 65 cm, since 15 cm is required to connect the siphon.
  4. Bowl size and weight. The installation height is influenced by the size and weight of the plumbing fixtures. Cast iron models have a significant weight of 100-150 kg, so they are not installed closer to the floor surface.

Important! To determine to what height to raise the washing container during installation, you need to put the entrusted legs under it and try to climb into it. In this case, it is better to take into account the growth of the lowest family member or calculate the average.

Installation methods

When deciding how high the bathtub should be from the floor, keep in mind that the minimum distance for installing the siphon is 15 cm. So that the use of this plumbing fixture is not traumatic and uncomfortable, you can adjust this indicator during installation. Installation of plumbing equipment is carried out by the following methods:

Experienced craftsmen say that it is most convenient to determine the optimal distance from the floor to the bottom of the bath using sliding legs with screws. These supports are fixed to the bottom of the bath and then adjusted in height so that getting in and out of the bath is straightforward. Accurate determination of the height of the bath allows you to reduce the risk of injury when performing hygiene procedures, as well as to ensure maximum comfort.

Video instruction

To make the use of the bathroom comfortable and convenient, it is important to adhere to a number of requirements regarding the installation of the product. It is not only about the choice of material, but also about the correct chosen height of the bathroom relative to the floor. In this case, they are guided not only by building codes and regulations, but also by other features.

Prescribed standards

For this case, there is a special provision in SNiP, which indicates the exact height of the bath from the floor. After all, ease of use and, more importantly, safety, directly depend on the choice of the optimal height of the plumbing fixture. The height depends on the depth of the bowl and the height of the legs or feet. Depending on the models, the depth of the bowl can vary from 50 to 60 cm.

If we talk about the standards prescribed in SNiP, then they are as follows:

  1. The height of the bathtub from the floor surface should be exactly 60 cm. This is the best option for an adult. This distance guarantees safety when diving in and out of the bath, as well as ease of use.
  2. If the bathtub is not mounted close to the wall, then the distance from the plumbing fixture to the wall should be at least 70 cm. So a person can freely pass to the equipment.
  3. Regardless of the size of the bowl, the bottom of a conventional bathroom must be raised at least 15 cm above the floor during installation. This is done to install and connect the siphon located at the bottom of the product.
  4. As for the installation of the bathroom itself in its place, then it does not need to be installed at an angle. It is enough to install it strictly horizontally. The required slope to the drain hole in it has already been made in advance in production.

It turns out that the standards speak of an optimal height of 60 cm. But I would like to note that this is not a law, but a recommendation. For example, if we talk about children's or health institutions, then the height of the bathtub there can be reduced to 50 cm.

True, there are other tolerances that are important to consider.

Possible deviations

Let's say right away that the bathroom height of 60 cm was not taken by chance. It was calculated as the best option for an average person's height and a standard bowl depth. Nevertheless, performing the installation of this equipment, the issue is resolved individually, depending on the wishes of the owners and the size of the bathroom. In addition to the standards prescribed in SNiP, an allowable height range is distinguished. It ranges from 50 to 70 cm, by which the tub can be raised above floor level.

Below is another list of factors that affect the optimal bathroom height above the floor:

  1. Average height of family members. There is a regularity here that the smaller the growth of the bathroom user, the lower it needs to be installed. It is logical that with a height of 150 cm, it will be quite difficult to throw your leg higher than 70 cm. But if a person is tall, then it will be convenient for him to use a bath located at a level of 65–70 cm so that he does not lean too low.
  2. Whether children or elderly family members live in the room. It is logical that old people and children will not be able to comfortably enter the bathtub, the height of which is 65–70 cm from the floor. They are limited in movement. Therefore, it is better to install plumbing equipment at a height of 50 cm. Tall family members will tolerate, and water for children and older people will be an ideal option.
  3. The depth of the bowl also influences the choice of height. If it is, for example, 50 cm, then taking into account the allocated 15 cm for the installation of the siphon, the minimum size to which the bath can be raised will be 65 cm.Accordingly, if you need to make a smaller distance, then the depth of the bowl is chosen less.

These tips should be followed so that all family members are happy with the use of the bathroom. Before setting up a bathroom, you should ask yourself who will be using it and what is the average height of your family members. It is also important to think about the elderly and children. Another nuance is the choice of finishes. But what does the finishing have to do with it? The fact is, the same tiles that are used in the bathroom have their own size. For a beautiful finish, you should start installing it immediately at the edge of the tub.

Does the material of the bath play a role

The modern market is full of various models of bathtubs that can be installed in the bathroom. The range is really wide. But most often, users prefer to use these types of products:

  • steel baths protected by enamel;
  • cast iron baths;
  • acrylic products.

All of them differ in the material of manufacture. Does it make a difference at what height to install this or that option? First, consider the features of each of the species.

The heaviest and largest can be called a cast iron bath. The material itself is strong and durable, however, quite heavy. Such baths were widely used in the Soviet Union and are still popular today. It has cast iron legs fixed to the body. Due to its properties, it can be installed anywhere, in the center of a bathroom, in a corner or near a wall. The main feature of the bath is not its weight, but the ability to keep the water warm for a long time. This is ideal for those who like to lie in a hot bath for a long time. The only caveat is that you should accurately choose the distance from the floor to the edge, since after installation it will be very difficult to correct something. Cast iron bath installation option:

Note!The size of such products is standard, as is the shape, which is rectangular.

Acrylic products are a more modern option. Their advantages are light weight, ease of installation and modern, beautiful design. Equipment is available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. If we talk about the minuses, then they are low strength. If there are people with a lot of weight in the family, then the bathtub may deform or crack. In addition, it is important to properly care for it in order to extend its operational life. It will be problematic to repair and restore the product. However, the bathroom itself is warm and perfectly retains heat inside itself. The legs are fixed at the bottom. It is better to install the structure near the walls, since it will not be so stable in the center. Here is an example of installing an acrylic bathtub:

Important! The range of acrylic bathtubs is truly amazing. Due to the simplicity of production, it becomes possible to create equipment of various configurations and sizes, depending on the needs of the consumer.

Steel products are somewhere in the middle in weight between cast iron and acrylic options. It looks good, however, the metal makes a lot of noise during operation. Remains warm weakly, but quickly heats up and cools down. Ideal for busy people who do not need to lie in the bathroom for a long time. Recommended for installation in a corner. Installation example of a steel bath:

When you have decided on the height, you have chosen the type of bath, you can proceed to its installation.

Installation options

There are 3 types of bath installation that you can choose for your case. At the same time, in work, it is required to forget that from the floor to the bath bowl, you need to leave a distance of 15 cm for the siphon. How can you install the product in its place, taking into account the selected height?

According to experienced craftsmen, the standard height of the bathroom from the floor is achieved by sliding legs with screws. Due to this design, you can easily set the height of the bath, and if it does not fit, then reduce it or, conversely, increase it. The supports are mounted on the bottom, after which the bath is installed in its place. By adjusting the height of the legs, you can achieve the ideal height.


To keep using the bathroom easy, it is important to follow these guidelines and guidelines in building codes. Then the procedure will be safe and comfortable. In addition, you need to take into account your own characteristics in order to bring this size to the ideal.

When developing a bathroom project, it is recommended to take into account not only the appearance of one or another equipment, but also the rules for installing and placing plumbing. Places of the bath, sink, bidet and so on, the height of the bath from the floor, the sink from the floor, and so on are predetermined. Read more about installation standards below.

Measurement of product height

Standards and Methods for Determining Installation Height

Standard parameters

The main criteria for choosing a bath are the overall dimensions of the plumbing equipment and the rules for its placement in the room. At what height should the bath be installed?

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01-85, it is recommended to install this type of sanitary equipment at a height of 610 mm from the floor.

The document allows deviations from the specified norm by 8 - 10 cm in one direction or another.

If the bathtub is installed in children's premises: hospitals, health camps, kindergartens, and so on, then for the convenience of carrying out hygiene procedures, it is recommended to reduce the standard installation height to 50 cm.

  1. to connect the equipment to the house, the distance from the floor to the bottom of the hot tub should be between 8 cm and 12 cm;
  2. the sewer entrance in the bathroom should be located 2 - 3 cm below the drain hole, which ensures a free flow of water;

Installation parameters for free connection to the sewer

  1. if the plumbing is not installed right next to the wall, then for the free movement of the user it is required to leave a distance of at least 70 cm. The same distance should be from the bath, placed against the wall, to the opposite support;
  2. the distance from the bathtub to when placing plumbing in one room should be at least 50 cm;

Plumbing installation standards in a combined bathroom

  1. if the washbasin is located on the side of the bathtub, it can be installed at a distance of 3 - 5 cm. If the sink is located on the opposite side of the bathtub, then the minimum distance is 70 - 75 cm.

Self-determination of the installation height

The current height standard applies exclusively to the installation of the bathtub in public places. For personal use, users can independently determine at what height to put the bath from the floor. When determining the parameter, it is recommended to consider the following factors:

  • average height of family members. Experts have found that with a person's height of 150 cm, raising a leg to a height of more than 70 cm is quite problematic. Therefore, the height of the bath should be less than this parameter;
  • living together with children also requires a reduction in the installation height of plumbing equipment, since the inability to visit the bath without additional equipment (stand, bench, stool, etc.) can lead to injury;
  • cohabitation with people with disabilities. If a disabled person lives in the house, then the bathroom must be equipped taking into account the possibility of independent use of the citizen;

The height of the plumbing for the disabled can be adjusted with a special step

  • the depth of the bath is the height of the bath itself. You can determine the parameter yourself, using measuring tools or according to the attached technical documentation.

Main technical parameters

In order to experimentally determine the optimal height for placing the hot tub, you need to substitute adjustable supports under the bath and determine whether it is convenient to use the lowest member of the family.

What else needs to be considered when choosing

Standard installation height is not the only criterion for choosing plumbing fixtures. When choosing a bath and its placement, it is also recommended to consider:

  • plumbing material;
  • installation method.

What materials are they made of

Modern baths are made:

  • from cast iron. The material is distinguished by a high level of strength, durability, the ability to keep warm for a long period of time, but at the same time it is heavy. What should be the height of the cast iron bath installation? Due to the large weight of the sanitary equipment, it is recommended to reduce the installation height to the minimum permissible parameters;
  • of steel. Steel products are lightweight, which greatly facilitates the processes of transportation and installation, and affordable cost.
    However, due to the strong susceptibility to mechanical damage, the useful life of the plumbing is significantly reduced. To reduce the negative impact, steel products are installed at any height, but exclusively against the wall;
  • from acrylic. The advantages of an acrylic bathtub are low weight, high level of ability to keep heat, strength. The negative qualities include a relatively high cost. Installation can be carried out in any conditions.

Types of baths depending on the material of manufacture

Possible installation methods

Installation is performed in one of the following ways:

  1. on the frame. As a rule, the frame base is used for the installation of steel and acrylic bathtubs, characterized by a thin wall. Additional support can significantly extend the life of your sanitary ware.
    The preliminary installation of the frame allows you to adjust the height in accordance with the height of the users, since in most cases the legs-supports have an adjusting function;

Frame installation

  1. on the legs. Modern bathtubs can be equipped with standard length legs or legs that allow you to adjust the height of the installation of plumbing equipment. If the bathtub has legs without an adjustment function, then when choosing, special attention is paid to its depth, since the standard length of the legs is 15 cm - 20 cm;

Installation on special feet

  1. to the podium. This method of installation is very expensive, since decorative finishing of the pedestal is required, and uniqueness. The podium can be purchased in specialized stores or made by yourself.

Installation on a pedestal can be done at any height. For comfortable use by all family members, the podium can be built with an additional completely safe step.

Installation on a podium with a step

What mistakes are most often made when installing a bath and how to avoid them, see the video.

Thus, the installation standards developed by specialists are purely advisory in nature. When installing plumbing equipment in a separate room, individual parameters and user priorities should be taken into account.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the installation of the bathtub should be approached responsibly. In this case, it should be remembered that the installation of such a household item, carried out in accordance with all the rules, is the key to its convenient and safe operation for many years.

That is why this matter requires the advice of a specialist who is familiar with the technical requirements and standards. An important criterion is the standard height of the bathroom from the floor, which, first of all, should be guided by during the installation process. Its functionality and, of course, your safety largely depends on this indicator.

In accordance with the recommendations of SNiP, this sanitary ware, regardless of its size, is installed so that the edges of its sides are raised 60 cm from the floor. Moreover, this indicator does not depend on the location of the product in a given room.

So, in many apartments, especially Soviet-built ones, bathrooms and toilets are small, and often completely combined, and, as a rule, bathing tanks in them stand against the walls. But having a large, spacious bathroom, you can put it in the center.

True, in this case it will be necessary to take into account that it will be necessary to provide at least one meter of free space around it, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use it. However, the location and height of the bath from the floor are not all parameters determined by the SNiP recommendations. This document, in particular, regulates the maximum threshold height in this room.

Bath height from the floor of SNiP standard

The rules are the same for everyone

Today's plumbing market offers the richest selection of bathing tanks, from different materials, all kinds of shapes, colors and sizes. But the most common of them are acrylic, enamelled steel and cast iron containers. The complexity of the process of their installation and the peculiarity of the fasteners depend on the material of manufacture of the product, and on its other characteristics, in particular, the shape, size, place of the intended installation.

The aesthetic appearance of steel bathtubs is beyond doubt, but due to their lightness they are rather unstable. Therefore, during installation, for safety reasons, they need to be attached to a tight wall, or even better to two. Such products, as a rule, have legs, the length of which can be adjusted.

Cast iron plumbing, on the contrary, is very heavy. Therefore, a cast iron container usually stands on cast supports rigidly fixed to its body. Cast iron, unlike steel, takes more time to warm up, but then the water in cast iron containers does not cool for a long time. Today's cast-iron bathtubs differ from their predecessors in that they are made of five-millimeter cast iron and equipped with screw-threaded legs, which greatly facilitates their installation. And if, for example, you are not satisfied with the height of a cast-iron bathtub with legs, then it can be easily changed.

There are many original options in the assortment of acrylic bathtubs, because it is quite easy for craftsmen to work with acrylic. The supporting legs, on which the acrylic container stands, are attached directly to its bottom. The required height of the acrylic bathtub with legs with long threads can be set without any problems, because their length can be adjusted.

Standard bathtub height in the bathroom

Regardless of how a particular model of such plumbing is mounted, the distance from the floor to its upper side is the factor on which the convenience of using the product depends. Therefore, there is a standard bath height from the floor, which is achieved:

  • by adjusting the length of the threaded legs;
  • using gaskets.

Possible deviations in determining the distance between the floor and the side

In cases where the height of the bath from the floor, the standard of which is determined by the recommendations of SNiP, is inconvenient, when installing the product, you can choose another option. For example, this is done in hospitals and children's institutions, reducing this indicator to 50 cm.Each person in his home strives to achieve maximum comfort, therefore, he installs a sanitary product based on the ease of use.

According to experts, the recommended value of this indicator equal to 60 cm is the most convenient. In the course of their research, they found that most people overcome such a height without problems. But since all people are different experts have established the range of variation of the value of this indicator is 50 - 70 cm. But when determining the value of this indicator, it should be borne in mind that entering and leaving the bath should not cause difficulties. To find the best option, you just need to raise your leg and try to throw it over the edge of the installed plumbing container.

Bath installation - choosing the right height

Why you need to know the optimal installation height of the bath

Entrusting the installation of plumbing to professionals, you should know that they will certainly ask at what height to install the bathtub. Try to decide in advance on the answer to this question. After all, for this you need to think over and summarize the following information:

  1. You will have to clarify how tall the smallest family member has, since it is much more difficult for short people to overcome a high side.
  2. If you intend to make wall cladding with tiles in the near future, then it is advisable to decide in advance what size you will buy tiles. What makes the height of the bathroom from the floor convenient in this case, the standard of which is determined by SNiPs of 60 cm, in that 2 or 3 rows of tiles can be laid on the wall section limited by it without cutting off fragments. This allows economical use of material and makes the appearance of the wall the most aesthetic.
  1. Try to place the bathing container horizontally. You can check this using a level. It is enough to put it on the side adjacent to the wall.
  2. The angle at the junction of the side to the wall should be 90 degrees straight. The evenness of the corners is checked with a large triangle.
  3. Achieve a strictly horizontal position of the sides by placing metal plates. Usually, spacers are used with a size of 10x10 cm and a thickness of at least 0.5 cm. It should be noted that aluminum plates cannot be used for this purpose. It is imperative that such plates are placed under the container supports when mounting it on a base that is softer than the screed, for example, a wooden one, in order to avoid subsidence of the container during operation.

When choosing a convenient height for a bathtub with legs from the floor, do not forget that in addition to comfort, it is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the siphon. For this, the bottom of the bath should be raised 15 cm above the floor.

The height of the bath from the floor - what should it be

Mixer selection

The choice of a mixer must be approached no less responsibly than the installation of a bath. The main criteria for such a choice are the quality of execution and the appearance of the mixer. Today, many mixers of various types and sizes are produced, but the following models are most in demand:

  • equipped with separate taps for cold and hot water;
  • single-lever with ball cartridge;
  • single-lever with ceramic cartridge;
  • having a thermostat and pressure compensator;
  • touchless touch devices.

When choosing an imported mixer, it should be borne in mind that such models are very sensitive to water quality, therefore it is not advisable to use them without filtering devices. When buying a mixer, you should pay attention to its possible fasteners. Some devices are only fixed to the wall. If the bathtub has a special hole, then you can buy a mixer that is designed to be attached to the body of a sanitary ware. While giving preference to a mixer with a long neck, it should be borne in mind that it will need free space for turning.

Installing a bath in a non-standard room

Summing up the above, we can conclude: although there are requirements for the installation height of the bath, they are advisory in nature. To ensure a comfortable use of it, you need to be guided not only by the SNiP recommendations, but also by your preferences.

The installation of plumbing, with incorrect calculations, can lead to the fact that the mechanism does not fit in the place allotted to it. The same can happen with the installation of the bath.

The standard installation height and other parameters must be followed exactly.

In order to successfully carry out the installation of a plumbing structure, first read the instructions and building codes.

If the owners of the house decide that they need a bowl of a larger or smaller size, then they can freely purchase it. In this case, the installation height of the bath from the floor is determined regardless of standards.

To find out at what height the bathtub will stand from the floor, personal needs and other nuances are taken into account. This is important if the installation is carried out independently without the intervention of the masters.

Installation rules and standards

Plumbing companies develop bathroom designs with the norms and requirements provided by research centers. The height of the bath from the floor is dictated by SNiP standards. According to building codes, it is placed at a distance of 60 cm from the floor. With this installation, the side is located comfortably in order to lift a leg over it.

The bowl itself also has dimensions developed in accordance with research. For example, the parameters of a standard bathtub made in Russia are 150 × 70 cm.

Foreign manufacturers produce plumbing structures with standards of 180 × 80 cm.But it is worth noting that almost all models are equipped with legs, since it is they who allow the bowls to be placed at the desired level.

Bowl locations in the room:

  • center of the room;
  • close to the wall.

Often the bathroom is small, so the bath is placed along the wall. This saves space and allows you to secure the process of its operation. If a person slips, he will be able to maintain balance, leaning on the wall.

In private houses, where more space is allocated for the bathroom, there are structures that are installed in the center of the room. But even in such a situation, the height of the legged bowl should be 60 centimeters from the floor. The distance to the nearest walls is not allowed less than one meter, since reducing this distance makes it difficult to move around the room.

The standard height of the bowl from the floor is calculated based on the average human height. The depth of the container is also taken into account.

During installation, they are guided by wishes, but at the same time take into account that there is a permissible distance range. The height of the bath from the floor can be from 50 to 70 cm.

Bath selection

The bathtub must retain heat, be durable and wear-resistant. The best option is an enamelled cast iron container. But their installation is complicated by the heavy weight of the structure.

Acrylic bathtubs look advantageous. They are lightweight for easy installation.

It is important to consider that if such a bowl is placed on adjustable supports, then the cast iron one is fixed on cast supports. The cast iron frame of the bath is 5 mm thick and has screw-threaded legs. Therefore, the distance from the floor to the side can be changed as desired if it is possible to screw on the long legs.