Plastic palm from bottles. How to make a big, small and bonsai palm from plastic bottles? Step-by-step instructions for assembling palm trees from plastic bottles How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles

What gardener wouldn't want an exotic palm tree to decorate their backyard?

The first stage is preparatory. In order for the design of such an original decoration to be successful, you must have everything you need at hand. The main material from which the tree will be made is green and brown plastic bottles. We will use green bottles to create the leaves of the evergreen, brown ones for the trunk. The amount of plastic containers determines the size of your tree, i.e. the more bottles, the taller and more lush the tree, you will get the most lush leaves using a 2-liter container. Before proceeding to mastery, all bottles must be cleaned of paper stickers and labels.

As an auxiliary tool for mastery, you need to prepare:

  • stationery knife
  • sharp scissors
  • wide adhesive tape
  • a metal base with rods, which will later play the role of a trunk
  • a rope with which you will tie the base of the leaves on a palm tree.

The next step is the manufacture of the product itself.

Remember that in order for the tree to look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, all bottles must be the same size and diameter. In the manufacture, we will use two colors - brown and green, so if your green bottles are “various in size”, then a smaller container can be attached to the base of the crown, but as for brown ones, vessels of the same size are needed here.

The production of an exotic tree involves three main stages:

- creation of leaves;

- barrel assembly;

- collecting all the parts and shaping the tree itself.

With a sharp clerical knife, the bottle is cut into two parts, where the upper half will play the role of foliage, and we do not need the lower half. In the upward direction to the neck, with scissors or a knife, the bottle is cut into small longitudinal strips, and this is done with each green bottle. Then such a kind of foliage from half bottles is strung on top of each other, connecting them with a strong tourniquet or rope. A cork is screwed on the last and first bottle, through which a tourniquet is threaded and tied into a knot so that the container fits snugly together. The top of the palm tree should consist of 5-6-7 leaves, so depending on the amount of container available, you create your tree, controlling the size and splendor.

After the foliage is ready in full, we move on to the trunk. The barrel, as mentioned earlier, is made from brown bottles of a similar diameter, cut off the lower base with a knife, after which wide longitudinal cuts are made towards the neck, there should be 6 such longitudinal fragments. After a similar action has been done with each brown bottle, they are fixed to each other, like green vessels, only the plastic barrel must now be put on a metal rod in an upright position.

At the upper base of the trunk, the foliage is fixed, evenly distributing it on all sides. With the help of adhesive tape and a tourniquet, the leaves are attached to the trunk. Our tree is ready, it remains only to find a place for it in your garden.

Let's move on to the installation. Ideally, this is a welded metal platform, in the absence of this, immersion in the ground by 40-50 cm. For the durability of your skill, it would be good to compact the tree installation site with soil or concrete.

Such an evergreen tree of the African savannah will turn your backyard into a real oasis!

You will also be interested in the article "How to make a palm tree out of plastic bottles step by step instructions." see for yourself.

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If you want to create an exotic tropical island in your own country house, as a decor, you will need a palm tree from plastic bottles. Making this prop with your own hands is not so difficult - you should collect two-liter bottles to the maximum, find fittings for the base of the palm tree and strong wire for fastening. And also to allocate a little of your time, show imagination and creativity. If you like to make all sorts of things, read one of our previous articles. And right now we will deal with the queen of tropical islands and the mistress of green oases - Her Majesty the palm tree.

In addition to aesthetic, such a palm tree also performs a practical function - it helps dispose of unwanted bottles, which lie unnecessarily in the garage in the country or lay around in the barn of the neighbors. Install a palm tree made of plastic bottles near a country mini-pond or next to living plants, and you will get a nice photo zone with a real jungle. Well, let's get creative!

Palm tree from plastic bottles: step by step instructions for beginners

There are several ways to create a durable plastic palm tree from waste bottles. Right now we will show you a step-by-step instruction on how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles - for beginners of country decor.

For such a palm tree you will need:

  • about 100 plastic bottles, 2 or 1.5 liters(brown and green);
  • sharp knife;
  • scissors;
  • thick wire or cable;
  • iron fittings or strong pin;
  • metal bushings and tubes;
  • Metal sheet.

As you can see, the financial costs for the manufacture of this craft are minimal. Materials for a palm tree can be found at home or at their summer cottage, ask friends or neighbors. By the way, if you don’t have bottles of the required color, it doesn’t matter, transparent ones will do. Subsequently they can be dyed and the tree will look even brighter. Previously, we have already talked about what you can make from improvised materials.

Let's go directly to the master class, according to which a do-it-yourself palm tree is made from plastic bottles for beginners. We are sure that the result will become your pride and serve as an excellent garden decoration or suburban area.

  1. First of all, let's make leaves for which we need green bottles without labels. Cut the bottle in half, and make longitudinal cuts on the top of the bottle. Do not cut to the end, be guided by the photo.
  2. On a cable with a diameter of about 12-14 mm, string bottles nested in each other in the form of a leaflet.
  3. You will need 7 of these leaves, you adjust their length yourself by adding sections.
  4. To make the barrel, cut the brown bottles in such a way that you get 6 wide strips per bottle.
  5. Put the blanks on a wire or a thick cable, gradually stringing the bottles one on top of the other.
  6. Let's move on to fixing elements into one design.
  7. Take 2 metal rods or rebar and weld to a sheet of metal. The length of the rods is about 25 cm.
  8. Attach tubes with a diameter of about 2 cm from above to the rods.
  9. At the end of the rod, weld metal bushings that will hold the leaves.
  10. Attach the leaves to the palm tree by passing the ends of the cable through the welded bushings.
  11. Form the trunk by setting the bottles with their necks to the ground and stacking one inside the other from bottom to top.
  12. Assemble the entire structure and install it on your site, lightly burying it in the ground for about half a meter.

The design turns out to be strong and reliable, it is not afraid of snow, wind, or summer heat.

Other ways to make plastic palm

There are other ways to make the trunk and leaves for a palm tree. Here is one of them, in detailed pictures in stages.

Thanks to these photo instructions, overseas palma will soon be next to you on the beach. Even if you are relaxing by the river.

Summer residents who spend the summer in their gardens face the problem of recycling plastic containers from all kinds of soft drinks by the fall. A plastic bottle palm tree can be an unexpected way to turn trash into a garden decoration.

How is this possible? It’s very simple if you carefully study the instructions for making palm trees from bottles, prepare all the necessary tools, supplies, and be sure to stock up on a good mood.

Bottle palm tree: possible benefits and methods of application

As you know, the plastic used for the production of food packaging does not decompose for hundreds of years when it enters the soil. Centralized removal of this kind of garbage is not established everywhere, and no one wants to litter nearby territories with plastic waste. What should a summer resident do in such a situation? Is it really necessary to carry used plastic bottles to the city?

Don't rush! If you carefully collect bottles of brown and green plastic, in the off-season, the whole family can turn this container into an unusual evergreen tree in an evening.

A palm tree from bottles will perfectly decorate:

  • house territory;
  • unsightly corner of the garden;
  • plot next to outbuildings;
  • playground;
  • a border of land near an open .

A palm tree made from plastic bottles according to the instructions below can be a spectacular decoration at any party, wedding, theme party or children's party.

Making an original decor item will not cause difficulties even for people who are far from this kind of creativity. The main thing is to prepare everything you need before making a palm tree out of plastic bottles.

What is required for a palm tree from plastic bottles?

What should be stocked up before starting work? First of all, the home master will need green and brown plastic bottles. Green ones are blanks for the foliage of a tree, and brown ones are the future trunks of an evergreen beauty. At the same time, the height of the plant and the splendor of the crown directly depend on the amount of collected containers.

The list of necessary materials and tools for creating a palm tree from bottles includes:

  • plastic container;
  • sharp clerical knife and scissors;
  • strong tape;
  • metal bar or plastic tube for the barrel;
  • thick rope or braided wire for the base of the leaves.

When choosing plastic bottles for palm trees, you need to take into account that trunks and leaves made from containers of the same diameter look better. If there are smaller green bottles in stock, they can be used for leaves in the middle of the crown, but brown small vessels will have to be used for tree trunks of a different type or size. Different shades of plastic are not a hindrance. They will only give the man-made plant liveliness and brightness.

Bottle palm tree: instructions for making

A step-by-step description of all the intricacies of creating a plastic tree will help you quickly, literally in an evening, step by step a palm tree from plastic bottles of the intended height.

The process consists of three steps:

  • leaf assembly;
  • creating a trunk of a plastic plant;
  • connection of all parts and installation of the finished tree.

Before making a palm tree out of plastic bottles, the container must be washed and all paper and film labels removed from it.

Although there are a lot of options for creating a plastic tree, the most lush long leaves with any chosen method are obtained from large, for example, two-liter bottles.

Making a palm tree crown from bottles

For prepared green bottles, the bottom part is cut off with a clerical knife or scissors. It is no longer needed, and the upper half will become a blank for the sheet.

It is carefully cut into thin longitudinal strips towards the neck. The larger the diameter of the plastic bottle, the thicker and more magnificent the green palm leaves will turn out.

These are not the only option for creating leaves. If you cut the top of a plastic bottle, as in the photo, into four “petals”, and then cut each of them several times, you will get beautiful feathery foliage.

The resulting leaf fragments are sequentially strung on a strong rope or a strong electrical cable. A lid is necessarily screwed onto the first blank in order to fasten the “petiole” of the sheet at the top with a knot. The last part of the bottle is twisted in the same way.

A palm tree made of plastic bottles can have a top of any size, but trees with a crown of at least 5-7 leaves look better.

At the base of the finished palm leaves there should be a long stalk in order to assemble and securely fix the entire structure later.

Assembling a palm tree trunk from bottles

To get a tree trunk that looks like a natural tree, you will need almost the entire bottle, except for the bottom itself.

From the bottom, almost to the very neck, longitudinal cuts are made on brown bottles, dividing the container into equal petals.

Only a small fragment of the bottom goes to waste

This is how the finished part of the future palm trunk from bottles looks like.

The assembly is carried out in the same way as the green leaves of the tree were collected. To secure a palm tree in an upright position, its trunk will need a strong, rigid core. It can be made from a metal bar of suitable length and diameter or a tube.

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles

Finished palm leaves are attached with glue or adhesive tape to the top of the tree so that they form a uniform, diverging crown on all sides.

This is what the top of the tree looks like.

The structure is quite heavy. Therefore, it is desirable to fix it with such a heavy base. If there is no possibility or suitable material to make a welded platform, the rigid plastic or metal base of the stem is buried at least half a meter. Such a kind of "root" in the pit is strengthened with brick chips and compacted after filling with soil. Large trees are better to be concreted.

A video on how to make a palm tree for a personal plot out of plastic bottles will explain all the nuances of the creative process, help you turn a yard or garden corner into a real oasis with your own hands.

One of the options for making palm trees from bottles - video

For a tall palm tree, you will need a lot of bottles, and they should be green and brown. If you stock up on a sufficient number of such bottles, other aspects of manufacturing will not cause difficulties.

If you first carefully read the step-by-step guide on how to make a palm tree out of plastic bottles, then it will take no more than one evening to create such a masterpiece.

Of the materials and tools you will need:

  • plastic bottles,
  • stationery knife,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • metal cable or tight rope with a diameter of about 7 mm.

The frame for the entire structure can be reinforcement, or a flat wooden stick.

Some people make a palm tree from transparent plastic bottles, but the result is not so beautiful. It is better to immediately find the plastic of the desired color: brown will go to the trunk, and green - to the crown.

Step by step instructions for making a palm tree

Do-it-yourself palm tree from plastic bottles has 3 manufacturing stages in stages: creating a crown, making a trunk and combining the whole structure.

Let's consider each stage in detail.

Read also about.

At the very base, a hole is made equal to the diameter of the frame. There should be so many such blanks that they completely cover the reinforcement or wooden stick.


The frame stick is inserted into the ground, then brown parts of the trunk are strung on it. In this case, the bottoms of the bottles should “look” up. The crown is collected in one "bouquet" and tied to the top of the palm tree with the help of a dense wire.

If the leaves were strung on a metal cable, then it makes sense to weld them to the trunk. So the structure will hold even stronger.

To prevent the palm tree from being blown away by the wind, a small foundation can initially be made at the base.

If you don’t want to mess with cement, then just stick the reinforcement deeper, and then sprinkle the finished trunk a little with earth, as if a tree grows on a small hill.

Tip: if a cable was used for the leaves, but the crown can be made multi-level. To do this, you need to make about 15 leaves. 3 pieces are fastened together, thereby making "branches". Then, with the help of weaving, they form a wire frame, like an artificial Christmas tree. Having collected all the metal "stems" together, they are attached to the frame. Real palm trees do not have such branched crowns, but on a plastic palm tree it looks very beautiful.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners on how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles with their own hands are necessary for the owners of suburban areas, regardless of whether there is a sea nearby or not. A self-made craft will decorate the site and guarantee an exotic design solution. The article provides instructions on what types of palms are allowed to be performed and how such a process is performed.

How to make a palm tree from bottles with your own hands: step by step instructions

Before studying the scheme of action, you should figure out how many empty containers will be required to complete the work. The optimal amount is 10-15 pieces of brown plastic.

This can be two-liter and one and a half liter bottles. It all depends on the size of the future design. For "leaves" you need to prepare containers and containers larger in size. These should be green items in the amount of 7-9 pieces. Having prepared the required number of containers, a person must perform step-by-step actions:

  1. A trunk is being made, for which a brown bottle and a knife are taken.
  2. The cork is removed and the plastic is cut across. The bottom should be larger than the top.
  3. Part of the taken container is cut into 6 parts. Reaching the narrow part, you need to stop the operation. It is important to give each element the shape of an ordinary oblong triangle or attractive petals. It is required to round and slightly narrow the pre-cut elements.
  4. A similar procedure is carried out with all prepared parts. After a hot awl, a hole is made equal to the diameter of the bottle.
  5. A fold is made at the base. Next, all the resulting petals are bent.
  6. Decorated halves should be inserted into each other, neck down. A metal rod is pushed through the entire length. The bottom is attached with tape.

After completing this section, it is important to proceed to the foliage. For this purpose, green blanks are taken. When deciding how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles, the following step-by-step instructions are performed:

  • Corks are removed from the bottles and the neck with the bottom is cut off;
  • The workpiece is cut into three to five parts, strictly, without reaching the top;
  • Details open to leave a hole in the center for attaching greenery;
  • The foliage is brought to its natural form, for which it is necessary to make cuts on the petals to the middle;
  • The leaves are rounded and oblique cuts are made;
  • The resulting thin strips are folded to the side to give a curvaceous look.

The number of green elements can be any. The larger it is, the more magnificent the tree will be. The resulting greenery is put on the stem pin.

When attaching it, it is advisable to use a checkerboard pattern. This will prevent unnecessary gaps from appearing. The end piece is secured with tape. The finished craft must be firmly fixed in a pre-selected place by digging in the bottom of the rod.

Necessary materials

In order for the operation to perform an artificial tree to avoid problems and delays, you need to prepare the materials in advance:

  1. Required number of containers.
  2. Scotch.
  3. Awl.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Metal rod.

If you prepare the required tools, you can get a garden product that will effectively decorate the site. This is a great way to give yourself aesthetic pleasure.

Instruction for beginners

If there is no experience in doing crafts with your own hands, if there is a lack of self-confidence, before making a large tree, you can create a small one.

Here you need to take only three blanks of a brown shade and one green. To get a small product, you should study the video for beginners or a special master class and perform such operations.