Ice balls from balls. Ice balls: a spectacular Christmas decoration

Winter is coming, which means it's time to think about how we will decorate our favorite site for the New Year holidays. Multicolored ice balls, randomly distributed throughout the site, or, on the contrary, collected in one large incredibly beautiful pyramid, can become an excellent and rather original decor element. It is not at all difficult to make such balls, but they will bring an incredible amount of joy, especially if there are small children in the house who will be happy to help you with this activity.

Necessary materials

  • balloons of different shapes;
  • bright gouache, or ordinary food coloring;
  • container for diluting the dye;
  • water;

First, let's talk about the optimal size of balls for our future colorful ice balls. As practice has shown, it is almost impossible to freeze a large ball. Even at a temperature of -20 C in a 3-4 liter ball, only a 5-6 cm layer of water freezes overnight. The water inside the ice crust expands during freezing, most often breaking the ice shell. As a result, instead of a ball, you will most likely get two hemispheres, hollow inside, with uneven edges.

So don't aim to make huge ice balls. The optimal size for our future multi-colored ice rares will be ordinary inflatable rariks 10x10 or 15x15 cm in size. Of course, you shouldn't fill them all the way with water.

Now let's start diluting the dye for our multicolored ice balls. It is enough just to dissolve a can of gouache in a 1.5 liter bottle of water. For those who have pets or children at home, it is better to use food coloring, in case loved ones in the household decide to taste the ice miracle.

After the dye is ready, carefully, using a funnel, pour it into the ball almost to the brim. Then we put it on the tap and "inflate".

A few words about "inflation". Everyone knows that water can only be poured into a ball under pressure. This is either a faucet or a water hose. Ideal when there is water supply outside. If there is none, you will have to "inflate" the balloons at home. It is best to do this above the bathtub, it will be easier to clean up if the paint ball breaks. It is better to inflate the future ice ball together: one holds the ball, the other opens and closes the houses. Practice shows that it is quite difficult to do this alone.

It is best to tie the ball with an ordinary knot (ball tail loop). So it is safer and there is no hassle with threads.

Finally, the most delicate step is freezing. We take the balls out into the street and carefully lay them out on the snow, trying to avoid contact with each other and not deepen them into the snow. In no case do not sprinkle the balls with snow on top - the water simply will not freeze under a warm blanket. After a couple of hours, depending on the temperature outside, the balls will need to be turned over so that they freeze faster and better.

The next day, you can try to take off your "clothes" from one of the resulting ice balls. The rubber ball quickly peels off the ice ball after being lightly cut with a knife.

If everything is done correctly, in the end you will get such a beauty. And that means you can release the rest of the multi-colored ice balls.

By the way, you can use not only ordinary round balls. Try different ball shapes. Or, for example, ordinary rubber gloves. Then you get multicolored ice hands that you can stick into a snowman.

Western countries have long been practicing decorating for the New Year not only the interior of houses, but also streets, paying special attention to the decor of the backyard area. For example, ice Christmas decorations for the street are very popular with them, but such decor is quite suitable for our latitudes. Moreover, making street decorations from ice is very easy, as well as fun, entertaining and completely inexpensive. In fact, making ice street decorations will require water, a couple of decorative elements (more on this below), a suitable shape, as well as a spacious freezer or severe frost outside.

How to make outdoor decorations out of ice.

How to make an ice wreath.

Festive wreaths can be used to decorate the branches of trees or bushes.

Method number 1. We take a ready-made pudding mold with a vertical insert in the center. We spread bright berries and green twigs (spruce, fir or thuja) along the bottom of the form, fill the form with water. We send the form with water to the freezer until the water solidifies completely. After the water turns into ice, pour hot water into a basin and immerse the mold with ice in it, with a sharp change in temperature, the ice inside the mold will melt along the edges, and you can easily pull out the wreath. Backwardness is only to hang the wreath on a satin ribbon.

Method number 2. We take ready-made small forms for puddings, lay out the composition from the berries and branches of thuja on the bottom, fill each mold with cold water and put in the freezer. After the water turns into ice, the mold can be immersed in hot water for literally one minute, the miniature wreaths can be pulled out and hung from the trees with ribbons.

Method number 3. In the center of a deep round shape, we place a glass or jar, spread twigs, berries, leaves, citrus peels around, and pour in water. To prevent the jar in the center from floating into it, you can pour water or pour stones. It remains to expose the form to frost, wait until the ice hardens, pull out the wreath and hang it on the ribbon.

Method number 4. Put acrylic snowflakes and Christmas balls in a baking dish with a vertical insert in the center, pour in a little water, and put the product in the freezer. When the first layer of water freezes, put a few more balls in a circle, pour in the water again and put it in the freezer, after freezing, add more balls and put the mold in the freezer for the last time, take out the wreath, tie a ribbon and hang the product on a street tree.

Photo of ice wreaths.

How to make balls out of ice.

Method number 1. We prepare the required number of balloons, pour water into them and pour in food coloring, mix the water inside by shaking the balloons. We tie the balls and put them in the freezer or outside in the frost. When the water inside the balls hardens, cut the shell with a knife and take out the colored ice balls.

Method number 2. You will need a special form for making ice balls (for drinks), on the bottom of this form you can put berries or spruce twigs, as well as attach pendant ropes, pour in water and put in the freezer until it solidifies.

How to make an ice candlestick.

Method number 1. We place a glass with stones in the center of the food container (for weight). Pour in water and spread spruce or thuja twigs on top, and also add viburnum, lingonberry or dogwood berries. We put the mold in the freezer, after the water has solidified, take out the candlestick and place a lighted candle in the center.

Method number 2. We take two different-sized bottles of 1.5 liters and 0.5 liters, cut each bottle in half, put a smaller bottle in a large one, fix them with tape, put berries, leaves and tree twigs between the walls, pour in water, and send the product into the freezer. After the water turns into ice, we take out the future candlestick from the mold, and put a lighted candle inside.

Photo of various ice candlesticks.

Ice tree pendants.

Round flat pendants are made as follows, various berries, twigs or flowers are laid out on the bottom of a flat round plate, everything is poured with water, a pendant thread is placed on top, the composition is placed in the freezer, then pulled out, separated from the plate and suspended from trees.

Stars made of ice.

  1. To make stars, you can use star-shaped ice cube trays or baking tins, to create ordinary stars, fill the molds with water and freeze in the freezer.
  2. To create colored stars, you must first add food coloring to the water.
  3. For bright compositions, you can put berries, various twigs, leaves or add sparkles into the molds.

Ice cubes.

Put various flowers or slices of fruit in square-shaped ice molds, pour water here and freeze. Then we take out ice cubes and decorate with them street flowerpots, tree branches and other yard elements.

Ice shards.

We paint the water blue, pour it into a rectangular shape with a thin layer, send the shape into the freezer, after hardening, hit the ice surface with a kitchen hammer, select beautiful fragments and put them somewhere on the street.

Icy heart.

Method number 1. On the bottom of a round plate, lay out the pebbles in the form of a heart, fill it with water and put in the freezer, then take out the product and place it with an edge on a flat surface.

Method number 2. Put berries and pine needles in a baking dish in the shape of a heart, send the form to the freezer, then take the product out of the mold and place it somewhere in a conspicuous place in the yard.

How to make garlands from ice.

Put a thick woolen thread in a mold for ice, pour in water, and put the mold in the freezer, after the water hardens, gently pull the end of the string, all the ice should pop out of the mold after it. To obtain a colored garland, the water must first be tinted with food coloring.

You can use the base of the box of chocolates instead of the ice mold.

How to effectively decorate your house for the New Year:

Christmas decorations made of ice will help you quickly, easily and inexpensively decorate the site for the upcoming holiday. If you have not yet tried to create street decorations from ice, we recommend that you urgently correct the situation, we assure you that you will definitely like this pastime.

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Natalia Syrova

Syrova Natalia.

Master Class« Making ice balls» .

With the onset of a cold and snowy winter, everything around is changing. Leaving the house on the street, everything around is admirable, because the snowy fluffy snowdrifts create a fabulous landscape. But after a snowfall, it rained, and everything around was poured with a crust of ice - an ice crust. You cannot sculpt snow buildings. Recently, decorating for the New Year has been practiced not only for internal premises, but also for streets and grounds.

For example, are very popular icy Christmas decorations for the street. Moreover, tinkering street decorations made of ice are very easy, and also fun, entertaining and completely inexpensive. And I decided to go the same way m: freeze ice balls and decorate with it and the site in the kindergarten.

According to the "recipe" everything seems to be easy and simple. In fact, it turned out to be much more difficult. But as always. Firstly, nowhere is it specified how long the ball freezes? How much water should be poured, the better to tint? It turned out, no matter how ridiculous and trite it sounded, but the ball is filled with water only under pressure - to go out into the street with a funnel and "poltorashka" will not work. All that remains is a tap or a hose with water. Well, and a number of subtleties that I encountered in the process.

For making such ice decorations we need the following materials: water, any dye (food coloring or ordinary paints, gouache) and balloons. As you can see, for making such a wonderful decoration requires very few materials.

In a separate container (it can be an ordinary three-liter glass jar or a saucepan like mine), you dilute water with any dye you like. Depending on how much dye you add to the water, the color saturation of future ice balls will depend. So, the colored water is ready!

We put the balloon on the tap and "inflate".

Now use the help of your family, fill balloons with colored water using a funnel.

We tie a ball without ropes and other things - with a loop from the neck itself.

A tightly knotted balloon filled with colored water is taken out into the street.

Outside (of course, in frost) leave it until it freezes completely.

After 2 days, the colored water in the balloons froze, with the help of scissors they freed the colored ice balloons from the rubber shell (it can be easily removed, and they were transported to the kindergarten.

Icy I spread the balls around the perimeter of the site.

Here's how it happened.

You can do whatever you want with the resulting balls. These are both excellent self-sufficient jewelry and an excellent building material. Be creative! I wish you creative success!

Thank you for your attention!

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Multicolored ice balls can be a great material for any art object. They can simply be scattered in the garden or in the yard, around the kindergarten, or you can build or decorate some structure, make snowmen (especially if you freeze water with rubber gloves), etc. We stopped at the construction of a multi-colored pyramid of 400 ice balls.

This is the second and I hope not my last post in this community. In the fall, with the volunteers of the city of Glazov (Udmurtia), we added bright colors to the gray city everyday life, and now we have taken up winter street art.

We chose the city park as the location for our winter art object. Firstly, there are more children here, and secondly, next to the Sports House where you can get water for the balls. We talked with the heads of organizations - they gladly agreed to help us.
Where did the idea come from? Surely, many have more than once stumbled upon the manual for making ice balls with the addition of food colors.

According to the "recipe" everything is easy and simple. In fact, it turned out to be much more difficult. But as always. Firstly, nowhere is it specified how long the ball freezes? How much water should be poured, the better to tint? It turned out, no matter how ridiculous and trite it sounded, but the ball is filled with water only under pressure - to go out into the street with a funnel and "poltorashka" will not work. All that remains is a tap or a hose with water. Well, and a number of subtleties that we encountered in the process.

For example, size - it is impossible to freeze a large ball (3-4 liters). At t -20 per night, only a layer of 5-6 centimeters freezes. Inside is water. It also begins to freeze, but later, and bursts open the ice "shell" - the ball cracks. It was also a mistake to bury the ball under the snow - in such a "house" it almost does not freeze.
Here is an example of a 3-liter ball that has been under the snow all night. In principle, we got very "working" hemispheres - you can use it as a vase for Christmas tree branches, or turn it upside down, and place a lamp under it - it will be beautiful.

Through trial and error, we decided to stick with balls measuring 10 * 10 - 15 * 15 centimeters. They froze in the freezer overnight.
So, let's share our method of making ice balls.
1. The first step was to prepare a gouache concentrate - 1 can of 1.5 liters.

2. Pour the concentrate into a ball "to the brim" through a funnel. You can use food coloring in case there is a good chance someone decides to taste the giant candy. We took the usual balls. You can freeze balls in the shape of Mickey Mouse, various animals, or rubber gloves (I personally froze a glove from a hair dye package - it turned out to be a funny hand that can be attached to a snowman on wet snow).

3. Then we put on the tap and "inflate". Two are more convenient: one squeezes the ball to the tap, the second turns on / off the water. They tied a ball without ropes and other things - with a loop from the neck itself (or whatever it is called there)

4. First, we wanted to fill the balls right on the street, connecting to the tap of the Sports House and bringing the hose outside - but the hose was frozen, we steamed it for an hour and a half, then we decided to fill it right in the toilet and take it to the place with a wheelbarrow. So it is more economical in terms of water consumption, well, and more comfortable in the warmth than in the cold at -25.

6. Therefore, they froze right in the park, spreading the balls in the snow. We tried not to deepen much and place so that the balls did not come into contact with each other.

7. Filled the balls for two hours. During this time, the first batch was covered with a crust. They left for another 2 hours. When they arrived, they found that the balls freeze perfectly from above, but from below, where they come into contact with the snow, there is water. Conclusion - in order for the balls to freeze faster and better, they must be turned over after a couple of hours, or even better, to minimize the area of ​​contact with the snow.
Having turned over all the balls, we decided to leave them for the night, covering them with snow from the kids.

However, this did not save - several young vandals remembered where they saw a multi-colored carpet during the day and, having dug up the balls, began to throw them around. Fortunately, the park workers drove them away on time.

8. Most of the balls still survived. The next day, they began to dig them up and, after holding it for a little longer in the cold, took off their "clothes". The rubber is removed very easily - just tear it open with a knife, keys or a stick. Some of the balls did not completely freeze through - they just took off their "clothes" as water poured out of them.

9. With the resulting balls, you can do whatever you want. These are both excellent self-sufficient jewelry and an excellent building material. Our choice fell on the construction of the pyramid.
We fix the first level with snow - so that it does not leave.

We water each level with water - otherwise, the structure disperses due to the unevenness of the balls.

It is a pity that there was no normal camera at hand - they shot it on the phone. But not every camera, or rather a photographer, will convey the magic play of reflections of lanterns and garlands on the edges of ice balls. And in the afternoon what a beauty.

It was only later that the idea dawned on us that the frame of the pyramid could be made of snow, only by placing the balls outside. So the pyramid would have turned out 5 times larger. Well, this is already next year.

There is still a week before the New Year, followed by the Christmas holidays - we hope you will take into account our experience and our mistakes, adding your ideas!
Happy creativity!

    To do this, pour a little colored liquid into the balloons. It can be water with paint, or maybe juice, or compote, or even milk with syrup. It all depends on how you use these balls later. Before tying the balls, you can lower the 2 ends of the string-rope through the hole, so that later these balls can be suspended from it. All this must be placed in the cold, on the street, on the balcony or in the freezer. Only it will hardly turn out to be directly correct balls, so that the result is more or less round, they should not be put, but suspended for the duration of freezing.

    In order to make ice balls of different colors, which are often used to decorate courtyards in private houses, balloons will be needed.

    We take balloons and pour in them as much water as is necessary to obtain the desired balloon size. Then we put a little dye into a ball of water and tie.

    In order for the water ball to become ice, we take it out into the cold. In a few days, or maybe faster (depending on how severe the frost is), the balls will become ice-cold and you can free them from the balloon cover.

    And decorate your private yard with unusual decoration items.

    First of all, we dilute the paint in a small amount of water. Pour paint into a ball, then put this ball on the tap and turn on the water (cold). After collecting water, close the tap and tie the ball in a knot. Repeat with the required number of balls. When all the balls are full, take them outside to freeze! In a day, you can undress balloons))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Well, here special ingenuity is not required. You can pour ordinary tap water into any rubber ball, or you can add paints to the water. So the balls will be brighter and more colorful. Well, take an inflatable ball, pour water into it (how much is at your discretion) with paint of the desired color, tied so that the water does not pour out, and take it out into the cold.

    Well, then Mother Nature gets down to business. Everyone knows that water freezes at sub-zero temperatures. the lower the air temperature, the faster the water in the ball will freeze. Well, as the water freezes, you can remove the rubber ball and remove it from the ice ball. Here's the beauty, then it will turn out.

    Colored ice balls are children's fun for children in winter, on New Year's holidays. How to make them is very simple. To do this, you will need: several balloons, dye or ordinary gouache, thread, water. 1) Berm the balloon and fill it with water and dye 2) tie the balloon with thread 3) Place the balloon with water in the freezer or take it outside (if it is a private house and outside freezing temperatures). After the water in the balls has frozen, we release our balls from the balls. Now you can decorate your yard.

    How to make ice balloons from balloons, you have already been told in all the details. And I propose to diversify your ice balls a little and add a twist to them. Our highlight will be GLOWING ice balls. Everything is very simple and detailed in the video clip.

    In winter, this is not difficult to do. The idea of ​​these colored balls is good. Again, they can only decorate plots of private houses. In general, we pour tinted water into the balloons and take it out into the cold, for the correct round shape it is better to hang them. In general, it is worth thinking about before decorating the yard in this way. Children can start throwing beautiful balls if they are small, but they are quite heavy and can injure a person.

    For ice balls, we need round balloons, food coloring, water. Fill the balls with water and add some food coloring to each. We will tie the balls and take out in the frost. After the water freezes in them, remove the balls and place them around the yard or garden for decoration.

    It’s very simple. Pour water into the balloon, then carefully release all the air. Then put the balloon with water in the freezer or take it outside, in the frost. Place a few round objects next to the ball so that the ice ball does not lose its round shape. It may take a day or two for a large ice ball to freeze. After the water freezes, remove the ice ball from the cold and carefully cut the film from the balloon with a knife.

    DIY ice balls you can use silicone molds, for baking (they can also be used for freezing)

    Suitable, for example, such or others are similar here (there is a small selection of sizes: from 8 cm to 3 cm in diameter)

    The already prepared halves of the balls will need to be ground in pairs, filled with water or the same liquid and frozen again in the form, and between the halves you can try to freeze, for example, a loop of twine or string. It is better, of course, to try to find or make a form, for example, a collapsible one, in which it will be possible to cast the ball as a whole, at a time.