Buy? Not! It's time to create practical beauty with your own hands: tips on how to make a frame for a picture. DIY wooden frame DIY photo frames

Never fond of arts and crafts? It doesn't matter, because learning to do something simple with your own hands is not only useful, but also pleasant. Let's try to make a nice wooden photo frame. After all, you always want to surround yourself with bright memories of vacations or smiles of loved ones.

How to make a frame for a photo with your own hands at home? It's very simple :) You will need quite a bit of it: a knife, an awl, a saw, a hammer, a small drill. Almost every family has all this. So you can start

Before that, however, it is worth visiting the forest. There you will find the roots of various shrubs and trees, branches, cones, acorns, from which you can then make real works of art.

If you are creative, then almost every root can make an original craft. Of course, it is impossible to give specific advice on what to make of this root. After all, in it each person will see an original object, on the manufacture of which he will work. Involve your children, thanks to children's imagination, you can make such extraordinary figures that everyone will just gasp.

Now let's start making such a useful thing as a photo frame. It can also be a frame for interior decoration. You can make a completely new one or restore an old one using natural materials.

First, we clean it from dust and varnish. Grinding. After that we prepare branches and cones, tree bark. The frame is opened with glue, and a variety of materials are glued. We place some symmetrically, others asymmetrically. It all depends on your imagination and the imagination of the child.

It is better if the entire surface is covered. Then everything has to be varnished and your joint creation can be hoisted on the wall. The photo shows one of the examples of the old frame design. This is not a standard, each master will make his own unique work.

When collecting natural material, teach your child to use roots and branches from trees that have been cut down. You can not break growing trees, causing irreparable harm to native nature.

Thus, in a short joint production of crafts, several useful educational processes will be combined at once, which will help your child become a worthy citizen of his homeland. He will receive the skills of working with the instrument, a lesson in respect for the environment.

How to make a photo frame

When you get good pictures, you want to print them and hang them on the wall. But as always there is a problem with photo frames.
Those that are on sale do not always fit in size and color to implement your idea. The only thing left is to make the frame for the photo yourself.

Moreover, it is very simple and you can get by with a minimum of tools. First you need to find wooden planks, from which we will make the frame.

I usually use small curly or rectangular glazing beads for this, which are sold in the construction markets. Next, you need to decide on the shape of the corners, as a rule, these are two options - at 45 degrees and 90.

The first option looks more beautiful on frames covered with a transparent coating or without it. I prefer the second option with painting in black. Then we saw off the four sides of the future frame, and adjust the corners, especially if we sawed off at 45 degrees. When the frame is roughly fitted, align the planks with fine sandpaper or a small planer.

There are several ways to fasten the planks together. The easiest is to glue them together with a sufficiently strong glue. For this you can use epoxy resin or transparent "Moment". A more reliable connection will be gluing and hammering staples from a large stapler. Such a connection will suffice in the vast majority of cases.
If you need to make a large frame for a photo, then you can make the corners of thick tin or aluminum, in this case you can attach them with small screws.

I make the smallest frames even easier - the strips themselves and the photograph are glued onto a thick cardboard substrate, this is enough for the whole structure to hold firmly.

You don't have to be limited to the usual materials for your frames.
I saw frames made from kebab skewers, cut out of 1-liter beer cans, just an outline smeared with glue and sprinkled with sand and shells.

Having shown imagination, you can even make a volumetric frame - in the form of, say, a window. To do this, you need to make a copy of a real window frame and insert a photo instead of a background, if you choose a photo successfully, you can achieve an amazing effect.

Wooden or what can be made from scraps of boards

In any carpentry workshop, be it home or large production, there are always a lot of different scraps. Defective ones are certainly not a pity to throw away, but those that are more or less suitable, I want to use it somehow. On the pages of the site I have already touched on the topic of scraps, these were curvilinear and radius details, and again decided to return to it. Very often in the search queries for which visitors come to the site, you can find the following: what can be made from scraps? So I want to suggest a topic on how to make a simple frame for a picture or portrait with your own hands. I must say right away that what I will tell and show in this article is of course not of artistic value. The goal is not to create a work of art, but to show how you can make a simple and necessary thing, durable and light, using "illiquid assets". And how to make a work of art, it will depend on your imagination, taste and artistic ability. And so to the point.

I made a frame for the finished canvas 450x550mm, so the dimensions were determined in advance. The frame requires four corresponding strips with a margin of approx. 150 mm. The first thing to do is to drive them into the same section size. This is important because the corners will be cut at an angle of 45 degrees, and if the width is different, then the cut will also be cut accordingly. As a result, we get "not going out of hand" in the corners. You can, of course, connect the corners and not under 45, but into the butt-edge joint, as it is convenient for anyone. In this case, the width of the upright and jumpers may be different. With any available tool, we make the slats the same in thickness and width. Next, mark the dimensions of the future frame on the slats. When marking up, you need to make indents from the edges, since we will file the corners from the outside of the line. Since I had a canvas, I started from the internal dimensions of the frame, hence the markup. Once marked, the task is sawed off as accurately as possible. There are many ways, a good hacksaw and a miter box, a miter saw, a circular saw with a device for sawing corners, a band saw with the same device, and so on ... The main thing is the accuracy of the saw. In addition to a precisely kept ula, you need to make a cut perpendicular to the base plane, so that when connecting parts there are no so-called "beeps". This is when one of the planes fits tightly, and a gap remains on the opposite side.
Sawed off, move on. Now, on the seamy side of the blanks, you need to select a quarter, in order to then insert a canvas or portrait and fix it with a glazing bead. The procedure is not mandatory, you can do without a quarter, but it seemed to me that this would be more reliable fixing the canvas. I used a horizontal slot cutter, but you can do the same with a hand router or circular saw, with the option to adjust the cutting depth. Almost all household circulars produced now are capable of performing such an operation. Determine the size of the quarter based on what will fit into the frame. It can be a photo under glass, for example, or a mirror. In any case, there should still be room for fixing. Although if it is supposed to insert something without the possibility of replacement, you can not choose a quarter, but make a cut of the appropriate size, and insert a mirror during the assembly process. Then it will be in the frame "for life". In this way, window sashes were once made.

I cut out a part of the workpiece in order to somehow select the corners, this is firstly, to increase the mating area at the corners, while making the frame visually less massive, this is secondly. Your fantasy may go beyond mine.

The next step is to ensure maximum bond strength in the corners. I had a small picture in a factory frame and shattered into five parts when it fell. It turns out the corners were fastened from the seamy side with brackets from the construction stapler, two per corner, that's it! Let's learn a lesson and not repeat the mistakes of others. We will make a connection of the corner on a plug-in tenon, this, together with good wood glue, will provide sufficient strength. Select the groove on the end cuts. What it will be depends on the thickness of your blanks. I just made the cuts with a regular circular saw blade. I got a kerf of 4 mm and a depth of 12 mm. The section of my blanks is 45x18 mm. A spike of this size will be sufficient. Having made the cuts, you need to make a thorn. I took a rail of a suitable width and passed it through a thickness gauge to obtain the desired thickness. This can be done with a regular jointer, or even an electric planer, but keep in mind that the spike should fit tightly and at the same time without excessive force. If you have a thickness gauge, but it does not allow you to plan such thin slats (often the minimum size is 5-6 mm.), Place the strip on a previously planed board and skip it in a bag. Thus, you can even plan veneer.
Carefully fit the cleat to the groove, ensuring maximum tightness in both thickness and width of the cleat. The fibers should be oriented perpendicular to the end cut. Fitted, you can paste. If you intend to insert a mirror, then the inner edges of the frame must first be rolled with a mill (if you want to do this at all). I did it on the assembled one, so the inner corners got rounded. If the cutter passes the workpiece disassembled, the angle will naturally be right.

When all the corners have been collected, you can somehow process the edges. If you do not want to use a router for this, then at least just a little walk over them with sandpaper, so as not to blunt a lot. It is generally not recommended to leave sharp corners, especially on softwoods. After finishing, there may be unpleasant surprises in the form of small but clearly visible chips. I rolled the inner edges with a bevelling cutter, to a depth that a quarter allowed, and the outer edges with the same cutter, only with a larger diameter and milling depth.

For this, you can safely proceed to grinding, and then to finishing. What it will be, you know better. I limited myself to wood stain and semi-matt varnish (2x3 layers, both polyurethane materials). And finally, insert into the frame what you planned and fix it well. If you do not want to insert the glazing bead, you can simply cut small wedges out of tin and press them in, thereby fixing the object. This is appropriate if you are inserting something hard. In my case, it was also necessary to provide some tension on the material, the glazing bead allowed this to be done.


Hello, hello friends! Are you ready to plunge into the world of wood? Today we will try to make a photo frame out of wood.

Master class evaluation 4 out of 5 based on 9874 votes.

Method 1:
Photo frames are here for reasonable prices. Discounts on goods in 719 online stores are a return of part of your money. Organizers and tool bags are here to help craftsmen. How convenient to make a frame for photos.

Method 2:
A real way to make money on the Internet, register for free here and earn. Discounts on goods up to 60% do not miss the moment here Joiner how to make a frame for a picture of wood with your own hands in a garage workshop.

Method 3:
Today the package "Words and letters from wood" arrived. We have ordered a name for our son, which indicates: date of birth, height, time of birth, weight and a separate photo frame for your baby's photo! We bought this set for $ 27, and the package arrived from Minsk to Brest in three days.
If you liked it, please like it and subscribe to the channel. If you have a desire to order such a decoration, leave a comment on this video!

Method 4:
"" offers the option of making a photo frame with your own hands at home. The review uses both hand tools and electrical ones. Now it's easy to make such a frame for photos!
We wish you success!

Method 5:
This video shows the process of making a picture frame.

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It is difficult to find a home or office where there is no room for paintings and photographs. But simply attaching a picture or a masterpiece of art to the wall will be ugly and ridiculous. It was in order to decorate photographs and paintings that frames were invented. With their help, you can refine the interior and add comfort to the premises. There are millions of frame options in stores now, but it is not always possible to find the one that suits your home. That is why we will tell you how to make a frame with your own hands, while spending a minimum of money and effort. You need to start by choosing a design for your future craft.

Decide on the choice of design

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a design for a frame:

  • whether it will fit the general interior of the room;
  • the frame should be in the same color scheme with the image, and not with the walls;
  • the frame should complement the image.

To achieve the desired result, you need to carefully consider the material from which the frame will be made.

Material selection

There are no particular restrictions in the material. The only thing that remains unchanged is the base on which the decorations will be glued. It should be dense, strong and not soaked with glue. For the frame, thick cardboard and, of course, wood are well suited. Moreover, the wooden frame itself is already a complete craft. It can be opened with varnish and will be appropriate for any interior.You can decorate the product with any available means. It can be pasta, pebbles, clothespins, buttons, beads. But do not forget that the chosen material should complement the picture. So, for example, shells are suitable for a seascape, and a frame made of pasta with the addition of cereals is perfect for the kitchen.

Let's focus on the two main materials from which frames are most often made - wood and polyurethane foam.

Wood frame

Wood is the classic material used to make picture frames. Such structures are durable, suitable for almost any picture and room design.

To make a wooden frame, it is not necessary to go into the forest for wood, then process it and cut out the planks. You can go to a hardware store and buy wooden skirting boards there. They are perfect for such a product.

What you need:

  1. Wooden plinth. Its length and width should correspond to the size of the painting. Therefore, be sure to measure the picture before buying a skirting board and do not forget that the frame will be longer than the canvas.
  2. Well sharpened knife.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Furniture adhesive. PVA will do.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Small nails.
  8. A hammer.
  9. Ruler. Better if it is angular.
  10. Cardboard or plywood.

What to do:

For a richer look, you can use carved wooden skirting boards. Their price corresponds to the type, so you will have to pay a decent amount for such material for the frame, but at the end of the work it will be worth it.

Polyurethane foam frame

For women, "polyurethane foam" sounds menacing, but do not be afraid, because this is ordinary foam, only stronger. Ceiling plinths are made from it, which are now used for apartment renovation. Their price is low, but the variety of patterns is impressive. There is no difference in manufacturing with a wooden skirting board. But do not forget that this is not a tree, so you should be careful with polyurethane foam. Any blow can lead to dents, atoms and completely break the entire structure.

What you need:

  1. Ceiling plinth.
  2. Hacksaw or sharp knife.
  3. Glue.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Plywood or cardboard (depending on the size and strength of the katrina).

In this article we will tell you how you can make comfortable and beautiful photo frames with your own hands.

Each photograph is a unique phenomenon that retains a part of some emotion. So why not arrange such images in unique frames?

Crafts - beautiful do-it-yourself photo frames from scrap materials: ideas, photos

First, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ideas of what kind of photo frames you can make:

Photo frame made of burlap roses

Photo frame made of natural flowers - short-lived, but beautiful Frames with knitted spirals

Extremely original idea - old clock as a photo frame

DIY cardboard photo frame: master class

To make a cardboard photo frame you will need stock up on the following things:

  • Corrugated cardboard
  • With a knife
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  • Decor paper - absolutely any paper will do
  • Buttons, shells, beads

You can start making:

  • From a piece of cardboard need to cut out the front and back of the frame. You should get such blanksas in this photo:

  • Now is the time to decide how much you need measure out paper for decoration.

IMPORTANT: It must be taken into account that it will have to be folded inward. That is, you cannot do without a stock.

  • Now the front of the cardboard blank need to glue, and then glue paper for decoration to it. Until the glue is completely dry, you cannot proceed to further points.

  • But after drying, you can glue the front and back of the photo frame. Only the upper parts do not need to be glued, since a photograph will be placed through the top in the future.
  • But that's not all, because it is necessary build a support for the frame. For this purpose, you need to cut out such a piece from cardboard, which is indicated in the photo below. You can make it out of paper, then stick it on a cardboard base.

  • All that remains is decorate photo frame to taste.

How to make a children's frame out of paper: templates, schemes with a description

This bright photo frame will surely appeal to children, especially girls. She will definitely decorate the interior of a children's room:

If you like this idea, you should stock up on the following constituents for its implementation:

  • Paper - regular color, gift or even unnecessary magazines will do
  • A frame made of wood, which you can easily find in a craft store. Or maybe an old frame is gathering dust somewhere in the house?
  • Glue

IMPORTANT: A hot glue gun is also useful, especially handy for beginners with needlework.

  • Scissors or a stationery knife
  • Toothpick

You can start:

  • If you want to update the frame cover, you can do it now, having painted her.
  • From paper you need cut strips.

  • Then all stripes are needed fold in half.
  • Now each strip needs roll into a roll... This is where a toothpick comes in handy, although you can completely do without using it. The ends each roll needs to be carefully glue.

IMPORTANT: Do not be upset if the workpieces are of different sizes. It is even preferable that each roll is different from the previous one.

  • As soon as there are enough bright rolls, you can start to fixation on the frame. This is where the glue gun comes in handy. You can fix the parts randomly, but the strength of their pressing to the frame is required!

We attach to your attention another one with hemu making a photo frame:

How to make an autumn frame in autumn style - golden autumn: templates, schemes with description

The easiest way to create a golden autumn frame is glue the finished frame with leaves. Leaves you need in advance smooth with an iron... Then they are recommended dip in hot water for one minute. However, not boiling! This will make the leaves fit better on the cardboard.

After fixing the leaves on the frame, it is worth sending the craft under the pressfrom. Can then cover the surface with matte varnish.

If you want something not as familiar as leaves, you can decorate the frame acorns.

Yet a few ideas to create an autumn frame:

How to make a beautiful felt frame: templates, schemes with descriptions

The felt photo frame magnet is quite unusual and easy to manufacture.

If you like the idea, need to buy:

  • Hard felt

IMPORTANT: It is advisable that it correspond to a thickness of 2 mm and dimensions of 13x26 cm.

  • Tapes about 5 mm wide and about 3 m long
  • Needles - one regular, and the other with a wide eye
  • Floss threads - it is preferable that they make up the same scale with felt
  • Finished magnet or magnetic tape
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Toothpick or awl
  • Colored pencils
  • A coin

You can get to work:

  • On the back of the felt required to draw two squares... Each of them must have sides equal 13 cm.

IMPORTANT: Now is the time to take a coin. You should not ignore this stage if you want to get a rounded frame.

  • Blanks can cut out.

  • Now is the time to get busy a template for making a hole under the photo. In this example, it is represented as a cloud, but in fact it can be any shape.

  • Hole need to cut out.

  • But of course without sheathing the cut not enough! This will come in handy overcast seam in two threads. Fastening takes place on the inside.

  • Now the template blank must be circled on paper. It is also worth sketching the outlines of the embroidery on it.

It's time to get busy embroidery ribbons! Cut off from green about 50 cmby inserting it in a needle with a wide eyelet.

IMPORTANT: Try to cut the tip of the tape at a 45 degree angle.

  • the end ribbons should fasten on the wrong side felt blank with a needle and thread.

  • Then follows in advance pierce the felt in those places where you plan to thread a needle with a ribbon. The fact is that the stiff felt for the needle is too strong, so it is recommended to use an awl or, in extreme cases, a toothpick.

  • Now it is worth stitching the frame in the same way and blue ribbons.

  • Next you need fold both blanks for felt. They should overcast using floss threads.

  • Left glue the magnetic tape on the back of the frame.

How to make a carved wooden photo frame: templates, schemes with descriptions

Choosing the right wood for the frame is half the battle. Very will look attractive products from cherry, walnut, ash, linden. If further painting planned, then the optimal options are spruce and pine.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that the softer the wood, the easier it will be for the master to make patterns on it. This is especially important for beginners to consider.

You need to make the frame as follows:

  • From the plate you need cut out blanks, the thickness of which will reach approximately 26 mm. Minimum allowances are required.
  • Now you need attach the edges, then gluing the workpiece.
  • By drawing template for the pattern, it is worth attaching it to the tree. The pattern is transferred to the future frame.
  • Outlines that outline hole for placing photos, need to be cut.
  • It is also necessary to cut and patterns.
  • Now we need to designate rebate dimensionstargeting glass with photography.

IMPORTANT: It is worth observing the symmetry of the marks.

  • It's turn milling.
  • Now happening alignment with straight chisels.
  • Can be done the back of the frame.

We offer the following patterns. They are mainly used by craftsmen for making platbands, but they are perfect for photo frames:

Patterns-1 for wood photo frame

How to make a photo frame from plywood: templates, schemes with descriptions

For a similar photo frame needed:

  • Multi-layer plywood at least 10 mm wide
  • Saw for wood plywood
  • Electric jigsaw
  • Drill - can be either manual or electric

IMPORTANT: The most important thing is to have wood drills.

  • Scissors, measuring instruments
  • Stapler for working with furniture and staples for it
  • Metal bracket or reinforced thread in order to fix the frame
  • Grinding devices - fine-grained sandpaper or special grinders
  • Varnish for woodwork

You can get to work:

  • The first step is to transfer templates for the material.

  • With a drill need to do multiple holes, and through.
  • Now you need to place a jigsaw in the holes. It produces cutting out the pattern.
  • Now is the time grinding.
  • Then you can proceed to painting object.
  • Now you can insert photo. If you wish, you can place it under glass. In this case, you will have to fix the back wall, fixing it with a construction stapler or self-tapping screw.

How to make a photo frame from a skirting board: templates, schemes with descriptions

To create such a photo frame needed:

  • Pieces of wooden plinth
  • Glue type "Moment" or "Glue nails"
  • Office knife or construction knife
  • Protractor or miter box
  • Marker
  • Ruler
  • Acrylic paints and acrylic putty for woodworking
  • Cardboard - necessarily dense

Operating procedure:

  • First, it is advisable to cut cardboard base, which will be slightly larger than the desired photo.
  • Next, you need to cut out another piece of cardboard - the front of the frame.

IMPORTANT: Each side of the second part must be about 5 mm less than the first.

  • Now both parts need to be glued to each other.
  • Then you need to measure 4 pieces of plinth. The miter box needs them trim at a 45 degree angle. If there is no miter box, you can draw a corner on paper, then mark it on the baseboard with a marker.
  • Now you need glue the panels to the cardboard base. If you don't want to make such a basis, you can simply glue the parts to each other.
  • If at the joints there are cracks, they can be easily mask with putty.
  • After the putty is dry, you can proceed to painting.

IMPORTANT: If there is no water-based or acrylic paint, you should cover the workpiece with PVA glue before applying any other paint. Moreover, it is necessary to apply several layers.

  • It's time to apply water-based varnish.

How to make a photo frame from disks: templates, schemes with descriptions

For a similar craft needed:

  • DVD, CD
  • Black stained glass paint
  • Dense cardboard
  • Pencil, ruler, scissors, tweezers

You can get to work:

  • From cardboard cut out blank frame

  • Now is the time to get busy cutting out pieces from discs.

IMPORTANT: These pieces must be irregular.

  • Next you need cover the frame with glue, by gluing colored pieces on it. Tweezers are most convenient. It is advisable to lay out the parts not tightly to each other, because you need to fill the gaps with paint.

  • Now the distance between the pieces is filled with paint. The edges of the frame can also be blackened.

How to make a frame for a scrapbooking photo: templates, schemes with descriptions

Necessary things to create a frame:

  • Special paper for scrapbooking
  • Cardboard
  • Construction or office knife
  • Scotch tape, glue, scissors, ruler
  • Decor elements, stencils for drawings

Operating procedure:

  • On cardboard celebrated product boundaries
  • All unnecessary is cut off - only the blank frame should remain.
  • Received the blank should be glued to the back of the scrapbooking paper.

IMPORTANT: The excess edges of the paper must be slightly cut and then wrapped outside the frame.

  • All the edges future framework needs fasten with tape. The upper part cannot be glued, since the photo will be inserted through it.
  • Further made of cardboard need to cut a piece for the back of the frame.
  • Now it is desirable to create support leg for the frame.
  • The most interesting stage of work remains - decor! It can be very diverse.

Attach several options for ideas:

DIY decoration, decoration and decoration of photo frames: ideas, decor, photos

Ready-made standard frames can also be beautifully decorated. Moreover, after decorating, you will get unique and cute things:

Photo frame decorated with multi-colored spools of thread

Collage from photo frames with your own hands: ideas, photos Collage of photo frames in the form of a puzzle for baby photos

As you can see, even novice needlewomen can create an original photo frame. Such a product will give the interior a unique charm and will surely catch the eyes of the guests. And as a gift, such a photo frame will bring a lot of joy.

Master class on creating an unusual carousel photo frame

Today in stores there is a wide variety in the selection of ready-made frames for photos. But sometimes there is a desire to do something with your own hands so that the product turns out to be truly original.

How to make a photo frame

The process of creating a photo frame from wood with your own hands is quite creative. Therefore, different methods are used to obtain the final result.

DIY wooden photo frame.

The first way

Least time consuming and easy to operate.

  1. First of all, you need to choose the right fittings from which the future photo frame will be made. To make a wooden frame, you will need wooden slats, glue, paints, sandpaper, staples.
  2. Of course, you should also pay attention to what size the future frame will be. Further, the same length of all four sides of the future product is measured correctly. Then the edges of the rails are sawn at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Then, using staples for a stapler, the two sides of the frame are connected, so that the joint becomes barely perceptible. But this is not enough, the sides of the future frame should be greased with glue before connecting them with staples.
  4. After the glue has dried, you can start decorating the frame. In this regard, everything will depend on your own wishes and imaginations.
  5. After decorating the frame and gluing the selected decorative elements to it, you can place a photo in it. This can be done using a stapler, and the photo is pre-laminated. This will preserve its appearance as long as possible.

Second way

The next method is already more labor-intensive, although the initial principle of operation is the same as in the first case. But this version of the frame provides for the presence of a baguette. First of all, wooden bars of the same size are glued together, then the same bars, but already of smaller sizes, are glued together for the second frame. The result is a box-like item.

The decorative elements of a wooden photo frame can be very diverse.

The joint that connects the two frames is glued with a decorative baguette. It is covered with glue twice before use. After drying, the wood frame is painted at your discretion. The result is an unusual and original product.

A handmade item always brings more joy and satisfaction than a store bought one. For example, a frame for a picture, assembled with your own hands, will always cause more positive impressions.

The frame with your own hands can also be made using a special wood machine, where you can cut beautiful patterns and make an unusual ornament. But this is usually done by masters who have experience in this type of work.

Photo frame made of wood

A wooden frame will always win among others, for its appearance, and plus, for environmentally friendly materials. And any photo in it will look harmonious. When the question arises of how to make a frame out of wood, it should be understood that no matter what version of its manufacture is chosen, it is the final result that is important.

Original do-it-yourself wood photo frame.

Very often, in order to make a frame, they use a simple method of tightening it with a rubber band. That is, the loop-tied tape glues the wooden blanks, which must be sawn down at 45 degrees. The truth is not always, the first time, it turns out, to do such work, since it requires certain skills.

Another method can be used. It requires a square sheet of plywood, along the edges of which beams are screwed. They should be located at an angle of 90 degrees. With the help of them, already prepared elements of the future frame are pulled together and glued. After tightening, it is necessary to check how the corners of the frame are located relative to each other.

Any frames made of wood will always be the best decoration for any photographs or any kind of artwork, since wood is a very elegant and expensive material. It can always be a great gift and decoration for any interior.