Computer pit for humus. How to make a compost yam: valuable advice of experienced dacities

If you got a bad land on the site, on which nothing wants to grow, take it in enrichment. Bring the black soil is the easiest way, but it is not always possible to get it, especially in the city trait. To make plenty of chemistry is also unprofitable: ultimately you will consume it yourself. One thing remains: make the nutrient soil themselves. Or rather - learn how to prepare a useful compost. These only do not know people are afraid of compost pits, as they think that they are publishing a stench, which spoil the air on the whole site. In fact, the compost does not smell, if it is competently lay and maintain the activity of bacteria. How to deal with more details.

So, the first thing is picking up on the site a convenient place for the compost pits. As a rule, it is removed by the territory on the backyards of the garden, behind the nozzles, where the appearance of the heap of waste will not spoil the common landscape. The only nuance: look during abundant rains where water flows. It should not run towards the well (if any), otherwise there may be products of waste rotting, which will affect the quality and taste of water.

Options for arrangement Two: You can dig a deep hole and put the raw materials for compost into it, or knock off a wide drawer with a removable wall for ease of use.

Yama creation technology

The deep pit is more convenient that all vegetable raw materials hide in the ground and will not cut the eye, but the compost in it is preparing longer, and it is more complicated to mix it. If you still suit you only such an option, arrange a hole correctly, because for normal decomposition, the organic is needed oxygen and ventilation. And the dense earth walls and the bottom of any air will miss. Therefore, the pit is digging as follows:

  • Remove the soil no more than meters deep, the meter is three in length and one and a half in width.
  • From the walls of the pits, 20 cm are retreating on each side and knock down a wooden box, in the corners of 4 columns and navigating a plate.
  • There is about 5 cm between the planks, so that all the compost layers are ventilated.
  • Make a pit into two equal parts with a wooden shield to fill only one half.
  • The bottom is thrown by thick branches of trees, bark, sweetheart and straw (you will find). It will be a drainage, removing excess moisture and helping the compost to be ventilated from below. The height of the drainage layer is 10-15 cm.

Vegetable waste is stored in one part of the compost pocket, but for the season they reck out several times from one half to another to saturate a bunch of oxygen.

A pit can be half in the ground, and not completely plug in full, then it will be easier for you to turn the contents and air access improves

The second option of bookmarking the compost is in a box of an unpainted tree (or factory from plastic). In appearance, it is absolutely identical to conventional boxes, only more several times. When creating a frame, do not forget to leave the slots between the planks and one side to make a removable to make it easier to lay and mix the raw materials. Alternatively, you can hang the door.

The plastic composter has below the perforated doors on each side, through which the content is carried out, but the waste will have to be moisturized

Since usually such structures are made for a long year, the floor can be concreted, and the drainage (such as in the pit) can be used. Some owners put on the bottom of wooden or plastic shields. True, over time, the tree will be unusable, but there is nothing eternal.

Now it remains to fill the prepared place in the right raw material, which overloads to high-quality compost.

Two rooms located nearby boxes are convenient because you can transfer waste to air from one to another without clogging the nearby territory

Features of the proper layout laying

So that your bunch successfully overtakes and for the new season turned into a nutrient soil, it is necessary to throw in compost only vegetable waste: leaves, beveled grass, remnants of root and fruits, turf, weeds, finely chopped branches of trees and shrubs.

Laying in a compost waste from your own garden, you thus solve the problem of the export of vegetable garbage and get fresh, high-quality soil

To make the composition of the compost even more nutritious, lay everything in it that did not eat: the remains of soups, coffee thick, chasing, yesterday's salad, etc. In a word, put in the house next to the garbage bucket another container for vegetable waste, and You will be surprised how quickly it will be filled. It is suitable for compost old cardboard boxes, newspapers (black and white), worn out products from natural materials (cotton, wool).

Unwanted ingredients

Now let's stop at harmful, from the point of view of experienced gardens, waste. It is categorically imposed in compost residual products of animal products: dead birds and animals, old fat, fats, intestines, spoiled milk, sour cream, etc. All this is starting to exhibit an unpleasant smell and attracted a bunch of harmful insects, neighboring dogs, cats and raven . In addition, putrid processes in animal remains leak slower than in plant, and your compost will not have time to mature for the next season.

But with the sea inhabitants, summer residents did not decide. Some do not add them to not attract to the pile of animals, but others are happy to throw everything that remains when cleaning the fish (head, scales, inside), motivating this in the way they contain a valuable phosphorus for plants. Only it is necessary to burst into a bunch of such waste so that the smell does not teach cats.

Indeed, fish feeders are useful. Therefore, everyone who sorry to throw out a valuable product, we advise: do not lay them out into compost, but buried right under the trees, in the nearvatricular circles. Just plucked the hole. Thus, you and the garden adopt, and stray animals do not attract.

If you choose a compost box with a revealing roof, then feel free to lay inside the fish waste, because the animals will not climb into such a container

It is impossible to lay plastic, glass, metal objects, rubber, water from styricas, etc. They are harmful for soil. Do not bring benefits and all paper products on laminated or with color drawings. Too many paints and chemicals are present in it.

An undesirable ingredient in the compost is the tops of tomatoes and potatoes. Under the fall, she is all amazed by the phytoofluoro, and the disputes of this disease are transferred to a compost to healthy plants.

Do not lay in compost and weed plants with the flowering and completed flowering period. For example, if the dandelion managed to form a flower, the seeds would still divert, even if it is torn and placed in a bunch. So try to raise weeds before the appearance of floral kidney.

If there is nowhere to do the Bottva of Pacinal and major weeds who have managed to develop, - spread them on a solid basis (concrete, linoleum) near the compost pits and let dry. Then threw all the vegetation into the iron barrel and adjust. All burns, together with diseases and seeds. The useful ash will remain. Her and enter your compost bunch.

How to lay waste into compost?

So that waste decompose quickly, the moisture is needed, oxygen and accelerators of rotary processes. We provide moisture yourself, watered a lot of bunch in those periods when the heat is standing on the street. Oxygen will penetrate the inside of the compost actively if you spread the layers of raw materials correctly. So, dry waste (potato cleaning, straw, hay, fallen leaves, husk, etc.) It is necessary to alternate with green (tops, fresh grass, rotting vegetables and fruits), soft with solid to avoid unnecessary seals. It is very important that compost is preparing from brown and green components made in equal shares. Fresh waste is the main source of nitrogen necessary to all plants. Brown (i.e. dry) perform the role of a layer that does not give a compost. They are considered a kind of fiber, which makes the soil of air and easier.

Try to put green and brown waste in equal proportions, as an excess of greenery will lead to a seal, and excess of dry raw materials will squint from a nitrogen compost

If you need compost for next spring - add accelerators of decomposition processes into it. This can be bought in the garden store concentrates that need to dissolve warm water and activate the work of the beneficial bacteria contained in the preparation.

An excellent accelerator performs fresh manure (horse or cow). A couple of cakes are found on the field, bred them in a bucket with water and give a day two stand. Then the finished solution is poured into the compost and stirred the contents of the heap. If this good near your cottage is not - finely cut the leaves of dandelion, nettle, leguminous crops, pour the bucket of warm water and put in the sun. Through the day 4, the mixture will begin to wander. That's how to pour it into compost.

To avoid the weathered of nitrogen, the compost pile is covered with a nonwoven material or a film of black. In the closed form, rotting is faster, and the sign of this will be active heat release. Inside the compost, the temperature should be at least 60 degrees.

Capture the Wooden Box with the bottom to the back extremely undesirable, after all, thereby you block the way oxygen, and the quality of the finished compost will be much worse

Over the season, the bunch is shuffled 3-4 times to ensure the uniformity of rotting all the layers. By the spring, plant waste will turn into a rich loose soil with the smell of the Earth, which can be made under the trees, mulch with strawberries or stirred from garden earth to improve its composition.

Compost Yama - This is the place of disposal of organic waste. As a result of the activities of microorganisms there is a decomposition of garden garbage, which becomes the basis for highly efficient organic fertilizer. In the article, consider the options for making the compost pits with your own hands.

In one form or another, the compost pits, in the form of the simplest puzzle of the garbage, are present on each preservation site. But the correct designs in the form of modern composters or specially equipped boxes are capable of increasing the amount of valuable fertilizer and the speed of its creation.

The simplest compost pit can be made with your own hands from the utility building materials available in the country.

Principles of the device of the compost pit

The main function of the compost pit is to create the most comfortable environment for the vital activity of bacteria, microorganisms, rainwrites, on the number of the process rate and the quality of the compost obtained. For this, inside the compost heaps should be maintained quite high temperature and humidity with regular oxygen intake.

For this compost capacity must have the following structural features:

Computer boxes made of any girlfriend. It can be boards, slate trimming, professional flooring, metal construction grid and even car tires. Constructions are more capital build from brick or concrete. There are facilitated, portable utilizers in metal or plastic barrels.

The main sanitary requirement for the device of the compost is its remoteness of 20 meters from water bodies and drinking water sources. Rain flows should not drain from the compost heap in the direction of the wells, wells, pools.

Choosing a place on a plot for a compost pit

The location of the composter on the site should not be a source of infection of groundwater, threat to the health of people and animals. It is impossible to place a compost hole on wetlands or in places with standing water.

The external design of the compost pit can be absolutely any. It can be decorated with beautiful-colored shields, fenced with plantings from bill and perennial, ornamental plants.

Making a compost pit with your own hands

You can make a high-quality design with the simplest tools in the garden or an indention site and turn a bunch of garden garbage and decomposed household waste into a valuable fertilizer. There are various types of compost pile, from earthlinks to real concrete structures.

Compost yam in the ground

To create a compost pit:

  1. In the ground, pick up the site away from residential buildings.
  2. On an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 m wide and arbitrary length, the top layer of turf and soil is removed.
  3. The pits should be located at a depth of no more than 0.5 meters.
  4. The bottom swell with a sandy pillow for removing excess water.

The first layer performs the function of drainage and contributes to the aeration of the heap and consists of cropped branches.

They lay on them:

  • mowed grass;
  • dry foliage;
  • sawdust;
  • household nutritional waste;
  • manure;
  • weed herbs.

The layers are moved by peat or garden earth, spill water. To speed up the decomposition process, all ingredients are desirable to grind, simply by pouring the shovel.

The full height of the heap should not exceed 1.5 meters. So, she will rise over the Earth for 1 meter. The construction is protected from above by observer material or shields from slate. In hot weather, a bunch is watered with ordinary water.

In natural conditions, microorganisms will be able to recycle such a dump from garbage for two summer seasons. This is the easiest and most economical way to get compost.

Use the EM preparations. Microorganisms are enough temperatures + 4 ° C inside the compost heap to successfully recycle waste.

Production of compost pits from boards

For ease of operation and accelerate the disposal process, the compost container is made of boards. The optimal size of a 1x1.5 meter compost box.

Instructions for making pit from boards:

Lay garbage into such a container through the top of the general principle, starting with the branches. And it is possible to strain the finished compost.

Photo: drawing drawer for compost, composter scheme

Options for compost holes made of boards

Slate is distinguished by strength and perfectly suitable for the walls of the compost box. You can use both wave and flat sheet slate.

Options for making a composter from slate:

  1. At the location of the compost heap make markup and plunge chopped sheets. They can be consolidated by external, wooden or iron crate.
  2. In another embodiment, metal pipes are plugged into the ground.They are attached to the frame from bars. Outside, it is chosen by slate. The second design is more durable.

All wooden elements should be treated with antiseptic, to avoid rotting. From plywood or boards make a lid for the pit. The front wall of the pit is made below, at the level of 40-50 cm above the ground level. Rigid walls allow you to cover with a film with a film or garden curable material.

Space Pit from Profile

In the manufacture of a compost drawer from a corrugated floor, choose a material with an anti-corrosion coating.

Order of work:

  1. At the selected place, build the basis of a metal or wooden bar.
  2. The dimensions of the pits are selected under the length of the sheets, which allows you to make a compost box with two or three branches.
  3. The basis is made as for the wooden structure.
  4. Outside the profile strip is mounted with screws with gaps of 3-5 cm.
  5. It should be borne in mind that the metal surface is strongly heated in hot summer periods.
  6. From above, they make the shelter of their plywood or boards. The frame is desirable to cover the protective composition.

Metal Mesh Computer Basket

For the manufacture of compost, you can make a cylindrical tank made of metal mesh. In such a cylinder, compost is well ventilated and not subjected to rotting.

How to make a compost basket:

To simplify, you can inside the basket to invest a film package (polyethylene) of a large volume, which is used for garbage. Such baskets are easy to assemble and install anywhere. They are filled with waste on the principle of compost pits. And the compost can be made in special bags that are sold in garden centers.

Contented compost yama

Contented compost pit creates many advantages:

  • Thick walls have long supported the positive temperature.
  • Such a pit is durable and reliable, is not affected by unfavorable natural conditions.

It is advisable to do it big, two and even three branches. In the first and second block will ripen compost different seasons. The third stores bags with a finished compost.

How to make a concrete compost pit:

When the concrete pit is operating, it is necessary to consider that the process of manufacturing compost is slow. To speed up the process, it is necessary to manually add rainworms or commercially available special tools.

Other options for compost pits

Computer pit out of automotive tires

Automotive tires are quite suitable for the arrangement of the compost heap:

Compost in Iron Barrel

For composting, old iron barrels are excellent:

  1. I cut down the chisel both bottoms and put near the track.
  2. In the barrel we fold layers of weeds, beveled grass, kitchen waste.
  3. To increase the temperature, you can paint the barrel into a black color, pour the compost with a solution of ammonium nitrate (matchboxes on the water bucket).
  4. Ready compost get bottom. To do this, you need to lift the barrel scrap.

For improving the design:

  1. With the help of a grinder (angular grinding), it is necessary to cut the barrel into two unequal parts and break through the walls of the air circulation hole.
  2. Then we put them on the ass and connect with wire or rope. Top cover with a lid.
  3. The advantages of this design in the easy accessibility of the contents of the worms and bacteria from the bottom.
  4. To get the finished compost only to unleash the rope, and you will get two hundred liters of finished fertilizer.

Compost in plastic barrel

The perfect material of the compost capacity is plastic. In ordinary compost piles, compost is prepared for two years. In plastic barrels, a capacity of 150-200 liters can be prepared liquid compost in two weeks.

For this:

  1. Fill the barrel of bevelled grass or weeds to half, and fill to the wind to the top.
  2. After about three days, the fermentation process will begin.
  3. After using the solution, you can simply add water in the barrel and give it to brew one week.
  4. Istraut of liquid compost completely, the remaining grass is folded into a compost bunch.

Brick Space

The compost pit of the brick is made in three walls. It can be done on a cement solution or without it. On the cement solution, the compost yam makes no more than 1 meter high. Between bricks you need to leave gaps for ventilation.

A compost pit from a brick without cement bundle is convenient to be transferred to another place if necessary.

In the compost, it is necessary to provide a place to cross the compost mass. Make a lid from an affordable material. The front wall makes temporary so that it is convenient to take out the finished compost.

Concrete rings

In the inner cavity of the concrete ring, you can successfully store the garden garbage and result in obtaining compost. For convenience ring partially plug in the ground, and after filling are covered with a lid or film material.

The lack of construction can be lack of an understated front wall. To unload the finished compost must be closed inside. Otherwise, very durable compost chambers are obtained from such reinforced concrete products.

Compost pit on Finnish technology

If you make a compost yam, there is no desire to purchase a composter on Finnish technology. This is a modern with two containers, a capacity of 80 liters. Its content is mixed with a layer of peat and sawdust. You can also dispose of food.

When the container is filled, it is pulled out and insert another. Due to the high concentration, the finished compost is mixed with earth or sand and fertilize plants. The released container was washed and returned to the place.

Do not confuse compost and cesspools. In the compost preparation containers, an organician from the garden plot is stored. Belkova residues must be disposed of in a cesspool.

What can and what can not be put in a compost pit?

Thanks to composting, the number of waste in landfills is reduced, and our gardens and gardens receive additional fertilizers.

In the first place, organic garden waste is primarily laid in the form:

  • branches;
  • dry foliage;
  • beveled herb;
  • weeds;
  • straw.

Good ingredients for compost heap are:

  • food residues from vegetarian food;
  • egg shell;
  • long husk.

Pleasure the compost can be manure and chicken litter.

The prohibited ingredients of the compost heap are:

  • construction and household waste with a high content of phenols;
  • remnants of printing products;
  • plastic.

Do not put into compost residues of protein and oil food, as they slowly decompose and attract mice and rats.

From plant residues are not laid in compost weeds with ridiculous seeds and with roots capable of rooted well, such as:

  • osay;
  • drinking;
  • loach.

Drought-resistant plants before laying into a compost bunch need to be adding so that they lose their ability to root. Speakers can be used in moderate quantities, as they slowly decompose and take nitrogen. And also not used when composting pets of pets and humans.

Drugs for compost pits

The main task of drugs containing biological activators, accelerate decomposition processes using microorganisms.

Preparations perfectly cope with the processing of organic matter and do not develop in the compost pathogenic microflora:

  1. Composition Cooking can be significantly accelerated by applying Baikal EM. This preparation contains effective microorganisms (EM).
  2. Preparation "Dr. Robik" Significantly increases the number of effective microorganisms (EM) in the compost. They are engaged in the processing of organic matter in humus, and also do not give to develop pathogenic microflora and destroy the larvae of harmful insects.
  3. Bioactivator has similar properties. The Green-Master bioactivator package must be divorced in 20 liters of warm water, give to break for 4 hours and pour a compost bunch. After 2 weeks you need to cut down a bunch of forks. To prepare an composite is sufficiently single treatment with a bioactivator solution.
  4. Good results gives the preparation "COMPOST BOOST" For composting.
  5. The manufacturer of a happy dacket produces "biocompostin" - A means of composite preparation. SANEX PLUS Releases ECOCOMPOST.
  6. Producer Dees Bio K produces several types of drugs: "Green Universal", "Compost One Season", "Compost for the next Agroszon", "Bioactivator for Compost".

Applying drugs can be significantly accelerated by microbiological processes and get compost in 2-3 months.

Preparations Bioactivators for Compost

Committee Operation Rules

After the construction of the compost box and its fill, it remains occasionally to look inside and depending on the changes occurring, to adjust the decomposition process.

Composing Tips:

  1. In arid periods it is necessary to water the compost with ordinary water, Not allowing its overheating, which leads to a reduction in the population of certain types of beneficial bacteria.
  2. At least once every two weeks should loose compost bunch, thereby ensuring the inflow of oxygen in everything, even the lowest, layers.
  3. Add efficient microorganisms to the compost compost In the form of solutions and various additives.
  4. To accelerate processes, you can add a ready-made compost which there is a complete complex of microbiological activators.
  5. If the design of the pit does not have the top cover, Simply tighten the top of the undermined gardening material of black, which will increase the temperature and greenhouse effect inside the facility.


Creating a compost pocket does not require serious material investments. It is possible to make it with your own hands from undergraduate materials, which are always enough on any subsidence.

Having spent some time on the manufacture of a compost pit, in the future it will not have to solve problems of disposal of garden and home waste.

A good fertilized land is always pleased with the abundant harvest of vegetables and fruits. In order to get feeding for soil, it is not necessary to buy chemical fertilizers. To do this, a compost pit can be built on the site with your own hands. Making options are different, and easy to choose the one that most suitable on materials, their cost and size of the site.

Compost is an organic fertilizer obtained from vegetable waste or products of the vital activity of some animals. This is the result of the biodegradation of materials under the influence of various microorganisms.

When composting in a layer of waste, substances necessary for plant feeding are formed - nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other elements, It is neutralized by a dangerous microflora. The composts are used for all garden crops, put in a couple, in the wells. Such fertilizer is not inferior to manure.

Attention! Cannot be confused compost pit from village. The second is the simplest autonomous sewer. Of these effluents, fertilizer will not work. The only thing you can achieve - soil contamination.

Many refuse to build a compost pit on their plot due to the fact that they are afraid of an unpleasant odor and inesthetical species. If you choose the right place, the design will not create discomfort to residents of this and neighboring sites.

Find out how, as well as read the scheme, options and best ideas, in a special article on our portal.

When choosing a place pay attention to which direction during rains water flows. If the well is located on the site, then the streams should not be directed to the other side. Otherwise, water will be polluted, loses taste, and it will become unsuitable for use.

The direction of the wind should also be taken into account, which is most often observed in this area. Then the smell will be minimally distributed over the site. Do not forget about the interests of the neighbors.

In the selected place should be half. If the site is under the sun, then the compost mass dries, the rotation process slows down.

Next to the compost yam should not be fruit, coniferous or evergreen trees, shrubs. During waste rotting, aggressive substances are distinguished. It can harm vegetation, in particular, their root system. But if birch or alder grows on the site, then such a neighborhood will not harm. Magnificent crowns will cover the faunch from the scorching midday sun.

Table 1. Distance from compost pit to other elements.

Attention! The pit is located on the plot below than the well. Also take into account the level of groundwater so that they do not adopt tanks with a compost.

Although SNiP indicates the minimum required distance to the well 8 M., some owners decide to be reinforced, and leave between objects 25-30 m.

What products can be thrown into the compost pit, and which you can not

Not all waste is allowed to process compost. In pit allowed throw:

  • raw fruit, welding and coffee thick, cereal, cleaning;
  • straw, fresh and dry grass, leaves, chew;
  • parts of trees and shrubs - they are pre-crushed, unpainted waste from woodworking;
  • wood ash;
  • paper products;
  • second year manure of herbivores.

Prohibited Use to form compost:

All products are divided into green and brown. The first are the source nitrogen, the second satisfy the soil carbon. Nitrogen ratio to carbon is considered optimal in proportions 25 K 1. A mass of leaves and freshly rolled herbs, taken in half, is thrown into the pit. They will give a mixture optimal chemical composition.

Design of compost yama

Composts are made from different materials. Typically use those at hand. Standard Pit size - 1500x3000 mm, height - from 1200 mm. The construction can be done big if there are a lot of waste.

All space is divided by three compartments:

  • for fresh waste;
  • for last year's waste;
  • for finished compost.

But variations are possible. So, if you achieve the rapid ripening of fertilizer, then there will be one reservoir enough. For example, for this, 1 part of green waste take 25 Brown, be sure to lay manure. The total volume of heap should be at least 1 cubic meter, otherwise the temperature inside will not be warm up to the desired indicators (in different sources is called 45-60 ° C.).

Attention! The greater the pit, the better it is supported by the necessary temperature for microorganisms.

The compost pit "For the lazy" - the easiest option

In this case, no building materials will be required, only the tool - shovel.

Prices for bayonet shovels

Shnyok shovel

In the ground, dig a trench of the following dimensions of the depth 0.5 m. On the bottom pour sand. It performs the function of drainage to remove excess moisture from the pit. On the sand put cropped branches. This layer is responsible for aeration - oxygen enrichment.

Then laid waste in this order:

  • grass;
  • dry leaves;
  • sawdust;
  • dining waste;
  • manure;
  • weeds.

A peat is poured between the layers, water water.

Attention! To activate the rotation process, large waste is pre-crushed.

Total Heap Height - 150 cm, out of which 100 cm rises above the ground surface. From above, clamping material or slate sheets. In the summer, when it is too dry, waste is watered with clean water.

Computer pit from slate - more efficient scheme

Such a tank can be made in just 1 day, And he will serve for many years. The main advantages of building material:

  • cheapness - It is possible to use an old roof covering that has come into disrepair;
  • durability - Asbesto-cement plates serve up to 40 years;
  • easy installation.

Such a compost pome consists of slate sheets that are attached to a wooden frame.

Materials that will be required for it:

  • circulating saw, Bulgarian, screwdriver;
  • roulette, markup pencil;
  • level;
  • slate;
  • boards for the frame;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • door handles, loops - for the lid;
  • paint or varnish with anti-grib properties that are processed by the inner sides of the walls of the future pit.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of compost pits from slate

Step 1. Decoration slate sheets with a cutting tool.

Prices for corner grinders (Bulgarians)

Corner grinders (Bulgarians)

Step 2. Roat around the perimeter of the future pit groove for slate.

Step 3. Cover the side of the slate, which will be addressed inside the design, paint.

Step 4. Set in the dumped deepening sheets of slate, sprinkle the earth.

Step 5. Make a frame from the boards on an external or inner perimeter of construction.

Step 6. They are knocked out of the cover of the covers for compartments, screw door handles. Attach the door loops and set the covers. Compost yam is ready.

Such a tank can be hidden under the ground. Then at the initial stage, the pit of the necessary depth is digging. Sheets are squeezed by the walls of the deepening, bind them with wooden bars from the outside. Slate must perform above the Earth on 10-15 cm. Brux covers protective compositions.

Metal Profile Composter

The compost box is also made of profiled sheet (corrugated). This is a facing material that is used to finish the walls and roofs. It is better to take sheets with an anti-corrosion coating that protects the material from damage during the operation of the structure. This is usually acrylic, polyester, PVC, other materials.

The assembly is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. From wooden or metal bars collect the desired size frame. It is necessary to take into account the size of the sheet. Cutting them without extreme need is undesirable not to destroy the protective coating. The framework makes the same sections as they should be in the composter.
  2. Self-timers attach profile sheets to frame.
  3. Make the top shield from plywood or boards. If it is too lazy to make a lid, then you can cover the container with sheets of the same professional flooring.

Lack of construction in what it has the effect of the drum. Therefore, during the shower will be noisy. However, as the tank is filling, the volume will decrease. In addition, the metal under the sun is heated greatly. The polymer coating can be damaged over time, because of the corrosion foci. Therefore, the construction must be regularly inspecting.

Video - Composter with your own hands

Computer tank made of metal or plastic barrel - step-by-step instruction

The advantages of the compost tank from the barrel of such a design:

  • simple materials that either are at hand or easily get them;
  • this design is convenient because the barrel is simply removed from the pit due to the roller mechanism;
  • makes such a design any home master who owns a grinder;
  • minimal inconvenience due to unpleasant odor on the site;
  • the barrel will not spoil the appearance of the plot;
  • compost is protected from wind, excess moisture, other adverse factors.

For the manufacture of fixture, a barrel will be required - metal or plastic, volume 50 or more liters.

To prepare such a compute tank, except the container will be required:

  • plywood 6 mm;
  • wooden bars 5x10 cm (Metrazh depends on the size of the barrel)
  • 4 roller;
  • fasters - screws, nails.

The pit from the barrel is constructed in such a sequence:

Step 1. From plywood with a jigsaw or other joinery tool cut the cap for the container. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the neck of the tank.

Step 2. Cut 4 of the same bar longe than 10-12 cm long. Carbon or other coloring means wipe the edge of the barrels. Apply the cover to the side pointing into the tank. In the resulting circle drawn the square. In the tops of the figure nail segments of bars. This is necessary so that the lid is tightly closed.

Step 3. Make a rectangular frame from wooden bars. Its length is slightly larger than the height of the tank, and the width is three quarters of its diameter.

Step 4. Attach 2 rollers with each long side of the rectangle. Fix them with screws.

Step 5. With a short side of the frame, where the bottom of the reservoir will be attach the timber. This is the restraint that will not allow the bull offset down. The bar must be in the same plane as the wheels.

Step 6. Install the hook with the outside of the barrel, And fasten on opposite sides of the loop, two rubber harness holding the lid.

On the site dig a hole in depth to 10-15 cm smaller than the height of the tank. In the pit first plunge the frame, and then the tank.

Attention! For the frame to serve longer, it can be treated with various impregnations against fungus and rot, and then paint - for example, enamels. So wood will be reliably protected from adverse factors.

Concrete pit for making compost

A more durable way to get a place to produce humus on its own plot - build a compost pit from concrete. This design will serve not one decade.

The construction process is simple, and consists of the following steps:

  1. Shoot a pit with sizes: width - 200 cm, Length - 300 cmdepth - 80 cm.
  2. Around perimeter make a formwork High altitude, also provided a transverse jumper (two), which will divide the space on separate tanks.
  3. Cook concrete: Cement-sand mix ( 3 to 1.) - 5 kg, water - 5 liters
  4. The concrete mixture is poured into the formwork.
  5. They are knocked out from the board frame. From above stretch the chain grid - it will be a cover for the structure.

Learn how to make a concrete rings, in a special article on our portal.

Basket for compost made of steel mesh

For the manufacture of a basket take metal, better with a polymer coating, a grid. The advantage of this design is that the compost is well ventilated and the rotation process does not occur.

For the manufacture of the design, materials will be required:

  • mesh for fences fenced;
  • film or garden textile (can be a large trash bag);
  • wire for connecting the grid ends.

The grid is sliced \u200b\u200bso that the cylinder of the desired diameter turned out, and add 20 cm Locking for stitching. Garden textiles will be required as much. It is stacked inside the basket. The edges turn over the top edge of the cylinder walls and is fixed with the help of stationery clips.

This is a pretty lightweight design that is going in a few minutes and is also quickly dismantled. To give persistency, the basket of it at the outer edge can be strengthened with wooden columns, affected by 10-15 cm In the ground.

What else there are options for the equipment of the composter

Compact composter can be made from boards. For the budget option, discharged wooden pallets will be used, previously disassembled to pieces.

The peculiarity of this design is that fresh and mature compost is stored in one tank. Due to the fact that at the bottom of the design there is a hole with a lifting wall, get ready-made fertilizer simply and conveniently. Another convenience is that mixing the substrate inside the box is not necessary. Even a schoolboy can shoot down such a box.

Attention! Wooden elements are covered with impregnations, as in the case of a frame under a compost barrel.

If it does not work independently, you can install a regular special container of plastic on the plot. They are produced capacity from 400 to 1000 l, Which allows you to choose the most suitable option for your needs. However, the price of them can be high enough - up to 10 thousand rubles. It is for this reason that many owners of country sites prefer self-herders from girlfriend.

Prices for plastic container for compost


A more durable option is to use ready-made concrete rings. Previously, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root of the design diameter. Then the ring is installed and partially plunge it into the ground. As a cover, a shield shot down from the board. You can do and conventional apparent material.

However, the composter from concrete rings has one drawback: it does not have a low wall, which would allow conveniently loading waste or select compost. Therefore, for such operations is closed inside the design.

Video - a concrete ring for a composter with your own hands

How to care for compost pits

In order to prepare a quality fertilizer, the compost yam should be careported.

Periodically, waste is watered with water. This will ensure the correct rotation process. A bunch must be moistened, but not wet. Excess moisture for bacteria is no less dangerous than the lack.

Once a month, a bunch is stirred to provide oxygen access. This contributes to the burnout of the products. If there is no possibility to move waste, they are thoroughly pierced by a pitchflower.

The owners of summer and household plots should not be abandoned by the compost pit. This is not only the opportunity to get affordable fertilizers, but also a careful attitude towards ecology. After all, burning dry grass and leaves harm nature. The law for such actions provides a fine. A compost yam solves the problem of export and waste disposal.

A compost pit of organic waste is an integral part of the country or the nice site. In the presence of own garden, a person tries to cultivate the vegetation and fruits that do not contain nitrates on fertile soil. To this end, they use organic fertilizers derived from compost. The purpose of this article is to tell the owners of garden sites, how to make a compost pit from low-cost firing materials.

Instructions for the manufacture of a compost pit (box) do it yourself

Make a compost yam with your own hands easy. Its arrangement involves the use of lungs and inexpensive components. In the example below, the compost box is created from palletsused in the construction sector to fold consumables. You can purchase such pallets for a small amount or generally get free, taking them after unloading building materials.

making a compost pit with their own hands. Photo

If you do not know how to create a compost yam with your own hands, the step-by-step instruction in detail will tell about this procedure.

First thing choose a placeThe most suitable for the arrangement of the compost heap. This site should be located in the distance from residential buildings and is preferably in the zone where the wind is dominated. This will exclude the likelihood of an unpleasant smell of compost in the courtyard.

Follow drawingrepresented as an example to create a compost box properly. Remember that it should have a presentable view, be convenient to operate, easy to dismantle when filling with organic waste.

computer pit with your own hands manufacturer. Photo

Disassembleprepared wooden pallets by removing connecting elements (nails). The result of such work will be the receipt of edged boards-shakes.

Take advantage of a circular machine to split All boards on the billet length about 1 m. Of these, a compost box will be created.

In order to collect one-piece design from individual boards, two of them follow cut downlobzik rectangular holes. The photo and video attached to the instructions will help the master to navigate into how to make cuts in the remaining boards to accurately connect them with two crossbars.

space pit with your own hands step by step with photos

Installationall boards (except facial) is carried out vertically, and their mount is made on the mounting glue. The first (front) board is shuting under a small angle to the whole structure, and without the use of adhesive solution. Compliance with this condition is necessary to facilitate the disassembly of the structure. The device of the described type of compost drawer allows you to easily rearrange it to another place, perform a disassembly after filling it with organic waste and residues of vegetation.

To compost drawer from wooden pallets, it turns out to be stable, during its installation on the plot allotted for this align Bottom boards of the finished box with a level.

As you can see, quite a bit efforts need to be applied to create a compost pits of the construction materials of the construction industry. The finished compost box looks decently, and makes it possible to utilize all unnecessary vegetation from its own garden site. Gradually sealing in such a container, and being under the influence of moisture and putrid bacteria, the vegetation turns into organic fertilizer of high quality, ideally suitable for feeding gardening vegetation.

How to make a compost pit. Video

Making a drawer for compost with your own hands

The question associated with the disposal of plant waste at the household plot is worried about most gardeners. Exporting them outside the garden is not worth it, because with the right approach of the body can become excellent fertilizer. The same unnecessary vegetation, as noted above, is better in the compost yam, which should be volumetric. We suggest to consider the option of building a compost pit with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction to which the procedure even a newcomer will help to implement the procedure.

As an example, take the design a compost drawer consisting of three sections.

Install 8 wooden ColumnAfter finishing the protective composition of the lower part of each of them (the one that will be located under the earth). As a protective solution, you can apply fuel oil, moving or used machine oil.

If a fenceon your household plot is durable and reliable, then its canvas can be applied as a support for one side of the sides of the compost drawer (as shown in the photo). Actually, this option facilitates the task, eliminating the need to dig a few more holes under the columns.

The next step in the creation of the design is a sectional device partition. To do this, to support several boards, leaving the small slits for ventilation necessarily between them. It should also be considered that in two compartments of the box will be created small doorsTherefore, the front part of it should be seen by the boards only until half of the height.

The third compartment is equipped with a large door, and in connection with this it is worth nourishing one board in the lower, front of the box.

Next Stage of Work - Installation covers The end areas of sectional partitions, as well as - the rear and front walls are enhanced by crossbars.

computer box with your own hands. Photo

The door hanging is performed, which also perform the function of the lids of the compost box. It is already clear that one large and two small doors will be located in front.

When creating a wooden box for compost, immediately take care that wood does not become a composite component of organic fertilizers prepared from waste of vegetable origin. The compost ripening process involves the gradual decomposition of the organic, and the tree also belongs to the components of natural, organic origin. And therefore, when designing a three-section compost box made of boards, it is preferably to impregnate every item special compositiondeep penetration. It will protect the tree from the effects of moisture, putrefactive processes and harmful insects. It is now easy to acquire a solution for the complex protection of wooden surfaces, but it should be remembered that it should be non-toxic. Then the organic fertilizer (compost) will be qualitative.

After the boards are saturated, the finished box for compost coloringin an acceptable color for you. The paint is desirable to pick up non-toxic. It should have high resistance to temperature drops, not fading into the sun. Apply it to a box in two layers.

The last stage of creating a design is to hang out the scores and pens. The compost pit from the boards is fully ready for use!

Computer pit. Options for its equipment

Now there are many different technologies for the construction of compost pits with their own hands. Each owner of the cottage or country house with a land plot chooses the type of construction, which is ideal for specific location conditions. We give the several most common types of equipment of the kittleners to assemble compost.

Option 1st. It is rarely used, and mainly in cases where the prepared compost is expected to be used no earlier than after 1.5-2 years. The essence of the work here is to dig a pit on the allotted area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain. It should be similar in shape to the well, but be not so deep. The walls of the compost pit must be strengthened so that the soil does not collapse. The peculiarity of the pit prepared in this way is that it will ripen the raw materials for fertilizer, without interference from a person. And therefore it is worth taking care of creating optimal conditions for the preparation of organic fertilizers. The walls of the finished pit begin to sow at an altitude of 15-25 cm from the bottom, while at the bottom of the bottom no material stacked. This will allow microorganisms and worms to penetrate the soil in the folded residues of vegetation unhindered.

Council. Before laying the vegetable mass into a hole, wept to break it well, as well as equip the ventilation output in the form of a pipe. After heavy rains or abundant watering a pit with a compost, cover with a polyethylene film. This activates the operation of microorganisms, and the jurisdiction of the organic will go faster.

If possible, a compost yam is better to create beyond the local area, in the forest belt.

Option 2nd. In this case, the pit for compost is equipped right in the garden. Many land owners note that such an option is more convenient in the sense that the unloading of organic fertilizers from the pit is carried out as needed. The basis of the design is a formwork, and it is possible to make it from any submitted materials. It can be plastic barrels or a box collected from individual boards. The presented method also involves ensuring access to worms and microorganisms into the thickness of organic residues. And therefore, the soil is loosened before laying vegetation, and the formwork design is slightly plunged (about 20-30 cm). The need to prevent the natural circulation of air in the generated box determines the leaving of the alkaline between the milk elements of the structure, or the formation of holes in plastic surfaces.

Option 3rd. Another method of preparation of organic fertilizers from plant residues is the creation of the so-called buoy, or a compost heap. This technology is considered the simplest, however, when it is used, hygiene requirements are not respected. At the preservation area, when choosing such a method of cooking compost, the optimal area is selected, on which the substrate from gravel, sand or dry grass is immediately made. The top of it is placed on her vegetable waste, and their overvalues \u200b\u200bare waiting. Full availability Organic fertilizer reaches a year after two or more. The complexity lies in the fact that the bunch has to be intermitted periodically, and before the onset of winter, it is still engaged in its insulation so that microorganisms do not die under the influence of cold.

So, the variants of the equipment of the compost hole there are many, and the difference between them goes both by the materials used and the size and characteristics of its design. In any case, with the right approach, it will not even be difficult for even a novice master.


The compost yam with his own hands for its creation requires solid materials from which it would be possible to make the walls of the box in which plant residues will be stored. The previous sections have already described the possibility of forming such structures from boards, building pallets or plastic barrels. There is another good way - a compost box from waste slate. In the household, many lacrimal owners are certainly there such a dacha. Slate leaves are becoming a beautiful base for the walls of the compost box. In addition, the compost pit from such a material will be reliable and durable. To create a box of slate with your own hands, we recommend performing work in such a sequence:

Decide exactly parameters Designs. Remember that the pit should be in size so that all the plant waste was placed inside it, collected from the site for two seasons (and sometimes more time). If we consider that a small bunch of vegetation residues (topped leaves) by its volume is about 0.25 cubic meters, then the pit for their processing can be made with dimensions of 1M * 1M * 1M. In this case, there will still be a bit of place and for food waste.

After selecting the territory, you will need to make a small depressionin the soil (by 20-30 cm).

In the corners of the design and in the central part are installed racks Created from thick branches of trees or conventional metal pipes of small diameter.

With the help of prepared slate sheets form walls Computer box.

Compost ripens in the pit for two years, and slate partitionLocated in the middle of the box, makes it possible to use the internal space of the pit continuously. That is, the result of the work becomes a two-piece box from slate, each of the compartments of which is used alternately.

List of compost drawer requirements

By studying the question of how to make a compost yam from certain materials, do not forget about the requirements for such designs. First of all, in the manufacture of a compost box, it is necessary to consider that a constant air flow is needed for ripening. Therefore, on the sides of the design must be present ventilation holes. So that useful substances from the created organic fertilizer were filled out into the ground, it is desirable to cover the compost yam during the rain lid. You can use the conventional polyethylene film instead of the cover, but in this case it will need to somehow fix on the edges to avoid being blown by the wind. It should also be taken into account that the compost is ripening from the bottom faster, so easy access should be provided to the lower part. On the above scheme, you can see how the simplest box for compost is arranged. Note that the boards located on the side are made removable, and the design dimensions can be changed. As an option, you can consider creating a drawer with removable front boards.

There is also a way to create a simpler design box. In it, the loops will be made of durable strips of rubber or other elastic material. They are well fixed on the surface of the chismeted boards.

An economical option for creating a compost box will be the product from wooden pallets, for the device that does not need special skills and a lot of time.

What can and can not be thrown into the compost pit?

Finding out how the compost pit is made from different consumables, it is impossible to cost attention and recommendations on which waste can be thrown into it, and which is not.

A well-designed pit for compost will fully justify the goal of its creation if the following types of organic waste will be collected in it:

  • The fallen bark of trees, old leaves and small branches, cheva, herbal roots and small roots of trees.
  • Suspended manure and bird guano.
  • Grass and beveled weed vegetation.
  • The remains of herbal tea or coffee.
  • Purification of vegetables and fruits, missing berries, fruits and vegetables.
  • The ash, remaining from the burning of wood.
  • Wood chips, straw, sawdust, hay.
  • Napkins, cardboard, packages from paper and paper itself.

Recommendation. To the thick layer of grass laid in the compost hole, decomposed faster, sprinkle it on top of fresh loose ground. If this is not done, the process of overheating the grass will delay for a period of half a year before a year.

As for those components that cannot be inserted into the compost yam, they are present in their list:

  • Potato and tomato tops. Often, it is infected with phytoophluorosis disputes, and laying it into compost in the future will lead to the spread of the disease throughout the garden plot, and the defeat of phytoofluorosis of new seasonal vegetation.
  • Products of inorganic origin that will not be detected under the influence of natural factors. This belongs to the metal, packages made of polyethylene, rubber and synthetics, components with the base of plastic.
  • Vegetation, generously fertilized by chemicals.
  • The branches of large thickness, for the overloading of which takes a lot of time.
  • Seeds of weeding plants that have already passed the stage of ripening.
  • Fekes of animals living in the house. They may include inclusions in the form of bones or eggs of helminths

How to exploit the compost pit?

In the previous sections of our article, we found out how to make a compost yam from the primary components, and also - what can be laid in it, and what to put in a pit is undesirable. Now it remains to designate those simple requirements that will help properly exploit the design to store compost throughout the year. Here they are:

  • Try to periodically exercise looseningcompost Garden forks. This will provide an oxygen inflow to a divergent organic. Waste mixing will help speed up the process of their decomposition.
  • The compost pile should occasionally water. If there is arid and hot weather on the street, the amount of watering compost irrigation should be increased. With regular moisture, the contents of the pit will be better and faster. But the dry compost completely stops its decomposition.
  • If there is such an opportunity, it is desirable to periodically lay in the thickness of rotting vegetation californian worms. They will not only break the contents of the compost, but also partially process it.
  • Preferably on top of waste in the pit lay dark polyethylene film. Due to it in the thickness of the raw biomaterial, a greenhouse effect will arise, and due to it, the temperature inside the heap will increase significantly. Binding folded layers of vegetation will occur faster. At the same time, the presence of film ensures the preservation of the wet environment in the compost, and prevents the growth of weeds there. The ripening period of the compost heap covered with a film is 3-4 months. If you do not cover the pit with an organic, then the process of ripening waste is stretched for a whole year.
  • If there is an opportunity to a hole with a compost, it is recommended to add special preparations Accelerating the decomposition procedure of components. Among the most famous such compositions can be called Baikal EM-1, SanEX eco-componust, a compostar, composting, arbitration.

With the right arrangement of the compost pits and regular care, the owners of the household plots will be able to obtain a fertilizer of high quality, which does not contain in its composition of harmful substances.

Computer pit with your own hands. Video

Compost - This is a fertilizer from organic raw materials, suitable for enriching the soil on flower beds, beds with vegetables and under fruit trees in the garden. It breaks out clay soil and delays moisture in the sandy soil.

Usually gardeners buy compost in garden stores. But with some efforts and the share of patience, you can get a "home" compost.

High-class compost is made of organic garbage:

Than a variety of organic waste, the better the compost will turn out

  • unsuitable in food (rejuvenated), but not affected by diseases of fruits (berries, fruits, vegetables, cereals);
  • used tea welding and coffee grounds;
  • straw and healthy plants (herbs, colors);
  • foliage, branches, bark, roots and ash trees and shrubs;
  • sawdust;
  • needles;
  • small pieces of waste paper (napkins, chopped newspapers, packaging, cardboard);
  • fragments of natural fabrics (cotton, flax, wool, silk);
  • the second year manure of herbal farm animals (cows, horses).

To the compost hole is forbidden to throw:

  • excrement of dogs and cats;
  • bones;
  • insect pests (for example, beetles - dung and colorado);
  • potato and tomato tops;
  • bOTS, treated with chemical fertilizers;
  • perennial rhizable weeds;
  • coal ash;
  • synthetic garbage (rubber, plastic and cellophan, scrap metal).

Waste can be simply added in a bunch of inconspicuous corner of the site, and you can prepare a neat hole for them, which will not even see guests.

Make such a compost pit does not represent much work. For this, quite everywhere available materials and some patience.

How to independently build a dog booth, read in.

Tools and Materials for Work

The compost container is often built from boards or bars.

To do this, you will need:

  • circular saw, electrolovka, circular saw or ordinary hacksaw - for sawing wood;
  • chisel;
  • rifted;
  • roulette;
  • waterpas (or level);
  • garden shovel or drill;
  • hammer and nails;
  • screws (ideally galvanized);
  • metallic profile;
  • boards from any breeds of trees;
  • paint;
  • door handles and spingalents.

To protect wood from exposure to moisture and insects:

  • moisture-resistant enamel;
  • varnish with anti-grapple impregnation.

Long serve you with faith and truth pit with poured concrete walls.

For the manufacture of concrete, it will be necessary:

  • river sand;
  • crushed stone or gravel;
  • cement;
  • water.

Sometimes it does not want to spend a lot of strength and time to make a compost pit. In this case, it is easier to acquire ready-made containers and barrels for compost compost. Such composters have an attractive appearance, but it will be more expensive.

Advantages of a plastic composter:

  • the hermetic container does not allow leaks and, as a result, drinking water pollution;
  • thanks to the ventilation system, water is not stored in the container.

When installing a plastic tank, be sure to add drugs to raw materials, accelerating the process of decomposition of the organic or can be calculated in future humid rainwoods.

Step-by-step instructions for creating pit

Deep compost yama

Compost in such a pit matures longer, and it is more complicated to mix it, but sometimes it is the only possible option.

The dig of a compost pit follows where the water will not flock to the well after abundant rains. Products of rotting, getting into the water designed for drinking, will affect its taste and health safety.

Deep pit is better because compost will not spoil the general view of the site, but in such a pit it is preparing longer

In order for the organic mass, the amount of oxygen required for decomposition is necessary, the pit is digging as follows.

Step 1

Remove the soil not more than 1 m in the depth, 2 m in length and 1.5 m wide. If you move to the pocket from the depth, then it will be difficult to extract the ripening humus.

Step 2.

From each wall of the pits, 20 cm are retreating and bought in the corners of four columns.

Step 3.

The columns connect to the skins that are fixed in 5 cm from each other so that all the compost layers are freely supplied with oxygen. It turns out the inside wooden box.

Review of the species of small architectural forms for landscape design see.

Want to land flower beds to zoning the site? Learn to choose plants for.

Step 4.

The finished pit is divided by half with a wooden shield to fill in only one half.

Step 5.

On the bottom of the pits lay a layer of thick branches (10-15 cm), bark or straw. The resulting drainage will take extra moisture and will allow raw materials at the bottom of the pit to ventilate.

The bottom and sidewalls of the pit do not cover anything so that earth worms could freely penetrate into it, helping to form humus.

It is important to maintain a certain level of humidity in the pit. To do this, do not forget as it dry out watering a compost bunch of watering can and periodically loose humus. Cover a bunch of film to create a sauna effect.

Now it remains to immerse the suitable raw material, from which first-class fertilizer will later get.

Organic waste is discharged into one part of the compost pit. After some time they are recking on the other half. This contributes to the saturation of the contents of the pit oxygen.

Booted compost yama

The most durable compost pit is made of concrete. In such a pit, the cement mortar is poured the side walls, which increases its value.

Bettered compost pit is a durable structure that will serve not one dozen years

Step 1

It is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil and dig a rectangular deepening with a length of 3 m, a width - 2 m and a depth of 60-80 cm.

Step 2.

Now we make a formwork and pour the walls with a solution of rubble, sand and cement.

To do this, suck in the declined bucket of gravel and gradually pour water into it. If the bucket was fitted 5 liters of water (half of the volume of buckets), then it is necessary to adhere to the 2: 1 ratio (on a complete gravel bucket - 5 liters of sand).

It is not necessary to remake with water, otherwise numerous pores are formed on the surface of the concrete. When pouring walls, concrete should be borne in mind that the most convenient compost pits are obtained by separating the space into two sections.

Step 3.

We cover the compost yam with a chain mesh or a metal frame cover.

If you decide to make a wooden cover, you can drill a few holes in it for ventilation.

The main thing is that the lid is easily shot - the contents of the compost pocket will have to be mixed at least once a week. One wall is also definitely easy to do. Otherwise, it will be difficult when extracting the finished compost.

Sometimes the pit does not dig for compost, but prepare it in special boxes.

Three-section compost box

The most rational embodiment of the compost will be the box, divided into three specialized sections:

  • department for laying waste;
  • branch for turning overcoat;
  • department for ripe compost.

You can make such a box from wooden boards yourself in all in several stages.

Step 1

We heat 8 wooden bars to the ground. To prevent wood from drunking, we pre-lubricate to death, old engine oil or fuel oil, those parts of the pegs that will be in the soil.

We establish eight wooden columns, having previously treated them

You can attach four side bars to the fence - then you will not need to dig for four pits, and the rear wall of the box can not be done.

Step 2.

We make partitions, connecting pegs with boards. The whisk of the board is necessary so that the gaps for free air passes are provided between them.

The front part of the first two compartments of the future drawer need to be seen by the boards until the middle of the height, to then make small doors in them. In the last section of the door will be big, so you nourish only one board from the bottom.

Step 3.

Partitions and end parts of the front and rear walls are strengthened, navigating crossbars. Attend the doors that are simultaneously lid.

In the front of the box inspired two small doors and one big.

So that the box itself has not started to decompose and does not become part of the future fertilizer, wooden parts must be predetermined by the impregnating solution that protects against moisture and insects. Impregnation can be bought in the store. You should choose a non-toxic agent.

Step 4.

The impregnated drawer is coated in two layers of paint (second - after complete drying of the first). The color of the paint can be chosen to their taste - you just need it to be combined with a common landscape design.

Choosing paint, consider that the box will constantly affect the sun's rays and temperature differences. Paint is needed in 2 layers

Step 5.

Attend accessories to the box - handles and spinages. Box ready.

Compost storage facilities are usually as a rule for several years. Therefore, it makes sense to concrete the bottom of the box, and on top to fasten it with drainage. You can put on the bottom of the plastic shields.

You will appreciate that the efforts to make a compost pit or box are not in vain, when you feel that you have ceased to spend the physical strength on the export of large garbage volumes from your household site. Now organic waste is enough to add to the refined compost pile.

If you watched the compost jam with the mind (to sink fertilizer in time, add new raw materials to it), then the fresh compost will have year-round, and you will not be forced to cook start-up.