How to choose an autonomous sewage system for a private house - detailed instructions. Modern autonomous private sewage system for a country house, cottage or summer cottage

In the absence of the possibility of connecting the house to the central sewerage system, the only option is an autonomous sewerage system in a private house - it is not too difficult to do it with your own hands, but to perform some work, if necessary, you can attract specialists and special equipment. The cost of the project as a whole and the time of its implementation depend on individual characteristics.

Waste disposal is one of the defining issues when choosing an autonomous sewage system. Comfort of living largely depends on the correct choice and efficiency of the treatment or storage facility.

In order to make it easier to compare the possible options, we will briefly list the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

DIY constructions

Sealed cesspool, on the one hand, is a classic, on the other hand, this classic is increasingly giving way to more perfect and economical designs due to its main drawback - the need to periodically call a sewer machine to pump out the contents. Cleaning services are not only troublesome, but also inevitable costs. At the same time, during the construction phase, a cesspool is the cheapest option.

Self-built septic tanks depending on the design, they can significantly increase the time intervals between pumping out wastewater or make it possible to do without sewers altogether, limiting themselves to cleaning the structure once a year or even less often. Undoubtedly, you will have to buy materials for the construction of septic tanks with your own hands, but from an economic point of view, there are certain advantages:

  • you can use used materials,
  • the cost of materials is lower than that of a finished structure,
  • there is no need to spend money on work (with the rare exception of the necessary use of lifting equipment).

Materials for the manufacture of tanks for self-construction can be:

  • concrete rings,
  • concrete (for flooded construction),
  • brick,
  • plastic large containers (eurocubes).

Ready solutions

Ready-made septic tanks can be volatile or self-contained. Requiring and not requiring pumping.

Among the options available on the market for sewage disposal equipment, there are two main categories.

1. Non-volatile factory septic tanks differ in their operational capabilities and, accordingly, in cost. The more efficiently the septic tank works (performance, degree of purification), the more it costs, however, the higher the level of comfort and less effort is required for maintenance.

In the photo there is an autonomous sewerage system based on a non-volatile septic tank with additional wastewater treatment in the filtration fields

2. Local treatment plants (VOCs) are rather expensive, but more efficient structures with the ability to treat wastewater with removal of up to 98-99% of impurities and obtain water suitable for irrigation. Balanced systems and bioremediation methods used make VOCs safe and easy to use. The main disadvantage of VOCs is the high cost of equipment and the need for electricity consumption.

The most popular models of ready-made sewage treatment plants are:

  • Tank,
  • Unilos,
  • Tver,
  • Topas.

For an independent device of a sewage treatment plant, it may be useful for you if you decide to choose this material.

And about the construction of a brick septic tank is.

How to install a septic tank, as well as about its device, we told on this page

System design

An autonomous sewage system in a private house will work flawlessly only if, during its construction, all the nuances of operation are taken into account as much as possible, including:

  • average daily volume of water consumption (the volume of the tank must be at least three daily norms),
  • number of drain points,
  • terrain (it is better to place a sewage treatment plant or storage facility at the lowest point),
  • the level of groundwater (the design of the tank and its operation must exclude the possibility of their pollution),
  • location of key facilities on the site (there are sanitary standards that determine the minimum permissible distances to sources of drinking water, windows and doors of a residential building, fruit trees and a vegetable garden, a road, etc.).

When an autonomous sewage system is designed with your own hands, the scheme includes:

  • external communications and treatment plant,
  • internal piping and equipment,
  • ventilation system.

In order for the developed system to fully comply with the operating conditions and not experience overloads, the following items are included in the project:

  • the number of residents (including the separately counted number of possible seasonal visitors to the house of relatives),
  • the possible number of guests simultaneously visiting the house for a short time,
  • number of points of water intake and their type (equipping them with one or another equipment),
  • site layout (optimal if a diagram is attached indicating the linear dimensions, area, location of the house, outbuildings, sources of drinking water).

Sewerage system installation

In order to understand how to make an autonomous sewage system in a private house, you can consider the whole range of works, dividing it into separate blocks.

External communications

The external pipeline is the main line from the residential building to the wastewater collection or treatment site. An ideal option would be a straight line from one point to another, made with the necessary slope, however, it is far from always possible to lay the highway in this way.

In addition, it is possible to insert additional outlets into this line (drains from a shower, bath, etc.). All bends and tapping points pose a potential risk of blockage, since solid impurities can be trapped on the pipe walls when the flow rate changes.

Concerning certain rules should be followed:

  • To avoid sudden changes in the direction of flow of drains, which can cause blockages, oblique crosses and tees are used for installation, as well as bends with angles of 15, 30 and 45 degrees.
  • All points of direction change and tie-ins are complemented by inspection chambers.

Another important point is selection of pipes for the outdoor system... It is possible to use products from:

  • plastic,
  • cast iron.

Plastic pipes made of PVC for external sewage should be orange, and for internal - gray

When choosing, not only the cost is taken into account, but also the characteristics of the pipes.

  • If a drain from a dishwasher and washing machine is brought into the sewer, it is better not to use polymer materials that are sensitive to high temperatures, at least at the beginning of the line, where the drains have not yet cooled down.
  • On sections laid under paths, sidewalks, and, moreover, under the road, only the strongest cast-iron pipes are used for vehicles to enter the site.

There are other nuances that should be taken into account when deciding how to make an autonomous sewage system in a private house.

  • Too high as well as too low a flow rate can cause blockages, therefore it is important to ensure throughout the entire line stable slope 2% (2 cm of level reduction per meter of length).
  • External communications are laid in trenches, the depth of which should be greater than the depth of soil freezing in the region).
  • Communications need mandatory thermal insulation, if it is not possible to lay them below the level of soil freezing. When laying in a frost-free layer, additional protection can be dispensed with
  • For the durability of the system, all pipes except plastic must also be protected from moisture.
  • In addition to inspection wells in difficult places of the system, similar structures are installed along the entire length at the rate of 1 well for 10-15 meters of the mainline.

Internal system

An internal autonomous sewage system in a private house with their own hands is made of polypropylene or PVC pipes. In this case, the temperature of the effluent and the susceptibility of the material must also be considered.

The diameter of the pipes is selected depending on the volume and type of wastewater at each point. For washbasins, 50 mm bends are sufficient, and 110 mm for toilets and common collectors. The amount of slope required for the drainage campaign without delays and the formation of plugs depends on the diameter of the line: for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm it is 3% (3 cm for each meter of length), and for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm - 2% (2 cm).

To prevent backflow when blockage occurs it is recommended to install check valves (for each branch separately or common for the collector pipeline). When installing internal sewage systems, also water traps are used orthat can prevent unpleasant odors from entering the room from the sewer.

The most important element of the sewer system is the junction point of its internal and external components, the so-called outlet from the house, which is the transition of an in-house collector with a highway that transports wastewater to the septic tank.

  • If the sewage system is arranged in an already built house, installation of the outlet above the ground is possible. In this case, high-quality thermal insulation is required to prevent freezing.
  • Release through the foundation below the freezing level of the soil reduces the risk and is preferred. The possibility of drilling a hole for laying a pipe after building a building is determined individually. It is best to arrange such an exit during the construction stage.
  • The outlet pipe must pass through the wall with the installation of the sleeve, which protects the exhaust pipe from damage and deformation. As a rule, a section of a pipe of a larger diameter (by 10-15 cm) acts as a sleeve, which allows laying the exhaust pipe into it and protruding 10 cm beyond the foundation on both sides.
  • When drilling a hole and installing a sleeve, it is important to take into account the need for a slope of communications towards the septic tank. The position of the sleeve is able to determine the magnitude of this slope.

Sewer system ventilation

How the autonomous sewage system of a private house works largely depends on efficiency. The latter is designed to normalize the pressure in the pipelines, which changes when the water is drained, and also to remove gases from the system. The presence of ventilation also allows you to extend the durability of the system, eliminating the possibility.

In addition, the timely flow of air into the rarefaction zone that occurs when water is drained eliminates the possibility of its capture from the siphons, which is usually accompanied by unpleasant sounds. The classic solution is with its free end leading to the roof.

During construction, certain requirements and features should be taken into account.

  • The fan pipe should be located on the roof above the rest (chimney, house ventilation).
  • The horizontal distance from the fan pipe to the nearest window or balcony must be at least 4 m.
  • The optimum outlet pipe diameter is 110 mm (the same as the diameter of the internal riser). On the one hand, it provides the necessary thrust, on the other hand, with such a value, the partial narrowing of the passage due to the formation of ice in frosty weather is not critical for the system.

The device of autonomous sewage in a private house is increasingly complemented bythat can replace or work with general ventilation. Diaphragm or rod designs respond to pressure changes. Depending on the model, the valves can only operate on air inlet or on air inlet and outlet. The valves can be installed on a common pipeline or on the branches of individual plumbing facilities. It is often advisable to install such a device only on the outlet of the washing machine, since it is she who drains the water with a certain pressure, thereby dramatically changing the pressure in the pipeline.

Long gone are the days when a "birdhouse" on the street arranged for everyone in a private house. The modern standard of a comfortable life, even in the country, assumes the presence of a normal toilet and, at least, a shower. And in the house there is often more than one bathroom, and in addition, a lot of household appliances. To ensure the required level of comfort, the sewage system for a private house must be done correctly and its basis is the choice of a method for processing wastewater.

Septic tank and local treatment plant - what is the difference

Unknowingly, many call both those and other installations septic tanks, although these are different solutions that have effluents at the outlet, purified to varying degrees. And although Topas, Poplar, Unilos, Tver are also called septic tanks, they are autonomous purification plants. Actually traditional septic tanks are Termit, Rostock, Mole, and many others.

Autonomous sewage treatment plants (autonomous sewerage) are often called a toilet for a house without pumping. This means that there is no need to call a sewer truck, but the sludge still needs to be pumped out. Just the amount of sludge is about 10 buckets, you can remove it yourself using the built-in or fecal pump.

To understand which of the solution methods - AU or a septic tank - is better, you must first understand how they differ, and then consider a specific situation. Sewerage for a private house can be done correctly without the involvement of specialists - with your own hands, but for this you need to clearly understand what and why you need to do it. Let's figure it out.

Features of septic tanks

Septic tanks are several tanks-chambers connected by overflow pipes. Each of the chambers has its own cleaning stage. Its basis is fermentation and decomposition by anaerobic bacteria (they can live without oxygen), which are contained in the waste. The more chambers in the septic tank, the more cleaning stages, the cleaner the outlet water is. But more than 50-60% can be obtained very rarely without additional filtration measures.

There is a device against surfacing ("skirt" at the bottom)

Septic tanks are produced from plastic, fiberglass, concrete, very rarely - from stainless steel. Cameras can be implemented in one housing, or they can be separate. To save money, they often build septic tanks with their own hands. Most often -, but they are also built from brick or reinforced concrete. Please note that the container must be completely sealed. This is very important for self-construction.

Basic properties

We will deal with the peculiarities of septic tanks. They are:

The main disadvantage of this method of cleaning wastewater from a private house is the need for additional treatment. Funds are also needed for the construction of additional structures, but without them the sewerage system for a private house will not be correct. It is impossible to dump semi-treated wastewater onto the ground. They will very quickly fall into the water and return to yours and your neighbors' wells and wells. This will not bring you joy and health, and you also have to endure the "gratitude" of your neighbors. So we figure out how to clean up drains after a septic tank.

What to do with the drains

Please note that paired with a septic tank, you must have a post-treatment device. Depending on the soil, this can be a filtration well, a filtration ditch or a field (underground or filled). Only in this case can the cleaning be considered complete. Which of the types of filter elements to make depends on the type of soil and the level of groundwater.

One of the ways of additional wastewater treatment after a septic tank is a filtration field

Local treatment plants (LOS or AU)

Autonomous sewerage installations, during normal operation, are able to obtain fairly clean water. It cannot be used as drinking water or for watering the garden, but as a technical one, it is very possible. The basis of purification is the work of aerobic bacteria (they live under the condition of the presence of oxygen). The waste processed by them turns into silt, settles to the bottom of a special tank, from where it is then pumped out. The frequency of pumping out is 1-4 times a year, depending on the intensity of use.

In general, an autonomous sewage treatment plant is a good thing, but it has certain operating features that you definitely need to know before deciding what is best for the sewerage of a private house - a septic tank or AU.

This is how the installations for the autonomous sewerage of a private house look like. it

AU at the outlet have water purified by 90-95%. With this quality, it can be poured onto the ground, however, for this you must have laboratory tests on hand. Therefore, many people still prefer to use an intermediate sump from which the water is then used for technical purposes. The second option is to divert wastewater to filtering devices. This, of course, is a reassurance, but in emergency situations it saves.

With the help of which the drains are cleaned

Waste is processed by anaerobic bacteria (only live when there is air). To provide them with air, aerators are constantly operating in the VOC. In addition, during purification, the transfer of contents from one compartment to another occurs using built-in pumps. So without electricity, these installations are inoperative.

Inside, the AU is also divided into cameras (this is Topas)

If the electricity is turned off, bacteria without air can survive no more than 4 hours, then they die, the effluents cease to be processed. To start the system, it is required to populate it with new bacteria, and it is possible to return to a working state only after 2-3 weeks. All this time, the drains will flow, at best, semi-cleaned. This is where a sump or filter unit comes in handy. He will improve the situation at least a little.

Features of operation

Since the volume of autonomous sewage treatment plants is small, they need constant feeding: bacteria need nutrients for normal life. Therefore, such devices are suitable for private houses of permanent residence - regular receipts are needed. In principle, preservation for a period is possible, but the procedure is not pleasant, and it will take a long time to enter the installation mode again.

Bacteria that process waste in automatic wastewater treatment plants are also sensitive to active chemistry. Since the volumes of the chambers are smaller, the disposal of detergents or disinfectants can significantly damage the recycling process. Moreover, it can negatively affect cleaning and antibiotic treatment.

VOCs are much smaller than septic tanks. They are calculated depending on the daily water consumption, but there is such an indicator as a salvo discharge. This is the amount of waste water that an autonomous sewage system can accept at one time. When this value is exceeded, untreated wastewater is poured into other chambers, which significantly reduces the degree of purification. So, in this situation, you have to do what plumbing fixtures and household appliances work at the same time. And if the bathtub is coming down, no other devices should work for a while.

In short: advantages and disadvantages

Autonomous sewage treatment plants are certainly convenient, with them the sewage system for a private house is implemented quickly - installation takes 10-12 hours. Pumping out excess sludge is needed several times a year (1-4 times, depending on the intensity of use, but it may be less or more often). The amount of sludge pumped out is very small (5-10 buckets depending on the model) and maintenance can be carried out independently, although the procedure is not the most pleasant. But they are doing this, since the arrival of a specialist is not at all cheap.

These treatment facilities for the home have drawbacks - the high cost of equipment, dependence on the availability of electricity and the need to monitor the condition of the equipment.

Sewerage for a private house: which is better

Which sewerage system is better for a private house - a septic tank or AU - it is impossible to say without reference to specific conditions. Different soils, location of groundwater, stability of power supply. All this influences the choice of the optimal solution. Let's consider the most common situations.

Concrete septic tankPlastic septic tankAeration unit (AU or VOC)
Dependence on electricitynotnotguaranteed power supply required
TightnessDifficult to seal, especially with high water tableThe case is sealed, requires anchoring or special fixturesSealed body, does not float (always full)
Insistence on regularity of "replenishment"IrrelevantIrrelevantIt reacts poorly to uneven flows of wastewater, it is better to use it for permanent residence
Salvo dischargeHandles large volumes perfectlyHandles only a certain amount of waste
ServiceRegular pumping out by a sewage truck (1-3 times a year)The machine is not needed, but the sludge must be removed, and the installation must be washed 1-4 times a year
Possibility of self-productionYou can do it yourselfFactory version onlyFactory version only
The costThe cheapest optionAverage by priceDear
Wastewater post-treatment optionsFilter well, sand and gravel filter, infiltratorsFilter well, sand and gravel filter, infiltrators, drainage ditch

As you can see, there is no universal solution. There is a better one for this situation. Correctly chosen sewage system for a private house is half the battle. Now it remains to decide on the wiring and.

Currently, modern construction of suburban housing is developing at a rapid pace. Cottages, houses, settlements are being built at a remote distance from industrial centers. Due to the fact that there are no centralized sewerage, heating networks and water supply systems nearby.

People who live in villages far from city amenities are trying to solve the issue of arranging their suburban housing on their own - they equip with their own hands an autonomous sewage system in a private house, cottage or in the country. To understand what is the best sewer system to buy and equip in the country, you need to understand what it is and what role it plays.

What it is?

The inhabitants of the metropolis are not worried about the question of where the wastewater disappears from the vent of the sewer system, in fact, and why should they bother themselves with such a question, pressed the button, the water flowed from the cistern, washed away the waste, and where did they go to them before that little business. But outside the city limits, things are completely different.

If wastewater is discharged into the terrain, it can have catastrophic consequences. First of all, an unpleasant odor will hover throughout the site, then waterlogging will begin, the water in the well will become unfit for drinking.

In this case, you cannot do without a war with your neighbors, who will like to breathe an unbearable stench instead of fresh air, and of course they will certainly call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, which, in turn, will not only close your site, but you will also have to pay a fine.

To avoid such troubles, you need to equip an autonomous sewage system on the site with your own hands, which will process and divert water waste. Autonomous sewerage for a private house or summer cottage is an integral part of systems that perform the functions of drainage and water supply of a residential building.

The main role that it performs is the drainage of effluents that are formed as a result of household and economic activities of people living in the house, the drainage of surface water, the removal of liquid and solid waste, which then undergo effective treatment in the sewer system.

The main purpose

The main purpose of the sewage system is to efficiently drain wastewater that has formed as a result of our economic and domestic activities, in addition, it serves as a drainage of surface water, as well as solid and liquid waste, which are deeply treated.

For houses that are located far from the centralized sewerage system, the device of an autonomous sewerage system can be considered the only possible solution, thanks to which it will be possible to ensure a positive sanitary and epidemic result.

In the photo you can see a diagram of the device of the autonomous sewage system of a private house.

Varieties of autonomous sewage

Based on what tasks the autonomous sewage systems will solve, they can be divided into several types:

  • Household sewerage system.
  • Storm sewer system.

Below we will talk in more detail about each of them, this will help you choose the most suitable option.

Storm autonomous sewerage system for a country house. The main purpose of this system is to drain rain and melt water from the site. The design of an autonomous stormwater drainage system is a system consisting of drainage and drainage pipes that are connected to special ladders and storage wells - the places where water is discharged into the sewer system.

In the photo above, you can see the installation of a storm sewer system on the site.

Accumulative type wells, in addition to their main role, can serve as engineering and observation structures, and also perform purification functions.

Household sewerage system. This type of sewer system requires a more complex treatment plant. The presence of organic inclusions in household waste, as well as the presence of biological and chemical. substances do not allow to discharge domestic wastewater into a nearby ravine or river.

And now let's talk about what types of treatment facilities exist that are successfully used today to equip the local sewerage system of a country house, summer house or cottage.

To properly organize a local sewage system in the country or at home, watch the video presented here:

  • Septic tanks

This type of treatment plant is very often used in the event that it is not possible to connect to a city treatment plant. They are accumulative, sealed, made of polymer-based materials, concrete, brick and even car tires. In the photo below you can see various types of septic tanks that you can do yourself quickly and inexpensively. You can also choose and install a ready-made septic tank in the country or at home.

This video shows how you can make a cesspool from car tires:

In fact, a septic tank is an ordinary cesspool, which requires constant pumping of drains and their removal. How often pumping out of the pit will be carried out depends on the number of people living in the country house and how often they will use the plumbing.

Among the advantages of such a sewer system, it is worth highlighting the ease of installation, low price and long service life. As for the drawback, there is only one - it will be necessary to constantly resolve the issue of pumping out the waste water from the septic tank and disposing of it, which entails additional costs and considerable, because the price for such services is far from cheap.

There are more complex systems that provide for the possibility of several cleaning methods at once: sedimentation of organic inclusions and their subsequent grinding and decomposition. Cleaning with this method reaches almost one hundred percent.

It must be said that such autonomous sewage systems require a more serious approach to do-it-yourself installation on the site. Of course, the cost of installing such systems will be high, but you will have a good and highly efficient sewage system in your home.

  • Two-tiered sedimentation tanks

The autonomous sewage system of this type is very simple, but at the same time its work is very effective. Clarification of water waste is carried out by the method of gravity settling

To make it clearer, the work of the sewage system is as follows: when organic inclusions enter the system, they are delayed by obstacles that are made like a labyrinth, and due to the delay in the upper tier (obstacle), a mud crust gradually forms, then it begins to settle under its own weight to the bottom of the receiving compartment.

In the photo you can see a diagram of a two-level sump device.

If you do not know how to make a sump, then a video will help you:

  • Aeration tanks

Such a system is a container made of metal. The tanks are permeated by pipes with aerators and filled with colonies of microorganisms, under high pressure air is pumped through the pipes of the aerators, which saturates the drains, and they, in turn, form a favorable environment for aerobic bacteria that oxidize organic inclusions. Such an autonomous sewerage system of a country house provides the highest degree of purification.

In the photo you can see the aeration tank device.

  • Biofilters

This type is not used as an autonomous sewage system for a country house. They are used for the final stage of cleaning organic impurities before the effluent is removed from city treatment facilities and powerful septic tanks, which serve several country houses, cottages or summer cottages at once. the sewerage system is a multilayer polymer sieve - the basis, in their cells the vital activity of colonies of aerobic microorganisms occurs.

The photo shows a diagram of the biofilter device.

In the photo you can see how the polymer sieves look like - the bases.

Judging by the reviews, this type of sewer system can be called the best, since it provides almost one hundred percent degree of purification.


This type of autonomous sewage system in a private house can be called the simplest and most inexpensive solution. Equipping a cesspool on your own is not particularly difficult.

Photo: a cesspool made of concrete rings.

Advantages and disadvantages


Among the advantages of this type of autonomous sewage system for summer cottages, one should highlight:

  • Minimum costs for the installation of sewerage.
  • Low price and ease of use.


  • The cesspool can receive a small amount of wastewater.
  • The cost of a sewer truck (the price for pumping out can range from fifty to one hundred dollars, and sometimes more).
  • The presence of unpleasant odors.

Septic tanks

Among the advantages of using septic tanks for a country house, they should be especially noted:

  • Relatively low price for installation on the site.
  • Using a septic tank does not harm the environment.
  • The cleaning cycle is self-contained; no external intervention is needed.

The above list of the advantages of a septic tank is far from complete. Also, like any other sewerage system of a country house, its use has its drawbacks, the main of which are:

  • Operating costs.
  • Installation of additional equipment may be required.
  • Low cleaning level.

Autonomous sewerage in a private house. The work of an autonomous sewage system in a country house is exactly the same as the work of a septic tank, only more efficient. Among the advantages are:

  • The service life is fifty years, and with proper care it can last even more.
  • Lack of unpleasant odors.
  • The cleaning efficiency reaches up to ninety-eight percent.
  • You will need to order a sewage truck only once a year.

Among the shortcomings, judging by the reviews of people, the disadvantages include the high price for an autonomous sewage system for a private house.

In the photo you can see an autonomous sewerage device.

Photo: autonomous sewage system.

Comparison of popular systems

Septic tank Triton

Septic tank Triton, it is also called. Its price is low, easy to use, almost never breaks during operation. Numerous reviews of people about a septic tank indicate that it is better to choose it for an autonomous sewage system in a private house in the event that there are small volumes of liquid waste.

It will work effectively if a small family of two lives in a private house. Otherwise, you will often have to pay for pumping out the septic tank, and the price for such services is rather big.

In the photo you can see what a sealed septic tank Triton looks like.

Two-chamber septic tank

This option does not require pumping. The device of such an autonomous sewage system in a private house will be an excellent solution for a family of two to six people. It should be especially noted that the two-chamber septic tank requires almost no maintenance, cleaning can be carried out only once every two years. Among the advantages, one can single out the fact that the installation of an autonomous sewage system can be quickly and easily performed on your own in the country or next to a private house.

In the diagram above, you can see the device of a 2-chamber septic tank for a private house.

Septic Tank

This type of system has a simple but very reliable design. Despite the fact that it is equipped with two purification chambers for collecting wastewater, the water comes out slightly clarified, therefore, for better work, an infiltrator module will need to be installed, usually it is included in the kit.

The photo shows the factory septic tank Tank.

To better find out what it is and how a septic tank works, you can read on the network the reviews of people who have dealt with such an autonomous sewage system in a private house, in the country and only then decide whether it is suitable in your case or not. If we judge the operation of the septic tank Tank, then in terms of efficiency it can be compared with the Topas septic tank, which is widely used for installation in a house, cottage or in the country.

Septic tank Topas

Modern autonomous sewage system Topas for a private house or for a summer residence is an ideal solution, as it provides the highest degree of wastewater treatment. Due to the complex design, water purification is quite effective; such water can be safely poured into the ground or watered with it. As for the installation of an autonomous sewage system, it should be noted here that its installation is quick and easy.

Based on the feedback from people, such a system can be considered the best option for a device in a private house, because it does not have a single drawback, solid advantages. If you decide to choose this particular version of the sewer system, then carefully study its characteristics.

In the photo you can see the Topas septic tank installed in a private house.

Septic tank Tver

The photo shows a septic tank Tver for a private house.

Correct selection criteria

If you do not know how to choose an autonomous sewage system for a private house, then in this case, ask for help from knowledgeable people or read people's reviews about this or that type of septic tank and only then proceed to choosing the model you need for your summer cottage. Important: when choosing an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence, house or cottage, always remember that its installation is carried out not for one year, but for many decades.

The most important criterion when choosing an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence is a competent calculation of the load on a septic tank, for this it will be necessary to correctly determine the number of people who will live in a country house, for example, if you install an autonomous unilos sewage system for a family of two, then you may be in big trouble if the number of tenants increases to four.

Also, a great role is played by the competent location of the sewage system in the country (applies only to those treatment plants that will use infiltration fields for additional treatment of effluents). The installed storage septic tank must be located from a well with drinking water at a distance of at least thirty meters, and at a distance of at least five to six meters from the foundation of a summer cottage or a private house. If you cannot maintain such a distance, then you will face big problems, just read the reviews of people, and you yourself will understand everything.

During the installation of the storage well, it is also important to take into account the direction in which the groundwater moves, the installation of an autonomous sewage system should be carried out downstream than a well with drinking water. If you live in an area where electricity problems often appear, then it would be better to buy a septic tank model that will not depend on power supply.

In order to choose the right one or another model of a septic tank, read the reviews of people or ask a question to specialists, they will give you detailed information about the existing types of sewerage systems and help you choose the model of a storage septic tank you need for a summer residence.

Popular models

In order to fundamentally solve the issue of contamination of the aquifer and the site at the dacha with wastewater, you can choose the Unilos sewage system and equip a storage well. It must be said that such an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence is considered the most versatile solution.

The fact is, the Unilos septic tank can provide ninety-eight percent wastewater treatment, which makes it possible to use such water for draining into the ground or for irrigating green spaces in the country or near the house.

For the device of an autonomous sewage system in a private house, the models of septic tanks Unilos of the Scarbey, Astra 5 or Cyclone series are ideal. These models of septic tanks can easily cope with the removal and processing of waste water, the volume of which ranges from 0.6 to 30 m3 per day. Judging by the reviews of people of these three models, the Astra 5 septic tank is the most popular, since it works much faster and more efficiently.

The photo above shows a diagram of the principle of operation of the Unilos septic tank in the country.

Before you buy a Unilos septic tank, first of all you need to decide the issue of choosing a model, their range on the market is quite extensive: from Astra 5 septic tanks and so on to Astra 150. The number designation at the end of the model name indicates the number of people that the model can serve, for example , the number 5 indicates that the septic tank model is designed for a family of five. By the way, it is this septic tank model, judging by the numerous reviews, is the most attractive solution both in price and in power.

If you have a lot of equipment in your house whose work is related to water processing, and you do not know which model of the sewer system to choose - Unilos septic tank or some other, then read the reviews about them, this will help you choose a really good septic tank.

There are a lot of good reviews about the Astra 10 septic tank. The fact is that such a septic tank can easily purify a large volume of wastewater - it purifies up to 2 m3 of water per day and freely withstands the discharge of up to five hundred and fifty liters. This model is well suited for a private home that has several bathrooms, showers or dishwashers.

The Topas septic tank is in no way inferior in popularity to the Unilos autonomous sewage system. The main role it performs is the accumulation of sewage, as well as their subsequent processing. A wide range of modifications of such equipment makes it possible to solve the issue of arranging a good sewage system not only for one family living in a private house, but also for a small village.

The photo shows the septic tank Topas.


The goal of maintaining the autonomous sewage network in a private house is not only to achieve uninterrupted operation of the sewer system, but also to prevent blockages in the storage system, as well as to prevent unpleasant situations, among which in the first place is the breakthrough of pipeline systems.

The main purpose of servicing the device of the sewer network is to thoroughly clean the sewer pipes, this makes it possible to significantly improve the throughput in them, also increase the functioning of the system, thereby increasing its operation time.

During the maintenance of the sewer system, it is recommended to carry out diagnostics, this will provide more accurate information about whether it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning of the laid pipeline or whether there is a need to eliminate the resulting blockages in the sewer network and in the storage well, which may soon cause an emergency.

To understand how the service is carried out, we have presented a video for you, where you will be given useful tips:


Today, there is a huge selection of septic tanks on the market, the price of which can vary greatly, below we will talk about the cost of the most popular models.

  • Septic Tank 1 is suitable for a family of two to three people. On the market, its cost is about eighteen thousand rubles (without an infiltrator, you will need to buy it separately). If you want to choose it for arranging the sewer network in the country, then based on the reviews, this is the most ideal option.
  • Septic tank Topas, which has the same throughput capacity as Tank 1, will cost about seventy thousand rubles.
  • Septic tank Tver1P has a cost of ninety thousand rubles. It must be said that the price for it is quite reasonable, because it provides such deep cleaning in a storage well that then the treated water can be discharged into a reservoir in which fish swim. Today, many people prefer to choose just this type of sewer system.
  • Septic tank Astra 5. On the market its cost is about eighty-five thousand rubles.

To make it clearer for you how to choose and determine the price, a table will be presented below for you. In the Table, some names of septic tanks are designated AST (aster), TOP (topas).

Number of people living in the house SEPTIC ASTRA SEPTIC PELICAN SEPTIC TOPAS PRICE


Two - three people SEPTIC AST 3 69,000 thousand rubles. From 18 to 19 thousand rubles.
Five people. SEPTIC AST 5 83 thousand rubles. SEPTIC PELICAN 5 83 thousand rubles SEPTIC TOP 5 85 thousand rubles 20 thousand rubles.
Eight people. AST 8 105 thousand rubles SEPTIC PELICAN 8 101 thousand rubles SEPTIC TOP 8 107 thousand rubles 22 thousand rubles.
Ten people. AST 10 127,000 thousand rubles. SEPTIC TOP 10 134 thousand rubles 26 thousand rubles.
Fifteen people. AST 15 163 thousand rubles SEPTIC PELICAN 15 130 thousand rubles SEPTIC TOP 15 170 thousand rubles 30 thousand rubles.
Twenty people. AST 20 211 thousand rubles. SEPTIC TOP 20 223 thousand rubles 35 thousand rubles.

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