How to paint a veneered door - features and nuances of work. What to paint veneered doors

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Painting of veneer doors

It often happens that when buying secondary housing, you have to make the maintenance. This includes such a creative process as staining of interior veneer doors. It does not require special construction skills from the owners, but at the same time, they need to be extremely accuracy and have certain knowledge.

What is VPON.

Before painting it is necessary to hold a number of preparatory work. If we are talking about the door of the veneer, then you need to find out the properties of this building material.

Veneer is a very thin section of wood, which passes on the door leaf. This makes the surface of the door similar to the natural tree, which helps to create a cozy atmosphere indoors. When using veneer, you need to consider the fact that under the influence of direct sunlight it burns out. To prevent this, the surface of the veneer is covered with several layers of special varnish.

Preparatory work

Two situations occur when there is a need to paint interior veneer doors:

  • The door only purchased in the store;
  • Old door needs painting.

New door

When buying new doors it often happens that the doors are saved by applying only 1 lacquered layer on their products. In this case, the Buyer must independently apply several additional layers of facing substance and prevent damage to the product.

Make it is quite simple. It is necessary to purchase a special lacquer for wood in any construction store and with brushes gently apply layers to the surface of the veneer. After complete drying of the varnish, the surface is carefully cleaned with a skin. From small particles you can easily get rid of a dry tassel or vacuum cleaner. After completing this process, the door surface must be covered with a second lacquered layer. It is very important to take into account the fact that the process of stripping the door to the skin must be repeated each time the next layer of varnish will be applied.

The door is old

But how to be in that situation when the door already has old paint or her remnants. In this case, the product should be painted by guided by the following rules.

To ensure maximum comfort, the interior door from the veneer is better to carefully remove with the loops and put on a flat surface as much as possible. Get rid of the old layers of paint, the most efficiently simple metal spatula.

After a complete getting rid of the residues of the paint, the surface of the veneer must be well cleaned with a skin. Throughout this work, special attention should be paid to all sorts of deepening. You can effectively align the surface with a special putty designed for wood. It fills the pits, eliminating their disastrous effect on aesthetics. After drying the putty, the surface of the veneer must be repeatedly handled the skin.

These processes are accompanied by the appearance on the door of a huge number of small particles of paint, dust and other garbage. You can easily remove it with a simple vacuum cleaner or dry brush.

Selecting paint

The selection of the desired paint suitable for a veneer should be selected, based on whether you want to leave the natural wood texture of the interior door or want to create a unique style with a pattern and other similar decorations.

If the color must be completely changed, then you need to do a number of additional work. In this case, if there is a lacquered coating, it should be safely removed. Any manipulation with a veneer should be performed with marginal caution and attentiveness. The fact is that veneer is a very subtle material and damaged to damage.

For staining of such a building material, the following types of paints will be suitable:

  • Polyurethane;
  • Water;
  • Gliftale.

Specialist recommend using water paint. She goes well to the surface and does not damage it. It is extremely recommended to use nitrocale. Over time, they leave on the surface of a veneer matte stains, which significantly spoil the appearance of the interior door.

The paint chosen by you for the door can be applied by one layer with a special spray or roller. If there is a need to apply the second layer, then you need to wait for a complete drying of the first. It should be remembered that your safety and security of your loved ones should stand in the first place. It is for this reason that choose the natural compositions of the paints, which are characterized by environmental purity.

    Tip! It is impossible to use nitroemal. Its composition reacts quite poorly to the wet medium, from which matte spots appear on the treated surface. In addition, paint has the most toxic composition.

    Artificial veneer is quite complicated in staining, but according to the theory, this process is possible. It is only necessary to choose the correct composition that can resist on the smooth surface of the door canvase. It turns out that it is possible to achieve the desired result, but this is a very cost process. If the product is primed, the effect of natural wood will be lost. To carry out a high-quality restoration of artificially veneered door design better in another way. It is important to understand all aspects and circumstances associated with painting this kind of product.

    Photo 5 Conceptual description of painting of violent and panel door structures.

    It is worth noting once again before the painting door from the veneer, it is necessary to determine what the degree of reconstruction of the appearance requires a product and which paintwork is more suitable.

    During the processing of the surface layer, the tools used may change its composition, thereby depriving its ecology. Turning to a specialist in veneered doors for advice, you can save yourself from the difficulties of choosing suitable compositions.

    Methods of painting by panel doors

    To date, there are two ways to paint the violent doors:

    1. Initially, the paint is treated with the end areas of the door. After it is a stripping of damaged areas on the canvas. A layer of alkyd primer is applied to the prepared surface. After complete drying, double painting is made. This method is used for painting smooth-surface door structures. Lacquer or verse is used with a clear tracking of instructions from the instruction.
    2. For the surface of the ribbed type, having the structure of wood use the method of toning the door design. It is possible to communicate with the help of shellak primer to communicate. It is more convenient to buy a white primer in the ready-made form. Beyce is used to create the desired color. For painting the surface of the canvas, it is necessary to apply good quality brushes and materials.

    Methods of painting laminated door structures

    A smooth laminated surface is easily amenable to perfectly smooth staining, but the paint holds not long. First of all, it is necessary to remove the last layer of varnish with impregnation. For this, the grinding machine is suitable. If necessary, you can use zero sandpaper.

    While working with the machine it is worth remembering that under the last layer of varnish there is a chipboard, which easily crouches with careless processing on a deep distance. Prepared by the canvas wipe the solvent, and then the primer layer is applied with the addition of antiseptics and fungicides. Depending on the type of mixture, the time for drying the primer ranges from 40 minutes to 6 hours. Waving the required time required to dry up the protective coating, paint is applied.

    Photo 6 Use of oil or wax impregnation.

    The applied coatings on the chipboard do not matter, because This type of material is not whimsical.

    The best option to apply paint is the use of collapse. With it, you can achieve the perfect paint distribution over the surface of the door canvase. For the absence of such an apparatus, use a short pile roller. Waving time to dry the first layer, the following is applied. A day later, the painted canvas varnish a transparent enamel, which performs a protective function in the operational period.

    The main stages of painting MDF doors

    For painting MDF doors, you can use lacquer with a toning effect. It does not affect the structure of the product and gives the neat appearance of the door design. For example, such characteristics have a toning varnish "Lacobians". It has a liquid consistency, which is characterized by the depth of penetration into the porous composition of the MDF plate, filling it with emptiness, "lackers" forms a thinnesting coating. It is also durable protection against excess moisture.

    Lacobians is convenient in use, because Varnish and tinting agent are in one composition, which significantly reduces its application.

    It is possible to use for painting to paint, while the skills of the malar will not need. Special attention should be paid to the subteps, they should not be on the canvas.

    Staining the door with a decorative pattern, it is not recommended to use the spray spray or roller, so to achieve a flat layer, it will be quite difficult not having professional skills. In this situation, it is better to use the services of Malar.

    Preparation of doors from MDF for painting will not be difficult. To do this, it is enough to wipe them with a wet rag, removing all pollution.

    Painting of the door design "Canadian"

    Paints on Canadian is better to carry out pneumatic paint. In the absence of such a tool, you can use a paint bruster or roller. The most common variant of the canades is already a projected surface. The only thing that remains the new owner to pick up and apply a decorative coating.

    If the product was not covered with primer before selling, after the acquisition, dilute paint is applied. Then the surface must be sanded. Now the canvas are ready for staining. Taking advantage of the paintopult applies the "Wet application" method, i.e. Without waiting for drying the previous layer of paint.

    Summing up, it can be said that choosing the right way to paint the door, based on the structure of the structure, you can easily update not only the old coating, but also modify the new one, it is enough to choose the desired color and paint composition.

Is it possible to paint the veneered door?

Veneer - very demanding material. You immediately need to decide whether to leave a wooden array or completely repaint the door to another color.

If there are small defects and scratches, you can do the usual varnish, and then carefully rub the door to the polyrolol. In the event that for the interior of the room you need to completely change the color of the door, then you need to be prepared for additional work.

First you need to smell all the available irregularities with a special primer.

Veneered doors can be painted with polyurethane, aqueous or glyphthal paints.

Nitrocracasses Do not apply - they do not tolerate moisture, and your doors can be covered with matte spots. Water paints In this case, the most suitable option.

Wait for the complete drying of the primer and proceed to painting.

To paint such doors, you can safely use the compositions containing varnish and tone in one ( Lacobein, for example). This will help keep the door structure, and at the same time it will have a nice view.

Under the consistency of the Lacobians is liquid, so it penetrates deeply into the Pores of MDF, filling them and forming a uniform, thin and moisture-repellent layer.

It is convenient that the tone and varnish together are mixed together, thanks to this, the door does not need to be toned first, and then cover with varnish.

Since this door has a specific fililene pattern, and when painting the roller or spray gun is very difficult to achieve a uniform coating of varnish, powder should deal only a professional.

For coloring tassel, special skills do not need. It is only necessary to be attentive and immediately shoot small implications.

MDV doors to prepare enough easily. It is only necessary to thoroughly wipe the doors with a wet washcloth or a cloth so that there are no unnecessary particles on the surface.

Painting doors painting

To date, there are two most popular painting techniques method.

  • One of them is In applying paint, first on the door ends themselves. Next, it is necessary to carefully clean the damaged sections of the cloth and thoroughly apply a new layer of primer. After drying it, you can safely apply paint, preferably in two layers.
  • And here lacquer These doors need to implement strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. This method is mainly used for the doors with a smooth surface.
  • Another method is concluding In toning the panel door. It must be used if the surface has wood texture.

To hide flaws from a wooden surface, you can use white shellac-based primer. Create a color shade with the help of a veil.

The color of any surface should be made only with high-quality tissues or brushes.

How to paint the iron door?

In this case, you will have to face a number of problems, because the rail door in terms of painting is capricious.

With the choice of paint, too big problems. You should not experiment with interior paints - they do not punish high-quality iron doors.

Much more effect in this regard will be from PF paint. Although the color range of her is too simple, she will not give a gloss, nor gloss, but almost completely paint the door.

It will be better if before applying paint, apply a primer to the tone. The paint on the primer will be better than the iron itself.

Use a spray gun for painting - It will simplify the work.

Protsed doors under painting

Perhaps, the easiest way. The doors are actually completely ready for painting, it remains to prepare the necessary paint and the tool.

Use on uneven surfaces of the drawing of the door with a brush, on flat surfaces - roller.

Neat need to be with doors in which glass is inserted. Pre-cord with paper scotch the edging of the glasses to avoid paint from entering them.

Painting of metal doors

If you want to improve the appearance of a metal door - you can paint it.

How to paint the metal door?

To start need to remember some rules.

First of all, before painting, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the door with a sponge, soaked with solvent or gasoline.

If there are doors rustIt is best to remove it with a mixture of zinc and chrome salt.

Welding seams You can remove a brush for metal or a special file. Next, the door surface should be covered with primer, which slows corrosion and serves as a bunch of paint with the surface.

The best paints for such a door are: pentafthalive, enamel paint and acrylic enamel.
Tools: Special brush, or spray canister.

If you preserve to paint the smooth door, then the entire surface should be divided into small squares and start painting from the top left corner. Paint need to be applied in three layers. In the case when the surface is embossed, painting is carried out from the inside to the external one.

How to paint the laminated door?

Since the laminated door has a smooth surface, the paint falls easily, but it will not hold long.

Therefore, first of all, you need to remove the top layer having a varnish and impregnation, with the help of a grinding machine and zero sandpaper.

Also need to not forget that after the protective layer is a wood-chipboardwhich will easily start crumble, if you make enough deep processing.

The treated surface must be thoroughly wiped with a solvent and apply an antiseptic mixture and primer layer. Give this protective layer to dry well and boldly begin to apply the first layer of paint.

Suitable any paintAfter all, after grinding, you will have a conventional wood-chipboard, which can be painted by any compositions.

Apply paint using the spray or roller from velor. After drying the first layer, you need to repeat the color again.

After a day, apply a layer of transparent varnish, which will serve as protection during operation.

Painting Doors "Canadian"

The color of the doors data is best to produce with a kraskopulture.

If there is no such possibility, you can use a roller or brush. Now to the question "How to paint the door Canadka"?

Usually, it is supplied immediately primedBut if you bought a different option, then before painting it needs to be pregnant.

In the absence of a primer mixture, use dilute paint. After the primer, carefully seel the surface.

It must be done in two or three layers of wet, of course, if you use the paintopult; And in another case, you need to wait for drying.

Use alkyd enamel, as it does not fade in the sun and is rather durable.

Installation of the doors "Canada" must be carried out only after its pre-painting.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of coloring doors from various materials. At the same time, you need to be particularly attentive and comply with all the above rules, and only then you will get a great result.

To date, such doors are considered relevant. There is a huge selection of a variety of design, palettes and forms. Veneered doors under a wenge or walnut are very popular.

What differ from these structures, from other similar products? Veneer is chopped by thin strips of wood. The thickness of these strips is different and reaches 1 centimeter. Such sheets are used to decorate doors, the internal array of which is made of pine, oak, etc.

Natural material texture is an important dignity.

The veneer is considered a demanding material. And so that the doors are accustomed to the environment (temperature, moisture), her week before the installation is introduced into the apartment where it will stand. If you treat such a door carelessly, scratches and scratching may form on it.

Such defects are not difficult to eliminate their own. The question arises, is it possible to paint veneered doors? If so, how can this be done? For such a case, furniture varnishes are used, wax polyroli. Such materials are transparent.

You need to put the surface to the surface, and then rub the polyrolol.

You need to pay attention to the damaged surface.

If the damage is not significant, then the layer of paint material can only be applied on it. But if the defect is very noticeable, then all the doors should be updated. This method will not allow spots and intermittent shine.

The door after applying varnish will have a uniform shine and a wonderful appearance.

Veneer doors can also be painted.

It is important to decide what we want: to leave the color, how was it or completely changed painting. The degree of deformation of the surface of the doors is also important and what they were painted before.

But, is it possible to paint veneered doors, if before they were lacquered? The previous layer of paintwork should be removed with a grinding machine using fine-grained tape.

If you decide to completely repaint the entire surface, then you need to be ready for additional work. Only work should be carried out very carefully, because the thickness of the wood is minor. If you are afraid that you can not cope with this, contact the specialists.

In the preparation of doors to painting it includes: cleaning the surface from dust and contamination, the molding of irregularities with a special primer.

Make a decor of a veneered door can be water, glyphthale, polyurethane paint. It is strictly forbidden to paint veneer nitrocracks. On the doors there may be spots that spoil appearance. The most suitable version for painting veneer is the water paint.

Is it possible to paint veneered doors if they are made of artificial material? Theoretically, it is possible, but to achieve an excellent result most of all that will not work. It is impossible to choose the paint that kept tightly and would not roll with a very smooth base. And if you produce a priming of the surface, the effect of natural tree will disappear.

We remember that you can paint the doors from the veneer varnish or paint.

If the initial painting layer changes with a chemical dye, there is a risk of destroying the environmental friendliness of the product.

It is not difficult to paint the veneered doors, it is necessary to carry it out just like wood products, because the veneer is wood.

Before painting the doors should be treated with a grinding net. It is necessary to do this job manually if the veneer is late or planed. You can use the grinding machine if you prepare veneer sawn.

After grinding, the surface is necessary to process.

Mix the prepared paint thoroughly, and this may be: acrylic, enamel, pentafthalic paints. They dry quickly, easy and simply applied. You can paint the finished color, and you can spend a compassion. But before painting, you need to make sure that the surface is completely dry. If the doors were in a wet room, then it is necessary to make drying.

Apply the paint should be roller, tassel or sponge. You can look at the instructions and read what the material is recommended to be applied.

After applying the coloring agent, you need to give time for drying. During drying, protect the door surface from the dust from entering it.

An ideal result can be achieved by applying paint to the paint. Indeed, in this case, the paint lies with a thin layer and evenly, which affects the appearance of the door. But to use such a tool, you need to have certain skills.

Planning your interior, we try to think through everything to the smallest detail: what color will be the walls, floor, furniture and, of course, doors. But the creation of decoration solely to their taste is not always possible. Sometimes you have to work with the finished decor, for example, after buying a house or apartment with a decoration. And what should I do if the color of the door cans does not suit, does not combine with the rest of the materials and details of the interior? There are some ways to restore doors, changes in their color and appearance as a whole.

Staining of the door canvase

This method of changing the appearance is not suitable for each interroom arch and doors. The canvas or portal design must be made of natural wood. The most common doors to paint are made of pine or other inexpensive wood breeds. The following materials are used to change the color:

  • alkyd enamel
  • acrylic paint
  • nitrocracy.

Such types of coloring compositions are suitable if you need to drastically change the shade of the canvas. Usually used white paint, but some interiors require brighter details.

And the LKM market offers a large assortment of tones. To give the canvas of a natural color or a noble wood shade, the door from the array is covered with varnishes or verses.

Lamination or Wallpaper

You can change the image of the door not only with paint. At home it is quite possible to independently laminate the canvas. The same applies to the update of the arch in the apartment. For such a procedure, a special adhesive paper is purchased, a drawing on which mimics wood texture.

Those who wish to get a more original decorative element can acquire photo wallpapers for pasting door cavities. Such material usually has a vivid expressive pattern, for example, a beautiful landscape, an architectural object, images of colors, etc. A similar solution in the interior will look unusual, but it can be bought pretty quickly.

Although, if necessary, the canvas can be restored again, saving it with a new film.

Fabric decoration

Interior doors can be given a new fresh appearance using fabric. For this, there are two ways: the cauldrawal of the canvas or its elements in the technique of pechwork or locally one type of fabric and the construction of the curtains that are attached on the place of the glass. To make the door to textiles, it is necessary to thoroughly think through its color and print. The most successful such decor is harmonized with the interior style of Provence, Shebbi-Chic or Country. For the salary, you need to choose a well-treated dense fabric.

What is better to paint the veneered door?

An important part of the repair is the replacement of interroom doors. However, if the doors did not lose their properties and are able to stop not yet one year, then it will be meaningless. In this case, to repair them will be enough to update the color by putting painting doors. This procedure is not complicated, and it can be done on your own. First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface, handles and glass inserts from dust. You should also remove the old layer of paint.

Remove the door with the loops is not necessary, contact with the minimum number of surfaces allows you to get the best quality of staining. For you, you need to remove the handle and the lock, filling out the void or cotton emptiness. To conveniently open and close the doors, stretch instead of a wire lock. Elements that will not be subjected to painting, it is better to close with polyethylene or glued with a toothpaste newspaper.

If you are inconvenient to paint the door in a vertical position, then it can be removed and put on the table. The main issue in the execution of these works is the selection of paint, which is carried out on the basis of the material of the door and the nature of the old coating.

  • The best option will be the use of acrylic enamel, often used for painting a rounded log. Its dignity is the presence of a huge choice of colors, giving the surfaces of the mattness. Plus, it practically does not smell. Of course, the cost of such paint will be much higher than usual and additionally requires a varnish or other hardening coating.
  • A good strength is characterized by alkyd enamel, which is much cheaper than the previous version, however, has a sharp odor, because the premises should be isolated from people during the work period.
  • Nitroqurask has even greater strength and long service life, which is also characterized by an unpleasant smell and toxicity. When it is important to work with it, it is important to strictly follow all safety measures and pour painting when there is no people in the room.

The result of the work depends not only on the choice of paint, but also from the tools used, the choice of which is carried out depending on the material of the door, from the paint used, as well as from the desired result. So, when painting the interior door, enamel or varnish must use a brush. If it is important to save the natural structure of the tree, making an emphasis on the patterns, then the best option will be a rubber spatula or sponge. The batter is used in the processing of large areas. The paintopult has found the most use when painting metal doors.

  • At the initial stage, you should get rid of the former coating. It is possible to perform it at first flushing the door with a soap solution, and then processing the solvent for paint. If necessary, you can use sandpaper.
  • Then the door is covered with a putty, which can be purchased in the finished form of the IL to prepare independently, mixing wood sawdust with PVA glue. After drying, you should go through the surface of the sandpaper.
  • Painting the door is better to start with a panel, performing a brush smooth smear along the fibers. Then go to the handling of recesses. The ends are painted last.
  • One door staining will not give the desired result, since the coating seems unevenly applied. Therefore, on the surface you need to go back to the sandpaper and apply a second paint layer.
  • For painting the door frame, the walls adjacent to it need to be sealed with a painter scotch, otherwise it may be necessary in the plywood of wallpaper. Color, first, vertical strips, then upper and platbands.

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Painting of veneered doors

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How to choose the composition for painting a veneered door?

Buying an apartment in the secondary housing market obliges us to put up with the taste preferences of the previous owners or to do everything on the nano. The most controversial question concerns interroom or entrance designs of doors, which may not be in the best condition, and therefore spoil even a good interior of the apartment. You can correct the situation with two methods - to change or save a high-quality design by updating it with painting.

Photo 1 Scheme of the classic version of the veneered door.

In order not to have no unpleasant moments in the process of staining, it is necessary to evaluate the degree of the nature of the mechanical wear and tear, as well as the material from which it consists.

Various materials that form the basis of the door design, differ among themselves painting technique, so each case must be considered separately.

Veneered door

Interior design of veneer visually enough is similar to the product made of natural wood, but the weight category they will significantly varies - the first are more lightweight, and also have greater functionality. For more detailed consideration, it is worth deepening in particular the release of veneered doors.

Veneer is a very thin slice of a valuable tree of wood. Its purpose is based on the decorative appression of the surface of the door cloth and the box. This material is quite "capricious" and demanding, for example, in comparison with laminate. The decoration of the veneer gives the door texture lines and the natural shade of natural wood.

The most often used veneer attachment technique to a panel design. The method consists in the following: billets of a edged or calibrated timber (the advantage is given to coniferous rocks) glue to the MDF (fiberboard) shield.

The core of such a modification is responsible for the intended geometry of the door design, and also makes it more resistant to various negative factor of exposure (temperature, humidity).

Applying a special technological process (method of dynamic hot pressing), the veneer coating is glued on the MDF plate.

Photo 2 Sequence painting door design.

The sizing finishes and the base surface is carried out using wood heating from which resin is released. So disappears the need for the use of adhesive synthetic compositions. To provide a glossy shine, products are fried by several layers of varnish, with the required tint. It is from it that the end color of the canvas depends. One batch of veneered doors, similar to that from the array, has a significant difference in the color among themselves, despite the fact that the manufacturer is the same.

The main reasons for such a difference are the unique pattern of a tree cutting and its refractive indicators of the light. It makes it possible to harmonize wood pattern and finishing with several veneer sheets, which makes each of the models a peculiar and original. Of course, you can choose the designs similar in color, but the texture and drawing will be varied.

In some cases, the internal structure of the canvas is filled with hundreds of cardboard, which greatly facilitates its weight. Many prefer exactly this factor, picking up interroom doors.

There are products covered with artificial analogue of a veneer - a special film. They have a 2D effect, simulating the pattern and the texture of natural wood. Visually to distinguish such doors from the veneered design is quite difficult. The advantage of such a door canvase is enclosed in high moisture resistance.

Veneer care methods

Save the initial characteristics of the interior door to a long operational period can only be in case of extremely accurate use. Cleaning the door surface is not recommended using rigid abrasive tools, because They can leave deep mechanical damage.

Photo 3 Set of tools for staining door leaf.

To the tools from the tab, also include liquid cleaners in which there are chemically active substances that, when contacting the lacquered surface, leave non-welltic recesses.

Methods painting a veneered door

First of all, the question of the feasibility of changing the color of the wood array is solved. To select the method of finishing the door leaf, it is necessary to estimate the main aspect - the degree of its deformation.

The presence of small defects in the form of recesses (scratches, cracks), can be eliminated using varnishing. In the end of the process, the canvas rubbing the regenerating polyrolla. In the presence of one or more small scratches, you can get rid of them from them locally, picking up the corresponding varnish color.

It is not always possible to choose the model of interior doors of the color of interest, or the selected shade in the interior combination is too highlighted. What do you think in this case? Few people know that the new door canvas is quite suitable for varnishing into another tone, while removing the former layer of varnish is not needed. The only nuance is the right choice of sustainable coverage. For these purposes, only formulations intended for floors are suitable, but not for furniture.

To completely remove the former layer of varnish, fine-grained emery paper is used or special washes are used. Restrictions include: use a straightforward machine. This method can lead to the formation of a dentity on the product.

Photo 4 Paint distribution rules on the surface of the roller.

If damage is too visualized, it will be advisable to stop at the option of full repaintance of the door, which means that you will need to perform additional types of work. Priority action - Preparation of the surface, secondary - painting. Since natural veneer is a very subtle coating, work on it is extremely careful. If you do not have the appropriate work experience, this process is better to give in the hands of a professional.

The surface preparation consists of removal of an old coating, as well as from purification from dust and contamination.

The first step is based on the alignment of the primer of all the errors of the canvas. After complete drying of the soil mixture, you can proceed to the next stage - decorating. You can decorate a veneered door using such species of paints:

  • polyurethane;
  • glyphthaled;
  • based on water compositions;
  • the high level of humidity in the room also requires a special type of paint (water-dispersion).

Tip! It is impossible to use nitroemal. Its composition reacts quite poorly to the wet medium, from which matte spots appear on the treated surface. In addition, paint has the most toxic composition.

Artificial veneer is quite complicated in staining, but according to the theory, this process is possible. It is only necessary to choose the correct composition that can resist on the smooth surface of the door canvase.

It turns out that it is possible to achieve the desired result, but this is a very cost process. If the product is primed, the effect of natural wood will be lost. To carry out a high-quality restoration of artificially veneered door design better in another way.

It is important to understand all aspects and circumstances associated with painting this kind of product.

Photo 5 Conceptual description of painting of violent and panel door structures.

It is worth noting once again before the painting door from the veneer, it is necessary to determine what the degree of reconstruction of the appearance requires a product and which paintwork is more suitable.

During the processing of the surface layer, the tools used may change its composition, thereby depriving its ecology. Turning to a specialist in veneered doors for advice, you can save yourself from the difficulties of choosing suitable compositions.

Methods of painting by panel doors

To date, there are two ways to paint the violent doors:

  • Initially, the paint is treated with the end areas of the door. After it is a stripping of damaged areas on the canvas. A layer of alkyd primer is applied to the prepared surface. After complete drying, double painting is made. This method is used for painting smooth-surface door structures. Lacquer or verse is used with a clear tracking of instructions from the instruction.
  • For the surface of the ribbed type, having the structure of wood use the method of toning the door design. It is possible to communicate with the help of shellak primer to communicate. It is more convenient to buy a white primer in the ready-made form. Beyce is used to create the desired color. For painting the surface of the canvas, it is necessary to apply good quality brushes and materials.

Methods of painting laminated door structures

A smooth laminated surface is easily amenable to perfectly smooth staining, but the paint holds not long. First of all, it is necessary to remove the last layer of varnish with impregnation. For this, the grinding machine is suitable. If necessary, you can use zero sandpaper.

While working with the machine it is worth remembering that under the last layer of varnish there is a chipboard, which easily crouches with careless processing on a deep distance. Prepared by the canvas wipe the solvent, and then the primer layer is applied with the addition of antiseptics and fungicides. Depending on the type of mixture, the time for drying the primer ranges from 40 minutes to 6 hours. Waving the required time required to dry up the protective coating, paint is applied.

Photo 6 Use of oil or wax impregnation.

The applied coatings on the chipboard do not matter, because This type of material is not whimsical.

The best option to apply paint is the use of collapse. With it, you can achieve the perfect paint distribution over the surface of the door canvase. For the absence of such an apparatus, use a short pile roller. Waving time to dry the first layer, the following is applied. A day later, the painted canvas varnish a transparent enamel, which performs a protective function in the operational period.

The main stages of painting MDF doors

For painting MDF doors, you can use lacquer with a toning effect. It does not affect the structure of the product and gives the neat appearance of the door design. For example, such characteristics have a toning varnish "Lacobians". It has a liquid consistency, which is characterized by the depth of penetration into the porous composition of the MDF plate, filling it with emptiness, "lackers" forms a thinnesting coating. It is also durable protection against excess moisture.

Lacobians is convenient in use, because Varnish and tinting agent are in one composition, which significantly reduces its application.

It is possible to use for painting to paint, while the skills of the malar will not need. Special attention should be paid to the subteps, they should not be on the canvas.

Staining the door with a decorative pattern, it is not recommended to use the spray spray or roller, so to achieve a flat layer, it will be quite difficult not having professional skills. In this situation, it is better to use the services of Malar.

Preparation of doors from MDF for painting will not be difficult. To do this, it is enough to wipe them with a wet rag, removing all pollution.

Painting of the door design "Canadian"

Paints on Canadian is better to carry out pneumatic paint. In the absence of such a tool, you can use a paint bruster or roller. The most common variant of the canades is already a projected surface. The only thing that remains the new owner to pick up and apply a decorative coating.

If the product was not covered with primer before selling, after the acquisition, dilute paint is applied. Then the surface must be sanded. Now the canvas are ready for staining. Taking advantage of the paintopult applies the "Wet application" method, i.e. Without waiting for drying the previous layer of paint.

Summing up, it can be said that choosing the right way to paint the door, based on the structure of the structure, you can easily update not only the old coating, but also modify the new one, it is enough to choose the desired color and paint composition.

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What and how to paint a veneered door

As often, the owners of an apartment or office space are faced with the fact that it is necessary to change the inlet or interior door. There can be a lot of reasons - from the change of style and design of the entire room, to banal wear. What to do if almost a new door you don't want to change at all.

How to paint the door?

The output is a traditional painting capable of "breathe" a new life. It would be faster and more reliable to entrust such work by professionals, but it is possible to cope with the work independently. If you paint the web taking into account the material and the corresponding compositions, the result promises to be more than excellent.

How to paint yourself a veneered door?

It must be immediately noted that it is not dependent on the material used, any doors face according to the existing rules:

  • First, the design before painting is always removed from the loops.
  • Secondly, accessories should be removed from the canvas.
  • Thirdly, all sorts of additional elements (for example, decorative or glass inserts) are closed (stuck) with a special protecting film.
  • Fourth, the old coating is always removed in various ways.

You can see this process in more detail by looking at the video ...

By itself, such material as veneer is rather "capricious" and demanding (in particular, in comparison with laminate). In practice, veneered doors are preliminary per week before work is done in order for the material to get used to temperature conditions and humidity.

What to do if small damage or scratches arose when handling?

Such "errors" easily eliminate themselves with the help of transparent compositions (varnishes) for painting furniture. Wax polyrolol for furniture is suitable.

If damage is not very large, the paint layer is possible to paint only the damage to the area. When defects are noticeable from the distances more than 50-100 cm, the designs need complete staining - this will prevent the formation of gloss, which is not evenly distributed.

The choice of paint is a serious and necessary composition must be purchased before performing work in the right amount.

  • polyurethane paints,
  • water compositions - they are more practical,
  • glyphthale
  • compositions for staining at high humidity level,
  • other varieties suitable in order to paint veneer.

Attention! It is not recommended to use nitrocracies. The reason is that such compositions are very poorly reacting to an excess of humidity, which leads to the formation of matte spots on the surface treated. In addition, nitrocracy is toxic and can cause poisoning.

How to paint on your own

Work is carried out in several stages. The initial stage is to prepare the surface to staining. The preparatory stage is to purify the surface from all sorts of pollution, as well as the removal of old varnish. There are situations when the color of a very new door is not at all suitable and does not fit into the common range in the interior. If the web is new and does not have visible damage, it is possible not to remove the base layer, but simply cover the right color.

Removing the old varnish or paint occurs with the use of special means for flushing or fine-grained skins.

Attention! Some make a big mistake using a grinding turbine - it is unacceptable. Such processing leads to the formation of a dentity due to revolutions at high speed.

Deep chips or visible scratches are loaded or aligned with wood powder, after dried, the processed areas are protected by a skin.

A little more difficult, if it is harder to smoothly the surface during production is provided by polishing. In such a situation, preparation is made using zonal treatment with a construction hairdryer.

After the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed to the direct color. Painting is the final stage and spend it very easy if the canvas is well prepared.

  • It should be borne in mind that paints with good shelterness can hide a unique pattern on the surface, so it is recommended to use the least concentrated options.
  • The use of colored varnishes will help better save the naturalness of the beauty of the structure, and in order to make the color more saturated, the use of the veil is recommended.
  • Processing the surface is recommended in a horizontal position, such a painting will allow you to make the surface smooth and smoother.
  • It is allowed and even recommended to use different shades of the parties to the web, which is especially effective when interior design in various colors.
  • Despite the huge range of paints for staining, sometimes it is required to make a special tone or any other way to decorate the veneered door. In such cases, verses will come to the rescue. A pulverizer will be the best and more professional option for applying the veil, but it is not a simple brush or a sponge.

Veneered door artificial and her painting

To date, there is a huge selection of models from a veneer. However, it is not always possible to distinguish (especially not professionals) artificial products from natural. The difference of artificial veneer is that in artificial versions, special film coatings created by 3D effect technologies are used. Artificial options are practically not different from the products from a natural tree, as a natural figure is fully created.

But, despite the external appeal, the models made of artificial veneer will paint it much more difficult. The problem lies in paint stacking from the door surface. Therefore, when staining, it should be remembered that the procedure will take a little longer. It is also necessary to approach and more responsibly to choosing paint for such products. Therefore, this procedure is recommended not to spend yourself, if you do not have without proper experience.

Appeal to professionals will save you from gross mistakes and will allow you to get the most suitable result.

With the expiration of time, things often come into disrepair. This also applies to interroom doors, which also spoil or have a non-primary look. The old door canvas can be restored by several ways. It is worth considering the type of material, the degree of worniness and financial capabilities. The door from the veneer can be easily confused with the products made of natural wood, but the first is much easier. Given the manufacturing technology, the restoration will not cause problems.

Painted doors

Composition and concentration

Many are interested, is it possible to paint the veneered door? It is worth knowing that such material is demanding and capricious. The first one is worth thinking about - color scheme. You can drastically change the color of the door cloth or slightly update it. Small defects, scratches or chippers can be removed with varnish, wax pencil, and in the final version - polyroli. This is necessary in order to look like a canvas look like a new one.
How to paint the veneered door, choose you, but you should not take a nitrocracy. They do not tolerate moisture and give the effect of matte spots on the product with time. Specialists are recommended to use such substances:

  • polyurethane paints;
  • compositions with water base;
  • specialized materials for veneer;
  • glyphthaled.

Stages of painting.
Work necessarily contains several gradual stages. The first is the preparation of the door from the veneer to the resumption. Be sure to remove accessories, clean the surface from contamination, remove the protective film, if so is. If the doors are new, without damage and irregularities, then these preparatory work is not necessary. It will be easily repainted, and the base layer will only strengthen the coating.

To remove the old varnish, use the fine-grained skin, special mixtures. In no case do not use the grinding turbine. Turns at high speed will damage the surface, form scratches, dents or even give chips.

Preparatory process

The second stage is worth starting only after the completion of the previous one. If you are dealing with a natural veneer, then work should be carried out carefully through a small thickness of the plates. The wood primer will eliminate irregularities, will help to give the door canvas fresh look. The shade must be a few tones lighter from the final, so as not to affect the result. Give the surface to dry well. To work it is worth choosing dry rooms that are well ventilated. This will help speed up the process of drying the product at all stages and will not harm work.
For the final stage of working with acrylic paints on a water basis, it is better to use a brush, a small roller with a short bristle. Alkyd products are also good, because they have water-repellent properties.
Painting the door with light color is needed in two layers, and dark - in four to achieve the desired effect. Total drying time up to 48 hours.

Results of painting

There are several useful tips for those who plan to repaint a veneered door:

  1. Dense paints will hide a unique ornament of natural canvas. It is worth using options with a smaller concentration.
  2. Morkeepers will help make the color more rich and fresh. Lucky will retain the natural look of the canvas.
  3. At all stages of work, it is possible to produce only when the door is horizontal.
  4. An interesting design solution will be the use of various shades of each party.
  5. To apply the simulator to the surface, it is better to use a pulverizer or sponge.

How to paint a veneered door if it is not natural. Artificial canvas requires special attention, because they use film coatings to create a surround perception. The problem is that the paint flows faster on the surface and thereby forms drums and waves. In this case, it is worth choosing quick-drying materials with high density, use the spray gun.

Further care

It is worth carefully using interroom doors, follow their cleanliness, avoid mechanical damage. There is a list of tools that do not need to apply to this doorway:

  • rigid abrasive substances;
  • liquid cleaners, which include active chemical components;
  • iron scrapers.

With proper care, the door canvas will have a long view.


The choice of coloring mixtures at the first stage will help determine further work on a veneered door. Pay attention to the material from which the canvas is made: natural it or artificial. In the latter case, refer to the specialists for helping the result does not upset performers. You should not neglect the preparatory process: Clean the surface, free from the protective film, use the putty on the tree.
Do not forget to brand the product, and give it time to dry completely. After the doors are painted, make work on the louting. Use the same paint or varnish. Install accessories. Be careful during the final work, so as not to damage anything.