Human quality Positive list by alphabet. List of positive moral qualities of a person

Studying a person's personality, whether it is a woman, a man or a child, you can always reveal a bad tendency to be disgusting because of, for example, mistakes in education, psychological injuries. But even bad heredity can be secure. Consider the main negative features of a human character.


The desire to dominate everything, ignoring any needs of other people. An explicit or hidden requirement of subordination and discipline from everyone, with whom the person intersects. Alien opinion is not taken into account, any unpleasant breaks without trying to find a mutually profitable solution. It is believed that this is a typical negative trait of Russian.


The desire to conflict with others. In early childhood, this is a mandatory negative feature of the character of a child studying ways to protect their interests. For aggressive adult, provocative, sometimes obviously false statements, increased tone, insults. Sometimes attempts are performed on the opponent physically.


The painful desire to achieve the goal, despite the size of the risks, ignoring their and other people's logical arguments about the exceedment of spending over the value of the desired result. Often it becomes the cause of situations leading to death, loss of health or significant financial losses.


Pathological desire for personal material benefit in any situation. Obtaining profit by any price becomes the only source of positive emotions in life. At the same time, the duration of pleasant sensations from the obtained benefits is extremely short-lived - due to the uncontrolled constant desire to go even more.


The lack of an emotional reaction to most external irritants due to the characteristics of the temperament or due to the protective reaction of the body into stress. It is one of the reasons for the impossibility of achieving even simple goals due to the inability or reluctance to concentrate, make volitional efforts.

Pre -alaberity

Careless fulfillment of obligations due to the unwillingness to act on all the rules or misunderstanding of the algorithms necessary for the rapid and least costly achievement of the existing goals. Often this is a typical negative trait of the character of a woman, just escaped from under excessive parental care.


Real or deliberately demonstrated lack of interest to a specific subject, object, event, duties due to congenital emotional coldness, experienced strong stress or patched with infancy, feelings of superiority over people with other social status, other faith, nationality, races.


Consciously chosen, imposed on education or caused by the moral immaturity, the position of refusal from real awareness of the effects of eigenvocal action, the unwillingness to make decisions affecting their and someone else's quality of life. In difficult everyday situations, active actions are not carried out because of the expectation that the problem is distributed independently.


The absence of individual traits, because of which a separate subject is easily "lost" in the total mass of those like people. In the process of communication, the "gray man" does not cause sympathy due to loopedness on randomless topics, in the elevity team, boring, fears in innovations and opposes them in every way.


Emotional indifference to someone's troubles, inability or reluctance to condolese, sympathize with people in particular and living beings in general, experiencing physical or emotional pain. Sometimes it is intentional inhumanity in actions leading to suffering and even the death of objects chosen as victims.


Intentional or unconscious violation of the norms, the sequence of actions adopted in this society in relation to a particular situation. The reason for the intentional disconnection may be the desire to provoke a conflict or attract attention to its own person, unconscious - the error of education, emotional immaturity.


The painful need to constantly participate in a dialogue with one or more interlocutors, despite the content of the conversation, the degree of passionism to them by the rest of the participants, the relevance of the conversation. The main purpose of such an interlocutor is not received by the new information, but the role of the storytellor when contacting someone. At the same time, it can distribute the information that others would prefer to keep secret.


Inability to restrain any promises and take into account other people's interests, the absence of a long time to move for the achievement of one goal, the desire to constantly change the circle of communication, partners. The lack of principles and clear behavioral borders, the rapid focus of interest in a specific lesson, man.


Passionate desire for control over all and waiting for unquestionless subordination, the desire of infinite power, especially over more educated and skillful. Eusting its own superior position in situations where others are forced to seek help or search for protection, material support.


In pathological form, this is a subconscious tendency to perceive the behavior imposed from outside without its own conscious understanding and weighing the results from its actions carried out under the influence of someone else's authority. However, reduced suggestibility can cause difficulties with learning.


Inability to find a balance between originality and vulnerability in communication, when choosing clothes, social landmarks, and so on. For example, with a dialogue, the interlocutor communicates on elevated colors, mannical, does not happen with silent jokes. When choosing a dress prefers catchy things, and composite elements are often poorly combined with each other.


Inability or reluctance to determine the logically loyal conclusions, even from the simplest everyday tasks, the tendency to see common grain in pseudo-native and populist statements, the inability to undergo informant critical analysis information from sources on their own erected to authoritative status.


Confidence in social, moral, mental insignificance of others, the inability to forgive personal and other people's misses, the denial of the possibility of presence of decent features in other subjects of society. Develops against the background of distillations made in the upbringing, degradation of the personality due to illness, the immaturity of the person to associate with a high social status.


The reluctance to adhere to the polite, adopted in the normal society of communication format with the interlocutors due to the deformation of the personality against the background of the disease, injury, stress or frequent necessity to occupy a defensive position in encroachment into the territory and law. Typical manifestations: Communication on elevated colors, rudeness, obscene vocabulary.

Greed, stupidity

The desire to minimize expenses even to the detriment of health, elementary hygiene and common sense. Pathological pursuit of material stability can manifest itself in the form of refusal to get rid of garbage, trash, ignoring reasonable requests for a close person about acquiring things of essentials.


The desire to cause discomfort to live actors for personal moral satisfaction. The impact on the victim can be as intangible - in the form of insults and refusal to satisfy some important emotional needs and physical - through the causing pain, torment, encroachment on life.


Inability to remember some data necessary in consumer life, a combination of actions to achieve a specific purpose, the launch or deactive algorithm. It occurs due to age-related changes in the brain, overload information. It may be a consequence of the stressful situation that you want to forget.


The desire to enjoy the action or use of a certain substance even if the source of pleasant emotions is harmful to health, relations with others, leads to large cash spending, pushes into a crime due to the desire to achieve "Kaifa", in the absence of legal access.


Inability to enjoy any personal benefits, achievements, qualities. Next to the constant comparing the values \u200b\u200bavailable at home and others. Moreover, the "crumbs" on someone else's side always seem more, tastier and more desirable "placers". In pathological form deprives cheerfulness, the ability to soberly assess their own and other votes.


Constant damping in his own eyes of its own natural talents, trained abilities, the denial of the values \u200b\u200bof personal developments, the inability to force themselves to declare their personal achievements in the circle of authoritative individuals. It is formed due to excessively strict upbringing, psychological injury or disease of the nervous system.


The habit of everyone and everywhere to teach, repeatedly to discuss the same topic to the same topic, despite the obvious lack of interest in people who are trying to draw into the dialogue. The reason lies in pathological love to attention and infinite conversations on any topic, even if it is in the topic discussed, the conversation instigator has a full profan.


Emotional manifestation of strong dissatisfaction with something, a reference point indicating the presence of conditions clearly uncomfortable for a person. In the absence of actions that eliminate the cause of the formation of a feeling, over time it can push the offense to commit, so it is not worth ignoring the manifestations of anger.


The harmful habit of demanding the fulfillment of its desire in the shortest possible time, without taking into account the possibilities of who a claim is presented. Failure to control and restrain your own needs, tolerate the slightest inconvenience and personally attach emotional and physical effort to achieve what I want.


The lack of desire to strain for personal needs, the tendency to idle the days of the days. The behavior traced the desire to obtain comfort by working around the surrounding, deep disgust for beneficial activities even in minimal volumes. When you need to write this negative character for a resume, you should not specify this negative trait.


Conscious systematic statement to interlocutors of unreliable information with a slanderous target, for the sake of their own benefit or masking personal misses in some kind of activity. The pathological form is inherent in unsure of the personalities trying to make an impression on others.


The preliminary assurances of love, sincere admiration and benevolence towards the interlocutor during a conversation with him. The goal of such behavior is the enlargement and desire to flatter the sake of their own benefit, at the same time, the true, perhaps even evil moods in relation to the dialogue or conversation object.


The tendency to excessive constant praising of other people's real and imaginary advantages, virtues, for their own pearly. The object of excellence may also be obviously negative actions, actions of an influential person, specially liteled lets and voiced by him as the only correct decision in the situation under consideration.


In a pathological form, it is a desire to know the information that interests is notninking about the decency, the personal feelings of the asked and the situation at which communication occurs. The reason for unhealthy curiosity is a painful desire to be aware of even those events that are not related to the manifestation of interest.


Habital to attach great importance to its insignificant statements, actions. The ubiquitous protrusion of their imaginary achievements in opposition is really important and heroic actions of the surrounding people. Attention to ordinary details to the detail of values, the desire to obtain reporting on costs of expenditures to the "one thousandth".


The tendency to focus personal attention on all small and large troubles, everyday conflicts, contrived resentment, so that with time, it is necessary to pay a hundredfold with each of the offenders. In this case, the duration of the time interval from the moment of obtaining a real or imaginary insult does not matter.


Unceremonious behavior in any situations, the desire to achieve the desired with minimal cost and "through the heads" of others. Such behavior is formed with improper upbringing, due to difficult childhood or, on the contrary, due to the spoil, the habit of always getting the desired at any cost.


The perception of the majority of those surrounding as subjects is a deliberately low category due to a fictional difference in social status or a real discrepancy on a material, national, racial or other sign. The reason may be a protective response to the vulnerament of vulnerass in the past or throughout the upbringing.


Inability or unwillingness to understand independently with emerging problems, having fun or relax. The reason may wage in emotional immaturity, fear of loneliness, desire to increase self-esteem due to active participation in the lives of other people, even if they experience explicit discomfort from this and openly declare it.


Unfortunate and unfounded praise itself, self-examination under any circumstances, the desire to embellish the results of their actions and the actions undertaken, selfishness, indifferent attitude not only to someone else's, but also to close people, interest only in personal comfort and benefits.


Unwillingness to perform qualitatively or entrusted obligations, negligence in behavior with people in domestic or professional relations, insufficient attention to trusted values, inability - due to weak education or personal deformation, understand the importance of diligence when working on something.


Increased negative reaction to everyday troubles due to hypertrophied egoism. It is because of him that he wants the world to spit away from your feet, and those surrounding, forgetting about their own needs, round the clock and yearly corresponded to expectations: they were polite, generous and caring, sought to ensure someone else's comfort.


The confidence is that the truthful picture of the world is available only to you, and other explanations of the device of the universe and the principles of the interaction of a person and the environment - a solid fiction of non-farming men. It arises due to insufficient education, a congenital defect of development that impede adequate learning learning information.


The tendency to take as reality imaginary catastrophicity of the consequences from any, even minor incidents in their own life and the world as a whole. It is a manifestation of evil education by a person-reinsurer, an overly stormy fantasy or disorder of the nervous system due to stress, illness.


The tendency towards the finished outfits, demonstrations of real or showing material security through the acquisition of unnecessary luxury items. Or, sometimes there is a couple, enthusiastic jokes, silent jokes, often voiced in an absolutely inappropriate situation for calling the feeling of awkwardness from the bulk of the listeners.


A negative reaction to an irritant, expressed in an excessive manifestation of emotions, the saturation of which does not correspond to the power of the impact of an unpleasant for some reason. The cause of irritability can be external or internal, caused by the overload of the nervous system or the exhaustion of the body.


The inability to rationally spend income, including the desire to systematically or constantly make acquisitions for the sake of the process itself, and not in order to use the item of the item or things. It is based on the desire to feel "the Lord of the world", to meet the status of a materially secured person.


Decoration of discontent or distrust to a subject having a jealous value. It is expressed by suspicion of infidelity or more emotional predisposition to another person (on the site of the accused may not only be a spouse, but also mother, sister, friend - the list can be infinite).


Habit is reasonable and unreasonable to catch himself in a variety of sins of different magnitude. For example, in insufficient attention to the fulfillment of duties, although in reality at work or in relationships a person is laid out completely. Possible causes: Low self-esteem, actively supporting the concerned environment, perfectionism.


Unreasonable exceeding its abilities, allegedly allow you to cope with a certain or any task. It is the cause of the barrafficness and risky actions, often performed with the rejection of the security rules, laws of physics and the arguments of logic. Based on inexperience, depending on the desire to live on the edge of the foul.


The absence of the ability to perform a volitional effort for the desired goal or for confrontation with dangerous, illegal temptations, morally degraded personalities. Next to submission to other people's decisions even in the case when they require serious victims. Such a negative trait of the character of a man can make it the object of ridicule in the team.


The inability to resist the opponent due to the insufficiently developed force of the will, the exposure of phobia. It can be used by flight from the place of some events due to imaginary or real danger for his own health, life, despite the remaining in the danger of other possible participants in the incident.


The desire to receive praise for real and imaginary merit. The desire primarily have a positive image, and not to be worthy of compliments. Inspection as a voiced approval - flattery is also perceived favorably. And there is no ability to distinguish it from sincere statements.


The desire to do only according to its own ideas about the loyalty of the selected path, the rejection of authorities, ignoring the well-known rules of purely due to the habit of acting as he himself decided. The absence of the ability to be flexible when colliding interests, reluctance or inability to take into account the goals and possibilities of others.


Animated selfishness, the desire to live with comfort, not believing with possible inconveniences, following this for others. It is always overwhelmed over the desires of other people, the opinions of the latter on this and other reasons are never taken into account. All decisions are based only on their own gain.

Each person has certain features that are expressed in emotional manifestations, selection of specific actions and reactions. All this happens automatically and is determined by people like character traits. There are many types of personality character for quick definition, with which person is happening.

Everyone knows what character is. This is a set of qualities that are inherent in a specific person. The character is produced throughout life. In childhood, he is flexible and rapidly changing. Over the years, it acquires greater stability and is fixed at the end .. what it is and what features there are from this phenomenon will tell the article.

What is the nature of the person?

With the character of another person, every person faces. What it is? This is the characteristic of the psyche, which combines constant and sustainable qualities that determine the behavior and attitude of the individual. Translated from Greek character indicates the "feat", "sign". This is a steady characteristic that affects the behavior, reacting methods, activities and individual manifestations of a person.

It can be said that the nature of the person determines the whole life of a person, his fate. It is suggested that fate is predetermined. In fact, a person who does not subordinate to specific rules and strategies, himself creates his fate, which then lives.

Changing the character, you can change the fate, since the character determines the reaction, behavior, the decision of the person, which it takes in a particular situation. If you look closely, you can see that people resemble in nature live the same life. Only parts are distinguished, but their ways and behavior coincide.

Character is formed throughout the human life. At any moment it can be changed that in adult age is possible only under the influence of his own desire and the power of will. If a person cannot change his character, then his life does not change and its development is predictable.

Character character traits

Character varies depending on the type of activity, society, the circle of communication, the relationship to itself and the world as a whole. If something from these aspects changes, it may affect the change of character of character. If everything remains in a person's life unchanged, then the character traits remain unchanged.

Features of the character of the personality

The nature of the person is also formed under the influence of values \u200b\u200band moral beliefs, which man uses. What they are stable, the more people are fixed in their behavior and manifestations. The main feature of a personal character is its certainty where you can note the leading traits that are always allocated by several. The characteristic of the nature disappears if there are no sustainable qualities.

The basis of the nature is also the interests that have a person. What they are stable and constant, the greater the person becomes targeted, persistent and solid in their manifestations.

It is possible to determine the characteristics of the nature of another person in its actions and their orientation. Important both actions and the results he reaches at the end of their commission. They are the character of a person.

Temperament and personality character

There is a relationship between the relationship and character of the personality. These characteristics are determined by the human psyche, however, are different values. The temperament is determined by the structure of the nervous system, which makes it congenital quality, the manifestations of which cannot be changed, but you can simply do something.

Character is a flexible aspect that is formed throughout life. A person can change it, which is determined by his vital activity.

The nature is formed on the basis of the temperament with which a person was born. The temperament can be called the basis on which the entire branch of its character qualities is built. At the same time, temperament does not change from external circumstances and activities.

Temperament is characterized by three orientations, each of which has its own complex structure:

  1. Mobility (activity). It manifests itself in active activity, self-expression, manifest itself, which can be both sluggish and excessively active.
  2. Emotionality. There is a variety of sentiments and feelings of feelings. Determined:
  • Lability is a change rate of one mood to another.
  • Impressiveness - the depth of perception of external emotional stimuli.
  • The impulsivity is the rate of transition of emotions to the motivating force of performing actions without its thinking and decision making.
  1. Motorick.

Types of character character

Psychologists of different times tried to highlight the types of personality characteristics to determine specific groups of people. E. Krechmer highlighted 3 groups of people by type of physique:

  1. People-picnics, prone to a set of excess weight, low growth, with a large face, neck, continued. They are easily adapted to the conditions of the world, communicable and emotional.
  2. Athletics people characterized by developed muscles, high and widespread, hardy and with a large chest. They are not impressionable, powerful, calm and practical, restrained in gestures and facial expressions, do not adapt well.
  3. Asthenics people characterized by hook and underdeveloped muscles, narrow face, long arms and legs, a flat thoracic. They are stubborn and serious, closed and poorly adaptable to change.

K. Jung proposed another typology that shares people like thinking:

  • Extravents. Very sociable and active people who tend to make a lot of dating. They are straight and open. Love to travel, raise parties, to be a soul of the company. They are focused on objective circumstances, and not on the subjective opinions of people.
  • Introverts. Very closed and felling off the world people. They have few friends, since it is difficult to establish contacts. There are constantly analysis of all that is happening. They are very disturbing and prefer loneliness.

Another classification shares people to 4 psychotype depending on their combination of character and temperament:

  1. Choleric - unbalanced, fast, gusty, passionate people. Quickly depleted due to the meaningless spending of forces. Proposed to emotional flashes and mood shifts.
  2. Flegmatic - Sustainable in their manifestations, emotions and views, unhurried, unperturbable people. They are prone calm and equilibrium, perseverance in work. Externally do not show emotions.
  3. Melancholics - wounded people prone to constant experience of emotions. Very impressionable, sharply react to external manifestations.
  4. Sanguines are alive, mobile and active people. Quickly react to external circumstances and tend to receive many impressions. In work is productive. Easily tolerate failures and trouble.

Psychological character of personality

Changes that occur in the psychological nature of the individual are divided into natural (typical) and individual (atypical).

Passenger changes occur as a person grows and passes through certain changes in its body. Children's features disappear, replacing adults. Children's features include capriciousness, irresponsibility, fears, plasticity. To adults - wisdom, life experience, tolerance, rationality, calcality, etc.

Much here is determined by those situations with which a person often faces. Communication with people, various circumstances, good luck and failure, tragedy determine the change of views and values \u200b\u200bin humans. That is why people of one age group differ in each other, since everyone had their own life experience. Individual features are formed here, which depend on life circumstances, through which each person passes.

The features are faster to others, if they are similar to previous or include them.

Social character of personality

Under the social character of the personality is understood as the qualities that should be characteristic of absolutely all people of one or another society. Going to society, a person must show not only individual traits, but also the qualities that are considered acceptable, approved, normal. Such a set is formed by society, media, culture, upbringing, general education institutions, religion, etc. It should be noted that parents raise their children, depending on the framework and norms that are adopted in society.

According to E. Fromma, the social character of the personality is a way to adapt a person to this society in which it is located. This is an unposted and free way of existence in a particular society. He believed that no society allows a person to self-realize in full force, because he always dictates its rules and norms that should be above individual characteristics and desires. That is why a person is always in conflict with society, when he must obey to be accepted, or tries to protest what can be punishable.

Society will never allow a person to manifest itself in full force, which prevents it from implementing his deposits and harms the individual itself. There should be a distortion of character when everyone drives itself under certain frameworks and norms adopted in society. Only by the development of a society in a person society makes it safe for himself. It is important not a personality, but its safe manifestations that will be acceptable in society. Otherwise, it will be punished for any individual self-expression, which does not fit into the framework.

Acceptance of personality character

Under the accentuation of the character of the personality means a set of qualities that are pronounced by an individual within the normal range. She is divided into:

  • Hidden - features that are unclean either never. However, under certain conditions, they can manifest.
  • Explicit - features that manifest themselves to extremely the norm and are characterized by constancy.

K. Leongrad allocated the types of accentuation:

  1. Estheroid - thirst for attention, egocentrism, the need for reverence and approval, recognizing individual characteristics.
  2. Hypertension - sociability, mobility, tendency to mischief, excessive independence.
  3. Asthenonevrotic - anxiety, high fatigue.
  4. Psychospace is indecision, a tendency to demagogue, analysis and self-confidence, constancy.
  5. Schizoid - detachment, closedness, not possible.
  6. Excitable - periodical dreary moods, the accumulation of irritation.
  7. Sensitive - increased syntitude, sensitivity, shyness.
  8. Infantile-dependent - delay in childhood, when a person does not take responsibility.
  9. Emotional-labile - mood variability.
  10. Unstable - a tendency to idleness, pleasures, entertainment, idleness.


The nature of the personality often helps in understanding the very personality, as everything spins around her inner world, which has manifestations in the form of reactions, emotions, behavior, actions, and even achievements that are currently available. Consideration of various types of character can lead to the next result - a rapid and easy understanding of people.

Character is a flexible characteristic that can be changed at any time. It can vary both unconsciously and under the influence of the force of the will of the person who controls the manifestation of a particular quality. The longer a person shows concrete quality, the more it is fixed and becomes one of its characteristics affecting the future development of life.

Studying the characteristics of a certain person's character, you can identify what qualities characterize the person. The basis of their manifestation is the impact of individual experience, knowledge, abilities and capabilities of people. The list of biological features includes congenital human characteristics. The remaining quality of personality acquired as a result of vital activity:

  • Sociality

Means incorruptibility to the individual, biological characteristics of people, saturation of socio-cultural content.

  • Uniqueness

The uniqueness and originality of the inner world of a separate individual, its independence and the impossibility of attributing to one or another social or psychological type.

  • Transcendence

The willingness to go beyond your "limits", constant self-improvement as a way of being, faith in the possibility of developing and overcoming foreign and internal obstacles to its goal and, as a result, incompleteness, inconsistency and problemability.

  • Integrity and subjectivity

Internal unity and identity (equality itself) in any life situations.

  • Activity and subjectivity

The ability to change itself and the conditions of its existence, independence from the surrounding conditions, the ability to be a source of own activity, the cause of actions and recognition of responsibility for the affected things.

  • Moral

The basis of interaction with the surrounding world, willingness to relate to other people as a higher value, equivalent to their own, and not as a means of achieving goals.

List of qualities

The personality structure includes temperament, volitional qualities, ability, character, emotions, social installations and motivation. As well as the following qualities:

  • Independence;
  • Intellectual self-improvement;
  • Communication;
  • Kindness;
  • Hardworking;
  • Honesty;
  • Dedication;
  • A responsibility;
  • Respect;
  • Confidence;
  • Discipline;
  • Humanity;
  • Mercy;
  • Curiosity;
  • Objectivity.

Personal qualities of a person make up internal perception and external manifestations. External manifestation includes a list of indicators:

  • congenital or acquired artistry;
  • attractive external data and style sense;
  • abilities and distinct speech pronunciation;
  • competent and sophisticated approach to.

The main qualities of the person (its inner world) can be classified for a number of signs:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the situation and the lack of conflicting information perception;
  • inherent love for people;
  • unbiased thinking;
  • positive form of perception;
  • wise judgment.

The level of these indicators determines the individual features of the studied.

Structure of individual qualities

To more accurately determine the quality of the personality of a person, its biological structure should be highlighted. It consists of 4 levels:

  1. Temperament including the characteristics of the genetic predisposition (nervous system).
  2. The degree of unique mental processes allowing to identify personal qualities of a person. The level of individual perception, imagination, manifestations of volitional signs, feelings and attention affects the level of individual perception.
  3. The experience of people characterized by knowledge, abilities, opportunities and habits.
  4. Public orientation indicators, including the attitude of the subject to the external habitat. The development of personal qualities is the guide and regulatory factor of behavior - interests and views, beliefs and attitudes (a state of consciousness based on the previous experience, regulating relations and), moral norms.

The features of people characterizing their temperament

Congenital quality of personality form him as a social being. The behavioral factors, the type of activity and the circle of communication are taken into account. The category shared 4 concepts: Sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • Sanguine -, easily adjusted under a new habitat and overcoming obstacles. Persistence, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main features of the person.
  • Melancholic is weak and low-luminous. Under the influence of strong stimuli, there are violations in the behavior, manifested by a passive attitude to any activity. The closure, pessimism, anxiety, a tendency to reasoning and physiciability - characteristic features of melancholic.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic identity quality. They are hot-tempered and unrestrained. Sensibility, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability - explicit indicators of restless temperament.
  • Phlegmatic - balanced, inert and slow person, not prone to change. Personal indicators perform in easy overcoming negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence - distinctive features of calm people.

Individual character traits

The character is a set of features of the individual, which manifest themselves in different types of activities, communication and relations with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of the vital processes and the kind of people's activities. For a more accurate assessment of the nature of people, behavioral factors should be studied in detail in specific circumstances.

Varieties of character:

  • cycloid - change of mood;
  • the hypertension of the accentuation lies in high activity, the university of affairs to the end;
  • asthenic - capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive - timid person;
  • exteroid - leadership and vanity deposit;
  • distitute - focused on the negative side of current events.

Individual people's abilities

Individual psychological qualities of the individual contribute to the achievement of success and perfection in certain activities. They are determined by public and historical personality practices, the results of the interactions of biologically mental indicators.

There are different levels of abilities:

  1. ottoman;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and the abilities of people is characterized by the ability to learn new in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific form of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Voloy traits of people

Adjustment of behavioral factors associated with overcoming internal and external discomfort allows identifying personal qualities: the level of effort and plans to perform actions, concentration in the specified direction. The will manifests itself in the following properties:

  • - level of effort to achieve the desired result;
  • perseverance is the possibility of mobilization to overcome trouble;
  • exposure - the ability to limit feelings, thinking and action.

Courage, composure, commitment - personal qualities of volitional people. They are classified for simple and complex acts. In a simple case, the motivation to action is flowed in its execution automatically. Complex acts are carried out on the basis of the preparation of the plan and accounting of consequences.

Human feelings

The resistant attitude of people to real or imaginary objects occur and form on the basis of cultural and historical levels. Only the methods of their manifestation are changing, based on historical eras. Individual.

Personal motivation

Motives and motives that contribute to activation of actions are formed from. Stimulating identity qualities are conscious and unconscious.

They manifest themselves in the form:

  • striving for success;
  • avoiding troubles;
  • obtaining power and others.

How to manifest themselves and how to recognize personality properties

Personal qualities of the individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

  • self-esteem. manifest themselves in relation to themselves: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with a high level of self-control or braveness;
  • evaluation of the relationship of an individual to society. There are different degrees of the relationship between the subject with representatives of the Company: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rough, etc.;
  • a unique personality is determined by the level of interest in the employment, educational, sports or creative sphere;
  • finding out the position of the personality in society occurs in the close relationship of the opinion of it;
  • when studying psychological factors, special attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention characterizing the development of personal qualities;
  • observations for the emotional perception of situations allows us to evaluate the reaction of the individual when solving problems or its absence;
  • measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious personality are manifested in work in the form of a creative approach, enterprise, initiatives and bringing things to the desired result.

An overview of the individual properties of people helps to create a common picture of behavior in the professional and social sphere. Under the notion of "personality", a person is opposed to individual properties caused by the public environment. These include personal features: intelligence, emotions and will.

Grouping of signs that contribute to identity recognition:

  • subjects that are aware of the availability of social traits inherent;
  • people participating in the social and cultural life of society;
  • personal qualities and character of a person are easy to determine in social relationships through communication and labor;
  • personality, clearly aware of their peculiarity and significance in the public.

Personal and professional qualities of a person are manifested in the formation of worldview and internal perception. The individual is always asked by philosophical issues of life, its significance in the public. He has his ideas, views and life positions affecting

Good qualities of a person - their list is often needed to compile a summary. After all, in a summary, one of the items is the personal qualities of the job seeker.

List of positive moral qualities of a person

What are the positive qualities of a person's character for work and a comfortable life in society are the most significant? How best to characterize yourself and what to specify in the summary? Let's deal with. To know your virtues in the face, we have prepared a list of positive qualities for human characteristics.


This caring attitude towards existing benefits, it does not matter with its own or other. It is not only about material things, but even about the spiritual powers and human vital energy. This quality allows you to optimize the consumption of any resources, achieve more by saving the small one.


This is the absence of the desire for profit. Trashful people drive only personal benefit. Foreign and disinterested people their own benefit is not important, they will help and they will not require anything in return, so they trust them much more.


Respectful attitude towards others. Always. Even in cases where the situation does not have a taking and tactful appeal. By the way, this quality annoys the fun. They want to quarrel, and a polite person with them does not go to the conflict. Politeness and scorn in the belt plugs, and the cities conquer!


This is devotion, but not only in relation to loved ones, but also to their own worldview, ideas and views. This is an important side of the relationship between a man and a woman, because with it, such a negative trait as jealousy is conjugate. Loyalty speaks about the reliability and constancy of the person who has this quality.


These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. A brought up man is polite with others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and performance of rules of behavior in society, respect for someone else's property, nature, society. For a brought up man never happened.


This ability to follow the rules and regulations. The disciplined person not only strictly complies with the established rules, but also knows how to dispose of his own time so that it is enough for all important things.


This is a gentle and caring attitude towards people. Responsiveness and attentiveness towards others, the desire to help and help out of difficult situations without expecting anything in return. This quality does not bring the momentary benefit, but the surrounding it appreciates it, and often they are often responsible for despicable kindness and care.


This is a friendly attitude towards others. This is not only the opportunity to build friendly relations with any person, but also the ability to behave openly and gently towards people. A friendly person strives for mutual pleasant communication, so it has not only true friends, but also a lot of useful dating.


This is the ability to install contacts. A person who does not have communicative barriers easily enters the team and makes friends. We live in society, so the ability to communicate with others useful in any field of life. A person who has such quality will never remain alone.

A responsibility

This is the ability of a person to respond to the fact that he is entrusted with the ability to make difficult decisions and assess their consequences. Husbands are responsible for wives, mother for children, employees for professional tasks. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for anything, manifests himself as an independent and mature person.


This willingness to come to the rescue, the ability to selflessly respond to the request, help in a difficult situation. Plus of this quality not only in good attitude of others, but also in the self-satisfaction of themselves with a kind person.


This is a compliance with the rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more connected with the lack of desets, the ability to carry out instructions on time, comply with the agreement. It is especially valued in the industries where "time is money." But you should not neglect punctuality and in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.


This willingness to make decisions, the ability to fulfill the conceived, not Robust and not judge. Determination is the absence of the so-called paralysis of the will, when doubts interfere with activities. Closely related to the hardness of the spirit and courage. About decisive people say: "He has an inner rod."


This is a sober self-esteem, adequate perception of one's own views and activities. A self-critical person does not consider his own opinion the only true, has a sound attitude towards views from. But you need to remember about the golden middle, because excessive self-criticism indicates a low self-esteem.


This is the lack of intent to extol themselves. It's nice to deal with people who have achieved a lot, and at the same time they do not praise themselves at every step. Modesty is not only the absence of boasting, but also tacty in relation to others. This quality can manifest themselves as because of respect for other people and due to shyness.


This ability is not to succumb. They say a bold man is not afraid of anything, but the complete absence of fear is not only the recklessness, but also syndrome of some mental abnormalities. The courage is the ability to act contrary to fears. As an example, firefighters can also be afraid of fire, but to fulfill their professional debt, not leaving fear.


This is correctness and impartiality. The basis of this concept is the idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, the laws of reward for good and bad deeds. Evaluating the events, a fair person eliminates the predisposition and sympathy for someone. The person is fair when objective.


This is tolerance for people. Tolerance does not allow to divide people to representatives of other nations, ethnic groups and religions. The tolerant person does not reject someone else's point of view, and is unlikely to allow himself a roughly answer to someone. Tolerance is the need for the modern world.


This ability to positively belong to your own work. Diligence is not only the willingness to give their strength and personal labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person systematically lens from work and is not able to perceive his work with interest - the burden of the whole team.

Respect for others

This is the recognition of the values \u200b\u200bof other people's views. Respectful attitude towards others says that you see the person in every person. In labor processes, this quality is mandatory, manifests itself in distances and subordination.


This is a positive assessment of your own qualities. Confidence is closely related to the ability of a person to control themselves in ambiguous situations. A confident personality knows the price, is not afraid of public speeches, in the stressful situation can keep himself in his hands. Looking at such a person you can think: "He knows what he does."


This ability to go to the goal. This quality is characteristic of strong people, not passing before difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving the goals and the implementation of plans shows the character of character and unshakable spirit. Persistent personalities by their own forces seek heights.


This is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality indicates decency, morality and strong character. An honest person always respects the interlocutor, so he tells him the truth sometimes even unpleasant, but necessary.


This is a self-esteem and high assessment of your qualities, understanding of value and significance. A person who has this quality is unlikely to decide on a low act, deception or even ordinary swear in a public place. This is lower than its dignity. For such a person, it is not even not the opinion of others, but its own assessment of their actions.

Sense of humor

This ability to perceive the situation from the comic side. Even better - find this comical side in everything. So live more fun, and people with such a person are nice to communicate. The sense of humor is an indicator of human sincere health. It is not known whether the lifespan increases the life expectancy, but it can accurately protect exactly.


This willingness to share with the neighbor, absolutely not wanting to get something in return. Generous people, for example, can engage in charity - help those who need, sacrifiers to special funds. Even the most disinterested people appreciate this quality, because it shows the latitude of the soul.

Person's character- This is the most common term psychology in everyday life. "Well, character!" - talks about a difficult child even a person far from psychology. For him, character is synonymous with the words "property", "feature". And this is a definition of character not far from the truth.

Translated from Greek this term means "feature", "sign", "sign". For us, this is a combination of more or less permanent mental characteristics of a person who determine his behavior and relationship in society. That is, it is a way of life and behavior.

Character character traits.

Any character can be described according to its main features, that is, identifiers that will help explain the behavior of a particular person in a particular situation. Psychologists allocate four defining character traits:

  1. Attitude towards other people(politeness, sociability, rudeness, rudeness, contempt, etc.).
  2. Attitude towards labor (prerequisitive, good faith, hard work, perseverance, responsibility, passivity, laziness, etc.).
  3. Attitude towards me (pride, modesty, self-criticism, shyness, arrogance, self-love, pride, egoism, etc.).
  4. Attitude towards things (thrift, accuracy, negligence, slope, etc.).

The main features of the character when studying it are the first two types of features, that is, the attitude towards people and the attitude towards work. These characteristics are called stem or central. Here you can bring a simple explanation: your chief is primarily important how you perform your work and get out of your colleagues, and do you like yourself and hang trousers in the closet, coming from work, he does not care. An example, of course, rough, but the first two types of features are most important for social psychology and social studies.

Character and temperament.

Temperament - This is the basis for the formation of the nature of the personality. In contrast to temperament, the character can change over time, but it will still be based on the temperament as on the base. Simply put, temperament is a foundation on which you can build various types of character, and then something to demolish and rebuild.

Dynamic characteristics of character directly depend on temperament. For example, Sanguins and cholerics will always be sociable phlegmatics and melancholic. Some properties of temperament favors the development of certain character traits, and some - suppress.

When raising the child and the formation of its character, it is necessary to read the properties of its temperament, because with improper education in the character there may be negative features of temperament. Read more - see chapter temperament.

Character accentuation.

Character accentuation - The term that can not be mentioned when considering the character traits. This concept in psychology means an effort (emphasis) of certain features to extremes. In the most negative scenario, the accentuation can go into a mental disorder (not to be confused with a personality disorder than an emphasis in essence is).

Most often, the accentuation as a person's disorder is temporary or periodic. An example is a teenage crisis, or premenstrual syndrome, when irritability accentuates and goes to the fore. It should not be serious about the accentuation, you only need to minimize the adverse factors that caused it.

In contrast to temperament, the character does not have clearly defined species or types. There are no concepts that we can characterize anyone, but it will be a characteristic only by one feature: workaholic, lazy, altruist, trees, sociopath, merry, etc. Therefore, in order to more or less accurately describe the character of a person, it will take at least four such definitions, each - according to a certain type of character traits.