DIY camping refrigerator. How to do without a refrigerator in the country Making a portable refrigerator

You took a beer with you on the hike, but there was not a stream with cold water along the route, and the cold was over. How to quickly cool beer or other drinks, and at the same time not by a couple of degrees, as is done by evaporation, but in such a way as to really cool the drink and enjoy the heat? To do this, you need to take with you an extremely compact chemical refrigerator, which you can prepare in advance and always have the necessary charge on hand to cool food, freeze bruises and other needs.

Cold will help with: bruises, sprains, fractures, dislocations, edema, burns, insect bites, heatstroke, inflammation, the need to stop bleeding (from the nose), the need to cool food.

Method of obtaining chemical cold

To prepare it, you need water and ammonium nitrate - a common fertilizer. It is easy to find at a flower shop and is inexpensive, so your urgent refrigerator will be cost effective.

The mass ratio of water and nitrate is 60% to 40%, the volume is 1: 1. Stir this mixture in a bottle. When dissolved in water, nitrate absorbs a large amount of heat. If the salt, when dissolved, lowers the temperature by 3 degrees, then the same amount of nitrate by 23 degrees! The refrigerator is chemically ready for use. If you freeze a half-filled bottle with water, and then fill it with saltpeter (it is not necessary to grind it), then we get a long-lasting source of cold.

Another great idea. On the hike, you can make a refrigerator using a camping mat and a bottle of mixture. At the right time, we activate the mixture and wrap it in a rug, and close the open ends with a rag or spare clothes.

The used mixture must be strongly diluted with water before pouring it out, if you do not want to harm the plants.

About a thermos, how to make one from a bottle.

Experiment with chemically generated cold

Mix 100 g of snow or ice with 33 g of rock salt - the temperature of the resulting mixture will drop to -20 ° C. If you mix 100 g of snow or ice with 100 g of potassium nitrate, the temperature of the mixture will drop to -30 ° C. The temperature of the cooling mixture, consisting of 100 g of snow (or ice) and 150 g of potassium chloride hydrate reaches -45 ° C. But what about the summer, when there is no snow and ice? In the warm season, you can use such chemical compounds that, dissolving in water, absorb heat, thereby helping to reduce the water temperature to - 35 ° C. Of course, the water must be cold, and the compounds listed below must be taken in the following proportion (by weight ) in relation to water:

ammonium chloride 3
sodium nitrate 5
ammonium nitrate 10
sodium sulfide + hydrochloric acid 40
thiocyanate ammonium or potassium 15

In order to avoid large losses of cold, it is advisable to prepare the solution in a thermos.

When finished, pour the solution into a cup and remove the water from it by evaporation. The substance remaining after evaporation can be reused for experiments.

A cooler bag is essentially a simple carry-on bag with a layer of insulation inside. For those who would like to purchase such a thing, but stop because of its considerable price, try to make a travel refrigerator on their own.

Making a cooler bag with your own hands

To make a travel refrigerator, you need an unnecessary bag and a piece of insulation. For example, foamed polyethylene is perfect - white insulation, in which one side is covered with a layer of foil. It is not difficult to buy it at any of the hardware stores.

It takes very little time to transform a regular bag into a refrigerator. It is necessary to cut out the inner lining from the insulation - it will turn out like a cross, in which the rays should coincide in size with the walls of the bag, and the place of their crosshairs should correspond in size to the bottom. One of the rays will be longer than the opposite - this is for the cover. The foil layer of insulation should be facing the master.

When cutting out the insulation, it must be borne in mind that after the structure is glued, it should be inserted into the bag without difficulty. Therefore, it is better to make the pattern 5-7 cm smaller than the size of the bag. The sides are fastened with tape. They must be carefully and neatly secured both from the outside and from the inside. There is no need to regret the adhesive tape - the safety of the products depends on how well the gluing is performed. If the walls of the structure do not adhere to each other as firmly as possible, you should not count on the thermal effect.

How to make "cold accumulators"

In order for the cooler bag to function properly, you will need to make cold accumulators for it. From what you find in, small plastic bottles are great. Each of them must be filled with a concentrated salt solution. To prepare a solution, six tablespoons should be taken for one liter of salt water. The finished solution is bottled and everything is frozen in the freezer.

For better preservation, each of the products can be wrapped in paper or newspaper. Everything should lie inside as tightly as possible. It is better not to open a cooler bag, in which food has already been packed, unless absolutely necessary - this way the cold is better preserved. There are many other ways to increase thermal insulation.

Going out of town in the summer to the bosom of nature, we take with us something to eat and a thermos with hot tea. You could have taken something more substantial, but how to keep everything without a refrigerator? You can make a camping refrigerator with your own hands.

Having used factory pallets made of papier-mâché for laying eggs (plastic ones are not suitable), newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper, wallpaper glue and foam strips, it is quite possible to make a thermal container with a useful volume of 17 liters in 3 - 4 evenings. In shape, it is a cube with an outer edge of 360 and an inner edge of 260 mm. The pre-chilled food in our mini fridge will stay at the same temperature for 20 hours. Of course, it should be remembered that the fuller the container is filled, the longer it stays cold. And if there is a little edible (for example, ice cream), pre-chill the container with an ice bag and place plastic bottles with frozen water in it. Add table salt to the water before freezing. 120 g (4 tablespoons without a top) per 1 liter of water will provide a temperature of 8.6 degrees C, and 6 tablespoons - 12 ... 13 degrees C.

However, enough distracted conversations. Let's get down to business. Cover 4 pallets on both sides with paper so that it protrudes 50 - 100 mm beyond the edges.

In this case, it is necessary to apply glue not only to the paper, but also to the tops of the "pyramids" of the pallet. Place the plywood on the surface before drying and press down with a load.

Fold a square from the pallets and glue the protruding inner sheets of paper with an overlap, cutting them at the corners. When everything is dry, fold a square pipe from the pallets, picking them up so that the extreme "pyramids" enter the grooves of the neighboring ones. On the side of the lid, between the paper and the pallet, carefully glue the pieces of foam rubber and foam so as to seal the cavities.
Lay the top of the container with thick newspaper rollers and glue the sheets with an overlap. It is especially important to glue the voids, as well as the joints, so that there are no cracks. Paper rollers can be glued along the edges of the container.

Along the edge from the inside of the container, glue or sew with threads to the body a strip of foam rubber or felt 50 - 60 mm wide. Fill the voids between the foam rubber and the body with any porous material, having previously lubricated with glue.

Fig. 1. DIY camping refrigerator.

On a strip of cardboard with a width of 150 mm, glue or sew a tape of foam rubber or felt of the same width as on the body and put it in the container. Having lubricated the joints of cardboard and foam rubber with overlapping glue, press them to the body using spacers and plywood strips. Sew the felt strip end-to-end without a gap. When the glue is dry, remove the spacers and with slight force insert a cardboard frame into the pallet, cutting off its edges if necessary. Glue the rollers from the newspaper and cover the outside and inside with paper, folding the edges of the frame onto the lid.

Wait for the glue to dry and push the cover out of the case, having previously marked its position. Sew it in the corners with a large needle with thick thread or a regular one folded several times and sew from the outside of the buttonhole. You will need them to remove the cover. Glue squares of thick cardboard under the thread so that it does not cut the cardboard when you open it. Glue the edges of the foam rubber at the lid on one side inward, and at the body - outward for ease of installation.

Place the pallet on the bottom of the container and overlap with paper, gluing the slots. Glue the paper rolls into the voids and overlap with outer sheets of paper.

Outside, it would be nice to cover the container with sheets of thick paper, for example, from magazines. By choosing the appropriate illustrations, you can achieve a kind of decoration. Do not forget to make marks on the body and the lid so as not to look for their relative positions every time.

Place a piece of plywood on the bottom of the container, say, from a parcel box. Pass through the bottom and glue the tape for the pen with a keeper or sewn from thick fabric.

The camping refrigerator is ready. You can go hiking.

Almost every weekend we go with friends to nature with an overnight stay. To be more precise, we go to the beach, to the backwaters, which is near the village of Padovka. The rest is excellent, to be sure: here you can buy plenty, and you can make a barbecue, and you can cook some dish on the fire. Except the insane heat creates a terrible problem with cold beer. At the end of June, we put all the beer in a bag and threw it along with the anchor 10 meters from the shore (fortunately, a friend had a motor boat), but this did not give any salvation. Judging by its echo sounder, the water temperature on the surface last Sunday, July 25, was 29 degrees Celsius, well, at the end of June it might be 27 degrees (I won’t lie - I didn’t remember it); in general, for beer it is death.

They began to think how to overcome this problem. Last weekend I dug a hole, like a cellar, and we froze the beer in the freezer in advance, plus the entire supply of water. We went for two days, and at lunchtime on Sunday the water was a little cooler, which, in general, was also pleasant (of course, we destroyed the beer on Saturday evening, and the taste of the beer after freezing, unfortunately, did not change for the better) ... I first lowered a large box into the pit, and when they filled it with provisions, I covered it with a pair of sleeping bags for reliability. Of course, it is more correct to dig a hole around the cellar around the circumference and put a car camera there, cut along the circumference. Next, pour water into the camera and cover the cellar with a rag, and all the edges should lie in the water. Water, evaporating from the rag, takes heat from the cellar, and the cold reserve, which has been prepared in advance, lasts much longer. I read this trick in some magazine back in the 80s of the last century. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in testing this design, since no one found an unnecessary camera, and there was no point in pouring water into the dug hole, since the soil was completely sandy. If someone experiences this design, please unsubscribe in the comments.

But just last weekend we faced a task of the greatest difficulty: we had to go on vacation with two nights. On top of that, the birthday was being celebrated, so the supply of beer was doubled. We got out of this predicament quite easily. I arrived at the site first, dug a hole a meter in length, half in depth and width. He overlaid the pit inside with foam plastic 30 millimeters thick, on which he spent 90 rubles, laid provisions and drinks, pre-chilled (and frozen water). And the main thing! A piece of dry ice! So, thanks to him, we drank cold beer on Sunday, and not sour milk was added to the coffee.

Now for those who do not know where to buy dry ice. The address of this company is Zavodskoye Shosse, 8. It turns out that if you go along Zavodskoy towards the city and turn at the 22nd Party Congress, immediately after the bus stop (before reaching the Pobeda shopping center), there will be an inconspicuous driveway, so there you go. When I bought ice, I saw how they work. On weekdays, like all people, but on Sunday and Saturday only from 10 am to 12 pm This office is called LLC City, and this is their phone number, just in case, 992-69-68. Now about the prices: a whole timber measuring 18 * 18 * 90 cm costs about 900 rubles. This timber is sawed, and the smallest piece 7 centimeters thick will cost you 107 rubles. I bought a bigger piece, for 239 rubles, it was the size of my cooler bag (pictured), I put it there, and for reliability I put the bag in a box and in a blanket. I bought it somewhere at 13-00 on Friday, the river was at 18 00. During this time, my ice "lost weight" a little, and by Sunday morning it was gone, but I crushed this piece to fill the ice in containers that bought by my friends, but more on that below.

In general, what is there to tell, containers made of polystyrene, tightly closed with foam lids, are very similar to cooler bags, only without plastic cases and not covered with any fabric. But the price is attractive: for 40 liters it costs only 170 rubles, and the smaller one costs 150 rubles.

The only drawback, in my opinion, is that you cannot put a 1.5 liter bottle while standing. The containers were purchased in a shop located in a soft-roofed building at the address: st. Belgorodskaya 1, building 5. It's right under the South Bridge; Tel. 261-60-60. Well, I think that the information will be useful for someone, for this I bow out and wish everyone to drink only cold drinks in this heat.

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Is there no ice and is not expected? How to chill beer? Along with the drink, buy a can of compressed air (300 rubles in a hardware store; usually these are used to clean computer entrails from dust, so there is a tube in the kit - this is important). You will also need tape and a plastic container.

Make a hole in the plastic wall of the container along the diameter of the tube and push it inside. Place the bottles or cans on the bottom of the container and wrap the lid tightly with tape.

Now connect the can and tube and release the air. Thanks to the Joule-Thomson effect, the beer will become ice cold in a minute.

Third way!

How to chill beer outdoors? Wrap a cloth around the beer container. If you don't have anything suitable at hand, rummage under your feet - a sock is perfect.

Wet the wrapped container well and hang it in a draft in the shade. Now you are observing the process of heat exchange, the result of which will be a chilled drink.

This method works even better and faster if you put the bottle in the refrigerator.