Methods for drawing up documentation of functional electrical circuits. Conventional graphic symbols on electrical circuit diagrams

GOST 2.702-2011

Group T52


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system of design documentation. Rules for presentation of electric schemes

ISS 01.100
OKSTU 0002

Date of introduction 2012-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (FSUE "VNIINMASH"), the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO Scientific Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" )

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated May 12, 2011 N 39)

The following voted for the adoption of the standard:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation






Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated August 3, 2011 N 211-st, the interstate standard GOST 2.702-2011 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2012.

5 INSTEAD GOST 2.702-75

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the “National Standards” index, and the text of the changes is published in the “National Standards” information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to electrical circuits of products from all industries, as well as electrical circuits of energy structures and establishes rules for their implementation.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards for the implementation of electrical circuits for products of specific types of equipment, taking into account their specifics.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions

GOST 2.053-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Electronic structure of the product. General provisions

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.701-2008 Unified system of design documentation. Scheme. Types and types. General requirements for implementation

GOST 2.709-89 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional designations of wires and contact connections of electrical elements, equipment and sections of circuits in electrical circuits

GOST 2.710-81 Unified system of design documentation. Alphanumeric designations in electrical circuits

GOST 2.721-74 Unified system of design documentation. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Designations for general use

GOST 2.755-87 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional graphic symbols in electrical diagrams. Switching and contact devices

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.2 The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

ESKD - Unified System of Design Documentation;

UGO - conventional graphic symbols;

ESI - electronic structure of the product;

KD - design document.

4 Basic provisions

4.1 Electrical diagram - a document containing, in the form of conventional images or symbols, the components of a product that operate using electrical energy, and their interconnections.

4.2 Electrical diagrams can be made as paper and (or) electronic design documentation.

4.3 General requirements for implementation, types and types of circuits - in accordance with GOST 2.701.

Rules for constructing conventional alphanumeric designations of elements, devices and functional groups in electrical diagrams - according to GOST 2.710.

Note - If the electrical circuit is designed as an electronic design, you should additionally follow GOST 2.051.

4.4 Electrical circuits, depending on their main purpose, are divided into the following types:

- structural;

- functional;

- principled;

- connections;

- connections;

- are common;

- location.

4.5 It is allowed to place explanatory inscriptions, diagrams or tables on the diagram that determine the sequence of processes in time, as well as indicate parameters at characteristic points (current values, voltages, pulse shapes and sizes, mathematical dependencies, etc.).

5 Rules for executing schemes

5.1 Rules for executing block diagrams

5.1.1 The block diagram shows all the main functional parts of the product (elements, devices and functional groups) and the main relationships between them.

5.1.2 Functional parts in the diagram are depicted in the form of rectangles or UGO.

5.1.3 The graphical construction of the diagram should provide the best idea of ​​the sequence of interaction of functional parts in the product.

On the interconnection lines, it is recommended to use arrows to indicate the direction of the processes occurring in the product.

5.1.4 The diagram must indicate the names of each functional part of the product if a rectangle is used to designate it.

The diagram may indicate the type of element (device) and (or) the designation of the document (main design document, standard, technical specifications) on the basis of which this element (device) is applied.

When depicting functional parts in the form of rectangles, it is recommended to write names, types and designations inside the rectangles.

5.1.5 If there are a large number of functional parts, it is allowed, instead of names, types and designations, to put serial numbers to the right of the image or above it, as a rule, from top to bottom in the direction from left to right. In this case, names, types and designations are indicated in a table placed on the diagram field.

5.2 Rules for executing functional diagrams

5.2.1 The functional diagram shows the functional parts of the product (elements, devices and functional groups) participating in the process illustrated by the diagram, and the connections between these parts.

5.2.2 The functional parts and the relationships between them are depicted in the diagram in the form of UGOs established in the ESKD standards. Individual functional parts may be depicted in the form of rectangles.

5.2.3 The graphical construction of the diagram should give the most visual representation of the sequence of processes illustrated by the diagram.

5.2.4 Elements and devices are depicted on diagrams in a combined or separated manner.

5.2.5 With the combined method, the components of elements or devices are depicted on the diagram in close proximity to each other.

5.2.6 With the spaced method, the components of elements and devices or individual elements of devices are depicted on the diagram in different places so that the individual circuits of the product are depicted most clearly.

It is allowed to depict all and individual elements or devices in an exploded manner.

When executing diagrams, it is recommended to use the line method. In this case, the UGO elements or their components included in one chain are depicted sequentially one after another in a straight line, and individual chains are depicted side by side, forming parallel (horizontal or vertical) lines.

When executing the diagram in a line-by-line manner, it is possible to number the lines with Arabic numerals (see Figure 1).

Picture 1

5.2.7 When depicting elements or devices in a spaced manner, it is allowed to place on the free field of the diagram the UGO of elements or devices made in a combined manner. In this case, elements or devices partially used in the product are depicted in full, indicating the used and unused parts or elements (for example, all contacts of a multi-contact relay).

The terminals (contacts) of unused elements (parts) are shown shorter than the terminals (contacts) of used elements (parts) (see Figure 2).

Figure 2

5.2.8 Schemes are made in a multi-linear or single-line image.

5.2.9 With a multilinear image, each circuit is depicted as a separate line, and the elements contained in these circuits are depicted as separate UGOs (see Figure 3 A).

A- multi-line image

b- single line image

Figure 3

5.2.10 With a single-line drawing, circuits that perform identical functions are depicted with one line, and identical elements of these circuits are depicted with one UGO (see Figure 3 b).

5.2.11 If necessary, electrical circuits are indicated on the diagram. These designations must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.709.

5.2.12 When depicting different functional circuits on the same diagram, it is allowed to distinguish them by line thickness. It is recommended to use no more than three line thicknesses on one diagram. If necessary, appropriate explanations are placed in the diagram field.

5.2.13 To simplify the diagram, it is possible to merge several electrically unconnected interconnection lines into a group interconnection line, but when approaching contacts (elements), each interconnection line is depicted as a separate line.

When merging interconnection lines, each line is marked at the junction, and, if necessary, at both ends with symbols (numbers, letters or a combination of letters and numbers) or symbols adopted for electrical circuits (see 5.2.11).

Line designations are set in accordance with the requirements given in GOST 2.721.

Electrical interconnection lines merged into a group interconnection line, as a rule, should not have branches, i.e. Each conditional number must appear on the group interconnection line twice. If branches are necessary, their number is indicated after the serial number of the line through a fractional line (see Figure 4).

Figure 4

5.2.14 It is allowed, if this does not complicate the diagram, to connect separately depicted parts of elements with a line of mechanical interconnection, indicating that they belong to one element.

In this case, the positional designations of the elements are placed at one or both ends of the mechanical interconnection line.

5.2.15 The diagram should indicate:

- for each functional group - the designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram and (or) its name; if a functional group is depicted as a UGO, then its name is not indicated;

- for each device shown in the form of a rectangle - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, its name and type and (or) designation of the document (main design document, standard, technical specifications) on the basis of which this device is used;

- for each device depicted as a UGO - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, its type and (or) document designation;

- for each element - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, and (or) its type.

The designation of the document on the basis of which the device is used and the type of element may not be indicated.

It is recommended to write names, types and designations in rectangles.

5.3 Rules for implementing circuit diagrams

5.3.1 The schematic diagram shows all electrical elements or devices necessary for the implementation and control of established electrical processes in the product, all electrical connections between them, as well as electrical elements (connectors, clamps, etc.) that terminate the input and output chains.

5.3.2 The diagram may depict connecting and mounting elements installed in the product for structural reasons.

5.3.3 The diagrams are performed for products in the off position.

In technically justified cases, it is allowed to depict individual elements of the diagram in the selected operating position, indicating in the diagram field the mode for which these elements are depicted.

5.3.4 Elements and devices, the UGOs of which are established in the ESKD standards, are depicted on the diagram in the form of these UGOs.

Note - If the UGO is not established by the standards, then the developer performs the UGO in the margins of the diagram and gives explanations.

5.3.5 Elements or devices partially used in the product may be shown incompletely on the diagram, limited to depicting only the parts or elements used.

5.3.6 When implementing the circuit diagram, it is allowed to use the provisions specified in 5.2.4-5.2.14.

5.3.7 Each element and (or) device that has an independent circuit diagram and is considered as an element included in the product and shown in the diagram must have a designation (position designation) in accordance with GOST 2.710.

It is recommended that devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams and functional groups be assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.710.

5.3.8 Position designations should be assigned to elements (devices) within the product (installation).

5.3.9 Sequence numbers for elements (devices) should be assigned, starting from one, within a group of elements (devices) that are assigned the same letter position designation in the diagram, for example, , , etc., , , etc.

5.3.10 Sequence numbers should be assigned in accordance with the sequence of arrangement of elements or devices on the diagram from top to bottom in the direction from left to right.

If necessary, it is possible to change the sequence of assigning serial numbers depending on the placement of elements in the product, the direction of signal flow or the functional sequence of the process.

When changes are made to the scheme, the sequence of assigning serial numbers can be changed.

5.3.11 Position designations are placed on the diagram next to the UGO of elements and (or) devices on the right side or above them.

It is allowed to place the position designation inside the UGO rectangle.

5.3.12 On a diagram of a product that includes devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams, it is allowed to assign positional designations to elements within each device.

If the product includes several identical devices, then position designations should be assigned to the elements within these devices.

Serial numbers should be assigned to elements according to the rules established in 5.3.9.

Elements not included in the devices are assigned positional designations starting from one, according to the rules established in 5.3.8-5.3.10.

5.3.13 On a diagram of a product that includes functional groups, positional designations are assigned to elements according to the rules established in 5.3.8-5.3.10, and first, positional designations are assigned to elements not included in the functional groups, and then to elements included into functional groups.

If a product contains several identical functional groups, the position designations of elements assigned in one of these groups should be repeated in all subsequent groups.

The designation of the functional group, assigned in accordance with GOST 2.710, is indicated near the image of the functional group (top or right).

5.3.14 When depicting an element or device on a diagram in an exploded manner, the position designation of the element or device is placed near each component (see Figure 5).

Combined method of displaying a device

Exploded device display method

Figure 5

If the diagram field is divided into zones or the diagram is made in a line-by-line manner, then to the right of the positional designation or under the positional designation of each component part of an element or device, it is allowed to indicate in brackets the zone designations or line numbers in which all other components of this element or device are shown (see Figure 6).

Figure 6

When depicting an element or device on a diagram in an exploded manner, it is allowed to place the positional designation of each component part of the element or device, as in the combined method, but indicating the pin designations (contacts) for each part.

5.3.15 When depicting individual elements of devices in different places, the positional designations of these elements must include the positional designation of the device they are included in, for example =A3-C5 - capacitor C5 included in device A3.

5.3.16 When using a spaced method of depicting a functional group (if necessary, a combined method), the positional designations of the elements included in this group must include the designation of the functional group, for example T1-C5 - capacitor C5, part of the T1 functional group.

5.3.17 With a single-line image, near one UGO, replacing several UGO of identical elements or devices, indicate the positional designations of all these elements or devices.

If the same elements or devices are not located in all circuits depicted single-line, then to the right of the reference designation or below it in square brackets indicate the designations of the circuits in which these elements or devices are located (see Figure 3).

5.3.18 The schematic diagram must clearly identify all elements and devices included in the product and shown in the diagram.

Data on elements should be recorded in a list of elements, drawn up in the form of a table in accordance with GOST 2.701. In this case, the connection of the list with the UGO elements should be carried out through positional designations.

For electronic documents, the list of elements is drawn up as a separate document.

When including circuit elements in ESI (GOST 2.053), a list of elements drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.701 is recommended to be obtained from it in the form of a report.

In some cases, established by the standards, it is allowed to place all information about the elements near the UGO.

5.3.19 In case of a complex entry, for example, when a device that does not have an independent circuit diagram includes one or more devices that have independent circuit diagrams and (or) functional groups, or if a functional group includes one or more devices, etc. etc., then in the list of elements in the “Name” column, before the names of devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams and functional groups, it is allowed to put down serial numbers (i.e., similar to the designation of sections, subsections, etc.) within the entire product diagram (see Figure 7). Functional units or devices (including those made on a separate board) are highlighted with dashed lines. If in the diagram the position designation of an element includes the position designation of the device or the designation of the functional group, then in the list of elements in the column “Position designation” the position designation of the element is indicated without the position designation of the device or the designation of the functional group.

Figure 7

5.3.20 When indicating the values ​​of resistors and capacitors near the UGO (see Figure 8), it is allowed to use a simplified method of designating units of quantities:

- for resistors:

from 0 to 999 Ohm - without specifying units,

from 1·10 to 999·10 Ohm - in kilo-ohms with the unit denoted by a lowercase letter k,

from 1·10 to 999·10 Ohm - in megaohms with the unit denoted by the capital letter M,

over 1·10 ohms - in gigaohms with the unit denoted by the capital letter G;

- for capacitors:

from 0 to 9999·12 F - in picofarads without indicating the unit of value,

from 1·10 to 9999·10 F - in microfarads with the unit of magnitude designated in lowercase letters mk.

Figure 8

5.3.21 The diagram should indicate the designations of the terminals (contacts) of the elements (devices) printed on the product or installed in their documentation.

If the design of the element (device) and its documentation do not indicate the designations of the pins (contacts), then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to them on the diagram, repeating them later in the corresponding design documents.

When conditionally assigning designations to pins (contacts), a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field.

When depicting several identical elements (devices) on a diagram, the designations of pins (contacts) are allowed to be indicated on one of them.

In the spaced method of depicting identical elements (devices), the pin designations (contacts) are indicated on each component part of the element (device).

To distinguish the terminal (contact) designations on the diagram from other designations (circuit designations, etc.), it is allowed to write the terminal (contact) designations with a qualifying symbol in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.710.

5.3.22 When depicting an element or device in a spaced manner, an explanatory inscription is placed near one component of the product or in the diagram field near the image of an element or device made in a combined method.

5.3.23 It is recommended to indicate on the diagram the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product (frequency, voltage, current, resistance, inductance, etc.), as well as parameters to be measured at control contacts, sockets, etc.

If it is impossible to indicate the characteristics or parameters of the input and output circuits of the product, then it is recommended to indicate the name of the circuits or controlled quantities.

5.3.24 If a product is obviously intended to operate only in a specific product (installation), then the diagram may indicate the addresses of external connections of the input and output circuits of this product. The address must ensure unambiguous connection, for example, if the output contact of the product must be connected to the fifth contact of the third connector of the device, then the address should be written as follows: =3:5.

It is allowed to indicate the address in a general form if the unambiguous connection is ensured, for example, “Device A”.

5.3.25 It is recommended to record the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product, as well as the addresses of their external connections, in tables placed instead of the UGO input and output elements - connectors, boards, etc. (see Figure 9).

Figure 9

Above the table it is allowed to indicate the UGO of the contact - socket or pin.

Tables can be executed in a spaced manner.

The order of the contacts in the table is determined by the convenience of constructing the circuit.

It is allowed to place tables with circuit characteristics if there are input and output elements on the UGO diagram - connectors, boards, etc. (see Figure 10).

Figure 10

It is recommended to place similar tables on lines depicting input and output circuits and not ending with connectors, boards, etc. on the diagram. In this case, positional designations are not assigned to the tables.


1 If there are several tables in the diagram, it is allowed to show the head of the table in only one of them.

2 If there are no characteristics of the input and output circuits or addresses of their external connection, the table does not provide a column with this data.

If necessary, additional columns can be entered into the table.

3 Allowed to be entered in the "Contact" column. several consecutive contact numbers if they are connected to each other. Contact numbers are separated by a comma.

5.3.26 When depicting multi-contact connectors on a diagram, it is allowed to use UGOs that do not show individual contacts (GOST 2.755).

Information about the connection of connector contacts is indicated in one of the following ways:

- near the image of the connectors, on the free field of the diagram or on subsequent sheets of the diagram, place tables in which the connection address is indicated [circuit designation (see Figure 11 A) and (or) position designation of elements connected to this contact (see Figure 11 b)].

A- a table placed on a free field of the diagram or on subsequent sheets of the diagram

b- a table placed next to the connector image

Figure 11

If necessary, the table indicates the characteristics of the circuits and the addresses of external connections (see Figure 11 A).

If tables are placed on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets, then they are assigned positional designations of the connectors to which they are compiled.

in the column "Cont." - connector contact number. Contact numbers are written in ascending order,

in the "Address" column - designation of the circuit and (or) position designation of the elements connected to the contacts,

in the "Chain" column - the characteristics of the circuit,

in the "External address" column - the address of the external connection;

- connections with connector contacts are depicted in a spaced manner (see Figure 12).

Figure 12


1 Dots connected by a dashed line to a connector indicate connections to the corresponding pins of that connector.

2 If necessary, the characteristics of the circuits are placed on the free field of the diagram above the continuation of the interconnection lines.

5.3.27 When depicting elements on a diagram whose parameters are selected during regulation, asterisks are placed near the positional designations of these elements on the diagram and in the list of elements (for example *), and a footnote is placed in the diagram field: “*Selected during regulation.”

The list should include elements whose parameters are closest to the calculated ones.

The limiting values ​​of element parameters allowed during selection are indicated in the list in the “Note” column.

If the parameter selected during regulation is provided by elements of various types, then these elements are listed in the technical requirements in the field of the diagram, and the following data is indicated in the columns of the list of elements:

in the "Name" column - the name of the element and the parameter closest to the calculated one;

in the "Note" column - a link to the corresponding paragraph of the technical requirements and the maximum parameter values ​​​​allowed for selection.

5.3.28 If a parallel or serial connection is made to obtain a certain parameter value (capacitance or resistance of a certain value), then in the list of elements in the “Notes” column indicate the general (total) parameter of the elements (for example, 151 kOhm).

5.3.29 When depicting a device (or devices) in the form of a rectangle, it is allowed to place tables with the characteristics of input and output circuits in the rectangle instead of the UGO input and output elements (see Figure 13), and outside the rectangle it is allowed to place tables indicating the addresses of external connections (see Figure 14).

Figure 13

Figure 14

If necessary, additional columns can be entered into the tables.

Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element in place of which it is placed.

In the table, instead of the word "Cont." It is allowed to place a conventional graphic designation of the connector contact (see Figure 14).

On the product diagram, it is allowed to place structural or functional diagrams of devices in rectangles representing devices, or to repeat their circuit diagrams in whole or in part.

The elements of these devices are not included in the list of elements.

If the product includes several identical devices, then it is recommended to place the device diagram in a free field of the product diagram (and not in a rectangle) with an appropriate inscription, for example, “Block diagram A1-A4”, or when such a block appears for the first time, open its diagram, and then designate similar blocks with rectangles with the corresponding letter designation.

5.3.30 In the diagram field, it is allowed to place instructions on the brands, sections and colors of wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) that must be used to connect the elements, as well as instructions on the specific requirements for the electrical installation of this product.

5.4 Rules for executing connection diagrams

5.4.1 The connection diagram should show all devices and elements included in the product, their input and output elements (connectors, boards, clamps, etc.), as well as connections between these devices and elements.

5.4.2 Devices and elements in the diagram depict:

- devices - in the form of rectangles or simplified external outlines;

- elements - in the form of UGO, rectangles or simplified external outlines.

When depicting elements in the form of rectangles or simplified external outlines, it is allowed to place the UGO elements inside them.

Input and output elements are depicted as UGO.

It is allowed to display input and output elements according to the rules established in 5.3.25, 5.3.26 and 5.3.29.

5.4.3 The location of graphic symbols of devices and elements on the diagram should approximately correspond to the actual placement of elements and devices in the product.

The arrangement of images of input and output elements or terminals within graphic symbols and devices or elements should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the device or element.

It is allowed on the diagram not to reflect the location of devices and elements in the product if the diagram is made on several sheets or the placement of devices and elements at the site of operation is unknown.

5.4.4 Elements that are partially used in the product may be shown incompletely on the diagram, limiting the image to only the parts used.

5.4.5 On the diagram, next to the graphic designations of devices and elements, indicate the position designations assigned to them on the circuit diagram.

Near or inside the graphic designation of the device, it is allowed to indicate its name, type and (or) designation of the document on the basis of which the device was used.

5.4.6 The diagram should indicate the designations of the terminals (contacts) of the elements (devices) printed on the product or installed in their documentation.

If the design of a device or element and its documentation do not indicate the designations of input and output elements (outputs), then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to them on the diagram, repeating them later in the corresponding design documents.

When conditionally assigning designations to input and output elements (outputs), a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field.

When depicting several identical devices on a diagram, it is allowed to indicate the terminal designations on one of them (for example, the pinout of electric vacuum devices).

5.4.7 Devices and elements with the same external connections may be depicted on a diagram indicating the connection for only one device or element.

5.4.8 Devices that have independent connection diagrams may be depicted on the product diagram without showing the connection of wires and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) to the input and output elements.

5.4.9 When depicting connectors on a diagram, it is allowed to use UGOs that do not show individual contacts (GOST 2.755).

In this case, near the image of the connector, on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets of the diagram, tables are placed indicating the connection of the contacts (see Figure 15).

Figure 15

When placing tables on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets, they are assigned positional designations of the connectors in addition to which they are compiled.

It is allowed to enter additional columns into the table (for example, wire data).

If a harness (cable - stranded wire, electrical cord, group of wires) connects connector contacts of the same name, then it is permissible to place a table near one end of the image of the bundle (cable - stranded wire, electrical cord, group of wires).

If information about connecting contacts is given in the connection table, then tables indicating the connection of contacts may not be placed in the diagram.

5.4.10 On the product diagram, it is allowed to depict their structural, functional or circuit diagrams inside rectangles or simplified external outlines depicting devices.

5.4.11 If there is no schematic diagram of the product on the connection diagram, assign positional designations to devices, as well as elements that are not included in the schematic diagrams of the component parts of the product, according to the rules established in 5.3.7-5.3.11, and write them down in the list of elements.

5.4.12 On the product connection diagram it is allowed to show external connections of the product according to the rules established in 5.5.8, 5.5.9.

5.4.13 Wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown in the diagram as separate lines. The thickness of the lines representing wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) on the diagrams should be from 0.4 to 1 mm.

To simplify the drawing of the diagram, it is allowed to twist individual wires or cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) running in one direction on the diagram into a common line.

When approaching the contacts, each wire and core of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) is depicted as a separate line.

It is allowed that lines depicting wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are not drawn or cut off near the connection points if their image makes it difficult to read the diagram.

In these cases, on the diagram near the connection points (see Figure 16) or in the table in the free field of the diagram (see Figure 17), information is placed in a volume sufficient to ensure an unambiguous connection.

Figure 16 Figure 17

5.4.14 On a diagram of a product that includes multi-contact elements, lines representing bundles (cables - stranded wires, electrical cords, groups of wires) may only be extended to the outline of the graphic designation of the element, without showing connections to the contacts.

Instructions for connecting wires or cable cores (stranded wire, electrical cord) to the contacts are given in this case in one of the following ways:

- at the contacts, the ends of the lines representing the wires or cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are shown, and their designations are indicated. The ends of the lines are directed towards the corresponding harness, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), group of wires (see Figure 18);

- near the image of the multi-contact element there is a table indicating the connection of the contacts. The table is connected by a leader line with the corresponding harness, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), or group of wires (see Figure 19).

Figure 18

Figure 19

5.4.15 The input elements through which the wires pass (group of wires, bundles, cables - stranded wires, electrical cords) are depicted in the form of UGOs established in the ESKD standards.

Bushings, sealed leads, seals, contacts and holders soldered into a printed circuit board are depicted as UGOs shown in Figure 20.

A- a line representing a wire (group of wires, harness, cable - stranded wire, electrical cord)

Figure 20

5.4.16 The diagram should indicate the designations of the input elements marked on the product.

If the designations of the input elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations on the connection diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field.

5.4.17 Single-core wires, bundles, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) must be designated by serial numbers within the product.

Wires, bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) should be numbered separately. In this case, the wires included in the bundle are numbered within the bundle, and the cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are numbered within the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord).


1 Continuous numbering of all wires and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed.

2 Continuous numbering of individual wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed. In this case, the wires included in the bundle are numbered within the bundle, and the cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are numbered within the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord).

3 It is allowed not to designate bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and individual wires if the product for which the diagram is being drawn up is included in the complex and the designations for the bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and wires will be assigned within the entire complex.

4 It is allowed to assign designations to groups of wires.

5.4.18 If on the circuit diagram the electrical circuits are assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.709, then all single-core wires, cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and harness wires are assigned the same designations. In this case, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are designated in accordance with the requirements of 5.4.17.

5.4.19 On the diagram, using an alphanumeric designation, it is possible to determine the functional affiliation of a wire, harness or cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to a specific complex, room or functional circuit.

An alphanumeric designation is placed before the designation of each wire, harness, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), separating it with a hyphen. In this case, the letter (alphanumeric) designation is included in the designation of each wire, harness and cable (stranded wire, electrical cord).

A hyphen may be omitted from the designation if this does not make the diagram unclear.

If all the wires, harnesses, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) shown in the diagram belong to the same complex, room or functional circuit, then the letter (alphanumeric) designation is not put down, but a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field.

5.4.20 The numbers of wires and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) on the diagram are usually placed near both ends of the images.

The numbers of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) are placed in circles placed in the breaks in the images of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) near the points where the conductors branch.

The numbers of the harnesses are placed on the shelves of the leader lines near the places where the wires branch.

The numbers of wire groups are placed next to the leader lines.


1 When designating cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) in accordance with the requirements of 5.4.19, as well as when there is a large number of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) running in the same direction in the diagram, numbers of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) are allowed. insert lines without a circle in the gap.

2 When depicting wires, harnesses and cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) of a large length on the diagram, numbers are placed at intervals determined by the ease of use of the diagram.

5.4.21 The diagram should indicate:

- for cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) recorded in the specification as material, - brand, number and cross-section of cores and, if necessary, the number of occupied cores. The number of occupied cores is indicated in a rectangle placed to the right of the cable data designation (stranded wire, electrical cord);

- for harnesses, cables and wires manufactured separately - designation of the main design document.

The diagram shows the characteristics of the input and output circuits of devices and elements or other initial data necessary for selecting specific wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), if, when developing a circuit diagram of the complex, data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) cannot be determined.

It is recommended to indicate the characteristics of input and output circuits in the form of tables (see 5.3.25), placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements.

5.4.22 Data (brand, cross-section, etc.) about wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are indicated near the lines depicting wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords).

In this case, it is permissible not to assign designations to wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords).

When indicating data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) in the form of symbols, these symbols are deciphered on the diagram field.

The same brand, cross-section and other data on all or most wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) may be indicated in the diagram field.

5.4.23 If the diagram does not indicate the connection points (for example, individual contacts are not shown in the image of the connectors) or it is difficult to find the connection points of wires and cable cores (stranded wire, electrical cord), then data on wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and the addresses of their connections are summarized in a table called the “Connection Table”. The connection table should be placed on the first sheet of the diagram or executed as a separate document.

The connection table, placed on the first sheet of the diagram, is usually placed above the main inscription. The distance between the table and the main inscription must be at least 12 mm.

The continuation of the connection table is placed to the left of the main inscription, repeating the head of the table.

The connection table in the form of an independent document is carried out in A4 format. The main inscription and additional columns to it are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.104 (forms 2 and 2a).

5.4.24 The form of the connection table is chosen by the circuit designer depending on the information that needs to be placed on the circuit (see Figure 21).

Figure 21

The following data is indicated in the columns of the tables:

in the column “Wire designation” - designation of a single-core wire, cable core (multi-core wire, electrical cord) or wire harness;

in the columns “Where it comes from”, “Where it goes” - conventional alphanumeric designations of the connected elements or devices;

in the “Connections” column - conventional alphanumeric designations of the elements or devices being connected, separated by a comma;

in the "Wire data" column:

- for a single-core wire - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color in accordance with the document on the basis of which it is used;

- for a cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), recorded in the specification as a material, - brand, cross-section and number of cores in accordance with the document on the basis of which the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) is used;

in the "Note" column - additional clarifying data.


2 It is allowed to divide graphs into subgraphs.

5.4.25 When filling out the connection table, you should adhere to the following order:

- when making connections with separate wires, the wires are recorded in the table in ascending order of the numbers assigned to them;

- when making connections with wire harnesses or cable cores (stranded wires, electrical cords), before recording the wires of each bundle or cores of each cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), place a heading, for example: “Harness 1” or “Harness ABVG.ХХХХХ.032” ; "Cable 3" or "Cable ABVG.ХХХХХХ.042"; "Wire 5". The wires of a cable harness or core (stranded wire, electrical cord) are recorded in ascending order of the numbers assigned to the wires or cores;

- when making connections with individual wires, wire harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), individual wires (without headings) are first recorded in the connection table, and then (with appropriate headings) wire harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords).

If insulating tubes, shielding braids, etc. must be placed on individual wires, then the corresponding instructions are placed in the “Note” column. It is allowed to place these instructions on the diagram field.

Note - When using a wiring diagram for electrical installations only, a different writing order is permitted if it is established in industry standards.

5.4.26 On the connection diagram, near both ends of the lines depicting individual wires, wires of bundles and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords), it is allowed to indicate the address of the connections. In this case, the connection table is not created. Designations may not be assigned to wires.

5.4.27 It is allowed to place the necessary technical instructions in the diagram field above the main inscription, for example:

- requirements for the inadmissibility of joint installation of certain wires, harnesses and cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords);

- minimum permissible distances between wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords); data on the specificity of laying and protecting wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), etc.

5.5 Rules for executing connection diagrams

5.5.1 The connection diagram must show the product, its input and output elements (connectors, clamps, etc.) and the ends of wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connected to them for external installation, near which connection information is placed products [characteristics of external circuits and (or) addresses].

5.5.2 The product in the diagram is depicted as a rectangle, and its input and output elements are represented as UGO.

It is allowed to depict the product in the form of simplified external outlines. In this case, the input and output elements are depicted in the form of simplified external outlines.

5.5.3 The placement of images of input and output elements inside the graphic designation of the product should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the product.

5.5.4 The diagram should indicate the positional designations of the input and output elements assigned to them on the circuit diagram of the product.

5.5.5 Input elements (for example, glands, sealed leads, bushings, contacts and holders soldered into a printed circuit board) through which wires or cables pass (stranded wires, electrical cords, coaxial cables) are depicted on the diagram according to the rules established in 5.4.15.

5.5.6 The diagram should indicate the designations of input, output or output elements printed on the product.

If the designations of the input, output and output elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations on the diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field.

5.5.7 On the diagram near the UGO connectors to which wires and cables are connected (stranded wires, electrical cords), it is allowed to indicate the names of these connectors and (or) the designations of the documents on the basis of which they are used.

5.5.8 Wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown on the diagram as separate lines.

5.5.9 If necessary, the diagram indicates the brands, cross-sections, colors of wires, as well as the brands of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords), the number, cross-section and occupancy of cores.

When indicating the brands, sections and colors of wires in the form of symbols on the diagram field, these symbols are deciphered.

5.6 Rules for executing general schemes

5.6.1 The general diagram shows the devices and elements included in the complex, as well as the wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connecting these devices and elements.

5.6.2 Devices and elements on the diagram are depicted in the form of rectangles. It is allowed to depict elements in the form of UGO or simplified external outlines, and devices - in the form of simplified external outlines.

The location of graphic symbols of devices and elements on the diagram should approximately correspond to the actual placement of elements and devices in the product.

It is allowed on the diagram not to reflect the location of devices and elements in the product if their location at the site of operation is unknown.

In these cases, graphic symbols of devices and elements must be arranged in such a way as to ensure simplicity and clarity of display of electrical connections between them.

5.6.3 On graphic designations of devices and elements, input, output and input elements are depicted according to the rules established in 5.4.9, 5.4.15.

The location of the UGO input, output and input elements inside the images of devices and elements should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the product. If, to ensure clarity of the display of connections, the location of the graphic symbols of these elements does not correspond to their actual placement in the product, then an appropriate explanation must be placed in the diagram field.

5.6.4 The diagram must indicate:

- for each device or element depicted in the form of a rectangle or a simplified external outline - their name and type and (or) designation of the document on the basis of which they are applied;

- for each element depicted as a UGO - its type and (or) document designation.

5.6.5 It is recommended that devices and elements grouped into posts and (or) premises be recorded in a list by post and (or) premises.

5.6.6 The diagram should indicate the designations of input, output and input elements marked on the product.

If the designations of input, output and input elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to these elements in the diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field.

5.6.7 On the diagram it is allowed to indicate the designations of connector documents on the shelves of leader lines, as well as the number of connector contacts, using their next UGO (see Figure 22).

Figure 22

5.6.8 Wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown on the diagram as separate lines and designated separately by serial numbers within the product.

Continuous numbering of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed if the wires included in the bundles are numbered within each bundle.

If on the circuit diagram electrical circuits are assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.709, then all single-core wires, cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and harness wires are assigned the same designations.

5.6.9 If the product for which the circuit is being developed includes several complexes, then single-core wires, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and bundles should be numbered within each complex.

The belonging of a single-core wire, bundle, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to a specific complex is determined using an alphanumeric designation placed before the number of each single-core wire, bundle and cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) and separated by a hyphen.

5.6.10 It is allowed on the diagram, using an alphanumeric designation, to determine the belonging of a wire, harness or cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to certain rooms or functional circuits according to the rules established in 5.4.19.

5.6.11 The numbers of single-core wires in the diagram are placed near the ends of the images; numbers of single-core short wires, which are clearly visible in the diagram, can be placed near the middle of the images.

5.6.12 The numbers of cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are indicated in circles placed in the breaks in the images of cables (stranded wires, electrical cords).

Note - When designating cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) in accordance with the requirements of 5.6.9, 5.6.10, the designations are not included in the circle.

5.6.13 Harness numbers are placed on the shelves of leader lines.

5.6.14 On the diagram near the image of single-core wires, harnesses and cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords), the following data is indicated:

- for single-core wires - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color;

- for cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords), recorded in the specification as material, - brand, number and cross-section of cores;

- for wires, cables and harnesses made according to drawings - designation of the main design document.

If, when developing a diagram, data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) laid during installation cannot be determined, then the diagram provides appropriate explanations indicating the initial data necessary for selecting specific wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) ).

If there are a large number of connections, it is recommended to write down the specified information in the list of wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords).

5.6.15 The list of wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) (see Figure 23) is placed on the first sheet of the diagram, as a rule, above the main inscription or made in the form of subsequent sheets.

Figure 23

The list columns indicate the following data:

in the "Designation" column - designation of the main design document of the wire, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), harness, manufactured according to the drawings;

in the "Note" column - cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) supplied with the complex or laid during its installation.

Cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) laid during installation may not be included in the list.

5.6.16 The general diagram, if possible, should be completed on one sheet. If the diagram cannot be completed on one sheet due to the complexity of the product, then:

- on the first sheet, the product as a whole is drawn, depicting posts and (or) premises with conventional outlines and showing connections between posts and (or) premises;

- inside the conventional outlines of posts and (or) premises, only those devices and elements are depicted to which wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connecting posts and (or) premises are supplied;

- on other sheets, diagrams of individual posts and (or) premises or groups of posts and (or) premises are completely drawn;

- the general diagram of each complex is performed on a separate sheet if the product includes several complexes.

5.7 Rules for executing layout diagrams

5.7.1 The layout diagram shows the component parts of the product, and, if necessary, connections between them, the structure, room or area on which these components will be located.

5.7.2 The components of the product are depicted in the form of simplified external outlines or conventional graphic symbols.

5.7.3 Wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are depicted as separate lines or simplified external outlines.

5.7.4 The location of graphic symbols of the component parts of the product on the diagram should approximately correspond to the actual placement in the structure, room, or area.

5.7.5 When making a layout diagram, it is allowed to use various construction methods (axonometry, plan, conditional development, section of the structure, etc.).

5.7.6 The diagram should indicate:

- for each device or element depicted in the form of a simplified external outline - their name and type and (or) designation of the document on the basis of which they are applied;

- for each element depicted in the form of a conventional graphic symbol, its type and (or) document designation.

If there are a large number of devices and elements, it is recommended to record this information in the list of elements.

In this case, positional designations are placed next to the graphic designations of devices and elements.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
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M.: Standartinform, 2011

Lesson 3




The process of developing electrical equipment is conventionally divided into several stages: technical proposal, preliminary design, technical design, working design documentation. At almost every stage of design there is a need to graphically depict the structure of a device or system, showing only its component parts and the connections between them. The actual geometric shape and dimensions of the elements, as well as their actual location in the structure in this case, are not of significant importance for the developer.

ESKD standards provide for a graphic design document called “Scheme” and rules for its design have been developed. According to GOST 2.102-68, a diagram is defined as a design document on which the components of a product and the connections between them are shown in the form of conventional graphic images or symbols. The scheme developed in this way becomes a directive for the design of the product, its manufacture and control.

In operation, using diagrams, they study the principle of operation of the product and the processes occurring in it. Therefore, the importance of conventions and rules for the graphic design of diagrams should be considered as an integral part of the general training of a specialist in the field of engineering graphics.

Of all types of circuits in the design of electrical equipment, the most common are electrical circuits of various types, primarily electrical circuit diagrams, the basic rules for the execution of drawings of which are set out in these guidelines.

Goal of the work– familiarize students with the rules of graphic design of the design document “Electrical circuit diagram”.

Main tasks of the work:

1. Familiarize the student with the types of electrical circuits (GOST 2.-2011).

2. Familiarize the student with the basic rules for making electrical circuit diagrams (GOST 2.701-2008).

3. Familiarize the student with the ESKD section “Conventional graphic designations in diagrams” (GOST 2.721-74, etc.)

The student must:

1. Create a diagram with the least number of kinks and intersections of electrical communication lines.

2. Draw the electrical elements shown conventionally.

3. Label the circuit, circuit elements, input and output circuits.

4.Denote identical elements connected in series or parallel.

5. Complete the list of elements.

The work must be completed on A3 format drawing paper. You are allowed to use stencils “Elements of electrical circuits”. The basis for performing the work is the theoretical knowledge gained from studying engineering graphics; elementary concepts from the field of electrical engineering acquired in secondary school; skills in using reference literature; graphic skills acquired through the study of engineering graphics.


Terms, definitions. The construction of diagrams is based on the principle of dividing a product and its diagram into structural units, between which a one-to-one correspondence is established, which is achieved by using adequate conventional graphic symbols or images and indicating on the diagram the characteristics of the functional parts of the product and processes.

According to GOST 2.701-2008, the structural units of a product can be:

A circuit element is a component of a circuit that performs a specific function in a product and cannot be divided into parts that have an independent purpose (resistor, transformer, pump, distributor, coupling, etc.);

Device – a set of elements representing a single structure (block, board, cabinet, mechanism, dividing panel, etc.), which may not have a specific functional purpose;

Functional group - a set of elements that perform a specific function in a product and are not combined into one design;

functional part – element, device, functional group;

functional circuit - line, channel, path for a specific purpose (audio channel, video channel, microwave path, etc.);

Installation - the conventional name of the energy facility for which a diagram is issued, for example, main circuits;

Relationship line is a line segment indicating the presence of a connection between the functional areas of products.

Each functional part of the product is characterized by:

A name indicating its specific function in the product and the nature of the processes occurring in it;

Parameters of the implemented physical processes.

Elements and devices, in addition, characterize the type and technical data that determine their specific design (shape, dimensions, methods of fastening and connection, etc.) and operational (permissible currents, voltages, pressure, etc.) properties.

Types and types of circuits. In accordance with GOST 2.701-84, all diagrams, depending on the types of elements and connections included in the product, are divided into types presented in table. 1. Depending on the main purpose, the circuits are divided into types presented in table. 2.

Structural diagrams are developed during the design of products (installations) prior to the development of circuits of other types, and they are used for general familiarization with the product (installation).

Functional diagrams are used to change the principles of operation of products (installations), as well as for their adjustment, control and repair.

Schematic diagrams are used to study the principles of operation of products (installations), as well as for their setup, control and repair. They serve as the basis for the development of other design documents, for example, connection diagrams (installation diagrams) and drawings.

Connection diagrams (installation diagrams) are used in the development of other design documents, primarily drawings that determine the laying and methods of fastening wires, harnesses, cables or pipelines in a product (installation), as well as for making connections and during control, operation and repair of products (installations). ).

Connection diagrams are used in the development of other design documents, as well as for connecting products and during their operation.

General diagrams are used to familiarize yourself with the complexes, as well as for their control and operation. A general diagram for an assembly unit can be developed if necessary.

Layout diagrams are used in the development of other design documents, as well as in the operation and repair of products (installations).

Designation of circuits. Each scheme is assigned a code consisting of a letter identifying the type of scheme and a number indicating the type of scheme. For example, the electrical circuit diagram is designated EZ, the hydraulic circuit diagram is GZ, the electrical connection diagram is E4, etc.

Some general requirements for the implementation of schemes. The set (nomenclature) of diagrams for a product (installation) must be minimal, but contain information in a volume sufficient for the design, manufacture, operation and repair of the product (installation).

Scheme sheet formats are selected in accordance with the requirements established by GOST 2.301-68 and GOST 2.004-79; however, basic formats are preferred. The selected format should ensure a compact execution of the diagram without compromising its clarity and ease of use.

The diagrams are not drawn to scale; the actual spatial arrangement of the components of the products (installation) is not taken into account or taken into account approximately.

Graphic designations of elements (devices, functional groups) and the communication lines connecting them are placed on the diagram in such a way as to provide the best understanding of the structure of the product and the interaction of its components.

The distance (clearance) between two adjacent lines of the graphic designation must be at least 1.0 mm. The distance between adjacent parallel communication lines must be at least 3.0 mm. The distance between individual graphic symbols must be at least 2.0 mm.

When executing diagrams, as a rule, conventional graphic symbols established by ESKD standards are used, as well as symbols built on their basis. If necessary, non-standard graphic symbols are used.

Conventional graphic symbols of elements are depicted in the sizes established in the standards of conventional graphic symbols.

If necessary, all sizes of graphic symbols can be changed proportionally.

Graphic symbols on the diagrams are made with lines of the same thickness as the communication line.

Conventional graphic designations of elements on the diagram in the position in which they are given in the relevant standards, or rotated by an angle multiple of 90°, if there are no special instructions in the relevant standards. Conventional graphic symbols are allowed - rotated by an angle that is a multiple of 45°, or depicted as a mirror image. In the latter case, the meaning or readability of the designation must not be impaired.

Conventional graphic symbols containing digital or alphanumeric symbols are allowed to be rotated counterclockwise only at an angle of 90° or 45°.

Communication lines are made with a thickness of 0.2 to 1.0 mm, depending on the format of the diagram and the size of the graphic symbols. Recommended line thickness is from 0.3 to 0.4 mm.

Communication lines should consist of horizontal and vertical segments and have the smallest number of angles and mutual intersections. In some cases, it is allowed to use inclined sections of communication lines, the length of which should be limited as much as possible.

The list of elements is placed on the first sheet of the diagram or executed as a separate document. It is allowed to place various text information on the diagrams (technical data of elements and devices, diagrams, tables, necessary technical instructions, etc.). Such information may be located:

Next to the graphic symbols;

Inside graphic symbols;

Above communication lines;

In a break in communication lines;

Near the ends of communication lines;

On a free field of the diagram (if possible above the main inscription).


General information. Electrical circuit diagram a design document that shows, in the form of conventional graphic images or symbols, all the electrical elements or devices necessary for the implementation and control of specified electrical processes in the product, all electrical connections between them, as well as electrical elements, connectors, clamps, etc.), which terminate the input and output circuits.

Conventional graphic images of some electrical and radio elements are given in the appendix.

The schematic diagram reflects the complete composition of the parts of the product and all the connections between them, so it gives a detailed idea of ​​the principle of operation of the product. Circuit diagram is the most important among all types of circuit diagrams.

Being the result of the theoretical and research development of the product, it serves as a task for its design, and is also used in the manufacture of the product, its adjustment, control and repair.

Execution of the schematic diagram. When performing electrical circuit diagrams, one should, first of all, be guided by the general requirements for the implementation of circuits, some of which are set out above. Here are additional rules and guidelines for performing electrical circuit diagrams.

Schematic diagrams are performed for products in the off position. In technically justified cases, it is allowed to depict individual elements of the diagram in the selected operating position, indicating in the diagram field the mode for which these elements are depicted.

Elements and devices are depicted on diagrams in a combined or spaced manner.

With the combined method, the components of elements or devices are depicted on the diagram in close proximity to each other. In Fig. 1 shows a combined electrical element “relay”, which includes a coil and contacts.

Rice. 1. Combined method of depicting an electrical element.

With the spaced method, the components of elements and devices are depicted on the diagram in different places so that the individual circuits of the product are depicted most clearly (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Exploded method of depicting electrical elements

It is allowed to depict all and individual elements or devices in an exploded manner.

Positional designations of elements. Each element or device included in the product and shown in the diagram must have a position designation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.710-81. Position designations should be assigned to elements (devices) within the product (installation).

The position designation of an element (device) consists of one or two letters assigned to a group of elements (devices) of the product, and a serial number assigned to each element (device) within the group, for example C1, C2, etc.; KM1, KM2, etc., starting from one.

Letter codes of elements are established by GOST 2.710-81. Codes of some elements are given in Appendix A.

Serial numbers of elements are assigned in accordance with the sequence of their location on the diagram from top to bottom in the direction from left to right (Fig. 3). If a product has only one element with this code, then its serial number is not included in the position designation of this element.

In the case when a product contains only one type of element belonging to a certain group, only the first (mandatory) letter of the code assigned to this group of elements is used to designate it.

Positional designations are placed on the diagram next to the symbolic graphic designations of elements (devices) on the right side or above them.

Rice. 3. Fragment of electrical circuit diagram

It is impossible to separate the positional designation from the conventional graphic designation of the element by interconnection lines.

Characteristics of circuit elements. In some cases (for example, in circuit diagrams of a semiconductor integrated circuit), the values ​​of resistors and capacitors are indicated next to the graphical and positional symbols. In this case, it is allowed to use a simplified method of designating units of measurement (Fig. 4):

for resistors

from 0 to 999 Ohms – without specifying units of measurement (3.6; 10; 180, etc.);

from 1 ∙ 10 3 to 999 ∙ 10 3 Ohms in kilo-ohms with the unit of measurement indicated by a lowercase letter k (12k; 180k, etc.)

from 1 ∙ 10 6 to 999 ∙ 10 6 0m in megaohms with the unit of measurement indicated by the capital letter M (2.7M; 100M, etc.);

over 1 ∙ 10 9 Ohms - in gigaohms with the unit of measurement indicated by the capital letter G (1G; 2.7G, etc.);

for capacitors

from 0 to 9999 ∙ 10 -12 F – in picofarads without indicating units of measurement;

from 1 ∙ 10 -8 to 9999 ∙ 10 -6 F – in microfarads without indicating units of measurement. In this case, the capacity is written either as a decimal fraction (0.05; 0.15; 0.5, etc.) or as an integer with a zero separated by a comma (1.0; 10.0; 500.0 and etc.).

Rice. 4. A simplified way to designate units of measurement near graphic symbols

An important parameter of the resistor is the rated power dissipation, i.e. power that is dissipated by the resistor for a long time without harm to its performance. The rated power dissipation is indicated on the diagrams by symbols inside the resistor symbol. For example, a power of 62 mW is indicated by three slashes; 0.125 W – two; 0.25 W – one; 0.5 W - a line parallel to the large sides of the rectangle; and powers of 1, 2.5 W and more - with the corresponding Roman numerals (Fig. 5)

Rice. 5. Symbol for power dissipation of resistors

For electrolytic and oxide semiconductor capacitors, in addition to the nominal capacitance value, the permissible voltage in volts is also indicated (Fig. 3). The voltage value is entered after the capacitance value through the “×” (multiplication) sign indicating the unit of measurement, for example 10.0x6V - a capacitor with a capacity of 10 microfarads with a permissible voltage of 6 volts.

Complete data on the elements is given in the list of elements, the connection of which with the diagram is provided using the positional designations of the elements.

Table of input (output) data. It is recommended to record the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product (frequency, voltage, current, etc.) in tables placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements - connectors, boards, etc. In Fig. 6 (a) shows the dimensions of the input (output) data table and an example of filling. In the “Contact” column the numbers of the connector contacts are indicated, in the “Circuit” column the characteristics of the electrical circuits of the products are recorded. For the convenience of depicting the diagram, the table can be mirrored, as shown in Fig. 6(b).

Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element, instead of the conventional graphic designation of which it is placed.

Above the table it is allowed to indicate a conventional graphic designation of a contact - a socket or pin.

Conventions and simplifications of the implementation of schemes. If a product contains several identical (by name, type and rating) elements connected in parallel, it is recommended that instead of depicting all elements of a parallel connection (Fig. 7, a) depict only one branch, indicating

the number of branches using the branch designation (Fig. 7, b, c). Near the graphic designations of elements shown conventionally in one branch, their positional designations are indicated, and all elements included in this parallel connection must be taken into account.

If a product contains three or more identical (by name, type and rating) elements connected in series, it is recommended that instead of depicting all series-connected elements (Fig. 8, a), only the first and last elements are depicted, showing the electrical connections between them with dashed lines. When assigning positional designations to elements, elements not shown on the diagram must be taken into account.

Rice. 6. Table of input (output) data: a – example of filling out the table;

b – version of a mirrored table

Rice. 7. Image of several identical elements connected in parallel:

a) real; b) conditional; c) dimensions of the symbol

The total number of identical elements is indicated above the dashed line. For example, five identical resistors connected in series will appear as shown in Fig. 8, b.

List of elements. All information about the elements included in the product and shown in the diagram is recorded in a list of elements, which is placed on the first sheet of the diagram or is executed as a separate document.

Rice. 8. Image of several identical elements connected

sequentially: a – real, b – conditional

The continuation of the list of elements is placed to the left of the main inscription, repeating the head of the table.

When issuing a list of elements in the form of an independent document, its code must consist of the letter P (list) and the code of the scheme for which the list is issued. For example, the code for the list of elements for an electrical circuit diagram will be PEZ. The list of elements in this case is made in A4 format with the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104-68 (form 2 and 2a).

Rice. 9. Form of the list of elements table

The list columns indicate the following data:

in the column “Pos. designation” – positional designation of an element, device or designation of a functional group;

in the “Name” column – the name of the element (device) in accordance with the document on the basis of which this element (device) is used, and the designation of this document (main design document, state standard, technical specifications), for example, MLT-0.5 resistor -300 kOhm ±5% GOST 7113-76;

in the “Note” column – technical data not contained in its name (if necessary).

The list of elements is filled in from top to bottom in groups in alphabetical order of letter positional designations. If the diagram uses positional designations made up of letters of the Latin and Russian alphabets, then elements with positional designations made up of letters of the Latin alphabet and then from the Russian alphabet are first written into the list.

Within each group that has the same positional designations, the elements are arranged in ascending order of serial numbers.

Elements of the same type, having the same electrical parameters, are recorded in the list in one line if they have consecutive serial numbers. If there are two such elements, then in the column “Pos. designation" record the positional designations of these elements. If there are more than two such elements, then only the positional designations with the smallest and

the largest serial numbers, separating them with an ellipsis, for example P 1, P 2; C1...C5. In the column "Count." indicate the total number of elements.

If a group includes several elements with the same name, then it is not written on each line, but is given as a heading. The title is written in the “Name” column and underlined. One free line is left between the header and the beginning of the enumeration, and one or two lines are left between groups of elements (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Example of design of a group of elements in the list of elements

The document designation can be included in the title if all the listed elements are applied on its basis (Fig. 11). An example of filling out the list of elements is shown in Fig. 12.

Rice. 11. Example of designing a header for a group of elements

Rice. 12. Fragment of the list of elements


Exercise. As an assignment, the student receives a basic electrical diagram of the product, which correctly reflects the component parts of the product, the electrical processes occurring in it, but requires registration in accordance with GOST ESKD.

It is recommended to draw a diagram according to the proposed task in the following sequence:

1. Layout of the sheet. On the A3 format of drawing paper, located horizontally, draw a frame, allocate space for the main inscription and the list of elements.

On the remaining format field, place the diagram so that the distances from its borders to the format frame are the same. Conventional graphic images of elements must be evenly distributed within the diagram.

2. Draw a diagram with the least number of kinks and intersections of electrical communication lines.

3. Draw identical elements connected in series or parallel.

4. Assign alphanumeric designations to the elements.

5. Complete the table of input and output circuits.

6. Complete the list of elements table.

7. Fill out the title block.

8. Submit the diagram, made in thin lines, to the teacher for checking. If the diagram is completed correctly, the teacher gives permission to draw up the diagram and signs in the “Verified” column.

9. Design of the diagram. Correct mistakes and trace the diagram. After this, submit the diagram to the teacher for final checking.

Options for tasks in Appendix A




GOST 2.702-75




By Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 7, 1975 No. 2584, the introduction date was established

from 01.07.77

This standard applies to electrical circuits of products from all industries, as well as electrical circuits of energy structures and establishes rules for their implementation manually or automatically. Types and types of schemes and general requirements for their implementation are in accordance with GOST 2.701-84. Alphanumeric designations in electrical circuits - according to GOST 2.710-81. The standard complies with ST SEV 1188-78 in terms of section. 2 - 4, 6 - 9 (see reference appendix).


1.1. The block diagram shows all the main functional parts of the product (elements, devices and functional groups) and the main relationships between them. 1.2. The functional parts in the diagram are depicted in the form of a rectangle or conventional graphic symbols. 1.3. The graphical construction of the diagram should give the most visual representation of the sequence of interaction of functional parts in the product. On the interconnection lines, it is recommended to use arrows to indicate the direction of the processes occurring in the product. 1.4. The diagram must indicate the names of each functional part of the product if a rectangle is used to designate it. The diagram may indicate the type of element (device) and (or) the designation of the document (main design document, state standard, technical specifications) on the basis of which this element (device) is applied. When depicting functional parts in the form of rectangles, it is recommended to write names, types and designations inside the rectangles. 1.5. If there are a large number of functional parts, it is allowed, instead of names, types and designations, to put serial numbers to the right of the image or above it, as a rule, from top to bottom in the direction from left to right. In this case, names, types and designations are indicated in a table placed on the diagram field. 1.6. It is allowed to place explanatory inscriptions, diagrams or tables on the diagram that determine the sequence of processes in time, as well as indicate parameters at characteristic points (magnitudes of currents, voltages, shape and magnitude of pulses, mathematical dependencies, etc.).


2.1. A functional diagram depicts the functional parts of a product (elements, devices and functional groups) involved in the process illustrated by the diagram, and the connections between these parts. 2.2. The functional parts and connections between them are depicted in the diagram in the form of conventional graphic symbols established in the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation. Individual functional parts may be depicted in the form of rectangles. 2.3. The graphical construction of the diagram should give the most visual representation of the sequence of processes illustrated by the diagram. 2.4. When performing a functional diagram, it is allowed to use the provisions specified in paragraphs. 3.6 - 3.15 and 3.24. 2.5. The diagram must indicate: for each functional group - the designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram and (or) its name; if a functional group is depicted in the form of a conventional graphic designation, then its name is not indicated; for each device shown in the form of a rectangle - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, its name and type and (or) designation of the document (main design document, state standard, technical specifications) on the basis of which this device is used; for each device depicted in the form of a conventional graphic designation - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, its type and (or) document designation; for each element - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, and (or) its type. The designation of the document on the basis of which the device is used and the type of element may not be indicated. It is recommended to write names, types and designations in rectangles. 2.6. It is recommended to indicate the technical characteristics of the functional parts on the diagram (next to the graphic symbols or in the free field of the diagram). 2.7. Explanatory inscriptions, diagrams or tables are placed on the diagram, defining the sequence of processes over time, and also indicate parameters at characteristic points (magnitudes of currents, voltages, shape and magnitude of pulses, mathematical dependencies, etc.).


3.1. The circuit diagram shows all the electrical elements or devices necessary to implement and control specified electrical processes in the product, all electrical connections between them, as well as electrical elements (connectors, clamps, etc.) that terminate the input and output circuits. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.2. The diagram may depict connecting and mounting elements installed in the product for structural reasons. 3.3. The circuits are performed for products in the off position. In technically justified cases, it is allowed to depict individual elements of the diagram in the selected operating position, indicating in the diagram field the mode for which these elements are depicted. 3.4. Elements and devices, the symbols of which are established in the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation, are depicted on the diagram in the form of these symbols. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.5. Elements or devices that are partially used in a product may be depicted incompletely on the diagram, limited to depicting only the parts or elements used. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.6. Elements and devices are depicted on diagrams in a combined or spaced manner. 3.7. With the combined method, the components of elements or devices are depicted on the diagram in close proximity to each other. 3.8. With the spaced method, the components of elements and devices or individual elements of devices are depicted on the diagram in different places so that the individual circuits of the product are depicted most clearly. It is allowed to depict all and individual elements or devices in an exploded manner. When executing diagrams, it is recommended to use the line method. In this case, the conventional graphic designations of elements or their components included in one circuit are depicted sequentially one after another in a straight line, and individual circuits are shown side by side, forming parallel (horizontal or vertical) lines. When executing the diagram in a line-by-line manner, it is allowed to number the lines in Arabic numerals (Fig. 1).

Crap. 1. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.9. When depicting elements or devices in a spaced manner, it is allowed to place conventional graphic symbols of elements or devices made in a combined way on the free field of the diagram. In this case, elements or devices partially used in the product are depicted in full, indicating the used and unused parts or elements (for example, all contacts of a multi-contact relay). The terminals (contacts) of unused elements (parts) are shown shorter than the terminals (contacts) of used elements (parts) (Fig. 2).

(New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.10. Schemes are performed in a multi-linear or single-line image. 3.11. With a multilinear image, each circuit is depicted as a separate line, and the elements contained in these circuits are represented by separate graphic symbols (Fig. 3a). 3.12. In a single-line drawing, circuits that perform identical functions are depicted with one line, and identical elements of these circuits are depicted with one conventional graphic symbol (Fig. 3b). 3.13. If necessary, electrical circuits are indicated on the diagram. These designations must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.709-89 or other regulatory and technical documents in force in industries.

A- multi-line image; b- single-line image.

Crap. 3. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.14. When depicting different functional circuits on the same diagram, it is possible to distinguish them by line thickness. It is recommended to use no more than three line thicknesses on one diagram. If necessary, appropriate explanations are placed in the diagram field. 3.15. To simplify the diagram, it is possible to merge several electrically unconnected connection lines into a group communication line, but when approaching the contacts (elements), each communication line is depicted as a separate line. When merging communication lines, each line is marked at the junction, and, if necessary, at both ends with symbols (numbers, letters or a combination of letters and numbers) or symbols adopted for electrical circuits (see clause 3.13). Line designations are set in accordance with the requirements given in GOST 2.751-73. Electrical communication lines merged into a group communication line, as a rule, should not have branches, i.e. Each conditional number must appear on the group communication line twice. If branches are necessary, their number is indicated after the serial number of the line through a fractional line (Fig. 3a).

3.16. Each element and (or) device that has an independent circuit diagram and is considered as an element included in the product and shown in the diagram must have a designation (position designation) in accordance with GOST 2.710-81. It is recommended that devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams and functional groups be assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.710-81. 3.15, 3.16. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.17. Position designations should be assigned to elements (devices) within the product (installation). 3.18. Serial numbers for elements (devices) should be assigned, starting from one, within a group of elements (devices) that are assigned the same letter position designation in the diagram, for example, R 1 , R 2 , R 3 etc., C 1 , C 2 , C3 etc. 3.19. Serial numbers must be assigned in accordance with the sequence of arrangement of elements or devices on the diagram from top to bottom in the direction from left to right. If necessary, it is possible to change the sequence of assigning serial numbers depending on the placement of elements in the product, the direction of signal flow or the functional sequence of the process. When changes are made to the schema, the sequence of assigning serial numbers may be disrupted. 3.20. Positional designations are placed on the diagram next to the symbolic graphic designations of elements and (or) devices on the right side or above them. 3.21. On a diagram of a product that includes devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams, it is allowed to assign positional designations to elements within each device. If the product includes several identical devices, then position designations should be assigned to the elements within these devices. Serial numbers should be assigned to elements according to the rules established in clause 3.18. Elements not included in the device are assigned positional designations starting from one, according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.17 - 3.19. 3.22. On the diagram of a product, which includes functional groups, positional designations are assigned to elements according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.17 - 3.19, in this case, first assign positional designations to elements not included in the functional groups, and then to elements included in the functional groups. If a product contains several identical functional groups, the position designations of elements assigned in one of these groups should be repeated in all subsequent groups. The designation of the functional group, assigned in accordance with GOST 2.710-81, is indicated near the image of the functional group (top or right). 3.23. When depicting an element or device on a diagram in an exploded manner, the position designation of the element or device is placed near each component (Fig. 4).

If the field of the diagram is divided into zones or the diagram is made in a line-by-line manner, then to the right of the positional designation or under the positional designation of each component part of an element or device, it is allowed to indicate in brackets the zone designations or line numbers in which all other components of this element or device are shown (Fig. . 5).

3.21 - 3.23. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.24. It is allowed, if this does not complicate the diagram, to connect separately depicted parts of the elements with a mechanical connection line, indicating that they belong to one element. In this case, the positional designations of the elements are placed at one or both ends of the mechanical connection line. 3.25. When depicting individual elements of devices in different places, the positional designations of these elements must include the positional designation of the device into which they are included, for example, = A 3 -WITH 5 - capacitor C 5 included in the device A 3. 3.26. When using a spaced method of depicting a functional group (if necessary, also with a combined method), the designation of the elements included in this group must include the designation of the functional group, for example, ¹ T 1 - WITH 5 - capacitor C 5 , included in the functional group T 1. 3.27. With a single-line image, near one conventional graphic symbol, replacing several conventional graphic symbols of identical elements or devices, indicate the positional designations of all these elements or devices. If the same elements or devices are not located in all circuits shown single-line, then to the right of the reference designation or below it in square brackets indicate the designations of the circuits in which these elements or devices are located (see Fig. 3). 3.28. The schematic diagram must clearly identify all the elements and devices included in the product and shown in the diagram. Data about the elements must be recorded in the list of elements. In this case, the connection of the list with the conventional graphic designations of the elements should be carried out through positional designations. In some cases, established in state or industry standards, it is allowed to place all information about the elements next to the conventional graphic symbols. 3.27., 3.28. 3.29. - 3.33. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2). 3.34. In case of a complex entry, for example, when a device that does not have an independent circuit diagram includes one or more devices that have independent circuit diagrams and (or) functional groups, or if a functional group includes one or more devices, etc., then in the list of elements in the “Name” column, before the names of devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams and functional groups, it is allowed to enter serial numbers (i.e., similar to the designation of sections, subsections, etc.) within the entire product diagram (Fig. 9a). ( cm. With. 336 ). If in the diagram the positional designation of an element includes the positional designation of a device, or the designation of a functional group, then in the list of elements in the column “Pos. designation" indicate the element designator without the device designation or functional group designation. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.35. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2). 3.36. When indicating the values ​​of resistors and capacitors near the symbolic graphic symbols (Fig. 11), it is allowed to use a simplified method of designating units of measurement. for resistors from 0 to 999 Ohms - without indicating units of measurement, from 1 × 10 3 to 999 × 10 3 Ohms - in kiloohms with the unit of measurement indicated by a lowercase letter k, from 1 10 6 to 999 × 10 6 Ohms - in megaohms with designation of the unit of measurement with the capital letter M, over 1 × 10 9 Ohms - in gigaohms with the designation of the unit of measurement with the capital letter G; for capacitors from 0 to 9999 × 12 -12 F - in picofarads without indicating the unit of measurement, from 1 × 10 -8 to 9999 × 10 -6 F - in microfarads with the unit of measurement indicated in lowercase letters mk. 3.37. The diagram should indicate the designations of the terminals (contacts) of the elements (devices) printed on the product or installed in their documentation. If the design of the element (device) and its documentation do not indicate the designations of the pins (contacts), then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to them on the diagram, repeating them later in the corresponding design documents.

* Crap. 6 - 9 are excluded. - When conditionally assigning designations to pins and contacts, a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field. When depicting several identical elements (devices) on a diagram, the designations of pins (contacts) are allowed to be indicated on one of them.

* Crap. 10 excluded. In the spaced method of depicting identical elements (devices), the pin designations (contacts) are indicated on each component part of the element (device). To distinguish the terminal (contact) designations on the diagram from other designations (circuit designations, etc.), it is allowed to write the terminal (contact) designations with a qualifying symbol in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.710-81. 3.38. When depicting an element or device in a spaced manner, an explanatory inscription is placed near one component of the product or on the diagram field near the image of an element or device made in a combined method. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.39. It is recommended to indicate on the diagram the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product (frequency, voltage, current, resistance, inductance, etc.), as well as the parameters to be measured at the control contacts, sockets, etc. If it is impossible to indicate the characteristics or parameters of the input and output circuits of the product, then it is recommended to indicate the name of the circuits or controlled quantities. 3.40. If a product is obviously intended to operate only in a specific product (installation), then the diagram may indicate the addresses of external connections of the input and output circuits of this product. The address must ensure unambiguous connection, for example, if the output contact of the product must be connected to the fifth contact of the third connector of the device A, then the address should be written as follows: = A - X3 :5 . It is allowed to indicate the address in a general form if the unambiguous connection is ensured, for example, “Device A". 3.41. It is recommended to record the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product, as well as the addresses of their external connections, in tables placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements - connectors, boards, etc. (Figure 12).

Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element, instead of the conventional graphic designation of which it is placed. Above the table it is allowed to indicate a conventional graphic designation of a contact - a socket or a pin. Tables can be executed in a spaced manner. The order of the contacts in the table is determined by the convenience of constructing the circuit. It is allowed to place tables with the characteristics of circuits if the diagram contains conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements - connectors, boards, etc. (Figure 13).

It is recommended to place similar tables on lines depicting input and output circuits and not ending with connectors, boards, etc. on the diagram. In this case, positional designations are not assigned to the tables. Notes: 1. If there are several tables in the diagram, it is allowed to show the head of the table only in one of them. 2. If there are no characteristics of the input and output circuits or addresses of their external connection, the table does not provide a column with this data. If necessary, additional columns can be entered into the table. 3. It is allowed to enter in the “Contact” column. several consecutive contact numbers if they are connected to each other. Contact numbers are separated by a comma. 3.42. When depicting multi-contact connectors on a diagram, it is allowed to use conventional graphic symbols that do not show individual contacts (GOST 2.755-87). Information about the connection of connector contacts is indicated in one of the following ways: - near the image of the connectors, on the free field of the diagram or on subsequent sheets of the diagram, place tables in which the connection address is indicated [circuit designation (Fig. 14a) and (or) positional designation of the elements connected to this contact (Fig. 14b)]. If necessary, the table indicates the characteristics of the circuits and the addresses of external connections (Fig. 14a). If tables are placed on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets, then they are assigned positional designations of the connectors to which they are compiled.

The following data is indicated in the columns of the tables: in the column “Cont.” - connector contact number. Contact numbers are written in ascending order; in the “Address” column - designation of the circuit and (or) position designation of the elements connected to the contacts. in the “Chain” column - the characteristics of the circuit; in the “External address” column - the address of the external connection; - connections with connector contacts are depicted in a spaced manner (Fig. 15).

Crap. 15. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). Notes: 1. Dots connected by a dashed line to a connector indicate connections to the corresponding pins of that connector. 2. If necessary, the characteristics of the circuits are placed on the free field of the diagram above the continuation of the communication lines. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.38. - 3.42. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.43. When depicting elements on the diagram whose parameters are selected during regulation, asterisks are placed next to the positional designations of these elements on the diagram and in the list of elements (for example R 1* ), and a footnote is placed in the diagram field: “* Selected during regulation.” The list should contain elements whose parameters are closest to the calculated ones. The limit values ​​of element parameters allowed during selection are indicated in the list in the “Note” column. If the parameter selected during regulation is provided by elements of various types, then these elements are listed in the technical requirements in the diagram field, and the following data is indicated in the columns of the list of elements: in the “Name” column - the name of the element and the parameter closest to the calculated one; in the “Note” column - a link to the corresponding paragraph of the technical requirements and the limit values ​​of the parameters allowed during selection. 3.44., 3.45. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2). 3.46. If a parallel or serial connection is made to obtain a certain parameter value (capacitance or resistance of a certain value), then in the list of elements in the “Notes” column indicate the general (total) parameter of the elements (for example, R = 151 kOhm). 3.47. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2). 3.48. When depicting a device (or devices) in the form of a rectangle, it is allowed to place tables with the characteristics of input and output circuits in the rectangle instead of conventional graphic designations of input and output elements (Fig. 18), and outside the rectangle it is allowed to place tables indicating the addresses of external connections (Fig. 19 ). If necessary, additional columns can be entered into the tables.

* Crap. 16, 17 excluded. Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element, instead of the conventional graphic designation of which it is placed. In the table, instead of the word “Cont.” it is allowed to place a conventional graphic designation of the connector contact (see Fig. 19); - on the product diagram, it is allowed to place structural or functional diagrams of devices in rectangles representing devices, or to repeat their circuit diagrams in whole or in part. The elements of these devices are not included in the list of elements. If a product includes several identical devices, then it is recommended to place the device diagram in a free field of the product diagram (and not in a rectangle) with the appropriate inscription, for example: “Block diagram A1 - A4”. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.49. - 3.51. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2). 3.52. On the diagram field it is allowed to place instructions on the brands, sections and colors of wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) that should be used to connect the elements, as well as instructions on the specific requirements for the electrical installation of this product. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


4.1. The connection diagram must show all devices and elements included in the product, their input and output elements (connectors, boards, clamps, etc.), as well as connections between these devices and elements. 4.2. Devices and elements in the diagram are depicted: devices - in the form of rectangles or simplified external outlines; elements - in the form of conventional graphic symbols, rectangles or simplified external outlines. When depicting elements in the form of rectangles or simplified external outlines, it is allowed to place conventional graphic symbols of the elements inside them. Input and output elements are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols. It is allowed to depict input and output elements according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.41, 3.42 and 3.48. 4.1., 4.2. (Changed edition, Rev., No. 2). 4.3. The location of graphic symbols of devices and elements on the diagram should approximately correspond to the actual placement of elements and devices in the product. The arrangement of images of input and output elements or terminals within graphic symbols and devices or elements should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the device or element. It is allowed on the diagram not to reflect the location of devices and elements in the product if the diagram is made on several sheets or the placement of devices and elements at the site of operation is unknown. 4.4. Elements that are partially used in the product may be depicted incompletely on the diagram, limited to depicting only the parts used. 4.5. On the diagram, next to the graphic designations of devices and elements, indicate the position designations assigned to them on the circuit diagram. Near or inside the graphic designation of the device, it is allowed to indicate its name and type and (or) the designation of the document on the basis of which the device was used. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 4.6. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2). 4.7. The diagram should indicate the designations of the terminals (contacts) of the elements (devices) printed on the product or installed in their documentation. If the design of a device or element and its documentation do not indicate the designations of input and output elements (outputs), then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to them on the diagram, repeating them later in the corresponding design documents. When conditionally assigning designations to input and output elements (outputs), a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field. When depicting several identical devices on a diagram, it is allowed to indicate the terminal designations on one of them (for example, the pinout of electric vacuum devices). 4.8. Devices and elements with the same external connections may be depicted on a diagram indicating the connection for only one device or element. 4.9. Devices that have independent connection diagrams may be depicted on the product diagram without showing the connection of wires and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) to the input and output elements. 4.10. When depicting connectors on a diagram, it is allowed to use conventional graphic symbols that do not show individual contacts (GOST 2.755-87). In this case, near the image of the connector, on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets of the diagram, tables are placed indicating the connection of the contacts (Fig. 20). When placing tables on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets, they are assigned the positional designations of the connectors in addition to which they are compiled.

Crap. 20. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). It is allowed to enter additional columns into the table (for example, wire data). If a harness (cable - stranded wire, electrical cord, group of wires) connects connector contacts of the same name, then it is permissible to place a table near one end of the image of the bundle (cable - stranded wire, electrical cord, group of wires). If information about connecting contacts is given in the connection table, then tables indicating the connection of contacts may not be placed in the diagram. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.11. On the product diagram, within rectangles or simplified external outlines depicting devices, it is allowed to depict their structural, functional or circuit diagrams. 4.12. If there is no schematic diagram of the product on the connection diagram, positional designations are assigned to devices, as well as elements that are not included in the schematic diagrams of the component parts of the product, according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.16 - 3.20, and write them down in the list of elements. 4.9. - 4.12. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 4.13. On the product connection diagram it is allowed to show external connections of the product according to the rules established in paragraphs. 5.8, 5.9. 4.14. Wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown on the diagram as separate lines. The thickness of the lines representing wires, harnesses and cables (multi-core electrical wires) on the diagrams should be from 0.4 to 1 mm. To simplify the drawing of the diagram, it is allowed to merge individual wires or cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) running in one direction on the diagram into a common line. When approaching the contacts, each wire and core of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) is depicted as a separate line. It is allowed that lines depicting wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are not drawn or cut off near the connection points if their image makes it difficult to read the diagram. In these cases, on the diagram near the connection points (Fig. 21) or in the table in the free field of the diagram (Fig. 22), information is placed in a volume sufficient to ensure an unambiguous connection.

Crap. 22. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.15. On the diagram of a product that includes multi-contact elements, lines representing bundles (cables - stranded wires, electrical cords, groups of wires) can only be extended to the outline of the graphic designation of the element, without showing connections to the contacts. Instructions for connecting wires or cable cores (stranded wire, electrical cord) to the contacts are given in this case in one of the following ways; at the contacts, the ends of the lines representing the wires or cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are shown, and their designations are indicated. The ends of the lines are directed towards the corresponding harness, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), group of wires (Fig. 23); A table indicating the connection of contacts is placed next to the image of the multi-contact element. The table is connected by a leader line with the corresponding harness, cable, (stranded wire, electrical cord) group of wires (Fig. 24). 4.16. The input elements through which the wires pass (group of wires, bundles, cables - stranded wires, electrical cords) are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols established in the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation.

A- line representing a wire (group of wires, harness, cable - stranded wire, electrical cord)

Bushings, sealed bushings, and seals are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols shown in Fig. 25. 4.14 - 4.16. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 4.17. The diagram should indicate the designations of the input elements printed on the product. If the designations of the input elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations on the connection diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field. 4.18. Single-core wires, bundles, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) must be designated by serial numbers within the product. Wires, bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) should be numbered separately. In this case, the wires included in the bundle are numbered within the bundle, and the cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are numbered within the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord). Notes: 1. Continuous numbering of all wires and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed. 2. Continuous numbering of individual wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed. In this case, the wires included in the bundle are numbered within the bundle, and the cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are numbered within the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord). 3. It is allowed not to designate bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and individual wires if the product for which the diagram is being drawn up is included in the complex and the designations for the bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and wires will be assigned within the entire complex . 4. It is allowed to assign designations to groups of wires. 4.19. If on the circuit diagram electrical circuits are assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.709-89, then all single-core wires, cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and harness wires are assigned the same designations. In this case, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are designated in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.18. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.20. In the diagram, using an alphanumeric designation, it is possible to determine the functional affiliation of a wire, harness or cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to a specific complex, room or functional circuit. An alphanumeric designation is placed before the designation of each wire, harness, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), separating it with a hyphen. In this case, the letter (alphanumeric) designation is included in the designation of each wire, harness and cable (stranded wire, electrical cord). A hyphen may be omitted from the designation if this does not make the diagram unclear. If all the wires, harnesses, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) shown in the diagram belong to the same complex, room or functional circuit, then the letter (alphanumeric) designation is not put down, but a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field. 4.21. The numbers of wires and cable cores (stranded wires, electrical cords) are usually placed on the diagram near both ends of the images. The numbers of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) are placed in circles placed in the breaks in the images of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) near the points where the conductors branch. The numbers of the harnesses are placed on the shelves of the leader lines near the places where the wires branch. The numbers of wire groups are placed next to the leader lines. Notes: 1. When designating cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.20, as well as when there is a large number of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) running in one direction on the diagram, the numbers of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) place lines without a circle in the gap. 2. When depicting wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) of a large length on the diagram, numbers are placed at intervals determined by the ease of use of the diagram. 4.22. The diagram must indicate: for single-core wires - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color; for cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) recorded in the specification as material, the brand, number and cross-section of cores and, if necessary, the number of occupied cores. The number of occupied cores is indicated in a rectangle placed to the right of the cable data designation (stranded wire, electrical cord); for harnesses, cables and wires manufactured according to drawings - designation of the main design document. The diagram shows the characteristics of the input and output circuits of devices and elements or other initial data necessary for selecting specific wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), if, when developing a circuit diagram of the complex, data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) cannot be determined. It is recommended to indicate the characteristics of input and output circuits in the form of tables (clause 3.41), placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements. 4.23. Data (brand, cross-section, etc.) about wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) is indicated near the lines depicting wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). In this case, it is permissible not to assign designations to wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). When indicating data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) in the form of symbols, these symbols are deciphered on the diagram field. The same brand, cross-section and other data on all or most wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) may be indicated in the diagram field. 4.24. If the diagram does not indicate the connection points (for example, individual contacts are not shown in the image of the connectors) or it is difficult to find the connection points of the wires and cable cores (stranded wire, electrical cord), then data on the wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and the addresses of their connections are summarized in a table called the “Connection Table”. The connection table should be placed on the first sheet of the diagram or executed as a separate document. The connection table, placed on the first sheet of the diagram, is usually placed above the main inscription. The distance between the table and the main inscription must be at least 12 mm. The continuation of the connection table is placed to the left of the main inscription, repeating the head of the table. The connection table in the form of an independent document is carried out in A4 format. The main inscription and additional columns to it are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.104-68 (form 2 and 2a). 4.25. The form of the connection table is chosen by the circuit designer depending on the information that needs to be placed on the circuit (Fig. 26). The following data is indicated in the columns of the tables: in the column “Wire designation” - the designation of a single-core wire, cable core (multi-core wire, electrical, cord) or wire harness; in the columns “Where it comes from”, “Where it goes” - conventional alphanumeric designations of the connected elements or devices; in the “Connections” column - conventional alphanumeric designations of the elements or devices being connected, separated by a comma; in the column “Wire Data”: for a single-core wire - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color in accordance with the document on the basis of which it is used; for a cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), recorded in the specification as a material, - brand, cross-section and number of cores in accordance with the document on the basis of which the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) is used; in the “Note” column - additional clarifying data. Notes: 1. The dimensions of the columns are recommended. 2. It is allowed to divide graphs into subgraphs. 4.26. When filling out the connection table, you should adhere to the following order: when making connections with separate wires, write the wires in the table in ascending order of the numbers assigned to them;

When making connections with wire harnesses or cable cores (stranded wires, electrical cords), a title is placed before recording the wires of each bundle or cores of each cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), for example: “Harness 1” or “Harness ABVG.ХХХХХХ.032”; “Cable 3” or “Cable ABVG.ХХХХХХ.042”; "Wire 5". The wires of a cable harness or core (stranded wire, electrical cord) are recorded in ascending order of the numbers assigned to the wires or cores; when making connections with individual wires, wire harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), the individual wires (without headers) are first recorded in the connection table, and then (with appropriate headings) the wire harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords); if insulating tubes, shielding braids, etc. must be put on individual wires, then the corresponding instructions are placed in the “Note” column. It is allowed to place these instructions on the diagram field. Note. When using a wiring diagram for electrical installation purposes only, a different notation may be permitted if specified in industry standards. 4.27. On the connection diagram, near both ends of the lines depicting individual wires, wires of bundles and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords), it is allowed to indicate the address of the connections. In this case, the connection table is not created. Designations may not be assigned to wires. 4.28. In the diagram field above the main inscription, it is allowed to place the necessary technical instructions, for example: requirements on the inadmissibility of joint laying of certain wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords); the minimum permissible distances between wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords); data on the specificity of laying and protecting wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), etc. 4.18. - 4.28. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


5.1. The connection diagram must show the product, its input and output elements (connectors, clamps, etc.) and the ends of the wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connected to them for external installation, near which information about connecting the product is placed [characteristics external circuits and (or) addresses]. 5.2. The product in the diagram is depicted as a rectangle, and its input and output elements are represented as conventional graphic symbols. It is allowed to depict the product in the form of simplified external outlines. In this case, the input and output elements are depicted in the form of simplified external outlines. 5.1, 5.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 5.3. The placement of images of input and output elements inside the graphic designation of the product should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the product. 5.4. The diagram must indicate the positional designations of the input and output elements assigned to them on the circuit diagram of the product. 5.5. Input elements (for example, seals, sealed leads, bushings) through which wires or cables pass (multi-core wires, electrical cords) are shown on the diagram according to the rules established in clause 4.16. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 5.6. The diagram should indicate the designations of the input, output or output elements printed on the product. If the designations of the input, output and output elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations on the diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field. 5.7. On the diagram, next to the graphic symbols of the connectors to which the wires and cables are connected (stranded wires, electrical cords), it is allowed to indicate the names of these connectors and (or) the designations of the documents on the basis of which they are used. 5.8. Wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown in separate lines on the diagram. 5.9. If necessary, the diagram indicates the brands, cross-sections, colors of the wires, as well as the brands of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords), the number, cross-section and occupancy of the cores. When indicating the brands, sections and colors of wires in the form of symbols on the diagram field, these symbols are deciphered. 5.7. - 5.9. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


6.1. The general diagram shows the devices and elements included in the complex, as well as the wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connecting these devices and elements. 6.2. Devices and elements in the diagram are depicted in the form of rectangles. It is allowed to depict elements in the form of conventional graphic symbols or simplified external outlines, and devices - in the form of simplified external outlines. The location of graphic symbols, devices and elements on the diagram should approximately correspond to the actual placement of elements and devices in the product. It is allowed on the diagram not to reflect the location of devices and elements in the product if their location at the site of operation is unknown. In these cases, graphic symbols of devices and elements must be arranged in such a way as to ensure simplicity and clarity of display of electrical connections between them. 6.1, 6.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.3. On graphic designations of devices and elements, input, output and input elements are depicted according to the rules established in paragraphs. 4.10, 4.16. The location of conventional graphic symbols of input, output and input elements inside the images of devices and elements should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the product. If, to ensure clarity of the display of connections, the location of the graphic symbols of these elements does not correspond to their actual placement in the product, then an appropriate explanation must be placed in the diagram field. 6.4. The diagram must indicate: for each device or element depicted in the form of a rectangle or a simplified external outline - its name and type and (or) designation of the document on the basis of which they are applied; for each element depicted in the form of a conventional graphic symbol, its type and (or) document designation. If there are a large number of devices and elements, it is recommended to record this information in the list of elements. In this case, positional designations are placed next to the graphic designations of devices and elements. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.5. It is recommended to list devices and elements grouped into posts and (or) premises in a list by post and (or) premises. 6.6. The diagram should indicate the designations of the input, output and input elements printed on the product. If the designations of input, output and input elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to these elements in the diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field. 6.7. On the diagram it is allowed to indicate the designations of connector documents on the shelves of leader lines, as well as the number of connector contacts, using their following conventional graphic designation (Fig. 27).

(New edition, Amendment No. 3). 6.8. Wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown on the diagram as separate lines and designated separately by serial numbers within the product. Continuous numbering of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed if the wires included in the bundles are numbered within each bundle. If on the circuit diagram the electrical circuits are assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.709-72, then all single-core wires, cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and harness wires are assigned the same designations. 6.9. If the product for which the circuit is being developed includes several complexes, then single-core wires, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and bundles should be numbered within each complex. The belonging of a single-core wire, bundle, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to a specific complex is determined using an alphanumeric designation placed before the number of each single-core wire, bundle and cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) separated by a hyphen. 6.10. It is allowed on the diagram, using an alphanumeric designation, to determine the belonging of a wire, harness or cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to certain rooms or functional circuits according to the rules established in clause 4.20. 6.11. The numbers of single-core wires in the diagram are placed near the ends of the images; numbers of single-core short wires, which are clearly visible in the diagram, can be placed near the middle of the images. 6.12. The numbers of cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are indicated in circles placed in the breaks in the images of cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). Note. When designating cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 6.9, 6.10, the designations do not fit into the circle. 6.7 - 6.12. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.13. The harness numbers are placed on the shelves of the leader lines. 6.14. In the diagram next to the image of single-core wires, bundles and cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords), the following data is indicated: for single-core wires - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color; for cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) recorded in the specification as material - brand, number and cross-section of cores; for wires, cables and harnesses made according to drawings - designation of the main design document. If, when developing a diagram, data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) laid during installation cannot be determined, then the diagram provides appropriate explanations indicating the initial data necessary for selecting specific wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) ). If there are a large number of connections, it is recommended to write down the specified information in the list of wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). 6.15. The list of wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) (Fig. 28) is placed on the first sheet of the diagram, usually above the main inscription or made in the form of subsequent sheets.

The following data is indicated in the columns of the list: in the “Designation” column - designation of the main design document of the wire, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), harness made according to the drawings; in the “Note” column - cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) supplied with the complex or laid during its installation; cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) laid during installation may not be included in the list. 6.14, 6.15. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.16. If possible, the general diagram should be done on one sheet of paper. If the diagram, due to the complexity of the product, cannot be made on one sheet, then: on the first sheet the product as a whole is drawn, depicting posts and (or) premises with conventional outlines and showing connections between posts and (or) premises. Inside the conventional outlines of posts and (or) premises, only those devices and elements are depicted to which wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connecting posts and (or) premises are supplied. On other sheets, diagrams of individual posts and (or) premises or groups of posts and (or) premises are completely drawn; the general diagram of each complex is performed on a separate sheet if the product includes several complexes. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


7.1. The layout diagram shows the component parts of the product, and, if necessary, the connections between them, the structure, room or area on which these components will be located. 7.2. The components of the product are depicted in the form of simplified external outlines or conventional graphic symbols. 7.3. Wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are depicted as separate lines or simplified external outlines. 7.2, 7.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 7.4. The arrangement of graphic designations of the component parts of the product on the diagram should provide a correct idea of ​​their actual placement in the structure, room, or area. 7.5. When making a layout diagram, it is allowed to use various construction methods (axonometry, plan, conditional development, section of the structure, etc.). 7.6. The diagram must indicate: for each device or element depicted in the form of a simplified external outline - its name and type and (or) designation of the document on the basis of which they are applied; for each element depicted in the form of a conventional graphic symbol, its type and (or) document designation. If there are a large number of devices and elements, it is recommended to record this information in the list of elements. In this case, positional designations are placed next to the graphic designations of devices and elements. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). Sec. 8. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).



Information data on compliance with GOST 2.702-75 ST SEV 1188-78

Section number

GOST 2.702-75

Section number

ST SEV 1188-78

Section number

GOST 2.702-75

Section number

ST SEV 1188-78

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).




GOST 2.702-75




By Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 7, 1975 No. 2584, the introduction date was established

from 01.07.77

This standard applies to electrical circuits of products from all industries, as well as electrical circuits of energy structures and establishes rules for their implementation manually or automatically. Types and types of schemes and general requirements for their implementation are in accordance with GOST 2.701-84. Alphanumeric designations in electrical circuits - according to GOST 2.710-81. The standard complies with ST SEV 1188-78 in terms of section. 2 - 4, 6 - 9 (see reference appendix).


1.1. The block diagram shows all the main functional parts of the product (elements, devices and functional groups) and the main relationships between them. 1.2. The functional parts in the diagram are depicted in the form of a rectangle or conventional graphic symbols. 1.3. The graphical construction of the diagram should give the most visual representation of the sequence of interaction of functional parts in the product. On the interconnection lines, it is recommended to use arrows to indicate the direction of the processes occurring in the product. 1.4. The diagram must indicate the names of each functional part of the product if a rectangle is used to designate it. The diagram may indicate the type of element (device) and (or) the designation of the document (main design document, state standard, technical specifications) on the basis of which this element (device) is applied. When depicting functional parts in the form of rectangles, it is recommended to write names, types and designations inside the rectangles. 1.5. If there are a large number of functional parts, it is allowed, instead of names, types and designations, to put serial numbers to the right of the image or above it, as a rule, from top to bottom in the direction from left to right. In this case, names, types and designations are indicated in a table placed on the diagram field. 1.6. It is allowed to place explanatory inscriptions, diagrams or tables on the diagram that determine the sequence of processes in time, as well as indicate parameters at characteristic points (magnitudes of currents, voltages, shape and magnitude of pulses, mathematical dependencies, etc.).


2.1. A functional diagram depicts the functional parts of a product (elements, devices and functional groups) involved in the process illustrated by the diagram, and the connections between these parts. 2.2. The functional parts and connections between them are depicted in the diagram in the form of conventional graphic symbols established in the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation. Individual functional parts may be depicted in the form of rectangles. 2.3. The graphical construction of the diagram should give the most visual representation of the sequence of processes illustrated by the diagram. 2.4. When performing a functional diagram, it is allowed to use the provisions specified in paragraphs. 3.6 - 3.15 and 3.24. 2.5. The diagram must indicate: for each functional group - the designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram and (or) its name; if a functional group is depicted in the form of a conventional graphic designation, then its name is not indicated; for each device shown in the form of a rectangle - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, its name and type and (or) designation of the document (main design document, state standard, technical specifications) on the basis of which this device is used; for each device depicted in the form of a conventional graphic designation - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, its type and (or) document designation; for each element - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, and (or) its type. The designation of the document on the basis of which the device is used and the type of element may not be indicated. It is recommended to write names, types and designations in rectangles. 2.6. It is recommended to indicate the technical characteristics of the functional parts on the diagram (next to the graphic symbols or in the free field of the diagram). 2.7. Explanatory inscriptions, diagrams or tables are placed on the diagram, defining the sequence of processes over time, and also indicate parameters at characteristic points (magnitudes of currents, voltages, shape and magnitude of pulses, mathematical dependencies, etc.).


3.1. The circuit diagram shows all the electrical elements or devices necessary to implement and control specified electrical processes in the product, all electrical connections between them, as well as electrical elements (connectors, clamps, etc.) that terminate the input and output circuits. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.2. The diagram may depict connecting and mounting elements installed in the product for structural reasons. 3.3. The circuits are performed for products in the off position. In technically justified cases, it is allowed to depict individual elements of the diagram in the selected operating position, indicating in the diagram field the mode for which these elements are depicted. 3.4. Elements and devices, the symbols of which are established in the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation, are depicted on the diagram in the form of these symbols. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.5. Elements or devices that are partially used in a product may be depicted incompletely on the diagram, limited to depicting only the parts or elements used. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.6. Elements and devices are depicted on diagrams in a combined or spaced manner. 3.7. With the combined method, the components of elements or devices are depicted on the diagram in close proximity to each other. 3.8. With the spaced method, the components of elements and devices or individual elements of devices are depicted on the diagram in different places so that the individual circuits of the product are depicted most clearly. It is allowed to depict all and individual elements or devices in an exploded manner. When executing diagrams, it is recommended to use the line method. In this case, the conventional graphic designations of elements or their components included in one circuit are depicted sequentially one after another in a straight line, and individual circuits are shown side by side, forming parallel (horizontal or vertical) lines. When executing the diagram in a line-by-line manner, it is allowed to number the lines in Arabic numerals (Fig. 1).

Crap. 1. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.9. When depicting elements or devices in a spaced manner, it is allowed to place conventional graphic symbols of elements or devices made in a combined way on the free field of the diagram. In this case, elements or devices partially used in the product are depicted in full, indicating the used and unused parts or elements (for example, all contacts of a multi-contact relay). The terminals (contacts) of unused elements (parts) are shown shorter than the terminals (contacts) of used elements (parts) (Fig. 2).

(New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.10. Schemes are performed in a multi-linear or single-line image. 3.11. With a multilinear image, each circuit is depicted as a separate line, and the elements contained in these circuits are represented by separate graphic symbols (Fig. 3a). 3.12. In a single-line drawing, circuits that perform identical functions are depicted with one line, and identical elements of these circuits are depicted with one conventional graphic symbol (Fig. 3b). 3.13. If necessary, electrical circuits are indicated on the diagram. These designations must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.709-89 or other regulatory and technical documents in force in industries.

A- multi-line image; b- single-line image.

Crap. 3. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.14. When depicting different functional circuits on the same diagram, it is possible to distinguish them by line thickness. It is recommended to use no more than three line thicknesses on one diagram. If necessary, appropriate explanations are placed in the diagram field. 3.15. To simplify the diagram, it is possible to merge several electrically unconnected connection lines into a group communication line, but when approaching the contacts (elements), each communication line is depicted as a separate line. When merging communication lines, each line is marked at the junction, and, if necessary, at both ends with symbols (numbers, letters or a combination of letters and numbers) or symbols adopted for electrical circuits (see clause 3.13). Line designations are set in accordance with the requirements given in GOST 2.751-73. Electrical communication lines merged into a group communication line, as a rule, should not have branches, i.e. Each conditional number must appear on the group communication line twice. If branches are necessary, their number is indicated after the serial number of the line through a fractional line (Fig. 3a).

3.16. Each element and (or) device that has an independent circuit diagram and is considered as an element included in the product and shown in the diagram must have a designation (position designation) in accordance with GOST 2.710-81. It is recommended that devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams and functional groups be assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.710-81. 3.15, 3.16. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.17. Position designations should be assigned to elements (devices) within the product (installation). 3.18. Serial numbers for elements (devices) should be assigned, starting from one, within a group of elements (devices) that are assigned the same letter position designation in the diagram, for example, R 1 , R 2 , R 3 etc., C 1 , C 2 , C3 etc. 3.19. Serial numbers must be assigned in accordance with the sequence of arrangement of elements or devices on the diagram from top to bottom in the direction from left to right. If necessary, it is possible to change the sequence of assigning serial numbers depending on the placement of elements in the product, the direction of signal flow or the functional sequence of the process. When changes are made to the schema, the sequence of assigning serial numbers may be disrupted. 3.20. Positional designations are placed on the diagram next to the symbolic graphic designations of elements and (or) devices on the right side or above them. 3.21. On a diagram of a product that includes devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams, it is allowed to assign positional designations to elements within each device. If the product includes several identical devices, then position designations should be assigned to the elements within these devices. Serial numbers should be assigned to elements according to the rules established in clause 3.18. Elements not included in the device are assigned positional designations starting from one, according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.17 - 3.19. 3.22. On the diagram of a product, which includes functional groups, positional designations are assigned to elements according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.17 - 3.19, in this case, first assign positional designations to elements not included in the functional groups, and then to elements included in the functional groups. If a product contains several identical functional groups, the position designations of elements assigned in one of these groups should be repeated in all subsequent groups. The designation of the functional group, assigned in accordance with GOST 2.710-81, is indicated near the image of the functional group (top or right). 3.23. When depicting an element or device on a diagram in an exploded manner, the position designation of the element or device is placed near each component (Fig. 4).

If the field of the diagram is divided into zones or the diagram is made in a line-by-line manner, then to the right of the positional designation or under the positional designation of each component part of an element or device, it is allowed to indicate in brackets the zone designations or line numbers in which all other components of this element or device are shown (Fig. . 5).

3.21 - 3.23. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.24. It is allowed, if this does not complicate the diagram, to connect separately depicted parts of the elements with a mechanical connection line, indicating that they belong to one element. In this case, the positional designations of the elements are placed at one or both ends of the mechanical connection line. 3.25. When depicting individual elements of devices in different places, the positional designations of these elements must include the positional designation of the device into which they are included, for example, = A 3 -WITH 5 - capacitor C 5 included in the device A 3. 3.26. When using a spaced method of depicting a functional group (if necessary, also with a combined method), the designation of the elements included in this group must include the designation of the functional group, for example, ¹ T 1 - WITH 5 - capacitor C 5 , included in the functional group T 1. 3.27. With a single-line image, near one conventional graphic symbol, replacing several conventional graphic symbols of identical elements or devices, indicate the positional designations of all these elements or devices. If the same elements or devices are not located in all circuits shown single-line, then to the right of the reference designation or below it in square brackets indicate the designations of the circuits in which these elements or devices are located (see Fig. 3). 3.28. The schematic diagram must clearly identify all the elements and devices included in the product and shown in the diagram. Data about the elements must be recorded in the list of elements. In this case, the connection of the list with the conventional graphic designations of the elements should be carried out through positional designations. In some cases, established in state or industry standards, it is allowed to place all information about the elements next to the conventional graphic symbols. 3.27., 3.28. 3.29. - 3.33. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2). 3.34. In case of a complex entry, for example, when a device that does not have an independent circuit diagram includes one or more devices that have independent circuit diagrams and (or) functional groups, or if a functional group includes one or more devices, etc., then in the list of elements in the “Name” column, before the names of devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams and functional groups, it is allowed to enter serial numbers (i.e., similar to the designation of sections, subsections, etc.) within the entire product diagram (Fig. 9a). ( cm. With. 336 ). If in the diagram the positional designation of an element includes the positional designation of a device, or the designation of a functional group, then in the list of elements in the column “Pos. designation" indicate the element designator without the device designation or functional group designation. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.35. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2). 3.36. When indicating the values ​​of resistors and capacitors near the symbolic graphic symbols (Fig. 11), it is allowed to use a simplified method of designating units of measurement. for resistors from 0 to 999 Ohms - without indicating units of measurement, from 1 × 10 3 to 999 × 10 3 Ohms - in kiloohms with the unit of measurement indicated by a lowercase letter k, from 1 10 6 to 999 × 10 6 Ohms - in megaohms with designation of the unit of measurement with the capital letter M, over 1 × 10 9 Ohms - in gigaohms with the designation of the unit of measurement with the capital letter G; for capacitors from 0 to 9999 × 12 -12 F - in picofarads without indicating the unit of measurement, from 1 × 10 -8 to 9999 × 10 -6 F - in microfarads with the unit of measurement indicated in lowercase letters mk. 3.37. The diagram should indicate the designations of the terminals (contacts) of the elements (devices) printed on the product or installed in their documentation. If the design of the element (device) and its documentation do not indicate the designations of the pins (contacts), then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to them on the diagram, repeating them later in the corresponding design documents.

* Crap. 6 - 9 are excluded. - When conditionally assigning designations to pins and contacts, a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field. When depicting several identical elements (devices) on a diagram, the designations of pins (contacts) are allowed to be indicated on one of them.

* Crap. 10 excluded. In the spaced method of depicting identical elements (devices), the pin designations (contacts) are indicated on each component part of the element (device). To distinguish the terminal (contact) designations on the diagram from other designations (circuit designations, etc.), it is allowed to write the terminal (contact) designations with a qualifying symbol in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.710-81. 3.38. When depicting an element or device in a spaced manner, an explanatory inscription is placed near one component of the product or on the diagram field near the image of an element or device made in a combined method. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.39. It is recommended to indicate on the diagram the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product (frequency, voltage, current, resistance, inductance, etc.), as well as the parameters to be measured at the control contacts, sockets, etc. If it is impossible to indicate the characteristics or parameters of the input and output circuits of the product, then it is recommended to indicate the name of the circuits or controlled quantities. 3.40. If a product is obviously intended to operate only in a specific product (installation), then the diagram may indicate the addresses of external connections of the input and output circuits of this product. The address must ensure unambiguous connection, for example, if the output contact of the product must be connected to the fifth contact of the third connector of the device A, then the address should be written as follows: = A - X3 :5 . It is allowed to indicate the address in a general form if the unambiguous connection is ensured, for example, “Device A". 3.41. It is recommended to record the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product, as well as the addresses of their external connections, in tables placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements - connectors, boards, etc. (Figure 12).

Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element, instead of the conventional graphic designation of which it is placed. Above the table it is allowed to indicate a conventional graphic designation of a contact - a socket or a pin. Tables can be executed in a spaced manner. The order of the contacts in the table is determined by the convenience of constructing the circuit. It is allowed to place tables with the characteristics of circuits if the diagram contains conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements - connectors, boards, etc. (Figure 13).

It is recommended to place similar tables on lines depicting input and output circuits and not ending with connectors, boards, etc. on the diagram. In this case, positional designations are not assigned to the tables. Notes: 1. If there are several tables in the diagram, it is allowed to show the head of the table only in one of them. 2. If there are no characteristics of the input and output circuits or addresses of their external connection, the table does not provide a column with this data. If necessary, additional columns can be entered into the table. 3. It is allowed to enter in the “Contact” column. several consecutive contact numbers if they are connected to each other. Contact numbers are separated by a comma. 3.42. When depicting multi-contact connectors on a diagram, it is allowed to use conventional graphic symbols that do not show individual contacts (GOST 2.755-87). Information about the connection of connector contacts is indicated in one of the following ways: - near the image of the connectors, on the free field of the diagram or on subsequent sheets of the diagram, place tables in which the connection address is indicated [circuit designation (Fig. 14a) and (or) positional designation of the elements connected to this contact (Fig. 14b)]. If necessary, the table indicates the characteristics of the circuits and the addresses of external connections (Fig. 14a). If tables are placed on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets, then they are assigned positional designations of the connectors to which they are compiled.

The following data is indicated in the columns of the tables: in the column “Cont.” - connector contact number. Contact numbers are written in ascending order; in the “Address” column - designation of the circuit and (or) position designation of the elements connected to the contacts. in the “Chain” column - the characteristics of the circuit; in the “External address” column - the address of the external connection; - connections with connector contacts are depicted in a spaced manner (Fig. 15).

Crap. 15. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). Notes: 1. Dots connected by a dashed line to a connector indicate connections to the corresponding pins of that connector. 2. If necessary, the characteristics of the circuits are placed on the free field of the diagram above the continuation of the communication lines. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 3.38. - 3.42. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.43. When depicting elements on the diagram whose parameters are selected during regulation, asterisks are placed next to the positional designations of these elements on the diagram and in the list of elements (for example R 1* ), and a footnote is placed in the diagram field: “* Selected during regulation.” The list should contain elements whose parameters are closest to the calculated ones. The limit values ​​of element parameters allowed during selection are indicated in the list in the “Note” column. If the parameter selected during regulation is provided by elements of various types, then these elements are listed in the technical requirements in the diagram field, and the following data is indicated in the columns of the list of elements: in the “Name” column - the name of the element and the parameter closest to the calculated one; in the “Note” column - a link to the corresponding paragraph of the technical requirements and the limit values ​​of the parameters allowed during selection. 3.44., 3.45. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2). 3.46. If a parallel or serial connection is made to obtain a certain parameter value (capacitance or resistance of a certain value), then in the list of elements in the “Notes” column indicate the general (total) parameter of the elements (for example, R = 151 kOhm). 3.47. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2). 3.48. When depicting a device (or devices) in the form of a rectangle, it is allowed to place tables with the characteristics of input and output circuits in the rectangle instead of conventional graphic designations of input and output elements (Fig. 18), and outside the rectangle it is allowed to place tables indicating the addresses of external connections (Fig. 19 ). If necessary, additional columns can be entered into the tables.

* Crap. 16, 17 excluded. Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element, instead of the conventional graphic designation of which it is placed. In the table, instead of the word “Cont.” it is allowed to place a conventional graphic designation of the connector contact (see Fig. 19); - on the product diagram, it is allowed to place structural or functional diagrams of devices in rectangles representing devices, or to repeat their circuit diagrams in whole or in part. The elements of these devices are not included in the list of elements. If a product includes several identical devices, then it is recommended to place the device diagram in a free field of the product diagram (and not in a rectangle) with the appropriate inscription, for example: “Block diagram A1 - A4”. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 3.49. - 3.51. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2). 3.52. On the diagram field it is allowed to place instructions on the brands, sections and colors of wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) that should be used to connect the elements, as well as instructions on the specific requirements for the electrical installation of this product. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


4.1. The connection diagram must show all devices and elements included in the product, their input and output elements (connectors, boards, clamps, etc.), as well as connections between these devices and elements. 4.2. Devices and elements in the diagram are depicted: devices - in the form of rectangles or simplified external outlines; elements - in the form of conventional graphic symbols, rectangles or simplified external outlines. When depicting elements in the form of rectangles or simplified external outlines, it is allowed to place conventional graphic symbols of the elements inside them. Input and output elements are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols. It is allowed to depict input and output elements according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.41, 3.42 and 3.48. 4.1., 4.2. (Changed edition, Rev., No. 2). 4.3. The location of graphic symbols of devices and elements on the diagram should approximately correspond to the actual placement of elements and devices in the product. The arrangement of images of input and output elements or terminals within graphic symbols and devices or elements should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the device or element. It is allowed on the diagram not to reflect the location of devices and elements in the product if the diagram is made on several sheets or the placement of devices and elements at the site of operation is unknown. 4.4. Elements that are partially used in the product may be depicted incompletely on the diagram, limited to depicting only the parts used. 4.5. On the diagram, next to the graphic designations of devices and elements, indicate the position designations assigned to them on the circuit diagram. Near or inside the graphic designation of the device, it is allowed to indicate its name and type and (or) the designation of the document on the basis of which the device was used. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 4.6. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2). 4.7. The diagram should indicate the designations of the terminals (contacts) of the elements (devices) printed on the product or installed in their documentation. If the design of a device or element and its documentation do not indicate the designations of input and output elements (outputs), then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to them on the diagram, repeating them later in the corresponding design documents. When conditionally assigning designations to input and output elements (outputs), a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field. When depicting several identical devices on a diagram, it is allowed to indicate the terminal designations on one of them (for example, the pinout of electric vacuum devices). 4.8. Devices and elements with the same external connections may be depicted on a diagram indicating the connection for only one device or element. 4.9. Devices that have independent connection diagrams may be depicted on the product diagram without showing the connection of wires and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) to the input and output elements. 4.10. When depicting connectors on a diagram, it is allowed to use conventional graphic symbols that do not show individual contacts (GOST 2.755-87). In this case, near the image of the connector, on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets of the diagram, tables are placed indicating the connection of the contacts (Fig. 20). When placing tables on the diagram field or on subsequent sheets, they are assigned the positional designations of the connectors in addition to which they are compiled.

Crap. 20. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). It is allowed to enter additional columns into the table (for example, wire data). If a harness (cable - stranded wire, electrical cord, group of wires) connects connector contacts of the same name, then it is permissible to place a table near one end of the image of the bundle (cable - stranded wire, electrical cord, group of wires). If information about connecting contacts is given in the connection table, then tables indicating the connection of contacts may not be placed in the diagram. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.11. On the product diagram, within rectangles or simplified external outlines depicting devices, it is allowed to depict their structural, functional or circuit diagrams. 4.12. If there is no schematic diagram of the product on the connection diagram, positional designations are assigned to devices, as well as elements that are not included in the schematic diagrams of the component parts of the product, according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.16 - 3.20, and write them down in the list of elements. 4.9. - 4.12. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 4.13. On the product connection diagram it is allowed to show external connections of the product according to the rules established in paragraphs. 5.8, 5.9. 4.14. Wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown on the diagram as separate lines. The thickness of the lines representing wires, harnesses and cables (multi-core electrical wires) on the diagrams should be from 0.4 to 1 mm. To simplify the drawing of the diagram, it is allowed to merge individual wires or cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) running in one direction on the diagram into a common line. When approaching the contacts, each wire and core of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) is depicted as a separate line. It is allowed that lines depicting wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are not drawn or cut off near the connection points if their image makes it difficult to read the diagram. In these cases, on the diagram near the connection points (Fig. 21) or in the table in the free field of the diagram (Fig. 22), information is placed in a volume sufficient to ensure an unambiguous connection.

Crap. 22. (New edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.15. On the diagram of a product that includes multi-contact elements, lines representing bundles (cables - stranded wires, electrical cords, groups of wires) can only be extended to the outline of the graphic designation of the element, without showing connections to the contacts. Instructions for connecting wires or cable cores (stranded wire, electrical cord) to the contacts are given in this case in one of the following ways; at the contacts, the ends of the lines representing the wires or cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are shown, and their designations are indicated. The ends of the lines are directed towards the corresponding harness, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), group of wires (Fig. 23); A table indicating the connection of contacts is placed next to the image of the multi-contact element. The table is connected by a leader line with the corresponding harness, cable, (stranded wire, electrical cord) group of wires (Fig. 24). 4.16. The input elements through which the wires pass (group of wires, bundles, cables - stranded wires, electrical cords) are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols established in the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation.

A- line representing a wire (group of wires, harness, cable - stranded wire, electrical cord)

Bushings, sealed bushings, and seals are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols shown in Fig. 25. 4.14 - 4.16. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 4.17. The diagram should indicate the designations of the input elements printed on the product. If the designations of the input elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations on the connection diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field. 4.18. Single-core wires, bundles, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) must be designated by serial numbers within the product. Wires, bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) should be numbered separately. In this case, the wires included in the bundle are numbered within the bundle, and the cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are numbered within the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord). Notes: 1. Continuous numbering of all wires and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed. 2. Continuous numbering of individual wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed. In this case, the wires included in the bundle are numbered within the bundle, and the cores of the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) are numbered within the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord). 3. It is allowed not to designate bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and individual wires if the product for which the diagram is being drawn up is included in the complex and the designations for the bundles, cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and wires will be assigned within the entire complex . 4. It is allowed to assign designations to groups of wires. 4.19. If on the circuit diagram electrical circuits are assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.709-89, then all single-core wires, cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and harness wires are assigned the same designations. In this case, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are designated in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.18. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3). 4.20. In the diagram, using an alphanumeric designation, it is possible to determine the functional affiliation of a wire, harness or cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to a specific complex, room or functional circuit. An alphanumeric designation is placed before the designation of each wire, harness, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), separating it with a hyphen. In this case, the letter (alphanumeric) designation is included in the designation of each wire, harness and cable (stranded wire, electrical cord). A hyphen may be omitted from the designation if this does not make the diagram unclear. If all the wires, harnesses, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) shown in the diagram belong to the same complex, room or functional circuit, then the letter (alphanumeric) designation is not put down, but a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field. 4.21. The numbers of wires and cable cores (stranded wires, electrical cords) are usually placed on the diagram near both ends of the images. The numbers of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) are placed in circles placed in the breaks in the images of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) near the points where the conductors branch. The numbers of the harnesses are placed on the shelves of the leader lines near the places where the wires branch. The numbers of wire groups are placed next to the leader lines. Notes: 1. When designating cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.20, as well as when there is a large number of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) running in one direction on the diagram, the numbers of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) place lines without a circle in the gap. 2. When depicting wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) of a large length on the diagram, numbers are placed at intervals determined by the ease of use of the diagram. 4.22. The diagram must indicate: for single-core wires - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color; for cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) recorded in the specification as material, the brand, number and cross-section of cores and, if necessary, the number of occupied cores. The number of occupied cores is indicated in a rectangle placed to the right of the cable data designation (stranded wire, electrical cord); for harnesses, cables and wires manufactured according to drawings - designation of the main design document. The diagram shows the characteristics of the input and output circuits of devices and elements or other initial data necessary for selecting specific wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), if, when developing a circuit diagram of the complex, data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) cannot be determined. It is recommended to indicate the characteristics of input and output circuits in the form of tables (clause 3.41), placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements. 4.23. Data (brand, cross-section, etc.) about wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) is indicated near the lines depicting wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). In this case, it is permissible not to assign designations to wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). When indicating data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) in the form of symbols, these symbols are deciphered on the diagram field. The same brand, cross-section and other data on all or most wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) may be indicated in the diagram field. 4.24. If the diagram does not indicate the connection points (for example, individual contacts are not shown in the image of the connectors) or it is difficult to find the connection points of the wires and cable cores (stranded wire, electrical cord), then data on the wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) and the addresses of their connections are summarized in a table called the “Connection Table”. The connection table should be placed on the first sheet of the diagram or executed as a separate document. The connection table, placed on the first sheet of the diagram, is usually placed above the main inscription. The distance between the table and the main inscription must be at least 12 mm. The continuation of the connection table is placed to the left of the main inscription, repeating the head of the table. The connection table in the form of an independent document is carried out in A4 format. The main inscription and additional columns to it are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.104-68 (form 2 and 2a). 4.25. The form of the connection table is chosen by the circuit designer depending on the information that needs to be placed on the circuit (Fig. 26). The following data is indicated in the columns of the tables: in the column “Wire designation” - the designation of a single-core wire, cable core (multi-core wire, electrical, cord) or wire harness; in the columns “Where it comes from”, “Where it goes” - conventional alphanumeric designations of the connected elements or devices; in the “Connections” column - conventional alphanumeric designations of the elements or devices being connected, separated by a comma; in the column “Wire Data”: for a single-core wire - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color in accordance with the document on the basis of which it is used; for a cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), recorded in the specification as a material, - brand, cross-section and number of cores in accordance with the document on the basis of which the cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) is used; in the “Note” column - additional clarifying data. Notes: 1. The dimensions of the columns are recommended. 2. It is allowed to divide graphs into subgraphs. 4.26. When filling out the connection table, you should adhere to the following order: when making connections with separate wires, write the wires in the table in ascending order of the numbers assigned to them;

When making connections with wire harnesses or cable cores (stranded wires, electrical cords), a title is placed before recording the wires of each bundle or cores of each cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), for example: “Harness 1” or “Harness ABVG.ХХХХХХ.032”; “Cable 3” or “Cable ABVG.ХХХХХХ.042”; "Wire 5". The wires of a cable harness or core (stranded wire, electrical cord) are recorded in ascending order of the numbers assigned to the wires or cores; when making connections with individual wires, wire harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), the individual wires (without headers) are first recorded in the connection table, and then (with appropriate headings) the wire harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords); if insulating tubes, shielding braids, etc. must be put on individual wires, then the corresponding instructions are placed in the “Note” column. It is allowed to place these instructions on the diagram field. Note. When using a wiring diagram for electrical installation purposes only, a different notation may be permitted if specified in industry standards. 4.27. On the connection diagram, near both ends of the lines depicting individual wires, wires of bundles and cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords), it is allowed to indicate the address of the connections. In this case, the connection table is not created. Designations may not be assigned to wires. 4.28. In the diagram field above the main inscription, it is allowed to place the necessary technical instructions, for example: requirements on the inadmissibility of joint laying of certain wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords); the minimum permissible distances between wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords); data on the specificity of laying and protecting wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords), etc. 4.18. - 4.28. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


5.1. The connection diagram must show the product, its input and output elements (connectors, clamps, etc.) and the ends of the wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connected to them for external installation, near which information about connecting the product is placed [characteristics external circuits and (or) addresses]. 5.2. The product in the diagram is depicted as a rectangle, and its input and output elements are represented as conventional graphic symbols. It is allowed to depict the product in the form of simplified external outlines. In this case, the input and output elements are depicted in the form of simplified external outlines. 5.1, 5.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 5.3. The placement of images of input and output elements inside the graphic designation of the product should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the product. 5.4. The diagram must indicate the positional designations of the input and output elements assigned to them on the circuit diagram of the product. 5.5. Input elements (for example, seals, sealed leads, bushings) through which wires or cables pass (multi-core wires, electrical cords) are shown on the diagram according to the rules established in clause 4.16. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 5.6. The diagram should indicate the designations of the input, output or output elements printed on the product. If the designations of the input, output and output elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations on the diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field. 5.7. On the diagram, next to the graphic symbols of the connectors to which the wires and cables are connected (stranded wires, electrical cords), it is allowed to indicate the names of these connectors and (or) the designations of the documents on the basis of which they are used. 5.8. Wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown in separate lines on the diagram. 5.9. If necessary, the diagram indicates the brands, cross-sections, colors of the wires, as well as the brands of cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords), the number, cross-section and occupancy of the cores. When indicating the brands, sections and colors of wires in the form of symbols on the diagram field, these symbols are deciphered. 5.7. - 5.9. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


6.1. The general diagram shows the devices and elements included in the complex, as well as the wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connecting these devices and elements. 6.2. Devices and elements in the diagram are depicted in the form of rectangles. It is allowed to depict elements in the form of conventional graphic symbols or simplified external outlines, and devices - in the form of simplified external outlines. The location of graphic symbols, devices and elements on the diagram should approximately correspond to the actual placement of elements and devices in the product. It is allowed on the diagram not to reflect the location of devices and elements in the product if their location at the site of operation is unknown. In these cases, graphic symbols of devices and elements must be arranged in such a way as to ensure simplicity and clarity of display of electrical connections between them. 6.1, 6.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.3. On graphic designations of devices and elements, input, output and input elements are depicted according to the rules established in paragraphs. 4.10, 4.16. The location of conventional graphic symbols of input, output and input elements inside the images of devices and elements should approximately correspond to their actual placement in the product. If, to ensure clarity of the display of connections, the location of the graphic symbols of these elements does not correspond to their actual placement in the product, then an appropriate explanation must be placed in the diagram field. 6.4. The diagram must indicate: for each device or element depicted in the form of a rectangle or a simplified external outline - its name and type and (or) designation of the document on the basis of which they are applied; for each element depicted in the form of a conventional graphic symbol, its type and (or) document designation. If there are a large number of devices and elements, it is recommended to record this information in the list of elements. In this case, positional designations are placed next to the graphic designations of devices and elements. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.5. It is recommended to list devices and elements grouped into posts and (or) premises in a list by post and (or) premises. 6.6. The diagram should indicate the designations of the input, output and input elements printed on the product. If the designations of input, output and input elements are not indicated in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to these elements in the diagram, repeating them in the corresponding design documentation. In this case, the necessary explanations are placed in the diagram field. 6.7. On the diagram it is allowed to indicate the designations of connector documents on the shelves of leader lines, as well as the number of connector contacts, using their following conventional graphic designation (Fig. 27).

(New edition, Amendment No. 3). 6.8. Wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) must be shown on the diagram as separate lines and designated separately by serial numbers within the product. Continuous numbering of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) within the product is allowed if the wires included in the bundles are numbered within each bundle. If on the circuit diagram the electrical circuits are assigned designations in accordance with GOST 2.709-72, then all single-core wires, cable cores (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and harness wires are assigned the same designations. 6.9. If the product for which the circuit is being developed includes several complexes, then single-core wires, cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) and bundles should be numbered within each complex. The belonging of a single-core wire, bundle, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to a specific complex is determined using an alphanumeric designation placed before the number of each single-core wire, bundle and cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) separated by a hyphen. 6.10. It is allowed on the diagram, using an alphanumeric designation, to determine the belonging of a wire, harness or cable (stranded wire, electrical cord) to certain rooms or functional circuits according to the rules established in clause 4.20. 6.11. The numbers of single-core wires in the diagram are placed near the ends of the images; numbers of single-core short wires, which are clearly visible in the diagram, can be placed near the middle of the images. 6.12. The numbers of cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are indicated in circles placed in the breaks in the images of cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). Note. When designating cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 6.9, 6.10, the designations do not fit into the circle. 6.7 - 6.12. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.13. The harness numbers are placed on the shelves of the leader lines. 6.14. In the diagram next to the image of single-core wires, bundles and cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords), the following data is indicated: for single-core wires - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, color; for cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) recorded in the specification as material - brand, number and cross-section of cores; for wires, cables and harnesses made according to drawings - designation of the main design document. If, when developing a diagram, data on wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) laid during installation cannot be determined, then the diagram provides appropriate explanations indicating the initial data necessary for selecting specific wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) ). If there are a large number of connections, it is recommended to write down the specified information in the list of wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords). 6.15. The list of wires, harnesses and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) (Fig. 28) is placed on the first sheet of the diagram, usually above the main inscription or made in the form of subsequent sheets.

The following data is indicated in the columns of the list: in the “Designation” column - designation of the main design document of the wire, cable (stranded wire, electrical cord), harness made according to the drawings; in the “Note” column - cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) supplied with the complex or laid during its installation; cables (multi-core wires, electrical cords) laid during installation may not be included in the list. 6.14, 6.15. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 6.16. If possible, the general diagram should be done on one sheet of paper. If the diagram, due to the complexity of the product, cannot be made on one sheet, then: on the first sheet the product as a whole is drawn, depicting posts and (or) premises with conventional outlines and showing connections between posts and (or) premises. Inside the conventional outlines of posts and (or) premises, only those devices and elements are depicted to which wires and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) connecting posts and (or) premises are supplied. On other sheets, diagrams of individual posts and (or) premises or groups of posts and (or) premises are completely drawn; the general diagram of each complex is performed on a separate sheet if the product includes several complexes. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


7.1. The layout diagram shows the component parts of the product, and, if necessary, the connections between them, the structure, room or area on which these components will be located. 7.2. The components of the product are depicted in the form of simplified external outlines or conventional graphic symbols. 7.3. Wires, groups of wires, bundles and cables (stranded wires, electrical cords) are depicted as separate lines or simplified external outlines. 7.2, 7.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 7.4. The arrangement of graphic designations of the component parts of the product on the diagram should provide a correct idea of ​​their actual placement in the structure, room, or area. 7.5. When making a layout diagram, it is allowed to use various construction methods (axonometry, plan, conditional development, section of the structure, etc.). 7.6. The diagram must indicate: for each device or element depicted in the form of a simplified external outline - its name and type and (or) designation of the document on the basis of which they are applied; for each element depicted in the form of a conventional graphic symbol, its type and (or) document designation. If there are a large number of devices and elements, it is recommended to record this information in the list of elements. In this case, positional designations are placed next to the graphic designations of devices and elements. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). Sec. 8. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).



Information data on compliance with GOST 2.702-75 ST SEV 1188-78

Section number

GOST 2.702-75

Section number

ST SEV 1188-78

Section number

GOST 2.702-75

Section number

ST SEV 1188-78

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

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  • Resolution 31 On introducing amendments and additions to the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 1994 N 51 “On the standards and procedure for reimbursement of expenses when sending employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions to perform installation, commissioning, construction work, to advanced training courses, as well as for the mobile and traveling nature of the work, for the performance of work on a rotational basis and field work, for constant work on the road in the territory of the Russian Federation"

Purpose of electrical circuit diagrams

A schematic diagram is an expanded diagram of electrical connections. It is the main diagram of the electrical equipment design of a production mechanism and gives a general idea of ​​the electrical equipment of this mechanism, reflects the operation of the automatic control system of the mechanism, serves as a source for drawing up wiring diagrams and connections, developing structural units and drawing up a list of elements.

According to the principle diagram, the correctness of electrical connections is checked during installation and commissioning of electrical equipment. The precision of the production mechanism, its productivity and operational reliability depend on the quality of the design of the circuit diagram.

Ten Rules for Drawing Electrical Circuit Diagrams

1. The drawing up of a circuit diagram of the production mechanism is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the technical specifications. In the process of drawing up a schematic diagram, the types, designs and technical data of electric motors, electromagnets, limit switches, contactors, relays, etc. are also specified.

Let us recall that on a schematic diagram all elements of each electrical device, apparatus or instrument are shown separately and are placed for ease of reading the diagram in different places depending on the functions performed. All elements of the same device, machine, apparatus, etc. are provided with the same alphanumeric designation, for example: KM1 - first linear contactor, KT - time relay, etc.

2. The electrical circuit diagram shows all the electrical connections between the electrical components of the production mechanism included in it. On circuit diagrams, power circuits are usually placed on the left and drawn with thick lines, and control circuits are placed on the right and drawn with thin lines.

The schematic diagram is designed using existing standard components and circuits for automatic control of electrical wires (for example, circuits of magnetic controllers and protective panels - for cranes, circuit diagrams of units for transition from adjustment mode to automatic using separate control buttons or a mode switch - for metal-cutting machines, etc. .).

3. Relay contact circuits must be drawn up taking into account the minimum load of relay contacts, contactors, limit switches, etc., using amplification devices to reduce the power they switch: electromagnetic, semiconductor amplifiers, etc.

4. To increase the reliability of the circuit, you need to choose the simplest option, which has the smallest number of controls, devices and contacts. For this purpose, it is necessary, for example, to use general protection devices for electric motors that do not operate simultaneously, and also to control auxiliary drives from the main drive devices if they operate simultaneously.

5. Control circuits in complex circuits should be connected to the network through a transformer that reduces the voltage to 110 V. This eliminates the electrical connection of power circuits with control circuits and eliminates the possibility of false triggering of relay contact devices during short circuits to ground in the circuits of their coils. Relatively simple electrical control circuits can be connected directly to the mains supply.

6. The supply of voltage to the power circuits and control circuits must be done through an input package switch or circuit breaker. When using only DC motors on metal-cutting machines or other machines, DC equipment should also be used in the control circuit.

7. It is recommended, if possible, to connect different contacts of the same electromagnetic device (contactor, relay, command controller, limit switch, etc.) to the same pole or phase of the network. This allows for more reliable operation of the devices (there is no likelihood of breakdown and short circuit on the insulation surface between contacts). From this rule it follows that one terminal of the coil of all electrical devices, if possible, should be connected to one pole of the control circuit.

8. To ensure reliable operation of electrical equipment, means of electrical protection and interlocking must be provided. Electrical machines and devices are protected from possible short circuits. and unacceptable overloads. In the control circuits of electric drives of machine tools, hammers, presses, overhead cranes, zero protection is required to eliminate the possibility of self-starting of electric motors when the supply voltage is removed and then applied.

The electrical circuit must be constructed in such a way that if fuses blow, coil circuits are broken, or contacts are welded, emergency operation of the electric drive does not occur. In addition, control circuits must have interlocking connections to prevent emergency modes in the event of erroneous operator actions, as well as to ensure a given sequence of operations.

9. In complex control circuits, it is necessary to provide alarms and electrical measuring instruments that allow the operator (machine operator, crane operator) to monitor the operating mode of electric drives. Signal lamps are usually switched on at reduced voltage: 6, 12, 24 or 48 V.

10. For ease of operation and proper installation of electrical equipment, the terminals of all elements of electrical devices, electrical machines (main contacts, auxiliary contacts, coils, windings, etc.) and wires are marked on the diagrams.

Sections (clamps of circuit elements and wires connecting them) of direct current circuits of positive polarity are marked with odd numbers, and sections of negative polarity with even numbers. AC control circuits are marked similarly, i.e. all terminals and wires connected to one phase are marked with odd numbers, and to the other phase with even numbers.

Common connection points of several elements in the diagram have the same number. After the circuit passes through a coil, contact, pilot light, resistor, etc., the number changes. To highlight individual types of circuits, indexing is done so that control circuits have numbers from 1 to 99, signaling circuits - from 101 to 191, etc.


1.1. The block diagram shows all the main functional parts of the product (elements, devices and functional groups) and the main relationships between them.

1.2. The functional parts in the diagram are depicted in the form of rectangles or conventional graphic symbols.

1.3. The graphical construction of the diagram should give the most visual representation of the sequence of interaction of functional parts in the product.

1.4. The diagram must indicate the names of each functional part of the product if a rectangle is used to designate it.

It is allowed to indicate designations (numbers) or types (codes) of elements and devices on the diagram.

When depicting functional parts in the form of rectangles, it is recommended to write names, designations and types inside the rectangles.

1.5. If there are a large number of functional parts, it is allowed to put down serial numbers instead of names, designations and types, usually from top to bottom in the direction from left to right. In this case, names, designations and types are indicated in the table placed under the main inscription.

1.6. It is allowed to place on the diagram (example 1 of Appendix 2) explanatory inscriptions, diagrams or tables that determine the sequence of processes in time, as well as indicate parameters at characteristic points (magnitudes of currents, voltages, shape and magnitude of pulses, mathematical dependencies, etc.)


2.1. A functional diagram depicts the functional parts of a product (elements, devices and functional groups) involved in the process illustrated by the diagram, and the connections between these parts.

In the diagram, instead of connections, it is allowed to depict specific connections between elements and devices (wires, cables).

2.2. Functional parts in the diagram, as a rule, are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols (example 2 of Appendix 2). Individual functional parts may be depicted in the form of rectangles.

2.3. A graphical representation of the diagram should give the most visual representation of the sequence of processes illustrated by the diagram.

2.4. When executing the functional diagram, it is allowed to use the provisions specified in paragraphs. 3.5-3.9, 3.13, 3.19 and 3.22, for example: depict elements separately in parts, merge electrical connection lines, etc.

2.5. The diagram should indicate:

for each functional group - its name;

for each device depicted as a rectangle - its name, designation or type;

for each device depicted in the form of a conventional graphic symbol, its designation or type;

for each element - the position designation assigned to it on the circuit diagram, or type (see example 2 of Appendix 2.).

2.7. Explanatory inscriptions, diagrams or tables are placed on the diagram, defining the sequence of processes over time, and also indicate parameters at characteristic points (magnitudes of currents, voltages, shape and magnitude of pulses, mathematical dependencies, etc.).


3.1 the schematic diagram shows all the electrical elements necessary for the implementation and control of specified electrical processes in the product, and all the electrical connections between them, as well as the electrical elements (connectors, clamps, etc.) that terminate the input and output circuits.

3.2. The diagram may depict connecting and mounting elements installed in the product for structural reasons.

3.3. Schemes are drawn for products in the off position.

In technically justified cases, it is allowed to draw individual diagrams in the selected working position, indicating in the diagram field the mode for which these elements are drawn.

3.4. Elements in the diagram are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols.

3.5. The dimensions of conventional graphic symbols are given in GOST 2.747-68.

Elements whose dimensions are not established by GOST 2.747-68 must be drawn in the dimensions in which they are made in the relevant standards.

When drawing diagrams rich in conventional graphic symbols, it is allowed to reduce the weight of the value proportionally, while the distance (clearance) between two adjacent lines of the conventional graphic symbol must be at least 0.8 mm. When drawing illustrated diagrams on large formats, it is allowed to increase all conventional graphic symbols proportionally.

It is allowed to increase the size of the designations of individual elements if it is necessary to emphasize the special purpose of these elements.

It is allowed to increase the size of conventional graphic symbols when adding explanatory signs to them.

When depicting elements with a large number of pins (for example, multi-tap resistors), it is allowed to change the size of their designations compared to those given in the standards without disturbing the clarity of the circuit.

Conventional graphic symbols of elements used as components of more complex elements may be depicted reduced in comparison with other elements to reduce the overall size of conventional graphic symbols (for example, a resistor in a rhombic antenna).

3.6. Conventional graphic symbols of elements are drawn on the diagram with lines of the same thickness, as shown in the standards for conventional graphic symbols.

The thickness of the lines of all conventional graphic symbols of elements can be equal to the thickness of the electrical connection.

3.7. Elements that are partially used in the product may be shown incompletely on the diagram, limiting the image to only the parts used (example 3 of Appendix 2).

3.8. Conventional graphic symbols of elements are drawn on the diagram or in the position in which they are depicted in the relevant standards. or rotated by an angle multiple of 90 ° in relation to this provision, unless specific guidance is provided in the relevant standards. In other cases, it is allowed to rotate conventional graphic symbols by an angle divisible by 45 ° .

3.9. Conventional graphic symbols in diagrams are performed in a combined or spaced manner.

3.10. With the combined method, the components of the elements according to the scheme are together, i.e. in close proximity to each other.

3.11. With the spaced method, the conventional graphic symbols of the component parts of the elements are placed in different places of the diagram so that the individual circuits of the product are depicted most clearly. Using the spaced method, it is possible to draw both the entire diagram and individual elements.

When constructing circuits of electrical equipment, it is recommended to use the spaced method, in which the conventional graphic symbols of the elements and their components included in one circuit are depicted sequentially one after another in a straight line, and individual circuits are shown one below the other, forming parallel lines (linear method of executing the circuit ). It is allowed to place lines on the diagram in a vertical position.

When executing a diagram in a line-by-line manner, it is allowed to number parallel lines to make it easier to find elements on the diagram (example 4 of position 2).

3.12. When depicting elements in an exploded manner, it is allowed to place tables with conventional graphic symbols of elements made in a combined manner on the free field of the diagram. In this case, elements that are partially used in the product are usually shown in full in the table, indicating the used and unused parts (for example, all contact relays).

3.13. Schemes are performed in a single-line or multi-line image. 3.14. With the multilinear method, each circuit, including circuits that perform an identical function (for example, phases of alternating current circuits), is depicted as a separate line, and the elements contained in these circuits, including similar ones, are represented by separate graphic symbols.

3.15. With the single-line method, all circuits that perform identical functions are depicted with one line, and similar elements contained in the indicated circuits. – one (single-line) conventional graphic symbol.

3.16. The location of the conventional graphic symbols of elements on the diagram should be determined by the ease of reading the diagram, as well as the need to depict connections between elements with the shortest lines with a minimum number of intersections.

It is allowed to place conventional graphic symbols of elements on the diagram as they are located in the product, if the depiction of the connections between the elements does not turn out to be so complex that it will disrupt the readability of the diagram.

3.17. In a large format and dense diagram, it is allowed to divide the diagram field into equal zones to make it easier to find elements. Zone designations must be indicated in the list of elements.

3.18. Communication lines should usually be shown in full. It is allowed to break the communication line of elements distant from each other if the graphical representation of the connections makes it difficult to read the circuit (for example, the glow circuit of electric vacuum devices).

Communication line breaks are terminated with arrows indicating connection points (see example 2 of Appendix 2).

If the product contains multiple repeating auxiliary circuits (for example, power circuits), it is allowed not to depict them on the diagram, but to place tables indicating the connection locations or corresponding text explanations in the diagram field.

If a number of elements must be connected to circuits of the same polarity of equal potential, then it is allowed, without drawing a communication line, to indicate the connection of these elements, indicating the polarity and, if necessary, the potential value near the images of the terminals of these elements.

3.19. The thickness of electrical communication lines on the diagrams should be from 0.2 to 0.6 mm, depending on the format of the diagram and the size of the graphic symbols.

3.20. When depicting different functional circuits on the same diagram, it is possible to distinguish them by line thickness. It is recommended to distinguish between primary and secondary switching circuits, power circuits and control circuits, etc. If necessary, it is allowed to provide an appropriate explanation in the diagram field.

When highlighting functional circuits, it is allowed to use lines up to 1 mm thick.

3.21. It is recommended to draw elements included in a circuit, which is highlighted by line thickness, with lines of the same thickness as the circuit.

3.22. To simplify the diagram, it is possible to merge several unrelated communication lines into a common line, but when approaching contacts (elements), each communication line should be depicted as a separate line.

When used in a merging circuit, communication lines are usually Must be numbered with the same numbers at both ends of each line (example 5 of Appendix 2).

It is allowed not to number the second end of the merged line, using for this purpose the designations of the contacts of the elements to which the merged lines are suitable.

Note. If the diagram shows digital designations of electrical circuits (clause 3.38.), then when merging the line, additional numbering is not required.

3.23. Each element included in the product and shown in the diagram must have an alphanumeric positional designation, composed of a letter designation and a serial number placed after the letter designation (see example 3 of Appendix 2).

3.24. The letter designation must be an abbreviated name of the element, made up of its initial or characteristic letters, for example: transformer - Tr, arrester – RR.

It is allowed to assign one positional value to a group of elements that perform similar functions in a product, for example: relay, contactor. Magnetic switch - R.

The letter designations of the most common elements are given in Appendix 1.

3.25. To indicate the purpose of individual elements in a specific product, it is allowed to assign letter positional designations to these elements, reflecting their functional purpose, for example:

KnP– “start” button;

KnS– “stop” button;

RV– time relay

KL– linear contact.

The letter “U” is used to designate the device

To reflect the functional purpose of the device, it is allowed to use alphabetic codes:

F– filter;

Tg– trigger;

ShchP– power supply panel;

HRC– intermediate frequency amplifier.

3.26. Serial numbers should be assigned to elements, starting with one, within groups of elements that are assigned the same letter position designation in the diagram, for example: R 1,R 2,R 3 etc. C 1,C 2,C 3 etc.

The numbers of the serial numbers of the elements and their alphabetic positional designations should be done in the same font size.

If the conventional graphic designation includes a letter designation (measuring instruments, electrical machines), then it is allowed to add a serial number to it (Drawing 1).

If a product has only one element of this group (one generator, one telephone, etc.) and it is known that when the circuit is modified, the appearance of a second element of the same group is excluded, then the serial number in its positional designation may not be indicated.

3.27. It is allowed to carry out circuits with digital positional designations of elements, representing continuous numbering, starting from one.

The position designation must be inscribed in the circle (see example 5 of Appendix 2).

3.28. Positional designations are assigned to elements within a product.

3.29. Positional designations are placed on the diagram next to the symbolic graphic designations of the elements, if possible on the right side or above them.

3.30. Serial numbers must be assigned in accordance with the sequence of arrangement of elements on the diagram, usually counting from top to bottom in the direction from left to right.

If necessary, it is allowed to change the sequence of assignment of serial numbers, due to the placement of elements in the product, the direction of signal passage or the functional sequence of the process.

3.31. when drawing from a conventional graphic designation of an element in an exploded manner, the positional designation assigned to the element is placed next to each of its components. The sequence of assigning serial numbers must correspond to the sequence of location on the diagram of the main components of the element, for example, relay windings (see example 3 of Appendix 2).

It is allowed to add numbers to the positional designation through a hyphen, assigned to each part of the element, for example, B1-2 - the second board of switch 1 (example 6 of Appendix 2).

3.32. Individual contacts of connectors, boards, etc. denoted by a fraction, in the numerator of which is the positional value of the element, and in the denominator the contact number, for example, Ш 1/5.

The designation is placed next to the contact image.

3.33. It is allowed, if this does not complicate the diagram, to connect separately depicted parts of an element with a mechanical connection line, indicating that they belong to the same element. In this case, the positional designations of the elements are placed at one or both ends of the mechanical connection line (see example 3 of Appendix 2).

3.34. On a diagram of a product that includes devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams, it is allowed to assign positional designations to the elements within each device.

This method is mandatory for cases when the product for which the diagram is drawn up includes several identical devices (see example 6 of Appendix 2).

In the case of a spaced method of depicting a device, the positional designation of each element must include the code of the device that includes these elements.

In this case, an explanation of the device’s conditional code should be placed on the diagram (on the diagram field or in the list of elements).

3.35. On a diagram of a product that includes several functional groups, it is recommended to assign position designations to the elements within each group.

With the combined method of depicting a functional group on the diagram, the conditional code of the group is indicated inside the outline.

With a spaced method of depicting a functional group, a conditional code must be included in the positional designation of each element, for example: 1-C5 - the fifth capacitor included in trigger 1.

3.36. It is allowed in the diagram, when assigning positional designations to input and output elements (connectors, boards, etc.), to the left of their positional designations, put through a hyphen the code of the device that includes these elements, for example: A-Sh5 - fifth plug connector of device A .

3.37. It is allowed to assign positional designations to cable connectors, as well as connectors on rack frames, that coincide with the positional designations of the connectors mated to them, placing the code of the device in which the mating connectors are included in front of the positional designations in parentheses, for example: (A)Ш1 – connector mating to connector Ш1 of device A.

3.38. To ensure the connection of the circuit with the structure, it is allowed to enter digital symbols of electrical circuits on the diagram (see example 4 of Appendix 2). In this case, it is allowed to use letter indices that characterize the functional purpose of the circuits.

The circuit designation system in the diagram must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.709-72 or other regulatory and technical documents in force in the industries.

3.39. The schematic diagram must clearly identify all the elements included in the product and shown in the diagram. As a rule, data about elements should be recorded in an element list. In this case, the connection of the list with conventional graphic designations of elements should be carried out through positional designations. In some cases, it is allowed to place all information about the elements next to the graphic symbols.


1. If, when disassembling the design documentation of a product, the selection of elements can be made not only on the basis of a schematic diagram, then the amount of information about the elements placed on this diagram may be incomplete, for example, there may be no designations of documents on the basis of which the elements are applied or instructions about types of these elements.

2. At the stages of technical proposal, preliminary and technical design, information about the elements placed on the diagram may be incomplete.

3.40. The list of elements is placed on the first sheet of the diagram or executed as a separate document.

When completing the list of elements in the form of an independent document, it is assigned a product designation and code in accordance with GOST 2.701-68.

(Changed version

3.41. If the list of elements is placed on the first sheet of the diagram, then it is drawn up in the form of a table, filled out from top to bottom, and placed, as a rule, above the main inscription.

The continuation of the list of elements is placed to the left of the main inscription. In this case, the head of the table is repeated.

The list of elements in the form of an independent document is carried out in format 11. The main inscription and additional columns to it are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.104 - 68 (form 2 and 2a).


1. In the “Zone” column, write down the zone designation.

When using the line-by-line method of executing schemes, it is allowed to indicate in the “Zone” column the number of the line in which this element is located.

2. In the column “Pos. designation" record the positional designation of the element.

3. In the “Name” column, write down the name of the element in accordance with the document on the basis of which this element is applied, and the designation of this document (main design document, GOST, TU, catalog, etc.).

4. If it is necessary to indicate technical data of an element that is not contained in its name, it is recommended to indicate this data in the “Note” column.

(Changed version- “Inform. Index of Standards" No. 12 1972).

3.42. Elements in the list are written in the following order:

a) with alphanumeric positional designations of elements - in groups in the order of arrangement of the alphabetic positional designations given in Appendix 1. Within each group that has the same alphabetic positional designation, the elements are arranged in ascending order of serial numbers.

To facilitate changes between individual groups of elements, as well as with a large number of elements within groups and between elements, it is allowed to leave several blank lines;

b) with digital positional designations - in ascending order of numbers. At certain intervals, it is allowed to leave several blank lines; in this case, the numbering of completed lines must be continuous.

3.43. Elements of the same type with the same electrical parameters, having sequential serial numbers on the diagram, can be recorded in the list on one line. In this case, in the column “Pos. designations" enter only the letter value with the smallest and largest serial numbers, for example: R 3, R 4; C8...C12, and in the column “Quantity.” - the total number of such elements.

3.44. When repeatedly using elements of the same type in a product (resistors, capacitors, relays, etc.), to simplify filling out the list of elements, the following is allowed:

a) instead of repeating the names of the elements (capacitor, resistor, etc.) in the “Name” column, put quotation marks or place these names in the form of a heading (Table 1a)

b) before each group of elements of the same type, place inscriptions indicating the documents on the basis of which these elements are given (Table 1b).

(Changed version- “Inform. Index of Standards" No. 12 1972).

3.45. If in the diagram positional designations are assigned to elements within devices or functional groups, then the elements are recorded in the list separately for devices or functional groups.

The recording of elements included in each device (functional group) begins with the corresponding header. The title is written in the “Name” column and underlined.

If the diagram contains elements that, in addition to devices (functional groups), are included directly in the product, then filling out the list begins by writing down the specified elements without a title (see example 6 of Appendix 2).


1. When using several identical devices or functional groups, the list indicates the number of elements included in one device (functional group). The total number of identical devices (functional groups) is indicated in the header in the “Number” column. (see example 6 of Appendix 2).

2. In the “Note” column, write down the conditional code of the device (functional group).

3. If on the diagram before the positional designation the conditional code of the device (functional group) is indicated, then when recording elements in the list in the column “Pos. designation” record the positional designations of the element without a conditional code.

(Changed version- “Inform. Index of Standards" No. 12 1972).

3.46. If on a diagram of a product consisting of several devices, positional designations are assigned throughout the entire product, then it is allowed to record elements in the list separately by device (clause 3.45).

3.47. If the diagram contains elements that are not independent structures, then when recording them in the list, in the “Note” column, enter the designations of the drawing of the part of the product in which this element is formed.

3.48. When indicating the values ​​of resistors and capacitors on the diagram, it is permissible to use the following simplified method of designating units of measurement:

for resistors

from 0 to 999 Ohm – in ohms without indicating units of measurement;

from 1 × 10 to 999 × 10 Ohms – in megohms with the unit of measurement designated by the letter “M”;

for capacitors

from 0 to 9999 × 10 F – in picofarads without indicating the unit of measurement;

from 1 × 10 to 9999 × 10 F – in microfarads without indicating the unit of measurement. In this case, the values ​​of the containers are written either in the form of fractional quantities or in the form of integers, followed by the sign 0 (zero), separated by a comma, for example: 0.01; 0.2; 30.0; 50.0.

3.49. If the terminals of an element are marked in its design, then this marking is repeated on the diagram. The diagram also contains designations of terminals that are not actually marked on the elements, but are established in their documentation (for example, the pinout of electric vacuum devices).

If the designation of the terminals is not indicated in the design of the element and in its documentation, then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to them on the diagram, repeating them in the future with the corresponding design documents.


1. If designations are assigned to the terminals conditionally, then place the corresponding indication on the diagram field.

2. If a product contains several identical electric vacuum devices, then the pinout may be indicated on one of them (see example 3 of Appendix 2).

3. If the product contains several similar elements (devices), then the terminal designations may be indicated on one of them, provided that the location of their terminals relative to the graphic designations is identical.

In the spaced method of depicting similar elements (devices), the pin designations are indicated on each component part of the element (device).

4. To distinguish the element pin numbers in the diagram from other digital designations (circuit designations, etc.), the pin numbers are enclosed in brackets.

3.50. On the diagram, near the graphic symbols of elements, the purpose and use of which in operating conditions requires explanation (for example, switches, potentiometers, control sockets, fuses, etc.), appropriate inscriptions should be placed. Inscriptions intended to be applied to the product are enclosed in quotation marks on the diagram.

3.51. It is recommended to indicate on the diagram the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product (frequency, voltage, current, resistance, inductance, etc.), as well as the parameters to be measured at the control contacts, sockets, etc. (see example 6 of Appendix 2). If it is impossible to indicate the characteristics or parameters of the input and output circuits of the product, then indicate the name of the circuits or controlled quantities.

3.52. If a product is intended to operate only in a certain device, equipment or installation, then the diagram may indicate the addresses of external points to which the input and output circuits of this product should be connected. The address must ensure unambiguous connection. So, if the output contact of this product must be connected to the fifth contact of the third connector of device A, then the address should be written as follows: A - Ш3/5.

It is allowed to indicate the address in a general form if the unambiguous connection is ensured, for example, “Device A”.

3.53. It is recommended to record the characteristics of the input and output circuits of the product, as well as the addresses of their external connections, in tables placed instead of the conventional graphic symbols of the input (output) elements - board connectors, etc. (Table 2).

Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element, instead of the conventional graphic designation of which it is placed.

Above the table it is allowed to indicate a conventional graphic designation of a connector contact - socket or plug.

Tables can be executed in a spaced manner.

Tables with circuit characteristics can also be placed if there are conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements on the diagram - connectors, boards, etc.

It is recommended to place similar tables on lines depicting input and output circuits and not ending with connectors, boards, etc. on the diagram. In this case, positional values ​​are not assigned to the tables (example 7 of Appendix 2).


1. If there are several tables in the diagram, it is allowed to give the name of the column only on one of them.

2. In the absence of characteristics of input and output circuits or addresses of their external connection, the table is reduced to the appropriate column.

If necessary, additional columns can be entered into the table.

3. It is allowed to enter in the “Contact” column. through the sign “∟” several consecutive numbers of contacts if all of the indicated contacts are electrically connected to each other directly.

3.54. If the diagram shows elements whose parameters must be clarified by selection during regulation, then asterisks are placed near the positional designations of such elements on the diagram and in the list of elements (for example, R 1*), and a footnote “*Selected during regulation” is placed in the diagram field.

The list should contain elements whose parameters are closest to the calculated ones.

The limit values ​​of element parameters allowed during selection are indicated in the “Note” column of the list.

Note. If the parameter selected during regulation is ensured by connecting elements of various types, then these elements are listed in the technical requirements in the diagram field and a diagram of their connection is also given there. When recording such elements in the list:

in the “Name” column the element type is not indicated;

3.55. If there are several identical elements in a product, connected in parallel or in series, it is allowed to place on the diagram a conditionally graphic designation of one element, next to which indicate the positional designations of all the elements that it replaces (Drawing 2).

If necessary, it is allowed to indicate the type of connection of elements (parallel or series) on the diagram near the symbolic graphic symbol. In this case, the elements are written down in the list in one line, and in the “Note” column the type of connection of the elements (parallel or serial) is indicated.

If parallel or serial connection of several identical elements is carried out to obtain a certain parameter value (capacitance or resistance of a certain value), then in the list of elements in the “Note” column indicate the general (total) parameter of the elements and the type of their connection (parallel or serial) by type: "Serial R =154 kOhm."

3.56. If a product contains several groups of identical elements connected in parallel or in series, it is allowed to depict only the outer groups, showing the electrical connections between them with dashed lines. In these cases, elements must be taken into account when assigning reference designations to elements. not shown in the diagram (Drawing 3).

3.57. When designing a product that includes several devices, it is recommended to create a separate circuit diagram for each device.

If, when designing a product, it can be assumed that any device included in the product will find application in other products or will be used as an independent product, then a separate circuit must be made for it.

3.58. When drawing up schematic diagrams of products that include devices that have independent schematic diagrams, each such device is considered as an element of the product circuit, assigned a position designation and recorded in the list of elements as one position (see example 3 of Appendix 2).

In this case:

a) on a product diagram, a device that has an independent circuit is depicted as a rectangle or a conventional graphic symbol.

Inside the rectangle, tables should be placed with the characteristics of the input and output circuits, and in diagrams with a large number of connections, the addresses of external connections.

Tables inside the rectangle are placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input (output) elements - connectors, boards, etc. (drawing 4).

Each table is assigned a positional designation of the element, instead of the conventional graphic designation with which it is placed.

Above the table it is allowed to indicate the conventional graphic designation of the connector contact - socket or plug.

The order of the contacts in the table is determined by the convenience of constructing the circuit.

Tables with circuit characteristics can also be placed if there are conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements on the diagram - connectors, boards, etc. When depicting typical unified devices in the form of a rectangle, it is allowed not to include the characteristics of the input and output circuits, but to indicate only the designations of the input and output contacts;

b) on the product diagram, in rectangles depicting devices, it is allowed to place structural or functional diagrams of devices, or to repeat their circuit diagrams in whole or in part. The elements of these devices are not included in the list of circuit elements.

If the product includes several devices of the same type, then it is recommended to place the device diagram on a free field of the product diagram (and not in a rectangle) with the appropriate inscription, for example, “Block diagram U1 - U4”;

c) inside or near the rectangles depicting devices, it is recommended to put names, designations or types of devices.

3.59. In a product diagram, devices that have independent circuit diagrams may be depicted in a spaced manner. In this case, near the conventional graphic designations of the elements included in such a device, their positional designations are repeated, assigned on the circuit diagram of the device indicating the code of the device that includes the elements, for example, 2-R 18 - the 18th resistor included to block 2.

An explanation of the device’s conditional code is placed in the diagram field or in the list of elements.

3.60. If the product includes several identical devices that do not have independent circuit diagrams, then on the product diagram it is allowed not to repeat the diagrams of these devices, but to depict them in the form of rectangles. The diagram of such a device can be depicted either inside one of the rectangles (see example 6 of Appendix 2), or placed on the field of the product diagram with the appropriate inscription, for example: “Block diagram ABVG.ХХХХХХ.156”.

Positional designations in this case are assigned according to the rules established in clause 3.34.

3.61. – according to GOST 2.708-72.

3.62. When performing a circuit diagram on several sheets, placing one or more functional circuits on each sheet, the following requirements must be met:

a) when assigning positional designations to elements, continuous numbering within the product is observed.

It is allowed to assign positional designations to elements within each functional chain;

b) the list of elements must be general;

c) individual elements may be re-displayed on other sheets of the diagram, retaining the positional designations assigned to them on one of the sheets of the diagram. Instead of positional designations, it is allowed to indicate the nominal values ​​of the main parameters or the type (code) of the element.

3.63. When developing several independent circuit diagrams for one product, placing one or more functional circuits on each sheet, the following requirements must be met:

a) positional designations are assigned to elements according to the rules specified in clause 3.62a;

b) each diagram must contain a list only of those elements whose positional designations are assigned on this diagram;

c) individual elements may be re-represented on several such diagrams, retaining the positional designations assigned to them on one of the diagrams. In this case, instructions are placed on the diagrams like: “Elements shown in the diagram, but not included in the list of elements, see ABVG.ХХХХХХ 251ЭЗ” or “Capacitors C1,C8 And C12 see ABVG.ХХХХХХ.251ЭЗ.”

Instead of positional designations near the conventional graphic designations of elements repeated in other diagrams, it is allowed to indicate the nominal values ​​of the main parameters or the type (code) of the element.

3.64. On the circuit diagram it is allowed to place instructions on the brands, sections and colors of wires and cables that should be used to connect the elements, as well as instructions on the specific requirements for the electrical installation of this product.


4.1. The connection diagram shows either external connections between individual devices directly included in the product - external * connection diagram, or connections between elements inside individual devices - internal diagram them * connections.

It is allowed to issue a wiring diagram that defines the full scope of connections

4.2 . External connection diagram

4.2.1. The external connection diagram must show all devices and elements included in the product, their input and output elements (connectors, clamps, boards, etc.), to to which wires, harnesses, and cables of external installation, as well as connections between these devices and elements (example 9 of Appendix 2).

4.2.2 In the product between individual devices and within devices. Elements that are partially used in a product are usually shown in full on the diagram, indicating the involved and unused parts, for example, all connector contacts, boards, etc. (see example 9 of Appendix 2).

4.2.3. The devices and elements included in the product are shown in the diagram as rectangles.

Individual elements may be depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols or external outlines, and devices - in the form of external outlines.

When depicting devices and elements in the form of rectangles, input and output elements are depicted as conditional graphic symbols.

When depicting devices and elements in the form of external outlines, input and output elements are depicted in the form of conventional graphic symbols or in the form of external outlines.

4.2.4. To depict connectors, it is allowed to use conventional graphic symbols that do not show individual contacts. In this case, tables indicating the connection of contacts are placed near the connector designations (Fig. 5)

If the harness (cable) connects the contacts of the input and output elements of the same name, then it is allowed to place tables near one end of the image of the bundle (cable).

If information about connecting the contacts is given in the connection table (clause 4.4.14), then the tables may not be placed on the diagram.

4.2.5. On the diagram, near or inside the graphic designations of devices and elements, indicate their names, designations or types, and near the graphic designations of input and output elements - their positional designations assigned to them on circuit diagram (see example 9 of Appendix 2).

4.2.6. If the input and output elements are marked in design of devices and elements, then this marking is repeated on the diagram (example 10 of appendix 2).

If the design of a device or element and its documentation do not indicate the designations of input and output elements, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations on the diagram, repeatadding them later in the corresponding design documents cops.

If designations are assigned to input and output elements conditionally, then an appropriate explanation is placed in the diagram field.

4.2.7. Location of graphic symbols of devices and elements cops on the diagram should give a rough idea of ​​their actual location in the product.

It is allowed not to reflect the location of devices on the diagram and elements in the product, if due to the large number of devices and elements, the diagram is performed on several sheets or sizesThe behavior of devices and elements at the site of operation is unknown.In these cases, the location of the graphic symbols of the devicesand elements should ensure simplicity and clarity of electronicric connections between them.

The placement of images of input and output elements inside the graphic symbols of devices and elements should be approximately correspond to their location in the product.

4.2.8. Devices and elements with the same external connections values ​​can be depicted on a diagram indicating the connection tions for only one such device or element (see whenmeasures 10 applications 2).

4.2.9. If the composition of the product for which the circuit is being developedincludes devices that have independent connection diagrams, then their it is allowed to depict the product on the diagram without showing the connection of wires and cable cores to the input contacts and yourunning elements (see example 10 of Appendix 2).

4.2.10. On the product diagram, inside rectangles or outside outlines depicting devices, it is allowed to show them structural, functional or circuit diagrams.

4.2.11. On the diagram of the complex it is allowed to provide a list elements and devices (Table 1) and a list of wires, harnesses and cables (Table 5) included in the complex (see example 10 applications 2).

4.2.12. In the absence of a schematic diagram of the product, approval repents on the wiring diagram assign position designationsindividual elements not included in the circuit diagrams with integral parts of the product, according to the rules established in paragraphs. 3.23- 3.30, and write them down in the list of elements (example 11 appendix2) in the form established for circuit diagrams.

4.2.13. If, when installing the complex to harnesses or cables connectors or other connecting connections must be attached elements, then on the diagram of the external connections of the complex about gra The physical designations of the connectors indicate their names,values ​​or types (see example 9 of appendix 2).

4.3. Internal connection diagram

4.3.1. The internal connection diagram shows all the elements ments included in the product, as well as connections between these elements (example 12 of Appendix 2).

4.3.2. Elements used partially in a product are usually shown in full on the diagram, indicating those involved. and unused parts, for example, all relay contact groups, etc.

4.3.3. The elements included in the product are shown in the diagramare compressed in the form of conventional graphic symbols, and devices -in the form of rectangles or external outlines.

Individual elements may be depicted as external outlines.

4.3.4. In the diagram near the symbolic graphic symbols of the element cops are indicated by the position designations assigned to them onschematic diagram.

About the symbolic graphic symbols of tolerance elements It is possible to indicate the nominal values ​​of the main parameters (with resistance, capacity, etc.) or element type.

4.3.5. On the diagram, near the graphic symbols of elements whose purpose or use in operating conditions requires explanation (for example, switches, potentiometers, control sockets, fuses, etc.), it is recommended to place appropriate inscriptions.

Inscriptions intended to be applied to the product are enclosed in quotation marks on the diagram.

4.3.6. If the terminals of an element are marked in its design, then this marking is repeated on the diagram. The diagram also contains terminal designations that are not actually marked on the elements, but are established in their documentation (for example, the pinout of electric vacuum devices).

If the design of the element and its documentation do not indicate the designations of the terminals, then it is allowed to conditionally assign them designations in the diagram, repeating them later in the corresponding design documents.

If the terminal designations are assigned conditionally, then a corresponding explanation is placed in the diagram field.

If the diagram shows several identical electric vacuum devices, then the pinout may be indicated on one of them.

4.3.7. The location of the symbolic graphic symbols of elements on the diagram should, as a rule, give an approximate idea of ​​their actual location in the product.

It is allowed that the wiring diagram does not reflect the actual arrangement of elements in the product.

4.3.8. On the product diagram it is allowed to depict the ends of wires and cables for external installation connected to its input and output elements according to the rules established in paragraphs. 5.8, 5.10- 5.11.

4.4. Wires, harnesses and cables

4.4.1. Wires, harnesses and cables should generally be shown as separate lines on the diagram.

The thickness of the lines representing wires, harnesses and cables in the diagrams should be from 0.4 to 1 mm.

To simplify the drawing of the diagram, it is possible to merge individual wires running in one direction on the diagram into a common line.

When approaching the contacts, each wire is depicted as a separate line.

If the graphic representation of the connections makes it difficult to read the diagram, then it is permissible not to draw lines representing wires, harnesses and cables or to break them close to the connection points. In these cases, information in volume is placed on the diagram near the connection points or in the table in the free field of the diagram; sufficient to ensure an unambiguous connection, for example, a return address (Fig. 6).

4.4.2. On a diagram of a product that includes multi-contact elements, it is allowed that lines depicting wires and cable cores only extend to the outline of the graphic designation of the element, without showing connections to the contacts, but The contact images in this case indicate the designations under driven wires and cable cores (Fig. 7).

4.4.3. If wires, harnesses or cables pass through grease nicks, sealed leads, bushings, etc., the latter are depicted on the diagram with conventional graphic symbols(Figure 8).

a - oil seal; b – sealed lead-in; c – bushing insulator.

4.4.4. If the seals, sealed bushings and bushings are beyondare marked in the product design, then their marking is repeated ut on the diagram.

If marking is not provided for in the design of the product, then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations to oil seals, pressure seals inputs and bushings on the wiring diagram, keepingthem in the corresponding design documentation, and in the fielddiagrams include appropriate instructions.

4.4.5. Wires, harnesses, cables and cable cores on the diagram should We must be designated in one of the following ways:

a) serial numbers within the individual wire diagram,harnesses and cables (see example 9 of Appendix 2).


2. Continuous numbering of wires and cable cores within the diagram is allowed.

3. Continuous numbering of individual wires, harnesses and cables is allowed within the scheme. In this case, the wires included in the bundles are numbered within each bundle.

4. Jumpers and wires that are clearly visible on the diagram are allowed do not number.

5. It is allowed not to designate bundles, cables and individual wires if the product for which the diagram is being drawn up will be part of the complex, and the designations for the harnesses, cables and wires will be assigned within the entire complex.

b) numbers assigned to the circuits.

Note: If circuit designations are indicated on the circuit diagram, they must be repeated on the connection diagram.

4.4.6. Instead of the numbering provided in clause 4.4.5, the approval It is possible to use letter designations, signs “+” and “-”, etc.certain designations established in certain industries, for example, in wired communications the letters a, b And With or LI, L12, L13 V electric drive diagrams.

4.4.7. In the diagram, using a letter designation, it allowsto determine the functional affiliation of the wire, harnessor cable to a specific complex, room or function front chain:

a) if all wires, harnesses and cables shown in the diagram are belong to the same complex, room or functional chain, then the letter designation is not indicated, but on the field diagrams include an appropriate explanation;

b) if the wires, harnesses and cables shown in the diagrambelong to different complexes, premises or functionalities nal circuits, then the letter designation is placed before the designation of each wire, harness and cable separated by a hyphen. In this case, the letter designation is part of the correspondence designation responsible for each wire, harness and cable.

A hyphen may not be included in the designation unless it iswill introduce ambiguity in reading the diagram.

4.4.8. If the product contains harnesses or cables,made according to drawings, then the designations of these harnesses are indicated on the diagram (near their images or in the connection table) and cables.

4.4.9. Designations of wires, harnesses and cables on the connection diagram The designations must coincide with the designations of the corresponding wires, harnesses and cables on the connection diagram and the general one (if these diagrams are being developed), as well as with the designations in other design documents.

4.4.10. The numbers of wires and cable cores are indicated on the diagram,usually near both ends of the images.

Cable numbers are indicated in circles placed in breaks in cable images near the branching points of the cores(see example 9 of Appendix 2).

The numbers of the bundles are placed on the shelves of the leader lines, near and from the places where the wires branch (see example 9 of Appendix 2).


1. When designating cables in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.4.7, as well as with a large number of cables in the diagram, cable numbers in a circle are allowed ness not to be entered.

2. If the diagram is highly saturated, it is allowed to put numbers of wires and cable cores in the breaks in their images.

3. At. image on the diagram of wires or cables of long length numbersplaced at intervals determined by the ease of use of the diagram,and definitely near both ends.

4.4.11. If there is no section on the diagram through which all the wires that make up a complex harness are running, then it is allowedplace the number of a complex bundle close to its image, aboutby pointing arrows to images of individual sections of the tourniquet.

4.4.12. The diagram must indicate brands, sections and, if necessary, wire colors, as well as cable brands,number, cross-section and occupancy of cores.

The number of occupied cores is indicated in a square (see example 9 applications 2).

If, when developing a circuit diagram of the complex, data on wires and cableswhites cannot be determined, then the diagram shows the character statistics of input and output circuits of devices and elements or other initial data necessary for selecting specific wires and cables.

Characteristics of input and output circuits recommendedindicate in the form of tables (clause 3.53), placed instead of conventional graphic symbols of input and output elements Comrade

It is allowed not to indicate data on wires and cables connection diagram, if they are clearly defined in other conconstruction documents.

4.4.13. Data on wires and cables (grades, cross-sections) whena small number of electrical connections are indicated directlyright next to the images of connections.

If, when specifying data on wires and cables, symbols, then their explanation is placed on the diagram fieldroving (see example 9 of Appendix 2).

If all or most of the wires and cables are the samenew grade, cross-section and other data, then these data are allowedpoint to the diagram field.

4.4.14. If there are a large number of electrical connections,information about wires and cables, as well as their connection addressesshould be summarized in a table called the “Connection Table”"

The connection table is placed on the first sheet of the diagram, as usually above the main inscription or performed in the form of a subsequent sheets.

If the kit contains design documentation forproduct of the connection table issued for electrical installationdrawing (GOST 2.413-72), connection table to connection diagramthey do not make up.

If, due to the complexity of the product, the external connection diagram may may turn out to be cumbersome and inconvenient to use, then before it is allowed not to develop it, limiting itself to drawing up tablesfaces of connections. In this case, the connection table is assignedname and code of the connection diagram.

4.4.15. The choice of the form of the connection table is made by the circuit designer depending on the information that is neededplace on the diagram (Table 3,4).

4.4.16. When filling out the connection table, it is recommended to adhere to the following order:

a) if connections must be made with separate wiresmi, then they are recorded in the table in sequence inincreasing numbers assigned to wires or circuits;

b) if connections must be made by wiring harnesses or cable cores, then before recording the wires of each harness or cores of each cable, place a heading, for example: “Harness 1" or “Tourniquet ABCG. XXXXXXX. 032", or "Cable 3". The recording of the wires of the harness or cable cores is carried out in the sequence of increasing numbers assigned to the wires or circuits;

c) if the installation must be carried out partly with separate wires, and partly with wire harnesses and cables, then in the table connections, individual wires are first recorded (without titles ka), and then (with appropriate headings) wiring harnesses and cables;

d) if insulation must be put on individual wiresny tubes, shielding braids, etc., then in the “Notes” columnnie" place appropriate instructions;

e) when using forms of connection tables without separate The graph for designating the element and contact of the connection address is written as a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the positional designation of the element, and the denominator indicates the designation of the contact.

4.4.17. On the connection diagrams near both ends of the lines, fig.representing wires, harnesses and cables, it is allowed to indicate the address of connections of elements and devices (example 13 of Appendix 2). In this case, the connection table is not created.

4.4.18. In the diagram field above the main inscription, it is allowedplace the necessary technical instructions, for example: requirementsabout the inadmissibility of joint laying of some wires and cableswhiter; the values ​​of the minimum permissible distances between thewaters and cables; data on the specificity of laying and protecting cables, on grounding and shock absorption of elements and devices.


5.1. The connection diagram shows the product, its input and output elements (clamps, connectors, etc.) and the ends of wires and cables for external installation supplied to them (example 14 of Appendix 2).

5.2. The product is usually shown on the diagram as straight square, and its input and output elements - in the form of conditional graphic symbols.

The product, input and output elements may be depicted reap in the form of external outlines.

5.3. Placing images of input and output elementsinside the graphic designation of the product should be approximately correspond to their location in the product.

5.4. The diagram, as a rule, indicates the positional designations of the input and output elements assigned to them on principle pial diagram of the product.

5.5. If the input and output elements are marked in constructure of the product, then their markings are repeated on the diagram.

5.6. If wires or cables pass through glands, hermetic bushings, bushings, etc., then the latter are depicted on scheme.

If the seals, sealed bushings and bushings are marked are included in the design of the product, their markings are repeated on the diagram.

If marking is not provided in the product design, then it is allowed to conditionally assign designations on the diagram underinclusions, saving them in the rest of the design documentation, and placing the appropriate indication in the diagram field.

5.7. On the diagram, near the symbolic graphic symbols of the connectors to which the wires and cables are connected, it is allowed to indicatecall their names, designations or types.

5.8. Wires and cables should be shown on the diagram from separate lines.

5.9. If the product is intended to be used in one specific device, apparatus or complex, then the addresses of their external connections and (or) designations assigned to them on the diagramconnections or general diagram. Addresses must provide one thingthe significance of connecting wires, harnesses and cables, for example, if the output contact of the product must be connected to the fifth contact of the third connector of the device A, then the address should be written as follows: A-SHZ/5.

5.10. It is allowed to indicate brands, sections and, if necessary, on the diagram necessary, the colors of the wires, as well as the brand of cables, if quality, section and employment of veins. When specifying grades, sections and wire colors with symbols on the diagram fieldpost their transcript.

5.11. It is allowed to indicate names or characteristics on the diagramcharacteristics of external circuits (see example 14 of Appendix 2). If, when completing the diagram, addresses and designations of wires and cablesimpossible to determine (for example, when developing a connection circuit requirements for a unified product), then they must indicate names or characteristics of external circuits.

Note: When specifying the characteristics of external circuits and addresses up to is used instead of conventional graphic designations of input and output elements cops to place tables (clause 3.53).


6.1. The general diagram shows devices and elements that are not directly included in the complex, as well as the wires, harnesses and cables connecting them.

6.2. Devices and elements on the diagram, as a rule, depictin the form of rectangles.

It is allowed to depict elements in the form of conditional graphicssymbols or external outlines, and the device - in the formexternal outlines.

Location of graphic symbols of devices and elements the diagram should give an approximate idea of ​​their operationproper location in the product.

It is allowed not to reflect the location of devices on the diagram and elements in the product, if their placement at the place of operationtion is unknown. In these cases, the location of the graphic symbolsdesign of devices and elements should ensure simplicity andclear display of electrical connections between them.

6.3. The graphic designations of devices and elements show the places of connection and input of external installation (connectors,seals, sealed leads, bushings, etc.). Places of connection and input are depicted in the form of conventional graphicdesignations given in paragraphs. 4.2.4, 4.4.3.

Placement of conventional graphic symbols of connection points drawing and inserting wires, harnesses and cables inside the images devices and elements should approximately correspond to their actionsappropriate location in the product. If to ensurevisibility of connections, placement of graphic symbolsThe location of the connection and input points does not correspond to their validity any location in the product, then on the diagram field there should be appropriate instructions have been provided.

6.4. The diagram should indicate:

for each device or element depicted as rectangle or external outline - their name, designation or type;

for each element depicted as a conditional graph physical designation - its designation or type.

Record the specified information in the list of elements (Table 1).In this case, near the graphic symbols of devices and electricalcops are given digital positional designations.

6.5. If devices and elements are grouped into posts, then it is recommended to write them down in a list by post (example 15 of Appendix 2).

6.6. If the places of connection and entry of wires, harnesses and cables into devices and elements are marked in the structure, then this marking is repeated on the diagram (example 16 of Appendix 2).

If marking is not provided for in the design of the product, then it is permissible to conditionally assign designations to the connection and input points on the general diagram, saving them in the rest of the design documentation, and place a corresponding indication in the diagram field.

6.7. On the diagram it is allowed to indicate the designations of the connectors on the shelves of leader lines and the number of their contacts inside the images of the connectors (Drawing 9)

6.8. Wires, harnesses and cables must be shown in the diagram separate lines.

6.9. Wires, harnesses and cables must be kept separatelyrovany within the scheme.

Continuous numbering of wires, harnesses and cables is allowedwithin the diagram, if the wires included in the bundles are numbered within each bundle.

6.10. If the composition of the product for which the circuit is being developedma, several complexes are included, then the wires and cables are numberedwithin each complex.

Belonging of a wire, harness or cable to a specificthe complex is determined using a letter designation, aboutplaced with a hyphen before the number of each wire, I burn that or cable. In this case, the letter designation is included in the becoming the designation of each wire, harness or cable, respectively.

6.11. Allowed on the diagram using the letter designation to determine whether a wire, harness or cable belongs to a definitiondivided rooms or functional circuits according to the rules,established in clause 4.4.7.

6.12. Designations of wires, harnesses and cables on the diagram should we must match the designations of the corresponding wires, harnesses and cables on the connection and connection diagrams, if they are designed are used, as well as with designations in other design documents.

6.13. The wire numbers on the diagram are usually marked as follows: at the ends of the images; numbers of short wires that are fromclearly visible on the diagram, it is allowed to place it near the middle images.

6.14. Cable numbers are marked in circles, placing hidden in cable image breaks.

Note. When designating cables in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 6.10, 6.11 designations do not fit into the circle.

6.15. The harness numbers are placed on the shelves of the leader lines.

6.16. In the diagram next to the images of wires, harnesses and cables indicate:

for wires - brand, cross-section and, if necessary, race flower;

for cables - brand, number and cross-section of cores;

for wires, cables and harnesses made according to drawings - their designations (numbers).

6.17. The list of wires, harnesses and cables (Table 5) is placed on the first sheet of the diagram, usually above the main inscription orperformed in the form of subsequent sheets.


1. In the “Note” column, note the cables supplied with the complex or laid during its installation.

2. Cables laid during installation may not be included in the list.

6.18. The general diagram, if possible, should be performed on one sheet.

If the diagram cannot be completed on one sheet due to the complexity of the product, then:

a) on the first sheet the product as a whole is drawn, depicting the posts with conventional outlines and showing the connections between the posts. Inside the conventional outlines of posts, only those devices and elements are depicted to which wires and cables of inter-post lines are supplied.

On other sheets, diagrams of individual posts or groups of posts;

b) the general diagram of each complex is performed on a separate sheet if the product includes several complexes.


7.1. The layout diagram shows the components of parts and connections between them, and, if necessary, the structure, room or area on which these components will be located.

7.2. The components of the product are depicted as externaloutlines or graphic symbols.

7.3. Wires, harnesses and cables are shown as separatelines or external outlines.

7.4. Location of graphic symbols of components products on the diagram should provide a correct representationabout their location and, if possible, about the actual locationresearch in construction, indoors, on the ground.

7.5. When implementing a layout diagram, it is allowed to use various construction methods (axonometry, plan, conditiondevelopment, section of the structure, etc.).

7.6. The diagram should indicate:

for each device or element depicted asexternal outline - their name, designation or type;

for each element depicted as a conditional graphphysical designation - its designation or type.

For a large number of devices and elements, it is recommendedRecord the specified information in the list of elements (Table 1).In this case, near the graphic designations of devices and elementscomrades are given digital positional designations.



8.1. When implementing schemes combined by type, I will observegive the following rules:

a) elements and connections of each type (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) are depicted on the diagram according to the ruleslams installed for the corresponding types of circuits of this type;

b) if elements in the diagram are assigned positional designations, then they must be continuous within the diagram. I excludeThe value is made up of electrical elements if they are assignedalphanumeric designations;

c) information placed on the diagram and the design of the diagram as a whole should be determined by the rules established for the correlationcorresponding types of circuits of this type.

8.2. It is allowed to perform combined schemes whena schema of one type contains information specific to the schemaanother type, for example, the product wiring diagram showsits external connections.

When performing combined schemes, the rules given for the corresponding types of schemes must be followed.

8.3. When executing a combined document for eachthe diagram placed on it must comply with the rules, regulationsupdated for circuits of the corresponding type.