Laminate volumetric weight. How much does the laminate weigh

The question of how many square meters in a pack of laminate flooring can be called one of the most important among those that arise from homeowners during the procurement of materials intended for repair work.

Calculation of the material required for laying a new floor

When purchasing any materials for repair or construction, you should not act rashly. Knowing that the most popular with consumers is a laminated board with a thickness of 8 mm, it is necessary to find out what determines its weight and what is the number of constituent elements in one pack.

Typically, each pack contains 8 laminated components. The weight of such a package depends on many parameters.

Most Popular Laminate - 32 Grades

The most popular and demanded is class 32 laminated material, which is widely used to create a finishing floor covering both in residential and office premises.

Its length reaches 180 cm, width - 20 cm, and thickness - 8 mm. However, there are also elements that are designed for use in rooms with high traffic and in order to withstand rather high loads, they have an additional protective layer. Accordingly, the thickness of such lamellas increases, which means that each product becomes a little heavier. The weight of the packaging of the laminate, which is characterized by increased resistance to abrasion, also increases.

Another important factor is the size of the board. There are products designed to imitate parquet. Their width is at least 30 cm, even with a thickness of 8 mm and the number of boards in one package is 8 pieces, the weight of a pack of laminate is noticeably increased. This also applies to products from a board of 33 and 32 classes.

Laminate type 33 and laminated panel type 32 differ in their weight, even if each of the lamellas is 40 cm wide, 8 mm thick and designed to imitate tile flooring.

What determines the weight of the laminate? First of all, it should be said about the value of the number of structural elements in the laminate package. 8 pieces is a standard quantity, but due to the above nuances and differences that exist between types of laminated boards 32 and 33, the weight of the laminate in each package is also noticeably different.

Superfluous components may not always come in handy, but it is still better to have a few items in stock in case of damage during installation.

Why is weight so important

The weight of the laminate matters when calculating the load on the subfloor

Before proceeding with the installation of a new floor covering, it is necessary to accurately calculate not only the exact number of components required to perform the work, but also the forthcoming load that will be exerted on the base of the floor by elements of types 32 or 33.

You can get the most complete information about such a load, knowing how many packages are required and how much a pack of laminate of each type weighs.

You will need to get information about:

  • how much laminate is in the bundle;
  • what class (32 or 33) the lamellas are in the package;
  • what are the parameters (length, width, thickness).

The number of laminate sheets per room can be calculated by the width of the lamellas

This is the most important information that allows you to understand not only the weight of the laminate, but also what area can be covered with a given amount of purchased material.

If there are 8 pieces of slats in each pack, then determine the area on which you can create a new floor covering, actually, calculating the number of square meters depending on the width and length of each of the slats in one package.

32 and 33 types of laminated products differ significantly in their parameters and weight.

Some well-known manufacturers put not 8, but 10 or even 12 lamellas in a box. A significant and noticeable change in weight depends on how much laminate is in one package.

The laminate floor, which was laid using class 33 products, is characterized by increased resistance to various kinds of damage, and a certain number of lamellas in a package with type 33 products will weigh more than this amount of type 32 laminate.

This is due to the application of an additional protective layer, a change in thickness.

Calculation of the required number of lamellas

In order to correctly calculate the consumption of products for arranging a certain room, you need to pay attention to the marking. Each box contains at the end detailed information about what kind of board is placed in it, what volume can be covered, if you use the individual parts of the structure contained in it, what will be the load per square meter. For more information on calculations, see this video:

Speaking about the load, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the exact mass of each of the pieces and the entire box as a whole cannot be determined independently. It is better to trust the manufacturer and get the information you need by looking at the end of the box in which the selected product is located.

A significant influence on the weight of a floor covering is exerted by its structure, namely, what its "core" is made of. For laying in rooms with different traffic, types of laminate with a fiberboard, MDF or HDF are intended. The most durable and dense option is HDF board. In the process of its production, the method of thermal pressing under pressure is used. It determines the density of the material. However, if such a characteristic as density on product packaging is not always indicated, three standard parameters in the quality certificate must be present without fail. These include:

  • weight of packing,
  • panel thickness,
  • coverage area.

In addition, the package may contain information about the length and width of the panels, their number.

So, let's imagine that the length of the laminate panel is 128 cm, the thickness is 12 cm, and the width is 21 cm. The number of panels in a package is 6 pieces, while the weight of the package is 17.4 kg. Dividing 17.4 kg by 6 pieces, we get the weight of one laminate panel - 2.9 kg. A few grams should be subtracted from the resulting figure, per package. As a result, the panel weighs 2.85 kg.

Similarly, you can determine the weight of the laminate 10 mm and 8 mm thick.

To determine what area will be covered with material from 1 package, you can use the example of the same 12 mm laminate. To do this, the length and width of the panel (128 and 21 cm, respectively) should be converted into square meters and multiplied. 1.28 * 0.2 = 0.24 m 2. 1 square meter will take 4 panels of material. Multiply 2.85 m 2 by 4 and we get the weight of 1 m 2 of the laminate - approximately 11 kg.

Why do you need to know the weight of the floor covering?

The calculation of the actual loads on the foundation of the house should be done even before you start building the house. Knowing what is the weight of the laminate and the substrate under it, you can correctly calculate the base of the house and the likelihood of unexpected shrinkage.

The weight of the coating is influenced by the class of the product. In order to correctly determine the maximum floor load that occurs after laying the material, it is necessary to take into account all the parameters: weight, class, dimensions. The weight of the pack is usually indicated in the brochure inside the package. In order to determine the weight of the laminate, it is sufficient to divide the weight of the package by the number of panels.

The choice of finishing material is not an easy process, it takes a lot of time not only to assess its technical abilities, but also to calculate the required amount of building material for work. It is also considered an important point to calculate how much the packaging of the laminate weighs, this affects both the delivery of the product and the construction of the house as a whole.

We study the weight of the panels

The main specific gravity of the laminate depends on what the laminated panel is made of, not the top protective layer in conjunction with the back film, but the "core". In most cases, for rooms with medium and high traffic, a fiberboard is used, in rare cases, MDF is used.

Of course, do not forget that material thickness is not the last indicator.

For example, if we consider a laminate with a length of 128 cm, a width of 21 cm, a thickness of 12 mm, and there are only 6 such panels in the package, then the weight of each panel can be calculated from the total weight of the product:

  • Total packing weight of moisture resistant laminate 17.4 kg- that is, dividing this number by 6 (the number of pieces in a pack), we get the number 2,9 - which is the weight of each item.
  • From the received amount, we deduct a few tens of grams for the packaging material - that's, in fact, all the arithmetic, the weight of the laminate 12 mm equals 2.85 kilograms.

The same approximate weight of the package (17 kg) can be applied not only for moisture-resistant products, 8 mm laminate is sold in the same weight volumes, only the number of panels is increasing.

For your information! There are packs with more than 20 items.

As for calculating the weight of 1 square meter of flooring, in the case of a 12 mm laminate (from the above example), it turns out:

  • With a length of 128 cm and a width of 21 cm, 4 panels will be spent per 1 square meter (converting centimeters to square meters): multiply 0.2 by 1.28 and get 0.24 m2.
  • Now we multiply the result by 4 and get 0.96 m2 (as close as possible to a whole square meter). Hence, we conclude: in 1 m2 - 4 laminated panels, where the weight of each is 2.85.
  • The next step: multiply 4 by 2.85 and we get the weight of 1 m2 of laminate approximately 11 kilograms.

Laminate weight 12 mm - on some packages everything is already detailed

In fact, the class of the product also affects the weight of the laminate, that is, in order to calculate the maximum load on the floor that will occur after laying the finishing material, all parameters should be taken into account: thickness, class and dimensions.

Note! The weight of a pack of laminate is usually indicated on the brochure enclosed in the package, so to make the necessary calculations, it is enough to know the number of panels and divide by the total weight.

Read here.

Why is it so important to know the weight of the finishing material

When building a house, especially at the stage of building the foundation and building the floor, the question often arises - what will be the load in the end result? And since the flooring will be laid out of laminated panels, it would be correct to find out how much the laminate and the substrate under it weigh.

Advice! Even if you lay the foundation of the house with a margin for the actual loads, that is, you calculate the weight from the maximum allowable rate (although, this is costly in terms of materials), the probability of unforeseen shrinkage of a separate part of the house is high. After all, it is necessary to take into account such criteria as: precipitation, furniture, number of people, material wear, soil density - if you make a tolerance for this, then the foundation will cost a pretty penny.

How to calculate the required amount of laminate flooring

We have already answered one of the questions, now you know how to calculate the weight of a 1 m2 laminate in a dwelling. Let's move on to the next problem - how many packages of flooring do you need?

The most important indicator is the method of installation, since there are several of them, we will consider the most popular:

Longitudinal installation of laminate

Important! Regardless of how much a stack of laminate weighs and how many panels it contains, first of all, it is worth remembering that 5-10% of marriage.

  • For example, a dwelling of 20 m2 must be refined and laminated on the floor. Before the calculations begin, add to this number 5% (if you are confident in your abilities) marriage, that is, it turns out that in fact you will need to purchase material for 21 m2.
  • We look at the dimensions of the panels and their number in the package (we use the example with 12 mm laminate from the first example), we get: in one pack there are 6 products with dimensions of 128x21 cm.
  • As we remember one panel - 0.24 m2, now we use the "power" of multiplication by 21 m2 and as a result we have 87.5 (approximate number) pieces. This is the total number of panels required to install the flooring.
  • Finishing touch: divide 87.5 by 6 (pieces in one package) and get the number 14.58 (in fact, 15)- this is the required number of packages for ennobling 20 m2 of housing.

Note! Knowing the weight of one package of laminate - 17 kilograms, you can calculate the total weight, multiply this number by 15 and we get 255 kilograms... It will take a truck to deliver the laminate.

Diagonal styling

The calculation is carried out according to the same scheme as in the longitudinal installation, only not 5, but at least 10% are added to the marriage, at best, if you have never encountered finishing work, add 15 % .

Then click here.

Surface preparation

It should be remembered that the most important thing when laying laminated panels on the floor is its flat surface, which will avoid any nuances in the future.

For this, a cement-sand screed is poured onto the concrete floor. There are several features:

  • The room is divided into 3-4 parts to make it easier to mount the screed.
  • To maintain the horizontal level, pre-assembled beacons... The photo shows an example of how they can be installed.

  • The most important tool in laying a cement screed is a rule, therefore, the better and smoother it is, the more effective the result will be.

Stelim laminate

  • Work starts from the corner of the room.

  • The panels are fastened to each other in three ways: with click and lock locking systems (the technology instruction is embedded in the packaging with laminate) and with the help of special glue.
  • For a smoother sawing of the laminate, use a jigsaw, if it is not available, rent it from a hardware store. The price of such a "bonus" is not high, but the speed of work is doubled.

Problems with laying the finishing material should not arise, but if someone is interested or something is not clear, then you can watch the video: mounting laminated panels on the floor. We hope this article was helpful to you.

The question "how much does a square meter of laminate flooring weigh" can often be heard from buyers who are accustomed to taking the choice of building materials as seriously as possible. The mass of the laminated flooring is an important indicator that directly determines the additional load on the floor of a city apartment and the foundation of a country house. In addition, weight is important for calculating the option and delivery amount of the selected material. In this article, we will look at how to calculate the weight of a laminate, and what it depends on.

How to calculate the weight of a laminate

To begin with, let's remember how the laminate floor is arranged. This is a sandwich of four layers: overlay, decor, base, balancer. The bulk falls on wood-based panels of increased, HDF, or medium, MDF, density. It consists of pressed crushed wood.

In a dry state, a cubic meter of such a slab weighs 750 to 1000 kg. It depends on the class of the laminate floor and its thickness. The thinner the board, the denser the material. Let's look at the example of Kronospan laminate.

  • Kronospan Castello 32 class with a thickness of 8 mm - 929 kg / m3, and for Victoria with a thickness of 7 mm - 965 kg / m3.
  • Collection Quick Style 33 class with a thickness of 10 mm - 867 kg / m3, and Forte 33 class with a thin board of 8 mm - 900 kg / m3.

How to calculate the density of a laminate, knowing the weight of the package?

Laminate flooring usually has an HDF density of at least 870 kg / m3. It is defined as follows.

1. We read the mass on the packaging of the laminate. For example, 15 kg.

2. We look at the area for which one package is enough - 2.22 m2.

3. Determine the thickness of the board (also indicated on the package) - 7 mm, which means 0.007 m.

4. Divide the weight of the package sequentially by the area and by the thickness of the board: 15 / 2.22 / 0.007 = 965 kg / m3. Board durability with a margin!

When manufacturers use a less dense material for the manufacture of flooring, the price becomes lower, but also the strength decreases. For example, if the weight of one cubic meter of a laminated board is less than 800 kg, then it can be pushed through with female stiletto heels.

Density is not directly related to the quality of the laminate. Manufacturers provide lamella strength in different ways. Therefore, the priority when choosing is the strength class 31-34 and the wear resistance indicator AC.

It should be noted that the strength of the board is also influenced by the transparent laminating coating - the overlay and the lower part of the lamellae - the balancer. But the overlay is more about durability, and the balancer is more about protecting the lamella from moisture from below and reducing the deflection of the floorboard when walking.

How to calculate the weight of a laminate package, knowing the density?

This is the opposite problem. If the manufacturer indicated only the density of HDF, then we consider the weight of the package as follows. Example for Classen Force.

1. We find in the product card on our website the area for which the packaging is enough, 1.996 m2.

2. Take the height of the lamella, 8 mm = 0.008 m.

3. Multiply the density of 870 kg / m3 successively by the packing area and the lamella thickness: 870 × 1.996 ´ 0.008 = 13.9 kg.

If there is no density data, then an approximate value of 900 kg / m3 can be taken. This corresponds to most modern collections of 32, 33 and 34 grades. Particular accuracy in such calculations is not required. For our example, at 900 kg / m3, we get a bundle weight of 14.4 kg. The difference is only 0.5 kg.

How much does one square meter of laminate flooring weigh?

1. As the product of the density of the material by the height of the lamella, expressed in meters: 870 × 0.008 = 6.96 kg.

2. The ratio of the mass of the box to the area for which it is enough: 13.9 / 1.996 = 6.96 kg.

How to calculate the weight of a laminate for a room?

This task is also easy. Example for a room of 24 m2 (4 by 6 meters).

  • If we know the weight of the package (13.9 kg) and the area for which it is enough (1.996 m2), then we simply divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the package and multiply by its weight: 24 / 1.996 × 13.9 = 167 kg.
  • If we only know the density (870 kg / m3) and the thickness of the lamella (8 mm = 0.008 m), then we multiply the area of ​​the room, the thickness of the floorboard and the density: 24 × 0.008 × 870 = 167 kg.

If there is a lack of data on the packaging or in the catalog of the online store, you can also take 900 kg / m3 and a lamella thickness of 8 mm for calculations.

How does the weight of a laminate compare?

So, the weight of one square meter of laminated floor is no more than 8 kg. Let's compare this to other floor coverings.

  • Linoleum - 1.25-2.25 kg / m2.
  • Wooden boards 10 mm thick - 7.8 kg (value for oak).
  • Plywood 10 mm thick - 7.5 kg (birch), 6.5 kg (spruce).

Thus, the laminate is comparable in weight to plywood of the same thickness.

What affects the weight of the laminate

First of all, the humidity in the room affects the weight of the laminate floor. The higher it is, the greater the weight of the floor. This dependence is not as noticeable as for natural wooden boards, but it is still pronounced.

So that the weight of the package does not change due to moisture, manufacturers seal it hermetically before sending it to the retail network. Therefore, before laying in the room, it is necessary to keep the laminate in open boxes for at least 24, and preferably 48, hours, so that the moisture in the lamellas is equalized with the moisture content in the air.

You can buy laminate flooring from European and domestic manufacturers in Moscow and the region with delivery at BSpol. Professional managers are at your service. They will answer all your technical questions about this practical and beautiful floor covering, installation and maintenance.

what affects the mass of the material

When choosing a laminate for flooring, homeowners are looking for a material that meets safety requirements, resistance to moisture, temperature extremes, and mechanical deformation. All these qualities depend on the thickness, length and type of lamella. The lamella parameters help determine how much a stack of laminate flooring weighs. This is an important indicator that determines the load on the foundation of the house, the floor of the apartment.

Laminated coating

Why do they know the weight of the laminate?

Manufacturers use shrink film for packaging material, which makes it possible to see the pattern, color, protecting the boards from moisture. Under it, there are insert sheets with a description of the products, which indicate the manufacturer, class, properties, parameters, weight of the laminate pack.

The weight is indicated so that the consumer can orient himself with the type of machine for transporting material home: for 2-3 packages, a passenger car is suitable, and for a large number, a special car for transportation with an awning roof is used.

The total mass is important when building a house, the foundation of a building. The question is about the pressure exerted on the base of the structure. If you buy a 32nd class of laminate with a height of 8 mm, and you need to find out the total weight, then the weight of the pack is multiplied by their number.

The weight of the new laminate flooring in wooden houses determines whether the floor will withstand. In this case, professional advice is required. Each company has its own parameters. They may differ even from one manufacturer due to the class and thickness of the panels. Therefore, you need to know the structure of the product.

Laminate panel structure

Laminated board structure

The weight of the floor covering depends on the composition of the lamellas. The laminate panel consists of 4 (sometimes 5) layers:

  • The top layer is made from melamine resin. It protects against deformation, chips, gives strength, wear and heat resistance, stability.
  • The next layer provides the appearance of the panels: the pattern imitates marble, wood, stone, etc.
  • The bearing layer is the base. Thermal insulation and moisture resistance depend on it. It is made from fiberboard. On the same layer, laminate joints are located.
  • The last layer gives the bar rigidity, protection against deformation.

Most of the weight comes from the carrier layer. It is made from wood dust impregnated with resins. As a result of their solidification, a solid board (HDF, MDF) is obtained. The layers are firmly connected to each other using a special technology. Such material of 32 classes, 33 classes, 34 classes will last for many years.

Dimensions of laminate panels

Type of standard pack

Manufacturers use different sizes, which must be taken into account when choosing a material. The thickness of the die ranges from 6-12 mm. The most convenient parameters for boards of 8 mm thickness of class 32: their installation is easier, they are warmer.

Another characteristic of the panel is length. For a standard panel, it is 1.26-1.38 m, but there is a non-standard one - up to 2 m. Choose the length, paying attention to the room where the installation is taking place: if the room is small, use short dies and vice versa.

Different sizes of dies

Another indicator is width. Panels 10 cm wide imitate parquet, 33 cm wide - ceramic tiles. The most popular lamella width is 20 cm.

The last indicator is the weight of the laminate package. It fluctuates depending on the class, the number of dice, and other indicators. Therefore, when buying panels, they take goods of the same brand, otherwise the strips will differ in shade, joint locks.

Weight of one lamella and pack

Different classes have different parameters. The package weighs an average of 17 kg. Information about the weight of a stack of lamellas, one square meter, is printed on the end of the stack. Knowing these data, the total weight of the decorative coating on the floor is calculated.

How much one package of laminate flooring weighs depends on the number of boards per square meter. The number of strips is 7-10 pieces, which is 1.5-2.5 square meters. Some companies have 2 strips in their packaging.

Since the weight depends on the composition of the carrier layer, then, for example, lamellas 1.3 m long, 2.1 cm wide, 1.2 cm thick weigh about 3 kg. In a pack, on average, 6-10 planks, so the packaging of the laminate has a weight of 16-32 kg.

Panel thickness plays an important role in determining weight. So, laminate dies of 33 classes, 32 classes, 34 classes have a greater height, therefore the weight will be greater, but installation is easier. The wear class affects the weight of the panel. So, material of 32 class with a thickness of 8 mm weighs less than a package with a thickness of 12 mm.

How to calculate weight by knowing density

Class 32 laminate

It so happens that there is no mass on the label, but the density is indicated. In this case, there are several ways to determine the weight of the laminate flooring.

Pack weight calculation

Dry 1 cu. m of the slab has a weight of 750-1000 kg. The material is denser if the plank is thinner, for example, 8 mm laminate of 32 class, 33 class has 929 kg / cu. m, and 7 mm - 965 kg / cu. m. In this case, the weight of the material can be calculated. To do this, find on the label:

  • density of panels;
  • the area of ​​the bundle of material;
  • panel height.

Then the density coefficient is multiplied by the area, then by the thickness (converted to meters, for example, 8 mm is equal to 0.008 m). The resulting figure will be the weight of the laminate pack.

Even when there is no density data on the label, the weight of the bundle can be roughly calculated. In this case, an average density value of 900 kg / cubic meter is taken. m, which corresponds to class 32, class 33, material class 34.

Having only two indicators of the size of the panels that the packaging of the laminate contains, they determine how much one square meter weighs: the height of the lamella, expressed in meters, is multiplied by the density of the material.

If you know the weight per square meter of the material, you can determine the mass for the room: the mass per square meter is multiplied by the area of ​​the room.

Important! When calculating, 10% must be added to the total amount to fit the panels during installation. This is important, because otherwise it is difficult to find the same material later if there is not enough of it, moreover, the work will slow down.

For each package, the manufacturer encloses instructions, which indicate the characteristics of the material, the installation process. Knowing the weight of the laminate, you can calculate the required number of panels for the room.

The parameters of the laminate are clearly shown in the video below:

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pack, packing, square meter 33 class

Laminate flooring is attractive both due to its ease of installation, and due to wear resistance, and decent durability. However, all these qualities depend to a greater or lesser extent on the thickness of the board. The latter, in fact, determines how much the material weighs.

Laminated board structure

Unlike a conventional board, laminate is a composite material, that is, consisting of several layers of different materials, which together form all the properties of the finished coating.

  • The lower one is made of tarred paper, which serves as a kind of stabilizer: the material does not allow moisture to reach the more sensitive base layer. In some cases, the product also includes a finished substrate.
  • Medium - Basic. This is a layer of chipboard of high strength, which determines the rigidity, reliability and stability of the structure. It depends on him how much a pack of laminate flooring weighs.

The thickness of the main layer - 8 mm, 12 mm, also determines the strength of the joint and the reliability of the floor. At a small value, the lock turns out to be narrow and does not provide the strength of the connection. The thickness of 8 mm is optimal: at the same time, the lock is reliable and the weight of the material is low.

  • The decorative layer is paper or special furniture foil, which reproduces the color and structure of wood, marble, granite, ceramic tiles and others.
  • Protective - a layer of melamine or acrylic resin with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.6 mm. It prevents moisture ingress and provides abrasion resistance to the surface.

From the totality of all factors, since the structure determines the category of the product - class 32, class 31, it depends how much the packaging of the laminate weighs.

Number of boards in a pack

The size of the pack is determined by the dimensions of the board itself. It is quite difficult to correlate with a square meter, since different amounts of material will be needed to cover such an area.

However, knowing the mass of the material, you can find out how much a 33 grade, 32 grade laminate weighs, with or without a backing.

  • Thickness - with other parameters being equal, this indicator determines the mass of the material, and, therefore, the weight of the package. The most popular are 8 mm - the usual thickness for class 32 or 33 class. 12 mm is more common in class 34 or high strength material. How much a stack of 8 mm laminate weighs is determined by other parameters.
  • Length - ranges from 1220 to 1380 mm, although there are specimens up to 1850 cm long. It is much more difficult to work with such lamellas. But it will take a little to cover a square meter of boards.
  • Width - single-sheet, double-sheet, material that imitates a parquet module, in width will differ quite noticeably. So, narrow strips, reproducing parquet laying, usually have a width of 9 cm, and duplicating ceramic tiles - up to 33 cm. The most popular ones include a width of 18.5-19.5 cm.

The combination of all factors determines the number of boards in the box. Usually it is 8-9 pieces, but there are 6 and 12 pieces, depending on the dimensions of the plate. In the photo - laminated material.

How much does laminate 8 mm weigh

In everyday life, the material of the 33rd class turns out to be the most massive. However, the weight of one board is never indicated in the documents. The weight of the box is indicated on the packaging of the material. Based on these data, it determines the weight of one die and the mass of the coating with an area per square meter.

The thickness of the material is different for different manufacturers, and therefore the weight will differ. There is no one definite meaning here.

Let a 33 class laminate package include 8 strips and weigh 17.4 kg. The weight of one board is determined by the usual division: 17.4 / 8 = 2.175 kg. In this way, you can calculate the mass of any material, since the weight and size of the board are on the markings.

How much does a laminate package weigh and why do you need to know it?

When carrying out repairs, it is very important to choose high-quality and reliable materials for decoration. In addition, you need to know exactly how much material is required to carry out the work. After all, materials are not cheap and it is unprofitable to buy them with a large stock. If a laminate is chosen, then you need to know not only the dimensions of the lamellas, but also their weight. Let's figure out how much one package of laminate weighs and what parameters affect the weight of the material.

One of the most popular floor coverings is laminate. This coating looks attractive, it is easy to lay it yourself. But first you need to choose the right material.

One of the important characteristics of a laminate is its weight. They will not weigh the material in the hardware store, so when choosing you will have to focus on the weight of the pack. Let's figure out how much a high-quality laminate package should weigh.


The appearance of the coating is determined by the polymer film that covers the laminate from above, but the weight of the material will depend on its base. Let's figure out what the structure of the laminate board is. This material is a multi-layer structure, it consists of the following layers:

  • Substrate. This is the lowest layer, paper coated with synthetic resins is used for its manufacture. The function of the substrate is to protect the core from the negative effects of moisture.
  • The foundation. The middle layer determines the properties of the laminate such as stiffness and strength. The base is made of chipboard of various thicknesses. It is from the thickness of the base that the weight of the stack of laminate will have.

Advice! The thickness of the base layer also affects the strength of the tool joint. The optimal thickness for the laminate is considered to be 8-12 mm.

  • Decorative. This layer determines the appearance of the material, it is made of furniture foil or paper.

Advice! The most popular option for decorating the surface of the board is a pattern that imitates the surface of different types of wood. But you can find other colors, for example, imitating the surface of a decorative stone.

  • Protective. It is an acrylic or melamine based resin coating and has a thickness of 0.3-0.6 mm. The functions of the layer are obvious - it protects the surface from mechanical damage and moisture.


According to the combination of various parameters (thickness of the main and protective layers, strength, etc.), the class of the laminate is determined. Household laminate flooring is not very abrasion resistant and durable.

This group includes material of classes 21, 22 and 23, having a thickness of 6, 7 and 8 mm, respectively. This type of flooring is currently used extremely rarely, since the service life is insignificant (2-6 years).

Much more often consumers choose materials for industrial purposes - 31, 32 and 33 classes. Moreover, the most popular option is class 32 laminate, since it is this material that has an optimal price-quality ratio. Its thickness is 8-10 mm, and its service life is 15-20 years.


Most manufacturers pack the material in plastic wrap that has heat shrink properties. The material packed in foil is packed in cardboard boxes.

Film packaging is good in that it reliably protects the laminate from moisture and dirt, but it does not prevent the buyer from considering the appearance of the coating. Each pack must have a label that contains information about the properties of the product. The labeling must indicate:

  • manufacturer's company name;
  • wear resistance class;
  • weight of packing;
  • the number of items in the package;
  • area of ​​one element;
  • code and consumer name of the decorative design of the material ("beech", "cherry", etc.).

How many boards are there in a pack?

Laminate is sold not in separate lamellas, but in packages. Therefore, you need to know how many elements are in one pack and what is its weight. This will depend on the thickness of the material, as well as on the overall dimensions of the lamellas. Material parameters:

  • the thickness of the lamellas of the 32 class laminate is 8-10 mm;
  • the length is 1220-1380 mm, however, some manufacturers produce lamellas of greater length;
  • the width depends on the type of material, it can be single or two-lane, so the width ranges from 90 to 330 mm. However, the most popular width option is 185 mm.

Since the parameters of the lamellas are different, the number of pieces in a pack will differ. If we are talking about class 32 laminate, then the number of lamellas in a pack is 8-9 pieces. The number of other types of laminate elements can vary from 6 to 12 pieces in one package.


Thus, the weight of the pack is influenced by such parameters as:

  • dimensions;
  • thickness;
  • the number of items in the package.

The weight of a pack, as a rule, is indicated by the manufacturer in the marking. There you can also find information about the number of items in the package. Knowing these values, it is easy to calculate how much one element weighs. For example, if the mass of a pack is 16.8 kilograms and it contains 8 lamellas, then the mass of one element will be 16.8: 8 = 2.1 kilograms.

Advice! The weight of one package of laminate, as a rule, is in the range of 12-17 kilograms.

Why do you need to know the weight?

Not all consumers understand why it is necessary to know the weight of the laminate. What can be affected by this parameter, except for loading and unloading operations? It turns out that the weight of the coating can affect the strength of the main structures of the house. It is very important to take into account the actual loads exerted on the supporting structures of the house, therefore, the weight of the coating needs to be known.

In addition, heavier, which means thicker panels are more durable and more reliable in the interlock. The wider the lock, the easier it will be to assemble the coating, which from the outside will look like a solid surface with no visible joints.

So, when buying a laminate, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance of the laminate, but also to the properties of this material, including weight. Judging by the weight of the pack of material, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the thickness, and hence the strength of the selected material.

correct calculation algorithm - Ofremont

When choosing a laminate for flooring, residential property owners are looking for a material that meets safety requirements, resistance to moisture, temperature change, and mechanical deformation. All these qualities depend on the thickness, length and type of lamella. The lamella parameters help determine how much a stack of laminate flooring weighs. This is an important indicator that determines the load on the very foundation of the house, the floor of the apartment.

Laminate flooring

Why do you know the weight of the laminate?

Manufacturers use shrink film for packaging material, which makes it possible to see the pattern, color, protecting the boards from moisture. Under it there are insert sheets with a description of the products, which indicate the manufacturer, class, properties, parameters, weight of a pack of laminate.

The weight is indicated so that the buyer can decide on the type of machine for transporting the material home: a passenger car is suitable for 2-3 packages, and for a large number, a specialized truck for cargo transportation with an awning roof is used.

Attention! Do not transport laminate flooring in the rain, even in sealed plastic containers!

The total mass is important when building a house, the foundation of a structure. The question is about the pressure on the base of the structure. If they buy a 32nd class of laminate with a height of 8 mm, and you need to find out the total weight, then the weight of the pack is multiplied by their number.

The weight of the new laminate-based coating in wooden houses determines whether the floor will hold it. This option requires specialist advice. Any company has its own parameters. They can vary even from one manufacturer due to the class and thickness of the panels. Thanks to this, you need to know the structure of the product.

Laminate panel structure

Laminated board structure

The weight of the floor covering depends on the composition of the lamellas. The laminate panel consists of 4 (sometimes 5) layers:

  • The layer on top is made of melamine resin. It protects from deformation, chips, gives reliability, wear and thermal stability, durability.
  • The next layer provides the appearance of the panels: the pattern copies marble, wood, stone, etc.
  • The supporting layer is the base. Thermal insulation and moisture resistance depend on it. It is made from DVP. The joints of the laminate lock type are located on the same layer.
  • The finishing layer gives the rail rigidity and protection against deformation.

Most of the weight comes from the carrier layer. It is made from wood dust impregnated with resins. As a result of their solidification, a hard board (HDF, MDF) emerges. The layers are firmly connected to each other using a special technology. Such material of 32 classes, 33 classes, 34 classes will serve for several years.

Dimensions of laminate panels

Type of a typical pack

Manufacturers use different sizes, which inevitably take into account when choosing a material. The thickness of the die ranges from 6-12 mm. Boards of 8 mm thickness of class 32 have much better parameters: their installation process is easier, they are warmer.

Another characteristic of the panel is length. For a typical panel, it is 1.26-1.38 m, but there is an original one - up to two meters. The length is selected, looking at the room where the installation process takes place: if the room is small, short dies are used and vice versa.

Various plate sizes

Another indicator is width. Panels 10 cm wide copy parquet, 33 cm wide - ceramic tiles. The more common lamella width is 20 cm.

The final indicator is the weight of the laminate package. It fluctuates depending on the class, the number of dice, and other indicators. Due to this, when purchasing panels, they take goods of the same brand, otherwise the slats will differ in color, with connection locks.

Weight of one lamella and pack

Different classes have different parameters. The package weighs an average of 17 kg. Information about the weight of a stack of lamellas, one square meter, is printed on the end of the stack. Knowing this information, calculate the total weight of the decorative coating on the floor.

How much one package of laminate weighs depends on the number of boards in a square meter. The number of strips is 7-10 pieces, which is 1.5-2.5 square meters. Certain companies have 2 strips per package.

Since the weight depends on the composition of the carrier layer, for example, lamellas 1.3 m long, 2.1 cm wide, 1.2 cm thick weigh about three kilograms. In a pack, on average, 6-10 strips, thanks to which the packaging of the laminate has a weight of 16-32 kg.

Panel thickness plays an important role in determining weight. So, laminate dies of 33 classes, 32 classes, 34 classes have a significant height, thanks to this, the weight will be more, but the installation process is easier. The wear class affects the weight of the panel. So, material of 32 class with a thickness of 8 mm weighs less than a package with a thickness of 12 mm.

How to calculate weight, knowing the density

Class 32 laminate

It so happens that there is no mass on the tag, but the density is indicated. In this option, there are several options for determining the weight of the coating based on the laminate.

Pack weight calculation

Dry 1 cu. m of the slab has a weight of 750-1000 kg. The material is denser if the lath is thinner, for example, 8 mm grade 32 laminate, 33 grade has 929 kg / cu. m, and 7 mm - 965 kg / cu. m. In this case, the weight of the material can be calculated. To do this, find on the tag:

  • density of panels;
  • the area of ​​the bundle of material;
  • panel height.

After the density indicator is multiplied by the area, then by the thickness (converted to meters, for example, 8 mm is equal to 0.008 m). The resulting figure will be the weight of the laminate pack.

Even when there is no density data on the tag, the weight of the bundle can be roughly calculated. In this case, an average density value of 900 kg / cubic meter is taken. m, which corresponds to class 32, class 33, material class 34.

Calculation of the mass of one square. meter laminate

Having only two indicators of the size of the panels that the packaging of the laminate has, they form how much one square meter weighs: the height of the lamella, expressed in meters, is multiplied by the density of the material.

If you know the weight of a meter of square material, you can determine the mass for a living space: the mass of a square meter is multiplied by the area of ​​the room.

The main thing! During the calculation, first of all, 10% is added to the total amount to adjust the panels during installation. This is the main thing, because otherwise it is difficult to find the same material later, if it is not enough, moreover, the work will slow down.

The manufacturer encloses instructions for each package, which indicate the properties of materials, the mounting process. Knowing the weight of the laminate, you can calculate the required number of panels for the room.

The parameters of the laminate are personally shown in the video below:

How to buy laminate flooring

How many laminate in the package in m2 and what is their weight

The question of how many square meters in a pack of laminate flooring can be called one of the most important among those that arise from homeowners during the procurement of materials intended for repair work.

Calculation of the material required for laying a new floor

When purchasing any materials for repair or construction, you should not act rashly. Knowing that the most popular with consumers is a laminated board with a thickness of 8 mm, it is necessary to find out what determines its weight and what is the number of constituent elements in one pack.

Typically, each pack contains 8 laminated components. The weight of such a package depends on many parameters.

Most Popular Laminate - 32 Grades

The most popular and demanded is class 32 laminated material, which is widely used to create a finishing floor covering both in residential and office premises.

Its length reaches 180 cm, width - 20 cm, and thickness - 8 mm. However, there are also elements that are designed for use in rooms with high traffic and in order to withstand rather high loads, they have an additional protective layer. Accordingly, the thickness of such lamellas increases, which means that each product becomes a little heavier. The weight of the packaging of the laminate, which is characterized by increased resistance to abrasion, also increases.

Another important factor is the size of the board. There are products designed to imitate parquet. Their width is at least 30 cm, even with a thickness of 8 mm and the number of boards in one package is 8 pieces, the weight of a pack of laminate is noticeably increased. This also applies to products from a board of 33 and 32 classes.

Laminate type 33 and laminated panel type 32 differ in their weight, even if each of the lamellas is 40 cm wide, 8 mm thick and designed to imitate tile flooring.

What determines the weight of the laminate? First of all, it should be said about the value of the number of structural elements in the laminate package. 8 pieces is a standard quantity, but due to the above nuances and differences that exist between types of laminated boards 32 and 33, the weight of the laminate in each package is also noticeably different.

Superfluous components may not always come in handy, but it is still better to have a few items in stock in case of damage during installation.

Why is weight so important

The weight of the laminate matters when calculating the load on the subfloor

Before proceeding with the installation of a new floor covering, it is necessary to accurately calculate not only the exact number of components required to perform the work, but also the forthcoming load that will be exerted on the base of the floor by elements of types 32 or 33.

You can get the most complete information about such a load, knowing how many packages are required and how much a pack of laminate of each type weighs.

You will need to get information about:

  • how much laminate is in the bundle;
  • what class (32 or 33) the lamellas are in the package;
  • what are the parameters (length, width, thickness).
The number of laminate sheets per room can be calculated by the width of the lamellas

This is the most important information that allows you to understand not only the weight of the laminate, but also what area can be covered with a given amount of purchased material.

If there are 8 pieces of slats in each pack, then determine the area on which you can create a new floor covering, actually, calculating the number of square meters depending on the width and length of each of the slats in one package.

32 and 33 types of laminated products differ significantly in their parameters and weight.

Some well-known manufacturers put not 8, but 10 or even 12 lamellas in a box. A significant and noticeable change in weight depends on how much laminate is in one package.

The laminate floor, which was laid using class 33 products, is characterized by increased resistance to various kinds of damage, and a certain number of lamellas in a package with type 33 products will weigh more than this amount of type 32 laminate.

This is due to the application of an additional protective layer, a change in thickness.

Calculation of the required number of lamellas

In order to correctly calculate the consumption of products for arranging a certain room, you need to pay attention to the marking. Each box contains at the end detailed information about what kind of board is placed in it, what volume can be covered, if you use the individual parts of the structure contained in it, what will be the load per square meter. For more information on calculations, see this video:

Speaking about the load, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the exact mass of each of the pieces and the entire box as a whole cannot be determined independently. It is better to trust the manufacturer and get the information you need by looking at the end of the box in which the selected product is located.

Laminate flooring is attractive both due to its ease of installation, and due to wear resistance, and decent durability. However, all these qualities depend to a greater or lesser extent on the thickness of the board. Last,

Quantity calculator

In fact, it determines how much the material weighs.

Laminated board structure

Unlike a conventional board, laminate is a composite material, that is, consisting of several layers of different materials, which together form all the properties of the finished coating.

  • The lower one is made of tarred paper, which serves as a kind of stabilizer: the material does not allow moisture to reach the more sensitive base layer. In some cases, the product also includes a finished substrate.
  • Medium - Basic. This is a layer of chipboard of high strength, which determines the rigidity, reliability and stability of the structure. It depends on him how much a pack of laminate flooring weighs.

The thickness of the main layer - 8 mm, 12 mm, also determines the strength of the joint and the reliability of the floor. At a small value, the lock turns out to be narrow and does not provide the strength of the connection. The thickness of 8 mm is optimal: at the same time, the lock is reliable and the weight of the material is low.

  • The decorative layer is paper or special furniture foil, which reproduces the color and structure of wood, marble, granite, ceramic tiles and others.
  • Protective - a layer of melamine or acrylic resin with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.6 mm. It prevents moisture ingress and provides abrasion resistance to the surface.

From the totality of all factors, since the structure determines the category of the product - class 32, class 31, it depends how much the packaging of the laminate weighs.

Number of boards in a pack

The size of the pack is determined by the dimensions of the board itself. It is quite difficult to correlate with a square meter, since different amounts of material will be needed to cover such an area.

However, knowing the mass of the material, you can find out how much a 33 grade, 32 grade laminate weighs, with or without a backing.

  • Thickness - with other parameters being equal, this indicator determines the mass of the material, and, therefore, the weight of the package. The most popular are 8 mm - the usual thickness for class 32 or 33 class. 12 mm is more common in class 34 or high strength material. How much a stack of 8 mm laminate weighs is determined by other parameters.
  • Length - ranges from 1220 to 1380 mm, although there are specimens up to 1850 cm long. It is much more difficult to work with such lamellas. But it will take a little to cover a square meter of boards.
  • Width - single-sheet, double-sheet, material that imitates a parquet module, in width will differ quite noticeably. So, narrow strips, reproducing parquet laying, usually have a width of 9 cm, and duplicating ceramic tiles - up to 33 cm. The most popular ones include a width of 18.5-19.5 cm.

The combination of all factors determines the number of boards in the box. Usually it is 8-9 pieces, but there are 6 and 12 pieces, depending on the dimensions of the plate. In the photo - laminated material.

How much does laminate 8 mm weigh

In everyday life, the material of the 33rd class turns out to be the most massive. However, the weight of one board is never indicated in the documents. The weight of the box is indicated on the packaging of the material. Based on these data, it determines the weight of one die and the mass of the coating with an area per square meter.

The thickness of the material is different for different manufacturers, and therefore the weight will differ. There is no one definite meaning here.

Let a 33 class laminate package include 8 strips and weigh 17.4 kg. The weight of one board is determined by the usual division: 17.4 / 8 = 2.175 kg. In this way, you can calculate the mass of any material, since the weight and size of the board are on the markings.