Do-it-yourself dollhouse scheme description. Wooden dollhouse: is it better to buy or do it yourself? Sheathing and insulation

Among the many building materials that are presented on the construction market, there are universal ones. They can be used at any stage of work. These materials include plywood. It is used for the construction of the foundation, sheathing of a frame house, furniture of any complexity and purpose. In addition, plywood is easy to work with, most products from it can be made by hand.

Plywood is quite strong and durable, so a house built from it will serve for many years.

Its sheets can be used not only for large and high-grade construction. For example, a small country house or a do-it-yourself plywood house for a child's toys. Joint construction with the baby will not take much time, but it will turn out to be very useful.

Plywood dollhouse

The child will be happy if his toys have a beautiful home. It remains only to decide on the material for its manufacture and technology, how to make a house. The most suitable for these purposes is plywood, the sheet thickness of which is not more than 15 mm.

To build a house out of plywood, you need to have the following tools and materials:

  • plywood sheet;
  • decorative carnations with a small cap;
  • hammer;
  • sealant;
  • Electric jigsaw or fine-toothed saw
  • Ruler and pencil.

Finishing nails and a hammer are used to assemble the plywood house.

First you need to draw the details of the future house on paper. In order for all the elements of the future house to fit perfectly together, you can make a model out of cardboard. During the production of the sample, changes are possible. When the fit is complete, you can cut the plywood sheet. The contours of the final details are outlined with a pencil and cut out with a jigsaw. Burrs or small nicks that may have formed as a result of the cut can be smoothed out with sandpaper. After that, they start assembling.

Fastening of parts can be done with decorative carnations with small caps. Alternatively, wood glue is suitable. If adhesive mixtures are used, then it is necessary to wait until they completely solidify. When the assembly is over, the house is carefully examined. If there are large gaps, use a construction gun and sealant to fill them. The excess is removed immediately, without waiting for solidification.

After the sealant has completely solidified, you can start painting the house. For this, any type of paint that is available is suitable. You can use any combination of colors. Further, the internal arrangement of the house takes place: gluing wallpaper, making furniture. At the end of the finishing work, the plywood house is considered ready.

Country house: features

A country house, if it is planned not to live in it permanently, but to use it only in the spring-summer season, is not large in size. Therefore, the simplest and most affordable material for this construction is plywood sheets.

The scheme of the country house.

Before making a house, you need to prepare materials and tools:

  • concrete foundation blocks;
  • cement, sand, fine gravel;
  • timber 150x150 mm;
  • board 50x150 mm;
  • plywood of 2 standard sizes: 9 mm and 12 mm;
  • glue;
  • waterproofing and vapor barrier material;
  • antiseptic solutions;
  • lightweight roofing material;
  • insulation mats;
  • self-tapping screws, screws, anchor bolts;
  • electric or cordless screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw or file.

Since the house will be built using frame technology, there is no need to make the foundation of a heavy, bulky structure. For a country house, foundation blocks are most suitable. They can be installed with a crane or manually using a system of levers and a winch. It is necessary to install the blocks in a previously dug trench 20 cm deep. To ensure waterproofing, a cushion of sand and gravel is placed in the trench, the layers of which are compacted. To make these materials lie denser in the trench, sand and crushed stone are poured with water during the ramming process.

Diagram of the support posts of the country house.

Next, the blocks are laid. The resulting space between the blocks can be filled with concrete. It is made of sand, cement and fine gravel in a ratio of 1: 3: 2, respectively. After installing the foundation blocks, the entire floor is screed. This will be a rough flooring and will also keep vegetation from entering the interior of the house. The concrete screed is made with mortar, which is done in the same way as for the foundation filling.

After the screed has frozen, you can continue construction. The strapping is done with a bar, which is laid on top of the foundation. In this case, the blocks must be covered with a waterproofing material. Roofing material is suitable for this. The strapping bars are fastened with anchor bolts, having previously cut off the desired size. They are connected together with long self-tapping screws.

The frame of the walls is made of boards. Installation of the wall block can be done in a horizontal position, and then the blocks can be installed and fixed. Cut off the required size of the boards and fasten them together with self-tapping screws or screws. The size of such a block is approximately 60x2500 cm.

Assembly diagram of the walls of a frame house.

When the blocks are assembled, the location of the windows and doors must be considered. Therefore, blocks with these elements are made according to the sizes of windows and doors. In order for the frame block to have additional rigidity, transverse boards are screwed on. After all the blocks are folded, they are sequentially lifted and fastened together. The hitch is done using staples or long screws. All blocks must be set strictly according to the level. To fix them, jibs are used, which will subsequently be removed.

After that, the wall cladding is performed with plywood. In this case, care must be taken that window and door openings are not closed. Plywood is fixed with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver. When the whole house is sheathed with plywood, the jibs can be removed.

A waterproofing film is fixed on the plywood from the inside. At the same time, it is attached both to bars and to plywood. Fastening takes place with a stapler. The material is overlapped, while it is advisable to glue the joints with additional tape.

The process of warming the walls of a country house.

After that, the insulation is laid between the boards. It is fixed with special nails with large caps. This allows it not to roll down as a result of exploitation. On top of the laid insulation mats, another layer of vapor barrier is attached, shooting it with a construction stapler on the staples. Plywood sheets are screwed on top with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver. For interior cladding, 9 mm non-moisture plywood is suitable.

The floor is laid on logs. They are fixed in the lower harness. Crossbars are attached between the lags, which will allow the floor to not bend and make it rigid. If the floor is planned to be made warm, then its device will differ little from the wall one. That is, cut-to-size plywood sheets are laid on the floor crate between the logs.

The resulting structure is covered with a waterproofing film, which is overlapped with staples with a construction stapler. After that, insulation mats are laid, which are cut to size. Above there is a layer of vapor barrier, secured with brackets. Floor plywood is laid on it. This will be the final floor. Finishing flooring can be laid on it, for example, linoleum, laminate, parquet board. To make the floor even stronger, you can lay the plywood in 2 layers, while the joints of the plywood sheets should not intersect.

Completion: arrangement of the roof and ceiling

For the construction of the roof, timber is used as rafters.

The scheme of the roof of the frame house.

It should be fastened with staples to the upper harness. For rigidity, you can use jibs. The rafters must be installed strictly according to the level, otherwise the roof will be skewed. After they are installed, they perform the crate. It can be made with low quality boards. This lathing will give the required rigidity to the structure. After that, plywood sheets are screwed onto the self-tapping screws. A waterproofing material is placed on top of it, which will protect it from moisture.

Such material can be roofing material. It is laid in 2 layers, the joints between the layers do not intersect. This will provide additional protection. Light roofing material is laid on roofing material, for example, bituminous tiles. Its installation is quite simple with good performance characteristics. After that, the pediment of the house is sheathed.

The ceiling is made by sheathing the beams with plywood. The beams are located in the upper harness and are secured with brackets. The distance between the beams is 60 cm. This allows you to use roll insulation and reliably fix the plywood sheets. Plywood is fixed to the beams with self-tapping screws.

Insulation is rolled onto it. A layer of waterproofing is placed on top of it. On top of it are plywood sheets. The sheets should be staggered so that the joints above and below do not coincide and there would be no gradual destruction of the insulation material.

When there are dolls in the house, but they have no place to live, the child, sooner or later, will ask his mother a question: why? And be sure, he will find a lot of arguments in favor of the problem that needs to be fixed. There will be two solutions: either buy this house, or make a dollhouse with your own hands. Buying, of course, is easier - in toy stores you can find a large model of a house made of chipboard, assemble it at home in stages and paint it. But everyone wants everything for the child to be exclusive. It remains only to figure out how to build this exclusive house with your own hands from plywood, cardboard, paper or other material.

A do-it-yourself dollhouse will delight the child and give mom a reason to be proud

First of all, you need to decide on a list of tools and materials that will be involved in the manufacturing process. The house, albeit a dollhouse, but this is housing. We will treat the process with respect and start a master class.

So, at hand should be:

  1. Plywood (7 millimeters).
  2. Electric jigsaw.
  3. Mounting tape.
  4. Glue.
  5. Corrugated cardboard (roof).
  6. Self-adhesive film for design research (floor).
  7. Beautiful wallpaper, which will be pasted over the walls.
  8. Several pencils (simple) ruler, tape measure.

After the working kit is assembled, you can start the "construction".

  1. Initially, plywood is cut into sheets according to the dimensions indicated in the diagrams presented in the master class.
  2. Taking your time, carefully you need to consistently cut out windows, openings for doors.
  3. The end parts of the cut parts must be glued with glue and the structure must be mounted exactly as indicated in the diagram.
  4. You can play it safe by nailing down those details that can be nailed down with small studs. From this, the house will be better fixed and acquire reliability and greater stability.
  5. The next step is the manufacture of the roof. After it is laid, corrugated cardboard should be glued to it.
  6. Only design work remains: you need to decorate the walls with wallpaper, and the floors - with a beautiful tape - with self-adhesive.
  7. Rooms are furnished with furniture and all sorts of useful gizmos. Don't forget the TV - dolls love to watch TV shows too.
  8. What follows is the main action: housewarming the child's little friends into their own toy house.

This simple master class clearly showed that nothing is impossible when there is a desire to bring joy to the child in order to see his happy smile.

Gallery: do-it-yourself dollhouse (25 photos)

How to make a house for dolls (video)

How to make a dollhouse out of cardboard: a diagram and description of the process

Cardboard is a versatile material. It seems to be designed so that people do not spend money on expensive ready-made things, but can make something with their own hands. The same is the case with the toy house. All the ideas for making it will not fit into a huge book, but what is easy and quick to do is worth considering below. Involve your girls so that they feel the power of the moment - after all, they take part in the fate of their dolls. This will instill in them a sense of responsibility.

In order to create such a small miracle for a child, you will need the following:

  • durable cardboard (any size boxes, single sheets);
  • paints, pencils;
  • colored applique paper, some trimming of ribbons, something that will never be used, any other decorative elements;
  • glue gun;
  • scotch tape, preferably construction tape.

Cardboard is a versatile material

Next, you need to decide on the size of the doll's dwelling, with a roof (it will be removable or stationary), how many rooms there will be (they will be isolated or adjacent). From the number of rooms and floors, and you need to build on.

Additionally, you can build a staircase between floors.

Each room is either pasted over with wallpaper (a piece of old wallpaper can always be found in the house), or give free rein to the child's imagination - let him decorate the walls with paints or pencils the way he wants to see the world of his dolls. It remains to add any decoration elements, make cribs (even from matchboxes). The main thing is to see that the house is suitable for occupation and a comfortable existence in it.

DIY dollhouse out of the box: a master class for everyone

Of course, there are as many options for toy homes as there are people who want to build them. The proposed model of doll housing made of boxes is interesting, first of all, for its simplicity and the fact that it can be easily folded for transportation or any movement. No complex drawings required for manufacturing.

You will need the following:

  • large cardboard box;
  • large scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • interior decoration elements

No complex drawings required for manufacturing

  1. Initially, you need to cut off the top of the box (the diagram clearly shows all the steps). All cut off parts do not need to be thrown away - let them lie on the sidelines for now. Next, the end parts (seams) of the box must be glued with strong tape.
  2. Turn the box over. Glue its elements where the yellow arrow is indicated on the diagram. From what is cut and set aside, you need to make a roof. Connect the roof joints with adhesive tape following the yellow arrows. The roof is ready. You need to attach it to the sides - the walls.
  3. Cut the cardboard along the yellow dotted lines in the diagram. Connect, as shown by the arrows in the diagram.
  4. Remains interior decoration. It all depends on the preference of the girls. For starters, you can simply lay down a blanket, put a pillow and you can celebrate the housewarming of your Barbies.

How to make a room for a doll - forward fantasy!

First, decide what should be in the room.... The essentials are enough. Then the child will figure it out himself and finish everything the way he wants.

  1. Bed and bedding. ... The simplest option is several matchboxes connected to each other and pasted over with cloth. It remains to sew a small pillow and put a small piece of thick fabric on top - the blanket is ready.
  2. A TV is easy to make from a small box or from the same matchboxes, which are versatile materials. Glue the box with plain application paper, and stick a picture from a magazine or a sticker of a suitable size on the front part.
  3. A coffee table made of thick paper in the room will find its place. You can stick a few pieces of paper on it - these will be magazines and newspapers.
  4. Chair, armchair. It is also good to make them from matchboxes covered with fabric. The legs can be made round by gluing unnecessary beads from below, for example.

Andrey Vogachev talked about how to do it yourself. I noticed that his daughter was enthusiastically playing with houses the size of a cardboard shoebox. The idea came up to do something solid. Searching in stores didn't come up with anything worthwhile, they were either very small or too expensive. I thought that it would not be difficult to do it yourself. After searching on the Internet, I found decent dimensions, from which it is subsequently planned to make a house.

In the drawing, the cut marking, red lines marked how the plywood should be cut in the store. Please note that the more accurate it will be possible to mark and saw in the store, the less time it will take later. In the store, the cut is very accurate, while an independent one can introduce some flaws.

Doll housing drawing

Plywood measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m.Weight 16 kg. The total area is 2.3 square meters. Sanded plywood.

After cutting, all the parts began to make up not such a large volume. White paint for facades. Small carnations. Glue and brush.

The markup process

All details need to be trimmed. There is little to do. Drill holes and cut out parts of the balcony. Watch the continuation from 5 minutes.

Shops offer customers a wide range of all kinds of toys, including doll houses. Every girl dreams of getting one of them, while parents can easily make a beautiful and durable house for dolls in just a few days. Moreover, the child will be able to take an active part in the process and express all his wishes about the size and design. To make a do-it-yourself dollhouse out of plywood, you need a diagram that you can draw yourself or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

We make a drawing of a dollhouse from plywood with the dimensions of all structural elements

A toy house and plywood cannot be built without a detailed drawing, which will contain the dimensions of all its parts. To do this, you must first determine the approximate dimensions of the future house, and imagine what shape it will be.

When reducing or increasing the structure, it should be remembered that all dimensions should also be proportionally changed.

The house consists of the following parts:

  1. Back wall: Pentagon shaped. Its sides are 76 cm, and the base is 106 cm.The upper side is an uneven triangle, the apex of which is at a height of 91 cm.
  2. Floor: rectangular. Its dimensions are 106x38 cm.
  3. Overlap of the second floor: rectangle with dimensions 104x36 cm.
  4. Side wall (2 parts): is a rectangle 36x76 cm.
  5. Inner wall on the right side: rectangle 25x50 cm.
  6. Inner wall on the left side: rectangle 25x43 cm.
  7. Left side of the roof: a rectangle measuring 76x39 cm.
  8. Right side of the roof: rectangle with dimensions 45x39 cm.

How to make a house for a doll with your own hands from plywood: a step-by-step guide

Having cut out the parts with a jigsaw or a hacksaw, you need to carefully process them with fine sandpaper, and then proceed to assembly. At this stage, windows of arbitrary sizes are cut out and also carefully processed with sandpaper.

Making a house step by step:

  1. Side walls are attached to the base using self-tapping screws and construction glue, and then the overlap of the second floor and internal partitions.
  2. The roof is being installed.
  3. Decorative tiles made of cardboard, colored paper or other materials are glued to the roof.
  4. Next, the house is painted with paints (acrylic, gouache, watercolor);
  5. Rooms are covered with wallpaper, fabric, film.
  6. The floors are covered with pieces of linoleum, laminate, carpet, felt.
  7. Arranged furniture and interior items.

Near the house, you can make a small garden, placed in a box, in which trees cut from cardboard will grow.

If the parts were not cut too evenly and a gap formed between them, then it can be covered with putty on wood, and then painted over.

How to assemble a house from plywood for children with your own hands easily and quickly

A small plywood house designed for games will appeal to any child. After all, he will have his own personal space there. It is not difficult to assemble such a structure yourself, if you first make drawings and cut out the details.

What you need to work:

  • Plywood sheets with a thickness of at least ten millimeters. The required amount is easy to determine by adding up all the areas of future parts.
  • A beam for a frame with a size of 40x40 or 50x50 mm.
  • Plexiglas or plastic for windows.
  • Door awnings.
  • Finishing materials (wallpaper, non-toxic paint, putty).

Blanks are made of timber and plywood and sanded with sandpaper until completely smooth. The frame is assembled from a bar, and plywood blanks are attached to it. Next, windows and doors are installed. The house can then be painted on the outside and inside, or covered with wallpaper. Furniture is brought in. Decorations can be made from the remains of plywood and installed around the house. The children's play house is ready.

The fasteners must be hidden so that the child cannot be injured.

We make a plywood lock with our own hands: drawings and recommendations

Plywood is one of the easiest materials to work with, so you can make not only simple houses from it, but also beautiful castles for princesses and knights. To do this, you need to be patient and carefully draw every detail of the future castle. Drawings are made by analogy with drawings of a dollhouse, but towers, balconies and terraces are added to the details. On thematic sites there are a lot of interesting models that are easy to build yourself.

Tools required for work:

  • The pencil is simple;
  • Ruler (simple and curly);
  • Jigsaw;
  • Screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Brushes;
  • Fasteners.

You can use ice cream sticks to fence balconies.

Beautiful furniture for plywood dolls: drawings and manufacturing methods

Almost any furniture can be made from plywood for a toy house: beds, tables, chairs, wardrobes, sofas, shelves. The furniture made according to the drawings turns out to be quite large, so it is suitable for both a barbie doll and baby dolls.

Furniture parts can be glued or connected with self-tapping screws and furniture studs. Mostly plywood is taken, with a thickness of about 4 mm.

What you need to make furniture:

  • Pencil and paper;
  • Manual jigsaw;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Liquid nails or wood glue;
  • Paints and varnish.

When assembling small furniture, it is better to use glue, because fasteners can damage the parts.

For all the pieces of furniture, you first need to draw and cut out a template. Then circle it on plywood and cut out the structural elements with a jigsaw. The edges are sanded. The parts must be connected to each other, and then painted and varnished or upholstered with a cloth using a stapler.

We make a house out of plywood for a doll with our own hands (video instruction)

You can make durable and beautiful toys from plywood that will delight your child for a long time. With drawings, free time and a drop of patience, this will not be difficult even for those who do not have any skills in this matter. And by showing imagination, you can create real masterpieces that will surprise and delight not only the child, but also those around them.

Any girl dreams of having a big dollhouse. If you want to give your child such a dream, then make it with your own hands. How? Read the article.

Currently, toy stores sell not only dolls, but also many products and things for them. The most interesting thing is that for your favorite doll you can buy not only a car, but also a whole house with a large number of rooms. However - this purchase will not cost little money.

But after all, a house can be made independently, and from different materials. A home for your favorite dolls, made with your own hands by the whole family, will delight your child. Especially if he takes an active part in making it.

How to make a dollhouse for Barbie with your own hands?

There are many variations of Barbie doll houses that are sold in online stores. However, you want your doll house to be completely different from others. To do this, use your skill and use your imagination.

Materials for the product:

  • Laminate, wallpaper residues
  • Pieces of old carpet, joiner's glue, water-dispersible - Moment
  • Jigsaw
  • Corrugated cardboard, colored to make roofing
  • Scotch tape, preferably double-sided
  • Roulette, ruler, pencil


  1. Start by making a drawing on paper with precise dimensions.
  2. Then, using these patterns, cut out the laminate.
  3. You should have three walls (two side and one back, and the back will consist of several laminate plates).
  4. You will also need horizontal plates - overlaps between the floors of the house and vertical ones - separating the rooms of the Barbie doll.
  5. Make a roof, decorate it with colored corrugated cardboard.
  6. Glue the resulting structure with glue.
  7. Then wallpaper the rooms and lay the pieces of carpet on the floor.
  8. Decorate the walls with small children's drawings. Set up furniture for the dolls.

Do-it-yourself doll house for Monster High?

Many girls prefer to play with Monster High dolls. Houses for such dolls are not as glamorous as those of Barbie. Pink wallpaper on the walls will be useless for the gloomy Monster High. Dark wallpapers are more suitable for them, preferably with cobwebs in the corners of the room and skull lamps on the ceiling.

Materials, tools:

  • Glue, cardboard box, scissors
  • Paints, wallpapers, markers, colored pencils
  • Furniture material (plasticine, foam rubber, fabric, etc.)


  1. Cut off the extra parts of the box, leave only the walls for the apartment for the Monster High dolls.
  2. Divide the rooms of the apartment with a cardboard box partition, as in the picture above.
  3. Now carefully paste over the rooms with dark, austere wallpaper. It is desirable that the wallpaper in different rooms is different from each other.
  4. To decorate the interior, you can use black tulle or lace fabric. Furniture should also be made in black colors. In such a house, your doll will be comfortable.

DIY plywood dollhouse: diagram with dimensions

If you have an idea to make a house for your daughter's dolls with your own hands from plywood, then you will learn in detail how to implement this idea.

Materials, tools:

  • Plywood (thickness 7 mm), jigsaw
  • Joiner's glue, PVA glue
  • Scotch tape (mounting), corrugated cardboard for the roof
  • Self-adhesive film for a beautiful floor design in the rooms of the house
  • Wallpaper with a pattern for the walls of rooms
  • Pencil, ruler, tape measure


  1. Cut plywood sheets to size as shown in the diagram above
  2. Carefully saw out windows, doorways on the received parts
  3. Spread the ends with glue, assemble the structure, as below in the figure
  4. For confidence, you can nail small studs so that the house is securely fixed.
  5. Make a roof, glue corrugated board to it
  6. Decorate rooms at home with wallpaper and self-adhesive tape
  7. Further, it remains only to make the furnishings in the doll rooms and decorate the interior with useful little things.

Do-it-yourself doll house made of cardboard: drawings

Cardboard is a convenient material for such products. Mothers will be able to make a house with it on their own, for this you only need patience, perseverance and time.

Material, tool:

  • Cardboard or cardboard boxes
  • Double-sided adhesive tape, glue
  • Colored paper for decorating the house
  • Scissors, pencil, ruler


  1. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw the details of the house, as in the diagram on the cardboard
  2. Use scissors to cut the resulting "pattern"
  3. Immediately mark out where you will have windows, doors and carefully cut them out.
  4. Glue the structure with tape
  5. Before gluing the roof, make the interior decoration and glue the outer walls of the house with colored paper
  6. Then just make the roof

How to make a dollhouse out of the box?

If you have abandoned boxes lying around, then use them in business. Please your little girl with a new long-awaited toy - a dollhouse.

Moreover, for the manufacture of the product you will need only a few hours of your time. You will only need to make a room for a doll with a window and a door from each box. And then glue these rooms into a single house.

DIY wooden doll house: drawings and dimensions

A house made of wood for dolls will turn out to be very durable and will look as natural as possible. Your daughter will definitely like this house.

Materials, tools:

  • Use any wood-based material (plywood, MDF, fiberboard, etc.)
  • Jigsaw, small nails, wood glue, PVA glue
  • Double-sided adhesive tape, gouache paint
  • Wallpaper, flooring or self-adhesive tape
  • Ruler, pencil, tape measure


  1. Cut out three walls with dimensions as in the picture below (dimensions are given in millimeters)
  2. Then cut the horizontal and vertical slabs
  3. Make windows a door in a house
  4. Assemble the structure, for this, glue the ends at the joints with glue and nail in small nails
  5. Cut the roof out of the wood separately
  6. Then first decorate the interior of the room, and then attach the roof to the house.
  7. Make the exterior roof trim with corrugated board

How to make a light in a dollhouse?

Any house should have lighting, and a dollhouse should have it too. Next, we will learn how to do it yourself.

Materials, tools:

  • Pliers, wire cutters, wires
  • Soldering iron
  • Energy source box
  • Microswitch
  • Small bulb with socket
  • Finger-type batteries (2 pieces)


  1. For a small 3 Volt light bulb, you will need two batteries; it will not be difficult to buy such products on the market.
  2. Battery boxes are also sold separately.
  3. Now let's take a closer look at the connection diagram. One wire from the box needs to be soldered to the base of the light bulb.
  4. The other wire (free) first solder to the bottom of the lamp.
  5. Then experimentally - find which of the three contacts of the microswitch is suitable for turning on a small light bulb. To do this, apply the wiring from the box and the lamp to the contacts of the switch. The switch mode must be on the label - ON.
  6. If the light comes on, you are on the right track. Feel free to solder the wires to the desired switch contacts.

Video: Plasterboard doll house