How to plaster around the walls of the wall. How to plaste the window slopes? Work with the surface

Registration of door slopes - mandatory part of the overhaul or finishing only built at home. Classic design today can be considered to be plastered. This way although it takes a lot of time, but is the most reliable: with such a finish there is no emptiness. Though the difficult thing is, but, when compliance with technology, the plaster of slopes with their own hands can also be made on a good level. In any case, to prepare the surface under pasting wallpaper can be independently.

Than plastering slopes

What plaster is better to stucify the slopes? It is easier to work with the compositions of Knauff, cheaper - cement-sandy. What is preferable to you - to solve you.


The plaster of slopes begins after the surface of the main walls is aligned. The work is to be dirty, because it is desirable door leaf, the floor and the door frame to close the film, oilcloth or other similar materials. The cant can be saved by painting tape - it will be easier to clean.


The first stage of the work is to prepare surfaces. First, they remove poorly holding plaster, pieces of bricks, other building material. If the doors changed, the old stucco can hang hard. In this case, even if it holds well, they are frown.

Then treated with fatty or oil spots, if any. It is also considered the old paint: the plaster is poorly held. After - dust and dirt are written.

If when installing the door, the gaps did not move, you will need to do it now. The mounting foam is applied to the moistened surface of the volume - not more than 1/3 of the required quantity. First, it is cleaned all the dust, then moisturized with a spray gun. After a few minutes it will increase in the amount of all empty gaps. Waiting when the foam is polymerized (hardening), excess is cut off with a knife. It is more convenient to do it by the usual stationery for paper.

If plastering is a cement-sandy solution, the surface is moisturized. This can be done from the same pulverizer or with a brush, roller.

Exhibiting guides

Plastering slopes with your own hands, as well as walls, more convenient by guides. Outside the doorway, to obtain a smooth and hard rib, usually put a perforated greasy corner. Well consolidated, it can be used as a guide.

It is cut down the height of the doorway. The upper edge of the corner that will lay down to the main wall are cut down, at an angle of 45 °. It is better to do it, because when working this edge, for some reason, it always goes away and delivers a lot of inconvenience.

Fix the corner in several ways:

Well pressing the corner, it is aligned so that its edge is on the same level with the main wall. Speed \u200b\u200bthrough the holes, the solution is removed by the spatula. Then they take a smooth bar (you can use a building level or rule), apply it to a corner, checking as far as the corner is set. Check from the main wall, and from the side of the slope.

The procedure is repeated on the other side, and then - on top. In the joints of the corners, the lack of drops can be checked by spending a finger on the joint.

There is another way to attach the corners - on nails or on a self-tapping screw. This method is good when working with plasterboard, but during the plaster it is not used: the hats interfere.

Second guide - door jamb. When installing the door, they were exhibited exactly, so it is a good landmark. But since the solution should not cover the entire surface of the jam, from some dense material, a template is cut out, which then level the solution. Cut it better from a piece of plastic: and the edge is smooth, and slides well, and quite dense. You can use a piece of a smooth wooden plank. Only the face that will cut the excess solution should be perfectly smooth. That part of the template that will slide on the jamb is made in the form of a step. This protrusion will be removed the extra solution.

You can work with a spatula or rule, but then a lighthouse is installed along the knocker at the desired distance and the lighthouse is fixed. The tool is based on it, when cutting up an extra solution.

In this video class on the plaster, the slopes are explained in detail the technology of fastening perforated corners, explanations on the technique of applying putty during finishing decoration.

Blacknian plaster slopes with their own hands

The process of applying plaster on the slope is no different: on the surface purified from dust and moistened surface. Make it with a wide spatula or painting bucket - who is used. Begin more convenient from below, moving up.

Leading the rule or template on the guides, striking from side to side, the solution is aligned, the extra is removed back into the container. For the first penetration, you can not seek a particularly smooth surface, but to monitor the condition of the angles. - Excess the solution regularly remove.

Plaster slings make in two stages: the first - rough, second - finishing

Some problems may occur in the stucco of the upper slope: it is more difficult to apply the solution. It takes a wide cielma (spatula) and slightly pressing, applied with a small stretch. If the surface of the rough, problems usually do not happen. They may occur if a concrete beam is installed on top. To such a surface, the solution, especially cement-sand, "lipnet" is bad. In this case, it is necessary to pre-impregnate it with primer, which serves to improve adhesion (adhesion) with finishing materials.

It will take treatment maybe even if the surface on which the CSP is applied to the plaster strongly absorbs water (silicate and clinker brick, for example). Only in this case the primer should still reduce the absorption of moisture. The second output is to use special compositions of Knauf - they are not so sharply reacting to the lack of fluid. And the third method - on the surface-treated surface to apply a layer of tiled adhesive, forming a wave toothed spatula. The tile glue is remarkably "clinging" to the most complex surfaces, and it serves as a wonderful basis.

If all this seems very difficult to read the article on how. There everything is extremely simple. No solutions and spatulas, and the result is excellent. Or you can do. The view is almost the same, and make faster. After you can.

Pure layer

After a while, or the next day, the fucked plaster is aligned, inflicting the second pure layer. It is impossible to start smooth too early - the solution "floats", loses shape. Touch the plastered surface: the solution should crumble, but not "sailing."

For finishing alignment, the solution is made slightly more liquid. It is also applied and stretched. Only this time you need to ensure that the surface is smooth. If necessary, a solution is re-added in voids, filling even minor pits.


This stage creates a perfectly smooth surface. Put the plaster can only after the solution clings. To do this, go through at least 16-24 hours (depends on moisture and temperature). To determine whether it is possible to start a grout, take a little solution from the wall in the fingers and wrap. If it crumbles - you can work if it is smeared - we are still waiting.

The solution is made even more liquid. It is no longer applied, but rather, poured on the surface. And it is distributed not with a spatula or template, but a grater - a foam surface with a handle. This graded circular movement is distributed over the surface. The plaster becomes smooth, monophonic. This procedure is optional, especially if then everything will be putty. But so your jacket plaster with their own hands is becoming a finished look. But once again repeat - this is not necessary.

In this video, it is told how to plaster the slopes of the door with cement-sand plaster. The case is difficult, explanation detailed, only in some places the sound is not the best.

Finishing decoration of plastered slopes

If further breaks, the putty is aligned perfectly. For this apply two layers: start and finishing. Starting spike has a larger grain, it can fit the layer to 1 cm. With it, it is eliminated by all flaws that are difficult to remove cement mortar. After the finish putty dries, all irregularities and protrusions are grinding with a special grid. After the layer of finishing plaster is applied. It is even more plastic than the start-up, and can be applied by a completely thin layer. With it, you can achieve perfect smoothness.

For a beginner plaster, get a perfectly smooth surface under painting - very difficult. It is much easier to align sloping under the shook wallpaper. In this case, you can stop on the starting putty.

If, when installing the door, the old slopes suffered randomly and they can simply renovate, work will be less. It will only be necessary to throw in a solution of depression and aligned with a long cell (spatula).

Plaster door opening

Sometimes doors in the opening do not put, but in this case the doorway requires finishing. And the easiest way to do this with the help of plaster. The technology of plaster itself is similar, but the guides and methods of their installation are others.

Plastering the doorway begins only after both adjacent walls are already plastered. The water itself is covered with primer (the selection principle is the same).

Guides are installed from the sides. It can be boards, metal profiles, two rules, pieces of plastic, fiberboard, etc. One is installed on the right, the second one - on the left, they are fixed. It is most convenient to fix them with clamps. If there is no clamp, it is bargainable to use nails or screws - the remaining holes then it will be necessary to neatly close.

The front edges of the guides will serve as the basis for which the rule or a wide spatula will move. The sequence of actions is the former: the first layer - rough, the second - purple, if necessary, to bring to the perfect state - they make a grout. Read more about how to put the doorway watch in the video.

When replacing windows or perform repair work in the room, it is also necessary to work with slopes. The plaster of slopes is a very time-consuming and difficult matter, so you can do it better only when there is at least the initial putty skills or experience of plastering. Without the presence of experience, it is unlikely to fulfill the plaster on the slopes. However, in the presence of desire and perseverance, it is possible to perform high quality and pretty quickly.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you must prepare or purchase all the necessary tools and materials. Some tools will be needed for sure, and the need for some is caused by the initial state of the slope and other factors. It is recommended to organize a workplace before starting work. Near this workplace should be access to sockets to connect a mixer to which the mixture will be missed for plaster.

In order not to stain the floor and the surrounding surfaces, it is recommended to attend a large piece of dense oil to the floor, and add all the tools and materials on it.

Thus, the room will be clean, moreover, it will be easy to remove the workplace after the end of the repair.

Selection and preparation of tools

What instruments will need for sure for aligning slopes with their own hands:

  1. Spatula in assortment (preferably several pieces - 10 cm, 25 cm, spatula whose length is slightly larger than the width of the slope).
  2. The level, the length of which is slightly less than the height of the window or doors whose slides must be processed. If only door sluts are plastering, it is desirable to choose a level of one and a half meters, if the window and doors are approaching the level of 1 m. On a large area, it is not recommended to use a small level.
  3. Rule. Its length should be greater than the length of the slope. If there is no experience with the rules, it is better to choose aluminum, it is easy and comfortable to work.
  4. Bucket for kneading and washing tools.
  5. Rods and brushes for washing tools.
  6. The square designed to exhibit the lighthouse at 90 °.
  7. Rubber or rubberized gloves to protect hands.
  8. Halfrenches or ironers for convenient operation with slope.
  9. Promotion capacity (wide baths are comfortable).
  10. Tassels, scrolls and rollers for primer.
  11. Mixer for kneading the mixture and whiskers to it.

Depending on the selected sequence of work and the method processing methods, more tools may be needed:

  • dowel;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • a hammer;
  • borants;
  • etc.

Purchase of materials

To align the slopes on the windows or on the doors, materials will be required:

  1. Primer. You can use quartz or depleted penetration. It is not recommended to breed the primer with water - during the plaster you need maximum adhesion between the surfaces.
  2. Water. Recommended before the start of work bring enough water to the workplace. The larger layer of plastering will fall on the slope, the faster the water will be driving, intended for kneading the mixture. It is recommended to have 2 buckets - one to mix the plaster, and the second is for washing tools.
  3. Any starting plaster putty (perfect for plastering of door and window slopes. The mixture has high ductility, it easily falls, it's easy to work with it. It dries not too quickly, besides easily, it is easily mounted and dispersed).

How is the stucco

Technologies of how to launch the slopes of the doors, and how to work with window slopes are practically no different. Difficulties occur when working with the upper slope due to its extremely uncomfortable location in space. After performing work with side slopes to work with the top easier. Firstly, there is already a little experience in the plaster of slopes, and secondly, since the side slopes are adjacent to the top, part of the work on the formation of the angles has already been performed.

Lighthouse fasteners

The slopes are made according to the installed guides. Such guides can be long rules, smooth and smooth wooden bars, long pieces of profiles and the like things. Perform work, leaning on lighthouses is much easier. To install the guides on the side slopes, it is convenient to use the starting mixture for plaster. Several spatulas of the mixture are applied on the wall, and the lighthouse is attached directly to the plaster. He disappears, and the lighthouse passes the slope.

As for the upper slope, it is best to mount the beacon with the help of brackets, profiles or installations on dowels. It is more difficult, but more reliable. From the upper slope, it is not a suction lighthouse can slip, and thus the plane will be shung on crooked. The same rule applies when aligning the slopes of doorways.

Thus, all planes will be processed sequentially. By installing the lighthouse, you should make sure that it was put exactly. Since the lighthouse gives the flatness of the plane, you should make sure that it stands in terms of level. To do this, the level and the guide are applied to one of the sides of the beacon. After that, they need to be left to die against the wall. Already in about an hour, you can proceed to the plaster of slopes.

Preparation of Svoke

Before aligning the slopes with plaster, watch several preparatory actions.

These include:

  • cutting off the stationery knife of the fixing mounted or adhesive foam, which was used when mounting the window;
  • the windows of the windows with painting scotch and stretch film in order to avoid plastering;
  • wiping dust from slopes (to improve adhesion), windowsill and windows;
  • processing of the primer of all slopes.

All this can be done while lighthouses dry out. At the same time, it is recommended to organize a workplace, prepare a mixture for plaster, spatula and other tools that will be needed when working with slope.

Preparation of plaster

Before mixing the mixture, you must read the instruction located on the package. Manufacturers provide different recommendations for kneading specific putty mixtures. Therefore, to achieve the best result and reliability, all manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. When mixing the mixture does not matter, the door or window slope will be placed. It is important that the mixture has a consistency, thanks to which it will not lock or slide from the slope. At the same time, it will be comfortable to work with it and there will be time to dry on the alignment of the plane.

Stir the plaster is best mixer. It is best to try which consistency is best with a small spatula - 10 or 15 cm.

A bucket in which plaster is mixed for sloping inlet doors, interior doors or windows should be clean. Before kneading a new portion of a mixture, a bucket should be washed with a brush and slip.

Alignment of the discovery plane using a mixture

When the surface was prepared and the mixture for plastering proceed to its application to the slope. The process of plastering of door slopes does not differ from the processing of window, the technology of work is the same. Using the spatula, the mixture is applied to the slope. It is recommended to process small sections, 20-30 cm.
First, the mixture is applied to them, and then with the help of a half-one or a wide spatula it is aligned. Keep a spatula or halfter, which is aligned with slopes, follows an angle of 90 ° to the slope plane, perpendicular. So it turns out to achieve even and smooth slopes.

The door itself will fade movements while working with the slope, besides, the likelihood of it is high. Working with slopes is best after installing the box.

Finishing work

After the slopes are attached, it is necessary to wait for a complete or partial drying and remove the lighthouse. Whatever the method it is not attached to the wall, it should take it in the direction of the slope to the wall so as not to damage the layer of plaster. After removing the lighthouse, it will be noticeable that a small influx of the mixture for plastering was formed on the wall. His need to remove. If the layer of plaster is still mild, it may be possible to make a spatula. If not, you can use a rough sandpaper (at number 40-80).

After the slopes are attached, you can install paint perforated corners on them. Corners help to form a smooth angle, and also protect the wall from spanning spacing pieces. After setting the corners, you can put off the bottom of the finish gypsum mixture.

According to the above scheme, you can align the shoals of door openings and window slopes. Working with the plaster is sufficiently dirty, so it is recommended to perform it in clothes that fully cover your arms and legs. After the end of the work, all tools should be washed with a brush under running water, and then wipe dry (with the exception of the power tools). Thus, the tools will serve longer.

Perform work on the plaster of the slopes with their own hands in the absence of any experience of the work of repair work is recommended after watching the training video.
If possible, we should take advice from those who are engaged in repair work or.

Instructions for a beginner on finishing of slopes plaster - Video

Stuccoing of slopes is one of the most ancient repair procedures, differing from creating an even coating on more extensive surfaces (walls, ceiling, partitions, etc.). It is beautiful and firmly "derived" slightly gives the door and window openings a complete appearance and promotes the long service life.

When and how to plaster slopes on windows and doors?

If you replaced the windows or doors (which is already worthy of separate congratulations), their installation must be completed with a beautiful framed. For this, not only the classical technique of plastered slopes will be suitable. Adjacent to the window or door sections of walls on the balcony separate siding Or special panels that come complete with PVC windows. It is often used wooden covering of openings, it is functional and beautiful.

However, the plaster of slopes - with their own hands or with the help of masters, it makes it possible to subsequently repair the room on its own taste, without "binding" to the color and texture of plastic or wooden inserts. The plastered slope is performed with different geometry, it can visually push the boundaries of the room, improve its lighting. In addition, the plastered slopes are much easier to repair - with damage to special (and expensive!) Panels to acquire them to replace it difficult. Especially if the dent in the plastic slope or crack in the wooden plank was formed several years after repair.

Step-by-step instructions with exclusive photos and video materials.

Outcarriage plaster with their own hands - high-quality training

The most important preparatory procedure before designing slopes is a smooth and accurate installation of windows and doors.. If the door / window design is exhibited with the slightest deviation from a strict vertical position, it will not help any slightly, everyone will have to redo it. Yes, yes, with removal of glasses, dismantling the frame and fragments of plaster throughout the room! The accuracy of installing new doors and windows in depth is equally important. The fact is that the size of the openings usually exceeds the thickness of the most representative doors several times, not to mention the windows.

That is, there are constructive features "move" the borders of the room in one direction or another. Thereby specify the size of both the slopes themselves and the windowsill.

Of course, it is impossible to set the windows "flush" with the facade wall, otherwise their glass will all the time will be in the rain fluxes and stains of the mud. Inside the room, the frame also do not move until it stops, who will like the reduction in the inner space. Therefore, the installation of new frames and doors is so common in the middle point of the opening - but no repair need for their strict intermediate position has no.It is quite assumes the installation of windows "with a shift" from the midpoint, according to its own ideas about their completed appearance.

The windowsill is always installed before the plaster begins.The strict horizontal view of the windowsill is required, up to the test of the "glass of water" - the spilled liquid should not be dragged into any side, moving sash should be opened freely and easily. Tubes on the doors, on the contrary, are mounted on the already plastered surface - then they will firmly lie down to the jamb, their fit will be minimal

The composition of plaster when working indoors and outside it is significantly different. Internal slopes can be placed with a mixture of alabastra and sand (in the 1: 2 ratio), sand and cement (1: 3), cement with alabaster and sand (1: 1: 2). If we decided to use special dry mixes, it is best to have proven itself Rotabar, it is easier to double and dry faster.

External slopes (from the outer part of windows and doors) are placed exclusively by cement compositions. They experience the effects of atmospheric precipitation and strong temperature differences - therefore, additive to a solution of liquid glass and binding additives to give it additional resistance is required. The external plastering of windows is associated with work at height and must be fully safe - the broken legs are not worth all the slopes of our world.

Stucco on windows - step-by-step instruction

Stuccoing of window slopes with their own hands requires a considerable amount of tools and materials. Repair skills will need even more - if for you the difference between plaster and putty NEMBOD, IF REST MASTERS and pay them for quality work. The first steps in the development of the wisdom of plaster is better not to do.

Stucco on the windows - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Accounting Opera

So, we have a new and exactly installed window, a comfortable and wide windowsill - and the ruins of the walls around all this beauty. You can perform plaster opening at right angles to the window plane, according to the technology of the Middle Ages (then the very presence of windows in the room was a feat). But it is much more interesting to learn how to plaster slopes on windows and doors with an increase in the lighting of the room.

This repair technique has a special name "Corner of the Dawn", in fact denotes the extension of the window (less often door) opening inside the room. Thus, the light in the room becomes more, as well as difficulties in plaster. But the resulting result in the form of strict lines of an enlarged opening is worth it.

Step 2: Marking and Preparation of Opera

The angle from the frame to the edge of the slope exhibits a tilter, its value should be equally part of the window. Do not determine this angle "on the eyes", otherwise the repair result is unlikely to please your eyes at the end of the work. The extension value is from 1 to 2.5 cm for each 10 cm of the opening thickness. If the distance from the window to the inner wall is 25 cm, then the "expansion offset" will be from 2.5 to 6.5 cm. These points are fixed downstairs and at the top of the open risks.

It is necessary to prepare the basis of the discovery under the plaster. For this, all the layers of old paint, previous putty and other contaminants are removed. Do not be afraid of deep removal of previous building layers - the cement-sandy solution requires space for a durable clutch with the surface. Plastering from cement and sand fits well on all common building materials - concrete, brick, aerated concrete. But the composition of the pre-primer, which is treated with the walls in front of the plaster, must take into account the specifics of their material.

Step 3: Internal vapor insulation

The junction between the window (door) frame and slope is already isolated by mounting foam or rough plaster. It is necessary to cut the excess foam and thoroughly treat the entire joint line by a vapor barrier film or a sealing composition based on silicone. Internal vaporizolation will prevent the windows fogging at strong temperatures - it is performed in literally in 5 minutes, it is inexpensive, and benefits for years.

Step 4: Lighthouses as the basis of flawless accuracy

When the slopes are plastered, the lighthouses exhibited are very different from their analogues used in concreting of floors or brick laying. In fact, it is rather limiters from straight and wide racks. They are tightly naked (fastened) to the surface of the inner wall - exactly at risks spent after the tallness. The edges of the rivers create the border of the future plaster and protect the angle from accidental damage until the solution is dry.

The exact installation of beacons is the basis of high-quality slope. It is better to navigate a re-rack than getting the opening with a deviation from the desired values. After montage of beacons, the integrity of the vapor insulation layer is checked, the surface of the surface is once again processed by the primer for proper adhesion (clutch) with a solution. The primer is better to apply not a spray gun, but a brush, it increases the coverage of hard-to-reach zones.

Step 5: directly plaster

The slope for the slope is first applied by small portions along the perimeter of the beacons, strong movements of the spatula. Next, we begin to fill the opening, and the procedure depends on its depth. For cement-sandy solution, the layer is optimated to 5-6 cm, if the depth of the opening is larger, the sinking of the solution is performed for several receptions.

When the slope is filled with a solution "with a flood", its excess is removed by the exact and the only movement of the aluminum rule. The seeming simplicity of such a "smear" requires greater experience. After leveling the solution, for the lighthouses from all three shuttering sides, it is necessary to wait until it gets up. Next, the railway rails are removed, their locations are equalized with mortar. The remains of the plaster mixture are bred to a semi-liquid state and rubbed into the surface of a slightly hardened slope with neat movements of the grater. Thereby, the risk of cracking the new plaster with its complete drying is reduced.

The high-quality finish of the slopes after installing the window structure is an important stage of final work, on the result of which the aesthetics of the house from the inner and the outside depends. About how to plaster slopes on the windows and make work at the proper level, tell below.

Benefits of a plaster method

The stuccoing of window slopes does not lose its relevance along with traditional methods that imply the use of plastic panels, wood or drywall. Knowing how to make slopes, you can safely save on construction work. The method has a number of significant advantages:

  • low price material;
  • strength and stability;
  • long service life.
The plastering method of decoration of slopes is significantly saved

The plaster of the slopes of windows with their own hands is another big plus method that allows you to cope with the work even a newcomer, since the technology is easy to execute. In addition to advantages, it is worth saying about lack of plastering:

  • average heat insulation;
  • risk of mold and moisture formation;
  • cracked appearance over time.

The method is suitable for houses where wooden windows and plastic double-glazed windows are installed.

Solution for plaster

The plaster of external slopes and internal is carried out independently made by mixtures or ready-made shopping options. It is desirable to acquire already prepared options where the correct proportions are observed and the need to extinct the number of components for the mixture made.

The stucco on the disconnections of their own preparation will require the presence of binding elements in the composition, which often act: clay, cement or gypsum filler. Depending on the number of components, the solution may be simple or complex in composition. It is very important to make an accurate number of components to obtain a high-quality mixture, otherwise the solution may be fat and quickly crack after drying. Necessary meadow the solution also will not bring anything good: it will be fragile, resulting in repair of slopes after installation.

Independent manufacture of plaster mix requires accurate compliance with proportions

In order not to be mistaken in the consistency of the future mixture, follow the following features:

  • well-mixed composition will be slightly cling to the blade;
  • poorly kneaded (fat) will be very cling;
  • the meager mixture does not show coupling properties at all.

For the manufacture of the mixture, you can use a haired lime, which in the correct proportions is ideal for wooden and stone bases. You can use only a haired version, otherwise the surface may be incremented. You can buy a component in a construction store. You can independently perform lime quench in this way:

Haired lime is often used in the plaster of slopes
  • We fall asleep the lime of rapid quenching into the tank of the desired dimensions and pour water so much so that the lime is completely covered with liquid. The active selection of vapors begins for a few minutes, at the end of which we add some more water and thoroughly mix the mixture.
  • The lime of medium quenching falls asleep in the amount of ¼ of the tank and poured with water at half the volume. Couples begin to stand out after 30 minutes, after graduating with water and mix.
  • Lime slow waters are not poured, but only wetted. The process of quenching lasts more than 60 minutes.

It can also be used gypsum, but the operational work should be taken into account, since the mixture with this substance dries over 5-10 minutes. It is important to consider that the gypsum solution is distinguished by instability to a wet environment, so it is desirable to apply it for internal works in dry rooms. One of the durable materials is considered cement, which is connected to the surface for 15 minutes and completely dries out per day.

Choosing than to plaster slopes on the windows indoors and on the external parts, pay attention to the strength properties of the compound components so that the slopes served for a long time.

We prepare the working surface

How to plaster slope on the windows and get an excellent result depends on good surface preparation. A small violation of an important stage will be the main reason for the cracked or fallen plaster. So:

For alignment of the surface of the slopes, construction lights are used

To properly comply with the slopes on the windows with your own hands, take it all the preparatory stages to achieve high quality work. To accurately align the surface, use construction lights or profile for plaster. Visually, smooth walls can play a cruel joke at the end of all works, so be sure to install the guides for which the surface will be resurrected. Lighthouses will guarantee as an alignment element, the use of which will help to avoid alterations and additional costs.

Plaster for beacons

Tools for window plaster

The main points on how to plaster slopes on the windows are already voiced and time to tell about the devices. In order to achieve excellent results, do not do without a set of tools and associated inventory. In the work you will need:

  • laser level to install profile (lighthouses);
  • foam if the window slots are poorly embedded during installation;
  • construction goat or small stepladder;
  • dense rubber gloves to protect against solutions;
  • grater and semier for cement mortar;
  • silicone sealant and sharp knife;
  • black pencil, roulette;
  • spatula and trowel.

Apply a plaster layer with a spatula

Go to practice

Walking the window slopes with their own hands begin with the inside. First make the bottom and sides, then go to the top slope.

  1. Part of the solution you need to make it easier to distribute the window opening around the windows. Such a step contributes to a good clutch of the surface with plaster. The mixture is taken by a spatula and unfolded on the openings. It is important that it does not spread, but adhered to the surface.
  2. Let me dry out the first layer.
  3. Install using the level of the corner profile.
  4. We continue laying the layers on the slopes, not forgetting to monitor the level equalization.
  5. As the solution is complete, the corners need to be corrected.
  6. We make a grout with a grater.
  7. Apply a layer of primer.
  8. Go to the finish, which can perform decorative plaster or tile.

Finished slopes are separated by decorative plaster

After installing plastic windows to standard technology, the following items are added:

  • on an excavated slope with a spatula make a furrow in 5 mm;
  • in a kee made, laying a layer of silicone, which will not allow to form cracks in those places where the window is connected to the slope.

In the rest of the plaster, the slopes of plastic windows occurs through the above-described technology. If a gypsum mixture was used in the work, then at the final stage it is necessary to remove the elements of coil planks by flexion.

Stuccoing of external slopes are performed after finishing internal

Next, you can move to the plaster of outdoor slopes of windows. In compliance with the basic rules and knowledge on how to twist the slopes on the windows, it is possible to significantly improve the thermal insulation in the house and give it a beautiful appearance.

Not all firms specializing in plastic windows are included in the list of their services to install slopes. Very often, for these purposes, people are additionally referred to as masters that sometimes require a fairly high fee for this work.

However, if there are appropriate tools and some construction skills with the installation of slopes, it is quite possible to cope with your own hands. One of the effective methods for giving the suggestions of an attractive appearance is their plastering. Therefore, it will be further discussed how to make shocking of window slopes with their own hands.

Tools and materials for work

If you decide to replace old windows to more modern designs, their installation should be completed with a beautiful framing of slopes. To do this, you can use not only plastering technology adjacent to the window of the walls can also be separated by plasterboard, siding or special panels, which are included in the window.

However, plaster allows you to place a room to your taste, without binding to the color and texture of plastic or wooden panels. Watching technology allows using different geometry, with which you can visually increase the borders of the room, make it lighter and cozy.

Before starting work, you must worry about the presence of some tools and materials. To make it necessary to cook:

Figure 1. Principle of working with Malka: 1 - wall; 2 - solution; 3 - Rake; 4 - the situation of the little ones when plastered; 5 - box; 6 - Malka.

  • drill with a special nozzle for kneading a solution;
  • kelma for applying a solution;
  • set of spatulas;
  • a cooler with a movable rail for measuring the angle of the beam;
  • level and plumb;
  • rule;
  • malka;
  • a hammer;
  • grater;
  • capacity for the kneading solution;
  • stucco;
  • gypsum mixture;
  • assembly tape;
  • mounting foam;
  • edged boards;
  • nails.

Before applying the solution, it is necessary to make a special device - Malka. It is a wooden slaughter with a width of about 35 mm and a thickness of 20-25 mm. In this case, the length of this device should be equal to the width of the triangle hypotenneus slope, which is formed by window opening and box.

On one side of the Malka is made rectangular cutout. One end with a small neckline is installed on the box, and the other - on the rail or rule attached to the outer edge of the slope. Figure 1 shows the principle of working with a small, where: 1 - wall; 2 - solution; 3 - Rake; 4 - the situation of the little ones when plastered; 5 - box; 6 - Malka.

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Preparatory work

The most important preparatory procedure before decorated is the high-quality installation of windows. If the window structure is exhibited even with a small deviation from a strictly vertical position, then no slut can not correct such a defect. In this case, the installation of the window will have to be re-carried out, that is, it will be necessary to remove the double glazing and dismantle the window frame.

After mounting the window, you must install the windowsill. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to its strict horizontality. To check the horizontal of the window sill, you can pour a bit of ordinary water to it and see if it is spreading in any side.

Before designing slopes, it is necessary to view the slots between the window frame and the wall, as well as check the tightness of all seams. For sealing slots, you can apply the mounting foam. After it is frozen, you need to cut down all surplus. All work should be carried out very carefully, because much easier to obtain as a result of a flat surface with the presence of small recesses than increasing the slope with the help of plaster to the level of bumps formed with a poor cut of the mounting foam.

Preparatory work also includes the protection of the window frame. On the installed PVC windows usually remain protective films with marking. If it is covered with the entire surface of the frame, then nothing needs to be done to protect anything else. Otherwise, you will need to handle the mounted storage tape. Additionally, it is recommended to protect the windowsill. To do this, you can use a dense polyethylene film or ordinary paper, which can be attached to the windowsill with a tape.

After that, you need to remove the old layer of plaster. To facilitate this task, you can use a perforator or a conventional chisel with a wide edge. In some cases, the discovery finish is carried out on top of the old layer of plaster. In this case, you need to remove only bliss. At the final stage of preparatory work, there is a cleaning of slopes and adjacent to it surfaces from dirt and dust, since the final result will depend on the purity.

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Technology Watching window slopes

For plastering of internal slopes, it is possible to use dry plaster plaster. Such a mixture is quick-drying. It is better to knead it with a building mixer. It is possible to apply such a solution with a thicker layer than cement-sand plaster, which is a decisive factor, if necessary, produce deep chosen in old slopes.

A sand in a 1: 2 ratio is added to the cement mixture, if you need to apply the layer of plaster more than 30 mm. The outer window slings are treated with a cement mixture or a facade starting putty with the addition of water-repellent means.

At the first stage of plastering operations in the inner corner of the slope (near the window), a lighthouse is established in the level: a metal profile of the desired length is mounted on the solution.

A wooden rail is installed to limit the outer angle or the rule that presses to the edge of the wall, adjacent to the slope. From the side of the wall, it can be consolidated by clamps, dowels or self-drawing. The verticality of such a design must be checked using a construction level. In the same way, the top slope is prepared from which plastering begins.

The plaster for slopes is applied in 3 layers: a thin spray, the main soil and the finishing layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 2 mm. After the main plaster is drawn, it is up to the upward or half-sir. After a certain time, when the plaster serves a little, the rule is removed, and the remaining areas are closed with a solution. After that, corners are processed.

The plaster corners are made after complete drying of slopes and walls. The processing of the angles is performed by the same plastering with the Kelma or Halfury. At the same time, in the corners, the mixture is resurrected by smooth movements from the bottom up and to the parties.

The plaster layer near the angle must form with a wall smooth surface.