FSS What percentage in. How much is deducted to the pension fund from salaries? Percentage of deductions in the PF of the Russian Federation

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, employers we owe every month Separation for its employees insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance. Payment by the employer of insurance premiums in the FIU guarantees citizens, employed officially and receiving the so-called "White" salary, payment. In addition, pension insurance contributions are now funded by pension payments to these pensioners.

The procedure for transferring funds to the Pension Fund

Payment is produced through the bankseparate calculated documents for each type of insurance. These documents it is necessary to indicate the relevant accounts of the Federal Treasury and the CBC. The amount must be indicated exactly - in rubles and kopecks. When paying contributions to compulsory medical insurance, it is necessary to indicate registration number.

If it is not possible to pay for insurance premiums through the bank, payers (individuals) have the right to pay them at the office of the local administration or in the post office.

The value of the base for the accrual of insurance premiums for each employee determined separately. At the same time, for employers who have jobs on harmful and dangerous industries, when calculating contributions at an additional rate, the limitations for the base are not applied, that is, the limit value of them does not affect them.

Payment period of pension contributions

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 431 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the payment of insurance premiums is made for the previous month up to the 15th of the current month. If the 15th number falls on a day off or is a non-working holiday, then the final period of payment is transferred to the working day following him.

The proceedings on the payment of insurance premiums in the FIU threatens the employer with significant fines:

  • for non-payment of accrued amounts and gross violations in accounting income and calculations, which caused the understatement of the calculation base - a fine of 20% of the underpox amount;
  • for the deliberate non-payment and understatement of the base - 40% of the amount.

Contributions to trauma are funds sent through the social insurance fund to an employee in compensation for harm to health caused when performing their labor functions.

The employer is obliged to accrue them monthly in relation to incoming subordinate labor income. It affects many factors, including:

  • the presence of benefits on insurance premiums on injuries;
  • kind of activity;
  • approved tariffs for insurance premiums for injuries.

Despite the transfer of the main part of contributions to the tax authorities, in 2019 the supervision of the considered contributions continues to engage in the FSS. Therefore, there are some changes.

Recall that features and rules for contributions to injuries regulates the 1998 law No. 125-FZ.

What object of taxation

The contributions under consideration are concluded that the employee is concluded:

  1. labor contract (always);
  2. civil law agreement (when stipulates such a condition).

Employer deducts fromtraam contributions for injuries in 2019, regardless of the presence or absence of our country's subordinate citizenship.

Within the framework of the relationship under consideration, the insurer is the Social Foundation, and by the insured:

  • legal entities (regardless of type of property);
  • owner of his own business;
  • a physical person who has signed an employment agreement with another person.

The deductions to the FSS in injuries go from different types of income: wages, premiums, premiums, compensation for unclaimed vacation, as well as when issuing salary products. The exception to the object of taxation on injuries is:

  • state benefits;
  • payments made in the liquidation of the enterprise or reducing personnel;
  • funds received for labor activities in particularly severe or dangerous conditions for health;
  • material assistance provided in the event of force majeure;
  • fee for the passage of training or training courses and others.

What kind

The rate for insurance of employees from accidents and professional ailments related to production activities is set in the range of 0.2 - 8.5%. It increases in proportion to raising the risk to which the main activity of the enterprise is attributed. All these parameters are established by law.

There are 32 tariffs formed taking into account different areas of activity (Article 1 of Law No. 179-FZ 2005). They characterize different degrees of risk and the corresponding percentage of contributions. Tariffs for insurance premiums for injuries operating in 2019 are presented below in the table (in%).

Determine the class to which the enterprise activity belongs to 2nd regulatory documents:

  1. OKVED;
  2. Classification of types of risk activities (appliance. Order of Mintrud No. 625-H).

This information is reflected in the registration documents obtained when contacting FSS.


Consider using the table using the example of three companies:

As a result, for each of these organizations. tariffs for insurance premiums for injury will be such:

In 2019, the rates of insurance premiums "on injuries" will remain the same as they were in 2016 and 2017. This is provided for by the Federal Law of 12/19/16 No. 419-FZ. In particular, 32 basic tariffs are preserved, calculated from 0.2 to 8.5 percent to the amount of payments in favor of insured persons. Also in 2019, there are constant benefits for entrepreneurs who pay contributions for disabled I, II and III groups. Such IP pay contributions in the amount of 60% of the generally established insurance rates

How to find out your tariff

To determine its rate of insurance premiums on injuries in 2019, it is necessary to confirm the type of economic activity for the last period. That is, 2017 year. The insured must no later than April 16, 2019 (15.04 falls on Sunday) Send to FSS:

  1. application for confirmation of the main activity;
  2. certificate confirmation;
  3. an explanatory note to the balance over the past year (representatives of small entrepreneurship are delivered from this duty).

In case of failure to submit these documents, the Fund does not charge, but the FSS specialists will establish a tariff on their own. Such right provides them with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 55 of 2006. Moreover, they will choose the highest class of risk from those specified in the Enragection of codes according to your company. Such a solution is not always beneficial for the insured, so we recommend regularly and in time to confirm the main type of activity.

Pay special attention: challenge the maximum rate appointed FSS, it is impossible (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 551). In this part in 2019, there was nothing changed on insurance premiums to injury.

How much listed

Employers should count on monthly, given the accruals for the past 30 (31) days. You can do this by the formula:

Contributions \u003d B x Tariff Where:

B.- Base on contributions for injuries. This is the size of the funds received by the employee, on the basis of which the desired value is being calculated. The legislation does not provide for its limitations for the amount. The calculation is produced like this:

B \u003d payments TD / GPD - payments N / O Where:

TD / GPD payments - cash paid by the physician according to the labor (civil-law) contract.

Payments N / O - non-taxable payout contributions.

On a note: When the calculation with a person is in kind, contributions are charged on the sum of money specified in the contract. VAT and excise taxes also take into account.


Travel agency "Prestige" offers touring excursion tickets, as well as accommodation and vehicles. OKVED - 63.30.2. In February 2019, employees were credited with a salary in total - 3 million 500 thousand rubles, including material assistance of 32 thousand rubles. Determine the size of insurance premiums in the FSS.

    1. Calculate the database to accrual contributions:

B \u003d 3 500 000-32 000 \u003d 3,468,000 rubles.

  1. According to the classification of types of risk activities, the Prestige travel agency is classified as a class of professional risk, which corresponds to the tariff 0.2%. As a result, deductions for injuries are equal:

Contributions \u003d 3 468 000 x 0.2 \u003d 6936 rub.

FSS makes surcharges or discounts for some enterprises. Therefore, the size of the final contributions may be further increased or reduced.

New data for discounts and allowances in 2019

Employers make contributions "on injuries" in accordance with the insurance facilities. However, a discount or allowance may be applied to the tariff (paragraph 1 of Art. 22 of the Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 125-FZ).

The size of the discount (surcharge) is determined by the formula in which three indicators participate:

  1. The ratio of FSS expenditures on the payment of provisions for all insured events at the insured and the total amount of accrued contributions;
  2. The number of insured cases at the insured for a thousand working;
  3. The number of days of temporary disability from the insured for one insured case (excluding deaths with fatal outcome).

The average values \u200b\u200bof these indicators by type of economic activity for 2019 were approved by the decision of the FSS of the Russian Federation of 05/31/17 No. 67. For example, for retail food, beverages and tobacco products in specialized stores, the specified values \u200b\u200bare 0.07, 0.46 and 48.67, respectively .

What are there insurance premium benefits for injuries

Organizations that are in a timely manner contributive contributions to the FSS and do not allow accidents or occupation of professional ailments, they may apply for a discount on contributions to injuries.

Note that it is no longer possible to get benefit for 2019, since the statement was necessary to submit until November 1, 2017. But she will act in the future.

The size of the discount depends on different factors: the number of injuries per 1000 employees, the days of disability at one case of injury and others. Its maximum value is 40%.

When calculating contributions to disabled employees I, II, III groups, a discount increases to 60%. Documentary confirmation of the rights to her receipt does not require.


LLC Imperial-Stroy offers services in the field of engineering and technical design (OKVED 74.20). The company was granted a discount on contributions to the FSS - 25%. In March 2019, the company charged the employees of a salary in the amount of 320,000 rubles, as well as disabled students I and II groups - 73,000 rubles. Determine the value of contributions.

The activity of LLC "Imperial-Stroy" refers to the I class of professional risk for which the tariff is 0.2%. Given the discount of 25%, the rate will decrease to 0.15% (0.2 - 0.2 × 25%).

Insurance Contributions for accidents will be:

    1. for basic employees of LLC:

320 000 × 0.15% \u003d 480 rub.

    1. for workers with disabilities (0.2 - 0.2 × 60% \u003d 0.08%):

73 000 × 0.08% \u003d 58.4 rubles.

  1. total value:

480 + 58.4 \u003d 538.4 rubles.

The Accountant of the company "Imperial-Stroy" must charge the contributions for insurance against accidents and occupational patrols in the amount of 538.4 rubles.

Foreigners: insurance contributions for injuries in 2019

Employers are obliged to insure in case of injury or professional ailments not only Russian citizens, but also foreign employees, as well as constantly or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation. This situation does not matter:

  • resident status;
  • duration of residence;
  • place of work - Russian office or foreign "separation".

Managers should adhere to such a rule: when concluding a labor contract with a foreign employee, the procedure for calculating contributions to the FSS is the same as for Russians. It is subject to contributions to wages, premium payments and allowances, compensation for unused vacation, etc.

When a civil law agreement was concluded with a labor migrant, contributions to injuries are charged if there is conditions in the subscribed agreement.


Firm "Olivetta", engaged in the production of kitchen furniture (OKVED 36.1), signed a labor contract with a foreign employee K.V. Grigoryan. What amount must be accrued to the FSS on injuries, if the employer made it the following payments for March 2019:

  • salary - 28 900 rubles;
  • prize - 5000 rubles;
  • material assistance in connection with the birth of the Son - 4000 rubles.
    1. We define the database to accrual insurance premiums:

B \u003d 28 900 + 5000-4000 \u003d 29 900 rubles.

  1. According to the classification of activities on risks, the activities of the company "Olivetta" is attributed to the VIII class of professional risk, which corresponds to the tariff 0.9.
  2. Insurance contributions for injuries for an alien employee will be:

29 900 x 0.9% \u003d 269.1 rubles.

What's new

What's new on insurance premiums on injuries in 2019? There are practically no changes. Lawmakers simply retained tariffs insurance premiums and introduced new data to calculate discounts and allowances. More large-scale changes took place in 2017. Recall that then changed:

The change Content
Expansion of the Rights of the Social Insurance FundSince 2017, FSS has been endowed with the following rights:

Demand explanations on contributions;
keep control of cash flow;
Calculate the size of insurance premiums and others.

Installed the procedure for recoveryThe main law - 1998 year No. 125-FZ is supplemented with new articles that regulate methods for the recovery of arrears, delay, accrual of pennels, etc.
The procedure for calculating is specifiedDefined at the legislative term, as well as the estimated and reporting periods
Tightened control over payment of contributionsLaw No. 125-FZ is supplemented by the standards for the conduct of cameral inspections, registration of revision results, etc.

In which funds are accrued contributions

Mandatory insurance premiums are accrued in three extrabudgetary funds: Pension (FFR), Medical (FFOMS) and Social Insurance Fund (FSS). The essence of mandatory insurance in the following. The payer makes regular payments, and the fund when the insured event occurs, the payment established by the law. For example, when a person reaches a retirement age, the FIU charges him a pension, in the case of FSS disease, pays for a hospital leaf allowance and so on. Types of mandatory insurance premiums There are four types of insurance premiums.

1 - Pension contributions (contributions to the FFR). They are divided into two parts: contributions to the insurance part of pensions and contributions to the accumulative part of the pension.

2 - Medical contributions (contributions to FFOMS).

3 - contributions to the FSS for compulsory socialization in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood. At the expense of these contributions, the Social Fund pays for hospital leaf benefits and maternity benefits.

4 - contributions to the FSS for insurance against industrial accidents and tradeboles. Their unofficial name - contributions "on injury."

Legislative Base Insurance Contributions

Discovers in the PF of the Russian Federation, FFOMS and FSS (the first three contributions) are regulated by the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 212 "On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance and Territorial Mandatory Medical Insurance Funds" (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 212-FZ). The accrual and payment of contributions "on injuries" is regulated by Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 125-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 125-FZ).

Who pays insurance premiums

Organizations that accrue salaries to employees and (or) pay remuneration to contractors - individuals;

Individual entrepreneurs who accrue the salary to employees and (or) pay remuneration to contractors - individuals;

Individuals without the status of the IP, which are charged by the salary to hired employees and (or) pay remuneration to contractors - individuals;

Individual entrepreneurs and individuals engaged in private practice (lawyers, notaries, etc.); That is, those who work "on themselves", and not on the employer.

It is often that one and the same person suits immediately for several above definitions. In this case, insurance premiums need to pay for each basis. The most common example is an individual entrepreneur who employs "on himself" and has the staff of employees. Such an IP should separately charge contributions to its own income and separately - to the salary of employees.

To which contributions are accrued

Payments to employees of employers' organizations and employers -EP charge payments made to employees in the framework of employment contracts. Such payments include, first of all, wages, awards on the results of work for the month, quarter or year, as well as vacation and compensation for unused vacation.

Payments to contractors Pension and medical contributions are charged for payments in favor of individuals who are not in the staff, if such payments are made within the framework of copyright or civil law contracts. There is an exception: the customer of works or services is exempt from the obligation to accrue contributions in the case when the contractor has the status of the PI and pays the contributions "for itself." Also, contributions do not fall into the amount issued by a citizen for the property acquired or rented by him or property rights (for example, contributions are not accrued on the amounts paid when renting a personal car employee). Contributions to FSS for insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity are not charged for payments on any civil-legal contracts (including on copyright and contract agreements). Contributions to the FSS on "injury" with payments for civil law contracts are charged only if the contribution is provided for by the contract itself.

Tariffs of insurance premiums

For most payers in 2012 and 2013 there are rates of contributions specified in the table. This is for those who do not use benefits.

Tariffs of insurance premiums in 2012-2013 for payers not related to preferential category

For some categories of payers, low rates are installed. So, "simplists" that are engaged in certain types of activities (food production, textile production, etc.), in 2012 and 2013 only contributions to the FIU at a rate of 20 percent are paid. According to contributions to FFOMs and FSS on insurance in case of temporary disability and due to the maternity, zero tariffs are established.

Tariffs for contributions "on injury" depend on the class of professional risk assigned to the organization or enterprise. For example, the first class of risk is installed for wholesale food traders and the primary insurance rate is 0.2%.

78. Income tax of individuals.

The tax on income of individuals is a direct federal tax, since the obligation to pay it to fall on individuals from the income received by them, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is regulated and is obligatory throughout the Russian Federation.

"Insurance contributions in 2015-2016 bets" - Entering such a phrase into the search string in Yandex or Google, you can easily find the relevant data. Since 2015, the procedure for accrualing insurance premiums has been substantially changed. On the bids used in 2015-2016 and the procedure for calculating contributions are described in this article.

Insurance Contributions - 2013: Betting

For a better understanding of the changes that have entered into force in 2015, back to the past and consider insurance premium rates in 2013.Between them there are several fundamental differences.

  • Until 2015, there were two pension insurance systems. Pension provision of persons younger than born in 1967 developed from two components: cumulative and insurance part. According to the pension system, in which there was no funding for the accumulation part, the amount of contributions only to the insurance part of the pension was 22% of the amount of salary payments. If the insured person chose an option of pension provision with a storage part, then 22% were divided by 16% to finance the insurance pension and 6% on its cumulative part. Recall that betting by insurance contributions in 2012the year did not provide for the options for pension provision. All contributions are necessarily divided into insurance and accumulative parts for persons younger than born in 1967.
  • For employees over 1966, a single insurance rate was provided in the amount of 22% of salary payments without the possibility of choosing a pension option.
  • As for contributions to the FSS and FFOMs, they were estimated in the amount of 2.9 and 5.1%, respectively. They did not depend on the age of the employee and were also charged on all salary payments. Upon reaching the maximum income, the contributions to the FSS and the FOMS were not charged.

The rate of insurance premiums in 2014

Just as in 2013, insurance premiums in 2014 rates To accrual them depended on both the age of the employee and from the limit value of the base for accrual. In 2014, insurance premiums in the FSS and FFOMs were not accrued in the amount of more than 624,000 rubles.

Read more about how insurance premiums are calculated, read in the article .

Insurance premium rates in 2014 Not changed and remained at the level of the previous year.

Tariff in the FFR, FSS, FFOMS - how many percent in 2015

In 2015, accruals in all categories of workers independently of the age group of steel were made according to uniform tariffs. The exception was the organizations eligible for the use of reduced coefficients (Article 58, 58.1, 58.2 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ "On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fund for Mandatory Medical Insurance" ( Next - Law No. 212-FZ)).

PFR, FSS, FFOMS-How much interest in 2015 The year is the rate for contributions to these funds, indicated in part 1.1 of Art. 58.2 Law No. 212-FZ:

  • to retirement to achieve the limit value of the taxation - 22%, when the limiting value of the base for contributions, the size of the reduced rate on the OPS will be 10%;
  • in FSS - 2.9%;
  • in FFOMS - 5.1%.

It should be noted that in 2015 the value of the limit base for the accrual of insurance premiums will be considered separately by types of contributions: the base for temporary disability contributions and in connection with the motherhood will differ from the base for pension insurance contributions. But for contributions to the Medical Insurance Fund, the maximum value is canceled. To the question in FFOMs how many percent will have to pay The answer is as follows: still 5.1%, and for the entire amount of payments due to the employee.

Thus, a reduced tariff will be used for payments for the OPS when the upper limit will be used, the accrual of contributions to the FSS to achieve the limit is stopped (clause 4 of Article 8 of the Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ), and for contributions to the FFOMs limit exists. Consequently, even when the upper limit of the taxable income is reached, medical insurance contributions are charged under the general rule.

The thresholds from January 1, 2015 are different. For contributions to the OPS, the limit value is 711,000 rubles, and for contributions to the FSS (INTER) - 670,000 rubles (Art. 8 of Law No. 212-FZ, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2014 No. 1316).

Tariff in the FFR, FSS, FFOMs - how many percent in 2016

As for contributions in 2016, the answer to the question, in the PPF, FSS, FFOMS How many percent in 2016 The year is the tariff, the answer will be like this: rates of tariffs in extrabudgetary funds in 2016 are the same as in 2015.

However, since the beginning of 2016, the limit was changed with the base of the base contributions (the Government Decision of November 26, 2015 No. 1265), and now it is:

  • for PFR - 796,000 rubles;
  • for FSS - 718,000 rubles.

Since 2017, the limit of the base under the insurance premiums will change again, and this will not be the only change.

Each person who has official employment, necessarily forms its pension. At present, each person has a total amount to two equal parts, which is replenished with an employer - by paying taxes and contributions.

These deductions to the Pension Fund should be made by each enterprise.. Consider how you can track your accumulations, as well as the question of their verification.

What it is

Each employer per month must charge and transfer contributions for workers in the FIU. In addition to the Pension Fund, it is also worth producing deductions to the FSS and FFOMS bodies.

The meaning of these payments is to work by the employer of certain payments and in the occurrence of insurance cases in the Fund, where payments are made, make the reverse withdrawal of funds in favor of the employee.

For example, when a person takes a hospital, the FSS authority pays the allowance to be listed during temporary disability. The same is the most involved in the Pension Fund of Russia, when it is necessary to pay a pension to achieve some age.

It is worth remembering that the retirement and other types of contributions to the employer should do from its funds, and it has no right to deduct these amounts from the employee's salary. As for pension deductions, they are divided into two categories: on insurance pension and cumulative.

It is worth noting that since 2014, payments are not made in favor of the formation of the accumulative part, since all funds go to the replenishment of the insurance part.

When produced

Payments that should go to the replenishment of pension savings of each person should be made by 15 numbers in each month. At this time, the employer pays contributions for the previous month.

In other words, if the employer makes deductions on October 15, then these deductions are made for spent September month.

It is necessary to remember the terms of the work of deductions so that later the staff at the enterprise did not arise disagreements with the Pension Fund staff.

Who pays insurance premiums

The contributions to the FIU are obliged to be carried out in the following categories of individuals and enterprises:

  1. Organizations producing payments according to any agreements in favor of individuals.
  2. IP: For persons in favor of which cash payments were made for work or services under contracts of any kind, as well as for themselves.
  3. Notaries, lawyers and other categories of self-employed citizens.
  4. Individuals, with a situation where they produce payments according to any agreements, and in those situations where they do not act as individual entrepreneurs.

Video: how to find out?

Tariffs in 2019

Despite the fact that changes in the legislative base are constantly carried out in the pension area, the total tariff for deductions to the FIU does not change. For 2019, it is the same 22% of wages, provided that payments cannot exceed the annual limit.

If it is exceeded, the deductions are 10% of earnings.

Those persons who pay contributions independently will also pay fixed contributions to the Pension Fund, which make up 26% of the minimum wage. In this case, this amount is multiplied by 12 months.

It turns out that based on the actual size of the minimum wage, which is 7,500 rubles, the total amount of fixed contribution for the year will be 23,400 rubles.

Additional tariffs for OPS

Additional tariffs for deductions to the FIU are introduced for those employers who have jobs in harmful production. In other words, if they produce deductions in favor of those who have the right to receive a preferential pension.

The tariff should be determined in accordance with the estimated working conditions, as well as the assigned class.

Damage not subject to taxation

It is necessary to remember that, in contrast to the tax on the income of the individuals, taken into account in accordance with the premiums, salary and the district coefficient of the employee, the value according to insurance premiums is not included in the salary. In other words, an employee at the enterprise receives a salary minus the income tax on the income of individuals.

As for the situation with paying funds to the FIU, the payer must list a certain amount, based on income, while not to keep this amount from the salary.

How can I find out the amount of deductions in the FIU with salaries

The amount of deductions should depend on the status of the payer. For those enterprises that work with the overall tax mode, it is 22% of earnings. 10% can also be added to those situations where the amount of revenues is more than 800,000 rubles.

This amount should be calculated on the set of wages for each employee.

Organizations that use a simplified system must pay 20%. At the same rate, individual entrepreneurs pay for their employees.

Details for payment

It is important to understand that for fruitful cooperation with the Pension Fund of Russia, it is necessary to have details for which all contributions must be paid. If the employer or self-employed citizen will pay for incorrect details, then in this case it will be very difficult to prove that payment was made in a timely manner.

And the deductions will not be easy to enroll at the required account.

That is why we give a list of details to pay for various categories of insurance premiums:

  1. For payments to the formation of the insurance part of the labor pension.
  2. For payments to the formation of a storage part of the pension.
  3. Contributions for OMS, which are credited to the FFOMS budget.
  4. Contributions for OMS, which are credited to the Budget TFOMS.

Budget classification codes

In the following list, we give the budget classification codes for various types of insurance premiums listed by employers and self-employed citizens:

  1. For payments to the formation of the insurance part of the pension - 39210202010061000160.
  2. For payments to the formation of the accumulative part of the pension - 39210202020061000160.
  3. Contributions for OMS, which are credited to the FFOMS budget - 39210202100081000160.
  4. Contributions to the OMS, which are credited to the Budget TFOMS - 39210202110091000160.

The procedure for transferring funds

All contributions are charged by accounting staff, therefore, all payments in favor of the employee are multiplied by the sum of the insurance rate. This formula is one for each enterprise - it cannot depend on the tax regime.

Accounting for the reporting period charges 22% of the earnings of workers in the FIU. If the salary reached more than 624,000 rubles, the tariff must be 10%. For example, if an employee receives 20000 rubles each month, accounting every month accrues 4,400 rubles.

For some enterprises, preferential fares on insurance premiums are envisaged. For example, for the information technology area, it should be 8%. As for the income of employees, employers pay contributions according to an increased rate - by 6% more.

This applies to those citizens who are engaged in serious production.


It is important to remember that each enterprise must comply with certain dates in order to make deductions on time. If there is a violation of these deadlines, problems may arise when you recalculate the full amount on the employee's personal account, which forms the insurance part.

Executions need to be carried out strictly up to the 15th day of any month. In other words, payment is made for every previous month.

How to check on low

Dependents in the FIU should be reflected on the individual account of each citizen. In other words, on a personal personal account. It is important to remember that in a situation where a person decided to use his cumulative pension, then you can find out the size of pension savings by the SNOVA number.

In order to do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund's staff and provide all the necessary contact information to form a request.

Through the Internet

You should not forget that pension deductions that were formed on the personal account of each person can also be checked through the specialized information portal of "Gosviluga". In addition, it is possible to order the necessary certificate on the official website of the FIU.

In order to find out the size of your pension deductions, it is necessary to have a passport and reduction at hand. It should be remembered that another person can learn all the necessary information on the state of the personal account exclusively in the presence of a power of attorney.

It turns out that every Russian citizen, who is officially employed, has its own personal account in the FIU, which is received by the deductions from the employer. Each person has the full right to find out the status of the personal account at any time.

It is worth noting that it can be done by any convenient way, while people will not have any difficulty when receiving a certificate of account status.