Design of a large kitchen dining room in a private house. Kitchen design in a private house

In a private house. Photos of such premises have always caught the eye and seemed to us the ideal of someone's exquisite life. So why not create your own, no less stylish and luxurious?


  • Floor coverings. One part, for example, functional, is decorated with tiles, the second, in the eating and recreation area, or.
  • Different textures of the ceiling. A play of textures is used - one area is matte, the second is of a different color, glossy, or a different combination of materials (textures like satin, leather, marble, etc.), or different levels - in one zone above, in the second below.
  • Arches, protrusions, columns, openings, etc. It can be drywall, zoning curtains, installation of false columns, carved partitions with shelves, etc.

Advice! If you decide to perform zoning with partitions, their ends can be decorated with mirrors, then they will look lighter.And if you make them niches, you can build beautiful mini-showcases.

  • ... This method is adored by pragmatists, every centimeter is wisely used here. As a rule, it is not the load-bearing wall that is removed, but a tabletop with reinforced tubes and shelves is made on its remnants, where dishes or other objects can be placed. Sometimes a stand is made without a foundation, which is made out from the inside. On the one hand, you can place bar stools, on the other, under the counter itself, put mini-refrigerators or cabinets. The space is played up with lighting, in the dining area - in the kitchen itself - spotlights.

The choice of method will depend on the imagination and dimensions of the space. For example, classic rectangular and square rooms are well suited for bar counters, arches and partitions, and semicircular ones look better for furniture, ceiling and podium zoning.

Not all space lends itself so easily to the desired arrangement, sometimes we get the specific dimensions of the premises. Decorators share helpful tips.

Narrow room

In theory, it is impossible to organize here dining room but there is a way out. Firstly, it is worth using light colors in the design - this will smooth out the elongated shape, and secondly, you should immediately remove unnecessary items or hide them inside the cabinets. The kitchen furniture itself will either have to be ordered or bought with a minimum width according to the principle "the less protrudes, the better."

Of course, you will have to give up the dream of a large table in the center of your favorite kitchen, but instead, you can easily equip a dining area in a remote part. And what is worse than a cozy dining corner? Maybe even better if you approach the issue with imagination.

Advice! In a narrow space, you can use an original technique - make a sofa bench right in the line of the headset, and place and there. By the way, this technique can be used in a minimal space. One stroke - and the dining area appears right in the cooking area. Alternatively, the stove can even be disguised as a chest of drawers.

Adjacent windows are possible, it will visually separate the dining area and distract from the elongation of the form. Well, the choice of stylistic direction in such a situation is obvious: - and the point, any jumble will only increase the length.

Little space

Private houses are different, and sometimes not as much space is allocated for the kitchen as we would like. But this does not mean that we should give up dreams and originality of design. There are typical techniques that will allow you to ergonomically organize the available area.

Ideas for a small kitchen-dining room:

  1. Built-in furniture and custom-made furniture can ultimately save a lot of space.
  2. Hanging shelves or cabinets under ceilings - visually increase the space and provide additional storage space.
  3. Furniture located on the side, not in the center of the room.
  4. Strict forms without fittings - then the working area seems lighter.
  5. Wallpaper with a panoramic effect visually enlarges the kitchen.
  6. - their mobility allows you to remove these items at any time and free up space.

Many windows on one side

Designers advise giving space to the windows in the working area, there is good illumination and the ability to use natural ventilation due to free air circulation. You can also functionally use wide window sills, they are unlikely to be appropriate in the dining area, but they well replace shelves and small tables for cooking. It is better to place the dining room away from windows and in some cases even.

Kitchen-dining-living room in a private house

If the footage allows, in private houses the kitchen is combined not only with the dining room, but also with the living room. These are three zones in one space, formally they are separated, but visually they should be in harmony with the "holy trinity" in unity and be close in style. This is achieved with the help of common decoration elements or materials on the floor or in the decoration.

Monochromatic walls, painted in different colors, but with a single one, leather or brick, or wallpaper with the same ornament, but different in basic shades, look beautiful. You can do "math lessons", and despite the fact that each zone will differ in its colors and shapes, it will be clear that they are united by geometry.

Advice! If you want to use carpet on the floor, you cannot lay it entirely in all three zones, it is better to use three identical rug by the furniture.


We examined the kitchen-dining room, it is present there. But if a living room is also added, then in addition we will have to add at least upholstered furniture. It will be a sofa or armchairs, you can do both, a TV, wardrobes for things, perhaps, plants in tubs, etc. attributes, as far as the footage allows. The combination of these items will depend on the style chosen.

And now about the style

The kitchen-dining room in a private house is not just a kitchen: you can create a masterpiece from the available meters.

What to choose:

  • Sweetheart classic. Beige tones, natural heavy furniture made of precious woods, marble countertops, tiles or parquet on the floor, geometry on the walls. Everything is expensive, but discreet. I would also like a grand piano in the living room area, but that's how the dimensions of the space will allow.

The kitchen design in a private house in the photo is beautiful, right? If you are the owner of a country estate, there is good news. Indeed, in this case, you can have a much larger space and not enclose yourself in the framework of standard layouts of urban high-rises. Your own home is an unplowed field for ideas, an excellent ground for inspiration and a wonderful occasion for realizing your creative potential.

How to create a kitchen design in a private house stylish, as in the photo, convenient and ergonomic? We will tell you in today's article.

Design of a large kitchen in a private house photo

If you are the happy owner of a large kitchen space, a whole field for imagination and creativity opens up in front of you. However, in this case, do not forget about the sense of proportion. Remember that you shouldn't oversaturate the kitchen with unnecessary elements.

In order for the design of a large kitchen in a private house shown in the photo to come out well, Dekorin designers have in store for you a few tips:

  • Try to focus on your own tastes and needs. When choosing a style, do not pursue the latest fashion trends. Focus on quality, durable materials and base tones.
  • If the room is a walk-through, try to move the kitchen furniture out of the way and place it along the walls.
  • Zone the space. Not all housewives love large kitchens. Do you know why? Because misplaced zones will force you to move around a large kitchen like a marathon runner. So try to equip your work area so that everything you need is at your fingertips.
  • Don't get carried away by open headsets. Regardless of the style of kitchen you choose, there should be a minimum of open shelves. Otherwise, there is a danger that the design will look chaotic and cluttered.

There are many interesting options for zoning the space of a large kitchen. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Kitchen design - dining room in a private house photo

A very convenient solution for a large kitchen in a private house (see photo below). The dining room allows you to organize the space ergonomically, and one large room is always much better than two small ones.

The table set is usually located near the working area, but at the same time it should not be on the aisle, but closer to the window. Thus, you can create a feeling of coziness and harmonious atmosphere in space.

ATTENTION: the kitchen-dining room should be equipped with a powerful extractor hood so that odors do not spread throughout the room.

Kitchen-living room design in a private house photo

The kitchen-living room is a very convenient modern solution. As we said above, the conditions of a private house allow the hostess to roam and bring the most daring ideas to life. Let's take a look at a few of them:

  • Install a fireplace

Everyone knows that a home fireplace is a luxury and pride of any homeowner. It fills the home with coziness, warmth and is relevant out of time. Separate the kitchen area from the living room with a beautiful fireplace with live fire and enjoy warm family evenings with your family.

  • Panoramic windows

Zones can also be delimited using natural light. Install panoramic windows in the living room, and illuminate the kitchen with local sources (a beautiful chandelier and spotlights). Such a technique will visually enlarge the room and allow you to fully enjoy the pacifying landscape of a country estate.

  • Terrace

Make the layout of the house in such a way that from the kitchen-living room there is an opportunity to go to the summer terrace. Believe me, barbecue at home will become one of the most favorite entertainment for you and your guests.

Kitchen-island design in a private house photo

The kitchen island is another smart design find. Many people ask the question: well, why is this structure so useful?

The answer is very simple. Firstly, the kitchen island perfectly zones the space, secondly it looks stylish, and thirdly it performs many useful functions.

For instance:

  • Chopping surface
  • Cabinet with multifunctional drawers
  • Freezer (yes, it can also be sewn into the island)
  • Dining area with pull-out chairs
  • Transformer (if you wish, you can order an island that will expand to any size, while looking very compact when assembled)

So if you are still thinking about what to fill the space of a large kitchen, opt for a stylish island. Success is guaranteed!

Design of a corner kitchen in a private house photo

Corner set is an excellent solution for private houses with a small square area. This technique allows you to most ergonomically solve the lack of space, freeing up space for the dining or living area.

The working surfaces of the corner kitchen are located around the perimeter of the room and, most often, they use walls with windows - and this is already a plus.

Another advantage of the corner set is that the facade of the kitchen is cast and not scattered. You can of course benefit immensely from this given. Which one?

ADVICE: If you have a corner kitchen, focus on the color, texture and shape of the facade. When using base shades for walls, highlight it with a bright color with a glossy texture, or apply oracle to the entire surface.

Such know-how will pleasantly surprise guests and delight your eye day by day, believe me.

If you dream of a beautiful and stylish interior of your kitchen, but you don’t have much money to repair it, this is not a reason to be upset.

Think carefully about the economy class design and get to work!

Budget decoration for wall decoration

It's no secret that all materials can be roughly divided into options for economy class, premium or luxury, as well as the middle category of price and quality. And the first option in your case is just fine. But what to choose in order not only to save money, but also to ensure an acceptable quality of repairs? Wallpaper is one of the most budgetary options for wall decoration.

But for decorating the kitchen, only waterproof or washable ones are suitable, and they are somewhat more expensive than, for example, the most ordinary paper ones, which you definitely do not need to purchase. They not only look tasteless and of poor quality (even in the photo), but due to high humidity they may not stick to the walls. They also get dirty quickly.

You can replace the wallpaper with plastic panels, this is not only an affordable option, but also practical and not the most difficult to install. In addition, there are many variations of colors and textures, so the economy class design may well become stylish. Painting is also inexpensive, but if you consider that it requires preliminary leveling of the walls, then the whole process can be called time-consuming and very costly.

Floor decoration

The simplest, most budgetary and most practical material is, of course, linoleum. A huge selection of colors and textures will make the coating stylish and bright. But you should not buy the cheapest linoleum, it is not suitable for decorating a kitchen, in which the permeability is quite large.

Pay attention not only to design and appearance, but also to performance. The best option would be semi-commercial linoleum. And ask the seller what the quality of the coating is: will it be dangerous for children, will it emit unpleasant odors.

Ceiling decoration

Whitewashing is a budget way to finish the ceiling, but you cannot call it simple.

  1. Firstly, before applying the product, the surface must be leveled, and carefully, in order to eliminate all existing defects.
  2. Secondly, it is advisable to whitewash the ceiling in several layers, and each must dry, so you may not be able to do it in a day. If you do not have the desire, energy and time to level the surface, then choose a ceiling tile for finishing.

It is easy to attach, it is securely fixed, is not exposed to moisture, hides some irregularities and even additionally provides heat and sound insulation. In addition, the design can be different, and not only colors differ, but also textures. You can choose a three-dimensional tile with a pattern or the simplest one. And in the photo and in life, such a ceiling will look quite dignified and stylish.


You can save money on furniture. How? Here are some proven and effective ways:

  • Buy models from old collections, they can be cheaper than new ones. But at the same time, their design will be quite stylish, especially if the pursuit of the latest fashion trends is not about you.
  • It is possible to purchase furniture with some minor defects, most of which are quickly and easily repaired. If you have old furniture that is in quite working and normal condition, then you should not replace it with another one, just upgrade, it is much easier than it might seem at first glance. For example, you can replace the facades or close them with new planks (they are sold in stores, but you may have to look well for them). You can also use self-adhesive wrap around the object, but be prepared for the fact that this is a painstaking process. To upgrade the economy class, decorative strips, new fittings, vinyl stickers are suitable.
  • If you know how to work with basic tools and have some skills in repairing or making furniture, then do it yourself. And in this case, by the way, it will not only be stylish and as comfortable as possible for you (if you take into account all your requirements and other important points), but also exclusive, not found in the photo of interior magazines.

Savings on technology

Stylish kitchen design is not a room "stuffed" with cutting edge technology. Yes, it looks gorgeous and somewhat futuristic, which can be clearly seen in the photo. But do you really need it? It might make sense to buy a cheaper device. It will have fewer functions, but some additional ones are simply not used. The design will also be different, but why pay extra for minor external differences?

Budget decor

You can decorate the interior of an economy class kitchen on a budget and the design will not suffer. Use for decoration dishes, photos in frames or printed on a color printer, flowers in pots or vases, original textiles (towels, tablecloth, oven mitts, seats on chairs).

Here are some tips to help you not spend a lot of money, but at the same time make your design convenient and interesting:

  • If you want to save as much as possible, then you can make repairs yourself, but only if you are confident in your abilities. If you don't know how, then you can ruin the materials and the whole design.
  • Remember, the miser pays twice. Unfortunately, this saying is sometimes true. And even if the desire to save money does not force you to purchase the cheapest materials and furniture, they will be of poor quality and, therefore, may simply become unusable in the near future. Find a middle ground, that is, choose medium-cost options. And do not forget to demand from sellers certificates and documents confirming the quality and origin of materials.
  • Buy everything you need from large chain stores. Firstly, they pay special attention to quality control of all goods, which is very important. Secondly, such stores often offer discounts and numerous promotions, during which the products can be purchased at a very competitive price. Thirdly, prices are often lower here, which is associated with rent and other expenses (in small departments they are sometimes much higher).
  • If you plan to develop an economy class design, then use laconic styles to decorate the kitchen, involving a minimum of details and the most simple and inexpensive finish. These styles include loft, classic, country, hi-tech.

Mission Achievable: Affordable Furniture and Stylish Kitchen Interior Design

How much does a new kitchen cost? Is it possible to calculate in advance how much it will cost to replace a headset and buy new furniture? Indeed, often inexpensive kitchens, photos of which are presented on catalog pages, become 2 - 2.5 times more expensive by the time of purchase. Why is the price tag growing, and what influences the formation of the final price? In fact, it is realistic to equip a budget kitchen, but first you have to draw up a list of options that you can refuse without sacrificing quality and functionality.

The cost of arranging a kitchen: what and how much we pay

The most expensive purchases are new furniture and appliances. Redecoration (new flooring and wall painting) is inexpensive. It makes sense to make new wiring and replace old pipes, especially if the house is old and the pipes are made of steel or cast iron. You can also change the location of the key kitchen point - the sink.

Inexpensive, but stylish: kitchen furniture from IKEA

Furniture: canvas to create your own design project

Furniture: how the choice of material affects the price

The main component of the price for kitchen furniture is the material for making the facades. At the same time, externally, furniture facades with a significant difference in price can look exactly the same. Most budget solutions:

Laminated chipboard. An inexpensive material that is obtained by gluing a film on a chipboard. The main disadvantage of such facades is an unpleasant odor, the source of which is the adhesive composition with which the chips are impregnated during pressing. In addition to the specific aroma, slabs with poorly sealed joints can become the source of a more serious problem: the evaporation of volatile formaldehyde compounds. Therefore, when choosing furniture with a laminated chipboard facade, pay attention to the quality of the edge processing.

Laminated chipboard: ready-made set

MDF in PVC foil. Facades from MDF are 10 - 20% more expensive than from chipboard. But MDF can be used without restrictions in residential premises: the fibers of the internal structure are glued together with natural compounds. Plates are durable. Film facades are produced in various design options. The advantage is easy maintenance and durability. The disadvantage is the small thickness of the topcoat.

Film MDF facade: modular system

The most inexpensive materials are used in the manufacture of factory headsets in standard sizes. Factory furniture is always cheaper than a modular set or custom-made set. In industrial furniture production, parts are cut simultaneously for hundreds of sets, the amount of waste and scrap is minimal.

Standard kit 2 m long

Ready-made kitchens are produced in standard sizes. It is impossible to change the depth, width, completeness. Additional sections are also not sold separately. The ready-made set is suitable for the inexpensive design of a standard kitchen. The number of color solutions is limited.

If it is impossible to install factory furniture due to the technical features of the room, modular sets are chosen. Such furniture is practically no different from inexpensive ready-made headsets, but it is possible to assemble an individual option according to the size of the room.

Modular set with a facade made of MDF film

The choice of shades and textures of modular furniture is more diverse. In addition to standard MDF boards in a film, manufacturers offer facades, covered with plastic and painted with enamel boards. The cost of a painted facade is 15% more expensive than a film one. And plastic sheeting, which looks the same as PVC film, will cost 30 - 40% more.

Construction and fittings: what makes the headset more expensive

How to save money on furniture? First of all, decide on the size and shape. The most inexpensive kitchen design is a linear layout. If the dimensions of the room are from 9 m2, you can place two lines of furniture against parallel walls. Savings - on corner cabinets. If the length of the wall is from 2 to 4 m, then ready-made factory kits are suitable for installation. Standard headset sizes range from 1.6 to 4 m.

Minimum decor and glass: budget furniture

TOP 10 elements that increase the cost of a headset:

  1. Corner structures. Factory kits with a corner are rare, more often corner pieces are found in modular systems.
  2. Corner endings. Install corner cabinets and shelves only if there is an unaesthetic empty area against the wall and the cabinet frame is visible.

Modular set with corner end

  1. Glass facades. Decorative stained glass, glass, mirror doors of the top tier cabinets can increase the cost of furniture by 50%.
  2. Decorative items. Cornices, onlays, carvings, panels are elements that do not affect functionality. A modern set with blank facades does not need such decorations, and a classic or retro set is sure to be decorated.

Stained-glass windows and cornices: optional decorative elements

  1. Glass apron. To save on tiles, look for wall panels. If you choose a stove to match the countertop, then such a solution will look elegant and expensive.
  2. Printing on facades and apron. Photo printing, mosaic, painting - piece details in a single copy. The cost of work is high, the price of an apron made of laminated glass with a three-dimensional pattern or photo can be equal to the cost of furniture.

Expensive photo printing, bows and "exhibition" glasses: tasteless design

  1. Built-in illumination. It is not necessary to pay extra for the factory setting of the backlight. You can organize decorative lighting yourself: using double-sided tape and LED flexible tape.
  2. Fittings. If it is better not to save on the quality of hinges and fasteners, then on drawer closers, sensor elements, shock absorbers - quite.
  3. Internal filling. Drawers, drawers, grates and stands - filling for cabinets is expensive. A budget option - shelves in cupboards and one narrow cabinet with drawers for small accessories.

If necessary, internal parts and organizers can be purchased

Table top. The most economical set is ready-made, with separate top-slabs made of MDF. The second option, which will cost 10% more, is a solid MDF countertop plate. It looks like a monolithic stone surface. The standard thickness is 2.8 and 3.8 cm. An alternative is an artificial stone countertop, but the price of acrylic is 1.5 higher than the price of a particle board.

Countertop to match the facade: practical

Technical equipment: the required minimum

The choice of the type of equipment also determines the possibility of buying a factory furniture set for an inexpensive kitchen. A separate gas stove with a gas oven is an economy option. Finished headsets (lower tier) are measured taking into account the width of the standard technique - 60 cm.

Gas hob and built-in electric oven

If you try, you can find an inexpensive set of built-in appliances. But in this case, you will have to buy furniture element by element, it is better to order a set by size. Such a choice will help save space in small Khrushchev kitchens.

You can find a domino hob for 2-3 burners, and build an oven into a pencil case. Thus, space will be freed up on the working surface, and the washing machine will also be hidden in the lower tier.

Plumbing and renovation work: what you shouldn't save on

If you decide to save money on the countertop by choosing a surface made of MDF, pay special attention to the edges of the sink. Try to choose a model with wide sides that extend a few centimeters to the surface of the tabletop. With proper sealing, it will be possible to protect the edges of the cut board from getting wet.

Deep round sink with wide rim

Avoid saving on pipes and faucets. Do not buy a silumin mixer - in the kitchen, weak parts crumble, and such taps cannot be repaired. Buy a simple yet reliable stainless steel faucet. Pay attention to gaskets and thread material.

Check the integrity of the pipes before installing the furniture. It is advisable to replace the section from the kitchen entrance to the connection with the mixer hose with reliable metal-plastic or PVC pipes. Be sure to install a protective grid in the sink drain.

Sockets above the table top

If you plan to build in appliances, make sure in advance that the wiring can withstand the load and that the sockets are placed correctly.

Budget and Stylish Headsets: Mission Achievable

In small rooms, you can install both a ready-made set and order furniture according to an individual project. Most of the organizations that make custom-made kitchens provide free consultations and do not charge for preliminary calculations. If the kitchen has niches, protruding structures, or the area is so small that you cannot do without corner furniture, choose a custom-made set.

Inexpensive headsets can look chic

Choosing a material: the best solutions for a budget kitchen

Pay attention to the furnishings when choosing a set of inexpensive ready-made kitchens. Standard solutions:

  • Each component of the lower tier is equipped with a table top. Usually, the most budgetary plates with a thickness of 28 mm are installed. Minus - it is not possible to completely combine factory furniture without a gap, joints are visible on the surface.
  • One-piece monolithic table top with a thickness of 28 and 38 mm is offered at the customer's choice. If you do not plan to build in furniture, you can save some money. A thin slab will cost 20% less.

Don't forget to check the quality of the internal parts

The frame and internal parts of the furniture are assembled from chipboard, covered with the most inexpensive paper film. You cannot change the frame material. Try to carefully inspect the selected kit in the salon: pay attention to the edges. Remove one of the shelves in the cabinet, assess the condition of the end. If the shavings are not visible between the decorative film and the tape glued to the edge, you can safely order furniture.

Semi-matte finishing films do not need daily maintenance

Headsets made of MDF, covered with a film, may differ in price several times. The reason is the thickness, performance and aesthetic qualities of the coating. The most expensive are PVC films with an additional transparent "anti-vandal" layer. The budget option is a paper-based film that imitates the pattern of natural wood. The optimal ratio of cost and strength - for PVC films with a semi-matt and glossy surface.

Easily check the build quality along the line of the doors on the bottom edge of the cabinets

Be sure to check how accurately the details are cut. Don't listen to managers' excuses for not being tightened on purpose. It is impossible to correct the cutting defects. Order a headset whose details fit perfectly.

Ready-made kits: photos of interesting and stylish headsets

Trading platforms offer ready-made kits from 1.6 m in length at a price of 10 thousand rubles. If you want bright furniture with a cheerful pattern on the facades of the upper tier, prepare about 15,000 rubles, this is how much a set with straight facades in a glossy film 2.1 m long costs.

Bright set with a standard "strawberry" print

All ready-made economy class headsets are in the same price range. The price grows only with the increase in size, the addition of glass in the doors of the upper tier.

Solid color set with matte fronts

Extension kit up to 4 m: plastic facade

The disadvantage of ready-made kits is a small selection of facade shades. A significant disadvantage - in addition to all design options for hinged elements, they offer a single color scheme for the frame part. Naturally, the side parts of the furniture will be very different, or even contrast with the color of the facade. Be sure to consider shade compatibility when choosing a kitchen color.

You can select only the color of the facade film, and the color of the body does not change

Collecting headsets from modular collections: more individuality

Chic set of white gloss and printed facades

Modular systems provide more options for choosing colors, textures, sizes. The new collections have at least 2 depth options for the lower tier cabinets. In addition to standard elements, you can choose:

Set: three cabinets in the lower tier and two hanging elements on top

  • Open cabinets with shelving.
  • Additions in the form of bar counters, corner, radius cabinets.
  • Cabinets for building technology.

Bar set

The number of color combinations, from which you can choose, varies from 6 to 10. The number of colors of frame parts - from 2.

Modular headsets: a complete set for any room

In addition to elements of standard width, the collections include non-standard wardrobes with a width of 10 cm or more.

Modular kits are ideal for inexpensive corner kitchen designs. A properly assembled set will look like expensive custom-made furniture.

Corner set

Convenience of item-by-item assembly - in the absence of unnecessary parts. You can arrange the corner lower tier, and install the hanging elements of the upper tier only on one wall.

Corner set with a cabinet for a refrigerator

On order: laconic kits for non-standard premises

It is most difficult for the owners of non-standard, narrow, small kitchens to save on furniture. Even the smallest set cannot be squeezed into a tiny kitchen. The way out is to order a kitchen for a custom size.

Small kitchens: a challenge for a designer

Due to the tall blank cabinets, you can significantly increase the internal usable area by hiding all the kitchen utensils.

Linear typeface with complex geometry

Bright colors and gloss in combination with straight facades will make even a micro-kitchen elegant.

Even the windowsill is involved: an inexpensive kitchen for a small area

In low rooms, you can sacrifice overhead cabinets by replacing bulky structures with light open shelves.

Budget project for a kitchen with a low ceiling

Dining group design and budget decor

The furniture has been selected, it remains to add only coziness. The dining group is a small table for family gatherings, and several decorative details that emphasize the overall style of the kitchen.

A few touches and stylish decor: the secret of a designer kitchen

Dining group: kitchen corners and sets

If the furniture is in a corner layout, then you can choose as a dining group:

  • A soft corner sofa with a table.
  • Round, oval or rectangular dining set.

Small matching table with furniture and chairs with contrasting upholstery

When ordering furniture, consider customizing the dining area. For example, order a table-stand made of a material that repeats the pattern of the table top.

Peninsula table and decorative "lace panel"

A white table of a strict rectangular shape, simple chairs are an excellent addition to laconic furniture from IKEA. Finishing off with unusual gold pendant lights.

Set of elements with a dining group

In contrast to the glossy black and white furniture, there is an airy transparent glass table and weightless metal chairs with fabric upholstery.

Simple and stylish: cozy dining group

Corner sofa in pastel textiles and plastic round table: appropriate in any kitchen.

Minimum space: solution for small spaces

Lighting and decor: DIY design

There are many options to make the kitchen extraordinary and cozy. The fewer shades are combined in furniture facades, the simpler the textures and wall decoration, the more room for decoration.

Free decor: foam stool cushions

Take the contrasting shelf ladder, for example: a useful accessory. Be sure to make low sides so that the steps turn into real shelves.

Stylish shelving: old staircase

A decorative panel with bright ornaments looks great in a white small kitchen.

Instead of cabinets - an interesting drawing

Did you save on furniture? Great, a classic chandelier with crystal trimmings will become the center of an original and stylish kitchen. And the picture-clock will not allow you to doubt that the project was developed by a professional designer.

Modest furniture and immodest chic decor

Decorate the walls with colorful sets of printed paintings or photographs. A chip is a series of three elements of one photo.

Fruit pictures and bright chairs

Use wall decals. Vinyl decor is easy to stick on and pictures can be removed without leaving a mark on the wall.

Kitchen Wall Stickers

Remember, kitchen style is not determined by the amount of money spent on furniture, appliances and repairs. Competent stylistic layout, selection of "correct" shades and a sense of proportion are the main assistants of a novice designer. Doubt about the choice of furniture, it is difficult to calculate the number of necessary elements? Call a specialist. The preliminary calculation is free. Don't skimp on assembly: let craftsmen assemble your kitchen. If found to be defective, suppliers will replace the damaged parts under warranty.

Choosing an interior inside an economy class country house - the best ideas and photos

Nowadays, almost anyone can buy a building plot. Therefore, a rather wide circles of the population can afford a country house, especially since there are special government and regional programs. The problem is different. After its construction, there is practically no money left for interior decoration, and the process of settling in a new place is delayed longer than expected.

The photos of the interior of an economy class country house below will help the reader choose the best option for the interior of a country house, and they will certainly equip them with rational ideas.

The specifics of the interior design of a country house

One of its features is that country houses are much more spacious than buildings within settlements, not to mention apartments, even located on several levels. Consequently, they have many rooms that differ in purpose. Professionals do not recommend confusing styles and trying to combine incompatible decor elements together.

When choosing an interior option, it is advisable to focus on one thing. The only exception is for rooms of the "second plan", the so-called utility rooms. But here, too, you need to know when to stop.

The house is located not just on the site. Around it there is a peculiar rural landscape, even if we are talking about a small urban-type settlement. This leaves an imprint on its exterior design. The second feature is that the interior decoration should not conflict with it. Disharmony, even if significant funds are invested in the interior, will certainly affect literally everything.

Economy class interior options

For country houses, one of the three options is preferable. It is they who will allow you to achieve an excellent effect for little money. Of course, if you approach the matter wisely and "turn on" your own imagination, and not engage in blind copying of other people's ideas. The author reminds that the creation of an interior requires a creative approach, taking into account not only the specifics of the structure (number of storeys, layout, material of manufacture), but also the lifestyle of the owners.

Provence style house interior

Savings can be achieved due to the fact that predominantly natural materials are used in the interior. Of the relatively cheap, it is worth highlighting wood and fabrics. Moreover, in a variety of "modifications". For example, wicker, carved, or fabric-covered furniture. What is not a choice for a country house, when the mere presence of such chairs suggests that the building is located in the countryside.

Light, pastel colors will help to create an atmosphere of comfort and peace. No abrupt transitions, just "smoothness" that brings peace. And in everything - both in shapes and outlines, and in shades. Provence style decoration should carry elements of the elements of earth and wood. The best options are light brown, beige, light green (salad), white.

More flowers, even artificial ones. They can be not only in flowerpots, but also on wallpaper, panels, curtains.

For a Provence style interior, not only items that are several decades old are perfect, but also used furniture. The main thing is that it is not what is commonly called junk. Antique styling and poverty are completely different things. Even old things can be put in proper order, although the "dust of centuries" will still remain on them. This is especially appreciated in Provence.

Another feature is modesty. Here it resembles the style of minimalism. That is, everything should be selected so that there is nothing superfluous in the premises. The number of things and furnishings, the design of ceilings and walls - everything is rational and in moderation. In principle, this corresponds to the concept of an economy class.


Such an interior for a country house is one of the most economical. Distinctive features - simplicity, including a minimum of texture; correct shapes without intricate bends, curly forging and so on; almost complete absence of newfangled materials (plastic, colored glass, metals).

The floors are preferably wooden, made of planks. Wall decoration - clapboard or plaster (decorative). For a country house decorated in this style, liquid wallpaper is perfect, at least in certain segments.

A home will be a good element of the interior. Even if this is not a real fireplace made of stone, but an imitation of it. Such electronic devices are sold in a large assortment and are inexpensive. The external framing is easy to think over and do on your own. For example, made of artificial stone.

When choosing furniture items, you should focus on massive products, but not too high. They should not give the impression of a confined space. The countryside is spacious. It is desirable to achieve the same in the interior decoration.


Such registration does not require significant costs. The concept of an economy class implies that most of the technological operations when creating an interior are performed on their own.

Implementing a chalet style is not difficult. In fact, this is a small house located away from the bustle of the city. Everything should bring peace - soft colors, dim light, natural materials, sometimes a deliberately rude finish.

Lightness and naturalness, combined with nobility, should be felt in everything. Even the ceiling, if the floor is wooden, does not need to be finished. Is it possible to artificially age the tree and treat it with a dark varnish.

Open structural elements - posts, beams, lintels - are especially appreciated in the chalet.

Leather, fur, natural wool are perfect as finishing materials (for example, for furniture).

It is better to disguise modern household appliances. Therefore, furniture that has many cells that are closed by doors is well suited for the interior.

The examples given are only the most acceptable for a country house, from the point of view of the author. The reader may have his own views on the problem of his internal arrangement. I would like to note that there are no wrongs in this matter. Even one style has so many interpretations that it is sometimes difficult to determine exactly how the house is decorated inside.

The main thing is to know a sense of proportion and follow generally accepted rules. Unless, of course, initially it is not planned to shock the guests with something irrational, since it is not a fact that everyone will be able to appreciate the idea of ​​the owner of the suburban building.

Think, fantasize, evaluate your capabilities - and a good solution will surely come to you!

Budget economy class kitchens - 10 design ideas - design and home

The kitchen is a place where the convenience of furniture should be harmoniously combined with its practicality, but whatever one may say, it is sometimes much more difficult to achieve such a balance than it seems. There are a number of reasons that can turn into a real obstacle, and if in your case the main one is a very limited budget, many solutions will automatically be unavailable.

Nevertheless, high-quality economy-class kitchens can still please with their diversity, so that, with proper selection of the most suitable option, they will quite become an elegant solution for any financial opportunity. That is why we have prepared the 10 best design options for choosing a budget kitchen, but first you need to understand the main thing, namely, how to significantly reduce the cost of a kitchen.

How to choose a budget kitchen - phoenix kitchens

There are several options to solve the problem of high cost, but they all have their own specific features. For instance:

  • To achieve the desired result, it is important to choose the right material from which the budget kitchen is made. As a rule, this is a chipboard with a specially glued decorative paper on top, which implies the presence of any pattern or color. On the website of the Phoenix Kitchen brand, you can visually familiarize yourself with the numerous design options and choose the most suitable one for your interior;
  • A responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer is also important. Inexpensive economy class kitchens on sale, which are offered by the Phoenix kitchen company, are the most optimal choice from a quality manufacturer;
  • Most economy-class kitchens have an even symmetry, so you should immediately forget about models with elegant carvings;
  • And, finally, budget economy class kitchens are always classic models, without unnecessary components. and they very rarely imply a built-in technique (but not always).

Be that as it may, good design design is exactly what plays the most important role in buying such a kitchen, and, without a doubt, it is worth deciding on it even before making a much-needed purchase from the Phoenix kitchen company.

Below we will talk about how to choose the design of a budget economy class kitchen.

Black and white kitchen made of enamel and veneer - idea number 1

How to visually make the kitchen more attractive? Of course, focusing all your attention on the most important details. For this, the creation of a kitchen in strictly black and white tones is perfect, where the black color will gracefully emphasize the symmetrical contours of the entire design. An extremely skillful approach can be called the creation of countertops in a slightly oval shape, which, even with noticeable symmetry (which is good), will create a more unique atmosphere.

In addition, it is important to choose the right number of bedside tables and cabinets, and it is also imperative not to overload everything with unnecessary details. Budget kitchens look best precisely as corner solutions, and therefore, the best option is to create a solid wall suitable for any room size.

Pay attention to the lighting as well. Since the black lines and outlines are designed to focus the gaze on the overall picture of the kitchen, the white components should also look good against the general background. This can be achieved due to the slight "gloss" of the surface of the kitchen and in quite bright lighting (which is needed in any kitchen, even for security purposes), the design will become not only practical, but also extremely attractive.

Two-tone budget kitchen made of plastic and an attractive apron - idea number 2

Unlike the first option, this design opens up much more possibilities, since black should not be used to "guide the contours", but to carry out all the furniture in it completely. The countertops must be white, and the apron is best set in warm colors (blue, green or pink).

Most interesting of all, this choice looks exactly in small rooms, as it gives special comfort and removes the feeling of "isolation". The sink is necessarily square and you should not install a lot of kitchen equipment on the countertops (preferably at least at all).

Kitchen decoration with a minimal budget - idea number 3

Another high-quality design of a budget kitchen will be the creation of a completely classic sample of this room. What does this mean? Everything is extremely simple - furniture, drawers and countertops are specially made in the same tone, while the wall cabinets have a glass door.

This option favorably stands out among themselves by similar ones precisely at a radically low cost, but, as practice shows, after purchase, many simply repaint the bedside tables for themselves. Nevertheless, it is still important to take into account the mandatory observance of uniformity and correctly position all the drawers (the sink is closer to the corner, cabinets with glass doors between the usual ones and the stove is closer in the middle).

Red glossy plastic and small elements with glass - idea number 4

Since inexpensive economy class kitchens still have some limitations, the main manipulation, which allows you to make small decorative solutions, is precisely in the selection of the color palette.

Red or cherry color looks especially attractive in the kitchen, in which it is desirable to paint all the furniture in the room, as well as to choose the appropriate technique (identical or contrasting color). You should forget about a large number of small lockers right away. It is best to make them wide and add glass doors that do not open to the side, but upward.

Semicircular countertops and facades - idea number 5

Nothing increases the space as much as actually increasing it by installing a budget kitchen with semicircular facades. This is especially important in conditions of space saving, when it becomes necessary to simply make the interior more unusual.

The main feature of this option is oblong handles, the ability to harmoniously "fit" into the overall picture all the necessary kitchen tools and even herbs. Specifically white options look best with the creation of a darkened (or gray) apron, but if you want a different shade, you can choose blue or green.

A tree with unusual flowers - idea number 6

Whatever one may say, but the most attractive and comfortable kitchen design options will always be exactly those models that are made of wood, but it is still not necessary to spend money on them. Instead, it is quite smart to purchase an economy-class kitchen stylized as a tree, and if you compare two similar options, the budget option will not yield to it at all.

For its production, cheaper chipboard materials are used with gluing a special surface, and to add additional heat to the room, some components should be made in yellow (for example, according to the principle of a checkerboard sequence). As a result, it is of high quality and more than beautiful!

Black gloss - idea number 7

Another solution available is to use a pure black shade. A good offer is the Phoenix economy class kitchens, among which you will certainly find the right model. To create the most aesthetic appearance, every detail of this design is created exclusively in pure black and at the same time, the apron does not contrast with it. The handles are made in a silvery shade and are identical to the entire design, they have good mirroring. As a result, this approach solves the problem of harmoniously adding technology to the furniture itself, while the glossy surface visually creates much more space for the usual use of a personally designed kitchen.

Minimalism style - idea number 8

Whatever one may say, but the design in the spirit of minimalism is always good because it does not require large expenditures, and in the case of looking for an inexpensive kitchen, it can become a real "lifesaver". As you might guess, for its owner, such a model of furniture offers the quite expected monotony and, at the same time, a high-quality thought of the contours, which, most often, are complemented by stylish lighting.

To add more variety, some doors or countertops can be painted in a different shade of a similar color, and if the installed technique matches the given tone, the effect will be quite elegant!

Creation of an island zone and application of enamel - idea number 9

In order to bring some conveniences into a budget kitchen, it always needs to be equipped strictly for yourself. This option is also the model with the use of an island dining area, when a special table with chairs is placed approximately in the middle of the room, and the rest of the furniture has a pure white tint.

Among the advantages of such a design, one can single out a vivid example of high-tech direction, the convenience of placing all equipment and a special contrast against the background of greenery. In addition, the sink should be placed directly opposite the window, which will allow the cabinets to be installed as tightly as possible without losing visual space.

Backlit gray tones with integrated handles - idea number 10

You can argue for days about what exactly makes the kitchen as convenient as possible, but there will always be one result - the correct layout! The selection of this design option is the correct organization of the kitchen itself, the choice of the color palette and the lighting itself. To do this, the latter is installed directly under the upper drawers, which, against the background of a golden apron, brings an extremely unusual color combination to the design.

As the name implies, the handles in such models are fully integrated, which is ideal for modern kitchen appliances and simply adds additional convenience to the interior.

Save so as not to lose!

Private house, especially if it was built according to your project, it is a place for creative expression that will help unleash your design talent. You can arrange it however you want, choose the location and dimensions of the rooms so that they ideally match your tastes and preferences. For example, how can you arrange a kitchen in a private house? It is this question that Dekorin will answer you today. You will learn what the design of a kitchen in a private house with large and small sizes can be, how it can be combined with the living and dining area, and also see photos of real examples.

Kitchen design in a private house: modern design options

Let's take a look at some of the most popular kitchen design options in a private house:

  • Kitchen combined with a living room;
  • Dining room kitchen;
  • Corner kitchen in a private house;
  • Kitchen design with an island.

For each variety, we have selected photos of large and small kitchens, from which you can take an example when arranging the interior of your home.

Kitchen living room in a private house - photo in a modern style

The design of the living room kitchen in a private house, or, as it is also called, studio kitchens, is a trend design option, which is gaining more and more popularity due to the practicality and the possibility of correct zoning of the allotted space. This option will help to visually enlarge the interior of a private house, while simultaneously combining a recreation area and a kitchen. The living room combined kitchen is a great option for receiving guests and spending holidays. Note that special attention should be paid to a good hood in its design in order to minimize the penetration of food odors into the living room.

Kitchen dining room design in a private house - 10 beautiful photos

Much attention should be paid to the design of a dining room kitchen in a private house, especially if it has dimensions. After all, in it you will not only cook, but also arrange banquets or dinner parties with your family and friends. With the right design of the space, you can do several things at the same time: receive guests, maintain a conversation, and finish cooking treats. Note that in this case, too, due attention must be paid to the hood. For options for the original combination of the kitchen with the dining room, see the photo below.

Functional design of a corner kitchen in a private house

The corner kitchen has always been, is and will remain one of the most popular design options. This layout method is suitable for a kitchen of any size and allows the most useful use of the allotted quadrature, using a corner. It is compact, functional and beautiful. See for yourself by looking at the photo, what is the modern design of a corner kitchen in a private house.

Also read: Corner kitchen with bar counter - 25 design options

Kitchen design with an island in a private house - 10 photo ideas

What is meant by the word island? This is a separate furniture module from the furniture set, located in the center of the interior. Such a kitchen design in a private house is very convenient, since often the size of a private house allows you to use the design with an island, without visually cluttering the space. The island's countertop can be fitted with a sink, stove or hob. Note that the island can also be used to store dishes, kitchen accessories and various kitchen utensils.

If you are interested in the design of a small kitchen with an island in a private house, then you can get more ideas and photos in our article. 20 ways to create a small island in the kitchen.

Most city apartments in multi-storey buildings have a standard layout. As a result, their hostesses are unhappy with the location and size of some rooms, especially the kitchen. In a private house, kitchens are usually larger in size. They can easily fit a large and roomy kitchen set, all the necessary household appliances and still have a lot of free space, as in the images from the photo gallery. Planning a kitchen in a private house is an exciting experience that allows you to embody unique design solutions.

White kitchen interior in a country house

Features of designing a kitchen in a private house

Usually, the main distinguishing features of a kitchen in a private house from this room in an apartment are:

  • The presence of a large space that allows you to arrange a room for cooking in any style, fill it with all the necessary furniture;
  • Large window openings letting in a lot of sunlight into the room, as in the photo of a stylish kitchen in a private house, presented below;
  • Free layout, allows you to place the kitchen in unusual places, for example, in the attic or under the stairs leading to the second floor;
  • Beautiful landscapes from the window: on a flower bed, pool or decorative pond;
  • The possibility of installing a fireplace with live fire.

Kitchen design with large windows in a private house

The kitchen in a private house does not have to be large. Even in a small room, you can create a cozy atmosphere close to nature, as in the photo with the interior of the kitchen in a private house, created with your own hands.

White island kitchen in the attic of a country house

When designing a kitchen in a private house, you must first think about:

  1. Installation of a communication system: gas pipeline, water supply and sewerage system, to which it will be necessary to connect a sink, a gas stove and a dishwasher;
  2. The presence in the kitchen area of ​​a large number of outlets for connecting various small and large household appliances: refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee grinder, electric kettle, etc.;
  3. The installation of appliances that do not belong to the kitchen, but are often located in it in private houses: a gas water heater, a water heater, and others.
  4. Room ventilation system;
  5. Installation of an extractor hood for the extraction of steam, heat, burning, odors.

Small corner kitchen in a private house with a gas water heater

Creating a square kitchen interior

The square shape of the room is one of the most common. If such a room has a small area, then a compact headset of a straight or angular shape is placed in it. If the room is large, then you can purchase a large-sized kitchen wall, and make the work surface of the island type, placing it in the center. A spacious room can accommodate a dining area, and even a soft sofa, as in the photo of a kitchen in a private house with an interior from a designer.

A small table divides the kitchen into two full functional areas: a dining room and a work area for cooking

There are many ideas for creating an exclusive kitchen design of 25 sq. m in a private house, as in the photo. A large square, or almost square, room, if desired, can be filled with large-sized furniture, creating, for example, a luxurious baroque interior.

Baroque dining area

If the use of predominantly light colors is recommended for a small room, then a large room may not be limited to them. A large square kitchen made in black and white will look stylish. A photo of a similar kitchen-dining room in a private house can be viewed below.

Design of a black and white kitchen in a country house

Advice! The larger and more spacious the room, the more it is permissible to use dark shades.

Arrangement of a narrow rectangular kitchen

It is worth working hard on the interior of a narrow rectangular room. It needs to be filled with furniture so that it does not seem cluttered.

Narrow kitchen in light colors in a private house

If you plan to use the room only for cooking, then you can choose one of two ways to arrange furniture:

Having installed the kitchen set in the corner, in the opposite corner, preferably by the window, it will be possible to put a soft kitchen corner with a table.

Placing a work wall along a huge window

To prevent a narrow room from looking cluttered, you can abandon wall cabinets in favor of light shelves or install cabinets with a shallower depth. A practical option is to replace hinged cabinet doors with sliding doors.

Light stylish kitchen in a country house

High-tech kitchen design in a country house

Combined kitchen design

Often large kitchens, 25 sq. meters, combined with another room, usually a living room. One room may contain a kitchen set, a dining table with chairs, a sofa with armchairs, a coffee table, a TV and a rack, a wardrobe or a cabinet for storing various items.

Successful options for planning a kitchen-living room in a private house can be seen in the photo gallery.

Kitchen-living room design in a private house

When combining rooms, it is necessary to correctly delimit the space using one of the options:

  1. Furniture: work table, dining table with chairs or kitchenette, sofa, bar counter.
  2. Multilevel floor or ceiling. The floor in the kitchen, living room or island dining area is raised to form a podium. The ceiling in one of the zones can be distinguished using a suspended or tensioned structure.
  3. Drywall. From it you can create arches, curly partitions with niches.
  4. Sliding doors made of wood, plastic, frosted, clear or colored glass.
  5. Curtains, screens, movable partitions.

Multilevel ceiling in the design of the kitchen-living room in a country house

The spectacular design of the kitchen with a dining room and a living room in a private house can be seen in the photo.

Kitchen-living room design in a private house

You can combine the kitchen with a corridor, especially if it is long and runs along it. A series of arches or columns passing along the border of the corridor and the kitchen, in antique style or classics, will look majestic. A more modern option is transparent partitions.

Cozy country style in the interior of a country house

Work on the design of the walk-through kitchen

Sometimes the kitchen is located in a walk-through room, that is, when it has two doors: one, for example, leads to the corridor of the house, and the second to the garden. The main thing is that the passage from one door to another is completely free. You can highlight it with a carpet runner. The kitchen part of the room should be zoned from the checkpoint using a bar counter or a work surface. Sometimes the space is also divided by means of floor coverings of different types, colors or textures, as in the photo depicting a kitchen in a private house.

Walk-through kitchen in a private house with an island working area

It is definitely worth considering a lighting system for both parts of the room. The work area needs bright light, which can be provided by an LED strip. If the room has a dining area, then a low-hanging chandelier can be placed above it. Above the passage area, it is worth installing spot ceiling lights and a separately located switch.

Lighting above the working area in the walk-through kitchen

When choosing a kitchen layout in a private house, one should proceed from the size of the room, its shape, the location of doors and window openings. The placement of furniture should create comfortable conditions for cooking and eating. In addition, designing a kitchen interior in a private house with your own hands will allow the owner to reflect his character, his individuality in it. We must not forget that all family members should like the interior of the kitchen.

Photo gallery (50 photos)