Winter and summer modes of plastic windows: the advantages of customization and step-by-step instructions for implementation. Do-it-yourself window adjustment for winter Installing winter mode on plastic windows

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The air temperature in the room largely depends on the tightness of the window system. Timely regulation allows creating the most comfortable conditions in each room. As part of today's review, we will look at how to put windows in winter mode so that you can do it yourself.

Windows can work in various positions

The mode of modern plastic windows determines the degree to which the sash is pressed against the frame. May be:

  • standard at which the leaf has an average clamp position optimal for. The window system is able to work effectively in winter and summer. The eccentric is central;
  • winter. The closest fit of the sash to the frame is ensured. The winter position of the plastic windows allows you to more effectively retain heat inside the house;
  • summertime. The shutter locks less tightly. Air can circulate freely, providing a micro-ventilation effect. As a result, during the hot season, comfortable conditions are created in the apartment.

Why do I need to adjust the modes of plastic windows

Alternating summer and winter regimes of plastic windows, you can extend the life of the structure. In winter, the material is compressed, and as the air warms up, it expands. Adjustment of the window system changes the degree of pressing of the sash. As a result, the wear rate of the seal and fasteners is reduced.

Change the mode of the plastic window if:

  • from the side of the window is blowing. Incorrectly selected position will lead to the fact that in winter, cold air will come from the window system;
  • the sash does not open well or closes. An improperly selected position can contribute to jamming in the ventilation mode;
  • the leaf sagged. The cause may be critical wear of the loops. Replacing accessories or translating the design into winter mode, you can.
Advice! Learn from the wizard how to put double-glazed windows in winter mode immediately after installing the system.

Advantages and disadvantages of switching windows to winter mode

Timely change of window construction mode has a beneficial effect on the microclimate inside the house. Being in the winter position, the system will prevent the penetration of cold from the outside. The summer position will ensure active air circulation.

It should be remembered that the constant change in the operating system of the window system has certain disadvantages. Adjusting screws allow you to increase the degree of compaction of the window system. However, a constant change in the position of the fasteners can cause a loss of the basic characteristics of the sealing element. Strong compression, exposure to low temperature and high humidity can lead to the fact that after 2-3 seasons the sealant will become worse in fulfilling its main purpose. In some cases, it may even require replacement.

Attention! By refusing to change the operating system of the window system, you can increase the life of the seal at least twice.

What accessories has the function of switching to summer or winter mode

Before you figure out how to put plastic windows in winter mode, it is worthwhile to find out whether all structures have this function. The answer is no. It all depends on which class the hardware used belongs to. Allocate accessories:

  • budgetary. Such accessories are characterized by limited functionality, as it is designed for cheap plastic products. With its help, the sash can open / close. Separate models allow you to choose aeration. Budget fittings are most often used in large-scale construction, when it is necessary to reduce the cost of building a typical new building;
  • standard. The price is consistent with the quality. Products have a wider functionality compared to the budget option. Most models allow you to set the winter mode on plastic windows. Standard hardware is widely used in most window systems installed in buildings for various purposes;
  • specialized. Such products are intended for windows that are mounted in rooms operated in special conditions. They have special capabilities. May be anti-burglary. With their help, you can change the operating conditions of the window system.

What are the eccentrics (pins) for translating windows into various modes

An eccentric or trunnion is one of the fittings that is used to transfer the window system from one operating mode to another. The trunnions can have various shapes. As a rule, round or oval with a special hole for the tool.

How can I find out from my windows whether they have a winter regime?

Having purchased housing in a typical house, not every user knows if there is a winter / summer mode on plastic windows in his apartment. This can be checked by visual inspection of the accessories that the window system is equipped with. The trunnion located on the side of the sash deserves special attention. If the trunnion has key holes, or it has an oval shape, then such a system allows operation in various positions.

Preparing windows for winter mode

Before proceeding with the adjustment of the window system, a number of preparatory measures should be taken. This will require:

Advice! Timely care for double-glazed windows greatly simplify the process of transition from one operating mode to another.

Preparatory work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • glasses are washed;
  • the frame is cleaned of accumulated dirt. Particular attention is given to joints and joints;
  • hardware is being cleaned. To do this, use a hard brush;
  • all elements of the window system are thoroughly wiped;
  • accessories are lubricated with silicone grease;
  • the trunnion is attached to the required spatial position;
  • grease reapplied.

When and how to switch windows to winter or summer

When to transfer windows from one mode to another, each decides individually. If from under the closed sash "pulls cold", it stands. Do not rush, so as not to worsen the condition of the rubber seal ahead of time. It is also important not to overdo it, since tightening the eccentric sometimes leads to. As soon as the street gets warmer, you should immediately switch from "winter" to "summer". On how to switch Euro-windows to winter mode, we consider below in more detail.

How to adjust windows

Before setting the mode, the window system must be adjusted to avoid damage to the sealing element during sagging or skewing of the sash. Armed with a pencil with a soft rod, you should circle the closed sash around the perimeter. This should be done carefully, without putting much effort.

After opening the sash, measure the distance between the frame opening and the drawn line. The obtained values \u200b\u200bshould be in the range of 6 - 8 mm. Ideally, equal along the entire perimeter.

If the values \u200b\u200bdo not match in height, it is necessary to remove the decorative insert from plastic from the hinges and tighten the screws using the hexagon. If the bottom distance is less, then slightly unscrew the top screw, adjust the position of the sash and tighten the fasteners back. This action is repeated with a second loop. If the distance is shorter from the top, similar operations are performed with the bottom screw. The adjustment is performed until the desired result is achieved. As a result, all screws should be in approximately the same position.

Attention! A properly adjusted design should open without the characteristic sound of friction.

If horizontal displacement of the leaf is required, an adjustment screw is tightened in one of the hinges. Displacement can reach 3 mm. If you want to shift away from the loop, rotate counterclockwise. Otherwise - clockwise.

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Photo and video instructions

A sufficiently detailed verbal description does not always allow one to figure out how to translate windows into winter mode. Pictures with a detailed description or a master class recorded on video allows you to understand this much faster and better. We suggest choosing the most convenient way to perceive information so that it is easier to adjust the window structure at home.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode?

For those who do not know how to switch windows to winter mode, an instruction with a detailed description will help you perform the necessary steps quite accurately. It is necessary to prepare the necessary tools and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

To begin, consider in detail how to switch windows to winter mode with a hexagon. You can follow the following instructions:

PhotoDescription of work
Open the sash.
We prepare a 4 mm square key.
Adjust the position of the first cam.
Adjust the position of the second cam. If there are more, their position should also be adjusted.
The required position is determined by the notch. In winter mode, it should be closer to the rubber seal. In the photo there is a winter mode on plastic windows.
Turning the eccentric through an angle of 180 degrees will allow you to translate the windows into "summer".
Check if all the eccentrics are in the correct position. Their number can be determined by reciprocal levels.

Today, you can find plastic windows in almost any home. But not everyone is familiar with the operational capabilities of metal-plastic windows. Their characteristic feature is that there is the possibility of switching to winter or summer modes. Such a feature is associated with the variety of accessories used. Naturally, this function is not inherent in all PVC structures, but only to those whose installation involved modern fittings. We will understand its configuration.

Setting plastic windows in winter mode

When autumn is outside the window and you feel that cold air is passing through the closed sash of the PVC window, this indicates that it is time to switch the window structure to winter mode. But you should not do this without special need. This is due to the fact that the winter mode greatly wears out the rubber seal. (but the self-adhesive seal for the front doors looks like you can see) Also, do not tighten the eccentric too much. In this case, the window frame may be damaged. And in order to repair it, you have to pay a tidy sum.

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Before proceeding to direct adjustment, it is worth taking a number of simple, but very important actions:

  1. Using a damp cloth, remove dust from all joints and joints in the end part of the wings. You also need to pay attention to the frame. Do not allow dirt to penetrate the internal mechanisms of opening windows and hinges.
  2. Using a brush with hard bristles, remove dirt and dust from the surface of the hardware. It is also worth learning more about how
  3. Drive away dirt and used grease from rubbing elements with dry cloth.
  4. Replace gaskets if significant wear is observed. Also exists
  5. Process the adjusting screw to set the winter mode using special silicone grease. Also to pay attention to the loops.

But how to adjust the clamp of the plastic window, and how to do all the work yourself, it’s indicated

When all the preparatory measures have been completed, then you can go directly to the adjustment of the winter regime itself. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Find the place where the pins are located. The number of eccentrics is determined taking into account the dimensions of the sash. Most often there are 3 of them. It is necessary to find all the pins, because when changing modes, you will have to change the position of each.
  2. Since the previous grease had to be removed, a new one must be applied.
  3. To study a condition of pins. Find strips or other signs on their surface that will reflect the operating mode of the window structure. If the trunnions are oval, then you need to pay attention to their position relative to the horizontal.
  4. Turn each pin to the desired position. At the same time, it is worth doing, using a hexagon or pliers.
  5. Perform a validation transition. To do this, first place a sheet of paper, and then try to remove it from a closed window.

You may also find it helpful to learn more about which tool is needed for this.

Video: putting hardware in winter mode and adjusting it

On the video, the winter mode of the plastic windows:

Some manufacturers of PVC structures perform trunnions recessed into the sash. Before turning them, it is necessary to set them in the correct position, and then drown them again. The manipulation is similar to that which involves the transfer of hands on a mechanical wristwatch.

Performing the transition to winter mode, a long line should be concentrated in the direction of the street. And if there is an oval pin, then its location should be horizontal. Most people, even if there is a regime change in the PVC windows, do not apply this feature. And in vain, as this allows you to increase comfortable living conditions in the house.

In winter, a gap may form in the windows through which cold air will seep into the room. But with the onset of heat, the compression will have to be weakened, otherwise it may damage the seal.

But what should be the fittings for plastic balcony doors, and how it can be installed. help to understand this

How to switch to summer mode

The modes are used to ensure that the PVC window can adjust to the weather conditions that exist on the street. If the cold has already receded, then there is no need to retain heat and save on heating. But this requires reliable protection against dust, noise. In addition, during the summer heat it is so important that the window does not allow hot air to pass through.

The presented functions of the plastic window should be carried out even in the state when all the connections are relaxed. Slots do not form, but there is no too tight pressing.

So, when the window is warm and comfortable, then it's time to take care of switching the PVC window to summer mode. There are no difficulties here, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the following plan:

  1. Check the window to see what mode it is in.
  2. For the summer regime, a characteristic feature is the fact that a small gap is located between the wings. Thin paper sheet fits perfectly there. It is also worth paying attention to what exists.
  3. Thus, the fittings are not tightly pressed to the seal and can extend the life of the PVC window. The window is very necessary for such a kind of rest, and this applies even to the most modern and expensive designs.
  4. Next, you have to untwist the hexagon to the minimum possible.
  5. The eccentric is a special mount, thanks to which it is possible to convert the rotational motion into translational. Also due to it, the seal is loosened. It should be concentrated as close to the street as possible. Thus, it is possible to loosen the seal.
  6. You need to take a suitable key and just unwind the cam to the stop. It is imperative to verify that all eccentrics have switched to a new position.

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Video: switching and installing plastic windows for summer mode

On the video, the translation of plastic windows into summer mode:

It is believed that it is the summer mode that is the most sparing for PVC windows. Do not worry about the fact that air will pass through the formed gap, dust or hot air will actively warm the room. Window construction will perfectly perform the tasks and without the ultimate tight compression.

But here is what the hardware for maco plastic windows looks like, and how it installs on the window, outlined

The high popularity of PVC windows has led to the fact that almost every house has these structures. But just installing windows is not enough. It is important to learn how to operate them correctly. Only then can you create comfortable conditions in the house and at the same time extend the life of the plastic window. A characteristic feature of the care lies in the adjustment of the winter and summer regime. This process does not take any difficulties, and you can set the appropriate mode in 10-15 minutes. But after that, you can at the same time create normal living conditions and at the same time extend the life of the window accessories.

Seasonal colds are approaching, and you feel that, despite the fact that you have exchanged old frames for modern plastic, the wind is blowing around the apartment. Usually in such cases, manufacturers and craftsmen do not have flattering words.

In fact, most often they’re not guilty, or guilty only because they forgot to tell

Winter and summer window mode

Many owners of double-glazed windows do not even suspect that the windows of modern manufacturers are seasonally adjusted.

In summer, for normal air circulation, a larger gap is required between the window sash and the frame, so that air passes through it, which prevents the windows from fogging and ensures air exchange in the room even when the window is closed. If the accessories of the double-glazed window are in summer mode, the window handle turns easily.

In winter, if at least slight blowing is felt, it is necessary to adjust the fittings. To do this, the gap between the sash and the frame must be minimized to ensure tightness and keep warm in the apartment. If there is no draft, then the windows can be left in summer mode.How to switch windows to winter mode yourself ? Is it realistic to do this without qualified assistance?

Signs of winter and summer adjustment

Open the frame and see if there are trunnions at the end - these are special eccentrics with which you can adjust.Winter and summer window mode depends on the position of these pins.

Often owners of plastic windows ask the question: "Is it possible to adjust and leave the frame forever in the winter mode?" Manufacturers do not recommend doing this, since in doing so, the seal will fail much faster. That is, the window will need repairs. In addition, the windows will "cry" in the summer due to the lack of normal heat transfer, and this will also shorten their service life.

How to adjust the window

The wizard should explain to you how to translate windows into winter mode during the installation of double-glazed windows. If this does not happen, we will try to figure it out together.

So, the trunnions are discovered. By the way, they need to be seen from both ends of the window sash. In the middle of the eccentric there should be a hole for a hexagon, a Phillips screwdriver or a regular screwdriver. It happens that the hole is just round, then they will help to cope with the adjustment of the pliers.

We take the tool and with it we turn the pin clockwise until it stops. This should be done very carefully, without making much effort, otherwise your actions can lead to damage to expensive parts of the structure.

If you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, you should initially seek help from a specialist who will show on the spothow to put windows in winter mode. Instruction given to them during adjustment, and will be your support in the future.

Budget option of double-glazed windows

Not all windows have functional adjustment mechanisms. If you have a budget version of a double-glazed window, then usually the window accessories are used the simplest, respectively, and seasonal change of modes can not be carried out.

Step-by-step instruction

How to switch windows to winter mode:

1. Best to start by cleaning the entire moving frame structure. It is convenient to do this with a hard brush and a soft, damp cloth.

2. Carefully inspect the frame and find all the pins. The larger the opening flap, the more eccentrics will be on it. Prepare the desired tool: hexagon, sprocket, screwdriver or pliers.

3. Using the tool, carefully rotate each pin in a clockwise direction by several millimeters, all of them should be in the same position.

4. You can check the result in two ways:

The rotation of the window handle will be made with great effort. This suggests that the hardware is correctly adjusted.

You can take a regular sheet of paper, stick it between the sash and the frame and close the window. If the window is closed tightly, then pulling the sheet, you will tear it, if you can stretch the sheet, it means that the sash and frame are not pressed tightly together.

How to prepare plastic windows for winter

It’s not enough to know how to turn windows into winter mode , it is also necessary to perform several simple manipulations to extend the service of double-glazed windows.

- If there is a mosquito net, it is better to remove it, clean it from dust with a vacuum cleaner, wash it with warm water and soap and, packing it, remove it for the winter.

- Rinse the window frame and the double-glazed window using special tools or dishwashing detergents. The procedure should be carried out with a soft cloth.

- Lubricate all moving parts of the frame with special tools or machine oil starting from the top. After processing, close and open the window several times so that the grease is evenly distributed.

- Adjust fittings.How to switch windows to winter mode, you already know.

- Carefully inspect the rubber seal, check for cracks and damage on it. If any are found, replacement is required. Also hardened sealant will not cope with its function. If it is safe and sound, it is recommended to lubricate it with silicone or glycerin grease, having previously washed it with dishwashing detergent or soap.

I want to believe that, now, having learnedhow to switch windows to winter mode , you will no longer freeze even in the coldest winter.

When buying plastic windows, always pay attention to the presence of a winter regime in the structure. Window installations from Rechau have long used such a function in manufacturing.

It is worth noting that not all windows can be switched to summer-fall modes. This is typical for more expensive models, which have not only the functions of opening and closing. Windows Rehau just belong to this category of these products.

What are the modes for?

In winter, the windows should fulfill the function of maintaining heat in the room. This is very important, because not all models are resistant to a strong drop in temperature. In summer, it is important that dust and dirt from the street do not enter the room, as well as access to fresh air.

To find out if your window construction is equipped with such functions, you need to inspect it. There should be a hole on the side of the sash, it is on the trunnion.

Windows in winter mode must be translated in such cases:

  • if air started to flow through the window, or the window is unstable to cold temperature in the normal mode;
  • if the density of the window cannot hold air in;
  • the room temperature has become too low.

Windows from the manufacturer Rehau are quite easy to translate into winter mode, you just need to follow the instructions. First you need to completely clean the window from contamination, especially with regard to fittings. Cleaning can be done with a special brush.

If the grease on the structural parts is out of date, replace it. This will significantly speed up the process and help to adjust the mode as accurately as possible. Then, go in for the adjustment of the necessary sashes. Find all the trunnions on it (their number depends on the size of the window).

In order for the seal to press properly, it is necessary to translate all the levers. It is worthwhile to carefully examine all the trunnions, as modes can be marked on them. To rotate the pins, use a screwdriver and pliers, or a hexagon. Turn each of the levers as much as possible.

To check the correctness of the operation, close the window. If the closing has become tight, then the function is configured. Try inserting a piece of paper between the sash and frame. If then the sheet could be pulled out without much effort, something was done incorrectly.

It is best to check the availability of modes immediately before buying windows. Then you will be advised on all issues and given a couple of tips on setting up functions.

Window adjustment. Switching hardware to winter mode:

The instructions contained in this article will help to find out what position the trunnion is in and figure out how to put the windows into winter mode without resorting to calling the wizard to the house. The text provides an overview of the features and characteristics of window fittings, tips on its use and proper adjustment, as well as visual video and photos with a clear description of this procedure.

Metal-plastic double-glazed windows are widely used for glazing apartments and private houses. Such structures have the ability to make adjustments and establish the degree of pressing of the sash. Thanks to such adjustment of the PVC windows, the system can be switched to winter or summer seasonal mode. This feature is very convenient, although not all owners know about it.

The availability of the adjustment function depends on the type of hardware used. This feature is not inherent in every type of window, but only in modern modifications. There are several modes. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Standard, summer and winter modes of plastic windows

Standard mode assumes the middle position of the sash. This means that the eccentric will be located in the middle. The window structure installed in this mode, in most cases, is able to work effectively both in winter and in summer. This ensures an optimal level of compression of the sealing material.

In winter mode, windows are characterized by a more snug fit of the sash to the frame. Due to this, in the cold season, metal-plastic structures effectively retain heat, keeping it indoors.

Summer mode is characterized by less dense fixation of the sash. In this position, air flows freely between the environment and the room. In other words, the effect of micro-ventilation is ensured, due to which the optimal microclimatic conditions are preserved in the heat.

Note! Using the summer mode allows you to weaken the sash as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the state of metal-plastic windows that survived a long winter. At the same time, it remains possible to protect the room from dirt, dust and heat.

Why adjustment of plastic windows is necessary for the summer and winter mode

The transition from one mode to another allows you to save the window structure in a functional state and extend its service life. Adjustment involves changing the degree of fit of the sash to the window frame. In the winter season, the insulation material is compressed, and in the summer it expands. It, like all fasteners, can be protected from wear and tear with the help of adjustment, video and photo materials with instructions describing how to do this, the network is enough.

Sometimes during operation, the sash is displaced. When it is warm outside, this does not cause inconvenience, but in winter, due to this, the temperature in the room can significantly decrease. If this happens, check the condition of the frame. During the installation of metal-plastic windows, the masters check the position of the flaps in each of the modes, as well as the absence of gaps between the parts. However, a perfectly completed installation is not a guarantee that the wings will not part with time.

If the installation of windows is done in early spring or winter, the structures are subject to external influence:

  1. There is an increase in temperature on the street.
  2. Under the influence of climate change, plastic begins to expand.
  3. There is a decrease in temperature on the street.
  4. Under the influence of temperature changes, plastic decreases in volume, while it is not always able to take its original shape.

Similar processes occur if windows are installed in the summer. But first, the material contracts when the temperature drops, and then expands. At the same time, it is impossible to avoid changes in the technical characteristics of the product, so often gaps appear in the windows.

The need to switch plastic windows to winter or summer can be due not only to seasonal transition, but also to a number of other reasons:

  1. Drafts from the window, carrying frosty air and dust in the summer in winter.
  2. Sagging sash due to hinge wear.
  3. Sash jamming in ventilation mode.

Note! During the operation of the windows, the sealing material is subject to severe wear. Therefore, it is very important to timely adjust plastic windows with your own hands when switching to winter / summer modes.

How to check the possibility of adjusting plastic windows for the winter

The ability to switch between summer and winter modes is provided by special fittings. The availability of this function depends on the class of these parts.

There are several types of components:

  1. Budget hardware - parts that have the lowest cost and are solely responsible for opening and closing the window structure.
  2. Standard hardware - the package contains standard and anti-burglary parts, allowing you to prepare the window structure for summer or winter.
  3. Specialized hardware - includes anti-burglary and specialized parts that allow the translation of plastic windows in winter or summer mode.

Most modern manufacturers produce standard and specialized accessories with the function of switching from one mode to another.

Most popular brands:

  • Siegenia Aubi;
  • Maco
  • Roto.

During installation, the user is not always provided with detailed information about the functionality of the hardware filling. To find out whether a transition between modes is provided for in the window structure, the appearance and marking of the configuration, namely the trunnion, should be studied.

An eccentric or trunnion is one of the elements of furniture filling that allows you to adjust the degree of pressure of the sash against the frame of the metal-plastic window. This part is placed on the side.

If the trunnion contains special holes for the key, then the design has an adjustment function. This can be easily seen even in the photo of plastic windows, which are many on the network. As a rule, marking is marked with an image of a hexagon, screwdriver or asterisk. In some cases, the regulating part has an oval shape, which also indicates that the window can be operated in different modes.

How to determine which plastic window mode is set: winter or summer

Before adjusting the plastic windows for the winter, it should be established in what position the fittings are installed. There are several ways to help you know how the sash is placed. In each case, the technique depends on the shape of the pin.

How to determine before setting the hardware the winter mode of plastic windows:

  1. A sheet of paper is taken.
  2. It is placed between the sash and the window frame so that one of the tips remains from the side of the room.
  3. The window is closing.
  4. Then you should pull the sheet towards yourself.

If the paper is easy to pass, then the design is set to operate in summer mode. Otherwise, it will tear.

Useful advice! Manufacturers of metal-plastic structures are advised to operate the windows in summer mode year-round. If there is no reason to switch to the winter position of the sash, this procedure is not necessary.

In addition, there is a method that allows you to visually determine whether the winter mode is installed on plastic windows, photo examples with markings can be easily found on the Internet. According to this method, it is necessary to find markings in the form of a dash, asterisk or dot on a round pin. Next, determine the direction of this mark. If the marking points towards the room, it means that the windows are in summer operation mode. If the mark looks towards the street, then the design is configured for winter mode.

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The trunnions are not only round, but also oval. The operating mode in this case is determined by the nature of the placement of the eccentric. If it is rotated vertically, it means that the windows are set for summer weather. In the horizontal position, the trunnion presses the sash against the frame as tightly as possible, which indicates the winter regime.

Having determined the position of the sash, we can proceed to resolve the issue of how to put the windows into winter mode; video instructions describing this procedure are presented in large numbers on the network.

How to perform adjustment of plastic windows in winter / summer modes: video review and description

To find out how plastic windows are regulated, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions, study the descriptions and videos, which can later be used as a visual aid. If the work will be carried out without the help of a specialist, it is very important to fully understand the essence of the matter and act as carefully as possible, since there is a risk of spoiling the fittings with a careless movement.

How to put windows in winter mode operation: photo and description of the preparatory phase

Preparation of the window for configuration begins with cleaning. To perform this procedure, you need a certain set of tools and devices.

This list includes:

  • a mop equipped with a telescopic handle;
  • means for washing window panes;

  • paper napkins or towels;
  • means intended for cleaning accessories;
  • silicone based grease;
  • brush or hard brush.

Useful advice! If you constantly take care of the double-glazed windows and keep them clean, before you adjust the plastic windows for the winter, you will not have to spend a lot of time preparing them.

Preparation of the window structure is as follows:

  • glasses are washed out;
  • the frame is wiped;
  • contaminants at joints and joints are removed;

  • with a brush or a hard brush, the hardware is thoroughly cleaned;
  • all window elements are wiped (especially areas with grease);
  • by applying a few drops of silicone grease, the hardware is processed;
  • the position of the trunnion is determined;
  • the trunnion is set to the required position;
  • re-applied lubricant;
  • all loops are lubricated.

After all the above manipulations are completed, the result is checked using a sheet of paper.

How to transfer windows to winter mode: photo and recommendations

To adjust the fittings on the double-glazed windows, you will need a special tool. Experts recommend having:

  1. Pliers.
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Hex wrench.

The necessary tool should be purchased immediately after the purchase of windows, as the need for their adjustment may arise suddenly. Sometimes eccentrics do not protrude, and many owners search the network for videos on how to adjust plastic windows with similar features. The secret is to pull the pin out. After that, it can already be configured. When the eccentrics are set to the desired position, they should be recessed in the sash again.

Experts do not recommend changing modes in the first year of operation of windows. In new designs, the sealing material has not yet been subjected to wear, so you should not increase the mechanical stress on the hardware and adjust it. If the winter in the region does not differ in too low temperatures, the operation of double-glazed windows in summer mode is allowed. While winter adjustment should not be left for the summer, as in this mode, accelerated wear of the sealant will occur.

Note! The regime change is allowed to be performed no more than 2 times a year. Moreover, the length of the winter period of operation is much shorter than the summer.

Adjusting the plastic windows: how to adjust the sashes horizontally and vertically

Regardless of the mode of operation, it is not allowed that the sashes of the structure have a bias. Sometimes you have to resort to correcting their position in order to properly configure the accessories. Sagging or skewing reduces the life of the seal. To work, you need a pencil with a soft stylus and a ruler. All manipulations with the window must be performed very carefully, otherwise you can spoil the plastic.

Window preparation for sash adjustment:

  1. The design closes.
  2. The shutter is circled with a pencil around the perimeter (marks are applied to the frame).
  3. The window opens.
  4. The distances between the frame opening and marked lines along the entire perimeter of the structure are measured.

From all sides the indicators should be the same. A slight deviation is allowed, but not more than 7 mm. If the level of the left edge is underestimated in relation to the right, or vice versa, you need to adjust its position. To do this, you need to remove the decorative insert and tighten the screws that are installed in the lower part.

In some cases, there is a need to raise the sash. To do this, the upper screw is twisted halfway. If the sash placement level is too high, the fasteners are twisted ¼ turn. If it is clearly understated, the bolt is twisted вы turn. Horizontal adjustment of the valves is carried out by screws that are located on the hinges.

How to adjust the horizontal windows horizontally:

  1. The window opens.
  2. A hole is found whose configuration matches the hex key.
  3. The screw rotates smoothly until the leaf is aligned to the desired position.
  4. Verification in progress.

To check the quality of the settings, close the window structure. If you need to reduce the distance between the hinge and the sash, the Allen key must be turned clockwise. If the distance between these elements is too small, then the tool rotates counterclockwise.

Important! Strong horizontal displacement of the window is not allowed. The maximum allowable figure is 3 mm (in either direction).

Possible problems with plastic windows and methods for solving them

You can check the quality of the work done not only with a sheet of paper, but also by ear.

A well-adjusted window behaves as follows:

  • nothing interferes with the free opening of the wings; they close unhindered;
  • there is no creak, rattle, or other extraneous sounds;
  • all screws holding the sash in the desired position are screwed in approximately the same way;
  • around the entire perimeter of the window, the sealing material has the same thickness and shape;
  • after opening / closing the sash, the sealing material returns to its original shape.

Changing the operating mode of the construction is sometimes accompanied by problems. If the roller does not rotate, it may be necessary to pull it out of the groove on the lock by turning it 90 °. If this does not help, lubricate the part with WD-40. This grease has the appearance of an aerosol mixture in a spray can. It is designed to handle joints and threads.

If the drafts do not disappear from the window during the transition to winter mode, then the seal has reached the end of its service life. Replacing this material is very easy. It is enough to remove the old seal from the frame and grooves of the sash and insert a new one in its place (by hand or with the help of a blunt spatula). Since the material is welded to the profile in the corners, you will have to cut it to remove it.

The information contained in this article clearly explains how to put windows on winter mode. Video, photo materials and detailed descriptions of the procedure allow you to fully understand the features of the adjustment of double-glazed windows. Using this data, you can quickly and easily provide warmth and comfort in your own home when the windows are cold.

On the one hand, such manipulations promise benefits, reducing heat loss through the window structure, and on the other hand, as a result of adjustment, the seal quickly wears out.

How to transfer plastic windows to winter mode: video-instruction