DIY lighting for the aquarium. We illuminate the aquarium with LED lamps. DIY do-it-yourself aquarium lighting for the herbalist

Aquarium is one of the most impressive and brightest decorations of each interior. Unfortunately, it cannot do without additional illumination. This is due to the fact that daylight is simply not enough for its residents, even if the aquarium is placed by the window. In addition, a properly designed mini-pond will be an excellent source of additional illumination in the house. We will tell you how to make lighting for the aquarium with your own hands, so that it perfectly fits your water pets and blends harmoniously into the overall interior.

Why is light needed?

According to the laws of nature, an ecosystem is formed in the water column, based on which there is a close relationship between aquatic plants, various microorganisms, and its other inhabitants. As for fish, this is the last link in this ecosystem, which also requires the presence of an additional light source for normal life. In addition, light plays a huge role in the development, activation of growth and reproduction of aquatic plants. This is due to the process of photosynthesis, during which the plants process carbon dioxide, which is located in the water column. Thus, water is enriched with oxygen, which fish breathe. If there is not enough light, then the plants begin to fade and cease to multiply.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that green and purple aquatic plants in the aquarium do not absorb the entire spectrum, but part of the range.

In order to make a lamp for the aquarium with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that different types of lamps emit different spectral ranges. That is why it is very often used for additional lighting of the aquarium, a combination of them, and not separately.

Important! In the cold season, with the help of additional illumination, the duration of daylight increases. But lighting the aquarium is not recommended for more than 10 hours, so the light should be turned off at night.

How to determine if there is enough light for the inhabitants of the aquarium?

The main sign of good illumination of the aquarium are plants of saturated green color, with various shades of yellow, purple and brown. Fish, in turn, are active and playful, and their scales will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

Important! Due to the violation of the eco-balance, which depends on the purity of the water and proper lighting, the water begins to bloom and becomes dull green. Accordingly, fish lack oxygen, they begin to actively take air at the surface.

If after installing additional illumination after 2-3 months, the inhabitants of the aquarium feel comfortable, this means that the lighting has been installed correctly.

Important! Sometimes, in order to enhance the effect, diodes of blue and green colors are added to the backlight. It is used solely for decorative purposes. Unfortunately, such lighting is often not recommended to be turned on, as it negatively affects the photosynthesis of plants and inhibits fish.

How to calculate the lighting power?

In order to make the aquarium illumination with your own hands, you should first calculate the lighting power, since the livelihoods of its inhabitants directly depend on this:

  • The standard is the total power of all LED lamps about 1 W, but the amount of water should be in the range of 20 liters-2 tons.

Important! 0.2 W LEDs are mainly used to illuminate the aquarium.

  • As for a more accurate determination of the number of lamps, there are quite complex calculation formulas. For example, an aquarium with a volume of 200 liters will need an LED strip with the number of paws of 30 pieces or individual point LEDs of about 25-40 pieces and a power of 3 watts.
  • In practice, the ratio of 0.5 W per 1 liter of water is considered the most correct. But it, unfortunately, is not accurate, since the higher the walls of the aquarium, the more difficult it is to illuminate the water column at the bottom. In addition, you can visually define this parameter. Plants should be lit evenly and to the bottom.

Important! Please note that the spectral range of lighting with LED lamps is of great importance for the inhabitants of the aquarium. This is due to the fact that they use a purple-blue and orange hue. Therefore, combining fluorescent lamps and LED lighting, you can get a full-fledged backlight that will be comfortable for all residents.

Choosing aquarium lighting

Most often, the following types of lighting devices are used to illuminate indoor mini-ponds.

Halogen lamps

They are quite economical, shine brightly, while emitting a little heat. Such lamps are made on the basis of mercury, so they are rarely used for lighting aquariums. But as an alternative to incandescent lamps, halogen ones will be quite appropriate.

Conventional incandescent lamp

It gives a yellow spectrum that is acceptable to the inhabitants of the pond. Unfortunately, this spectrum is not enough for tall aquarium plants. As for leafy ones, under such lighting they gradually fade and turn pale.

Important! If the incandescent lamp shines too brightly, then the water begins to bloom.

Such illumination additionally heats water and glass, thereby creating discomfort for the fish. Therefore, it is not recommended to use an incandescent lamp as an independent lighting device, but it is better to combine it with others, for example, fluorescent ones.


They are quite durable and economical. Due to the fact that the light from such lamps is scattered, the spectrum of lighting also becomes wider. The aquarium needs a standard proportion of 0.5 W / liter, and several additional bulbs are placed along the entire length of the aquarium.

Important! For the Dutch type of aquarium, with the presence of lush vegetation, choose incandescent lamps with a capacity of 1800 K and 1200 K.

LED lamp

This is the best option. This is due to the fact that they are economical, while not warming the water. Making LED lights in the aquarium with your own hands is easy. The dispersion will be more uniform, due to which the lamps do not harm plants and do not cause discomfort in fish.

Important! Due to the large assortment of different colors, you will have the opportunity to combine and create a variety of design effects.

LED Strip Light

It is mainly used as an additional element for lighting an aquarium. Due to the lack of spectral range, LED strip should be combined with other lighting devices.

How to install lighting for an aquarium?

  • It is best to set the lights on top and near the front wall of the aquarium.
  • In addition, it looks very organic when home ponds are mounted in cabinet furniture, and the lid for feeding fish is placed on top.
  • Also, the original solution will be special whatnots, which are made of a profile with backlighting in front.
  • Quite often, special cabinets are used as a stand, where the backlight is made in the form of a cover.

Important! If the lighting is mounted above the aquarium in a cabinet, then it should be covered with glass at the time of installation so that nothing gets into the water and does not disturb fish and other aquatic inhabitants.

To optimize the consumption of electricity, a special thermal relay is placed on the heaters, and an electric timer is placed on the lighting, due to which they turn on and off the light without additional human intervention.

Important! When installing the aquarium lighting with your own hands, it is very important to take into account the origin of its inhabitants. For example, tropical fish need warm water and long-term lighting.

How to make a LED lamp for the aquarium with your own hands?

You can make your own LED lamp for a home mini-pond in two ways.

Method number 1

This is the simplest option in which you can equip a lighting cover equipped with special bulbs. To do this, it is necessary to fix a white LED strip around the perimeter. Due to this, you will get an optimal range and uniform illumination.

Important! For these purposes, it is best to use a plastic-dipped self-adhesive LED strip.

Such lighting is often used for decorative purposes. Unfortunately, it cannot be used as an independent source of lighting for an aquarium.

Method number 2

It consists in collecting full-fledged LED lighting for the aquarium of sufficient strength without connecting additional generators and sophisticated equipment.

Important! For an aquarium with a volume of 200-300 liters, 120 watts is considered sufficient power. This implies 40 spotlights of 3 watts each at 270 lumens. As a result, you get quite bright and full coverage.

The cost of this design varies, depending on the quality and price position of the LEDs and power supplies.

For self-installation of this backlight, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • A set of LED lamps;
  • 100 mm wide gutter plastic;
  • Power supply 12 volt;

Important! You can use a computer power supply to make the lights for the aquarium.

  • Soft wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm;
  • 6 computer coolers;
  • 40 pieces of seats for LEDs;
  • Mill for machining holes with a diameter of 48 millimeters.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut 2 gutters equal to the length of the aquarium.
  2. Drill holes in a checkerboard pattern with a frequency of 1 meter 20 pieces.
  3. Insert the LED lamps into the finished holes, fix them.
  4. Connect all the lights to the power supply.

Important! Computer coolers are installed in the presence of large fumes and high heating of the lighting cover.

In order for the inhabitants of the aquarium to delight you daily with their beauty and activity, it is very important to provide them with proper care, which includes well-installed lighting. Putting into practice the advice of our experts, you can correctly calculate the required number of lighting fixtures and their power, and your small home pond will become not only the main highlight of the interior, but also a favorite place to gather the whole family.

Aquarium is one of the most impressive decorations of any interior, and it cannot do without lighting. There is not enough daylight for guests from the water tropics, even when the aquarium is standing at the window, especially for a large aquarium in the back of the room. A well-designed mini-pond is one of the additional elements of artificial lighting in the apartment. DIY aquarium lighting is easy to do, for example, using LEDs.

Why do you need light in the aquarium

In the water column, its own ecosystem is formed, it is based on the relationship between tropical aquatic plants, microorganisms and other inhabitants. Fishes are the last link in this ecosystem, but all of them need additional light for normal life. It is light that plays the decisive role in the development, reproduction and activation of the growth of aquatic plants. The process of photosynthesis, in which carbon dioxide from water is processed into plants, enriches water with oxygen, and fish breathe it through the gills.

Without enough light, plants grow dull and degrade, stop propagating by cuttings and layering. The water must be well saturated with oxygen, otherwise the life of mollusks, crustaceans, fish and other inhabitants of the artificial water area is not possible. Green and purple aquarium plants do not absorb the entire spectrum, but part of the range.

Different types of lamps emit a slightly different spectral range, so they are often used to illuminate the aquarium with a combination of fluorescent, LED, halogen and incandescent lamps. In winter, with their help, increase the duration of daylight hours over a glass pond, like the tropics, but you should not light up the aquarium for more than 10 hours a day, and turn it off at night.

How to find out if there is enough light for the inhabitants of the aquarium

A well-illuminated aquarium, preferably from the front to the top, always pleases the eye - plants are saturated green with shades of brown, yellowish and purple. Tropical fish are playful and active, and their scales shine with all the colors of the rainbow. However, due to the violation of the eco-balance, which directly depends on the purity of water and lighting, aquarium troubles happen. Water sometimes blooms and becomes cloudy green, improperly selected light provokes the growth of unicellular green algae. When fish in turbid water greedily grab air near the surface - this is a lack of oxygen with an excess of lighting.

If after installing the backlight and after 2-3 months, all the inhabitants of the aquarium are still quite comfortable, then this indicates optimal lighting. Signs - the water is clear, fish are interested in food and reproduction, and plants are actively growing. It happens, and vice versa, when it is a little dark in the aquarium - the plants grow dull and degrade, becoming covered with a black beard, the appearance is not happy, and everything speaks of its pollution and lack of light.

Tip: Sometimes, green, red or blue diodes are added to the backlight to enhance the effect. This is spectacular, but it makes sense only occasionally if guests come to you or for mood. With constant use, such experiments are unacceptable, and unnatural illumination depresses fish, negatively affects plant photosynthesis. Although the aquarium is an element of additional illumination in the apartment, but for its inhabitants it is still their home. Such a disco, instead of simply lighting the aquarium with LED strip, harms the health of the inhabitants.

Lighting power calculation

It is usually recommended that the total power of LED lamps be about 1 W, but the amount of water in a home aquarium can be from 20 liters to 2 tons. 0.2 W LEDs are most often used for backlighting. To determine the number of lamps above your aquarium, there are complex formulas; in practice, for a 200 liter aquarium, you will need an LED strip for 30 mini-bulbs of about 3 W or 25-40 point LEDs.

Aquarists claim that 0.5 W / liter of water is the optimal formula, but it’s not accurate either - the higher and deeper the aquarium, the more difficult it is to illuminate the entire water column to the bottom. Visually, you can also determine these characteristics - water and all plants in it should be illuminated evenly to the bottom. Bottom fish and snails need less light, and plants still stretch upward. The fish themselves will determine where they are more comfortable - in the shaded part or closer to the surface, but the plants are more sensitive and demanding for light due to photosynthesis.

The spectral range in lighting an aquarium with LED lamps with a combination of lamps for illuminating aquatic plants is of great importance. They use an orange-red and violet-blue hue of the range. Combining luminescent phytolamps and LED aquarium lighting, you can get high-grade lighting, comfortable for all its inhabitants.

What illuminate the aquarium

1. A good source of lighting - halogen lamps that are economical, shine brightly, additionally emit a little heat. They are made on the basis of mercury, and few people use them to light aquariums. However, as an alternative to incandescent lamps, they may well work.

2. The simplest artificial lighting for an aquarium is an ordinary incandescent lamp, which gives a yellow spectrum acceptable for plants, it well shades red and yellow fish. Such a spectrum is not enough for higher aquarium plants, but it promotes enhanced growth of phytoplankton and lower algae. Leafy plants gradually fade and turn pale, and if the lamp is too bright - the water blooms. The lamp mounted above the water additionally heats the glass and water, creating discomfort for the fish, especially if the aquarium is not blown by the compressor. Such lighting is combined with other lamps, for example fluorescent, such as LBU (universal), their spectrum is most suitable. Both lamps are mounted on a high box above the aquarium, and its bottom is lined with foil - to reflect and focus the light.

3. Fluorescent lamps are more durable and economical, they have diffused light, they give a wider spectrum. There are white and blue shades of the emitted light of the lamp. The aquarium lacks 0.5 W / liter, and a pair of lamps along the length of the aquarium with reflectors will provide illumination of an artificial reservoir for 200-500l. For the Dutch type of aquarium, with lush vegetation, 1800K and 1200K lamps with a warm spectrum are chosen, 6700K cold lamps are suitable for rocky terrain and predatory fish. Lamps with the right range are easier to get at the pet store, in the departments for aquarists. The combination of lamps will provide optimal lighting for plants.

4. LED lamps - the most optimal option. They are the most economical, do not heat water, and do-it-yourself LED lighting of the aquarium is much easier. Their spectrum is better than other options, the dispersal is more uniform, they do not harm plants and do not cause discomfort in fish. Their range provides great opportunities for combining color effects.

5. LED strip - as an additional option can also be used to illuminate the aquarium. Nevertheless, it is better to combine them with other light sources, due to the lack of spectral range.

How to install aquarium lighting

The best visual effect is given by the illumination of the aquarium from above and in front, that is, at the front wall. Organically fit home ponds mounted in cabinet furniture and a lid opening on top for feeding fish. Special shelves from the profile with backlighting look beautiful, too, where several identical aquariums with different inhabitants stand on top of each other. Massive pedestals fit perfectly into the interior as a stand for an aquarium, where the backlight is made of the same material in the form of a cover. If the lighting is mounted in a cabinet above the aquarium, then during the installation of lighting equipment it is necessary to cover it with glass so that nothing falls into the water, and this worries the fish less.

To optimize the consumption of electricity, a thermal relay is placed on the heating pads, and an electric timer or circuit breaker is placed on the lighting. They turn on and off the lights without human intervention, which is convenient for increased employment. It is also important to take into account the origin of most aquarium inhabitants - tropical fish need a higher water temperature and prolonged lighting, while more cold-water ones are not so demanding on this.

Key Benefits of LED Lighting

LED lamps have recently come into use by aquarists, but quickly became leaders in lighting. This happened due to many characteristics, and this type of lamp pushed aside other lighting fixtures.

1. Profitability indicator - their cost is lower than other types of lamps, electricity consumption is also optimal with sufficient brightness.

2. In terms of efficiency, such lamps are slightly inferior to fluorescent ones based on cold cathodes, CCFL, that is, their economic efficiency gives serious savings.

3. High strength, resistance to mechanical stress and insensitivity to vibration due to the absence of thin spirals.

4. The durability of these lamps is impressive, the term of use reaches 5 years, excluding the costs of components and frequent replacement.

5. The spectral range of LED backlighting is favorable for aquarium inhabitants.

6. The greatest safety when handling these lamps is due to low voltage operation. They are quite fireproof, as they are protected from the effects of high humidity and short circuit.

7. LEDs even in operation for 8-10 hours do not produce excess heat, allowing you to maintain optimal temperature conditions in the aquarium.

8. LED bulbs, due to the absence of toxic components and the absence of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, are considered to be highly environmentally friendly ..

The only drawback of LED lighting is their high cost and the need to supply a nominal operating voltage, you will need an additional power supply.

DIY LED aquarium lighting

The first way, to make LED aquarium illumination on your own, is the simplest one, where you can additionally equip a lighting cover with special phytolamps. To do this, a white LED strip is fixed around the perimeter. This will give an optimal spectrum and the most uniform illumination along the upper perimeter of the aquarium. A self-adhesive LED-taped plastic strip is used, where the protective layer is removed and fastened around the perimeter of the box.

Such illumination is widely used for decorative purposes, however, it cannot be an independent source of illumination of the aquarium. The insulation at the junction of the tape and the cord is made with a special transparent silicone used for aquariums. It reliably protects the power cord from water. The output wires are marked in red, this is a plus, and the minus is a black or blue wire. If the polarity is not observed, the LEDs will not work.

The second way is to collect a full-fledged LED aquarium lighting of sufficient strength without generators and sophisticated equipment. At 200-300 liters, a power of 120 W is enough for an aquarium heavily planted with plants. This implies a total of 40 point LEDs per 270 lumens of 3 watts each. As a result, 10800 lumens of light will come out, which will give very bright illumination for a given volume. It is important to monitor the balance of the entire ecosystem, and with an excess of light and the development of green microorganisms, it is necessary to reduce the overall intensity.

The cost of this design can vary greatly, since in the online stores of the Chinese, for example, and more reputable companies you can find LEDs and power supplies of the same quality. At the same time, prices may vary significantly.

For self-installation of backlight you will need:

  • a set of LED lamps,
  • 2-2.5 meters of plastic groove 100 mm wide,
  • 12 volt power supply, can be from a computer,
  • soft wire 1.5 mm,
  • preferably 6 computer coolers of 12 volts,
  • 40 LED sockets,
  • 48 mm hole milling cutter.

We cut 2 pieces of the gutter along the length of the aquarium, in the bottom of which we drill holes, about 20 pieces per meter, placing them in a checkerboard pattern. We insert LED lamps into the holes and fix.

All lamps must be connected to power in parallel with a 12 volt power supply. For a competent connection, it is better to contact an electrician, since the connection diagram may seem complicated for people who are not specialists in the field of connecting lamps to connectors. Computer coolers or fans need to be installed with large fumes or heating of the lid for lighting.

For decorative purposes, sometimes they make an additional night illumination, such as moonlight. To do this, connect a little blue LED strip, which can be installed behind the back wall, but so that it is below the bottom of the aquarium. The electric timer can turn it on when the daylight goes out.

Light is necessary for the active development of aquarium plants, which in turn release oxygen for the normal functioning of fish. Properly organized lighting not only maintains the balance of the local ecosystem, but also emphasizes the beauty of its inhabitants, decorates the modern interior.

A backlit aquarium is an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. However, there are many ways how to create LED lighting in the aquarium with your own hands. Even a beginner can cope with this task after studying the instructions. For this purpose, you can use lamps of various types, but LEDs are considered the most profitable. In order for the idea to succeed, and plants and fish to develop, you need to choose the right light sources taking into account their power, light flux and size of the aquarium.

Aquarists know that the aquatic ecological system is based on the relationship of plants, microorganisms and its other inhabitants. Aquarium fish are the final link in this system, which also need the right lighting for the favorable living conditions.

But the most important light for aquatic plants. Proper lighting will accelerate their growth and development. With the help of light, which is absorbed by algae, carbon dioxide and water are converted into oxygen and nutrients. This process is called photosynthesis. Thus, oxygen appears in the water, which is necessary for fish.

If there is little light, then the plants degrade, the process of their reproduction stops and they gradually die. This negatively affects the condition of fish, shellfish, and crustaceans.

The spectral composition of the radiation of different types of light sources is different. For this reason, different types of lamps (LED, fluorescent, halogen) are sometimes used to illuminate indoor water bodies.

Important! In winter, artificial lighting is necessary to prolong the daylight hours of the inhabitants of the aquarium. You need to turn on the backlight for a maximum of 12 hours, water residents should rest from 6 to 8 hours. The duration of turning on the lamps in the summer is about 10 hours.

If the lighting is correct, then the algae have a saturated green color with yellowish, lilac and brownish stains. Fish behave actively, and their scales are brilliant.

Sometimes the ecosystem balance is disturbed, this may be due to the purity of the water and the quality of the backlight. Then the liquid becomes cloudy with a greenish tint, this is bad for the condition of the aquatic inhabitants.

If there is a lot of light, then there is an excessive growth of filamentous algae. To stop too active the development of plants, you need to slightly reduce the brightness of the backlight.

You can talk about high-quality lighting, if 2 months after you installed the lamps, the aquatic inhabitants feel good.

Often for decorative purposes, aquarium lights are supplemented with bulbs with green or blue light. It is certainly beautiful, but such lighting disrupts the process of photosynthesis and has a depressing effect on fish. Therefore, it is better not to experiment.

Why LED lighting is better: choosing the right type of light source

Different light sources are sometimes used for plants and fish in the aquarium, since many of them are quite whimsical. Some owners of aquariums use LED lamps when creating lights, others use incandescent devices, and still others use high-quality halogen and fluorescent devices.

Suitable lamps should emit light in a wide spectral range so that plants develop, but do not bloom. For example, conventional light sources with a tungsten filament have a narrow spectrum in which yellow rays predominate. Such lighting provokes wilting plants and water pollution.

High-quality lamps should not heat water. If the temperature rises at least 2 °, then the condition of the fish worsens.

Typically, these types of lamps are used to illuminate aquariums:

  1. Bulbs with a filament were previously used most often. However, the yellow light that the device emits causes plants to wilt. In addition, the light source heats the water. Now combined lighting from fluorescent and incandescent lamps is more popular.
  2. Halogen samples consume little electricity, emit bright light, do not heat up as much as ordinary lamps. However, they contain mercury, so they are dangerous for aquatic life if they break.
  3. Luminescent devices are still popular among specialists in creating ecosystems in aquariums. They are energy efficient, have a wide spectrum of radiation, and emit scattered light. Two of these lamps are enough to illuminate a large aquarium (from 300 l). However, in their flask are mercury vapor.
  4. LED lamps are ideal for aquatic life. They will consume a minimum amount of electricity, but at the same time emit a bright light flux, do not heat the water and glass of the aquarium. Their emission spectrum is wide, and there are no toxic substances in the composition.

Read also Features of lighting an aquarium and herbalist with LED searchlights and lamps: how to choose, fix, do it yourself

LED strip lighting is a less preferred option. It is usually used in combination with other light sources, as it has low light output.

Pros and cons of LED backlighting

After the appearance of LED lamps on the lighting market, they took a leading position among aquarists. Popularity is due to characteristics that distinguish them from other types of lamps.

Advantages of LED light sources:

  1. Energy efficiency. LEDs consume little power, but at the same time emit bright light.
  2. High efficiency and low heat transfer. LED bulbs practically do not heat up even after 10 hours of operation. Therefore, an additional cooling system is not needed.
  3. Strength. LED crystals are resistant to vibrations, vibrations, which can not be said about bulbs with thin spirals.
  4. Long term of operation. Diode light sources can last about 5 years if used properly.
  5. Wide spectral range. Diode bulbs have a richer spectrum of radiation and high light output than other types of light sources. Crystals of different colors can be installed in one lighting device to create favorable conditions for plants and fish.
  6. Safety. These light sources are as much as possible protected from moisture, fireproof.
  7. Environmental friendliness. LED lamps do not contain toxic substances, do not emit ultraviolet rays. Therefore, they are safer for aquatic inhabitants.

The disadvantages of LED crystals include their high cost and the need to install additional equipment (power supply, dimmer). However, the extra spending will quickly pay off due to energy savings.

As you can see, LED lighting has more pros than cons. That is why such light sources are very popular.

Correct backlight calculation: power, spectral range

If you decide to make a LED lamp for the aquarium with your own hands, then you need to carry out the correct calculation of the power of LED crystals. Indeed, the life of aquatic inhabitants depends on this characteristic.

According to the standard, the total backlight power should be in the range of 1 - 2 watts. However, the volume of the aquarium in liters can reach from 20 to 2000. It will be more difficult to illuminate a large sized pond with a diode lamp with such power.

As a rule, 0.2 W crystals are used to organize an aquarium lighting system. To determine the number of lamps, you can use complex formulas or online calculators. But in practice, for a 200-liter tank, you need a tape with 30 crystals or from 25 to 45 light bulbs (the power of each element is about 3 watts).

Many aquarists use the formula - 0.5W / 1l. However, it is also not entirely accurate. If the aquarium is high, then the light simply does not reach the bottom, this can be seen even visually.

Attention! According to many experts, the illumination of the aquarium should be uniform so that the light hits the bottom. However, sometimes such illumination negatively affects bottom fish and snails. If necessary, the fish will swim closer to the light, and then they will have the opportunity to hide in the shade. But algae is still drawn to the light. Therefore, you should not always achieve perfectly uniform lighting.

The vital activity of aquatic inhabitants also depends on the spectrum and color temperature. Often, beginner aquarists use yellow, blue, green lights to illuminate the tank. It looks impressive, but the inhabitants of the aquarium suffer, algae photosynthesis is disrupted.

Experienced aquarists advise buying light bulbs, the spectrum of which is dominated by blue-violet or red-orange rays.

Where to install lighting

The lighting for the aquarium should match the interior design. It can be built into a cupboard, sideboard or bookcase. The best option is to install the lamp in front and on top, that is, closer to the front wall. It is advisable that there is a lid on the aquarium that can be opened to feed the fish.

A room pond (or several) can be put on a whatnot, and lamps can be placed in front. The massive bedside table with an aquarium, which is equipped with a backlit lid of the same material, will perfectly fit into the interior.

If you decide to install the lamps in a cabinet above the tank for marine inhabitants, then during the installation work you need to cover it with a lid of glass or plywood, so that debris does not get into the water.

To increase the efficiency of lighting equipment, it can be supplemented with a thermal relay, a photo relay, a timer. The first device turns off the system when heating sources of light or water, the second - turns on the light in the evening and turns off during daylight hours, and the third - turns off the light after a specified time. It is very convenient for busy people.

How to make LED lighting yourself

It’s not so difficult to make LED backlight for an aquarium with your own hands. The main thing is to follow proven instructions.

Experienced owners know that for the beautiful color of fish and healthy plant growth, additional light is needed. It helps to recreate habitual conditions for inhabitants. In addition, proper lighting will maintain the internal balance of the aquatic environment. And this affects the development and reproduction of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

In a specialized pet store, you can purchase a lid of the right size together with the aquarium. A ready-made lighting system is already built into it. However, it is not suitable for every aquarium.

Types of lighting for the aquarium

Before choosing lamps, you need to remember that for different purposes you need a different type of lighting. The combination of different color spectra will help to recreate the most comfortable conditions for both plants and inhabitants.

Thus, if you want:

  • Provide lush vegetation growththen it is necessary to use lamps of red, blue and white spectra.
  • Emphasize the beauty of aquarium fish and support coral growth, then you need to stop at the blue spectrum lamps. They are used in marine and pseudo-marine aquariums for recreation.
  • To make an aquarium a warm and pleasant piece of furniturelamps of yellow spectra will help. They do not have a positive effect on the flora of a home reservoir, but can advantageously emphasize the beauty of aquarium fish and illuminate the room with soft, diffused daylight. The yellow lamp can be combined with white by installing the latter at the rear wall for contrasting background lighting.

Incandescent lamps

The most budget option for lighting. Most often used in small pools and fish ponds.

The advantage of such lamps is the necessary color spectrum - up to 3000 K. It is most favorable for the process of photosynthesis and growth of aquatic vegetation.

There is also a big minus - this is a very low efficiency (only 5%). A lot of energy goes into heat. In addition, the lamp may burst if water drops from the aquarium.

Therefore, incandescent lamps are most often used for aquariums with cold-blooded inhabitants (frogs, turtles, newts and others).

Fluorescent lamps

There are two types: specialized and fluorescent lamps. The first type is best suited for lighting containers with plants. They emit a red and blue color spectrum, which accelerates the growth and development of plants.

Specialized lamps have their drawbacks: high price and short lifetime (up to a year).

A daylight lamp is cheaper and lasts about 2 years. There is a significant minus - the growth of aquatic plants and the process of photosynthesis are slowed down.

Halogen lamps

The brightest light source for the aquarium. Their power ranges from 70 to 1000 watts. It has a point orientation and illuminates a specific area.

Light penetrates into the very depths, reflected from the walls and creating a contrast of colors and overflows with deep shadows. Such lamps are most popular among lovers of the aquatic environment.

However, there is also a minus in such a light source: it requires cooling at least an hour a day, because it can burn out due to overheating. Like an incandescent lamp, it can burst if water gets on it.

LED strip

They are the most economical source of light. In addition, there are ribbons of different colors and shades, and therefore the color spectrum can be recreated independently by combining blue, yellow, white and red colors. Also, using the switch, the ribbons of the desired color are turned on. But the main advantage is waterproof.

There is a variety of LED strips that are coated with silicone. They can be lowered into the water without any fear.

Installation of LED strips is very simple - just stick them to the inside of the cover and connect to a power source. However, a transformer is needed here, because the tapes consume only 12V.

How to install lighting for the aquarium yourself?

First of all, you need a frame or a finished cover. The frame itself is best done from wood or from OSB-plates. You can take plastic and plexiglass, but it is undesirable, because these materials are easily deformed when heated (depending on the type of lamp installed, the heat transfer can be quite large). The lid can be made by yourself.

Inside, the lid should be glued with reflective foil - so all the light will be directed to the aquarium itself. For fluorescent and halogen lamps, special fixtures are used, with which they are firmly screwed to the inner surface of the lid. It remains only to connect the wires and isolate open areas with a special tape.

LED strip is much easier to install. They are connected to a 12V power supply. Then the protective coating from the back is torn off, and the LEDs adhere to the cover.

Do not forget that a lot of moisture evaporates from the aquarium. It settles on the lid and may cause the LEDs to burn out. Therefore, you need to choose a waterproof tape.

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to glue the junction of the wires of the LEDs and the stabilizer with silicone sealant.

If the increased humidity in the room does not bother the owner, and in the “bank” there are calm inhabitants who are not inclined to jumps and shoots from the aquarium, then you can install special spotlights that you only need to fix.


Aquarium lighting is very important for the healthy growth of fish and plants. She is involved in regulating the balance of the aquatic environment. It’s easiest to buy a finished cover with lighting, however it will come out more expensive and not the fact that it will suit every aquarium. Indeed, depending on the volume of the aquarium, on the species of its inhabitants (fish, toad, newts or turtles) and plants, different intensities and color spectrum of the backlight are needed.

Properly selected illumination for the aquarium will be the key to the rapid growth of plants and the good life of the aquarium inhabitants. Currently, several different methods of lighting the aquarium are used, including the use of energy-saving lamps, diodes and metal halide technologies. You can make high-quality lighting yourself or buy ready-made kits for aquariums of various displacement.

Environmentally friendly LED backlight does not contain harmful chemicals, like fluorescent lamps

What is lighting for?

Aquarium fish and farmed plants cannot exist without sunlight or artificial light. In high-quality lighting, aquatic flora actively participates in the process of photosynthesis: it absorbs carbon dioxide, nitrates and nitrites, while saturating water with life-giving oxygen.

Light is required by fish and other aquatic organisms. It allows them to observe the daily regime of wakefulness and falling asleep. It is necessary not only to choose the right lighting power, but also its duration. The latter factor in particular will be important for plants, as it prevents the growth of unwanted algae.

Without proper lighting in the aquarium, only plastic artificial plants can be planted whose appearance is far from ideal. But if you want to create a real underwater garden in the aquarium with beautiful plants and bright tropical fish, then you can not do without quality light.

Until the recent past, the choice of aquarists was significantly limited. They could use only standard incandescent lamps, which were not too suitable for these purposes, as well as fluorescent lighting, which somewhat reduced the cost of electricity, allowing you to choose the optimal spectrum for fish and plants. Today, the range of lighting for the aquarium has expanded significantly.

The main facts that should be followed when choosing a backlight:

  1. Optimal solution - halogen light sourceswhich are both economical, have a wide range of lighting, contain a minimum of mercury and are easy to operate.
  2. Incandescent lamps Small power can also be used to illuminate the aquarium. This light has a yellow tint, which allows you to emphasize the beauty of bright tropical fish. However, there are still drawbacks to incandescent lamps. First of all, this is an increased energy consumption, provoking the growth of algae, as well as significant heating, which leads to overheating of the entire aquarium.
  3. Fluorescent lamps differ in efficiency, efficiency, a wide variety of spectra.
  4. LEDs - This is an economical modern technology that can reduce energy consumption, providing intensive directional or diffused lighting. Thanks to the use of various controllers, LED lamps can be fully automated: they will turn on and off according to a predetermined schedule.

The most popular today are fluorescent and LED lamps. They are both economical, allow you to get color with any shade and spectrum, perfectly illuminate both small aquariums and tanks with a capacity of several tons. The only drawback of LED lamps and the necessary controllers for their operation is the high cost of the components used. The latter somewhat limits their distribution in the domestic market.

Blue luminaries 430 - 460 nm will give a realistic beauty to the aquarium. Using blue light can accelerate the growth of marine life

Correct power calculation

It is often difficult for beginner aquarists to calculate the required light power for a specific volume of the aquarium. In the past, when fluorescent lamps were most popular, it was much easier to calculate the required lighting power. The minimum indicator was the level of 0.50 W per liter of volume. Accordingly, a 10-watt lamp was enough for a 20-liter aquarium. For photophilous plants and with an increased height of the glass container, the power could be 0.7–1 W per liter.

But with the advent of LED lights, the calculation is much more complicated. Here it is necessary to consider not only the consumption of electricity by one LED, but also its power in lumens and other characteristics. Most experts recommend using 0.2 W LEDs per liter of aquarium capacity for lighting the aquarium. Accordingly, a volume of 200 liters will require about 40 pieces of such small diodes.

Optimal spectrum:

  • for bottom fish - 3000-6000 Lux;
  • for the maintenance of flora and fauna - 6000−10000 Lux;
  • for photophilous plants and aquascaping - 10000-15000 Lux.

Experienced aquarists choose the lighting power they need experimentally. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the requirements of the grown plants (some may feel good in the shade or in bright light), but also the presence of fertilizers in the water, the duration of daylight hours. The higher the water column, the more powerful the lighting should be.

If the plants and walls of the aquarium are abundantly covered with a brown coating, this indicates an excessive power of lighting and a long daylight. But if the plants look lifeless, weak and faded, then you should simultaneously start the supply of carbon dioxide, regularly apply fertilizers to the water and increase the light intensity.

LED aquarium lighting is expensive, but conventional LED lamps last up to 50,000 hours, and are cheaper when considering the long term

DIY backlighting

Despite the apparent difficulty, making DIY lighting of the aquarium with LEDs is not difficult. It is possible to use both fluorescent lamps and cover with integrated LEDs. In each case, the choice will depend on the volume of the aquarium, the necessary intensity and power of light, as well as the financial capabilities of the aquarium.

The use of fluorescent lamps

The easiest way to perform effective and inexpensive lighting based on fluorescent lamps. All that is required in this case is sealed cartridges (two for each lamp), an electric starter, or ballast, high-quality power wires. It is not recommended to take ordinary cartridges that are not protected from water, since increased humidity forms under the lid, which leads to oxidation of the contacts and a possible short circuit.

The electrical circuit of such lighting is standard. From the outlet is a cable to the electric starter. To the device, wires from the pressurized cartridges are connected to the corresponding outputs. A simplified wiring diagram will be applied to the body of the electric starter device, in accordance with which the fluorescent backlight should be assembled. You can increase the efficiency of such lighting by using diffusers located above the lamps and made of polished metal or kitchen foil.

LED strip

On sale you can find ready-made LED lamps and ribbons, which are the easiest option for creating high-quality lighting in the aquarium. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, such lamps are as economical as possible: with their compact dimensions they illuminate the aquarium well, emit a minimum of heat and can easily be installed in standard seats of used lamps.

You can choose various options for LED backlighting for the aquarium, which will vary in their power, spectrum, and a number of other characteristics. Especially popular are such lamps for beginner aquarists who have the opportunity to use the latest advances in the manufacture of lighting equipment.

In order for the aquarium to function correctly, it is necessary to adjust the amount of daylight and create uniform lighting in the pond for each resident

Automated Diode Lights

Every year, the popularity of led lighting for an aquarium is steadily increasing, which is explained by the functionality of such light, power, efficiency and the ability to easily select the spectrum necessary for an aquarist. LEDs of various power and shades are on sale, as well as the simplest automatic controllers necessary for controlling electricity. Do-it-yourself LED lamps for the aquarium will not be difficult.

In specialized pet stores you can find ready-made lights or LED strips designed specifically for the aquarium. The largest manufacturers of such lighting are following companies:

  • Dennerle;
  • Sulfur;
  • Yuvel;
  • Hagen
  • Aquael;
  • Aquamedic.

The LED strip must be fixed with silicone waterproof glue on the lid of the aquarium with a snake or crosswise, positioned in such a way as to ensure uniform density of the LEDs. The power supply and the starting device are connected to the LED strip. In the event that the power supply and the starting device are missing in the kit with the tape, it can be purchased additionally or made from an old computer power supply.

If you plan to use the controller, then it is connected between the power supply and the LED strip. The used controller allows you to gradually increase and decrease lighting, simulating the dawn and sunset; it is possible to turn on various LEDs that allow you to change the lighting spectrum depending on the time of day. Controllers for LED lights are most common in marine aquariums, where you need to maintain a daily routine.

Correctly choosing the used backlight for the aquarium from LEDs, you can create optimal living conditions for aquatic animals and grow a beautiful garden from plants. Luminescent and metal halide lamps, as well as LED elements, can be used for the aquarium, which can significantly reduce electricity consumption, optimally controlling the intensity, power and duration of lighting.