We transfer plastic windows to winter mode correctly. How to transfer plastic windows to winter mode - adjust window fittings How to transfer plastic windows to winter

In the modern world, people have forgotten to think that any problems with windows are possible. Most of the population replaced their old windows with plastic. There are many principles for choosing the right windows and no less important aspects of their use. Let us dwell on the most common.

Winter mode of plastic windows

Buying window fittings, we do not think at all about the intricacies of the operation of these structures and the features of functioning at different times of the year. Often, when installing windows in the summer, buyers are faced with the problem of blowing plastic windows into the cold, completely unaware that these structures have a summer and winter mode of use.

The winter mode of the plastic windows is designed to ensure that the sash fit snugly against the window frame. The mode of plastic windows affects the safety of heat indoors in the cold.

Often, the ventilation of a plastic window from the winter mode can be confused with the regulation of accessories for the winter period, but these are completely two different window abilities.

When it comes to sash adjacency, this is the mode that protects your apartment from over-blowing plastic windows. When it is necessary to ventilate the room, flow valves are used. Windows can be switched to winter mode by a special wizard. With some skill, you can do it yourself.

The summer mode of plastic windows differs in that the sash is not so tightly adjacent. Thus, there is the possibility of constant free air supply to the apartment due to micro-ventilation.

There is a classic position - the mode of average adjacency of the sash to the frame when the eccentrics or trunnions are in the middle position. A window with a double-glazed window in this mode performs its functions equally well at all times of the year and provides an adequate adjacency of the sealant.

Changing window modes, you can not only avoid drafts in the apartment, but also extend the life of the structure. In winter, the material becomes more compressed, and in hot time it returns to its original position or expands. Setting the window fittings to the desired mode reduces the wear threshold of the seal and fasteners.

One of the leaders in the production of plastic windows, which provides for winter and summer operation, is Rehau. The company was founded over 70 years ago.

During its existence, the company has grown to a well-known brand with 170 branches around the world. Rehau is the main partner of Porsche, Volkswagen, BMW and Audi. The company manufactures polymer parts and systems for these concerns.

Rehau's field of work is aimed at the development and implementation of not only plastic windows, but also car body systems, ventilation equipment, gaskets for cars, modular battery systems for electric car batteries.

Installing plastic Rehau windows will provide the room with everything necessary for the smooth penetration of daylight, as well as protect against city noise and cold.

But how to transfer plastic windows to winter mode on their own? Consider this issue in more detail.

We put the windows in winter mode correctly

Switching windows to winter mode in autumn is an opportunity to save on heating. It is possible not to switch windows to another mode while maintaining good seal qualities. When spring comes, put the windows in summer mode. Due to proper adjustment and reduction of load traction on the window seal, they will last longer.

You can switch window fittings using the eccentrics (trunnions) designed for this, which are located on the side of the sash. If the eccentrics have recesses for a key with a hexagonal tip, sprockets, screwdrivers, or eccentrics in the shape of an oval, then this design is capable of switching to any kind of window mode.

Eccentrics in their structure can be round or oval with openings for hexagons. To switch the window to cold mode, all eccentrics must be adjusted.

Plastic windows in winter mode is easy to switch. It is important to remember that improper adjustment can adversely affect windows. Schematically, the process is as follows.

1. First, to switch the plastic window mode, to tighten the sash, you need to take the hexagon.

2. When you open the window, a rounded pin will be visible from the end of the door. The pattern located on the trunnion is in most cases directed upward. This suggests that an intermediate window mode is set between winter and summer.

3. The hexagon must be inserted into the centrally located hole of the pin and rotated at a right angle in the direction of the seal. Now the notch adjustment on the trunnion should look at the seal.

4. It should be noted that the bulk of the windows have more than one trunnion located over the area of \u200b\u200bthe window sash. To avoid blowing, all pins must be switched to winter mode.

5. To evaluate performance, insert a piece of paper between the frame and the sash. Next, see how easy or difficult you can get the paper out of the window. Thus, you can understand the quality of the clip and accurately put the window into winter mode.

Important! When operating the accessories, noticing blowing with the sash closed, you should perform adjustment - transfer the structure to winter mode. But this mode can significantly wear the rubber seal of plastic windows. Therefore, do not overtighten the eccentrics, as the trunnion and window frame will fail much faster due to this adjustment.

When summer comes, switch windows to summer mode. Using inappropriate mode will soon ruin and age the seal.

Plastic windows from the winter mode can be moved by inserting the hexagon into the eccentric and scrolling it clockwise. Remember, the life of the window depends only on your proper adjustment and prudent use.

It is now difficult to imagine a modern apartment without plastic double-glazed windows on the windows.

Indeed, plastic windows are very popular today, as they have many advantages.

One of them is their ability to change regimes from winter to summer. Of course, not all windows have this mode, but in not the cheapest window models such a function is provided.

Due to the fact that in winter the temperature in our region is significantly different from the summer, the requirements for windows are also different.

In winter mode, the seal is pressed as much as possible, and in summer mode, good ventilation occurs due to the exact distribution of the load between all the constipation.

To find out if there is such a function in your window, you need to examine it. If there is a hole for the hex key or asterisk next to the cam on the side of the leaf on the trunnion (lever), it means that your windows have the function of switching to summer and winter modes.

When to switch windows to winter mode

If in the summer insignificant blowing around the window perimeter is completely imperceptible and does not affect the indoor temperature in any way, then in the winter, even a slight blowing due to a loose fitting seal becomes noticeable.

If the temperature in your apartment has significantly decreased with the onset of autumn cold weather (this is especially true for the off-season, when the heating in the houses is not yet turned on) and when you go to the window you feel the air is blowing and the window sill is quite cold, then it is time to change the mode operating your window at winter.

Transfer of plastic windows to winter mode: instruction

How to put the windows in the desired mode?

  1. First, wipe all the elements of the window with a rag, and clean the accessories from dirt with a brush.
  2. Some parts are oiled. Old grease is best removed and repurposed with silicone grease.
  3. After that, it is necessary to adjust the position of the wings.
  4. Then you need to find all the trunnions on the leaf (the larger the window is, the more there are). They usually have a size of 5-8 mm. It is necessary to transfer all the pins to the required mode, otherwise the seal will be pressed unevenly.
  5. Consider a trunnion. Typically, there are risks that indicate winter and summer periods of work.
  6. Next, using a hexagon or a screwdriver with pliers, you need to turn each lever to the maximum position. Sometimes it is necessary to first pull the pin on itself, and only then turn it clockwise. Then it is necessary to return the pin to its previous position, that is, to drown. You perform a similar action when translating a watch.
  7. In the end, you need to check how correctly you did everything. In winter mode, the handle will close much tighter due to a more tight connection of the seal. You can insert a sheet of paper in the sash and close the window, and then try to pull out the sheet. In winter mode, it should not be easily removable, and with a quality seal, the sheet should be securely fixed. If so, then you did everything right, and now you won’t blow out of windows.

In principle, this is not so difficult, however, it should be noted that if something is done inaccurately, there is a risk of damage to the structure. Therefore, if you are not confident in your own abilities, it would be better to turn to professionals for help in translating windows.

Note! If the apartment is warm and without putting the windows into winter mode, then you do not need to do this, since the wear of the seal in this mode is much greater.


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: if you notice any changes in the functionality of your plastic window, for example, if the window starts to blow or the window freezes and condensation develops, or the sash starts to cling when tearing, then you need to change your window mode. As mentioned above, this is pretty simple.

Plastic windows have long been a rarity. They are widely used in new buildings.

Also, they are often replaced by old wooden window structures, which have long served their term.

Modern PVC windows have many advantages, which explains their prevalence and popularity among the population.

The difference between the modes is the fit of the sash to the frame.

How to determine the presence of such a function

With the advent of cold weather, the landlord may find that a faint chill begins to blow from the window. The presence of such a phenomenon indicates that it is time to think about a regime change. But how to determine if there is such a function in the window block.

This is pretty simple. You just need to open the sash and carefully inspect the end surface.

If the end has a hole for a screwdriver or hexagon, this means that the window has the function of changing the winter / summer mode.

If there is no such hole, then in the window unit there is no such function.

It is important

In winter mode, the sealant is under severe stress. This is the key to preventing the appearance of a chill. As a result of this load, the life of the seal is reduced. Therefore, experts recommend a regime change only if absolutely necessary.

Before proceeding with the change of mode, it is necessary to determine the state of the window at the moment. In other words, you need to know what mode the window is in.

To do this, take a piece of paper and insert it between the sash and the frame. If the sheet cannot be removed, it means - the double-glazed window is installed in the winter mode.

Features of the modes

A feature of the modes is the tightness of the sash to the frame. When the window is in summer mode, the sash fits very easily, which allows you to create a small air circulation.

This is the creation of the optimal temperature in the room.

As for the winter regime, the sash fits very tightly. As a result, the seal takes up a large space between the sash and the frame.

Of course, this contact prevents the formation of blowing and cold bridges. But, at the same time, the sealant suffers, the wear of which increases several times.

How to switch from one mode to another

You can change the glass mode yourself. The work is carried out very carefully. This prevents damage to the hardware.

The process of changing the mode is performed in the following sequence:

  • Find all the pins and switch them to another mode.
  • To perform this process, the appropriate tool is used: a screwdriver or hexagon. The eccentrics rotate fully clockwise.
  • In this case, you must be careful not to use great force. In some models, the eccentrics must first be pulled over themselves, and then rotated. After changing the mode, they are placed back in the "nests".
  • Check the result of the work performed. To do this, use the same paper. If it sits firmly between the sash and the frame, then the change of mode is performed correctly.

When performing such work, care should be taken. This is especially true for the rotation of eccentrics. All the design features of the window, you need to find out during the acquisition of the window unit.

With information and skills, you can easily do this job yourself.

Some types of fittings built into the frame allow you to configure the modes for summer and winter. They are called a trunnion or cam. Demand for plastic windows, with adjustable devices, is increasing every year.

Adjustment Modes

The ability to adjust the flow of air into the room by changing the position of the trunnion. The setting is done in accordance with the marked marks. There is an inscription against each that carries the following information:

  • Middle (standard) - creates natural ventilation when the window is closed.
  • Summer - the smallest seal between the sash and the frame.
  • Winter mode - tightly pressed to the frame.

How to determine the functionality?

Choosing a design, inspect the end side of the sash, on the side of the handle of the lock. It should have built-in fittings in the form of a convex hexagon, roundness or oval. This is a trunnion or cam. With its help, a transfer is made from one mode to another.

Note:When buying a product, pay attention to the presence of an auxiliary tool for adjustment, this is a key with a tip corresponding to the shape of the eccentric. It should be included.

Window Specifications

At high temperatures, the elastic seal begins to expand. If you do not change the winter regime, then the material will fail. Seasonal adjustment reduces wear on fasteners and window locks.

The trunnion is installed in the rib of the sash. The requirements for the device are high. The metal is subjected to mechanical stress during adjustment, and must not change the dimensions specified by the manufacturer during the entire period of operation. Products made of high strength stainless steel make them durable and toughThey cost more, but retain their technical characteristics for a long time. Therefore, PVC manufacturers install them.

The tightness of the rubber layer depends on the quality of the fittings. Proper adjustment prevents friction between the profile.

Axles of the middle class are cheaper. For their manufacture, high-quality steel is not used, which leads to rapid metal wear.

The advantage of eccentrics

Modern plastic windows retain heat and prevent drafts. The room is ventilated regardless of the time of year. With high-quality fittings, the life of the window without repair is extended.

Types and forms

Modification depends on the manufacturer and the technical specifications for the manufacture. The appearance of the eccentric is affected by the requirements of the customer, producing structures with a rotation mechanism.

All installed fittings differ in the following type:

  • Budgetary.
  • Standard.
  • The highest category. These products are distinguished by their functionality, quality and durability.

The axle is made of different models, and has the following form:

  • Oval.
  • Rounded.
  • Hexagon.

It is installed in a lateral plane, from the side of the castle. Advanced manufacturing technology and high-quality steelb, allows the manufacture of products of the highest class. They are more expensive, but the cost of them will be justified.

Transfer the device to another mode

Air entering through the side faces creates discomfort. Move the trunnion to the position corresponding to the time of year, namely:

  • "Winter". Seal, moving forward, pressing the sash to the frame. In this position, he wears out with greater intensity.
  • "Summer". The sealant, returning to its original position, creates a clearance for the passage of air.

How to adjust the window?

Reasons to advise tuning:

  • The sash is sagging.
  • Poor opening or closing.
  • Dust enters the room.
  • Cold air blows in the crevices of the openings.
  • The handle of the lock rotates with great effort.
  • The house shrunk.

Hardware Translation

The adjustment method, namely:

  • The hexagon is turned with a special key included in the product kit, putting it on the device from above.
  • Oval - by turning pliers.
  • Round - with a sacral screwdriver, setting it in the center.

The number of eccentrics depends on the height of the window. The standard provides for the placement of five pieces in one vertical line. Two of them are installed close to horizontal planes, the remaining three are evenly distributed over the entire height.

If there is fogging of the glass inside the room, it is advised to leave a gap for natural condensate by setting the arrow to the “medium” mode.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Open sash, clean the fittings with a stiff bristle brush, and wipe with a wet rag.
  • Remove obsolete grease from seals., and apply fresh silicone compound in a thin layer.
  • On cleaned surfaces it will be possible to discern the risks of “winter”, “medium” and “summer”.
  • Check the setting. To change the position, the roller made of plastic sashes are pulled by the movement towards themselves.
  • Changes rotate to the specified markusing an auxiliary tool. To translate into the "winter" position, the end of the long radius is sent to the inscription. Cutting should coincide with the tip of the arrow.
  • When setting to “summer,” or “medium,” change the position of a short radius. Turn the arrow to the mark.
  • Axle scrolling clockwiseminimizes the distance between the sash and the frame by changing the position of the seal.
  • After completing the adjustment process, it is buried in the holesgiving the starting position. In the working condition of the double-glazed window, metal elements should not come into contact with the plastic structure.
  • Check density with writing paper. Insert it into the opening between the frame, and pull it out. If it did not work out, then everything was done correctly.


On the round trunnion, a dash directed towards the street means that the frame is set for winter. For oval, there is another kind of mark. It should be horizontal.

On a rounded device, a dash directed toward the room means that the frame is set for summer. For the oval pin, the mark takes a vertical position.

Adjustment when friction creaks occur

Similar deviations occur in the new house, when the foundation or its walls shrink. If friction or blowing is detected, make corrections.


Adjustment is made on the lower loop. IN the upper part is an adjustment screw. It is removed from the profile by mechanical tension on itself, and the following turns are made:

  • Clockwise, lifting the sash.
  • Against her, dropping down.


The adjustment is done on the lower loop, at the location of the adjustment screw. When you turn the arrow, shift the plane left or right.

Adjustment will create a free play between the sash and the frame, ensuring uniform density of the horizontal and vertical plane. This will favorably affect the climate of the room, and relieve drafts.

What to look for

  • The translation of the mechanism is carried out strictly according to the instructions. Failure to comply with the rules of adjustment leads to a mechanical defect of individual elements and the entire kit as a whole.
  • Permanent contact of metal parts has wear. To maintain the operational parameters specified by the manufacturer, the hardware is lubricated and adjusted.
  • Leaving the frame in winter mode for the whole year is undesirable. This leads to wear of the rubber.
  • If the summer mode does not create drafts, and the room has good heating, it is not advised to change it. This will have a positive effect on maintaining the operability of mechanisms over a long service life.

When you have finished switching to winter mode, circle the outline of the window sash with chalk on the frame. Open it, and measure the distance between the edge and the mark. Standard parameters are from 6 to 8 millimeters. If they are different, make additional adjustments. The indicator along the entire length should match. A different value may cause:

  • The passage of cold air into the room through the seal.
  • In places of excessive contact, friction and compression of the material will be created.
  • It will complicate the rotation of the handle of the lock. This will lead to wear of the core, and mechanical damage to the insulation.
  • When purchasing a new PVC window with adjustment for such modes as summer and winter, do not change the position of the sealant on it in the first year. Rubber is stable in density, increasing the load on it, harm all metal fasteners and the lock.


A custom-made product will fit tightly into the prepared window opening, and there will be no horizontal or vertical load after installation is complete. Entrust the execution of works from beginning to end to one performer, and get a guarantee for the operation of the structure. Order products with high-quality fittings, they are regulated without involving a craftsman.

The presence of two winter-summer modes in plastic windows allows it is easy to adjust the shutter pressure, increasing air flow in summer and, conversely, limiting it in winter.

The function of transferring plastic windows from winter to summer is quite convenient. In the summer, in the summer position, the sash adjoins the frame less tightly, allowing fresh air to enter the room.

In winter mode, the windows close tightly, which allows you to save in heat. However, the function of transferring plastic windows to winter and summer position is not provided for in all models.

Such an opportunity is only in products on which appropriate fittings installed.

Adjustment of plastic windows "winter-summer"

High-quality window fittings are equipped with quite convenient mechanisms with which you can easy to adjust the position of the wings.

At the end of each window for these purposes eccentrics (trunnions) are installed, which are responsible for the pressure density.

Their turn carried out using a hexagon. Some windows may have a screwdriver slot instead of trunnions.

For a more tight fit of the sash to the frame (“winter” mode) follows turn the trunnions a little to the left. Total perimeter there can be up to ten pins, each of which must be rotated at the same angle.

The only condition is that each eccentric must be set equally.

For reference notches are applied at their ends. To release the pressure, all eccentrics are turned to the right. Do not twist them too tight so as not to damage sealing gum.

To make sure that the window fits snugly enough to the frame, you can use a lit match. With a draft, the light will fluctuate slightly or even go out.

Before adjusting the fittings all hidden parts of the window are thoroughly cleaned.

You can see the process of adjusting the plastic window in this video:

Particular attention should be paid. sash fittings to the frame and pressure rollerswhich often accumulates dirt and old grease.

In the presence of a large amount of dust it can remove with a small brush.

Replacing sealing gum. Grease

Replace the rubber bands by removing worn and inserting new ones into special grooves with a flat screwdriver. So that they do not let air through do not stretch them too much.
Fittings last much longer with regular care. For lubrication, you can use automotive, household engine oil or silicone grease.

All rubbing parts need processing - trunnions, adjusting screws etc. Prior to lubrication, the fittings are cleaned of dust, dirt and old dried grease.