Pansies why such a name. Pansy varieties photos and names

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Do you know why pansies were so named? How to grow pansies

  July 18, 2015

In ancient times, pansies were believed to be a magical plant. Therefore, some magical properties were attributed to him. For example, there was a belief that with their help you can bewitch a loved one. To do this, it was necessary to squeeze juice from a charming flower, and then sprinkle with it the things of the beloved while he was sleeping. And when he wakes up, he will love the one that he sees first. An interesting story tells about why pansies were so named. But first things first.


Many have heard this beautiful name more than once - pansies. Description of the plant will attract the attention of any girl. Small flowers have a three-color color. Many grow the plant as an annual, although it is a perennial belonging to the class of violets. They grow up to 15-20 cm in length. Their stems are very thin and fragile, so the flower needs good care. The leaves are oblong, fleecy. Usually the color of the plant is purple with different shades. Many people love this wonderful flower because its growing season lasts almost six months. It begins to bloom in late April, and flowers appear before the onset of the first frost. Ripening occurs in June. After that, seeds scatter from them. If you grow a plant from seeds, then it will be annual. The flower is also used in medicine. Especially useful is the lower part - the grass.


Quite interesting is the legend explaining why pansies were so named. Although there are currently several versions. Let's consider each of them.

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Folk customs

As you know, all myths, legends and beliefs were created on the basis of historical data. Of course, this information was somewhat embellished, but it was of real origin. An interesting story about pansies that existed in Roman circles at the end of the 1st millennium. According to legend, men who were spying on the goddess of love were turned into a flower. The customs and traditions of different peoples are also associated with this plant. For example, in Poland, girls gave their lovers this flower if they left for a long time. In general, this violet has long symbolized fidelity and chastity. In France, they were presented for a long memory. But in England, this flower has long been the best gift for February 14th.

Other names

In the Middle Ages, the role of pansies increases markedly. They are called the flower of St. Trinity. In Poland they are called brotherhoods. This is due to the fact that several flowers "live" together in one flower, so they are presented to those who are loved as a brother. In Russia they are also called tricolor, scrofula, etc. In Germany, the plant is called simply "stepmother."

Growing violets

The pansies described above need painstaking care. Therefore, giving such a flower is not recommended if the recipient himself did not ask him to buy. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to care for the plant in full.

So what do pansies love? How to grow it? Few know about this. Basically, there are only two ways. Flowers can be planted immediately in the ground or seedlings first grown, which will then be transferred to the soil. If seeds were not collected last year, then in early spring small sprouts may appear in the same place. Violets propagate well by self-sowing, but this way they will grow randomly. In addition, this can lead to over-pollination of the plant. That is, it will change the color, size, shape of the petals. Therefore, it is recommended to plant flowers of different colors at a certain distance from each other. Otherwise, it will not be possible to maintain the purity of the variety. Want to collect seeds? Then you need to choose the plants with the largest flowers. After this, you should wait until the boxes turn yellow. You need to have time to collect the seeds before the boxes open.



Why are flowers called pansies? Why are Natasha’s eyes worse?

An. eyes

Ancient Greeks origin an. the peephole was connected with Io, the daughter of the Argos king, who loved Zeus with all her heart, for which she was turned into a cow by his jealous wife, the goddess Hero. In order to somehow brighten up the life of his beloved, Zeus grew flowers “an. Eyes”, which symbolized a love triangle and, on the one hand, equated a mere mortal with a goddess, and on the other, kept in her belief that the curse of Hera does not last forever.

Another ancient Greek legend associated these flowers with the goddess Aphrodite. Once Aphrodite, bathing in a grotto where a man’s gaze should not have penetrated, heard a rustle and saw several mortals looking at her. In anger, the goddess asked Zeus to punish the daring, and he turned them into flowers, the appearance of which expresses curiosity and surprise.

The Germans called this plant "stepmother" and composed a touching story about these flowers. The lower petal of the flower, it was told in it, - the largest and most beautiful - is the stepmother. Two side - smaller, but also beautiful - her own daughters. And the top two - the smallest, modestly colored - poorly dressed stepdaughters. According to legend, before the stepmother was upstairs and greatly offended the poor stepdaughters. The good magician punished her and turned the flower so that her stepdaughters were upstairs and her stepmother downstairs. As a punishment for his evil temper, the wizard gave his stepmother a spur that she hates, and daughters a mustache (dark lines on the petals).

There is a legend telling that in an. the eyes were turned overly curious girl Anyuta, who spied on someone else's life and interpreted it in her own way.

From time immemorial, Poles and Belarusians have dubbed their “brothers” that several multi-colored petals coexist in one flower corolla and give them only to those whom they brotherly love.

In Poland, the bride gave an. eyes to the departing bridegroom, and then they symbolized the eternal memory and loyalty of the giver; the same thing was expressed by a bunch of flowers above the window of a Frenchwoman’s house, whose groom was away.

In England, an. Until recently, eyes were used for a declaration of love: it was enough to send this flower and write your name, no words were needed anymore.

The fact is that since the XVI century in the flower symbolism of many European countries an. eyes began to serve as a symbol of thought, loyalty, wisdom. They began to be called "thought," "thought." An. eyes were even credited with charming properties. On Valentine's Day, lovers sent these flowers as a symbol of recognition in a feeling that was previously kept secret. Therefore, in England an. the eyes are also called "cardiac sedation," or "cardiac joy."

According to the legends of the Slavic peoples, in the three-colored petals of an. the peephole reflected three periods of the life of the girl Anyuta with a good heart and trusting radiant eyes. She lived in the village, she believed every word, she found justification for every action. But, to her misfortune, I met an insidious seducer who, with sworn assurances, awakened the first feeling in the girl. With all her heart, with all her life, Anyuta reached out to the young man, and the young man was frightened: he hastened on the road on urgent matters, promising his beloved to return without fail. Anyuta looked at the road for a long time, waiting for her beloved, and quietly faded from longing. And when she died, flowers appeared at the place of her burial, en. eyes, in the three-colored petals of which hope, surprise and sadness were reflected: in the corollas, white color - the color of hope, yellow - surprise, purple - sadness.

By the way, the origin of the Russian name of these flowers is unknown, although in Russia, in addition to the name "an. Eyes," this flower is called three-color, and half-color, and scrofula. And all the names are apt.

For example, the scrofula was nicknamed because it has long been used in folk medicine to use tea from this plant to treat scrofula in children. A three-color is called due to the fact that the flower has really white, yellow and purple petals. Yes, and botanists call en. eyes violet tricolor, or viola.

Pansies are flowering, cultivated plants. In another way they are called tricolor violets or viols. These beautiful plants have been known to everyone since childhood. They occupy one of the leading places in the world of gardeners.

They have a variety of varieties (up to 400) and color shades. Bloom profusely from spring to frost. Many gardeners are sure to allocate a plot in the garden for these beautiful flowers.

Why so called Pansies

The true origin of the name of the flower is not known. There are only legends and myths. One of these legends tells that once lived a girl named Anyuta. Once she met a young man and fell in love with him. After some time, the young man decided to leave, but he swore that he would return to his chosen one.

Annie many times took to the road along which her lover had gone. I peered into the distance, hoping to see him. She waited a long time, but the young man never returned. Gradually fading from loneliness and longing, Anyuta died.

After the burial, flowers resembling eyes that grew tirelessly somewhere in the distance grew on her grave. So there was a popular name for pansies.

Pansy varieties photos and names

  - the variety has pure white flowers with wavy edges. The size of the opened bud varies from six to eight centimeters. The total height of the bush reaches thirty-five centimeters.

  - This variety has white flowers with yellow spots. The size of the opened buds reaches seven centimeters. The peduncle length varies from eight to twelve centimeters.

  - the flowers of this variety are painted in blue and purple. Petals have smooth edges and a smooth surface. The size of the flowers varies from six to seven centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoot is about eleven centimeters.

  - flowers of this variety have a cherry and red hue with brown spots. Petals are smooth with ribbed edges. The size of the flowers in diameter is eight centimeters.

  - From the name of the variety it is clear that the flowers have a golden hue. The size of the opened buds reaches seven centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoot does not exceed ten centimeters.

Varieties with large flowers

  - flowers of this grade are brown and red. The lower petals have brown spots. The size of the flowers varies from five to six centimeters.

  - the flowers have a bluish tint. The size of the opened buds is not more than five centimeters in diameter. The total height of the bush reaches thirty centimeters.

  - the flowers of this variety at the base have a purple and violet hue, and closer to the edges they acquire a white tone. The lower petals are completely white. The size of the opened buds reaches five centimeters. The shoot length is small, about seven centimeters.

  - flowers are bright yellowish with crimson splashes. All petals have ribbed edges. The length of the stems reaches nine centimeters, and the diameter of the flowers is five centimeters.

- This variety has flowers that appear with a dark purple color, but after two days acquire a black tone. The petals have a velvet surface and smooth edges. Flowers grow up to five centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoots is ten centimeters.

  - the flowers of this variety appear with a blue color, but after two days the petals begin to lighten, acquiring a light bluish tint. The size of the flowers reaches a diameter of five centimeters. The length of the shoots is about nine centimeters.

  - the flowers of this plant have a white color with long, purple blotches. There are varieties with petals that have white, yellow, purple and green hues. The height of the bush reaches twenty centimeters, and the diameter of the flowers is five centimeters.

Varieties with small flowers

  - flowers with a dark red hue with a black base. The lower petals are painted in yellow. Flowers have a diameter of four centimeters. The total height of the bush is twenty centimeters.

  - the variety was named in honor of a girl from a folk tale who had a red cap. Also, the flowers of the plant at the edges have a light or dark shade of red, and in the center of the petals is black. The size of the flowers is small, only three centimeters.

  - flowers with velvet petals of a pure white tone. The size of flowers can reach four centimeters in diameter.

  - This variety has delicate petals with a blue and light blue tint. Flowers grow up to four centimeters in diameter.

Pansy seed growing

To please yourself with flowers already in the first year, you need to know how to plant this plant correctly. It all starts with sowing seeds at the end of February. To do this, use any plastic boxes filled with slightly acidic soil.

Seeds must be planted to a depth of 5 mm. Then put the drawers in a dark and warm place. Five days later, the seedlings will germinate. Having noticed the first seedlings, transfer the seedlings to a bright place where the temperature does not exceed + 17 ° C. Watch for moderate soil moisture, feed the seedlings with soluble fertilizer containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

When the seedlings sprout well and two leaves appear on each stalk, proceed to planting in cassettes. After transplanting, put the boxes in a cool place, where not more than + 13 ° C. During this period, continue to monitor the soil moisture and fertilize.

Violet is a very beautiful flower that can be grown when leaving at home, the main thing is to follow the rules of care and you will not have problems with it. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Viola Primer

For tricolor violets, you need to choose a nutritious soil. In poor soils, such as sandy or clayey, flowers grow poorly, becoming nondescript dwarfs.

To improve bad soil, you need to mix it with fertilizer. Add 5 kg of vegetable compost or last year's manure per square meter.

Pansies landing

Three-colored violet is not whimsical when grown in open ground. The only thing she needs is a vast place and warmth. To land, select an open, sunny area. When you start planting seedlings, observe the distance between the seedlings (15-20 cm). Plants take root in 3-4 days.

Important!  Plant seedlings in open ground two months after the dive. The number of leaves in a seedling should be at least 4 pieces.

Watering the viola

You need to water the flowers three times a week, and if the weather turned out to be hot, then every day. Try not to flood the seedlings, but to maintain moderate soil moisture. Pour water under the very root.

Important! Do not allow stagnation of water in the ground, this can cause decay of the flowers. Loosen the soil after watering.

Fertilizer for tricolor violets

The first feeding of flowers should be done two weeks after transplanting into the open ground. As a fertilizer, any complexes of minerals (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium) are suitable. The following feeding should be done during the appearance of buds and before flowering.

Important!  You can not fertilize this plant with fresh manure.

Pansy cropping

Violets multiply rapidly by throwing seeds into the soil. If you do not want the flowers to grow strongly in one place, then you need to remove the seed boxes in time. You need to cut flowers at a distance of five centimeters from the ground.

After three weeks, you will have new inflorescences. Circumcision is also done if the bushes begin to turn yellow and dry out, and the flowers grow dull and diminish. In two weeks, the shrub will give new shoots.

Important!  Leave two sheets on each stem of the crop field.

Pansies flowering period

Violets give abundant flowering from May to frost, that is, 4-5 months a year. Such a long flowering occurs due to the constant change of flowers, which occurs imperceptibly.

Old flowers fall in 3-4 days, and new ones appear in their places. If you want flowers to start appearing in early spring, then sow the seeds in the open ground in the second half of summer.

Three-colored violet in the winter

Three-colored violets easily survive the cold season. But they need help getting ready for the winter.

After the onset of stable frosts, cut the bushes. Then cover the plants with dry leaves. In early spring, remove the leaves so that the flowers do not become barred.

Pansy growing from seed when planted

This is the main way to propagate violets. Seeds can be purchased at a flower shop or collected independently from bushes that have faded. They are planted in drawers for seedlings or immediately in open ground.

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings can be different. To get early flowering specimens, you can sow in January and February. But for this it will be necessary to provide seedlings with additional lighting. The first flower buds will appear in late spring and early summer.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in early summer and autumn. In the first case, the plants will show abundant flowering in August and September. And in the second case, sowing will provide flowering in the early spring of next year.

Pansy propagation by cuttings

For example, large-flowered varieties degenerate over time and begin to produce small flowers. The propagation method can save and propagate such a rare specimen.

To do this, cut a small shoot from the plant with two leaves and plant in a glass with soil. Such a stalk itself will start roots without additional stimulants.

Important!  Use soil from the area where you plan to plant flowers. This will help the plant immediately adapt to the characteristics of your soil.

Propagation of a three-colored violet by dividing a bush

This method is used to propagate perennial varieties. Violets should not grow in one place for more than four years. They degenerate and disappear.

To prevent this, a large shrub is divided into small parts. You need to separate the plant in early spring before flowering.

Diseases and Pests

Powdery mildew   - This is a fungal disease that appears on the leaves and stems in the form of white plaque. If the plant has small spots, you need to treat the surface of the leaves with fungicides, such as Chistotsvet or Topaz. With a stronger spread of the fungus, the plant must be pulled out of the garden so as not to infect the remaining flowers.

Gray rot Is a disease of fungal origin. It manifests itself in the form of a grayish mold, which covers the affected areas of leaves and stems. To stop the spread of infection, you need to remove the leaves. Sprinkle the remaining affected areas with wood ash or chalk. If the fungus has spread very much over the flower, you need to spray it with a fungicidal preparation (fundozol, pure color, rake, scor).

Bacterial spotting   - The cause of this disease is phytopathogenic bacteria. It appears in the form of brown or black spots that affect the leaves. To stop the spread of the disease, you need to pull out the affected plant, and spray nearby bushes with a medium toxicity fungicide, such as copper oxychloride.

Pansies healing properties

Three-colored violet is a unique medicinal plant that contains many useful substances: vitamin C, karatinoydy, rutin, salicylic acid, trace elements, etc. Thanks to its chemicals, the plant helps to cope with cough, bronchitis, stomach and intestinal diseases, urinary infection bladder, neurosis and insomnia.

There are contraindications in the use of viola. You can not use the plant for liver inflammation (hepatitis) and kidney disease (glomerulonephritis). Frequent use of a decoction of tricolor violets can cause stomach irritation.

Flu decoction : Pour one cup of hot water into the container. Add one tablespoon of dried, ground grass. Put the container on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. Wait until the broth has cooled and strain. Take one teaspoon three times a day after meals.

Cough syrup : Add five tablespoons of dried, ground grass to the bowl. Pour five glasses of boiling water. Leave the solution for twelve hours, and then strain. Add five tablespoons of sugar and set on fire. Cook the composition until the syrup is thick. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice. Drink hot tea syrup - one tablespoon of syrup per glass of tea.

Pansies (viola tricolor) is a one-two-year-old herbaceous plant from the family of violets, reaching a height of 15-20 cm. The stems are thin, hollow, erect, covered with short hairs, ending in single flowers. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, rounded heart-shaped or oblong-elliptical, hairy. The lower leaves are heart-ovate, and the upper ones are oblong-elliptic. The flowers are single, on long pedicels, purple-blue, with different shades. Usually the two upper petals are purple, the two side petals are light purple, and the lower is yellow or white. It blooms from April to late autumn. The fruits ripen in June. Seeds are small, obovate, smooth. Fruit - a box, cracking with three wings, from where seeds are scattered.

Three-colored violet grows almost everywhere in the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia. It settles in dry meadows, clearings, forest edges, in gardens, in vegetable gardens. As a weed, violet often settles on arable land.

Medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant, grass. It is harvested during flowering, in May - July. The cut grass is dried in the shade, laying out in a thin layer on a wooden flooring and often mixing. Dried grass is stored in a wooden or glass container for no more than one and a half years.

For a long time in many countries they have been trying to breed pansies in culture for medicinal purposes. Only field pansies with small flowers are grown, the petals of which are light yellow and whitish in color. The soil for sowing seeds should be good, but not oily. Seeds are sown in March - April in rows, abundantly watered until seedlings appear and rows are loosened several times. Sometimes seeds are sown in the summer, and in September, seedlings are transplanted and in May next year they are already harvesting. Over the summer, several crops are harvested.

Where the Russian name of this plant came from - "pansies" - is not known for certain. True, some cultivars of pansies with large flowers really look like a girl’s blue eyes, but the simple, modest wild flower of interest to us looks a little like girl’s eyes. But, nevertheless, this plant is more often called pansies, rather than a "three-colored violet." The Germans call this plant a stepmother, explaining this name as follows. The lower, largest and most beautiful petal is a stripped stepmother. Two, higher, no less beautifully colored petals - this is her, no less beautifully dressed daughters. And the two uppermost white little petals, as if faded, with a lilac shade of the petal are her poorly dressed stepdaughters. Legend has it that before, the stepmother was upstairs and the poor stepdaughters downstairs, but God took pity on the poor, clogged and abandoned girls and turned the flower, while the evil stepmother was her spur harassing her and her daughters, their antennae that they hated.

Some saw in the flower a female face expressing curiosity. It is said that this face belongs to one woman who was turned into this flower because she looked out of curiosity where she was forbidden to look.

As if to confirm this, they tell another legend about the appearance of pansies on the ground. Once, this legend says, the goddess Venus decided to bathe in one distant grotto, where not a single human eye could penetrate. The goddess calmly bathed, but suddenly she heard a rustle and saw mortals staring at her. Arriving in indescribable anger, Venus turned to Zeus with a request to punish the daring. Zeus, of course, responded to the request of the beautiful goddess and decided to punish them, but then relented and turned them into pansies, expressing curiosity and surprise.

The Greeks call this flower - the flower of Jupiter, and they have such a legend about its origin. Once, bored of sitting on his throne from the clouds, the Thunderer conceived, for the sake of diversity, to descend to the ground. In order not to be recognized, he took the form of a shepherdess and took with him a lovely white sheep, which he led on a rope. Having reached the Argives fields, Jupiter saw a mass of people aspiring to the temple of Juno and mechanically followed the people. At that time, the famous in Greece, the beautiful Io, the daughter of King Enoch, was making sacrifices. Fascinated by her extraordinary beauty, Jupiter forgot about his divine origin and, putting at his feet the adorable lamb brought by him with him, opened to her in his love.

Proud, impregnable, rejecting the harassment of all the kings of the earth, Io could not resist the charms of the Thunderer and was carried away by him. Lovers usually met only in the quiet of the night and under the strictest confidence, but jealous Juno soon found out about this connection, and Jupiter, in order to save poor Io from the wrath of his wife, was forced to turn his beloved into a wonderful, snow-white cow.

But this transformation became the greatest misfortune for the girl. Upon learning of such a terrible transformation, she began to weep bitterly, and her plaintive cry rang out like a cow roar. She wanted to raise her hands to the sky in order to beg the immortals to return to her former image, but her arms that turned into legs did not obey her. She wandered sadly among her sisters, and no one recognized her. True, her father sometimes caressed her like a beautiful animal, gave her succulent leaves, which she plucked from the nearest bush, but in vain she licked his hands with gratitude, shed tears in vain - her father also did not recognize her.

Finally, a happy thought crossed her mind: she thought of writing her misfortune. And then one day, when her father fed her, she began to draw letters on the sand with her feet. These strange movements attracted his attention, he began to peer at the signs in the sand and, to his horror, recognized the unfortunate fate of his beautiful daughter, whom he had long considered dead.

“Oh, I am miserable! he exclaimed, hugging the cow's face. “This is the terrible form I found you, my dear, priceless child of mine, you, whom I have sought for so long and in vain. Seeking you everywhere, I suffered badly, but when I find, I suffer ten times more! Poor, poor, child, you cannot even utter at least one word to me as a consolation - instead of words, only wild sounds break out from your sore soul! ”

The unfortunate daughter and father were inconsolable. And then, in order to at least somewhat mitigate the terrible fate of Io, on the orders of Jupiter, the earth grew a pleasant food for the unfortunate - a three-color violet flower, which the Greeks called the “Jupiter flower”. The flower symbolically depicted the blushing and paling maiden modesty.

In the middle of the century, the flower begins to play a role in the Christian world and gets the name of the flower of St. Trinity. Medieval Christians saw a triangle in the dark spot in the middle of the flower and compared it with the all-seeing eye, and in the stains surrounding it - the radiance coming from it. The triangle, in their opinion, depicts the three faces of St. Trinity, originating from the all-seeing eye - God the Father.

It should be noted that this flower was surrounded by mystery in the Middle Ages and in one of the Trappist monasteries one could see on the wall a huge image of it with a dead head in the center and the inscription: "Remember death."

In the north of France, white pansies were considered a symbol of death, they were never presented to anyone or made of bouquets of them.

But in the same Middle Ages in some places pansies served as a symbol of fidelity in love, and it was customary to give each other their portraits placed in an enlarged image of this flower.

In Poland, this flower is called "brothers", the Poles love it and give it as a keepsake only as a sign of a very large location. A young girl gives such a flower there only as a souvenir to her groom. By the way, since ancient times pansies have been credited with the property of enchanting love. To do this, the person who wanted to bewitch, during sleep, had to sprinkle the juice of these flowers forever, and then come and stand in front of him just at the time he wakes up.

Pansies enjoy great love and popularity in Persia, where there are even more endearing words for this flower than for a rose.

In England, pansies are sent to lovers on Valentine's Day (February 14), when all the feelings hidden for a year get the right to pour out on paper, and send to the address of those who are intended. They say that on this day in England more letters are written with declarations of love than on the whole globe. Sometimes in an envelope instead of writing a dried flower of pansies is sent. And everything is clear to the recipient - this is a declaration of love.

Thus, this flower plays the role of an intermediary, expressing without words the thought and desire of the one who sent it. In England, this flower is also called "cardiac sedation."

The first attempts to make pansies garden flowers date back to the beginning of the 16th century. At that time, pansies began to be grown from seeds in the gardens of Prince William of Hesse-Kassel, and in the 17th century, Vandergren, the gardener of Prince Orleans, began to grow pansies in the garden. He managed to bring out five varieties of pansies.

This flower owes even greater improvement to the daughter of the English Earl of Tankerville, Mary Benet, who, having made this flower her favorite, planted the whole garden and the entire terrace of her castle. Her gardener gathered everywhere the seeds of the largest and most beautiful flowers and sowed them. Through natural cross-pollination, more and more varieties appeared in the Countess’s garden, among which there were beautiful varieties that attracted the attention of lovers and made pansies one of the most beloved flowers.

Selection of more and more varieties of pansies in different countries of Europe led to the fact that in 1830 Darwin numbered 400 of them, among which there were already velvety, satiny flowers, which now adorn our gardens.

The chemical composition of tricolor violet grass is quite rich in biologically active substances. The grass contains flavone glycoside, violacquercytin and anthocyanin glycosides (dolphinidin, peonidine, violanin), a small amount of essential oil, carotene, violaxanthin, alkaloid violaemethine, saponins, tannins, mucous polysaccharides, phenol carboxylic acids, 300 mg% phenol carboxylic acids, .

Tricolor violet preparations have an expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative effect. The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are associated with the presence of pharmacologically active essential oil and mucus-like substances in its grass, which have an antiseptic effect in the gastrointestinal tract, enhance the secretion of bronchial glands and facilitate the elimination of sputum. The saponins contained in the plant determine the expectorant and diuretic properties of it. Tricolor violet preparations also have antimicrobial, enveloping, soothing and emetic (in large doses) action. In particular, the infusion of herbs has a detrimental effect on protozoa, is a good expectorant for acute respiratory infections, inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, lungs and urinary tract, as well as for urolithiasis. The high content of vitamin C and carotenoids in the grass makes the violet infusion useful for atherosclerosis, heart attacks, joint inflammation, and rickets in children.

Pansy preparations are used alone, in the form of infusions and decoctions, as well as in mixtures with other medicinal plants (in collections). Basically, violet preparations are prescribed as an expectorant and cough softener for acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, for whooping cough. Violet preparations soften inflammatory deposits on the bronchi, facilitate sputum removal, increase the motor activity of the ciliary epithelium of the mucous membranes of the lungs, which contributes to faster evacuation of sputum and therefore soothe cough.

Violet preparations are also prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, for urolithiasis, urate diathesis, and for some other urological diseases. Drugs from the herb of the plant are used for allergic dermatitis, exudative diathesis, eczema. In these diseases, herbal preparations are applied topically in the form of lotions and for preparing baths.

Our ancestors loved violet tea: dried grass was brewed like tea and drank from scrofula and other rashes. It was believed that pansies belong to blood purifiers. The infusion of herbs was used in the treatment of milk rash, for which 1 teaspoon of the herb in a glass of water was insisted. The grass was poured into the water at night, and the next morning the infusion was boiled and allowed to drink on an empty stomach with an admixture of sweetened milk.

In one of the ancient herbalists we read:

  • violet leaf, crushed and taken inside, any swelling that occurs in the stoma (stomach) and which will be born from unnecessary ardor will eliminate;
  • the root of that herb, boiled in wine and crushed and applied to the edema of the spleen, the edema will eliminate and excess moisture from the spleen will be pulled out;
  • who sniffs the color white violet, the disease will calm down and get a quiet sleep;
  • the spirit of violet color with violet grass attached to the head of a drunken person, sober him up;
  • hops, like headache, purple drives violet;
  • it removes the severity and heals the sickly patients.

Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw material is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, filtered, the grass is squeezed out. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day after meals. With prolonged use of high doses, nausea and even vomiting may occur.
Herbal Tea: the grass is brewed with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10, heated in a water bath, without bringing to a boil, for 5 minutes, insist 15 minutes, filter and take 1 tbsp. spoon several times a day.

Outwardly, for compresses and baths, the infusion of violets is combined with oral administration for various skin diseases.

Botanists call this flower a tricolor viola or tricolor violet. This is a modest small plant growing in open spaces.

These unpretentious flowers were introduced into the culture more than a hundred years ago in England. They owe this to the gardener Thompson, who tracked down and brought in a wild variety of violets. Three-colored violet (Viola tricolor) began to be crossed with yellow violet (V. lutea), Altai (U. altaica) and horned (V. cornuta) resulting in many new varieties and hybrids. These plants were so different from the original species that it became necessary to isolate them in a new, artificially obtained species - violet Wittrokka (Viola x wittrokkiana). The name is given in honor of the Swedish botanist Veit Wittrock (1839-1914), who devoted his life to the study of this plant.

In England, pansies are still considered one of the most beloved plants to this day. Even leaving for other countries, the British are trying to plant these cheerful flowers in their new front gardens as a memory of their homeland. From England, violets migrated to France, Germany, and then to Russia.

According to the legend of violet (about pansies): in the three-colored petals of pansies reflected three periods of the life of the girl Anyuta with a good heart and gullible eyes. She lived in the village, she believed every word, she found justification for every action. I met an insidious seducer at my misfortune and with all my heart fell in love with him. And the young man was frightened of her love and hurried on the road, assuring that he would return soon. Anyuta looked at the road for a long time, quietly fading from longing. And when she died, flowers appeared at the place of her burial, in the three-colored petals of which hope, surprise and sadness were reflected. This is a Russian legend about a flower.

The ancient Greeks associated the appearance of these flowers with the daughter of the Argos king Io, who fell in love with Zeus, for which his wife Hero was turned into a cow. In order to brighten up the life of his beloved somehow, Zeus raised pansies for her, which symbolized a love triangle.

Once the sun god Apollo chased one of Atlas's beautiful daughters with his burning rays, the poor girl turned to Zeus with a prayer to shelter and protect her. And then the great thunderer, heeding her prayers, turned her into a wonderful violet and covered her in the shade of her bush, where since then she has bloomed and filled the heavenly forests with her fragrance every spring.

Here, maybe this lovely flower would have remained forever and would never have come to our land, but it so happened that Proserpina, the daughter of Zeus and Ceres, went to the forest for flowers and was abducted by Pluto, who had suddenly appeared, just at that time when she tore violets. In a fright, she dropped from her hands the flowers she had plucked to the ground, which served as the ancestors of those violets that still grow in our country.

And here is another legend that tells: Once on a hot day, Venus decided to swim in the most distant cave, so that no one could spy. The goddess Venus swam for a long time and with pleasure and suddenly heard a rustle. She turned and saw several mortals looking at her. The goddess was enraged and decided to punish those too curious. Venus turned to Zeus with a request to punish the guilty. Zeus, of course, responded to the request of the beautiful goddess and decided to punish them, but then relented and turned them into pansies, expressing curiosity and surprise.

In Germany, they call this flower a stepmother, explaining the name as follows. The lower, largest and most beautiful petal is a stripped stepmother. Two, higher, no less beautifully colored petals - this is her, no less beautifully dressed daughters. And the two uppermost white petals, as if faded, with a lilac shade of the petal are her poorly dressed stepdaughters. Legend has it that before, the stepmother was upstairs and the poor stepdaughters downstairs, but God took pity on the poor, clogged and abandoned girls and turned the flower, while the evil stepmother got the spur harassing her, and her natural daughters got the mustache they hated.

Some saw in this flower a female face expressing curiosity. It is said that this face belongs to one woman who was turned into a flower because she looked out of curiosity where she was forbidden to look.