How to choose wallpaper for a dark hallway. Wallpaper in the corridor: choice of type, color, combination

There should be no imperfections in the interior of the house: it is important to take care of every room, including the entrance hall and the corridor. Of great importance in the decoration of these rooms are wallpaper. Being one of the key design elements, they make the walls well-groomed and tidy. The choice of wallpaper for the hallway and corridor is subject to a number of features. Before buying, it is worth exploring the looks, fashionable shades, colors, combinations of the pattern, texture and other nuances.


Wallpaper is a wall and ceiling decoration material of various kinds. This finish is internal. Wallpaper is mainly sold in the form of rolled products, although, thanks to modern production technologies, another type of material, packaged in bags, is offered to the attention of buyers.

It is the type of wallpaper that is the factor determining the way of gluing the surface of the walls: they are glued in the form of cuts of the desired length or smeared with a spatula.

In production, different raw materials are used, which determines the quality and operational characteristics of each type of wallpaper.

The most common materials are paper, textile and vinyl. Today, this cladding is much more interesting than Soviet-era products: modern manufacturing companies offer a wide range of products, which is often the focus of the premises.

If earlier it was believed that the wallpaper for the hallway and the corridor did not have much significance, today the opinion has radically changed: this cladding helps determine the status of the owners of the house, it indicates their taste preferences and determines the aesthetic perception.


The choice of material is based on knowledge of the varieties. There are many of them, however, not all raw materials are suitable for a hallway or a narrow corridor. And it is not a matter of color at all: the texture and pattern are not suitable, which either reduce the space of already small rooms, or glow too much, or create a feeling of heaviness. In addition, some varieties are not suitable in style.

The most popular varieties of decoration, which is appropriate in almost every style of interior composition, are wallpaper: paper, vinyl, non-woven, textile, paintable, liquid, glass, natural, 3D.

Roll products differ in different widths, which is very convenient and allows you to glue the walls as accurately as possible, without bubbles and creases.

  • Paper wallpaper- budget paintings with a paper base and a drawing or photo printing applied to it. They differ in thickness, can be very thin and are divided into two categories: simplex (single-layer) and duplex (two-layer). The first ones are simpler, cheaper and more difficult to glue, the second ones can hold on the walls for more than 5 years without requiring gluing. These canvases are afraid of moisture, therefore, in contact with water, they can move away from the walls.
  • Vinylanalogues differ in the porous structure of the surface. Unlike paper canvases, they consist of two layers: a vinyl top and a non-woven backing. In some products, the base is paper. This finish is expensive, although it does not justify its price, because after some time it releases formaldehyde vapors into the air. Vivid representatives of the variety are silk-screened wallpapers - smooth, hard and foamed canvases, the colors of which are applied by embossing, from which the canvases become like cloth.

  • Non-woven  Wallpaper resemble vinyl. They are quite dense, made of polymers or textile fibers. Such canvases are breathable, they are fireproof, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, therefore they are suitable for the entrance, sun-drenched. The texture is pleasant in that it hides the small irregularities of the walls, which is a significant plus. However, non-woven coatings accumulate dust on the surface and are distinguished by a structure that requires careful handling.
  • Textilewallpaper looks like a decorative coating with woven threads glued to a paper base. Threads can be twisted or arranged in parallel (as close as possible). This finish is rather controversial. It demonstrates the welfare of the owners of the house, but in the pasting it is rather capricious and does not allow the smallest hit of glue on the surface of the front side. It is difficult to glue it, in addition, it is necessary to apply the composition only on the wall, which is not always convenient and sufficient for maximum grip.

  • Wall decoration for painting - wallpaper mainly white in color meter-wide, made on a paper basis. The structure of the material is embossed, has a different simple pattern, more often similar to chaotic stucco molding. Due to the unusual relief, an interesting pattern is created during painting, while it is possible to hide the irregularities of the wall. The material is attractive in that it can be painted repeatedly: the paint lays evenly, painting all the recesses of the relief.
  • Liquid wallpaper  - a new generation product, which is the only one from the line of interior wall decoration that comes in packages and resembles adhesive cotton wool. Moreover, the similarity is not only external: the material is also diluted with warm water and allowed to infuse the right time (about a day), tightly closing the bag. Finished raw materials are spread on the wall: the appearance of the cladding is original, heterogeneous, resembling an uneven mosaic. The uniqueness of the material is the ability to perform any pattern. To do this, after the primer on the wall, draw the desired composition, then fill the wall with different shades of wallpaper. The disadvantage of raw materials is the fear of getting on the surface of the water.

  • Cullet- a kind of material with a fiberglass structure. It is made in a special way resembling knitting. Glass fiber is used in the work. In order for the material to acquire a stable form, it is treated with special impregnations. Cullets are an original design of the hallway or corridor, they are not subject to decay, they are acceptable, they do not contain harmful toxins and can be painted.
  • 3D effect cladding  - A variety with a three-dimensional (three-dimensional) image. A canvas with visual distortion can change the amount of space, so it is an appropriate type of finish. 3D wallpapers have a dense, resistant to accidental mechanical damage structure. They do not burn and lie perfectly on the walls without forming bubbles. However, with a lot of advantages, this finish does not always look good on the wall: for the illusion to be harmonious, you need a small print or more space.

  • In line naturalwallpaper included products from jute, leaves. In addition to them, bamboo and cork coatings are interesting. Compared with other analogues, these materials are quite expensive, although their quality characteristics are quite high. They are resistant to moisture, look advantageous and expensive, pull the design to the desired level with a premium look and are combined with different environments. Their distinctive feature is the shade of sand color and appearance, which is far from the classical representation.

What wallpaper to choose?

In a huge selection of wall decoration it is difficult at first glance to buy what you need. Sometimes there are a lot of options around that, with their diversity, divert attention from the right canvas.

In order not to get confused when buying, it is worth outline the algorithm:

  • viewing the existing atmosphere of the hallway or corridor;
  • the choice of shade and pattern, taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bspace and lighting capabilities;
  • choice of canvas in the store (several options);
  • identification of pros and cons (gluing method, complexity, abrasion resistance under mechanical stress);
  • calculation of quantity taking into account compliance with the figure;
  • purchase based on value for money and premium.

Wallpaper does not buy solely on the basis of appearance. Of course, it should be beautiful and having a nice texture. However, this alone is not enough. Often, at first glance, the canvas seems to be special, and upon repeated examination it irritates the eyes.

It is worth looking at several types of paintings, given the unevenness of the walls, the thickness of the wallpaper, the relevance of their themes in a particular interior composition.

To simplify the selection, it’s worth noting a few useful tips:

  • the type of wallpaper should be “correct”: it is important to pay attention to strength, the average thickness of the material, the absence of a porous structure (it breaks off in small pieces under random mechanical stress);
  • excessively thick and textured canvases are more difficult to clad, if the walls have irregularities, they can quickly move between joints;
  • a gunny and a small strip in the interior of the hallway or corridor create a wall ripple: such drawings look great near, but hit from the distance in the eyes;
  • it's time to forget about standard solutions, today they are commonplace: depending on the picture, the wallpaper can be combined with paired rolls or glued to the wall horizontally;

  • a large print of wallpaper destroys a small space, so it will not work for a narrow corridor or tiny hallway;
  • if the room is narrow, you can glue paired wallpapers, drawing attention to the edges of the width (on long sides it is better to choose plain canvas);
  • if the space is small, it is better to choose a washable wallpaper: this way you can extend the life of the wall coverings and make it easier to care for the cleanliness of the walls;
  • if there are plastic panels in the hallway or corridor interior, dense embossed wallpapers are suitable as a companion: they are better combined with a smooth texture of plastic.

It is necessary to pay attention to the subtleties of color combinations. To glue wallpaper on the wall today is to be a designer. It is not enough to choose a beautiful drawing and an interesting foundation.

It is important to consider the combination with the furnishings, the depth and saturation of the shade:

  • despite practical considerations, dark shades will create the illusion of a decrease in space, they will put pressure on the floor;
  • you can’t buy canvases in the same color with the floor covering: this creates the feeling that the floor is wrapped on the walls;
  • if the hallway or corridor is replete with small objects, a large print is excluded: it will create an atmosphere of disorder;
  • if you choose a color that is not in the interior of the room, you can not do without support through design elements (hangers, floor lamps, lamps, rugs);
  • if the room has a window, wallpapers in the color of curtains are excluded (the walls should be different from the curtains).


The color schemes of the wallpaper for the hallway and corridor are multifaceted. There is no rigid framework: delicate taste is important. Some manage to complete the design using dark shades, and the hallway at the same time looks stylish and status. You can take the ideas of experienced designers as the basis.

Conventionally, all shades are divided into practical and beautiful. The first group includes canvases of beige and divorced brown gamma. Of all the shades of the color palette, they most harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway and corridor. This is a classic, appropriate beyond the choice of style.

The canvases of the second group are divided into two types: pastel shades and saturated colors. Muted light colors include lilac, gray-pink, blue, turquoise and delicate peach shades. Bright colors of the palette include soft green, burgundy, wine red paints. Colors look muffled, due to the texture of the paintings look expensive and stylish.

As for the white and yellow shades, their choice is not so popular. White color is easily soiled, so it is not suitable for rooms with high traffic. Yellow color gives way to beige and milk: so the walls look more premium. Black paint in the interior of the hallway and corridor is inappropriate. The maximum that they should be - to decorate the elements of the wallpaper (and even then in a small amount).


Decoration of paintings is a special topic. Each brand seeks to produce something unique that can attract a customer. In a competitive environment, the canvases are distinguished by a variety of textures and patterns.

The choice of wallpaper must obey two rules:

  1. practicality;
  2. beauty.

Design takes into account several factors, among which the texture is of particular importance.

She may be:

  • smooth, so that the drawings have clear and expressive lines (lace and floral motifs, geometric shapes, flowers, striped wallpaper);
  • with a relief pattern (including 3D), which allows the canvas to look three-dimensional (velor wallpaper, embossing);
  • with imitation of the texture of different materials (under the laminate, tile masonry, weaving, crocodile skin, tortoise shell, zebra or python skin, with pebbles).

The main condition is relevance: the wallpaper should be in harmony with the general idea of \u200b\u200bdesign, coincide, at least in one shade with the existing environment, observe the necessary themes in style.

They should bring notes of positive (warm shades) and homeliness into the premises (catchy metallized and fluorescent sheets creating the illusion of a disco are excluded). In general, the atmosphere should correspond to the entire style of the apartment.

Sticking selected wallpapers

Wallpapering is a simple matter, but many people have a lot of questions. Some are interested in where to start wall decoration, others do not know how to properly glue the canvas. It may seem that each canvas has its own tricks and features of gluing.

In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem:

  • if the walls were glued with other wallpaper before repair, they should be removed with a spray gun and water (it’s easier to remove the old coating, the sheets are removed in large fragments, and there is practically no dust);
  • on each roll the method of gluing is indicated (sometimes it has a schematic image);
  • thin canvases are glued together, overlapping one another, dense wallpapers are glued close to each other (butt);

  • since there is rarely a window in these rooms, the first sheet is glued from the door, then they go around clockwise and return from the back of the door;
  • if the canvas is textured and dense, no matter where to glue: you can start work from the corner (so you can make the corner as accurately as possible without distortions and creases);
  • the design options for the location of the wallpaper affect the gluing method: if it is a patchwork technique, the cut out fragments will have to be glued from the middle or according to the marking applied.

Fashion options

Since wallpaper of the same design is boring, you can decorate the walls of the hallway and corridor with various techniques of experienced stylists.

The most interesting stylistic solutions are:

  • horizontal combination  - gluing paintings perpendicular to the floor by the alternation method, taking into account the characteristics of the picture (relevant for the strip);
  • vertical rotation - a technique similar to the previous one, but with a slight difference: a pattern is less distinguished than a plain canvas (it is better to draw a center with a print, start alternating along the edges, making the plain stripes wider);

The answer to the exciting question "what kind of wallpaper to choose for your hallway?" depends on a number of factors. Going through many options in an online store or on supermarket shelves, do not be too lazy to think about what a hall is and what its functional purpose is. After all, often after gluing wallpaper and the first rain on the street, the owners think about how to clean their chic walls trimmed with plain paper now. The following room characteristics are important points:

  • quadrature;
  • the form;
  • ceiling height;
  • the evenness of the walls;
  • lack of natural light;
  • the possibility of frequent pollution;
  • the style of the rest of the rooms;
  • the presence and appearance of furniture in the hallway;
  • convenience.

The list is far from small, which once again emphasizes the importance of a considered, reasonable approach to choosing wallpaper in the hallway.

The hallway performs the following functions in the house:

  1. Checkpoint - all guests without exception go through this room, unlike, for example, the bedroom, where they may not reach. Every day, all family members also do not pass the corridor, dressing or removing outer clothing, shoes or shoes. Almost all routes in the apartment usually go through the corridor - to the kitchen, to the rooms, to the bathroom or to the bathroom.
  2. The wardrobe function flows smoothly from the previous one. Having removed clothes and shoes, they need to be defined somewhere. To do this, a wardrobe is equipped in the corridor. Here everyday things are hung, and those for which the season has not yet come up.
  3. The warehousing and storage function is often also associated with the corridor. In the event that there is a pantry in the hallway, everything is kept there that could not be found in the apartment - from nails to conservation.
  4. The representative role of the hallway consists in its comfort for those present and in an aesthetic, pleasant to the eye, interior.
  5. The redistribution of the corridor is possible if there is a pronounced hall, as an intermediate zone to the entrance to the hall. Here you can install a sofa or several armchairs, a small table, think over the lighting and mirrors to make the room look cozy.

In addition to these main destinations, the hallway is a place where dogs wash their paws, dry umbrellas, watch in the CCTV camera, talk on the phone, and relax after a long journey.

Wallpaper, given the above features of the premises at the entrance to the apartment, should be:

  • resistant to washing;
  • strong;
  • practical.

The following types of coatings fully meet these requirements:
  1) Paper wallpapers, covered on top with a special layer that is not afraid of water and washing. This variety may have several markings on the package, indicating a different degree of resistance to abrasion and detergents:

  • one wavy line indicates that the coating needs careful care, it is enough to wipe them with soft suede or a microfiber sponge;
  • two waves one above the other - this is an average degree of moisture resistance, such wallpapers are not afraid of regular treatments with a wet sponge;
  • three lines in the form of a wave, respectively, imply a variant of coatings resistant to chemical detergents.

The presence of an additional schematic brush icon indicates that the wallpaper will not tear even with regular intensive loads.

2) Paper or non-woven wallpaper with a vinyl overlay. A lot of advantages at an affordable price:

  • practicality;
  • the possibility of laying even on uneven walls and masking their shortcomings due to the relief texture;
  • variety of colors, shades, decorative finishes.

Today's silkscreen fashion can be considered one of the varieties of vinyl coating with an additional layer of natural durable silk threads, giving the wallpaper an amazing inner shine and gloss.

  3) Liquid wallpaper. Apply them correctly and aesthetically can only a professional who has the practice of working in wall decoration. Such wallpapers are laid according to the type of plaster, forming at the end a pleasant, smooth, even, plain texture on the wall. Their growing popularity is fully justified due to such features:

  • high sound insulation;
  • good heat retention;
  • antistatic properties;
  • simplicity in leaving;
  • easy replacement of a very badly soiled or damaged area - an unnecessary element is simply removed with a sharp spatula, and the same layer is applied in its place, as a result - again a perfectly smooth, clean surface.

4) Wallpaper made of fiberglass - innovation on the walls of the hallway. Their plus is that the owners of the apartment can change the style of the room by painting the walls with cullet when they want. To do this regularly, the old paint is simply washed off with a solvent. The coating perfectly withstands any mechanical stress.

5) For corridors in eco-style, natural wall coverings are preferred using bamboo, cork, palm leaves. The view from such an entrance is very cozy, warm. The walls seem to give a sense of life, nature, reliability, confidence in the future.

A little secret that can be done in the hallway is a combination, a combination of different types of wallpaper, for example, expensive natural ones with more economical options from vinyl or paper.

It is necessary to think over the most polluted places in the corridor, usually the lower third of the wall near the entrance doors, where the strongest and most stable wallpapers come in handy. Sites higher and farther from the entrance may differ in the type of wallpaper, most importantly, do not forget about the rules of style consistency.

Wallpaper for a narrow hallway

The principle of interior decoration in a narrow hallway, which is often long, is a ban on the use of dark shades of wallpaper, replete with large figures, otherwise entering the apartment, you will feel that the ceiling and walls are pressing on you.

  The second “no” to any striped pattern. Frequent horizontal lines will make your corridor even longer and smaller than it actually is. A vertical strip will visually narrow the room.

Choosing a color scheme in a narrow hallway, stop on the wallpaper:

1) Light.

2) Without eye-catching drawings.

To expand a narrow corridor, designers sometimes resort to such a technique as covering the opposite walls with wallpaper of various colors. In this case, the texture should be the same, and the tones should be contrasting or combined.

  Lighting in such a corridor requires soft and plentiful. Lamps are used both on the ceiling and on the walls. The original version - illuminated plasterboard niches, pasted over with wallpaper. An additional plus is shelves for various little things.

Large oval or rectangular mirrors on the walls will help expand the narrow hallway. It is also not recommended to clutter such a corridor with massive furniture; elegant hangers and wardrobe cabinets with mirrored doors will be advisable.

Wallpaper for a small hallway

A small entrance hall requires all sorts of tricks aimed at least at the visual expansion of space. Wallpaper can easily cope with this task. What qualities they should possess.

1) First, to be practical and resistant to everything, as already noted earlier.

2) Secondly, have the appropriate color. Choosing white or very light plain tones for the walls of the hallway, you may soon notice that they require replacement with new ones. Dust, dirt, splashes of water, and sometimes the prints of not very clean hands - all this will settle on your wallpaper sooner or later. In a situation with the choice of wallpaper color for a small hallway, consider the following options to make sure that the dirty places are not striking:

  • light, but with a fine pattern;
  • original coatings on the walls interspersed with decorative vinyl chips;
  • cullets painted with glossy paint will add chic to the corridor and expand the space;
  • a combination of different types of coatings.

3) Thirdly, boldly optimize a small space with stripes. Vertically directed striped patterns will help to increase the height of the ceiling. In order to reduce too high ceilings in a small hallway, use wallpaper with a horizontal strip.

  In a small hallway, a special type of wallpaper is sometimes used, having a smooth, shiny surface, like a mirror, with a metallic decor on top. Such elements reflect light and make the room full of elegance and luxury.

Wallpaper plays a key role in the design of each room: today the choice of colors, patterns and materials for wall decoration is unlimited, but even such wide possibilities do not guarantee a good result. Therefore, the choice of wallpaper for the walls in the hallway and corridor should be given maximum attention, observing the features of the layout, size of the room, as well as its style, lighting level and other factors.

When choosing wallpaper for decorating the hallway of a room, remember that the main effect that should be achieved in such a design is harmony. Wallpaper should emphasize the integrity of the style, combined with furniture, floor and ceiling, and not cause discomfort.

Compliance with several rules will allow you not to lose sight of all the important details:

  1. Wallpaper should be chosen taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bspace. Most corridors are small: wallpapers in such interiors should be as light as possible, and patterns should not put pressure on your eyesight. For cramped hallways, wallpapers of cool shades, as well as light coatings with a glossy layer, are suitable. In spacious interiors, a combination of bright and light colors or the use of only one shade is allowed.
  2. Elongated and fairly narrow corridors can be transformed using wallpapers that can move walls away. For example, stick some perspective wall murals on some walls or provide contrasting shades on opposite surfaces.
  3. Another problem with hallways and corridors is the lack of natural light. In this case, you can use wallpaper in light shades. The most common options for this finish are pastel-colored wallpapers: white, beige, yellow, soft pink and other colors will look spectacular both on all the hallway walls and as separate inserts against a background of more saturated colors.

In some cases, in the corridors and hallways you can create spectacular combinations of wallpaper. It is best to combine patterned and plain coatings, but even some combinations of patterns will look harmonious and original in tight interiors.

Tip: combine a strip and a cage or plant compositions with abstraction - and you not only emphasize the style of the interior, but also affect the perception of the size of the room.

Hallway wallpaper colors: practicality and harmony

It's no secret that warm shades embody comfort and harmony. Using wallpapers of pink, beige, pale yellow, peach and other bed colors, you can focus on the romantic and homely atmosphere in the hallway. In addition, such shades are in perfect harmony with dark wooden furniture, and with lighter interior items.

To create spectacular accents in the interior of the hallway and corridor, as well as to emphasize the expressiveness of the design, choose a wallpaper of rich colors. Insertions of red, orange, burgundy, lilac and other bright colors, as well as harmonious combinations with the participation of these shades will make your hallway a real masterpiece.

Fans of a more relaxed and peaceful environment who do not want to create flashy accents can stay on the cold palette. Wallpaper of blue, lavender, gray, brown, blue and other colors will create an atmosphere of calm and harmony, but require additional lighting and are not suitable for tight spaces.

Tip: one of the best ways to use dark shades in the interior of the hallway is to choose light wallpapers with patterns and drawings from such a palette.

Do not forget that vertical plots can raise the level of the ceiling, horizontal plots can expand the space, large compositions will approximate the walls, and small prints will free up the area and allow you to hide some pollution.

Unusual design methods

The traditional photo of the design of the wallpaper in the hallway is the interiors with simple patterns on the walls, plain coatings or combinations thereof. If you want to create a more interesting interior, you can purchase wallpapers with unconventional effects.

In modern styles, abstraction is gaining popularity: such plots are ideal for the hallway, since they will allow you to hide the unevenness of the walls, scuffs, as well as stains on the wallpaper. And abstract patterns with a 3-D effect also stretch the space of your room.

No less interesting option for decorating the hallway and corridor are wallpapers that mimic natural materials: stone, brick, wood and other textures. Such wallpapers look realistic and are often perceived as real even by touch.

Another popular type of wallpaper - photo wallpaper - allows you to change the perception of space, emphasize any style and theme, use absolutely any shades on the walls. This option is ideal for a hallway with a free wall, not lined with furniture.

When choosing wallpaper for the hallway and corridor, remember that your interior should be both practical and comfortable. Following our advice will allow you to create a design that will cause only delight and positive impressions.


Choose a wallpaper for the hall in Khrushchev: the essence of the problem

An absolute fact is that it is the entrance hall that is the place that “meets” you when you return home. Likewise, this room is the first that your guests see. That is why the proper organization of the decoration of its interior, and, above all, the walls, is so important.

Today we will look at how to choose the right wallpaper for a small hallway. A significant part of our fellow citizens lives in small apartments. This may be the so-called "Khrushchev" later "Brezhnevka" as well as other residential buildings, the area of \u200b\u200bapartments in which is quite small.

The principles of choosing wallpaper in a small corridor

Among the most famous principles for choosing wallpaper for a narrow hallway, the following are listed:

  • Try to avoid the excessive use of dark colors (black, brown, dark green and dark blue, etc.).
  • If possible, use light colors (beige, blue, light green, gray, yellow). However, their use should also be limited, for reasons of practicality.
  • Bright colors (orange, red, yellow, etc.) can brighten up the gloomy atmosphere of the small dark space of the corridor. However, do not overdo it with them, so that your hallway does not look like a circus arena. It is advisable to take small samples of flowers and first look at how they will look in your interior.

You must also take care of the correct pattern and the use of striped wallpaper. The fact is that striped wallpaper has a different effect on how, as a result, the interior will look. If the vertical strip “narrows” the space of the room, then the horizontal, on the contrary, “expands” it. That is why it is so important to choose a suitable pattern or ornament.

To use combined wallpapers of different colors when decorating the corridor, since the combination can have an attractive appearance, being, at the same time, quite practical. Before choosing wallpaper for a small hallway, you need to make sure that they harmoniously combine with furniture, as well as with curtains, flooring and room decor.

In addition, we should not forget about a few important things. So, if necessary, you can make the interior zoning in a small hallway interior. In other words, combined companion wallpapers are used. Such a design technique has not only aesthetic, but also practical value: due to this separation, it becomes possible to divide the entrance hall into two different functional zones.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that different parts of the combination should not cause a mismatch in style. For example, in a narrow hallway in Khrushchev the interior will look good, in which the bottom is darker and the top is lighter. At the same time, do not forget that the junction of such wallpapers can be glued using special connecting borders.

Unlike a wide space in which you can afford some experiments with colors, and even make a little mistake in color, in the case of rooms with a small area, you need to be as responsible and careful as possible so as not to make a mistake.

By the way, when developing interior design for this room, it is not at all necessary to look at the price of the wallpaper, making it the main criterion for choosing.

The high cost does not mean that these paintings are best suited for your case. That is why it makes no sense to strive to buy the most fashionable and modern options. Be guided, first of all, by the style, as well as the initial characteristics of the room itself.

The main positive quality of such paintings is their increased thermal insulation characteristics.

Paper wallpaper.This type of decoration is familiar to almost everyone, because before the advent of analogues based on non-woven or vinyl, it was canvas made of paper that occupied the bulk of the market. When choosing in favor of their purchase and sticking, you need to remember that they have both advantages and disadvantages:

  1. On the one hand, this wallpaper has a high level of safety for health and environmental friendliness.
  2. In addition, their price is low and affordable for customers with any budget.
  3. Durable enough (two-layer version of "duplex").
  4. On the other hand, they are not very durable (if we are talking about single-layer “simplex” canvases).

It is also interesting that, despite their low price, they can be glued to almost any surface, be it plywood, drywall or even old wallpaper. The main thing is to thoroughly prepare this surface.

Non-woven wallpaper.Non-woven wallpaper for the hallway are gaining more and more popularity. They are characterized by increased strength and durability. Non-woven fabrics are beautiful in appearance, which can significantly improve the interior of your corridor.

In addition, one should not forget about such types of wallpaper as bamboo, cork, and especially liquid. Of course, liquid wallpaper by many criteria differs from the usual rolls of canvas. However, they are interesting in ease of repair, as well as unusual appearance.


Entering any apartment, we all first of all find ourselves in the hallway. After all, only through it you can go to other premises of the housing. And many cannot but agree that the first impression of the landlord comes from how the corridor is designed.

But the entrance hall is such a room that, as it were, it would be safe not to treat it and not to look after it, all street dust and dirt gets here in the first place. This is the main problem.

But do not despair. Browse ideas for the entryway and corridor photo ideas for the apartment. In fact, the main thing is to choose the right finishing materials. You should choose the same wallpaper, given that in our climatic zone there are very often rainy “dirty” weather, slush, and, accordingly, we get a lot of dust, sand, etc. into the house.

Wallpaper for the hallway and corridor. Photo ideas for an apartment

If you consider all of the above factors, it is worth considering that you will need to purchase washable and moisture-proof, as well as durable and wear-resistant wallpapers. After all, in this room you have to clean too often.

For example, vinyl wallpaper based on non-woven. They are offered in a wide variety of colors and colors, textures and patterns. It is these vinyl wallpapers that are a great example of moisture resistant materials. Moreover, their prices can be completely different for any budget.

It is also possible to combine different types of wallpaper or wallpaper with other materials. A very common option is when the bottom is decorated in dark colors, and the top, on the contrary, is light. This method is quite practical from the point of view that the bottom, as a rule, is most often polluted. This is where the combined version is used, where at the bottom there are moisture-proof wallpapers, at the top are absolutely any that you wish.

Bamboo wallpapers that are fully moisture absorbing are also popular. But gluing walls with just such wallpaper is not recommended. You can combine bamboo wallpapers using the zoning principle. This is convenient if some parts of the corridor are designed for one or another purpose.

If a combined wallpaper is made in the hallway, interior decoration items can be very diverse. For instance:

  • Masterpieces of art and paintings.
  • Pictures in frames.
  • Elements of design art.

In addition to the wallpaper options mentioned above, no less common liquid wallpaper. They look very attractive, easy to apply, steadily behave to various kinds of pollution. In addition, to date, such materials offer a wide range of colors. And if any part of the wall is damaged, it can be easily "restored" with your own hands, and it will be completely invisible.

The main qualities that wallpaper for the corridor should be endowed with are:

  • High degree of resistance to mechanical damage
  • The possibility of "reconstruction"
  • "Compliance" to frequent washing, including with a damp cloth.

And, of course, the right selection of colors is no less important point when choosing the original wallpaper in the hallway.

Choosing a wallpaper color for the hallway

In this case, it is necessary to take into account several nuances. Build on the shape as well as the size of the hallway. It is not necessary to glue wallpaper in a dark color scheme in a narrow room, as they will greatly narrow the space. Accordingly, you should use light options for materials or with small drawings and ornaments, they will visually expand the space.

It's important to know! The use of vertical stripes will visually increase the ceilings, but also slightly narrow the room. Horizontal stripes - expand the room.

The choice of color and style of wallpaper

Regarding the choice of color, you can have two options. Either you choose plain materials, or you combine different colors. You can also choose the texture on the surface of the wallpaper. It is very important that affects the style of the room. In the case of a narrow corridor, the best choice would be light wallpapers: white or beige, light gray or blue, light green.

You can also combine different shades with each other, while you can use striped wallpaper or contrasting options (for example, a very stylish solution - a black and white version). Flowers, a small ornament, variegation, in red, blue or white color will look original.

In the wide and well-lit corridor, use dark colors.


What wallpaper to choose for the hallway or corridor in the apartment.

The walls in the hallway are most susceptible to pollution, which can contribute to dust and dirt brought from the street, pets, small children. Sooner or later, unpleasant streaks, spots and drops appear on the walls of the corridor. Therefore, when choosing the type of wallpaper, preference should be given to washable species.

According to the degree of water resistance, the wallpaper can differ in three types. To identify it, just look at the icons on the label.

  • Wallpaper with a single wave on the label - loving gentle care. Wipe them best with a soft microfiber cloth or suede.
  • Two waves - mean that the wallpaper is moisture resistant, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth when cleaning.
  • Three waves - washable wallpapers, they can be looked after with cleaning products. The strongest wallpapers on the label have a brush icon.

1. A great option for the corridor can be vinyl wallpaper. The surface of these wallpapers is very durable and easily tolerates various types of mechanical stress. The texture of vinyl wallpaper allows you to hide the unevenness of the walls and prevent the occurrence of cracks, which is important for new buildings. The basis of vinyl wallpaper is usually non-woven. It is a nonwoven fabric resistant to ignition and tearing.

2. Another version of the wallpaper for the hallway - screen printing. This is a paper-based vinyl wallpaper with a top layer of durable silk threads. These wallpapers are characterized by high service life and ease of care.

3. If you are a supporter of innovative solutions and have thought about which wallpaper to choose for the hallway, you can pay attention to liquid wallpapers. They are a dry mixture, which is diluted with water and applied to the wall with a spatula.

4. The modern market for finishing materials offers a fairly wide variety in color and texture of liquid wallpaper. The main advantages of this material are antistatic effect, increased sound and heat insulation, easy maintenance. In the corridor with liquid wallpaper on the walls, it will be enough to remove the contaminated area with a spatula and apply a new layer, which will dry and merge with the main layer.

5. Another innovative material among the wallpapers - glass. They look great on the walls. Their main feature is that they can be painted in any color you like after gluing. And this can be done several times, with each pollution, which is especially important for the hallway. You can also change the color of the walls as desired at any time and at no particular cost. Obsolete paint can be removed with a solvent, and cullets can easily be brushed mechanically.

6. Not very common, but taking place to be the type of wallpaper that is successfully used in the hallway - wallpaper made from natural materials (cork, bamboo, palm leaves). They can be used as wallpaper for the corridor in an apartment with an eco-friendly interior. Their main disadvantage is the high price, so you can use them by combining with other, more budget types of finishing materials.

Choosing the color, color scheme and wallpaper pattern for the corridor

An important role is played by the color of the wallpaper. White shades so beloved by many will not long please the eye in the hallway, quickly becoming polluted and taking on a sloppy appearance. The dark walls in the hallway with no windows, in turn, will give the room a gloomy and uncomfortable look.

The main thing here is not to go to extremes and choose a neutral color, for example - lilac, deep blue, brown-orange. In order that dust and dirt would not spoil the appearance of the walls, you can resort to colorful wallpapers. In this case, the background should be light, and the picture should be contrast dark.

The color and pattern of the wallpaper can also be selected depending on the desired effect. For a small hallway, you should choose wallpaper with a small pattern, a large ornament can visually reduce the space.

You can also use two types of wallpaper, cover the lower and upper parts of the walls with different wallpapers, laying a border between them. In this case, the wallpaper should be the same color and texture, but the bottom should be darker than the top. For low ceilings, choose wallpaper with vertical stripes, and for too high - with horizontal. Clear horizontal lines can visually expand the narrow space of the hallway.

There are also special types of wallpaper with a metal pattern, which has a smooth mirror surface. Reflective patterns on the walls will expand the narrow corridor and give it chamber luxury.

Another great wallpaper option you can choose for a small hallway is photo wallpaper. They can be depicted as a city perspective, or landscape. Wall murals with the image of stairs, all kinds of paths and bridges that go into the distance look great in the corridor.

With the help of the color scheme and the pattern on the wallpaper, you can both emphasize the advantages of space and draw extra attention to its shortcomings. Repeating geometric motifs in the form of stripes or shapes can emphasize wall irregularities, oblique corners and uneven ceilings. Light monophonic walls can give the same effect.

If you want to hide the imperfections of the walls and ceiling, use the wallpaper, which has a unique large print with unexpected color effects. An excellent technique for visually expanding a narrow corridor is pasting the opposite walls with different wallpapers. At the same time, let the color scheme be either combining or contrasting. But the texture of the wallpaper is better to choose the same for both walls.

The choice of wallpaper depending on the overall design of the hallway

When choosing wallpaper for the hallway should also take into account the overall design of the apartment.

1. If the rooms are planned to be decorated in a classic style, it is better to give the hallway a strict, conservative look. Natural wood, plain walls and a light ceiling are well suited here.

2. If the apartment uses the Art Nouveau style, then in the corridor mirrors, metal shine on lighting devices, metal fittings for doors and furniture will be appropriate.

3. Fans of eco-style are suitable natural materials used in the hallway. As a rug under the door, you can use a shallow drawer with pebbles poured into it, wallpaper can imitate natural stone. In this hallway, you can also use natural wallpaper, highlighting them as separate zones. For example, the entrance area can be decorated with bamboo or stone. It will be very appropriate to decorate the walls with hanging planters with some unpretentious plant that prefers shaded spaces.


Wallpaper for the corridor - workshop of choice

The main wall decor remains wallpaper. They have a lot of shades, patterns, structure, give an aesthetic appearance, coziness and comfort. With the right selection, they will fill the hall with space and light. The most practical option is washable or liquid wallpaper.

The entrance hall is subject to street dirt and dust. You can go for small tricks and combine practical types of washable or liquid wallpaper with vinyl. Glue the area most susceptible to pollution with washable wallpaper, and the rest of the hallway with vinyl. Combined look spectacular and stylish.

For the corridor, it is better to choose a washable or liquid wallpaper. Liquid wallpaper must be applied by a professional!

Related video:Wallpaper for the hallway. Original entry area ideas

Popular types of wallpaper for the corridor:

  • Washable  - This type of wallpaper is covered with a special moisture-resistant layer. Such paper wallpaper can be washed, gently cleaned with a sponge, brush. They will always look like new. Such wallpapers for a small corridor are very practical: you can always quickly restore order.
  • Liquid wallpaper  - remind decorative plaster. The decoration of the walls with unusual material should be done by a professional - this is subtle work. Of course, liquid wallpapers can not boast a wide selection of patterns - they are plain. But the plus is that the walls are smooth, even and hide irregularities. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that they have no joints.
  • Vinyl wallpapers  - Their popularity and performance are very high. They are affordable and have a huge selection. Different texture, color and pattern. Due to their texture, minor wall defects will be hidden. The design in the hallway can be sustained in bright colors or in a calm abstraction.

Color spectrum

If you are planning a repair, then you will have to work hard with the hallway. Repair in the hallway is a laborious and painstaking process. Design should be thoughtful and practical. With the help of simple wallpapers you can emphasize all the shortcomings of the hallway, and you can enhance the impression of comfort and set the tone for the home atmosphere.

Therefore, it is difficult to come up with the ideal design for a narrow, small corridor. Each designer of his own home, but still there are some universal tips that will help to avoid common mistakes. One has only to adhere to their recommendations, and the entrance hall will have an impeccable appearance.

The color scheme depends on your taste and preferences, but you should know:

  • cozy and comfortable atmosphere is created by wallpapers of warm tones.
  • clear and expressive lines accentuate rich and vibrant hues.

White and light colors will add space to the entrance hall. The only negative, they are very easily soiled for the hallway. But if you pick up a light background with a dark abstraction, colors, then a light design will become practical. Due to the dark pattern, not so small defects will be visible.

Dark, cold colors will make the corridor gloomy and can even visually make it even smaller. This color scheme requires a special lighting scenario. With the directional light of wall sconces, an overhead lamp and a few additional lighting points, the hallway will become very cozy and stylish, even in dark wallpaper.

Corridor Design Solutions

As for the design of the hallway, then the range of choice is great. The main thing is to choose the right wallpaper ornament, color palette and combination with the color of the ceiling and floor.

Striped wallpaper in the corridor is very relevant for many years, but you need to be extremely careful with them. Ideal striped wallpaper for a bright, large, square hallway. There is no need to invent anything, they harmoniously fit into the corridor.

If you are the owners of a narrow corridor, then visually the strip will stretch the corridor even more. The most common method of pasting striped walls is half the wall, imitation of panels at the bottom of the wall. The space can be pulled out with a strip or with a pattern that looks like a strip. It should be noted that striped wallpaper is always fashionable.

For a narrow and long corridor, you need to choose soft tones. Expand the entrance hall - a wall with a horizontal strip. Horizontal striped wallpaper, it is recommended to glue on "short" and parallel walls. Visually, the room will seem longer.

The classic look of the decor of the hallway. these are panels. Many consider the panel design irrelevant, but it is they who will correct the appearance of the corridor in Khrushchev. The panels are considered a classic design decision, and from a functional point of view, they are also practical. You can stick one collection, you can pick up the bottom in a strip, and the top is plain or in a flower.

Wallpaper in the corridor with abstraction. They will probably be better than any other species. A variety of patterns will help hide minor flaws. The assortment is pleasing to the eye, and pricing is designed for different income levels of the population. If you choose a light tone and a dark pattern, then catching dirt, small scratches are not so noticeable.

Plain wallpaper in the corridor is good for its simplicity. They highlight furniture in the hallway, mirrors and other decor. For such wallpaper, the walls should be perfectly smooth, they are without too much pomp, but they bring style to the interior.

Wall mural for the corridor

Wall murals in the interior of the corridor look beautiful and stylish. Dandelions, daisies, cars, anything. But it’s very difficult to pick them up - this is a whole science. It’s good if you have a spacious, large hall, any photo wallpaper will fit perfectly there. But what about the hallway of an apartment in Khrushchev?

For a narrow corridor, when selecting photo wallpaper, the following rules apply:

  • murals with large ornaments, 3D effect, visually reduce the size of the entrance hall of the apartment,
  • vivid colors of photo wallpaper should be combined with pastel colors. Such a color combination will not put pressure on vision and psyche,
  • dark colors visually narrow the corridor,
  • in a small apartment, do not use photo wallpaper with small flowers and drawings. For this type of photo wallpaper you need a lot of light.

Wallpaper with large images or scenes can be combined with other types of wallpapers. A spectacular combination can be achieved with liquid wallpaper, they look like decorative plaster. Liquid wallpaper is also good because it does not require particularly careful preparation of the walls before applying the finish, and the effects achieved by liquid wallpaper can be very unexpected in design and capabilities. It doesn’t matter with which types to combine wall decoration, the main thing is the noble and well-groomed appearance of the hallway.

Mirrors opposite the photo wall will visually expand the hallway. The design of the room with the help of photo wallpaper always adds additional space to the room, even for a narrow and long corridor in Khrushchev.

The corridor in the apartment of Khrushchev is narrow and small. It’s hard to design with all the fashion trends. To avoid blunders when choosing wallpaper in a small corridor, you can only by listening to the advice of designers. And the design of the hallway will be perfect.

The principles of design of the corridor:

  • do not use dark tones in a small corridor (brown, blue, green, black). You’ll get a gloomy, lifeless hallway,
  • bright colors will bring light to the atmosphere. The main thing is not to overdo it, know the measure,
  • neutral drawing. striped wallpaper, be sure to visually fix the room,
  • combination of wallpapers will give beauty to the corridor,
  • try to avoid unnecessary items in the interior so as not to overload the hallway.


How to choose a wallpaper for the hallway: create a unique design

When choosing coatings for a corridor, remember that the gamma should be fairly non-marking. And this is not another whim of the design of the hallway in the house. but practical advice. After all, from the street you go precisely into the corridor, therefore there is always more dust here. But choosing dark shades is also not worth it, because due to the lack of windows there is very little natural light.

Figure, print, ornament.Be sure to think over the drawing. Remember that a large ornament will make the small hallway even smaller, and a narrow vertical strip will “stretch” the room. In addition, you can use special stickers on vinyl wallpapers. which will create an original interior.

If you want to add more light, you can use a design technique: paste dark wallpapers on the bottom of the walls and light wallpapers on the top using the same drawing. The entrance hall can be visually divided into two rooms, if the near and far walls relative to the door are pasted with different coverings, and close the joint with a border strip.

Whatever you choose, remember that surfaces must obey the same style. For example, a dark parquet with an antique door will never be combined with a bright yellow floral decoration.

You should not chase fashion trends, but choose those coatings that will make your corridor more comfortable. The use of expensive materials will not make the corridor more beautiful if the finish does not fit into the overall interior of the apartment.

Almost all colors of decoration are suitable for a wide corridor. It can be plain, with prints or ornament, striped or polka dot. In long corridors it is not recommended to use a large ornament. An ideal option for this type of corridor would be a neutral shade with simple patterns.

Paper. This variety was quite popular until the advent of new materials. They are of two types: single-layer and two-layer. This is a relatively cheap material, environmentally friendly and easy to glue. However, their service life is not more than 10 years, so be prepared for the repeated repair of the premises.

The disadvantages are the low strength and vulnerability to mechanical damage. You should choose them only when you are limited in finances.

Vinyl.  These are two-layer dense coatings. They are good in that they can perfectly mask wall flaws, are resistant to sunlight, tolerate washing well, and have a high density.

However, vinyl coatings tend to stretch when applying glue, and after drying they are compressed, which leads to a divergence of the seams. Such material is quite advantageous to use from a position of price / quality ratio.

Non-woven.  The basis is non-woven - synthetic or textile fibers that are able to pass air. They are durable and do not get wet under the influence of glue, perfectly hide small bumps in the walls. With direct gluing, it is not necessary to apply glue to the surface of the paintings, it is enough to lubricate the wall with it.

Textile.  The manufacture of textile coatings is based on paper. Textiles are applied directly on top of the main layer, it can be cotton, jute, linen.

Depending on the production, there are two types of textile coatings: on the basis of yarns and solid fabric. When using the latter, a sheet is pasted that completely covers the walls of the room. The price depends on the texture, the degree of naturalness and environmental friendliness. These coatings have heat-insulating properties, are resistant to fading.

Choose material color

Now it’s worth deciding which color of wallpaper to choose for the hallway. Bright colors, such as red, pink, cause fatigue, and sometimes irritation. Yellow color gives positive emotions, and when using orange, a feeling of euphoria is created and the mood rises.

Green has a calming effect, but can cause fatigue. It should be borne in mind that under the influence of lighting, the color may change, so before buying it is recommended to take a sample and look at it directly in the corridor.


Wallpaper for the hallway and corridor - ideas for an apartment

  1. Initially, you should evaluate the specifics of the entire room. Entrance - a room in which we enter immediately after entering the apartment. And, therefore, wallpaper pasted in this room will collect more dirt and dust. That is why they should be predominantly dark colors with the ability to wash.
  2. As mentioned earlier - do not choose wallpapers in the corridor of too light tones. Firstly, they will quickly become worthless, turn yellow or turn gray.
  3. It will be useful to consider options for textured wallpaper. For example, under a brick, tile or under a plaster.

Types of wallpaper for the hallway and corridor

Having decided on the color, let's move on to the selection of material. And here the choice is unusually huge - it is economical paper wallpaper, and vinyl, and glass (examples in the photo). Let us dwell on some types in more detail.

Textile  - wallpaper using cotton or linen. These materials are glued to a paper base and can be glued to Feng Shui. They are just perfect for the bedroom. however, the hallway may not be entirely acceptable. After all, textiles can only be vacuumed and in no case should they be wiped with a damp cloth. At the slightest pollution such wallpapers lose their original appearance and quickly become unusable.

Photowall-paper  - One of the options for the hallway. In this case, everyone can choose for themselves a favorite panorama that warms their souls and delights on a dreary rainy day. In this case, you can choose the effect of pushing apart the walls or a nice picture of a house by the sea, autumn forest, animals, etc.

Vinyl  - Beautiful dense wallpaper, masking the flaws of the walls. They are resistant to the sun and dust, they can be washed, and more than once. When sticking vinyl wallpapers, you should know that they tend to stretch very much when glue is applied to them. Therefore, it is better to glue them not butt-to-butt, but with a small margin of five centimeters. This is done so that after drying, holes do not form between the wallpaper.

Related video:Wallpaper in the hallway and apartment corridor

Non-woven  - very durable and hiding small irregularities in the walls. When gluing such wallpaper with glue, it is worth lubricating only the walls. You can glue them on almost any surface, whether it is wood, plaster or concrete.

Paper - Not a very good option for the hallway and corridor. And although they are environmentally friendly, economical and easy to glue, their service life is very short. After all, having gotten dirty, such wallpapers will be impossible to wash, otherwise you will simply erase the whole picture and leave a white paper stain in this place. You can choose them if you are too cramped in funds or live in a rented apartment with disgusting old wallpapers.

Liquid wallpaper  - will look great in the hallway and in the corridor. However, it should be borne in mind that such wallpapers are applied to extremely smooth walls. If you live in Khrushchev, then you should first deal with the alignment of the walls and only then look at the liquid wallpaper.

Indeed, otherwise the curvature of the walls can be so terrible that all the bumps will immediately become evident at the entrance to the apartment. All bumps or dents will be visible, and after sticking liquid wallpaper cracks may occur due to uneven walls.

But for smooth walls such wallpapers are simply perfect: they practically do not tear, do not crack, do not fall off. Also, such wallpapers are suitable for a minimal repair budget. After sticking them once, in the future you can change the color with just a couple of cans of paint.

Cullet  - Probably the best solution. Therefore, do not think about which wallpaper to choose for the hallway and corridor, you should immediately choose this option. They are easy to clean, repainted many times and resistant to solvents. They can be washed from accumulated street dust and repainted at your discretion. In addition, they can be applied to drawings. which you definitely don’t have to look after. They are resistant to all kinds of damage and are not afraid of too clawed animals.

How to smooth out existing flaws using wallpaper

In any interior, any wallpaper is able to fix the obvious shoals of the hallway and the corridor: low ceilings really visually increase a little, smooth uneven walls with the desired pattern, and add light to the dark room.

By the way, it’s worth taking a note: if you paste these narrow rooms with different wallpapers, you can create a very unusual and original effect. A horizontal strip will give the walls a little height, and, conversely, a vertical one will make a very small entrance hall visually wider. By the way, wider the hallway and the corridor can make light shades of wallpaper. However, do not forget about their soiled.

The spacious and wide entrance hall will give coziness to large and voluminous drawings. But for a small and narrow corridor it is worth using a picture a little smaller. Wallpaper pasted on the walls and ceiling will add a bit of mysticism and optical illusion to the space. And in the form of a starry sky they will surprise absolutely all the inhabitants of the apartment with their unusual and originality.

Summing up, wallpapers for the hallway and corridor, which photo ideas to choose for the apartment, I want to give recommendations, coordinate the entire interior, given the existing furniture and flooring. Absolutely all the elements should be in harmony with each other and cause joy when entering the beloved “nest”.

It is also desirable that the room is combined with the entire atmosphere of the apartment. Although this is not an obligatory rule. It happens that every room in the apartment is decorated in a different style. And from the warm spring forest, guests get into the Renaissance hall, after which they go to the country bedroom and Etna - the kitchen. Here you can add that decorative stones and bright glass blocks will harmonize well in the compartment.


Fashionable wallpaper in the hallway in the apartment: photo 2017, new

In 2017, originality and practicality are in fashion. Speaking generally, the year 2017 puts style, originality, good taste, but not brands at the forefront. Of course, if there is an opportunity, why not replenish your interior with new products with a big name, but not all fashion designers write about this in their blogs and magazines.

Every house, every apartment is a small world. Its design does not have to be perfect, but it is your fortress, your comfort zone. And everything that is possible to make an apartment as such should be taken into circulation. From the first meter of this apartment, which means - from the hallway. The interior of the hallway is largely determined by the wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the corridor in the apartment 2017: what's in fashion

It’s worth mentioning right away that the corridor and the hallway are not exactly the same thing. And the ideas here can be embodied different. The corridor is the space between the rooms, and the entrance hall is what is opened to the view upon entering the apartment. The most important thing now is naturalness and naturalness in the interior.

What wallpapers are appropriate in this space:

  1. Wallpaper with a precise and concise pattern. This is very impressive to the trends of 2017, because many trend-setters in the world of interior fashion put design at the forefront modest, very restrained, without a touch of pretentiousness. This design is designed to show your taste, and not financial condition.
  2. Airiness in wallpaper. Gone are the days when you need to show how rich the interior is, it is time for space. And fashionable wall coverings seem to add air to the room.
  3. Contrast. The accents are still in fashion. If you want to distract from the modest area of \u200b\u200bthe corridor - make a bright wall (only without overloading the decor), and the rest of the walls are neutral. Combined solutions, of course, are not new, but they are at the peak of popularity.
  4. Use of natural materials. In natural wallpaper in 2017, fans only increase - flax, bamboo, jute, wood. The design of such wallpapers is simple, clear and natural, although they cost a lot.
  5. Eclecticism. The modern interior of the corridor can also exploit the eclectic theme, but it is only appropriate in a fairly spacious corridor, otherwise it will be difficult to dazzle and highlight any reasonable ideas in this mixture of styles.

Non-standard shades are also welcome, so there is nothing surprising if the most popular corridors in 2017 are made in golden, mint, bright olive colors.

Wallpaper on the corridor in the apartment: new

One of the most popular new products (although the solution is certainly not new) in 2017 is a combination of two types of wallpaper. Two thirds at the top are beautiful, expensive, stylish, textured. The remaining third below are dark washable wallpapers. Such an idea has a lot of supporters, as it is practical. It is the bottom of the wallpaper that "gets" and they quickly become unusable.

Liquid wallpaper is another solution, a relatively new one. But the point here is this, the manufacture of liquid wallpaper with your own hands comes to the fore. Hallway wallpapers will often get dirty: so you need to choose wallpapers that you can wash

Fashionable wallpaper for the hallway 2017: Scandinavian style

This Nordic style, seasoned, modest, but very cozy and elegant, is increasingly used in the apartments of the Slavs. And in the hallway, hallway, you can find motives of the Scandinavian style.

A selection of 2017 Scandinavian style wallpapers:

  1. White and gray  - old ideas in the top, play with shades,
  2. Wallpaper with ornament  - beat the ornament in some other item or items in the room,
  3. Patterned wallpaper on a plain background  - so visually you can transform the room, for example, extend the hallway,
  4. Imitation wallpapernatural materials  - and this idea only adds fans.

Scandinavian interior always seeks to emphasize the space. Modern apartments have become more spacious, which is only to the benefit of this idea. Your task is to make the design as light as possible, not burdened by unnecessary elements. And if the decor, then only "tasty" with a twist.

What wallpaper to paste over the hallway: design options

One hallway is not like the other. There are narrow, close, there are square, there are non-standard. From this and need to "dance." What is suitable for spacious bright rooms, for example, can not always harmoniously blend into the interior of a dark little room and vice versa.

Light wallpaper coverings will definitely fit into such a space. Not necessarily white, practicality is not enough. Give preference to relief, structural wallpaper - modern coatings are also practical, easy to clean.

Visually enlarging a room is possible not only with the help of banal white wallpapers: the blue color also has expanding properties

Also, a small hallway welcomes such ideas:

  • Light wallpaper with a simple but elegant gray, gray-green, blue-gray print,
  • Types of wallpaper with a pronounced relief, due to which simple neutral colors are played out,
  • Faded cell coatings are a very streamlined space.

Hallway: with which wallpaper will the interior really change

The energy of movement transmitted on the wallpaper can visually make the room larger. The entrance hall can also increase in this way. And the whole interior will immediately come to life. For example, wallpaper one wall with a sailboat floating on the river, or simply with the course of the river. Everything that moves even in the image transfers this energy of movement.

Really transform the interior and wallpaper cover imitation. Brick, wood, bamboo, stone - today such high-quality materials are made, embossed, durable, bright, that it makes no sense to save huge amounts of natural materials.


How to choose wallpaper for the corridor

Several types of wallpapers may be suitable for the corridor. All of them have a couple of distinctive characteristics. First of all, such wallpapers should perfectly resist dust, dirt and moisture. Indeed, shoes are removed in the corridor, an umbrella is shaken off, and wet raincoats are hung. Also, a dog after a walk or a child can spoil the finish. The surface should be easy to wash, not too light, but at the same time not to create a gloomy impression. What wallpaper to choose for the corridor from many varieties?

  1. With small flowers Laminated wallpapers are perfect for a corridor. They are covered with a special film that protects the surface from moisture and dirt. Such wallpapers lend themselves well to wet cleaning.
  2. Metal wallpaper is covered with a thin layer of aluminum foil. They are not only easy to clean, but also have an interesting look. Such wallpapers are open for creative solutions. The drawing on the surfaces is formed by the master independently according to his tastes and desires.
  3. Liquid wallpapers are great too. They are easily applied without creating defects, and hide the unevenness of the walls. Such material can save the situation if the walls in the corridor are uneven and bumpy. On such surfaces do not hold ordinary wallpaper, and the paint cracks on them. And liquid wallpapers have special qualities that allow them to withstand most negative factors. Before choosing a wallpaper for the corridor, it is necessary to consider liquid ones. This is one of the best finishes. By the way, in this case, the owner can determine the color of the wallpaper in the corridor. Liquid wallpaper can easily be given any shade.
  4. Cork wallpapers are suitable for light corridors. They are environmentally friendly, have a good texture, colors, and they have a very interesting to the touch surface. Such wallpapers can be washed and wiped.

Related video:How to choose wallpaper in the corridor

If the corridor is very small, as is usually the case in small apartments, it is better not to use wallpaper and coverings with a large pattern. They will only further reduce the size of the room. This law works not only in the case of the corridor, but also with respect to most other rooms. In small corridors and hallways, you can create the illusion of space with the help of wallpaper with a fine pattern. For example, the smallest flowers are perfect.

If the corridor has a small low ceiling, then it must be visually raised. For this, wallpaper with vertical stripes is suitable. You can also choose a lighter shade of the surface. The selection of wallpaper in the corridor should be made taking into account what kind of furniture will be here. It is important that the materials are combined with the floor and ceiling.

With a lack of lighting, it is necessary to avoid not only dark and gloomy colors in the hallway. Bright flashy wallpapers also absorb light. To make the corridor lighter, you need to paste it with pastel colored wallpapers. It can be, for example, a peach shade.


In the corridor you can install various decorative elements. Of course, you don’t really take it easy if the size of the room is only a couple of meters in both directions. However, one way or another, here you can put an interesting shoe rack or coat hanger. Flowers in the corridor may also be. The main thing is that they are not too light-loving plants. Otherwise, they will simply die under such conditions.

Decor elements in the corridor should overlap with the decor of the remaining rooms in the apartment. This will create a single style that will be harmonious and unique. It is not necessary to design all the premises according to any one design. You can successfully combine the details of one design with another. The main thing is that a certain idea is felt in the interior.

If desired, you can create lighting in the corridor with the help of additional fixtures and lamps. Only this will increase energy consumption. Floor lamps combined with plants in vases look beautiful in the corridor.

Too long corridors should not be monotonous so that they do not cause boredom. Especially it is not necessary to use wallpaper with horizontal lines here. It is better to make two different colors of decoration in such a room. Then the corridor will become much lighter and more comfortable. You can even create a certain theatricality here, because space allows. In order to come up with an original idea, the owner can turn to sketches of designers and photographs of masters.

Modern industry, producing finishing materials, surprises with surprises in the field of interior decoration, offering new ideas for original, functional design. At our disposal are spectacular, versatile solutions that are already decades old. One such solution is the wallpaper!

This is the most triumphant version of wall decoration, used in most homes, apartments, shops, offices, restaurants, hotels. Wallpaper is very popular, it is not surprising, with their help you can radically change the nature of any interior. What to choose wallpaper for the hallway and corridor, photos of interesting interiors, how to choose colors, design for a small room, how to combine colors, patterns - these issues will be discussed in this article.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the walls of the hallway?

Wallpaper is a great way to decorate any interior, get a fairly practical, easy-care coating. Manufacturers, creating modern designs, use innovative methods and technologies. Modern wallpapers are very practical, decorative, have a lot of useful characteristics:

  • abrasion resistant
  • available to clean,
  • have waterproof properties.

Today it is not just a roll of decorative paper, beauty and aesthetics, but also a high level of functionality.

How to choose wallpaper for the hallway, photo

Resistance to dirt, dust

Many people believe that this type of wall decoration does not work in rooms such as the hallway, where dirty shoes are placed, the floor and walls are subject to pollution, which must be regularly removed. Today it is possible to choose from a wide range of wallpapers intended for rooms with special requirements (corridors, halls).

Of course, there is a fear that dirty shoes, wet coats, jackets hanging on the wall, a bicycle that is leaned on the wall or dirty paws, and the dog’s coat will stain the coat. It is enough to wipe high-quality waterproof wallpapers with a damp sponge so that they become clean again, and the water flowing down from the outer clothing does not cause damage, since it does not absorb into the wall, it dries quickly.

A wealth of colors, designs

Another reason to decide on the use of wallpaper. The entrance hall is characterized by a specific design, due to the role played. Often, apartment owners decide to make the hall a continuation of the room into which it opens, usually a living room, a kitchen. With this finishing material there will be no problems, it is easy to choose by color, type of decoration for the walls of the living room, kitchen. There are also design options that imitate stone, wood, brick. Some additions, appropriate lighting can make the room warmer, more harmonious. In a huge offer, everyone can find a type of wallpaper that is ideal as a decoration for the corridor.

Wallpaper in a small hallway - photo decoration options

Advantages and disadvantages

Wallpaper on the walls of the hallway have several advantages that often can not be attributed to paint, other finishing materials:

  1. Models with a pattern, texture can hide flaws, bumps, stains on the wall.
  2. Vinyl or fiberglass wallpaper provides a long-lasting coating.
  3. Colors, decorative motifs do not cause restrictions, make it easy to pick them up to the character of a classic or modern interior.
  4. With the help of wallpaper you can finish one of the walls, all walls, niches.
  5. Protect walls with a hanger for jackets from dirt.

Interesting options for finishing niches, cabinets in the hallway - photo

However, this finishing material has disadvantages:

  1. this is a risky decision of wall decoration in the apartment where four-legged pets live;
  2. paper options are difficult to maintain, quickly fouled;
  3. poorly selected pattern, pattern, too dark color will violate the proportions of the interior.

What to consider when choosing?

The walls of the hallway are atypical from the point of view of care, keeping them clean requires effort. Choosing wallpaper for the corridor, hallway, you need to consider several important parameters. The surface should be:

  • washable;
  • resistant to dirt;
  • abrasion resistant;
  • resistant to damage.

The choice of type of wall covering for the corridor does not have to be the same as the choice for the kitchen, living room, bedroom. It is worthwhile from the very beginning to think about preparing the wall, the way of gluing, so that in case of damage it is possible to easily replace them. Some options require a primed base; others do not. Some require glue, others only need to be moistened. This information is provided by manufacturers in the form of symbols on the packaging.

What do the symbols on the packaging mean?

Sample of a pattern - this concept is important when buying an option with a pattern and the need for its further comparison:

  • small patterns provide low losses, economical use of each roll;
  • larger patterns give more consumption, more waste.

Types of wallpaper, characteristics

It is necessary to distinguish between types of wallpaper. Below is a small classification with a brief description of each type.

  1. Vinyl  - widespread, have the following main characteristics:
    • the outer layer is vinyl; the backing is paper;
    • washable, resistant;
    • also used in kitchens;
    • do not require alignment of the walls;
    • weigh heavier than paper;
    • widely used in public buildings;
    • non-flammable;
    • characterized by bacteriostatic;
    • resistant to sunlight;
    • inexpensive.
  2. Fiberglass
    • characterized by high mechanical, chemical strength;
    • woven from glass yarn;
    • popular patterns imitating canvas;
    • the outer layer is fire resistant;
    • resistant to cracks, uneven walls (hide them);
    • located on the wall, act as a reinforcing mesh;
    • provide the proper microclimate;
    • can be painted several times during operation (without loss of properties);
    • a popular solution in public buildings;
    • suitable for gluing on walls, ceilings, furniture;
    • usually sold in white;
    • durable.

What to choose for a small hallway and a large one?

Creating an aesthetic interior, you should remember - you can not overload the space. Corridors and halls - this is the smallest room in the home, often narrow, long.

For small hallways, corridors it is better to choose wallpapers that help to visually enlarge the room. Suitable options:

  • without unnecessary patterns,
  • monochrome
  • optimal light, warm colors that contribute to the creation of a cozy interior.

It is important to carefully consider the solution so as not to achieve an undesirable optical effect. Imitation of stone, wood, brick will make the space visually smaller. If you like brick, wood, it is advisable to choose bleached options.

Popular solutions that simulate various materials - wood, concrete. They are very popular, they bring positive effects:

  • give the room a special charm
  • hide pollution
  • hide the irregularities of the walls.

Wallpaper in a small hallway - photo

Which color, pattern, pattern to choose?

The decision should be coordinated with the architecture of the rooms. It is important that the walls not only correspond to the design of the adjoining rooms, if they are open, but also decorate the hall, which is the hallmark of the apartment.

A good choice for a small entrance hall is a mural, especially with a perspective, creating a 3D effect on the wall, giving a feeling of open space.

If the hallway is large enough, you should think about the design of the walls with a decorative pattern. Modern hallways often decorate decors with trendy patterns:

  • geometric
  • vegetable
  • striped.

Photo of modern scandinavian style apartment wall decoration

Using this finishing material, interesting effects are obtained. Ample opportunities gives a simple striped pattern:

  • horizontal stripes should not be used in a long corridor, it is advisable to choose a vertical or neutral pattern that helps to hide the wrong proportions of the room;
  • longitudinal stripes will make the corridor endless, as seen in the photo below.

The only wall suitable for using stripes is the opposite walls of the small corridor, which are characterized by a small width. Then the strips optically expand the interior, as shown in the photo below.

  Optically expand the room will help longitudinal stripes on the floor in the form of a rug, a stylish carpet.


Corridors, hallways - usually small spaces. A small, narrow hallway is difficult to equip. Arrangement becomes more difficult due to the presence of many doorways that are inconvenient to paste over - closed, open. Therefore, the hallways, small or a little larger, deserve special attention.

In the hallway, the wallpaper looks impressive, it is important to choose the right type, design. With a pattern, choose models or plain - it depends on the size, shape of the room.

  • large flowers, geometric patterns look beautiful in spacious corridors, adding coziness;
  • in a narrow room, large patterns emphasize irregular shapes.

Wallpaper is a great idea to emphasize decorative niches in the wall. With the right choice, they will provide the interior with coziness and style.

The entrance hall is a special area in the layout of housing. Like the source of a river, the whole apartment begins with it. This is not only the “face” of the room, but also the “face” of the household. To ensure that guests have a pleasant and memorable impression of the visit, you should take care of the design of the hallway and corridor.

A popular way of decoration is to decorate the hallway and corridor with wallpaper. Their demand is explained by the simplicity of installation and removal, affordable price and a huge assortment of models in the building materials market.

Hallway wallpaper selection criteria

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to clearly understand the functional features and purpose of the space. The entrance hall directly borders with common areas or a street. Therefore, contaminants brought in from outside quickly accumulate in the inlet zone.

A few simple tips will tell you which wallpaper to choose in the hallway:

Give preference to non-marking colors, on which traces of dust, raindrops, snow or dirt will be least visible.

Thin paper coatings emphasize all defects (bumps, cracks, poorly prepared base) of the wall. The way out can be embossed, textured wallpaper, masking these shortcomings.

If there are ledges, niches and other architectural elements in the hallway, pay attention to plain wallpapers or products with small prints. Large ornaments and motifs may not fit into the size of the element, ruining the interior. Do not be afraid to experiment, design niches and main walls with various color schemes.

Wallpaper in the corridor should be a harmonious ensemble with baseboards and doorways. A classic solution is a combination of dark and light colors. If you paste the wallpaper in the tone of the door, the latter is easily lost on the general background. To avoid this, contrasting colors of materials will help.

If the corridor is narrow and the ceiling is high, the salvation will be a horizontal picture that visually expands the volume of the room.

With a lack of sources of natural or artificial lighting, abandon the gloomy colors.

Choose a wallpaper depending on the style and size of the hallway

With the features of the choice of wallpaper sorted out. Next, we consider the issue of styles of wall coverings that will be appropriate in the hallway. If the design of the whole house is designed in the same stylistic concept, then the wallpaper in the hallway should coincide with the general direction.

The design of the hallway with wallpaper can be made in the following styles:

Classic. The ideal solution would be a wallpaper of restrained color (sand, olive, golden, brown), plain or with heraldic, floral symbols. Aristocracy, sophistication of a large hallway will give vinyl or non-woven wallpaper with a relief structure.

Modern. The flow is characterized by features such as functionality, conciseness, deep and pure colors. A successful purchase - plain wallpaper, canvas with geometric, abstract patterns or imitation of brickwork.

The "highlight" of the modern hallway, its hallmark can be photo wallpaper. The scope for imagination is not limited: urban landscapes, fragments of flora and fauna can be used independently and in combination with companions. From this type of wallpaper you can make a panel, a modular picture. Materials with 3D effects, large images of fruits, flowers and other single elements will “eat” the space in a small hallway.

To create the illusion of a large area, use cold-colored materials with long-distance roads and sea open spaces. The low ceiling can be "raised" with the help of vertically elongated images - tree trunks, towers, bamboo stems, etc.

Country or Provence. Such an interior is filled with comfort, tranquility and tranquility. A suitable choice is wallpaper with small repeating colors, rustic motifs, checkered patterns. A distinctive feature is a smooth texture, discreet "faded" colors.

Also note that photo wallpaper in the hallway with ethnic design are presented below.

How to avoid mistakes?

Choosing wallpaper for the hallway in the apartment, it is very easy to make several typical consumer mistakes:

Visual illusion. In a huge assortment of a hardware store, after spending several hours looking for the perfect roll, you found your favorite model. But the color after mounting on the walls suddenly turned out to be darker.

Everything is simple: the lighting in the store and in the hallway with different intensities gives a small optical illusion. You can prevent disappointment by buying a wallpaper slightly lighter than required.

Missing texture. This “surprise” is faced by buyers of inexpensive paper coatings. At the stand in the store, the wallpaper looked embossed, with noticeable bulges and grooves. The reason for the loss of texture on the native walls was glue.

He softened the wallpaper, and after smoothing it leveled their surface. The only salvation from this phenomenon will be the purchase of better multilayer wallpapers.

Whatever wallpaper is chosen for the hallway, remember that the best are the ones you like. Have a good choice!

Photo wallpaper in the hallway