Stylish nursery design for girls of all ages (33 photos). DIY kids room design and repair

A modern room for a teenage girl should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Parents need to help their daughter in the choice, and the last word in the design is hers.

When the girl grows up, she no longer likes the cozy room with children's wallpaper, which is decorated with teddy bears.

Important: A room for a girl who is already 14 or 15 years old becomes her personal space. She wants to equip her according to her taste preferences.

Parents should be patient and have a sense of tact, listening to the wishes of their daughter. She herself will be able to choose furniture, wallpaper, curtains, and mom and dad will only tell you how to arrange everything and install it correctly.

Important: Furniture is worth choosing good quality and safe for health. Although the girl is already growing as an adult, she is still a child.

Cabinets, cabinets and tables must withstand pranks of teenagers so that games do not lead to injury. It is worth considering everything to the smallest detail, because rooms for children are usually small, especially in old buildings.

Tip: For a young adult, it is important that there is room in the living space. Therefore, try to use mobile furniture, which can be easily rearranged or used at will.

  • If you do not want to buy a new cupboard or table, as the old ones are still in good condition, then take out the interior items that clutter the space into the corridor or another room
  • Thanks to this, you will free the room, and the girl will be able to invite friends to her house
  • The design of the room for the girl should be so that later you do not have to finish or remodel
  • If there are racks with things under the ceiling, then provide a special decorative staircase so that the girl can independently get everything she needs

Tip: Choose textiles from natural fabrics. The color will depend on the overall interior design of the room.

If the walls are bright, then the curtains are chosen in soothing colors, and vice versa, if the walls are made in pastel colors, then the curtains can be made the highlight of the room.

Younger girls are no longer interested in pictures and posters with cartoon characters. All this is replaced by clippings from magazines with the image of singers, actors and other idols.

In the girl’s room, everything should correspond to the owner’s hobbies, because individual and creative abilities will manifest in her.

Tip: If a girl likes bright walls, do not interfere with her choice. Decorate your room in red, green, or purple. This will encourage the girl to work creatively.

The walls of the teenagers room can be decorated with original panels, photos of the owner, paintings and bright posters. All elements should be harmonious with each other in the overall design of the room.

Important: Creative teens will appreciate the presence of a stylish mood board in their room. This is a board on which photographs, magazine clippings and postcards are attached.

Walls painted with slate paint look very interesting.

Remember: Not all girls like puppetry in the living room: pink walls, delicate color curtains, ruffles and flowers.

Learn about your daughter's preferences and choose materials for repairs, textiles and furniture in the style that she prefers.

  • In the design of a room for a grown-up beauty, its decorative component is important. But in the first place remains functionality. This is especially true for teenager room furniture.
  • A comfortable table should be set up in the teenager’s personal space, at which the girl will study. To do this, it is better to choose a place near the window
  • On the wall near the desktop, it is necessary to place shelves in the form of modern shelving for notebooks, textbooks and stationery

Important: If your daughter has creative abilities, for example, is fond of drawing, then you need to put another table in the room. On it, she will perform sketches, lay out finished works and paintings.

In the teenage room you need to provide a large number of places for storing clothes and other things. For this, hidden modular drawers, modern cabinets, chests of drawers and cabinets are used.

  Room for teens 12-14 years old
  • At age 12, the girl begins growing up. Favorite toys are already gathering dust in the corner, and the daughter begins to deal with her appearance, she has the first cosmetics and other personal things
  • Therefore, a room for a teenager 12-14 years old should be equipped in such a way that there is a lot of space for relaxation and activities

Important: Parents are required to provide psychological comfort for their daughter, and make all the necessary conditions for her normal physical development.

If the girl likes romantic colors, then the main tone of the finish can be made, for example, pink. But it should be soft, since at this age the psyche of the child is unstable, and active influence from the outside is extremely undesirable.

If the girl is active and energetic, the plain interior design may seem gloomy to her.

Tip: Help your daughter choose the right combination of colors that matches her character traits.

Wall murals will help to revitalize. They can be an image of nature, beloved heroes, film actors, pop singers or other idols.

Lighting plays an important role in a room for a teenager.

Tip: Make a lot of light sources to illuminate each work area. The intensity should vary at the discretion of the child.

The room of a girl aged 15 to 17 years is a private closed territory. Here is no longer a child, but also not an adult, creates his own space where only the closest people have access.

Important: When the parents enter the room of their 16-year-old daughter, they think that she is in a complete mess: posters and photos with some faces, something is written on the walls, the bed is always unmade. But for the girl, everything is in its place, and if the bed is not made up, then this is so necessary.

Rooms for teenagers 15-17 years old for adults are an unlimited mess. But, if a girl chooses the right furniture, and her parents help her with this, then her space will become more neat.

Tip: Do not insist on choosing super beautiful curtains and other textiles. If the girl wants to make everything as simple as possible in the room, so be it.

Teenagers at this age love to sit on the floor, even doing homework. Therefore, you need to lay a warm carpet on the floor or make electric floor heating.

For each young beauty, the presence of free space is important so that she can try on her favorite dresses, do dancing or yoga.

Tip: If the apartment is small, then it is worth using modular furniture for the design of the room: folding sofas, beds with a lifting gas backlash, mobile consoles and drawers inside poufs.

Usually, in the small rooms of teenagers, only the most necessary for the owner is left, the rest of the furniture and objects are cleaned in other rooms.

Important: Things that the girl rarely puts on should be transferred to a large dressing room or put away on the mezzanine.

The main task of parents when creating a room for their grown daughter is to delimit the space. It is necessary to allocate a recreation area, study, a beauty studio and a place to meet friends.

This can be done by using different types and colors of wallpaper, furniture or lighting. Designers offer such ideas and options for a teenage girl’s room: Dividing a teenager’s room into zones with an original partition Video: Room design for teenage girls 12-14 years old photo compilation

To make the child comfortable in his room, parents will have to try: it should be beautiful, comfortable, safe, functional, and, which is also very important, the child likes it. Combining all the requirements is not easy, but it is possible, especially since there are many developments and examples captured in the photo. Having looked at the idea, it can be processed for your conditions. So the design is developed by the baby with her own hands.

Technical points

If there is a choice, children's rooms are chosen from those whose windows are directed south or east. If major repairs are planned, immediately lay all possible communications in the room: you don’t need to remind you of the wiring, but you often forget about the network Internet cable. Modern children begin to communicate with office equipment very early, and even if the room is preparing for a newborn, you should not forget about this detail, in a few years you will have to beat the cable on the baseboard.

About switches and sockets should be taken separately. The switches should not be placed high - do not forget that the light should be turned on by the child. About sockets. You can not do without them, but if the child is small, find those that have spring-loaded covers. This is especially true for boys: something pulls them into holes and sticks ... and the covers will block access to danger.


The design of a children's room begins first of all with dividing the room into zones. Even in a small room it is necessary to allocate sleeping, playing and "business" zones. Under the game room, you can take the middle of the room, put warm flooring here, and put cabinets / drawers / bedside tables for toys on the sides.

From the side of the window they usually put a table. Whereas previously they were mainly attached to the light that falls from the window, today, with the presence of lighting devices of various types and types, it is possible to organize excellent lighting even in the darkest corner. Often even there it is now more convenient to put a table: the computer screen does not glare. If, besides under the window, there is nowhere to put the table, blinds or roller blinds are needed. With their help, you can adjust the illumination - too bright light on the working surface leads to increased eye fatigue.

Children have high mobility and can easily push, pull the lamp. Therefore, for younger and middle-aged table lamps it is advisable to take with a solid mount to the countertop. There are models on clamps. They are screwed to a countertop or some ledge, even to a bookshelf above the table.

More safe in this regard are LED lamps - with many small crystals. Actually, there’s nothing to fight there, but with ordinary lamps in a glass bulb there can be troubles.


Table lighting is only a small part of what is needed in the nursery. There should also be several "levels" of lighting. General - ceiling. It is desirable to have a different degree of brightness. In the morning, before the child has woken up, you can turn on the dim light. So it’s easier for children to go up to the garden or school. In the evening, on the contrary, they need bright light: energy is still the sea, and the thirst for activity requires good lighting.

Lighting is also needed near the bed. Older children sometimes want to read (and suddenly,) or watch something (which happens more often). And it’s scary for the little ones. If you can turn on the light only by extending the handle, it calms. True, the shape and brightness of the lighting should be different - to "read" something brighter, and to dispel fears - soft dim light.

Design and decoration of walls

The most reasonable option is to make walls for painting. Children grow very fast and their tastes and preferences also change quickly. You can paint the walls in a different color quickly, without much time loss. If it is a plastered wall - great, you can paint five times, without removing the previous layers. And if you paste on the walls with wallpaper for painting, choose on a non-woven basis: they can also be painted without risk up to 8 times.

The colors in the nursery for walls and furniture are bright, clean, but not acidic.

A slightly more time-consuming way of decorating the walls in the nursery is the wallpaper. The most suitable points of view of environmental safety are paper. But it’s not worth taking thin ones: they break very quickly. You can take two or three layer (duplex or triplex). They are denser and last longer.

The colors are chosen in early childhood by the sex of the child - for girls pink shades and close to them, for boys - blue and green. A little later, you need to focus on the tastes of your child. You can already know for sure which of the flowers your child likes more. Only colors are needed not aggressive, but closer to natural shades. The so-called “acidic” ones are too emotionally charged, which, to put it mildly, is “unprofitable”.

Furniture for children

The task of parents is to try to develop the design of the children's room so that it is safe. And when choosing furniture, this is one of the key points. Firstly, the material from which they are made should be safe. If it is dyed or (chipboard), require certificates. For the chipboard itself, there must be a hygienic certificate stating the emission class of formaldehyde - a binder for sawdust. It is indicated by the Latin letter E. For the manufacture of furniture for a children's room, material with E0 or E1 can be used. They are absolutely safe - formaldehyde emission is no more than that of wood. If the furniture is painted, a certificate for paint is also required. It should be non-toxic.

Also pay attention to corners and protrusions. They should be rounded: there should be no sharp protruding parts. In any case, for children under 13 years of age, choose such models.

Design kids room for kids

When decorating a room for a baby, parents can try to realize all their dreams. Only when developing a nursery design, do not forget that adults will take care of it. Things like a crib with a variable mattress height are not an unnecessary option, but an urgent need: too much stress on the back is harmful for both mom and dad, and grandparents.

Peleneal stoic - not a superfluous detail

The same applies to the changing table. Let the children no longer swaddle, but it is more convenient to change clothes at the height of the belt, rather than bending over. For this, they make high changing tables, on three sides they have rather high ledges - so that the child does not fall overturned.

To make it not just a table with high legs, under it you can make a lot of boxes in which to store baby clothes and all kinds of ointments / powders, other items that are necessary when caring for a baby. Then, replacing the cover, turn it into a cabinet or chest of drawers.

Armchair is a good accessory

In the nursery, you also need a comfortable chair or sofa: mother will need to feed the child often, and it is more convenient to do this in the chair, where there is support for the back and arms. And then, during the games, it is more convenient to observe the child from the chair or from the couch.

The colors used to design the nursery for babies are very soft. Often it is white and its shades, with the addition of pink and blue. On the walls add a few bright color accents. Such rooms afterwards are easily transformed into brighter ones - for grown-up and more active children.

Rooms for girls

The traditional colors in which the design of the girls' rooms is being developed are pink, lilac and transitional shades. But be sure to ask the girl’s opinion: she may have her own “rules”. And in general, involve the child in the development of the project, ask for advice and offer to choose something, come to a decision together.

The easiest way is if the child has some favorite character, cartoon, fairy tale. Add a few touches - photo wallpapers with cartoon frames, several pictures, objects decorated in the same vein. And the unique design of the nursery is ready.

Sticking wallpaper with a frame from a cartoon is a great idea for decorating a nursery

When making a bed, girls often dream of a canopy. It may not be completely hygienic and correct, but it’s worth making a dream come true. Make it light, weightless, from a fabric that is easy to wash. And the design should provide for frequent washing: so that it is possible to quickly and easily remove the fabric.

Girls also like to build houses. Organize such an opportunity for them. It can be a closet that can be curtained, one of the floors of which - upper or lower - can be used as a play area. You can’t forget about security for a minute, and you need to fence and secure everything that is possible.

To save space under the bed, you can make drawers, but there are options on the contrary - a podium, from under which the bed leaves. Also an interesting option, but more difficult to implement.

Children's design for teenage girls may already be required in different colors. Pink and lilac can replace beige, brown and other shades of the same gamut. Some of the young ladies can taste darker tones. It may be possible to compromise, and add dark accents in the bright room.

Room for a boy

With boys it’s both easier and harder at the same time. They like Spiderman, Cars, and other similar stories. And there are no problems with this. There is even appropriate furniture (as in the photo).

But after some time, interests change, new heroes appear ... every time it is unprofitable to completely change the situation. Therefore, it is more rational to formalize everything, say in a traditionally masculine style. For example, a sports corner, a bed in which there is a second floor for interesting activities.

Another option is to beat the sporting preferences of the young man. If he likes to play basketball - to make rings, nets, etc., a goal will be required for a football player. Just take away all the beating objects away and protect the fragile nets ....

When two children and one room

If the children are heterosexual, or have their own interests or preferences, it is easiest to divide the room into two zones. Design each according to the wishes of the "owners" of the area. Only here it is necessary to approach so that there is no conflict between the children. Here you have cards in hand ...

If the children do not conflict, it’s great

If there is competition, you will have to make the design identical. This is probably the only way to mitigate the confrontation. Then parents will have to maneuver, taking into account the wishes of the children.

Same design - conflict resolution

If you are lucky, children do not quarrel or conflicts are not serious, you can put a bunk bed. It’s usually difficult to agree who will sleep where: everyone wants to go upstairs. But as a "bonus" for the lower tier, you can think of a descent in the form of a slide. True, the lower tier will also have to be raised, but this can be a solution to the problem: the younger one, if there is a slide, will be interesting below.

Descent from the bed in the form of a hill - a bonus for the lower tier))

If the place is tight, you can use transforming furniture in the children's room. The bed can fall out of the closet, move out from under the podium, or even descend from under the ceiling. There are different options. Choose the one that is easier or more convenient to implement in your case.

In general, the design of the nursery is a creative occupation. It needs to attract all members of the family. This is exactly the case when one head is good, and the family is better. And so there was plenty to choose from, the photos with interesting ideas and ideas are collected below. Maybe something will be useful to you ...

Photo ideas for designing a children's room

Princess Room Design

Heroes of cartoons - out of competition

The marine theme is relevant for boys, and with a bunk bed ....

An interesting option is a play area above the bathroom

Adult children - other interiors in the nursery

A nursery in the attic - there are many interesting solutions

When a child is alone, and you want a bunk bed ...

The rational use of every centimeter of the area is possible ...

Boat-shaped beds ...

This design of a children's room will suit both boys and girls ... despite the fact that the color blue prevails

Sunny weather is always ...

More recently, your daughter was just a child, but today she became a teenager. And this means maximalism, first love and the need for personal space. Now the room is not only a place for sleeping and games - it keeps its little secrets. How to decorate a teenage girl's room with your own handsso that everyone is satisfied?

Your task is not to intervene, but only to direct its ideas in the right direction. Do not forget to help in choosing furniture and decor items, monitoring their quality.

Things to remember

Entering adolescence, girls already consider themselves adults, but still remain children. Therefore, the room becomes something between the children's and adult rooms. Even if you didn’t have any plans to fundamentally repair your daughter’s house, it’s worth changing some things.

First of all, pick up a bed by size, find chairs higher and choose a different decor. It is important that you share the interests of the child in matters of repair.

The highlight of the entire interior can be an independent decor for a teenager’s room with his own hands. The fulcrum can be a favorite cartoon character, books, movie hero, musician, as well as an uncontrollable childhood imagination.

Based on your child’s hobbies:

  • if a girl likes to draw, then you can select a part of the wall for drawing. Cover the wall with white slate paint, and after drying, this area will turn into a kind of drawing board;
  • if the child is a book lover, then equip several bright bookshelves where you can put your favorite books;
  • if you are fond of sports, then make sure that the room has enough free space so that furniture and other interior items do not interfere with your activities.

Focus on one theme of space design: it will be easier to implement and will not confuse the teenager in their own desires.

Every teenager will like it if there is something exclusive in his room that no one else has. For example, slate board for notes.

Creating it is very simple:

  1. Stock up with a primer, a sponge, brushes.

  1. Get a wooden or plywood board.

  1. Coat the surface of the material with black or gray slate paint.

  1. Place the product on the balcony and wait until it dries.

  1. Attach the frame to the board.

Let the girl come up with a place for fixing - she will be pleased that her parents took a little care on how to decorate the room with a teenager.

Color options: solution

Background color should satisfy both parents and daughter. Listen to your child’s thoughts, but adjust them. Think about whether to choose a gothic-informal color or you can limit yourself to posters.

Do not forget that the psyche of a growing child is unstable, and therefore pay attention to calm shades. It is best to stay on green, purple, blue, blue, pink or peach. If your daughter loves vibrant colors, you can use them as interior accents.


At the family council there will always be a question about buying new furniture. Going to the store? Be sure to consider the quality and price of headsets. Make sure that the bed gets a high-quality orthopedic mattress.

It’s good to equip a room with furniture to order. To do this, the designer should not consult with his parents, but with his daughter. She herself will decide which furniture to use and where to put it. The same goes for the color scheme of furnishings and their dimensions. Focus on the rules of zoning space.

In the girl’s room should be:

  • sleeping area - a folding sofa or a comfortable bed;
  • work area - desk;
  • storage area - shelves, racks, whatnots;
  • beauty zone - dressing table with makeup and a mirror;
  • relaxation area - wide windowsill, chair or ottomans;
  • wardrobe area - wardrobe or dressing room.

To relax, beat the window. By lengthening it slightly and expanding the windowsill, you get a comfortable place. It is easy to build a soft mattress, a plaid and a small coffee table with your own hands.

Do not forget that your daughter will need her own mirror, it is the most favorite item in the room of any girl. It can, like hanging separately on the wall or be built into the cabinet. The wall-mounted version provides a DIY decor suitable for a teenager's room. The easiest option is to use shells collected at sea.

DIY mirror decor

  1. You will need a round or square mirror, shells, beads, a glue gun, a bottle with transparent glue, glossy carpentry varnish, newspapers and a brush.

  1. Cover the table with newspapers, put a mirror on it. The glass itself needs to be covered with a cloth or paper.

  1. Apply a layer of glue along the contour of the mirror, glue small shells.

  1. Heat up the glue gun, apply the composition to large shells, beads and other decor. Gaps can be covered with sea sand.

  1. Leave the mirror to dry completely for 24 hours.

  1. Apply varnish and leave to dry for another day.

The resulting beauty can be safely hung on the wall.

Wall decoration

This is perhaps the most painful moment for parents. It is difficult for them to explain to the child why they need to choose calm tones. Find an alternative - use photo wallpaper that will create a special atmosphere. The girl will surely be able to choose suitable ones from the whole variety of options.

There are other options. They will help in how to decorate your room with your own hands to a teenager. The easiest way is to use vinyl stickers in the form of fancy floral motifs. They will add tenderness and sophistication to the room.

You can make an accent wall using expensive photo wallpaper. Progressive parents follow fashion trends, so that their daughter will be delighted with the soft finishes - fabrics, leatherette with filler-foam.

Encourage creativity:

  • Print photos from your smartphone in original frames. Offer the girl photo printing of pictures with friends as a wallpaper for an acetate wall. Don't want to ruin the finish? A girl can post a photo on a stand with buttons or on a rope with clothespins.

  • Graffiti fans can turn to professional artists or friends who draw well. If a girl is fond of art and knows how to transfer surrounding objects to paper, give her ... a wall. Choose a place for future drawing together.
  • Effective and stylish solution - volume letters. They put the right emphasis, can become a way of expression of a teenager. Letters are made of plastic, wood, fabrics, etc. Find the option that the teenager will like.

If your daughter has agreed to a neutral finish, consider what details to use to make the room come to life.

Program nails

There are a lot of design options for the room where the teenager lives. But they are realized only when you know how to do handmade things. If you want to learn, use master classes on the net, but proceed from the style of the room. Designers recommend some simple ideas that even a teenager can handle.

  1. Decorate the work area. It may contain creative wall clocks, a note board. A girl can create her own “wish card” - a collage of pictures cut from the pages of old magazines.

  1. Gather all the jewelry in one place. Come up with an original organizer of lace stretched over a wooden frame, cardboard wood, real twigs, varnished. Papier-mâché or copper wire figures can be used.
  2. Find a lesson for an assiduous child. If a girl likes beadwork, crochet, sewing Tild dolls, then let these skills become useful. Original interior items are always appropriate, especially in a girl’s room.

  1. Clean your wardrobe. Sweaters and jeans, which the daughter no longer wears, can become new pillows, upholstery for ottomans and chairs.
  2. Find places to keep secrets. As such, old suitcases, boxes and boxes will do. Decorate them using decoupage or collage technique.
  3. Find original places for jackets and raincoats. Create: take plastic glasses and glue them on a board pasted over with beautiful paper.
  4. Give a second life to old furniture. A chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a stand with original handmade decoration will occupy a worthy place in space.

  1. Use modern design ideas. Ethnic-style wooden pieces of furniture, romantic shabby-chic pillows with ruffles, an ultra-modern laptop, delicate Provence curtains and a comfortable Victorian sofa in bright colors will create an atmosphere of cosiness in space.

Create with the girl, and joint ideas will not only decorate the room, but also help to get closer to the child and understand his inner world.

When the repair is completed, I want to bring in some kind of personality, something personal, pleasant and warm, like the sun in the palm of your hand. The walls in the children's room are decorated in different ways, using ready-made attributes or creating with your own hands. The walls are decorated before the appearance of the newborn.

Wall decoration options in the children's room

Leaving the walls in the children's room or decorating in various ways is the decision of the parents, but it will be much more interesting for children to see the manifestation of creativity and practice this in wall decoration with you.

1. The works of the young "artist", while far from masterpieces - the hand still does not listen, experience is not enough, but the hand still reaches out to different walls. Parents will forbid them or not - it doesn’t matter how to paint a suitable surface, they will draw anyway:

  • wallpaper for painting or paper rolls;
  • smoothly painted surface for any color of walls;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • brick wall or wood.

Tip: Prudent parents have long come to the conclusion that it’s useless to forbid painting on the walls and injuring the child’s psyche. It’s easier to leave a panel on one of the walls instead of the panel (you can framed), where the kid will practice in the arts. Fragments of white wallpapers are easy to replace, giving a new round for creativity. At the same time, it is important to inspire the child with the idea that we paint or paint only here.

2. And what if it is unrealistic to train to draw in only one place? Do not repaint different walls daily or glue wallpapers! It is important to accustom the child to at least the fact that "masterpieces" should not be born in other rooms.

Tip: Wallpaper for painting - a great solution, they can be repainted many times in any color.

3. The real joy of the appearance of fresh doodles in the interior on new wallpapers will be given by joint creative work. The walls in the children's room can be decorated in different ways:

  • picture gallery of bright children's drawings in the framework;
  • funny collage with children's photos;
  • funny drawings on the walls in the form of fingerprints or palms (deer with horns, a tree with leaves, flowers, birds, dragonflies, etc.).

Tip: If you are tight with imagination, don’t know how and what to draw -
  Use successful samples. Children willingly participate in such a "lesson" of painting on the walls. Do not know how to paint the walls or ceiling - ask the children, this is done for them!

4. What should I do if my parents do not know how to draw, but I want to change something radically in my personal space for a girl or boy? And it is desirable, without doing repairs, to somehow hide inept scribbles on good wallpaper or a wall with a built-in bed! The best solution is to use vinyl stickers. They are sold ready-made, with a sticky back side, and damaged fragments can always be replaced.

Tip: It is advisable to use color "self-adhesive" in rolls, and to make a pattern according to the pattern - the effect is the same. You can choose any picture, including whole plots of their favorite cartoons or a specific topic. If you do not know how to decorate the wall with stickers, use our photos:

5. We decorate gray or nondescript walls with original shelves. You can put anything on them:

  • children's books;
  • accessories for drawing;
  • a collection of dolls or toys;
  • board games and children's musical instruments.

Tip: Often the shelves should be at a level where only parents can get items, for example, so that the kid does not tear books on an improvised shelf. They need to be fixed securely, but so that the baby does not fit on them. On the lower shelves, teach your child to clean toys. You can use magnetic tapes to place machines, needlework scissors, and other items.

6. Wall decor made of fabric and paper is also a good option, any unnecessary flap, whatman and packing cardboard will do. Butterflies, flying away autumn leaves or snowflakes look picturesque, think about how to arrange other objects in the room.

Tip: Volumetric elements can change, for example, a “magic tree” painted on a wall will change its “outfit” seasonally:

  • voluminous spring flowers;
  • summer leaves and bird nests;
  • autumn fruits (apples, pears, acorns or chestnuts);
  • winter snow caps or hoarfrost cut from lush toilet paper.

Photos - 47 The original design of the room

7. A practical option - behind the wall decoration we hide the wires from the TV or under the night lamp on the wall. We have functional items with a bright children's design:

  • watch in the form of a smiley or the sun;
  • a hanger with cartoon prints;
  • coasters and corners;
  • sconces and original fixtures.

Photos - 49 Pictures on the wall in the nursery

Tip: Ideas with light design look spectacular - decoration with garland or diode ribbon lighting. But it is suitable for school children who are familiar with safety precautions. Do not forget to ask their opinions on what to hang or draw on the walls. Good examples are in the photo.

The very phrase “interior of a children's room for girls” involuntarily conjures up a picture of a cozy room in pink colors, with ruffles on the curtains, a canopy over the bed and a mountain of soft toys. But in fact, such a stereotype is not common. The interior must necessarily take into account the personality of the child, and not all young ladies are impressed by the abundance of pink, lace or teddy bears.

Design a room for a girl

Bright children's room for a girl

Each girl is the future keeper of the hearth. In the future, the obligation to create and maintain comfort in the house will fall on her shoulders. And the formation of this skill should begin with the appropriate environment in her room. Therefore, in this case, neglect of the little things is unacceptable. When arranging a room for your daughter, make sure that the interior of the child’s room is warm, cozy and safe.

  Bright pink room for a girl

Be sure to check the safety of the materials used. When making a choice at the repair stage, do not hesitate to require quality certificates from sellers. No less vigilant should relate to the safety of furniture and other interior elements. Children are mobile and an unsuccessful chair can cause injury.

  Kids room design
  Interior design of a girl’s children's room with a lock

As a wall decoration, light monophonic wallpapers are ideal. They give good scope for interior decoration with bright accents and are universal enough to calmly change the room as the girls grow and develop.

The floor in the room should be made of warm and non-slip material. A great option is cork, laminate or wood. On them, the child can calmly walk barefoot without risking freezing or slipping.

Pay particular attention to lighting. It is necessary to sufficiently illuminate each of the working areas and make sure that all the lamps fit neatly into the overall style of the room.

  Children's room for a girl
  Children's room for a girl with a mermaid and a castle

Color scheme

Take your time filling the room with solid pink. The total dominance of one shade can cause fatigue, and intense pink can even provoke irritation. Introduce several colors into the interior at once, but choose harmonious combinations.

For walls, it is better to choose light, neutral tones: white, beige, pale pink. Later, their monotony can be diluted with color accents on other details: curtains, rugs, sofa cushions, etc.

  Bright room for a girl
  Luxurious interior room for a girl

Wallpaper with a pattern, so popular five years ago, gradually gave way to plain color. The constantly repeating ornament gradually bothers the child, and the plain walls make it possible to focus on other details of the interior. In addition, they are more versatile for making changes to the room, because the interior should grow with the child.

  Beautiful children's room for a girl

Furniture selection

The furniture in the children's room of a child of any gender should be functional, compact, roomy, safe and appropriate for the growth and age of the girl. The basic minimal furniture set is a bed with a good (preferably orthopedic) mattress, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe or shelves for books and toys. Depending on age, you may also need a table and chair for games and study.

Furniture of light colors is better “fit” into the style of the girl’s children's room. Check the structural strength of cabinets and the environmental safety of materials.

  Pink kids room for a girl
  Interior of a children's room for a girl

Choose furniture for storage with a bit of “outgrowth” volume: the child grows rapidly, and at the same time, his need for things increases. And if today your daughter is limited to a dozen toys - tomorrow books, materials for creativity will definitely be added to them, and later also textbooks with notebooks. All of them will need to be stored somewhere with ease of use.

The location of the shelves and functional compartments of the cabinet should be such that the child can easily get the things he needs.

  Bright kids room for a girl
  Chic room for girls

Set the bed so that the berth is closed from possible drafts. In the children's room of the girl this piece of furniture is given special functionality. According to psychologists, most girls prefer to play toys on the bed. So it is better to choose a spacious model for the young princess or equip the nursery with a separate couch for games.

The table and chair in the children's room should also be appropriate for the age of the child. Make sure that the back of the chair ensures a proper fit - this is a guarantee of good posture for the girl. For a small children's room, you can choose a folding convertible table with compact chairs. Do not forget to qualitatively illuminate the working area with the table - take care of the child's vision.

Over time, the girl is likely to acquire her own computer. Do not install it near the bed. It is better to equip a separate study area with a practical computer desk.

And, of course, equip the nursery for the girl with a mirror - a woman at any age, even in childhood, cannot do without it.

  Room for the girl
  Bright room for a girl in pink

Accessories selection

In the children's room, the girl is given special attention to textiles and accessories. They not only allow you to give the interior notes of femininity, but can quickly transform any room. If the girl’s tastes and preferences in style change, it will not be necessary to re-glue the wallpaper. It is enough just to change some accessories to others - and you can make any transformation of the interior, from classic to modern and vice versa.

  Bright children's for the girl
  Children's room for a girl

If you made the walls plain, then textiles can be chosen even in the most saturated shades: turquoise, purple, bright pink, lime and others - depending on the wishes of the child. They will instantly make the boring interior juicy and bright, which is close in spirit to every child.

  Purple kids room
  Design of a kids room with zoning

An excellent solution is to use children's drawings in the interior decoration. Make a suitable mat-frame for them and let them have a kind of vernissage in the nursery. So you will not only create an original interior, but also stimulate the creative development of the child, show that you appreciate his work.

Girls at any age especially appreciate various pleasant little things - peculiar female "treasures": beads, hairpins, jewelry, and over time - cosmetics. Please the daughter - prepare for such things special places for storage - elegant caskets and chests.

  Kids room design

Making a children's room depending on the age of the girl

2-3 years

  • Children's age up to 3 years is one of the most important stages in the formation of the personality, character and intelligence of a child. This is a time of active study of the world and difficulties in experiencing your failures. In 2-3 years, even difficulties in getting the desired item off the shelf can be experienced as a tragedy. This is important to consider in the design of the design of the children's room - chairs, tables, cabinets and shelves should be available for independent studies of the child.
  • The color scheme in a room for a child of this age should be sustained in calm colors. Too bright colors can cause difficulty falling asleep.
  • Must be present zoning facilities. Now the child develops the first skills of independence and zoning - an excellent assistant in this process. In the case of a competent arrangement of objects in the room, the child clearly understands where to put toys, where to play with them, and where in the evening you need to remove your clothes. Remember to illuminate each area well. A small nightlight is enough above the bed, but in the game part you need good overhead lighting.
  • The ceiling in the nursery is best done in white - so the room will become visually lighter and more spacious.
  • The wall in the playing area can be decorated with stickers or bright patterns using a stencil. A little girl will be interested to consider them.
  • The flooring in the room should be environmentally friendly and easy to clean, so it is better not to choose especially fleecy carpets if you do not want to spend several hours on a vacuum cleaner.

  Beautiful room for a girl

5-7 years old

  • 5-7 years - this is the beginning of preparation for school and directly school education. In the design of the nursery, it becomes mandatory to have a convenient desk and a high-quality chair. You will also need a bookcase, shelving or shelves for textbooks, storage systems for various office supplies.
  • But toy boxes will not be needed so much: they are still present in children's leisure, but to a much lesser extent. The quantity is gradually replaced by quality and instead of a dozen dolls, there remains one, but favorite.
  • The choice of the color scheme of a children's room at this age can be provided to the girl herself - she may well decide on her own preferred gamut, your task will remain to choose textiles and decor elements in accordance with the wishes.
  • Furniture in the nursery for this age should be more functional, and the requirements for the lighting of the room are only increasing.
  • Involve your child in the zoning of the room. For example, arrange a play area together by creating a dollhouse, select boxes for storing toys where the girl will clean them up on her own.
  • It is better to place the training zone near the window so that in the daytime the child enjoys natural light.
  • A girl at this age can begin to take girlfriends for the first time, so take care of the availability of space for several people in her room - put a sofa, couch or add some comfortable ottomans.

  Bright kids room for a girl

10-12 years old

  • Adolescence has a special need for independence. Do not neglect this fact, let the girl fully participate in the arrangement of the children's room. Show her the interior options in the photos, make a choice together.
  • The style and color scheme at this age is just the child’s choice, and parents should respect him. You can choose materials and furniture based on your financial capabilities, but in terms of color and stylistic orientation, they should correspond to the preferences of the girl.
  • When buying furniture, also take the child with you, because at this age, a girl can independently try on a chair, a table, and a bed, to evaluate their convenience.

No matter how old your young princess is, remember - you are equipping the room of the future woman. The formation of her sense of style, taste, understanding of the concept of “cosiness”, the ability to maintain order and equip the interior will depend on your choice. Let the girl’s children's room become her first home and give joy from games, studies, first visits of guests.

Video: Repair of a children's room for a girl

50 photos of room design ideas for a girl: