Bean seed read. Fairy tale "Cockerel and bean seed

  Olga Mikhailovna Gordeeva

Once upon a time, there were wheat grains. The home for them was a simple spikelet that grew among the same wheat spikelets in the field. The field was eared amicably. Ripe friendly poured grains.

But once a mouse came running - a vole. She gnawed off the stem of the spikelet and carried it into her hole. The spikelet was heavy, because everything grains  fully matured and were a beautiful golden color. The mouse carefully carried a spikelet, but one thing seed  fell from his house directly to the ground.

Soon, harvesters and tractors arrived on the field. They took away all the bread and plowed the whole field.

Seed  lay under a lump of earth and sadly thought about what would happen to him next. But then it began to rain.

"Ah, how scary and dreary I am lying alone in this earthen hole!"

The sun heard these words. It took pity on the little one seed, and sent her children to him - sunlight. The seed warmed up, crushed from heat and moisture. And suddenly a great thing happened miracle: inside seed woke up sprouts. He was very small and thin.

Rostochka became closely in seed, and he reached for the sun and went outside. Little grain  it was no longer so lonely and dreary, because sprouts and the seed was one.

But suddenly a cold north wind blew, poured cold rain, and then frost hit. Winter came. Poor Rostoach cried and cried out: “How am I supposed to be? What to do in order not to die in the winter? ”

A cloud heard him. She let loose her daughters - snowflakes.

Snowflakes swirled in a beautiful quiet dance and lay on the ground, forming a white veil. Although the snowflakes were cold, the cover turned out to be unusually warm. Rostochek warmed himself in his snowy bed and fell asleep under a lullaby of a snowstorm, which sang his songs to him all winter.

Spring came. The snow has melted. And sprout woke up. Now he was reaching for the sun, spreading his bright green leaves. Every day he became stronger and stronger. This was no longer that weak sprout who was afraid of everything. It was already a real winter bush wheat! And soon he grew tall tubes, from which spikelets appeared and flowers blossomed. How happy the bush was to its first flowers!

A cheerful summer breeze rejoiced with him. Playing with the breeze, the bush did not even notice how its pollen woke up and pollinated the flowers. Instead of flowers, they began to grow and pour grains. And many more days and nights passed before the bush felt that all of it grains  poured and became golden yellow. Keeping heavy ears of corn was not easy! But the bush was very proud that of the small seed  such a wonderful plant has grown!

It got colder. Sometimes it rained. Once a lot of birds flew into the field. They wanted to feed themselves on a long journey, because they soon flew away to foreign lands. The bush was not greedy and gave everything to the birds. Only a few grains fell to the ground. And from this day on, everyone the seed began its life.

When I used to read a fairy tale "Cockerel and the bean kernel", for some reason, for a long time I could not understand with my adult brain what kind of tricks are these: a cockerel is bad, he is suffocating, dying, you can say, and everyone who hen calls for help, instead of helping, persecute her to fulfill her petty desires. And why add a fairy tale about this? What is the meaning of such a fairy tale? And only recently, after listening to the introduction of the announcer before the audio production, I realized: they really just had no other choice! They drove her not because they so wanted, but because they could not help in any other way! And the fairy tale about how the cockerel choked on a bean seed - actually about mutual assistance! Remember this and do not be as blind as I am! 🙂

Cockerel and bean seed

Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a chicken.

The cockerel was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, and the hen know what he’s saying:

- Petya, take your time! Petya, take your time!

The bean kernels somehow pecked at the cockerel, and in a hurry, it choked. Choked, not breathing, not hearing, as if lying dead.

The chicken got scared, rushed to the mistress, shouted:

- Oh, hostess, give me an oil, quickly, to lubricate the cock neck: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Mistress says:

- Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I’ll kill the butter.

The chicken rushed to the cow:

- Cow, dear, give me some milk! The hostess will knock out milk from the hostess; I will lubricate the neck of the cock with butter: the cockerel chokes on a bean seed.

- Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me fresh grass.

The chicken runs to the owner:

- Master, master! Hurry, give the cow a fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will take butter, milk the cockerel with the butter: I choke the cockerel with a bean seed.

The owner and tells her:

- Run quickly to the blacksmith for the scythe.

The chicken rushed to the smith from all legs:

- Blacksmith, blacksmith, give the owner a good braid as soon as possible! The owner will give grass to the cow, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will smear the cock neck: the cock choked on a bean seed.


The bean seed is a Russian folk tale with which every family is familiar. It describes the story of how a cockerel choked on a bean seed. What will the chicken do to save him? Who will help her with this, and how will it all end? Read about all this in a fairy tale. She teaches responsiveness, compassion, mutual assistance, gratitude and the fact that it is worth being kind, selfless and forget about disagreements when close people are in mortal danger.

Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a chicken. The cockerel rummaged and dug a bean.

- Ko-ko-ko, chicken, eat a bean seed!

- Ko-ko-ko, cockerel, eat yourself!

A cockerel ate a grain and choked. He called the chicken:

- Go, chicken, to the river, ask the voditsa to get drunk.

The chicken ran to the river:

- A river, a river, give me some water: the cockerel choked on a bean - a grain!

The river says:

- Go to sticky, ask for a leaf, then I will give voditsy.

The chicken ran to sticky:

- Sticky, sticky, give me a piece! I’ll take a leaf to a small river, the small river will give - a cockerel to get a drink of water: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Sticky says:

- Go to the girl, ask for a thread.

The chicken ran:

- Girl, girl, give a thread! I’ll take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give the leaf, I will take the leaf to the river, the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The girl replies:

- Go to the combers, ask for a comb, then I'll give a thread.

The chicken ran to the combers:

- Combers, combers, give me a comb! I’ll take the comb to the girl, the girl will give the thread, I will take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give the leaf, I will take the leaf to the river, the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Combs say:

- Go to the Kalashnikov, let them give us Kalachnikov.

The chicken ran to the Kalashnikov:

- Kalashniki, Kalashniki, give Kalachniki! I will take the kalachi to the combers, - the combers will give the comb, I will take the comb to the girl, the girl will give the thread, I will give the sticky thread, the sticky will give the leaf, I will take the leaf to the river, the river will give the cockerel some water to drink: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Kalashniki say:

- Go to the lumberjacks, let us give us firewood.

The chicken went to the woodcutters:

- Lumberjacks, lumberjacks, give firewood! I’ll take the firewood to the Kalashniks, - the Kalashniks will give the Kalachniks, the Kalachniks will give the combers, the combers will give the comb, I will take the comb to the girl, the girl will give the thread, the thread I will take the sticky tape, the sticky tape will give the leaf, the leaf I will take the river, the river will let the cockerel drink water: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The lumberjacks gave the chicken firewood.

The chicken brought firewood to the Kalashnikov, the Kalashniki gave it to the Kalachniks, the Kalachniki gave it to the combers, the combers gave her the comb, took the comb to the girl, the girl gave her a thread, the thread was stuck, the sticky tape gave a leaf, brought the leaf to the river, the river gave voditsa.

The cockerel got drunk, and a grain slipped through.

The cock crowed.

Tale of friends: Pete-cockerel and chicken. The cockerel was always in a hurry to peck grains and once choked on a bean. The kind chicken, who always advised him not to rush, went around everyone, but saved his friend - oiled the neck with oil.

Fairy tale Cockerel and bean seed download:

Fairy tale Cockerel and a bean seed read

Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a chicken. The cockerel was in a hurry, but in a hurry, and the chicken know for yourself and condemns:

Petya, take your time. Petya, take your time.

Somehow, the beef grains pecked at the cockerel, and in a hurry, it choked. Choked, does not breathe, does not hear, lies not to move. The chicken got scared, rushed to the mistress, shouted:

Oh, hostess, let’s quickly lubricate the cockerel with a throat: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Mistress says:

Run to the cow rather, ask her for milk, and I’ll kill the butter.

The chicken rushed to the cow:

A cow, darling, give me more milk, the hostess will get butter from the milk, I will oil the cock of the neck with butter: the cockerel chokes on the bean kernel.

Go to the owner soon, let him bring me fresh grass.

The chicken runs to the owner:

Master! Master! Rather, give the cow a fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will get butter out of the milk, I will oil the cock neck with butter: the cock choked on a bean seed.

Run quickly to the blacksmith for the scythe, says the owner.

The chicken rushed to the smith from all legs:

Blacksmith, blacksmith, rather give the owner a good braid. The owner will give grass to the cow, the cow will give milk, the host will give me butter, I will oil the cock neck: the cock choked on a bean seed.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess knocked butter, the butter gave the chicken. Lubricated the chicken cock neck. The beanseed and slipped. The cockerel jumped up alive and sang in all his throat.


Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a chicken. Once I found a cockerel a bean seed and offered it to a chicken.
  - Ko-ko-ko, chicken, eat a bean seed!
- Ko-ko-ko, cockerel, eat it yourself! she replied.

The cockerel began to swallow the grain and choked - the grain got stuck in the neck. He called for help to hen:
  - Please go, chicken, to the river, ask her for some water to get me drunk.

The chicken ran to the river:
  - Flowing river, give me some water, my cockerel choked on a bean seed!

The river answers:
  - Come on, you, chicken, to sticky, ask her for a piece, then I will give you some water.

The chicken ran to sticky:
  - Sticky, sticky, give me a piece! I will take the leaf to the river, the river will give my cockerel some water to drink, the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Sticky answers:
  - Go to the girl, ask her for a thread, then I will give you a piece.

The chicken ran to the girl:
  - Girl, girl, give me a thread! I’ll take the thread to sticky, sticky will give me a leaf, I will take a leaf to a small river, the river will give me a cockerel to drink some water, the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The girl replies:
  “Go, hen, to the combers, ask them for a comb, then I'll give you a thread.”

The chicken ran to the combers:
  - Combers, combers, give me a comb! I’ll take the comb to the girl, the girl will give me the thread, I will take the thread to the sticky, the sticky will give me the leaf, I will take the leaf to the river, the river will give me some cockerel to get drunk, the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The combers respond:
  - Come on, hen, to the Kalashniki, let them give us Kalach, then we'll give you a comb

The chicken ran to the Kalashnikov:
  - Kalashniki, Kalashniki, give me Kalachniki! I will take the kalachi to combers, the combers will give me a comb, I will take the comb to a girl, the girl will give me a thread, I will take a thread to sticky, sticky will give me a leaf, I will take a leaf to a river, the river will give me a cockerel to drink water, the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

Kalashniki answer:
  - Go, hen, to the lumberjacks, let us give us firewood, then we will give you the executioners.

The chicken went to the woodcutters:
  - Lumberjacks, lumberjacks, give me firewood! I’ll take the firewood to the Kalashnikovs, Kalashnikov will give me the Kalachniks, the Kalachniks will give me the combers, the combers will give me the comb, the comb I will take the girl, the girl will give me the thread, the thread I will take the sticky, the sticky will give me the leaf, the leaf I will take the river, the river will give me a cockerel getting drunk, the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

The lumberjacks gave the chicken firewood. The chicken brought firewood to the Kalashnikov, the Kalashniki gave it to the Kalachniks, the chicken gave the Kalachniks to the combers, the combers gave her a comb, brought the chicken comb to the girl, the girl gave her a thread, the chicken brought a thread to it, the sticky gave her a leaf, the chicken gave a leaf to a river, the river gave her vodka.

The cockerel got drunk with water, and the bean seed slipped through. The cockerel sang loudly:
  - Kukareku!

The child did not fall asleep?

The Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk" has ended, if the child has not fallen asleep, we recommend reading a few more tales.