Lesson reading words with the letter e. A lesson in literary reading in the first class "reading words, sentences and texts with the letters e, e"

Lesson 88. READING WORDS WITH THE LETTER E (consolidation)

03.05.2013 7765 0

Lesson   88. reading words withLETTER E

Goals: reinforce student vowel knowledge uh; develop speech, logical thinking.

Equipment : textbook, subject pictures, magnetic board, letters and syllables.

During the classes

I. Mobilizing part of the lesson.

II. Consolidation of supporting knowledge.

The game "typesetter" (for teams).

The word is printed on the board electric locomotive.

Children make up and type new words from the letters of the given word. (Moat, cart, eyes, century, lion, call, body, summer, currentetc.)

The game "Complete the word."

Unfinished words are displayed on a magnetic board. Children need to finish them by inserting a letter or syllable.

this ... (floor), crane (screen), press (express), bale (crew), sports (export), coupon (standard), strada (stage), floor (hermitage).

Physical Fitness

Children read a poem by S. Ya. Marshak “Where did the sparrow dine?”, P. 184.

1. The first time the poem is read in its entirety (each student reads one or two lines).

2. Analysis is underway on the issue of m:

“What question does the poem begin with?”

- Who is usually asked questions? ( People, adults and children.)

“And to whom is the question asked?” ( Sparrow.)

- Tell us what you know about sparrows, what kind of birds they are, how they get their food. ( Sparrow - the bird is mobile, nimble, always in motion, everywhere picks up crumbs, grains, worms.)

- What did the sparrow answer the question?

“Who shared the food with him?”

- What kind of food? ( Carrot, millet, bran.)

- When did his visit to the zoo almost end sadly?

3. Children re-read the text and work on expressive reading.

“What did the sparrow do to the elephant?”

“What did he do with the crane?”

- To whom did he fly then?

- What did you treat at the rhino?

Game "Syllabic Auction."

Unfinished words are displayed on a magnetic board. Children add words.

  Ele ... (vator); es ... (–kiz); relay race);

  aero ... (–drome); by ... (–et); du ... (–et).

Physical Fitness

Reading the story "Bug", p. 185.

Question s:

- What did the bug carry?

- What did the bug see?

- What did the bug think?

- What did she do?

- How did it end?

The text is reread. Children retell the content of the text.

The game "Tell me a word."

Long distances

He rushes without delay;

Written at the end of two FROM,

Called ... ( express).

To distant villages, cities

Who is on the wire?

Light Majesty

It… ( electricity).

All learned letters are repeated. The place of the letter is determined uh   on the "ribbon of letters", p. 185.

III. Lesson summary.

- What did you repeat in the lesson?

- What was especially interesting?

- What tasks caused difficulties?

Municipal budget non-standard educational institution "Gymnasium No. 70" of the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Reading words, sentences and texts with lettersUh uh

Volojanina I.M.,

primary school teacher

MB NOU “Gymnasium No. 70”

The purpose of the lesson : improving reading skills.

Tasks :

    To develop the ability to correlate the sound composition of a word and its spelling, to produce syllabic-sound analysis of a word (with drawing up a diagram).

    Develop awareness and expressiveness of reading.

    Form UUD: personal (emotionally “live” the text, express your emotions), regulatory (learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher), cognitive (find answers to questions in the text, analyze, draw conclusions), communicative (formulate your thoughts verbally) .

Equipment: textbook "ABC" (2 part), a notebook for writing words in block letters and working with schemes, colored pencils, demonstration cards of red, blue, green colors, indicating syllables and individual sounds, magnetic alphabet, explanatory dictionary.

During the classes :

I . Organization of a class for work

II . Knowledge Update

1. Arrange correctly and divide into two groups the letters (on the board the letters of the magnetic alphabet are arranged randomly: upside down, on the side): a, m, o, k, y, e, p, s, u, i, e, l, t, e, v, th.

What unites the letters of each group?

A, o, y, e, u, i, e, e   - indicate vowels, m, k, p, s, l, t, b, th   - consonant sounds.

Break each group of letters into two parts. Explain your actions.

K, s, t, in   denote pair sounds by voicing-deafness, m, r, l, th   don't have a pair.

Name the special letter among the consonants.

Th   does not have a solid pair, the remaining consonants are paired in hardness-softness.

Oh, oh, uh   stand for one sound, e, u, i, y   can indicate two sounds at the same time (another sign - some letters indicate the hardness of consonant sounds, others - softness).

2. What letter did you learn in the last lesson?

What can you tell about her?

Add the missing syllables to make the words: eski ... (mo, mos), ele ... (vator), eska ... (lator), es ... (key), du ... (floor), by ... (floor), aero ... (port , core).

We analyze the words:escalator, duet, sketch (we determine the number of syllables, divide by syllables, find the stressed syllable, determine the number of letters and sounds, draw up word schemes).

In the notebooks for printing, the guys work with colored pencils; at the board, the respondents use cards of red, green, and blue colors, which indicate syllables of fusion and individual sounds.

In the course of analytical work, we clarify the lexical meaning of each word (we use an explanatory dictionary), we draw the attention of students to the discrepancy of pronunciation and spelling of the wordsketch . Call the spelling. Checking the pair consonant.

Physical Fitness

III . Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Poem S.Ya. Marshak “Where did the sparrow dine?” (P. 60 of the ABC).

Who is called a poet? What children's poets do you know? What are the works of S.Ya. Have you read Marshak?

We read a poem, talk about its content, and work on understanding its meaning.

Where did the sparrow dine?

Who was he visiting? List.

What was the sparrow treated to? Find in the text the sentences you need to answer. Read.

Which animal was not happy with the guest?

Sorry for the sparrow? Why?

We read the poem again, observe the intonation, try to convey to the audience fear, resentment of the protagonist.

2. Read the text at the bottom of page 60.

What fairy tale are these words from? ("Cat, Rooster and Fox").

What happened to the rooster?

Why did this happen?

What does a fairy tale teach?

Physical Fitness

3. We work with the work of Leo Tolstoy's “Bug”. We read the text, analyze its content.

What was the bug carrying?

What did she see in the water?

What did the bug do? Why?

What can be said about the bug?

What is this story about?

What can greed and stupidity lead to?

We read the text again (according to the sentences), observing the punctuation marks, conveying with the help of intonation our attitude to what is happening.

Who can tell the text?

We listen to children's stories.

IV . Lesson summary

- What did you do in the lesson?

What new have you learned?

What have you learned?

Think, did you cope with all the tasks? Rate your work in the lesson (use emoticons for self-esteem).

Literacy lesson on the topic: "Capital letter E. Reading words, sentences, text with learned letters"

Mavlyutova Guzaliya Samigullovnaprimary school teacher


Get to know the capital letterE , with people of art, with encyclopedias.


  1. To ensure the consolidation of the ability to find a sound [e] in words, read words with a capital letter E. Learn to analyze words.
  2. Develop cognitive interest by creating problem situations.
  3. To nurture a desire to learn and make discoveries.

Equipment: colored crayons, cards with uppercase and lowercase letters of vowels, magnets, Whatman paper (2), ICT (presentation).


I. Updating knowledge(motivational moment).

- Consider “zvukovichki”, what can you say about them? (vowels)

Why do you think so? (Holding hands, there are 6 of them, yesterday they studied the vowel sound [e]). It turns out two students paint shoes "zvukovichki" in red.

What do you know about vowels? (There are drums, unstressed)

What work is being done? (form a syllable, indicate softness and hardness of consonants)

The scheme is drawn up (Appendix 1). One student speaks, everything that was remembered about vowel sounds according to the scheme.


II. Formulation of the problem(Appendix 2).

Populate the “zvukovichki” with their letters (chalk).

To the blackboard student and student (work together).

Now think, whose names begin with these sounds? (time to think)

Stand up and go to your “little sounds” (children go to the board)

What sound does your name begin with? (ask each group of guys)

What letters do you designate these sounds on the letter? Take these letters (on the teacher’s desk are a few lowercase and uppercase letters. They take, show and fix on the “little sounds”, and those sitting, check and correct)

There is a PROBLEM: there is no capital letter E! (lowercase only). Why?

Children: - did not study the capital letter E.

So what is the purpose of our lesson?

That is, what will we talk about in the lesson?

Children: - about the capital letter E.

III. Work on the image of this letter(Appendix 3).

Tell me, have you ever seen this letter in life? Where? What does she look like? See how the guys see this letter and what COMPARE WITH(CLICK).   At home, try to create your own picture with this letter, and I hope that you will remember it and not become confused with other letters of the alphabet.

IV. Reading words and sentences. The "work" of the capital letter E(Appendix 4).


Read ( Edward Grieg, Edison Denisov)

Children read first to themselves, then out loud.

What are these words?

Children: - last names and first names of people

Maybe you heard these names and surnames of people? Who are they?

Children share their opinions. In case of difficulty, ask to read the sentences given below the columns in the textbook.

What does our "compatriot" mean? Look at the 3 column of words. What are these words?

Children: - single-root

What word did this word come from?

Children: - Fatherland

And our Fatherland is ... .. (Russia).

- What is the name of our compatriots if we are residents of Russia?

Children: - Russians.

So Edison Denisov is a Russian composer(CLICK - photo). And what are the names of compatriots Edward Grieg?

Children: - Norwegians (CLICK - photo).

Listen to the work of Edward Grieg(Sounds a fragment from E. Grieg’s opera "Per Gynt" "Anitra's Dance").

Read the following names(CLICK Eduard Uspensky, Emma Moshkovskaya)

Who are they? (famous children's writers(CLICK - photo))

Maybe remember the names of their works?   ((CLICK, covers of their books)

- Read to yourself the second sentence. Who is it talking about?(CLICK, Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allan Poe)

- What did you learn about these people?

- What does foreign mean? (CLICK - photo of writers)

- Can they be called our compatriots?

- In high school, you will get acquainted with the work of these writers, for someone they will become loved!

- Read the last 2 words from the textbook (Ecuador, Hellas (CLICK ) Have you heard somewhere?

(Variants of children's answers)

Find out what is called these words at home. Where will you look for information?(CLICK)

But despite the fact that you do not know and have not heard about them, what can you say for sure (for sure)?

Children: - are capitalized.

“Look what difficult words we read!”(CLICK, all I.F. famous people)

“What do they have in common?” (Sound[uh] .) What is the letter for this sound? (capital letter E)

- In what cases is a capital letter needed?

Children (CONCLUSION): to record proper names + 1 student repeats this conclusion again

- (name of student ... ..) please tell me, was this information new to you? (REMEMBERED)

What was new?

Children: - information about these people (LEARNED)

V. Working with text(Appendix 5).

A) before reading (CLICK)

A book about everything in the world.

Read. What book are you talking about?

Children: - about the encyclopedia.

How did you guess? Try to prove that she really is “about everything else”.

(children's opinions are heard)

And whether our assumptions are true, we learn by reading the text in the textbook(CLICK).

B) reading

Encyclopedia is a reference book.(Do you understand the meaning? Read the following sentence to yourself.)   From it we learn about everything that interests us: about man and animals, about the history of mankind and our Fatherland(that is, about which state?), about stars and planets, cars, great scientists(people who glorified their name with great discoveries)   and their discoveries, about writers and their books, about ecology(what is this?), ethics (what is this?)   and much more.(Then the children read on their own until the end of the paragraph.) In the library you can find various encyclopedias, including for children. The most complete - "Children's Encyclopedia" in 15 volumes. Here are their names: "World History", "Biology", "Astronomy", "History of Russia",

"Art History" and others.(And which others? Of how many volumes is the most complete? And the volume is a book.)

- Read the second paragraph of the text to yourself. Encyclopedias are the storerooms of knowledge. No wonder the vast knowledge was called "encyclopedic." In ancient times, a person with such knowledge was called an encyclopedist.

C) after reading

- Why is the encyclopedia called the pantry of knowledge?

- But what is called extensive knowledge? (Encyclopedic.)

Was our guess correct?

CONCLUSION: we LEARNED that the encyclopedia can indeed be considered a book about everything in the world.

Have you used the encyclopedia? When? Tell me, but today in the lesson we could use the materials of the encyclopedia? Where when?)? At what points?

(CLICK showing several encyclopedias on a slide)

VI. Homework.

- Can a person possess encyclopedic knowledge?

- What is the name of such a person? (ERUDIT)

- Are there such guys in our class?

Do you want to become ERUED?

What does that require?

Children: - "Medicinal plants"

Where did the information come from?

Children: - from the Children's Encyclopedia

Read it at home, discuss with your parents, or you can read other encyclopedic information. I hope in the next lesson you share your impressions and new knowledge.

VII. Lesson summary.

What was the purpose of our lesson?

Children: - Get to know the capital letter E.

What have we done for this?

Children: - REPEAT ... (about vowels)

COMPARED ... (capital letter E with other letters and objects)

REMEMBERED ... (that proper names and the beginning of sentences are written with a capital letter)

LEARNED ... (interesting information about writers, composers, encyclopedia)

Emil, Elina, can you now find the missing letter of your name?

Children: - yes! (go to the board and show the capital letter E)

Viii. Reflection.

Are you satisfied with the way you worked in the lesson?

1. In the lesson I worked
2. With my work in the lesson, I
3. The lesson seemed to me
4. For the lesson I
5. My mood
6. The material of the lesson was

7. Homework seems to me

active / passive
satisfied / not satisfied
short / long
not tired / tired
got better / got worse
understand / not understand
useful / useless



  1. introduce children to the new vocabulary word - store, metro.


Meta subject:


Equipment:computer projector.

During the classes


Slide 1.

Teacher: (Answers children)

uh   at the beginning of a word.

Sound characteristic.

Say again the name of the girl who came to us today for a lesson? (Alea)

What is the first sound in the name ([e]). Once again ([e]).

Does air encounter an obstruction when it is pronounced or passes through the neck freely?

Try to sing it, pull. Tell us everything you know about the sound [e] (

Well done.

III. A minute of calligraphy.


Teacher:Guys, our heroes lived - El and Edik - in the city of St. Petersburg. This is a city on the Neva River.

Founded the city of Peter 1 Slide

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson


Handle-handles, What are you looking for in the earth? - I’m not looking for anything, I dig and drag the Earth.

Who guessed what kind of car the children met? slide

And who knows what the profession of a person who works on this machine will be called? (excavator operator)

Write this word with a red line in a notebook and underline the letter uh   in the word.

Teacher:The children looked and went on. They look: on the way there is a large store where you can buy anything: both things and products - a department store. The guys went inside and went to the stairs moving up, which is called: escalator.

And such a staircase can be found at the airport, metro. But moving along it, you need to remember and follow simple safety rules: do not push around, be careful.

Write this word in your notebook, remember what it means. Divide this word into syllables. How easy is it to determine the number of syllables in a word? How many vowels in the word, so many syllables.

Teacher:Children wandered around the store, bought ice cream on a stick, which is called - popsicle.

The teacher puts a card with the corresponding inscription on the board.

Write this word in a notebook, put emphasis. Who can verbally come up with a sentence with this word?

V. Physical education

Let's take a rest and do some exercises for the eyes.

Keep the head straight, looked up, left, right, down.

With your eyes draw a circle, triangle, square.

Close your eyes.

And now we open our eyes and continue to work.

What letters do you see here? Have a familiar letter?

2. Work on the card.

Teacher: by train.

Teacher:The guys returned, walked well, saw a lot of interesting things, but the lessons were not done. And they sat down to do their homework. Do not want to help them?

3. The game "Tell me a word."

I begin, and you prompt me the last word in rhyme. I give you a hint: the guessing word begins with the letter E.

In the mountains wandering after you, I will respond to any call. (Echo) To distant villages, cities Who goes by wire? Good Majesty, This is ... (Electricity)

Is it possible to indulge in electricity? Why?

VII. Lesson summary


Viii. Homework

IX. Reflection


Who needs to try, catch up?

Which heroes say “Thank you” today?

What do we wish them? I wish you the same: be attentive, read a lot, obey adults, do homework on time and study well.


Card. 1

Card 2.

Card 3.

Insert the missing letters?

View Document Content
   “Summary of the Russian language lesson in grade 2 on the topic:“ Words with the letter E ””

Topic: Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade on the topic "Words with the letter E"

Purpose:   to consolidate the skill of difference and correct pronunciation of sound [e], as well as the writing of words with the letter e.


    develop the ability to distinguish sound [e] in words and designate it in a letter with the corresponding letter;

    improve literacy skills, phonemic hearing;

    correct visual perception, concentration of attention;

    enrich the vocabulary of students by exploring the new words “excavator”, “escalator”, “popsicle”;

    introduce children to the new vocabulary word - store, metro.

    cultivate love of love, accuracy, tolerance when working in a team.


    work with words containing the letter e:

    work on the pronunciation of the sound e.

    to develop students' speech in the preparation of sentences;

Meta subject:

1. to formulate literary pronunciation skills.


    1. To form interest and a feeling of love for one’s home country.

      Form respect for each other.

Equipment:computer projector.

During the classes

I. Organizational phase of the lesson

Teacher: What a wonderful morning. I'm glad to see you. I want to give you my smile, and you smile at me, to each other.

II. Post lesson topics and goals

Slide 1.

Teacher:Today in the lesson, your peers came to us (“And who are the peers?”) Edik and Ale. What sound do their names begin with? (Answers children)   So what goal can be set for the lesson? What do we do?

Purpose: learn new words with the letter E, repeat about this letter.

So today in the lesson we will repeat everything you know about the sound [e], learn new words with this letter, you will highlight the sounds and the letter uh   at the beginning of a word.

Sound characteristic.

- Say again the name of the girl who came to us today for a lesson? (Alea)

- What is the first sound in the name ([e]). Once again ([e]).

- Does the air meet the obstacle when it is pronounced or passes through the neck freely?

- Try to sing it, pull. Tell us everything you know about the sound [e] ( It is a vowel, it can be stressed or unstressed, it can form a syllable).

- Well done.

III. A minute of calligraphy.

Teacher:Today we will write the letter E, e. What does the letter e look like? (On a swallow, on a long bow, on a letter with just the opposite, on a mouth with a sticking out tongue).

We write in a notebook 5 pieces e and 5 pieces e

e-lowercase, E- uppercase. And how are the names of our heroes spelled? Why?

Introducing the new vocabulary word

Teacher:Guys, our heroes lived - El and Edik - in the city of St. Petersburg. This is a city on the Neva River.

Founded the city of Peter 1 Slide

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

Observation of words with the letter E.

Teacher:Our heroes Edik and Ale were so curious that they decided to go together on a city tour. Is it possible for children to walk alone? Why?

As soon as they left the house, they looked, a huge car with a tremendous hand. Guys and ask:

- Handle
What are you looking for in the earth?
- I'm not looking for anything,
I dig and drag the earth.

- Who guessed what kind of car the children met? slide

The teacher puts a card with the corresponding inscription on the board.

- And who knows what the profession of a person who works on this machine will be called? (excavator operator)

- Write this word on the red line in the notebook and underline the letter uh   in the word.

Teacher:The children looked and went on. They look: on the way there is a large store where you can buy anything: both things and products - a department store. The guys went inside and went to the stairs moving up, which is called: escalator.

The teacher hangs on the board an illustration of an escalator and a card with the corresponding inscription.

- You can also meet such a ladder at the airport, metro. But moving along it, you need to remember and follow simple safety rules: do not push around, be careful.

- Write this word in your notebook, remember what it means. Divide this word into syllables. How easy is it to determine the number of syllables in a word? How many vowels in the word, so many syllables.

Teacher:Children wandered around the store, bought ice cream on a stick, which is called - popsicle.

The teacher puts a card with the corresponding inscription on the board.

- Write this word in a notebook, put emphasis. Who can verbally come up with a sentence with this word?

V. Physical education

- Let's take a little rest and do exercises for the eyes.

- Keep the head straight, looked up, left, right, down.

- With your eyes draw a circle, triangle, square.

- Close your eyes.

- And now we open our eyes and continue to work.

VI. Securing the passed material

1. The task "Linked letters" for concentration.

“What letters do you see here?” Have a familiar letter?

2. Work on the card.

Teacher:The guys went out of the store, and on the street in the evening. It's time to return home. And they rode on by train.   So the light bulbs lit in the houses.

Teacher:The guys returned, walked well, saw a lot of interesting things, but the lessons were not done. And they sat down to do their homework. Do not want to help them? Independent work (in pairs. Insert missing letters in words)

3. The game "Tell me a word."

- I begin, and you prompt me the last word in a rhyme. I give you a hint: the guessing word begins with the letter E.

In the mountains wandering after you
I will respond to any call. (Echo)

To distant villages, cities
Who goes by wire?
Light Majesty
This is ... (Electricity)

- Is it possible to indulge in electricity? Why?

VII. Lesson summary

Teacher:What letter did you work with today? And the sound? How many new words were written with the letter E? The words with the letter E in our speech we do not mention very often, so many of you heard new words for the first time, and they were incomprehensible to you. In the Russian language a great many words, new ones constantly appear. To know them all, you need to read a lot, to be inquisitive. Therefore, read more, communicate with each other, with adults, ask questions and you will also know a lot.

Viii. Homework

Learn a new vocabulary word and complete exercise 72 on page 55 of our textbook.

IX. Reflection

Teacher:You did a good job. Who believes which of you worked well .. Why?

- Who needs to try, catch up?

- Which heroes say “Thank you” today?

“What do we wish them?” I wish you the same: be attentive, read a lot, obey adults, do homework on time and study well.


Card. 1

    Insert the missing letters: e or e?

... .skimo, ... .tage, ... electrician, by ... t, ... crane, ... .ho.

Card 2.

Put the missing letters: e or e? Make an offer with any of them.

... ..dick, ... lza, ... great, ... less, ... .mma, ... lisa.

Card 3.

Insert the missing letters?

Mo ... friend ..., ... wild ... vet in Estonia. We are h ... one hundred stars ... him friend ... friend.

In the summer ... the wild will fly to Moscow. I will go to the airport to meet him.

Subject:   Reading words, sentences with letters Uh uh

  Purpose:   to form the knowledge of children that the vowel Edenotes the hardness of the consonant; continue dividing words into syllables; make sentences, learn how to work with text, contribute to the intellectual development of children; respect for animals.

During the classes

I.Organizational moment.   a) The bell rang for us

Everyone went quietly into the classroom.

They got up at the desks beautifully

Greeted courteously.

(turned hello)

b) We will put our feet on the floor,

We’ll all accelerate the backs,

Put the elbows on the table,

We’ll carry the house to the nose.

Left hand on the table

Put the right one on top.

  Warm up.c) - smile at each other

Puff out your cheeks and let the air out slowly

Roll the caramel in your mouth

Stick out your tongue with a spatula, tube

Let's say the sounds

  sounds [s], [and], [a], [o], [y], [e]

What sound did the last make? [uh]

What is that sound?

  purposeour lesson is to continue working on sounds and letters; divide words into syllables, make sentences. To be able to work on the text and enrich our speech with new words; to cultivate a careful attitude to the animal world.

II.Reiterationmaterial passed.

What 2 groups are sounds divided into? (consonants and vowels)

What vowels indicate the softness of a consonant?

(i, and, e, e, y)

Which vowels are special? Why?

(i, e, e, y)

a) at the beginning of the word reference. 2 sounds - yula, tree yulia

b) (after vowels - mine, give, beautiful)

c) (after a soft sign - drinks, pours, fly)

What vowels indicate the hardness of a consonant?

(a, o, y, s, e)

What is one of these letters in these words?

(look at the board and read)

emu airbus (on the desk)

emma screen

Edik Excavator

popsicle poet

Chart words emu.

Now read the sweet word.

And who am I calling a poet? (the person who writes poetry)

And what poets do you know? (Chukovsky, Pushkin, Barto, Marshak, Mayakovsky)

Make sentences with words.

tell us Artyomwhat did you make up

(emu - 2 syllables, 3 letters, 3 sounds, 1 stressed syllable)

Tell a poem: I'm talking about an ostrich

  About Emu

  I would write you a poem

  But I won’t understand

  Is he an emu or an emu?

Guys, what is echo? (echo, only part of the word sounds)

And where can you hear echo? (in the forest, on the river, in an empty room)

let's play   in the echo: I call the word, and you give me the ending (aloud)

car - tire

laughter - fur

scythe - wasp

screen - crane

deer - laziness

And tell the poem:

Over the river here and there

Someone wandering through the bushes.

- Echo, echo, is that you?

The echo replies: “You ...”

Guys, and where in the words, the letter is most often written E?

(at the beginning and middle of the word)

But the sound [uh]is invisible because it is hiding in what letter? (e).

Let's read the words with the letter Ealoud so that we hear this sound: animals, lunch, bran, bear

What the letter indicates in them e?

Guys, besides the named beast, what other animals do you know?

And could you give them a characteristic, which they are by nature:

(the hare is cowardly, the bear is awkward,

the wolf is evil, the fox is sly)

Read the words on the board that you noticed the same in these words?





What did you notice in the words?

(the common part, which is called the root)

And what is this part of the word called before the root?


Guys, how do you understand the word unsophisticated?

(kind, simple)

Can i fox   to name unsophisticated?

This word unsophisticated   is the opposite of words trick.

We have a crossword puzzle, I will write animals in it and post a picture of the animal.

And who is this?

1) He is in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow den (bear)

2) Who has one horn. Guess ... (rhinoceros)

3) Collect the word m o f (1)

4) More than anyone else, he

Very, very, kind.   (elephant)

5) I ended up in the green!

Crying bitterly! ... (crocodile)

6) Little rascals for leprosy

Mom hides in a bag right away (kangaroo)

7) He is called the king of the forests. He has keen hearing and vision, and only the male has a mane, but the female does not. Who is it?

(a lion)

8) Read the word on the “tape” (I indicate letters with a pointer)


Read the word, what are they all called? (animals)

And what are the words that answer the question Who! (animated)

III. Fizminutka.   Best swing

Flexible creepers.

It's from the cradle, the monkeys know

Who sways the whole century

Yes Yes Yes!

He is not offended

Nothing - yes!

IV. Work on new material.

Guys, where can you see different animals?

(at the zoo, circus)

Why create zoos? / Yes, zoos create for us to look at animals, since we cannot visit Africa, Australia and even to save them from the death of some other animals.

Now we are going to our zoo, but not alone, to find out with whom, we will read the words and find him.

  water (on the board)






What does the word bran mean?

(food from the remnants of grain when they break it)

So who is going to the zoo with us? (sparrow)

What do you know about sparrows? (They are urban and rural. Urban are more impudent and loud. Village calmer. They are very gluttonous and always hungry. They ate the whole fields of crops, and people drove them and shouted Thief Bey! That's what the bird called Sparrow got the name. They don’t build nests, and alien nests seize from starlings and swallows, and it is already impossible to drive him out.

Many poets wrote poems, songs, and stories about birds, and the bird, the sparrow, was no exception.

Poet S. Yak. Marshak wrote a poem about him. And what do you know about S. Marshak.

(born over 100 years ago. Today we will celebrate 120 years since his birth. He began to write poetry and print in magazines early. He lived in England for a long time. He wrote and translated from English a lot. He loved children and wrote not only poetry for them, but fairy tales.

Listen to the poem and say Where did the sparrow dine?

- Open the textbooks on page 184 and read the poem to yourself, remember where he was.

How did he treat himself to animals?

When did his visit to the zoo almost end sadly?

And who is usually asked questions? (to people)

What are such proposals called? (interrogative)

And who is asked the question in the poem?

What did he reply? (visited the zoo)

Let's read line 1 as if you met someone and want to know where he was?

Think about his mood at the beginning when he thought about where to dine. . (sad)

And then he began to recall and talked cheerfully and quickly.

Let's poem a poem (four people go out and read 2 lines in a “chain”)

What does this poem teach? (so that we feed animals, especially in winter. And not to think that one of them is either terrible or kind - everyone wants to live, everyone wants to live, they are all important and necessary. And not all, of course, animals are hospitable and necessary fear those who might offend).

So, we read and found out how sparrows get their food, ate, became cheerful.

V. Creative work.   Here are the patterns of a sparrow.

Please decorate it by showing how full, happy, cheerful it is. (decorate).

VI. The results of the work.   Hang your sparrow to the animal you think is kinder (they weigh on the crossword to the animal that they like).

What did today's lesson teach you?

What discoveries did you make?

VII. Homework.   Read a poem and think of a continuation of this story.