Predictions for the inhabitants of the earth for a year.

At all times, people were divided into those who did not believe any predictions, believing that the future was not determined, and those who listened to the soothsayers. We will not adhere to the point of view of either one or the other, since the truth, as always, is ephemeral and elusive for human consciousness. Let's just get acquainted with the statements of the prophets and astrologers, what awaits humanity in the coming 2016. In any case, it's interesting.

There will be no apocalypse

Immediately, I want to reassure our fatalist readers that not a single predictor promised the Apocalypse in the near future, so the coming year, apparently, will not be the end of the world. Nevertheless, we have to go through serious cataclysms, both natural and universal, in this short period.

The most serious threat is the possibility of a Third World War with the use of weapons of mass destruction, the hotbed of which practically all the prophets call the countries of the Middle East, where already now the tension has reached such a limit that it may soon turn into a global geopolitical conflict. True, the seer Vanga wrote at one time that until Syria fell, there would be no war. But the great Michel Nostradamus predicted that in 2016 people on Earth would suffer massively from destructive rays (quite similar to radiation from the use of atomic weapons).

True, almost all the prophets pinned great hopes on Russia and China, which, in fraternal union and with good will, can completely change the course of historical events and prevent world slaughter. In this regard, the United States is no longer referred to as a superpower, since 2016 will be fatal for them, when the country finds itself in the deepest political and economic crisis, rapidly losing its influence in the world.

In Western Europe, many soothsayers, psychics and even researchers, such as James Hensen, prophesy great natural and economic cataclysms, namely the flooding of a large part of the continent, as well as the collapse of the European Union.

Predictions for Russia for 2016

The future of the Russian Federation worries not only the Russians themselves, today every earthling realizes that the world order on the entire planet depends on what Russia will become in the near future.

Astrologer Pavel Globa, who won the trust of people, accurately predicting the 2011 civil war in Ukraine and the collapse of this country, predicts a rapid economic revival of the Russian Federation. And it will be, he says, all the more surprising that a global economic crisis will rage in the world in 2016. Against this background, Russia will strengthen and strengthen its global influence, significantly squeezing the United States of America.

This will be facilitated by the Eurasian Economic Union, which is destined to significantly strengthen and expand next year due to the entry of European countries into it. This process will especially intensify after the collapse of the EU, when many Western European countries want to join the alliance headed by Russia.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga, who is also distinguished by the accuracy of her predictions, spoke a lot about the greatness and spiritual revival of Russia. In her opinion, next year the Russian Federation will not only get on its feet economically, but will also start helping other countries. But the main thing is that a national idea will appear in Russia that will unite all the peoples of this great power, which, ultimately, will allow it to become the spiritual leader of the whole world. All these changes, says Wanga, are associated with the ruler who will be named the Great.

Nostradamus also wrote about the greatness of Russia, calling this country a world hegemon, which it will become after 2016. True, the medieval prophet warned that this could play a cruel joke with a great power, since it would entail disagreements in society and even coups. In addition, nature will be unfavorable against Russia at this time, subjecting the eastern parts of the country to global flooding, and the central part to massive forest fires. However, Russia will emerge from all these trials with honor!

Predictions of Pavel Globa for 2016

The Russian astrologer Pavel Globa has been giving fairly accurate forecasts for the future for 30 years. In his opinion, 2016 is a landmark year for almost every country, although, as always, the world's powers are primarily in sight, since the fate of the planet depends on them.

So, next year an economic and political collapse awaits the United States and the European Union. The economic crisis will lead to devastation and political turmoil in the United States, and the EU will simply begin to disintegrate. The crisis in the EU economy is already being felt, next year Portugal will declare itself a bankrupt country, after which the UK will finally decide to leave the EU. This will be the beginning of the collapse of this union, which will cease to exist by the end of 2016. Naturally, the Eurodollar will also order to live long, the countries will again return to their national currencies, the borders will be closed for visa-free people who are already accustomed to freely moving around Western Europe.

Russia, as we have already mentioned, will easily overcome the global economic crisis, strengthen its position thanks to the Eurasian Union, opposing NATO with a much more powerful alternative in force. The Eurasian Union itself will expand throughout 2016, it will include Gagauzia, Transnistria, and then Novorossia - a union of regions that do not want to live in Ukraine.

In Ukraine itself, another revolution will take place in the spring, which will bring to power those who are ready to cooperate with Russia and the Eurasian Union. The pro-Western husk will simply fly off the Ukrainian leaders.

As for natural disasters, Pavel Globa pointed to the possible flooding of Western Europe, since torrential rains will cover Great Britain, Italy and the Balkan countries in 2016.

Michel Nostradamus's predictions for 2016

Quatrain poems of the great Nostradamus have more than once opened the pages of the future for mankind, which came true with amazing accuracy. What did this prophet write about the events of 2016?

Global natural disasters and bloody wars in the Middle East, which Nostradamus mentions, will claim many lives. The confrontation in this region of the two countries, as well as the situation when people in turbans will literally cut each other, getting involved in this quarrel of many other states, may, according to the prophet, completely result in the Third World War.
In addition, he writes, at the end of the year, an event should occur that can stir up the entire Islamic world, after which a thirty-year war between Christians and Islamists will begin. As a result, one religion will remain on Earth. But what, Nostradamus, did not specify ...

In the verses-quatrains of the medieval prophet, scientists also saw global natural disasters that await humanity in 2016. Europe will suffer the most, with a great flood in store for next spring. Heavy rains will take place for several months in the UK, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

But in America destructive tornadoes of unprecedented power will rage. Russia and Australia will also seriously suffer from nature, which will face the strongest forest fires in history, and they will not be extinguished until autumn.

Wanga's predictions for 2016

Note that the blind Bulgarian seer almost never gave exact dates, so she does not have a specific prediction for 2016 either. But Wanga talked a lot about what awaits humanity at the turn of 2010-2018. Some of her prophecies have already come true, for example, the global world economic crisis, which, in her opinion, will take place in three stages.

Since we have already survived two of them, then, apparently, a third awaits us, which is designed to overthrow the regime of the unipolar world. Apparently, Wanga foresaw the collapse of the United States, after which this power will lose its world domination, giving up leadership to Russia and China. The influence of Germany will increase in Europe. We have already mentioned that Russia will become a spiritual world leader in Vanga's prophecies about the Russian Federation.

With the greatest concern, the blind seer spoke of the conflict in the Middle East, which could well escalate into the Third World War. Vanga even pointed out that the most serious threat in this regard comes from Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. These countries can start a war among themselves and use weapons of mass destruction. But that will only happen after Syria falls. However, the world collapse, Wanga specified, will not happen, it will be possible thanks to the efforts of Russia and China.

If you believe the predictions of astrologers, then the year 2016 will be good for our country in general. We will prosper, and America will collapse. The year will be, frankly, not easy, as astrologers around the world think, calling the last years decisive. They will determine the future, and how the history as a whole will develop in the future.

Predictions for 2016 for Russia

Russia is expecting serious changes, and this will not happen without shocks, but in the end the outcome is expected to be successful.

In fact, not only 2016, the entire 21st century can be called a turning point for all mankind as a whole. By the way, this applies to many relationships. And about the current 10 years, we can say for sure that they will be decisive.

Astrologers, albeit with caution, nevertheless suggest that war is inevitable; in any case, the possibility of military conflicts cannot be ruled out. Wars will not be local in nature; we are talking about a full-scale conflict situation in which the leading states will be drawn. Most astrologers, seeing the picture of the future, talk about a third world war, where Muslims will take dominant roles.

Russia has a good chance of avoiding this, because of which the further development of the state will be determined. It is difficult to draw any conclusions from the above. One thing is certain, our country is optimistic, and the most important thing is to believe in the best, it is this faith that has helped Russia, a truly great power, to survive and withstand more than once.

The predictions for 2016 for Russia by one of the astrologers can be called categorical. He predicts that the crisis will drag on for as long as 4 years, which we will have to survive, although it will not be easy. As a result, the country will come out of economic stagnation anyway. Thanks to the correct course of foreign policy, our state will gradually prosper. Today I stubbornly draw our country into a conflict, but most likely we will still be able to avoid war and prevent the bloodshed of the people.

Astrologers, looking far ahead, express their conclusions and say that in the next 30 years the country will confidently take a leading place and will prosper. If our country has enough endurance and strength to maintain neutrality, Russia will soon become a financial center. According to astrologers, this will happen pretty soon. This is how the predictors see the picture with regards to the future of Russia in 2016. This scenario can be called quite good, given today's reality.

Probably, there is no such person who did not want to look into the future at least a little. Find out what fate awaits him, what awaits the country. It's just that the world has been so restless lately that worrying about the fate of Russia is already a common thing. And, sadly, the situation is getting worse rather than better. Now more and more people are anxiously waiting for the next year. Indeed, if you believe in the predictions of psychics for 2016, it can in many ways become decisive not only for Russia, but also for the whole world. So what did the seers say? How did Vanga see the fate of the country? What did the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow predict? What did the astrologer Pavel Globa pay attention to?

Wanga's predictions

It is difficult not to believe the words of the Bulgarian fortune teller. Too much that Wanga said has come true. She also saw what will happen to Russia in 2016. Wang called the current period extremely difficult for the whole world. The seer had no doubt: several important European states could simply disappear from the face of the earth. The threat of countries from the Middle East can generally lead to the Third World War. Wanga believed that it was during this period of time that weapons of mass destruction would be actively used, which would lead to the death of thousands of people.

But for Russia, in comparison with other European states, 2016 should be more or less successful. The only thing is that many refugees will go to the north of the country. Russia will become a refuge for these people. But you shouldn't wait for major cataclysms.

The Bulgarian soothsayer had no doubts: every year Russia will only strengthen in the political arena. The country's economic potential will grow. Mentioned Wang and the name "Vladimir". Say, it is with this person that Russia will grow stronger as a power. Naturally, all the experts immediately addressed the words of the seer to Putin. This means that we can conclude that Wanga predicted that everything will be fine in Russia in 2016.

The predictions of Pavel Globa

The famous astrologer made his own forecast for Russia. Let us recall that it was Pavel Globa who predicted the waves of the economic crisis in his time. So his words should be taken very seriously. By the way, the astrologer believes that the third wave of the global economic crisis will "cover" everyone very soon, and the crisis will last until 2020.

Pavel Globa believes that really serious changes await Russia. A strong state will be built, which everyone in the world will have to reckon with. Only because of the lack of money from the population, people can take to the streets and demand the overthrow of the current government. For a while, remember the dashing 90s with rampant crime and public excitement.

Russia will begin to develop in political and economic terms after 2020. The country will turn into a powerful empire, it will be headed by a very authoritative leader. But in 2016 there are still many difficulties to go through.

Predictions of Nostradamus

The French seer does not bode well for the world. Apparently, the most difficult times in the history of mankind will begin. The Third World War may flare up, which indirectly in any case will affect our country as well. The main hostilities will unfold in Europe. Most likely, people will use weapons of mass destruction. Millions will die!

After these terrible hostilities, the world order will change forever. A new leader will enter the arena. And Nostradamus believes that it will be Russia. And China will become the "right hand" of the state.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

Matushka Matrona also said that in 2016 Russia will face very serious tests, which in any case will have to cope with. The world will be mired in terrible wars. European countries will be on fire. Destruction, looting will begin. Ordinary residents will get tired of starving and take to the streets. But the Russian people will cope with all this if they believe. Orthodoxy will come to the rescue. The clairvoyant has no doubts: only with the help of God will Russia be able to get up from its knees and declare itself on the world political stage.

Matrona of Moscow believes that the most terrible sin of all mankind is the loss of faith. And it is because of this grave crime that everyone is now paying the price. Let us remind you that it was Mother Matrona who predicted the fall of the Russian Empire. She saw the Great October Revolution. And she believed that the time of troubles came precisely because the people had simply lost faith in God.

In 2016, according to the predictions of Matrona, it will be incredibly difficult for the Orthodox of the whole world. Therefore, do not forget to pray and hope for the best.

The predictions of Maria Duval

The famous medium and astrologer also shared her predictions about 2016 with the public. Recall that the Frenchwoman Maria Duval has an amazing gift to see the future since childhood. Only now, the Frenchwoman began to make real benefits from her visions quite recently.

The clairvoyant is sure: the world is facing an incredible drought. People will be short of food. The crops cannot be saved. But these troubles will not affect Russia in any way. Moreover, our country, against the background of the economic problems of the whole world, will come to the fore. And she herself will cope with the problems of food shortages, and will help the allied countries with food. Duval described 2016 as a “hardening year” for Russia. The country will eventually survive all the problems, and will become the head of the financial center of the world.

Predictions by Alexander Litvin

Remember this winner of the "Battle of Psychics"? Yes, he also shared his opinion on what awaits Russia in 2016. Alexander Litvin is confident that during this period of time spontaneous processes will begin in society that will help existing businessmen and start-up entrepreneurs. Moreover, not those who think over their every move, work according to the plan, but those who act decisively and are not afraid to take risks will be in a noticeable plus. Of course, this forecast does not push people to make rash decisions. Of course, it is not worth changing the concept of business development overnight. But a forecast is a forecast.

Alexander Lytvyn is sure that the economic crisis will definitely not end in the very near future. Nobody needs to build illusions about stability. The psychic is sure that in 2016 humanity will constantly struggle for survival, people will not have enough money for the most basic and necessary things.

Alexander Lytvyn sees big changes in state power. The psychic is sure that young and promising politicians will come to replace many high-ranking officials who have been incubating their places for many years. For which, in fact, the future of our country.

Julia Wang's prediction

Probably, there is no more in-demand psychic now than the winner of the last "Battle" Julia Wang. You can treat this woman as you like, but there is no doubt that she possesses some kind of fantastic gift. Julia Wang is not very fond of giving interviews to the media. And even more so to share your predictions. But one day she nevertheless touched upon the topic of life in Russia and Ukraine in 2016.

The psychic is confident that there is a high probability that tactical nuclear weapons will be used in the east of our neighboring state. As for Russia, 2016 will be a really turning point. Unfortunately for our country, oil prices will creep down mercilessly. And this will lead to a new wave of economic crisis. People experiencing a lack of money will go out into the streets with riots, dissatisfaction with the current government will increase.

Julia Wang believes that in the summer of 2016 the people will demand the current government of the Russian Federation to resign. And, surprisingly, it will happen. And by the end of next year, civil war will break out.

The prediction of the Safronov brothers

Of course, no one attributes these amazing people to psychics. But the illusionists also made a forecast of what will happen to Russia in 2016. The Safronov brothers are confident that next year the country will continue its path to superpower status. The whole world recognizes the leadership of Russia. The people will be satisfied with the president, the sanctions will be lifted, there will no longer be any artificial isolation from the outside world.

The prediction of the Vedic astrologer Gabi Satori

Gabi Satori shared his opinion about what awaits Russia next year. He believes that big changes in the economic sector will come to the country. Many new laws will be adopted (for example, GMOs will be banned). Much attention will be paid to construction. Moreover, it will be not so much housing that will be built at an accelerated pace, but entertainment establishments, cafes and restaurants, office centers. The road transport system will begin to develop at a rapid pace. Finally, Russia will reach a new level of the automotive industry.

But the country, according to the guru, will be swept by a wave of corruption. Russia will lose a huge amount of money due to dishonest people. There will be new spy scandals, information war with other countries. Neighboring states will try with all their might to make sure that the current Russian government is continually criticized. Nobody will lift the sanctions. On the contrary, everything possible will be done to isolate Russia from other powers.

Prediction of psychic Alexei Grishin

This activist of one of the political movements is known to a wide range of viewers, as a participant in the television show "The Battle of Psychics". Grishin predicted a war in eastern Ukraine long before the conflicts. Alexei claims that he has prophetic dreams every now and then. And it helps him make accurate predictions.

Grishin is sure that all predictions that something global will happen with Russia in the coming years will not come true. Yes, the visa regime will worsen, the dollar will fall. The middle class won't get rich overnight. By and large, life will be the same as it is now. So there is nothing to worry about.

Summing up small results, we can safely assure: even the strongest psychics of humanity do not come to a consensus. This means that no one can know for sure what will happen to Russia in 2016. We ourselves will find out about this very soon. New Year is just around the corner. It remains to be hoped that he will bring only good to people. And no global changes will occur!

At all times, people were divided into those who did not believe any predictions, believing that the future was not determined, and those who listened to the soothsayers. We will not adhere to the point of view of either one or the other, since truth, as always, is ephemeral and elusive for human consciousness. Let's just get acquainted with the statements of the prophets and astrologers, what awaits humanity in the coming 2016. In any case, it's interesting.

There will be no apocalypse

Immediately, I want to reassure our fatalist readers that not a single predictor promised the Apocalypse in the near future, so the coming year, apparently, will not be the end of the world. Nevertheless, we have to go through serious cataclysms, both natural and universal, in this short period.

The most serious threat is the possibility of a Third World War with the use of weapons of mass destruction, the hotbed of which practically all the prophets call the countries of the Middle East, where already now the tension has reached such a limit that it may soon turn into a global geopolitical conflict. True, the seer Vanga wrote at one time that until Syria fell, there would be no war. But the great Michel Nostradamus predicted that in 2016 people on Earth would suffer massively from destructive rays (quite similar to radiation from the use of atomic weapons).

True, almost all the prophets pinned great hopes on Russia and China, which, in fraternal union and with good will, can completely change the course of historical events and prevent world slaughter. In this regard, the United States is no longer referred to as a superpower, since 2016 will be fatal for them, when the country finds itself in the deepest political and economic crisis, rapidly losing its influence in the world.

In Western Europe, many soothsayers, psychics and even researchers, such as James Hensen, prophesy great natural and economic cataclysms, namely the flooding of a large part of the continent, as well as the collapse of the European Union.

Predictions for Russia for 2016

The future of the Russian Federation worries not only the Russians themselves, today every earthling realizes that the world order on the entire planet depends on what Russia will become in the near future.

Astrologer Pavel Globa, who won the trust of people, accurately predicting the 2011 civil war in Ukraine and the collapse of this country, predicts a rapid economic revival of the Russian Federation. And it will be, he says, all the more surprising that a global economic crisis will rage in the world in 2016. Against this background, Russia will strengthen and strengthen its global influence, significantly squeezing the United States of America.

This will be facilitated by the Eurasian Economic Union, which is destined to significantly strengthen and expand next year due to the entry of European countries into it. This process will especially intensify after the collapse of the EU, when many Western European countries want to join the alliance headed by Russia.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga, who is also distinguished by the accuracy of her predictions, spoke a lot about the greatness and spiritual revival of Russia. In her opinion, next year the Russian Federation will not only get on its feet economically, but will also start helping other countries. But the main thing is that a national idea will appear in Russia that will unite all the peoples of this great power, which, ultimately, will allow it to become the spiritual leader of the whole world. All these changes, says Wanga, are associated with the ruler who will be named the Great.

Nostradamus also wrote about the greatness of Russia, calling this country a world hegemon, which it will become after 2016. True, the medieval prophet warned that this could play a cruel joke with a great power, since it would entail disagreements in society and even coups. In addition, nature will be unfavorable against Russia at this time, subjecting the eastern parts of the country to global flooding, and the central part to massive forest fires. However, Russia will emerge from all these trials with honor!

Predictions of Pavel Globa for 2016

The Russian astrologer Pavel Globa has been giving fairly accurate forecasts for the future for 30 years. In his opinion, 2016 is a landmark year for almost every country, although, as always, in the field of vision, first of all, the world powers, since the fate of the planet depends on them.

So, next year an economic and political collapse awaits the United States and the European Union. The economic crisis will lead to devastation and political turmoil in the United States, and the EU will simply begin to disintegrate. The crisis in the EU economy is already being felt, next year Portugal will declare itself a bankrupt country, after which the UK will finally decide to leave the EU. This will be the beginning of the collapse of this union, which will cease to exist by the end of 2016. Naturally, the Eurodollar will also order to live long, the countries will again return to their national currencies, the borders will be closed for visa-free people who are already accustomed to freely moving around Western Europe.

Russia, as we have already mentioned, will easily overcome the global economic crisis, strengthen its position thanks to the Eurasian Union, opposing NATO with a much more powerful alternative in force. The Eurasian Union itself will expand throughout 2016, it will include Gagauzia, Transnistria, and then Novorossia - a union of regions that do not want to live in Ukraine.

In Ukraine itself, another revolution will take place in the spring, which will bring to power those who are ready to cooperate with Russia and the Eurasian Union. The pro-Western husk will simply fly off the Ukrainian leaders.

As for natural disasters, Pavel Globa pointed to the possible flooding of Western Europe, since torrential rains will cover Great Britain, Italy and the Balkan countries in 2016.

Michel Nostradamus's predictions for 2016

Quatrain poems of the great Nostradamus have more than once opened the pages of the future for mankind, which came true with amazing accuracy. What did this prophet write about the events of 2016?

Global natural disasters and bloody wars in the Middle East, which Nostradamus mentions, will claim many lives. The confrontation in this region of the two countries, as well as the situation when people in turbans will literally cut each other, getting involved in this quarrel of many other states, may, according to the prophet, completely result in the Third World War.
In addition, he writes, at the end of the year, an event should occur that can stir up the entire Islamic world, after which a thirty-year war between Christians and Islamists will begin. As a result, one religion will remain on Earth. But what, Nostradamus, did not specify ...

In the verses-quatrains of the medieval prophet, scientists also saw global natural disasters that await humanity in 2016. Europe will suffer the most, with a great flood in store for next spring. Heavy rains will take place for several months in the UK, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

But in America destructive tornadoes of unprecedented power will rage. Russia and Australia will also seriously suffer from nature, which will face the strongest forest fires in history, and they will not be extinguished until autumn.

Wanga's predictions for 2016

Note that the blind Bulgarian seer almost never gave exact dates, so she does not have a specific prediction for 2016 either. But Wanga talked a lot about what awaits humanity at the turn of 2010-2018. Some of her prophecies have already come true, for example, the global world economic crisis, which, in her opinion, will take place in three stages.

Since we have already survived two of them, then, apparently, a third awaits us, which is designed to overthrow the regime of the unipolar world. Apparently, Wanga foresaw the collapse of the United States, after which this power will lose its world domination, giving up leadership to Russia and China. The influence of Germany will increase in Europe. We have already mentioned that Russia will become a spiritual world leader in Vanga's prophecies about the Russian Federation.

With the greatest concern, the blind seer spoke of the conflict in the Middle East, which could well escalate into the Third World War. Vanga even pointed out that the most serious threat in this regard comes from Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. These countries can start a war among themselves and use weapons of mass destruction. But that will only happen after Syria falls. However, the world collapse, Wanga specified, will not happen, it will be possible thanks to the efforts of Russia and China.

The popular television project "The Battle of Psychics" has been surprising millions of viewers for several years and has high ratings. In this unusual show, clairvoyants and sorcerers of various magical practices show their extraordinary abilities: psychics look into the future and see the past. After the end of the next season of "Battle ..." people usually want to know the future of their country, and who, if not the participants in the show, can tell us about everything that awaits Russia, Ukraine and some other countries! Below you will find predictions and predictions of the most famous domestic psychics for 2016. You just have to analyze each of the predictions and draw the appropriate conclusions regarding the near future.

Psychic forecasts for 2016 for Russia

Russia is going through hard times now. Problems of an economic and political nature “hit” Mother Motherland hard, and almost every Russian is worried about what he and all other citizens of the Russian Federation can expect in the foreseeable future. What do psychics say about this?

Alexander Litvin, one of the finalists of the program, is confident that in 2016 Russia will have to go through serious tests and obstacles, as in the previous couple of years. It is quite possible that various public figures, businessmen from the regions, as well as deputies from the federal districts can enter the political scene. A strong struggle for the sales market will begin and the winner of this struggle will be the one who listens to intuition.

Julia Wang's forecasts are even more disappointing ... According to her, the Russian economy will go into a difficult stage, the people will resist the current government, which will lead to separatism and civil war.

But Mehdi Vafa, unlike his colleagues, sees Russia in 2016 as prosperous and successfully developing. The USA and the EU will lose their leading positions in the world, which will allow Russia and China to reach a new qualitative level.

Psychics forecast for Ukraine for 2016

Many years ago, the famous Bulgarian prophetess Vanga said that Ukraine will face difficult times. The military actions in Luhansk and Donetsk will gradually come to naught, but world leaders will not be able to come to peace and agreement. The situation in Donbass will require significant concessions from each of the parties, but, alas, no one will concede to each other.

Nevertheless, psychic Mohsen Naruzi believes that a bright future awaits Ukraine in the coming years, but the magician immediately adds that much in the country will depend on the president. If Petro Poroshenko gathers a team of talented and dedicated people to Ukraine, the fight against corruption will be more effective in this case.

Khayal Alekperov also agrees with Naruzi. According to the psychic, the worst in Ukraine is over, but ahead - a long recovery process, plus the government will be forced to ask the US for money. Moreover, the country desperately needs to abandon radical nationalist sentiments.

And the hereditary gypsy Rubina Tsybulskaya assures that the conflict in Donbass will end at the end of 2016, after which over the course of several years the problem of this region will be completely resolved. Over time, the Ukrainian society will adhere to bright, humane ideas.

Fatima Khadueva - forecast for 2016

The winner of the 13th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Fatima Khadueva at the end of last year told her version of the development of the event in 2016: “The Fire Monkey will not cause a lot of fires in the world, but it will destroy everything obsolete, harmful and unnecessary with its fire. Of course, the period will be difficult, painful for many, but at the same time it will be beneficial and positive experience. Autumn 2016 will be an indicator of the near future of Russia. " Any crisis, according to Fatima, is an excellent opportunity for growth and further prosperity. Probably, the residents of Russia and the CIS will have to tighten their belts. The most important thing now is to get through these difficult moments.

“In the summer of 2016, people will devote more time to rest and travel, but in the fall it will be clear how the economic events set in the spring will finally develop,” says Fatima.

Victoria Raidos - predictions for 2016

The sorceress Victoria Raidos, who won the 16th season of the Battle of the Psychics, has a special opinion about global predictions: “To find out what awaits us in the near future, we need to make natal charts for all people who are directly related to power, but few realizes that the powerful are always in the shadows. If they give me their exact data, then I will be able to give you the most accurate forecast, ”Victoria shared her thoughts.

Still, Raidos made several predictions for 2016:

  • The crisis in Russia will continue, but it will peak in March and April this year.
  • People will experience a new virus. The disease is not fatal, but serious.
  • There will be no war on Russian territory

When asked by journalists about Russian President Vladimir Putin, Victoria Raidos replied that she could not "read" it, as it was reliably protected from magical interference.

Alexander Sheps - predictions for 2016

One of the finalists of "Battle ..." Alexander Sheps claims that Russia in 2016 will not be able to get out of the crisis. People will be greatly upset by the high prices of goods and products at the same level of wages. “And over the years the situation will only get worse ... Over time, people will simply become angry with the government. In addition, the nearest states will provoke Russia into a military conflict. The ruble will remain in the same positions as now, but the dollar will only grow, ”says Sheps.

We have tried to collect for you as much information as possible on the subject of psychics forecasts for 2016. Believe it or not - here everyone will decide for himself. However, you must agree that much of what was predicted by psychics may help each of us to be ready for difficulties, make the right decision and avoid unnecessary mistakes.