Adhesive thermopyard for needlework and other needs: how to choose, use and repair. Crafts made by adhesive gun and hot glue adhesive gun for wood

The device for gluing hot glue is an indispensable thing that is always useful in everyday life. However, not everyone knows how to properly use this device and why in some cases the result is satisfactory, and in others it is necessary to lolidate, or even redo the work.


The device for working with hot glue is called "ThermopyToletole" or "Hot Glue Pistol". The device is obliged to append by its name, because it looks like a children's pistol. The body of products of all models is made of refractory plastic. This facilitates the weight of the device and simplifies working with it. The thermoclane gun is designed to glue various materials by using a special type of glue in the form of cartridges. More often the device is running from electricity: it is enough to turn on the power outlet with a power of 220 W.

However, today there are other varieties that function at the expense of batteries or gas.Mobility adds them advantages in work, but the lack of a stationary connection has disadvantages. This is due to the fast discharge, as well as the insufficient level of heating of glue.

Key elements of the design are:

  • housing;
  • viewing window;
  • nozzle;
  • nozzle;
  • stand;
  • trigger;
  • temperature regulator;
  • adhesive dispenser;
  • power button.

Inside the housing is a special glue chamber. In addition, the internal components of the device are fuses and heating elements. The viewing window allows you to see the remaining amount of glue. The usual diameter of the nozzle is 3 mm for models per 11 mm rods and 1.5 mm - for variants with a diameter of 7 mm rods. Professional models may have removable nozzles to change the size of the nozzle.

The heating element smelves adhesive rods, and the adhesive under pressure on the trigger trigger is supplied from the nozzle outside. To ensure the security of the user, the nozzle has a silicone casing.


Despite the fact that the gun has a single destination, it has 2 varieties. The device can be household or professional. The second products are automatic. They are used mainly on the conveyors. In essence, these are low-power and high-power electrical appliances. Household devices are distinguished by mechanical adhesive supply and may be different depending on the criteria for them.

For example, they differ in the diameter of the cartridge.In stores you can purchase devices intended for rods 7 and 11 mm. Lesse on the shelves there are variants of thermopystoles under adhesive rods with a diameter of 8 and 12 mm. Usually for domestic use try to choose a product with a cartridge diameter of 7 mm.

Analogs with a large diameter are characterized by a greater flow rate of glue, so convenient when working in need of a large gluing area.

However, the size of the nozzle is of great importance for needlework. The smaller the diameter at the output, the intention is supplied to the molten glue mass. For needlewomen this factor is one of the most important when purchasing.

Instructions for applying step by step

Before turning on the device to the network, you need to prepare a workplace. It is necessary to cover the working surface in advance, warning the glue hitting it. You can use a silicone rug or a regular cardboard. It is important to collect loose hair, protect the workplace from children and domestic animals. In addition, it is necessary to ensure ventilation in the room where it is planned to work with hot glue.

When all the preparations are made and the workplace is covered, take a gun and put it on the existing stand in such a way that the nozzle watches the nozzle down. It is important that the working surface is necessarily covered in the arrangement of the nose, because when heated, some part of the glue (approximately 1 cm) will come out and can spoil it. After the thermoclate gun includes a network and press the power button, if it is (the indicator lights up). Take adhesive cartridge and insert it into the hole located from the end of the case.

Glue smoothly move forward until it falls. No extraneous objects, in addition to glue, can not be placed in the hole. In addition, it is necessary to use for a specific diameter only the adhesive rods according to the diameter. It is worth knowing that melted and in the future the frozen glue is placed back into the hole and use again cannot be used.

After the glue is placed in a hole, you need to wait for the heating of the device. On average, the composition is melted, enough 5-7 minutes from the moment of inclusion, provided that the glue is already inside the device. It is not necessary to put pressure on the trigger at this time, checking how well the glue was laughed and melted. This can lead to a breakdown of the glue pistol itself.

If the device has an adjustment of heating temperature, exhibit the operating temperature in the range of 105-200 degrees. With a smaller indicator, the glue will melt for a long time, with the larger begin to form a thread. If the model is equipped with a jurka stroke, you need to twist the screw to set an exemplary amount of the outlet.

When glue is heated, it is applied to one of the surfaces that it is planned to glue.Make it gradually pressed on the trigger, dosing the molten mass. Its quantity will depend on the force of pressure on the trigger. After the composition is applied to one of the surfaces, the pistol is put in its original position and connect two material.

When the rod will approach the end, insert another cartridge. This is necessary in order for it to get into an exciting mechanism and sucking an ending piece of glue. Upon completion, the device is turned off from the network and wait until it cools. Then you can remove it until the next use.

It is easy to use a thermopystole: usually it does not occur during work, whether it is a needlework or applying the device in construction.

Safety technique

When working with hot glue, the pistol must be followed by security equipment. It is important to protect not only the workplace, but also clothes, because the glue can be hit on it. If you need to melt glue or make any needlework with it, it is performed immediately. When there is no need for a device, it is immediately turned off, even if it is planned to break in the work of about 15-20 minutes.

It is important every time before work to check the integrity of the case and the network cable.If any malfunction is detected, as well as the smell of smoke, you need to immediately deafenize the device and stop using it. This tool should not be unattended. In addition, its improper position may cause heated glue into the power supply, which will cause the device breakage.

You can not overheat the thermoclate gun, because from this glue inside it will boil.In addition, it is impossible to touch the molten composition, because it will leave burns on the skin in the places of contact. Working with the device must be extremely carefully and neat. Excluded touches for metal details. It is not allowed to remove the rod from the pistol when he is heated.

When modeling or creating various design items, there is a need for a bonding method, which would be very simple and fairly fast. In this regard, the glue gun "Zub" or from another manufacturer will be useful.

There are several basic rules for using this tool that allow you to extend its service life. What exist consumables for such a gun and the benefits of its application will be told in the article.

Advantages of using glue pistols

You can talk a lot about the benefits of glue pistols, just some of them:

  • easy use;
  • small weight of the product;
  • minimum time frosting;
  • work with various materials;
  • high strength when gluing;
  • lack of harmful evaporation;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • low cost consumable.

In order to learn how to use a glue gun to create crafts, there is no need for complex instructions. Everything is intuitive and affordable. The gun has a little weight, so even a child can help him easily. Special rods serve as a consumator. After heating, the rods are converted into a liquid mass, which performs gluing. At the same time, the frozen occurs in a couple of minutes, which is very convenient.

For crafts using a glue gun, you can use a variety of materials. It is known that the adhesive gun gluits not only wood and metal, but also various polymers and glass.

Note! The adhesive gun is not suitable for gluing cement-containing and similar components. It is connected with their priestness, which does not allow to occur the expected adhesion.

After pouring the rod, a durable seam is obtained, which, when processed, does not inferior to other adhesive compositions. If you wish, glued parts can be separated and then remove the remnants of the glue so that the trace will not be visible. A plus of such glue from the pistol is its turnover. It is able to fill filling cracks and deformities well, which additionally aligns the surface and makes hermetic butt.

The use of a glue gun rods is safe for children. This is due to the fact that the consumility does not include poisonous substances that could evaporate when heated. The hobby that requires the use of such an appliance will not be too expensive. The price of the rods is within reasonable limits.

Constructive features

The adhesive gun received its name due to appearance. He really looks like a toy weapon. The housing is usually made of refractory plastic, which does not spoil from the constant effect of temperature from the Tan. There is a comfortable handle on which a large button is located. It is connected to the pusher, which promotes the rods to the heating source. The absence of harmful discharge is due to the use of polyurethane in the rods. The diameter of the consumor may differ depending on the model of the main tool. The minimum size is 7 mm, and the maximum 11. They are inserted into a special hole, which is in the back of the apparatus.

The heating element is most often located in the stem. It can be performed in the shape of a tube where the consumility fully comes. It is heated from below, due to the good thermal conductivity of the metal, the temperature quickly spreads throughout the area. In the models of pistols from top producers there are several heaters for rods. On the one hand, they increase the melting speed of the rod, and on the other - can duplicate each other in case of parallel connection. If one of them fails, the second will continue to function calmly. For such a feature will have to pay extra, but efficiency will rise at times. When choosing a gun, it is worth navigating the power consumed and given. What they are higher, the better the product. The size of the metal chamber where the rod is placed, also affects performance.

Moving the rod inside the gun mechanism is carried out using a small ring, which moves in a chicken. The latter has a installed spring, which returns it to its original position. The pistol pusher works due to the offset of the ring axis, which allows you to put it with a rod and shift it. This is one of the weakest pistol nodes. When working with it, it is not necessary to apply considerable effort. It is enough to gradually promote the rod as it melting.

Note! Do not try to use the rods of a larger diameter. With a large physical effort, it is easy to break the ring that clings the glue.

After the gun mechanism, the pistol is located a guide tube for rods. It is fixed before entering the heating element. Its purpose is also to prevent the flow of the molten rod into the working mechanism. At the outlet of the pistol heating tube, the hole is narrowed. This gives greater freedom in the dosing of the composition when applying it to the crawl when gluing. In high-quality models, the outlet closes when the juro is released. This prevents the leakage of the melt on the surface, which, for example, could spoil paper diagrams or documents. Cheap models of such pistols come with a bracket on the handle. When hanging, there is no danger of reverse glue. With some pistols, a set can be supplied with a set, on which the device is located under the tilt.

For more user friendly, the handle can be performed in ergonomic form with the use of rubber inserts. They can be thermal absorbers that exclude burns. The presence of a window between the pusher and the heating chamber is used to be better control over the movement of the adhesive rod. Most often it is not protected by organic glass so that it is easy to remove the remnants of glue if necessary.

Application area

The use of adhesive gun has no restrictions on the nature of the activity. It is perfect for solving household and other tasks. Below are possible use schemes.

Decision of household problems

Adhesive pistol is an indispensable tool in the household. With it, you can prepare an apartment to a cold winter. If old wooden windows are installed, through the slots of which a large amount of heat leaves, then it is possible to close them with such a glue.

If there is a piece of tile in the kitchen or in the kitchen, it can be easily fixed in its place using polyurethane glue. Pierced rubber boots easily repair with such a gun. It will be enough to degrease the surface well and apply the composition to the surface. He perfectly sewers the gap that will prevent the re-entering water inside.

To connect some details of furniture products used to use PVA glue. But I had to wait quite a long time until it gained strength. With a glue gun, this happens at times faster. It is enough to melt the rods to the required consistency and fill the holes. Some types of paper are impossible to glue with such a pistol. This is explained by the glossy surface, which does not allow the adhesion of the molten rod.

Application for hobby

Modern needlewomen, the crafts of which require the rapid connection of various parts, do not cost without adhesive pistols. With their help, it is easy to create intricate figures and patterns, to hold which will be impossible using traditional glue. Molten rods perfectly cope with the gluing of natural and artificial tissues among themselves and various components with them.

For example, such adhesive is easy to plant artificial pearls or rhinestones. Adhesives of adhesive rods in some cases can add a certain dye to them. This makes frozen glue with almost imperceptible on the finished handicraft. Freedom appears in the combination of materials, because for glue in rods there is practically no obstacles.

Additional features

When choosing a gun it is worth paying attention to how the feeding mechanism is performed. It can be a carousel or slider. The first form is more difficult to use, since it requires not to press the smoke, but its turn, which may be uncomfortable. Various types of rods may differ in melting point. To solve such difficulty, it is better to acquire a gun that has a built-in regulator. It makes it possible to set the required mode of operation in advance. If mobility is required in the manufacture of crafts, then you can get a gun on batteries. It can function without a central nutrition network.


As can be seen, the use of the adhesive gun can be very useful. With minimal cost of both the pistol itself and rods, it can be at home just in case. When he appears, it will definitely be used to solve everyday tasks.

We talked about what is a glue gun for needlework, its device, advantages over other types of gluing. Today we will talk about how right and safely Use this indispensable tool. This is especially important if you work with children.

Instructions for use of adhesive gun

  1. Before starting work, prepare the workplace, protecting the working surface from the hit of glue
  2. Install the gun by throwing down the foot-stand
  3. Insert the plug into the outlet, turn on the button on the housing (if available)
  4. Place the glue rod into the rear hole of the housing until it stops
  5. It is necessary to wait 4-5 minutes so that the glue be heated and melted. The adhesive gun is ready to work when a drop of glue appears on the spout
  6. The gluable surface should be dry, purified from dust and low-fat. If necessary, you can sand the place of gluing
  7. To feed the adhesive, press the trigger. The amount of exhausting glue depends on the depth and number of clicks
  8. After applying glue, press the parts connected for a few seconds. Try to immediately attach the item right, because the grip occurs instantly and shifted it impossible
  9. When the glue rod ends (when pressed on the trigger, the glue will stop acting), insert the next and slightly push them the previous rod. At this moment, be attentive: if you make too big efforts from the nozzle can pour a lot of glue
  10. To replace the rod of one color to another, provided that the glue is heated in a gun, tightly graze the rod and scroll it around its axis several times, carefully pulling it out of the heating chamber. After the rod is taken out, insert the other and by pressing the trigger, "lower" the remains of the previous color, for example, on a piece of cardboard. When a new pure color go out of the nose, you can start work
  11. At the end of the work, turn off the gun from the network
While gluing with adhesive gun is formed thin as a web, adhesive threads. After the frozen, they are easy to remove, winding on the arm and removing. Or, if it allows the surface, clean the vacuum cleaner (nozzle - a small brush with bristles for cleaning clothes). Sometimes it is convenient to use a thin tweezers.

Safety rules while working with thermopystole

  1. The nozzle of the adhesive gun is heated more than 200 ° C, so take care that the workplace is not available for small children and animals
  2. In the working condition, always install the gun on the coach nozzle down
  3. Be careful during operation, melted glue can cause burns
  4. Do not leave the inclised a thermopystole without supervision.
  5. Wrap the device from drops. When contacting contacts, a gun can flash
  6. It is not recommended to continuously use a glue gun for more than 1 hour.
On this topic, see also:

Purchase a battery adhesive gun, a small or solid tool for adhesive stickers, is necessary for a whole circle of repair tasks. These devices are characterized by a simple design, affordable price and a wide range of repair features.

Why do you need a gun with adhesive filler?

What is needed and what glue glue gun? It is easier to say what he does not glue. Through this small and convenient instrument, the joints are sealed and the mounting seams are filled. It allows you to speed up the gasket of ventilation in the garage and will provide a quick installation of noise insulation. It is easy to put the lagging wallpaper or curly plinth on the ceiling or in a hard-to-reach corner. A gun with sticky stickers quickly and just secure stucco on the ceiling or applique on the wall.

Many types of force majeure are performed using a softened and thoroughly dosed glue, up to the liner of the randomly flying decorative stone from the gypsum - not to breed the same tube with the solution for the sake of one bounced tile. Designers and radio amateurs are resorted to the help of adhesive tools, it is useful in modeling and designing. There are craftsmen who are able to give the designer advantages of the adhesive mass itself, having it with balls, elongated beads or multi-colored rain on the walls, panels, postcards and souvenirs. So only the possibility of such pistols is not limited.

Advantages and disadvantages of adhesive assembly tools

Repair dignity of pistols with adhesive stickers inserts are pretty numerous, a typical tool:

  • Provides almost instant gluing of parts - polyurethane stickers mass freezes from 40 to 180 seconds, depending on the thickness of the applied layer;
  • Guarantees high strength to the glued wood, metal, tissues, plastic, glass, natural and artificial leather, ceramics and faience, as well as all combinations of these materials with each other;
  • Gives a glued surface excellent appearance. Large color selection of adhesive rods allows you to choose the required shade to repair the products of any coller;
  • Indispensable with fasteners on surfaces that do not tolerate mechanical exposure. You can not drill, stroke and score - use the ability of the adhesive tool;
  • Environmental and safe. Expendable rods do not contain impurities harmful to human health, economical to use, frozen glue impenetrable for moisture.

As for the deficiencies of the instrument, it should be attributed to the nasty gluing of polyurethane with concrete, cement and most plasters. If the glued product is in the future to heat up - for example, as a facing of a fireplace from a brick - it should be fixed otherwise (mechanically, per solution, on heat-resistant glue, etc.).

Hot principle of operation of pistols with stickers

Any gun - powered by a standard outlet, from the generator or from the built-in battery - provides for heating of glue rods inside the tool before use. That is, "hot" are all default pistols. How a hot adhesive gun works, the use of which is very convenient, can be described literally in several phrases.

The appearance of the tool is similar to a small drill, including the shape of the handle and the presence of a start button. From the back of the "trunk", the pistol is charged with rod-cartridges from polyurethane glue. The adhesive rod first falls into the receiving chamber (in most models it is made of elastic plastic or tubular rubber). To get started, it is necessary to "send a cartridge to the cartridge" - push the rod into the heating sleeve. Under the influence of electric current, the sleeve is heated, the adhesive rod softens to the state of thick liquid and squeezed out through the nozzle on the surfaces.

The heating time of the "adhesive cartridges" in the standard pistol is from 3 to 5 minutes, so immediately after charging, it is not possible to put pressure on the feed piston. Pressure force is adjustable manually, additionally, it can be adjusted by setting the nozzles of different diameters. Working with this tool does not provide large volumes of adhesive glue, rather it is associated with accuracy and thoroughness of gluing various products.

Type of adhesive gun

Before using the adhesive gun, it will be useful to know its "filling". It consists of several interconnected nodes:

  • Heating mechanism. The feed chamber contains a heat chamber, the heating elements cover it from all sides (less often) or simply summed up with a thermal unchanged (more often). The size of the heat chamber and the power of the heating elements directly depends that it is possible to glue with an adhesive gun in terms of productivity and thickness of parts. A good quality gun typically has a very reliable heating node that will not need to be repaired for the entire life of the device;
  • Mechanism feed. It is a pusher rods to a heat chamber with transmission levers controlling the launcher. The feed mechanism can break with a careless or strong pressure on the trigger or when using adhesive stems of non-standard diameter. Using the tool without risk to damage the feeding mechanism is one of the main wisdom when mastering assembly-adhesive pistols;
  • Guide coupling. Plastic or rubber receiver for glue rods is located between the shell's end and heating mechanism. With wear and cracking of the guide clutch, the glue is hit in the gun, it fails. Therefore, adhesive rods should be inserted into it smoothly, without scrolling, it is forbidden to pull them back - the glue should only go through the nozzle;
  • Nozzle (sometimes called a duza or nozzle). It serves to molding the softened glue, the useful option is a shut-off valve on a nozzle in the form of a nipple or a plate with a spring. Nozzle with a locking valve avoids spontaneous leakage of a large amount of glue. Direct-flowed dumbies are also found in cheap pistols, but for their economy you have to pay glue spots when working (sometimes in very unwanted places);
  • The body of the device. It is performed from hard shockproof plastics. Firstly, this eliminates the risk of electric shock by electric current, and secondly, it makes noticeably easier for the entire instrument (there are models weighing up to 250-300 grams). The rechargeable tool has a greater mass due to the built-in battery - for mobility you have to pay increased gravity.

If there are observed windows in the device's body to control the condition of the guide clutch, and in the front there is a folding bracket for the vertical installation of a gun - this will be a big advantage in terms of the durable reliability of the adhesive tool.

Put the gun support during work is extremely undesirable. When the heating mechanism is enabled at the underlying tool, overheating the guide clutch, it fails much earlier than the term - and with it the entire device with the internships, poured glue.

How to choose a gun according to technical parameters?

What can be glued and how to use a glue gun, how to choose your own tool from the manifold of trading proposals depends on its technical characteristics:

  • Performance (do not confuse with power!). Passport indicates precisely power - professional models suggest power from 250 watts, amateur lies in the range from 50 to 150 watts, semi-professional fill 150-250 watts gap. However, in addition to the power, the volume of the working chamber should be taken into account. If it is small, then the low-power device will be a convenient mounting helper;
  • Melt temperature. The pistols use glue rods with a diameter of 7 to 11 millimeters, almost all of them "flow" at 105 ˚C. The higher the operating temperature, the faster bonding. Especially convenient tool with two heating modes - up to 105 ˚C on warming mode (powerful) and further in stationary lower power. If the two-mode device is not affordable, it is reasonable to stay on a gun with a working temperature of 165-175 ˚C;
  • The flow rate of glue in various models lies within 5-35 grams per minute. For the first experience of glue operation, there are quite modest indicators of the feed rate of stickers. Working with a glue gun is good for changing the model to a more powerful or specialized. The cost of the tool is small, as it is developed, you can always purchase a device with other repair capabilities.

Inexpensive and at the same time very necessary, and sometimes an indispensable device in everyday life - the glue gun. The tool should be chosen in such a way that it is convenient to work with it, and the case here in the dimensions, weight, the form and characteristics of the model you like.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the adhesive pistol:

  • depending on the layer thickness, glue freezes in 10-180 minutes, thus providing almost instant gluing of parts;
  • what you can not begged, strob or drill, perfectly sprinkle the glue gun;
  • you can choose the adhesive rod of any color, as their gamma is very diverse, which allows you to preserve the excellent appearance of the glued product;
  • rods are economical to use;
  • superb gluits skin (artificial and natural), (except synthetic - they melt under the action of high temperature), metal, glass, also wooden, faience and ceramic products, used to glue plastics;
  • rods do not contain substances harmful to humans and are a safe environmentally friendly product;
  • frozen glue waterproof.

The glue gun has its drawbacks:

  • bad fastens concrete, cement and most plasters with polyurethane;
  • it is not necessary to use the adhesive gun if the product will be heated hereinafter.

What can be glued

The gun for glue is able to bore almost anything and is used for various materials:

  • fill the mounting seams;
  • make the joints with hermetic;
  • put the wallpaper retarded from the wall;
  • mount to the ceiling or in a hard-to-reach Figure plinth;
  • make designer pictures on the walls;
  • repair clothes;
  • or gypsum decorative stone.

The adhesive gun is used in design, needlework and modeling, as well as for the manufacture of panels, souvenirs, postcards.

How to use a glue gun

To the first inclusion, the device must be prepared. To do this, insert the adhesive rod into the hole for glue from the back of the pistol and slide until it stops. Then turn on the tool into the outlet, if there is a stand - place on it, while the spout of the gun should be directed down. Wait a bit, the device must warm up, usually takes 2-5 minutes, depending on the characteristics of a particular model. Once the molten glue droplets appears on the spout - the device is ready for operation.

To glue two surfaces, press the device's trigger, hot glue will be highlighted from the nose - simply guide it to the desired area. Apply glue only on one of the two surfaces, then connect them and press each other.

Actions should be very neat and accurate, since the adhesive composition is captured almost instantly, it will not be possible to correct defects.

Precautions when using adhesive gun:

  • in order not to stain the table with glue, check it at the time of operation with a film or ordinary newspaper;
  • distribute the adhesive composition CAUTION: From the metal and wood, frozen droplets of glue are easily lagging behind, but they will not succeed from paper;
  • the spout of the gun heats up very much, so try never to touch it, as it is very easy to get it;
  • melted glue is very hot, the thermal burrow is formed when it gets into the skin, so try to work with it extremely carefully;
  • be sure to follow the usual rules of electrical safety: do not leave the device unattended, use exclusively in good power;
  • do not keep the device on the longer 60 minutes, if you have to work for a long time - let's "relax" 5-7 minutes;
  • keep the glue gun in an inaccessible place for children.

Basic selection criteria

The glue gun is simple in the device tool, for this reason, even by buying it at random, the chances of becoming the owner of a very high quality model. To properly choose the product for your own needs, pay attention to the specifications specified by the manufacturer.

The most important parameters:

  1. Rod diameter. Most of the models presented in the eleven millionth millimeter market (rod with a diameter of 11 mm). There are tools with a rod diameter of 7, 8 and 12 mm, as well as allowing nozzles, thereby adjusting the diameter. For needlework, 7 mm rod is perfect for needlework, since even the thinnest work with it will be taken carefully. For repair and construction work, it is possible to prefer 11 and 12 mm.
  2. The heating time ranges from 3 to 10 minutes. The faster the gun is heated for glue, the sooner it will be possible to start working.
  3. Temperature: glue can be heated from 105 to 5000 ° C. The higher this figure, the faster you can work the tool. For ordinary household needs, heating is quite enough to 2000 ° C.
  4. Power. This is the amount of watt consumed by the heating element of the adhesive gun. Professional tool takes 300 and more watts, amateur - 30-150. Some manufacturers produce glue pistols in which the power is automatically adjustable. For example, at the beginning of operation, the tool consumes 200 watts, later passes to the usual operating power of 40 watts, in standby mode it requires approximately 15 watts. For lovers of needlework and crafts, it is 15-60 W, if it is planned to use a repair tool - it will take power no less than 100 W.
  5. Performance is directly related to power. For needlework and decorative work, a capacity will be sufficient 5-15 g / min. If you need to glue large parts, this indicator must be above-15-30, since the pistol glue dries very quickly.
  6. Dimensions and weight. Such a criterion for choosing is purely individual. The more powerful tool, the more he weighs and larger size has.

For household use, mechanical models are excellent, in which it is necessary to press the trigger to feed the adhesive. There are adhesive professional guns-machine guns, but they are usually used in production, on the conveyors.

Additional functions

Working with an adhesive gun will be the most comfortable and safe, if the model is equipped with additional features:

  • Temperature autorpelling;
  • stand;
  • viewing window;
  • temperature switch;
  • illumination of the working area;
  • instrument status indicator;
  • located on the housing, the shutdown and power button.

In some cases, gluing technology involves the use of a special two-component adhesive composition. You can find glue pistols on sale, which are uniformly and in the same quantity, a hardener and binder are served in the same quantity. Otherwise, the principle of operation of such a device is no different from the ordinary adhesive gun.

How to choose in the store

Solving in the store, what better pistol, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  • plastic should not have small defects in the form of jar, scratches and severe odor (unpleasant);
  • on the stand, the tool must maintain stability;
  • the power cord must be long enough and thick, since the thin will be unreliable in terms of electrical safety;
  • there should be no cracks between the elements of the pistol, and all components are securely secured;
  • the trigger should be read easily.

Test a gun for glue before buying it. Ask the seller to turn on the tool into the outlet, so you can check the operation of the heating element. How high-quality I liked the model, you can find out, asking the seller, how often buyers return it. Be sure to ask about the warranty repair, since inexpensive models are often broken.

How to choose a glue rod

Usually glue rods (otherwise it is called stickers) do not go bundled with a gun, they must be purchased separately. They are transparent white, intended for conventional gluing surfaces, or color, with sparkles - they melt slower and are used for needlework.

Stickers are diameter 7, 8, 11 and 12 mm. There is a gun for glue, which works on the rods of oval shape. Some tools are very sensitive to the diameter of the stickers used.

The length of the rods varies in the range of 4-20 cm, it does not affect the quality of work, simply longer "spares" will have to be changed less often.

The color of stickers can be absolutely different. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Color rod is used to disguise glue seams, for example, blue - on a blue product.
  2. With sparkles and multicolor stickers are used in needlework, for decorating.
  3. Different colors may indicate the various purpose of the rods. For example, a versatile is a transparent sticker, a black rod is used for sealing, yellow - for gluing glass.

There are no single standards for color designation stickers, each manufacturer marks them in its own way. For this reason, before buying carefully read the instructions.

Most rods have the same melting point, which is approximately 100-105 ° C. If the glue gun warms up to 200 ° C and above, it is not worth worrying: the sticker will not lose its properties, just the time of its melting will be reduced. There are rods, the melting temperature of which is 150 ° C.

The range of adhesive pistols simply affects the imagination. The product has a simple design, because even for quite small money in 200-400 rubles you can become the owner of a good quality thing. The brand glue gun costs about 3 thousand rubles, it will be equipped with additional features and a good safety margin. Professional construction tool will cost much more expensive, up to 22,000 rubles. *

* Prices are indicated for 2017.