Characteristics of an Aries - Dragon man from A to Z! Aries woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope.

We have several other bright characters that are interesting to talk about. The satirical writer Anatole France (“The Gods Thirst,” “Rise of the Angels”) was noted for his rejection of bourgeois reality. He opposed religion, asceticism and fanaticism. His Penguin Island is a witty historiography of fictional humanity with an avian twist.

He and Maxim Gorky are similar only in symbolic appeals to the “bird” language of allegories. But Anatole’s penguins were funny creatures, but in Peshkov’s case all they did was hide their “fat body in the rocks.” Actor Steven Seagal (“Niko”, “Under Siege”, “The Capture”) loves adventure, is determined to achieve goals, tireless in love, rich and elegant. He, an on-screen fighter against injustice and a fan of martial arts, is caught having connections with the mafia.

Dancer, choreographer, artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Vasiliev is always at work and full of creative ideas and grandiose plans. Playwright Edmond Rostand (“Cyrano de Bergerac”) wrote a play about an honest, naive, brave man fighting injustice, vulgarity and vice. Considering that every writer writes primarily about himself, Rostand himself is the same.

There are almost no Aries-Dragon politicians, except perhaps Grigory Yavlinsky and political scientist with an admixture of Sovietology Zbigniew Brzezinski. We have already talked about writers and economists.

We can say for sure that Aries-Dragons excel in science, sports and acting. Among the first are geneticist, physicist and creator of the DNA structure model James Watson, geneticist Joseph Goldstein, economist John Hicks, physicist Robert Millikan, archaeologist who discovered the remains of Sumerian Ur, Leonard Wooley, biochemist Christian Anfinsen.

The sports career of Aries-Dragons is as follows: football players Grigory Fedotov, Emerson and Rainer Bonhoff, skier Alexei Prokurorov, boxer Teofilo Stevenson, Formula 1 race car driver Ricardo Zonta, basketball player John Havlicek, writer of baseball rules Alexander Cortright.

In the acting field, Gregory Peck (“To Kill a Mockingbird”); Vasily Merkuriev (“Heavenly Slugger”, “The Cranes Are Flying”); Oscar winner John Gielgud (“Caligula”); shirt-guy, prone to fighting and drugs, Meg Ryan's ex-husband Dennis Quaid ("Inner Space"), as well as Meg Ryan's current husband, a favorite of women, a brawler, a brute and an amateur farmer, Ryan Russell Crowe ("Gladiator"). There are also directors in this zodiac group; Alan Pakula (“All the President’s Men”), Alexander Belinsky (“The Marriage of Balzaminov”).

All other personalities are difficult to unite according to their preferences, and we will simply list them: the Pope; poet, first friend, and then persecutor of Galileo Galilei Urban VIII; the composer who invented the baton, Ludwig Spohr; the famous matador Juan Belmonte; mountaineer and explorer William Conway; pop musician and businessman Alexander Kutikov (“Time Machine”); cartoonist and photographer Nadar.

The group includes: historian, general, writer, politician Dmitry Volkogonov, aircraft designer Donald Douglas, artist Fra Bartolomeo (“Lamentation of Christ”), Prince of Transylvania, leader of the Hungarian uprising Ferenc Rakoczi II, astronaut James Lovell, blues musician Alexis Korner.

Horoscope of Aries-Dragon woman

Actress Elina Bystritskaya was born on April 4, 1928. Judging by numerous interviews, she has a proud, quarrelsome, strong and even domineering character: “the blows of fate must be overcome with dignity”, “I don’t like being dependent”, “I don’t have the habit of walking with an outstretched hand”, “I am deeply convinced that it is actions that determine the scale of personality.”

Her credo is not to expect favors from life, but to achieve them. As a child, Elina was only friends with boys, which is where her interest in chess, billiards and shooting arose. Her film career began with the film "The Unfinished Tale." A beautiful woman was noticed. Then there were “Volunteers”. And after the release of Quiet Don, where Bystritskaya played the role of Aksinya, the actress became a star.

“In each of my heroines there is, of course, something of my character.” She says that she has faced many obstacles in her life, but she has never worried much about them. She believes that “the beauty of any person lies in one thing: not to do harm to people,” and any obstacles can be overcome with daily work. The actress continues to serve in the theater and dreams of new works. She is also involved in social activities - she created a charitable foundation to help artists.

Aries-Dragon women - some into the forest, some for firewood. It is important for them to express themselves, to lead, to mean something, to be the center of attention, and not to “shake over manuscripts.” Actress Maria Schneider (“Caligula”), model Melissa Joan Hart, folk singer Tracy Chapman, tennis player Jennifer Capriati, fencer Maria Mizina, politician, head of the Women’s Union of Russia Alevtina Fedulova.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Years: 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012; 2024.

If we talk about Aries, born in the year of the Dragon, then first of all we should note the ambitions that are characteristic of this sign. These are people who are confident in their own abilities. They easily make fundamental decisions, quickly respond to changing reality, and defend their own rights and freedom. Among other things, Aries-Dragon is characterized by impetuousness and has excellent leadership abilities.

He is a personality with a huge supply of energy. He tends to be passionate and impulsive. The pronounced features of Aries-Dragon include the following:

  • love of freedom;
  • desire to be a leader;
  • energy.

In such a combination similar elements are united. Aries itself represents a person of revolutionary views. He is able to easily convince others. The Dragon is characterized by practicality and maximalism. In this regard, Aries, who was born in the year of the Dragon, can reach unprecedented heights and make real revolutions.

In love and business relationships, a representative of this sign will not be loyal. It is difficult for him to give in or discuss controversial issues. He acts exclusively as he sees fit. Aries-Dragon has unsurpassed strength and self-confidence. For this reason, if in personal relationships everything turns out the way he is satisfied, then he will certainly show all his positive qualities. And the family will undoubtedly be happy and strong.

Aries-Dragon: general characteristics

It is very difficult to convince Aries-Dragon and impose a different point of view on him

Aries-Dragons have strong leadership abilities. They are freedom-loving and impetuous. These are people who have powerful willpower and efficiency. A person who was born in a similar combination of signs gives everyone around him his energy and endless enthusiasm. Characteristics of this kind make it possible to achieve significant results in any field. Aries-Dragon becomes an integral part of any team. He is able to motivate others to achieve accomplishments.

This is a very bright personality who can lead others. He firmly believes in a bright future. However, it also has its drawbacks. First of all, we are talking about the fact that Aries, who was born in the year of the Dragon, does not know moderation. This is a man of extremes. If he really wanted something, then he definitely needed to get it here and now.

This person always proves that he is right, defends his point of view and will not make concessions. He represents a power-hungry and self-confident nature. He is able to fight against anyone who seeks to limit his rights or hurt his pride.

Such people become wonderful friends and responsible partners, both in business and in love. You should not cross the road of Aries-Dragon. Otherwise, his anger will know no bounds. He is able to overcome any obstacles. In addition, this person does not take into account the general principles of morality and honor. It is easy for him to go against any norms and rules. In addition, he is capable of passing off other people's successes as his own.

Aries, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is characterized by some unscrupulousness in achieving what they want. This person can excel as a politician, head of a large enterprise or his own business.

It is worth noting that not in all cases everything turns out well for such a person. Sometimes he is really lucky in everything, but sometimes he has to work hard in order to achieve success.

In such a combination, a person can be overly arrogant and proud. And this entails consequences such as the loss of loved ones and lack of support in case of need. In this regard, Aries, born in the year of the Dragon, should not forget that the people around him also have their own ideals and feelings.

When building love relationships, as in business, this person shows perseverance and intractability. If the other half agrees to indulge him in everything, then the marriage will have prospects. One way or another, a representative of this combination of signs should come to a compromise, learn to give in, but somewhere also defend his own worldview. But don’t forget that relationships always involve two people. If you do not take this fact into account, then you will not be able to achieve harmony and joy in family life.

Aries-Dragon Woman: Characteristics

The Aries-Dragon woman has a domineering nature, she likes to keep everything under control

It is typical for an Aries-Dragon woman to be generous, noble and kind. She makes great efforts to harmonize her own life. She is distinguished by her friendliness. It is not difficult for a woman to find an approach to everyone and conduct conversations on various topics.

The characteristic of an Aries woman who was born in the year of the Dragon is that she is always active and active. She will not be afraid of changes in the surrounding reality. She's very lucky. A woman is surrounded by good people. There are practically no obstacles on her life path. In addition, she easily earns money.

The Aries woman, born in the year of the Dragon, has extraordinary ambitions. She has well-developed leadership qualities. Moreover, this applies to both the business sphere and personal life. When a woman makes important decisions, she does not attach importance to insignificant details. However, she looks deeper into things. She likes to be a leader. In this she is similar to a man who was born in a similar combination of signs. It is not difficult for an Aries woman who was born in the year of the Dragon to achieve the status of a leader. She can easily become a boss, director or manager.

The fundamental characteristics of an Aries-Dragon woman include:

  • courage;
  • directness;
  • perseverance.

However, in achieving her goals, her thirst for fame and pride can hinder her.

She undoubtedly comes across as a very strong personality. But when building a love relationship, a woman reveals herself as an ardent nature, which is characterized by romance. She likes to be looked after, complimented and given attention. A woman strives to find a powerful and strong-willed man who will motivate her to develop and improve herself.

You should pay attention to the fact that an Aries woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is capable of building a career and being an excellent wife and mother. Difficulties in marriage will certainly make themselves felt if a woman decides to connect her life with an uninteresting and inactive man. Such cases occur quite often if she gets married very young. She needs a rival with whom she will constantly compete. Unfortunately, in reality this happens extremely rarely.

It is not easy for an Aries-Dragon woman to find a strong man, since he will not put up with her independent character. In most cases, such representatives of the stronger sex demand submission from their beloved. But the woman will not put up with this. To reduce the number of conflicts, a couple should always learn to come to compromises.

Aries Dragon Man: Characteristics

The Aries-Dragon man is not used to stopping halfway and always tries to bring any matter to its logical conclusion

The Aries-Dragon man fills those around him with faith in a bright future and shares his energy with them. It is very pleasant to communicate with him, because he is always in a good mood and self-confident. A man is characterized by ambition. He always has many plans and goals. He is distinguished by his inflexibility and the presence of a certain talent. It is not difficult for an Aries man who was born in the year of the Dragon to achieve his goals. At the same time, he maintains an attentive attitude towards others.

The fundamental characteristics of an Aries-Dragon man include:

  • love of freedom;
  • determination;
  • the desire to be first.

This person, both in business and in love, purposefully moves towards his goal. Those around him prefer not to get in his way. He becomes an excellent leader who is able to come to the right decision and act quickly. In addition, a man’s actions are distinguished by logic and thoughtfulness. He will not hesitate or think for a long time.

Even in his youth, he manages to achieve financial independence and build a career. If a man fails, he does not despair. He is characterized by undying optimism, which helps him cope with all difficulties. He gains experience and continues to move forward. At the same time, he manages to regain what he lost twice as much.

If we talk about the characteristics of an Aries-Dragon man in a love relationship, it should be noted that the fair sex does not ignore him. He likes to pursue women. He appreciates their beauty, intelligence and refined manners. A man needs feelings. Moreover, he may be in search of his ideal even when he is already married.

An Aries man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, likes to court and anticipate the wishes of his chosen one. However, she should take into account that from time to time he falls into a state of anger. He is an extremely amorous man. In order to win him over, you need the ability to talk and have your own opinions on any topic. This is how the Aries-Dragon man will be able to decide whether to continue the relationship.

A woman must match him. She should be strong and intellectually developed. It is important to keep in mind that in personal relationships a man can be very contradictory. It is very difficult to predict his actions. It’s not easy for him to find a suitable candidate.

For an Aries man who was born in the year of the Dragon, his own independence is important. He is in search of a companion who is similar in outlook to himself. She should not put pressure on her lover. After all, personal interests and the desire for self-realization are important to him. A woman should support him in everything.

In order to build a happy relationship with such a man, you should try. The main thing to remember is that under no circumstances should you enter into a struggle for leadership with him. Only he should deal with important problems. However, a man can be gently and quietly guided.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

The key characteristics of this combination of signs are: ambition, absolute confidence in one’s strengths and abilities, the ability of a strong leader and decisiveness in action.

The Dragon-Aries manifests itself mainly as a strong leader who knows how to achieve high results with the help of decisive ones and, at times, goes towards his goal over other people's heads. Representatives of this combination of signs can realize themselves most fully in politics, in leadership positions, or as owners of their own business. A person born under the auspices of the Dragon is by nature a maximalist and either gets everything at once, or nothing and never.

Dragon-Aries Man

Men born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon show an insatiable thirst for power and primacy in everything. In the struggle for a place on the throne, they are ready to burn any competitor alive, thereby fully justifying their “dragon” nature according to the eastern calendar.
The Dragon-Aries man, when it comes to solving business problems, shows remarkable ingenuity and composure. All his decisions are verified in terms of logic, maximum benefit and speed of execution. Dragons do not tolerate long thoughts and unproductive thoughts - they are people of action.

On the personal front, Dragon-Aries men prefer to choose submissive and silent companions who can calmly endure their dictatorial habits and desire to suppress the individual.

Dragon-Aries Woman

Women born in the year of the Dragon according to the eastern calendar and under the zodiac sign of Aries are very ambitious and have good leadership qualities, both in work and in relationships. They see the big picture and make decisions without going into small details, which is by no means a minus - they see what is important and do not get bogged down in details. The Dragon-Aries woman is a passionate and surprisingly romantic nature - you will not attract her attention with rude courtship.

She is always in good shape and needs an equally active and strong-willed partner with one caveat: she is the head of the family, and the man is her support and support, protecting the rear. Such a lady always has time for both her family and her career, so her husband and children will not suffer from a lack of attention from this lady.

Aries Dragons are wonderful friends and reliable partners in careers and relationships, but it is extremely undesirable for these people to cross the path: if they don’t burn you, they will gore you.

(from 02/13/1964, from 01/31/1976, from 02/17/1988, from 02/05/2000)

He amazes with all his prudence and rationalism, which is not characteristic of people. He likes to be the center of attention, so he often flirts with people. Attracting the attention of the other sex is not difficult for him, since he knows how to keep himself in shape and, in addition, is considered by many to be a witty and intelligent interlocutor. In relationships, he also demonstrates feminine qualities, but this does not make them less fans.

Characteristics of an Aries - Dragon man in LOVE

He amazes with his calmness even in the most difficult situations, and even in love. For him, these feelings are more practical than theoretical. Not seeing reciprocity, he quickly breaks up with his partner. A love relationship with him will be full of harmony, but all this seems only at first glance. In fact, he constantly analyzes the attitude of his partner and sees all her hidden traits.

He chooses his partner only according to certain qualities. In particular, he will look for a relationship with someone who has connections, or some other benefits. At the same time, his love must be a decisive, intelligent and strong-willed woman, that is, a match for him. He will not be jealous of her, since all his thoughts are directed towards himself. He is characterized by bright actions that he commits for the sake of narcissism; he is often quite hypocritical.

Aries born in the year of the Dragon in BED

In the intimate sphere, he is quite vulnerable, as he does not accept refusals or rudeness. He likes languid bliss, caresses, long foreplay. He never rushes into hugs first. It is important for him to prove that it is he who chooses her, and not she him. He is not characterized by complexes, and besides, he can always surround these relationships with charm and mystery, which will attract women to him more than his external data.

For him, the bed is just one of the means to find an ideal. He uses a variety of weapons in the fight for it. First of all, he is always in great shape, his body is so well-groomed that it arouses envy even among young guys. And women like the freshness and spontaneity that he demonstrates in intimate relationships. But you should remember that all this is just a desire to find your beloved, nothing more.

Horoscope of an Aries - Dragon man in MARRIAGE

He usually gets married after he realizes himself. When entering into a marriage, he most often focuses not on his feelings, but on material values. But if he finds a suitable woman, then the evaluation criterion will be spiritual unity with her, and not some benefits, what she is like in bed and other attractive features. He usually does not make high demands on his wife, as he is quite unpretentious.

He always wants to be free, and marriage implies some responsibilities. Therefore, most often he chooses a woman with a suitable mentality, who will not interfere with him in anything, or breaks up with her without regrets. He does not strive to make his home cozy, does not dream of children, the main thing for him is the realization of his ambitions and plans. That is, marriage with him is a certain type of partnership, nothing more.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

To find happiness, he needs to become softer and more pliable, relax for a while and allow his beloved to be the main one in the couple. At the same time, he needs to humble his pride a little, since such people are usually not chosen. It will be important to make a decision to create a full-fledged family with children and a cozy home. Then he can become a truly happy, fulfilled guy.

The Aries-Dragon man amazes with all his prudence and rationalism, which is not characteristic of people. He likes to be the center of attention, so he often flirts with people. Attracting the attention of the other sex is not difficult for him, since he knows how to keep himself in shape and, in addition, is considered by many to be a witty and intelligent interlocutor. In relationships, he also demonstrates feminine qualities, but this does not make them less fans.

These men give optimism and inexhaustible energy. They are pleasant, optimistic men who overcome any difficulties in life incredibly simply and easily. They go through life cheerfully, and it gives them all the blessings. Therefore, already at a young age they achieve success in their careers, live in abundance and find faithful life partners.

These are men with great ambitions who constantly set new goals for themselves. Thanks to their perseverance, talents, self-confidence and luck, they easily achieve their goals. But even at the height of success, they do not lose their human qualities: they are attentive to others and are ready to provide any help. However, these qualities often lead to the fact that they are loaded with other people's problems and forget about their own lives.

Characteristics of an Aries-Dragon man in Love

He amazes with his calmness even in the most difficult situations, and even in love. For him, these feelings are more practical than theoretical. Not seeing reciprocity, he quickly breaks up with his partner. A love relationship with him will be full of harmony, but all this seems only at first glance. In fact, he constantly analyzes the attitude of his partner and sees all her hidden traits.

He chooses his partner only according to certain qualities. In particular, he will look for a relationship with someone who has connections, or some other benefits. At the same time, his love must be a decisive, intelligent and strong-willed woman, that is, a match for him. He will not be jealous of her, since all his thoughts are directed towards himself. He is characterized by bright actions that he commits for the sake of narcissism; he is often quite hypocritical.

Aries Man, born in the year of the Dragon, in the Bed

In the intimate sphere, he is quite vulnerable, as he does not accept refusals or rudeness. He likes languid bliss, caresses, long foreplay. He never rushes into hugs first. It is important for him to prove that it is he who chooses her, and not she him. He is not characterized by complexes, and besides, he can always surround these relationships with charm and mystery, which will attract women to him more than his external data.

For him, the bed is just one of the means to find an ideal. He uses a variety of weapons in the fight for it. First of all, he is always in great shape, his body is so well-groomed that it arouses envy even among young guys. And women like the freshness and spontaneity that he demonstrates in intimate relationships. But you should remember that all this is just a desire to find your beloved, nothing more.

Horoscope of Aries-Dragon man in Family and Marriage

He usually gets married after he realizes himself. When entering into a marriage, he most often focuses not on his feelings, but on material values. But if he finds a suitable woman, then the evaluation criterion will be spiritual unity with her, and not some benefits, what she is like in bed and other attractive features. He usually does not make high demands on his wife, as he is quite unpretentious.

He always wants to be free, and marriage implies some responsibilities. Therefore, most often he chooses a woman with a suitable mentality, who will not interfere with him in anything, or breaks up with her without regrets. He does not strive to make his home cozy, does not dream of children, the main thing for him is the realization of his ambitions and plans. That is, marriage with him is a certain type of partnership, nothing more.