Plastering mixture for aerated concrete. Plastering walls from aerated concrete indoor

Aerated concrete, as a material, appeared about a hundred years ago. However, on our construction market in mass access, aerated concrete was brought much later.

This is an easier and processing material, from which you can collect supporting structures and engage in building low-rise buildings.

However, there is a magazine several features that should be taken into account during its processing. In particular, it concerns the selection of the material to be used to plastering the aerated concrete walls. Below we will understand more than plastering aerated concrete and all the nuances of such works.

Features and destination

To begin with, we'll figure it out, what is actually aerated concrete. By its structure, the aerated concrete is very similar to standard concrete. Its in the same way poured with the use of binder, filler and water.

However, the fill technology is slightly different due to the fact that the mixture is also added aluminum powder or powder. When reactions with water, aluminum begins to highlight an excessive amount of carbon dioxide, which fills the entire cavity of the form and makes a solution with a bubble.

As a result, the concrete is so frozen, having inside a plurality of small cells in size from 1 to 3 mm. When the technology of creating a gasoblock for the house was invented, everyone thought that he would win the usual concrete in all respects and would become more popular for work, taking the entire market of building materials.

However, such thoughts were premature. Of course, if you compare what type of material it is better in terms of lightness or convenience in processing, the cellular concrete will defeat.It is better finished and processed, as it has a specific structure. It is also worth understanding that the properly created aerated concrete will be better to withstand temperatures.

And it is not bad characterized by a vapor-permeable structure. That is, concrete, in fact, forms breathable walls. Unlike the usual cement mortar, which is not particularly different in these parameters.

But there is aerated concrete and its shortcomings. In particular, the strength indicator. If comparing is compared exclusively on this indicator, then a standard concrete will win here.

The construction technology makes it possible to build from it of any height of it, while from aerated concrete, in most cases, it is allowed to carry out construction up to 10 meters high. Of course, he will surely stand 4 or 5 storey at home, but it's better not to risk.

Also, aerated concrete absorbs moisture. Moreover, when it is held, negative processes begin inside the block. This affects which composition of the mixture should have plaster for aerated concrete.

The surface of the gasoblock has its effect, from which houses are collected. The fact is that initially he has rather weak adhesion with individual solutions. Thin-layer plaster plaster of walls from aerated concrete, if not to pick up a mixture of special purpose, may generally collapse in few months. Well, or quiestly cracking, which is also unacceptable.

It follows from this that the mixtures for performing plastering works on a gas concrete must be special and respond to several requirements at once.

1.1 Plaster Requirements

So, the plaster for aerated concrete should differ slightly from standard. Moreover, we immediately note that we use the usual plaster when performing work on finishing a house of aerated concrete and is prohibited.

This is explained by the fact that standard sand solutions are too dense. They feel bad on such surfaces and quickly give cracks. An even more unacceptable, their property lies in weak vapor permeability or its absence. This leads to quite negative consequences.

If you are stunned by standard concrete or brick houses, then no problems arise. But at home is gasoblock Y.tong. - This is a completely different conversation.

Here in the race of popularity, plaster with a vapor-permeable basis will be won. Otherwise, couples that way out of the house will be blocked by a layer of finishing outside, and stuck inside the walls. The dew point in the house will move towards their center, which will lead to the accumulation of moisture.

In one year, nothing terrible will happen. Will not happen in a couple of years. But about 5 years of such operation can already lead to the beginning of the process of destruction of the supporting structures of the house.

Now we note the specific requirements that the plaster on the gas-block must satisfy. She must be:

  1. Vapor permeable.
  2. Moderately dense.
  3. Protect the wall from external influences.
  4. Moisture resistant.
  5. Improve thermal insulation walls.
  6. Good to go to aerated concrete.
  7. Be easier to process.

As you can see, there is nothing extraordinary in such a list, but it is better not to ignore any of these indicators.

2 species and differences

Now we turn to the main varieties of plasters for aerated concrete blocks. If you are going to make your choice correctly, you will have to figure out what mixes for what works are better suitable. Fortunately, serious differences in most cases are not here.

By type of application there are plaster:

  • outdoor;
  • internal.

Outdoor plaster, as you understand, is intended for finishing facades. Outside the house, it must perform protective functions, so the mixture is characterized by higher rates of strength, water resistance and improved thermal insulation. The cost of compositions for decoration of gas-blocks from the outside will also be higher.

Internal samples are intended for work in the room. They no longer need water-repellent properties, if only we do not mean the mixture that are meant for trimming the bathroom.

This naturally reduces their cost. However, if you compare plasters in the main parameters, then you will win the first option.

2.1 Popular plastering formulations

By type of composition they are divided into:

  • lime-cement;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

In the first version, the main element serves lime. It replaces the sandy solution, making the final composition of the mixture quite durable, but with the possibility of vapor permeability.

Acrylic plaster will win if you need to choose the composition for decorative trim. It is the most durable and reliable, capable of forming an extremely chained finished surface.

The problem acryla in its weak vapor permeability. Outside the house, such mixtures can only be used after solid work on the insulation of the walls from the inside of the structure. Inside, the plaster is not so dangerous, but it will prevent the passage of vapors through the walls, and therefore self-regulation of the microclimate indoors.

Silicate formulations are much better than the first two. If you apply them correctly, you will not have any problems in your work. They are vapor permeable, have high density and easily processed. The problem of silicates is pretty small choice of color rates and sedimentation of dust on a plaster layer, What is not the best way to appear on its appearance.

As for silicone samples, they are indisputable leaders, if we talk about the specific qualities of plastering mixtures. They possess all the advantages of silicate compositions, but at the same time they are very durable and look great. The only minus, as you probably guessed yourself - a high price.

It is necessary to approach the choice of plaster with a great responsibility. It is the choice that affects what the results you will receive. Remember that you should always look for a compromise between the cost and characteristics. But at the same time it is better not to overtake the stick, buying the cheapest option.

If you are going to separate the walls inside the house, then in extreme cases are also suitable for conventional lime-cement formulations. Of course, in terms of its characteristics, they will give up to everyone else, but the inner finish and does not require a plaster mix of something extraordinary. And save you a decent amount.

Acrylic plasters better use only for decorative trim inside or outside. Moreover, if you are going to use it outside, then here you already need to take care of high-quality vaporizoles inside the house, as well as the arrangement of normally functioning ventilation.

Silicate compounds are well suited for work of any type, But after the plaster, they must be separated by another layer of putty to level the problem with flowers and dusting.

Silicon substances are still easier. It is difficult to name the method of their application, which would be considered unacceptable. In any situation, such mixtures perfectly fulfill their purpose. The only barrier is the price. There is already to solve you.

As for specific manufacturers, the most popular at the moment are Profit, Ceresit ATLAS, etc. In particular, their products are known in the market:

  • Ceresit CT 24;
  • Atlas kb-tynk;
  • PROFIT contact MN;
  • W-36 decor.

2.3 Technology of wall decoration from gas block

As an acceptable and simplest technology of plastered walls, we choose the work with the help of lighthouses.

Our grandfathers were used by the beacons, although they adapt wooden planks for these purposes, and not small aluminum profiles. However, this technology has proven itself from the best side, and not just like that.

Before starting work, it is necessary to predict the walls from the gas block. For this purpose, special primers are used, which are already able to reduce the water absorption of the material by itself, improve its thermal insulation properties and adhesion.

Then you can apply lighthouses. Lighthouses are mounted on small solutions bubbles. They laid them in increments of 1-1.5 meters. Each lighthouse is set to the level of its own, and the next lighthouse.

Aerated concrete is a modern building material that resembles a foam concrete structure, but differs in air bubbles located inside. The empty structure of the aerated concrete absorbs moisture well, which requires the outer decoration of the material. The better plastering the walls from aerated concrete, is considered in the proposed article.

For the manufacture of material used:

  • quartz sand - the base of the mixture;
  • lime;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • aluminum powder is added during material manufacturing. It acts as the main gas formator and gives the material a specific structure.

Tip: acquiring aerated concrete, it must be borne in mind that the pores of the blocks, unlike foam concrete, are open. This determines the features of its use and finishing.

Comparative characteristics of foam concrete and aerated concrete are presented in Table:

Foam concrete Gasobutton
In its structure, air bubbles are not connected to each other, which increases the stability of the material to the wet.Air bubbles are interconnected, which allows moisture to move freely.
Good quality frost resistance and thermal conductivity.Gives warm and frozen from frost.
The inner layer of the plastering layer must be two times the thickness of the externalWalls must be placed indoors, and then on the facade of the building.
To improve the adhesion, the walls must be cleaned, then it is carefully sanding to remove the upper hydrophobized layer. Because of the poor absorption of moisture, a spray is made to increase the clutch, and then apply the main layer.Adhesion performance higher

When the outer surfaces from the aerated concrete should be taken into account its high hygroscopicity.

This requires the use of non-standard plasters, which will not lead to:

  • Cracking the inner and outer surfaces of the building as in the photo.

  • Manifestation of traces from masonry after fog or rain, which worsens the visual parameters of the walls.
  • Change specifications.

  • An increase in humidity indoors.
  • The appearance of molds at the corners.

For the finishing of the outer surfaces, special facade plaster are used. Special danger for aerated concrete plates - temperature differences and large frosts.

When operating, within the designs, a certain amount of fluid begins to accumulate, which will expand when freezing and can greatly harm the structures of the structure. Mixing aerated concrete bases can be mixtures that have good water-repellent properties that do not prevent evaporation from moisture walls.

For the outer finish of aerated concrete, the plaster must have:

  • Good adhesion parameters.
  • High compressive strength.
  • Frost resistance.

Tip: Winners of buildings from aerated concrete blocks need to be borne in mind that the outer decoration of the walls is carried out only after all internal facing works. Otherwise, when conducting "wet" interior finishing works, the walls will absorb a significant amount of moisture, which will later become evaporated.

If the outer facade is finished before applying the inner plaster, with its intensive evaporation, the external plaster layer will appear from the surface of the aerated concrete. After the interior decoration of the room, you can facing the walls of the house outside with special compositions with the highest vapor permeability.

Tip: You can not plaster facades using standard cement-sand mixtures due to their not enough high vapor permeability properties.

Plaster for Gazobton.

For decoration of the walls, a vapor-permeable plaster for aerated concrete is used, which is well transmitting water vapors, not wing, with good adhesion to the surface of blocks and high frost resistance.

Type of plaster Features of the material

  • Acrylic plasters for aerated concrete are used to strengthen structures with high load, such as base.
  • Used for internal and outdoor finish at home.
  • Need for decorative coating.
  • For a long time hold your color and unchanged texture.
  • Have a good adhesion.

Disadvantages of material:

  • Not too high vapor permeability.
  • Susceptible to burning.

Tip: When choosing such a material, it is necessary to pre-perform waterproofing walls.

  • The base of the composition is liquid glass.
  • This is breathable plaster for aerated concrete.
  • Has low water absorption.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Many textures on which can be scratching, roughness, pits.
  • Used to shock the facades and inner walls from aerated concrete, the material itself and insulation elements for it.

Disadvantages: a small selection of color gamut, loss of appearance, due to sedimentation of dust and dirt on the surfaces of the walls.

  • Silicone plaster for aerated concrete is made on the basis of silicon-organic polymers.
  • It has great resistance to harmful atmospheric influences.
  • It is practically no wet, a mixture of hydrophobic.
  • Has high vapor permeability.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Such mixtures plastering for aerated concrete do not lose a long time of their pleasant appearance.

Disadvantage: big value, but over time, it is most likely to pay off. In this case, it is appropriate to remember that the miser pays twice.

The advantages of the composition:
  • Quickly dries.
  • Does not give shrinkage.
  • You can make a smooth surface.
  • No need to apply the finishing layer.

Disadvantages of plaster plaster:

  • Not too good vapor permeability.
  • Quickly wet under the rain or snow.
  • On the surface there are stains that need to be painted.

Lime-cement plaster

All necessary properties are inherent in light thin-layer plaster, specially designed to finish surfaces from aerated concrete. An example of such plaster can be - Baumit Handputz for wall decoration with their own hands produced in bags weighing 25 kilograms.

The main physical properties are shown in the table:

Name of the indicatorIts value
Grain, mm.1
The strength of the material with bending, stretching, H / mm2≥0,5
Strength of the composition of compression, N / mm²≥3,5
Rapid resistance coefficient μ,15
Thermal conductivity coefficient λ, W / MK0,8
Density of the mixture in dry form, kg / m³1600
Fluid consumption, liter / bag6-7
Mixture consumption (with a thickness of the applied layer 1 cm), kg / m²15
Minimum layer of plaster, mm5
Maximum layer of plaster, mm20

Tip: Before plastering aerated concrete with this plaster, you need a pre-cleaned surface of the wall to be sprayed with a Baumit Vorspritze solution.

Selection of material

To choose which plaster is better to stucked the walls of aerated concrete, you need to purchase a plaster composition that satisfies the characteristics:

  • good vapor permeability;
  • the optimal volume of the mixture lifting fluid: one kilogram of the mixture is not more than 0.2 liters of water;
  • certain values \u200b\u200bof the minimum and maximum thickness of plastering;
  • good adhesion with a base of at least 0.5 MPa;
  • resistance to negative temperatures;
  • high cracking resistance;
  • a long time of viability of the mixture than it is more, the easier it is to work with a solution, especially beginners.

The order of plaster walls from aerated concrete

Before starting work, it is better to get acquainted with the video in this article.

Tip: Building blocks from cellular concrete are quite smooth with almost imperceptible seams. It is not necessary to use for alignment of the surfaces of plaster solutions. It is enough to apply only a thin layer of the mixture.

Instructions for plastered walls offers such an order of work:

  • Surface primer. The composition specifically designed for aerated concrete, the surface of which actively absorbs moisture, is applied with a brush or roller.

  • The reinforcing mesh is mounted, which is mounted on the surface with self-draws (see how to mount the plaster grid to the wall).

  • The wall decoration is performed with a thin layer of plaster.

Properly selected plaster mixes for aerated concrete blocks allow you to make your home not only beautiful, but also warm, maintaining a long term all your positive characteristics.

But differs from them the composition of air bubbles inside.

The blocks of aerated concrete are made from cement with a mass part of at least 50%.

Aerated concrete walls need outdoor and interior decoration due to porosity and high level of moisture absorption.

Features aerated concrete

This building material has a cellular structure, which gives it special properties:

  • not bad thermal insulation - according to the characteristics of a fuel concrete comparable with wood;
  • low mechanical stability, which leads to the appearance of cracks and chips with time;
  • the porous material is purged by air streams, because of which the houses from it without decoration are considered rather cold;
  • non-psychic appearance;
  • high absorption leads to corrosion of material in winter, during frosts.

The special structure of aerated concrete blocks requires careful processing with finishing materials to improve its qualitative characteristics. External plastering is performed using special solutions that are selected under certain conditions of environmental impact. Proper plaster of walls from aerated concrete provides reliable protection of the base and its durability, and also allows you to give a more aesthetic look room.

How and what to plaster aerated concrete room?

Regardless of the choice of type of plaster, start the work on the decoration. Changing order and plastering of the facade of the building will result in excessive humidity in the room. The fact is that when the pair is out of the room, especially in winter, the condensate accumulates between blocks and trim, creating places with excess moisture. This serves the main cause of cracks on the surface and showering plaster. To avoid such troubles, you should first take up the plaster walls from the gas blocks indoors. Experienced masters allocate two types of technology shuttering of aerated concrete walls in the house:

  • with the provision of full vaporizolation;
  • saving and increasing material vascular permeability.

The main element of plastering aerated concrete using the first technology is a polyethylene film. It is fixed between the layers of the solution, and the vapor permeability of the walls is decreasing several times. Also, oil paints are used for vaporizolation, which are applied as an finishing finish, and priming the base with special compositions.

The dependence of the technology of plastering from the inside from the external finish

To accurately determine the approach to internal work, you need to decide on the outer plastering. Plastering walls from aerated concrete outside the room affects the method and order of actions for the decoration of the room:

  1. When the outer wall already has any coating or is insulated with dense and plating materials, the moisture will accumulate in the walls. In this situation, the interior decoration is carried out using low vapor-permeability materials. It is also necessary to take care of a reliable ventilation system so that the moisture is not accumulated in the corners of the room and on the windows.
  2. When the facade from aerated concrete is not covered, or processed with porous insulation, for example, minor, then its vapor permeability is not violated. In this case, it is necessary to first carry out work on the interior decoration of the room, and then go to the external one.

Preparation of the foundation

The technology of plastering walls from aerated concrete is practically no different from work with any other surface. First of all, you need to make sure that the walls are smooth, and if it is not so - to polish them with a planer or a rubber for aerated concrete. Many masters skip this stage, but in the end, the costs of plastering, which is used to align defects are increasing. Before applying the primer, aerated concrete walls are wetted with water. For more dry rooms, it is recommended to choose a universal composition, and for the kitchen and bathroom - a small penetration soil. \\

Construction lighthouses are mounted on a dried surface that will serve as a guide for successful placing placing. After installing the lighthouses, the internal plaster of walls from aerated concrete will go to the smoothly, and work is to move faster.

The finishing technology of the building facade is somewhat different standards. First, the walls are cleaned from dust and roll up. The slots and cracks are filled with special glue for aerated concrete. After drying, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer for cellular materials. An important step of preparatory work on plastering facades of buildings from aerated concrete is the surface reinforcement with the mesh. When choosing the type of reinforcing grid, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that under the influence of an alkaline medium, the material from which it is made can dissolve. Experts recommend choosing fiberglass species.

Plaster aerated concrete (video)

Than plastering surfaces from aerated concrete

In order for the repair of a gas-concrete house to serve for many years, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of material to finish the walls inside and outside. The masters are isolated than four options for processing walls from a cellular material:

  1. Gypsum plaster.
  2. Cement-sandy solution.
  3. Facade mixes.
  4. Plasterboard.

The last option is the so-called dry plaster. What is better than plasterboard or plaster on the walls of aerated concrete - a controversial question. Watching the surface is a cost and time-consuming process. Working with GLC takes less time and, as a result, smooth walls are obtained. Procedure:

  • steam barrier of surfaces using polyethylene film, membrane or pergamine;
  • installation of crates for fastening GLK;
  • fastening of plasterboard on the frame;
  • putty junctions between sheets with the use of sickle tape.

On a gas-centric wall, aligned with this way, you can apply any kind of decorative finish. What plaster is better to stucked the walls from aerated concrete? To answer this question, it is necessary to know the specifics of solutions and their interaction with the basic material.

Disadvantages of different types of plasters

Name disadvantages


Low level of adhesion with respect to the gasoblock
High moisture content
Parry permeability indicator is lower than that of the gasoblock, therefore the cement solution can only be used when used for the interior decoration of the steamproof materials (polyethylene film, etc.)


Picks moisture during snow and rain
Appearance on plaster spots
Parry permeability at a low level
Facade The only disadvantage of this type of plasterers is their high cost.

Plaster plaster

The main advantages of a gypsum solution for processing walls from aerated concrete include:

  • rapid drying;
  • high level of adhesion level;
  • there is no need to apply an additional smooth layer;
  • the ability to align plaster under the finish finish.

Among the masters are popular by Knauf Rotband, Bonolit and Welvet will win.

Cement-sand plaster

If all the same option was chosen to finish the aerated concrete walls, that is, several ways to improve the composition for better interaction with the basis. It is possible to increase the clutch if you add a mixture into a standard recipe more cement mortar (100 kg of concrete will need 8-10 kg of lime). A second option that is acceptable, but still we do not recommend the masters, is the addition of a mixture for processing aerated concortion to cement-sand plaster (proportion of 1: 1). Among the leaders of sales of mixtures of this type of Baumit brand solutions and domestic CRPS Extra-Light.

Facade solutions

This type of mixture, in the case of aerated concrete, is suitable for internal and external work. The main positive points in working with special plaster for aerated concrete:

  • high adhesion indicator;
  • resistance to deformation and formation of cracks;
  • parry permeability is equal to the indicator of aerated concrete;
  • nice view;
  • does not require additional finish.

The plaster of walls on aerated concrete is demonstrated in the video below. With a competent approach to work and the study of materials with plastering of the house from aerated concrete blocks, even a beginner master will cope.

The construction of houses from gas-silicate blocks is one of the most promising areas in the field of private construction. In particular, gas-concrete blocks acquired great popularity, in the production of which special additives, causing abundant gas formation, are introduced into the composition of the solution. As a result, aerated concrete has a pronounced open porous structure, which causes its significant advantages over other materials for masonry walls.

However, a similar structure of aerated concrete brings a number of difficulties on the decoration of the erected walls. Here you need a special approach, both in the sequence of work and according to the materials used. In addition, the plaster of walls from aerated concrete indoor will depend on their external finishing planned.

What is the "capriciousness" of a alendeton in the decoration issues, and in which these problems can be solved - this publication is devoted to these issues.

Features aerated concrete

But on materials for work, you should walk in more detail.

  • The open porous structure of the aerated concrete will not be limited to the shpatleeping of the walls - the thin layer simply will not hold onto such a surface. Therefore, even if the wall is posted with the highest accuracy and does not require special adjustments to its plane - it is still not to do without stucco. And they will have to "throw up a layer at least 5 mm on a gas-concrete wall.
  • Such a layer will be susceptible to cracking and squeezing (adhesive features of a highly resistant structure are affected), if not enhanced by its reinforcing grid. If on other wall materials, the use of a reinforcing mesh is desirable, then in the case of aerated concrete, this condition should be considered as required. The grid is best - fiberglass, resistant to alkaline medium so that it is simply not dissolved in the thicketer of frozen plastering.

The use of reinforcing fiberglass stacks - a prerequisite for high-quality plaster
  • Fetal walls are distinguished by high moisture absorption. As experienced malyars say, this material literally "drinks" water. It would seem that it is not bad for good adhesion, but it turns out just the opposite. Aerated concrete "sucks" moisture from applied, which causes its rapid dryness, cracking and sprinkling - in the case of gypsum compositions, and a violation of normal cement hydration, if plasters based on it is used. And in that, and in another case, the quality of the coating will be low, and the finish itself is extremely short-lived.

It is important to find the "Balance of Humidity" correctly, otherwise the work will be poor quality

On the other hand, excessive oversaturation of the aerated concrete water is also fraught with negative consequences. Yes, and this wall is very difficult - the pounce solution begins "crawling", the layer becomes a loose or inhomogeneous, etc.

Which exit?

- Special plaster mixes can be used for aerated concrete intended for interior finishing works. Their component composition, with proper shutdown, in accordance with the instruction, is fully optimized for the peculiarities of such a surface and even sometimes does not require pre-priming the surface. All this is mandatory indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for applying the composition.

- The use of special primer deep penetration. Here, however, the balance is also important - the oversaturation of the aerated concipe impregnating compositions can lead to the opposite effect, since the surface absorption of the surface for applying plasters is still important.

And in that, and in another case, the professionals are not advised to immediately give a thick sketch - it is best to limit the minimum layer in which the reinforcing fiberglass mesh is taken. Such a certain amount is not required for a large amount of moisture, it is much easier with the effort to "sweat" into aerated concrete, and reinforcement will make it possible to create a solid foundation, without cracks. But after drying such a substrate, it will be safe to move on to the main plastering by lighthouses.

Video: Wizard Wizard Wizard Flower Wall

As already mentioned, the composition of the plastering mixture directly depends on whether the wall need to leave its high vapor-permeable properties, or, on the contrary, the penetration of moisture into the material will make it possible.

  • In the first case, preference is often given to special plastering compositions on a plaster basis, which often involves light perlite sand. Usually, the instructions for the use of the composition it is indicated that it is combined with aerated concrete (gas-silicate) walls. A classic example of such mixes - plastering "Plaster" or "Best - Plastervel".

Manufacturers argue that it does not even require a reinforcing grid for applying such compositions. But in the case of aerated concrete, this moment is better not to ignore.

  • Silicate plasters, on the basis, are very well suited for aerated concrete, especially in paramount parameters. However, such a wall decoration will significantly limit the owners in choosing the finishing coating, since silicate mixtures are incompatible with many other decorative compositions on an organic basis - acrylic, silicone, latex, etc.
  • Especially for aerated concrete or similar surfaces, plaster on a cement-lime-based basis. Their composition is optimized for such surfaces that do not even require pre-priming before plastering. An example is the plaster "Baumit Handputz" or a mixture of a set of a whole "ensemble" of solutions specially designed for AeroStone aerated concrete.

The composition of such plasters includes cement, building lime, special light aggregates and plasticizing additives, finely phrase peeled sand. This coating has good vapor permeability, and can be used for both external and internal work on a gas concrete.

  • If the owners of the houses have achieved the minimum vapor permeability of the walls from the inside, then they usually resort to the use of cement-sand plasters without inclusions of lime or dolomite crumb (flour). Naturally, the composition usually includes special plasticizing additives, suffering the adhesion of the created coating with a porous base.

All specialized mixtures for gas silicate surfaces have one common drawback - they are quite expensive, and with large volumes of work, such internal plastering of the walls will be poured into a fair amount. But this is only a preliminary alignment, excluding the finish finish! Is it easy to do it easier, apply more accessible mixtures or generally ordinary homemade plaster solutions, for example, on the basis of cement and sand?

It is possible, but only an experienced master that his long-term practice can determine the condition of the wall, and the need for its moisturizing or priming, and the need for its moisturizing or priming, and the exact component composition of the plastering, can be performed. And without the experience of such work, make a mistake on a gas-concrete surface - easier for a simple, and all work will be done by Nammark.

However, one can recommend one very interesting way to pre-prepare a gas silicate wall to further. If you fulfill everything in accordance with the recommendations, it will be possible to impose almost any plaster composition, without fear for the appearance of cracks, sliding the solution, its rapid dryness or, on the contrary, is excessive overwhelming wall.

How to qualitatively prepare an internal gas-concrete wall to shuttering

To work, it will take the usual, the most inexpensive of all those represented in the store, glue for ceramic tiles, fiberglass mesh, deep penetration soil (normal, type Ceresit CT 17). And the plaster can then be any composition on plaster, cement, cement-lime and the other basis. In particular, the familiar cement-sand mixture is completely suitable even in the ratio of 1: 5.

To determine the amount of plaster mixture to bring the wall in order is quite difficult, as it depends on the state of the surface, its evenness, the presence and depth of the level drops and vertically, and horizontally. But our calculator will help to determine the number of materials for the preparatory cycle.

It takes into account the conditions for the priming of the surface in two layers, and with the dilution of primer with water with initial application, and the creation of a preparatory reinforced adhesive layer with a thickness of 5 mm. Calculations will show the result with a 15% margin of "just in case" received from the finishing builders.

The calculation is carried out for rectangular surfaces, minus window and doorways.

But if such wetting will occur in winter, it can lead to the development of the destructive process. The fact is that freezing, water has a property to expand, and therefore small cracks will appear in blocks, which will not only spoil the appearance of the facade, but will significantly weaken the carrying structure.

The process of preparing walls, from gas-silicate or aerated concrete blocks, under applying cement-based plasters

Facade plaster - the best choice for aerated concrete

Of all the options present in the modern building market, it is the facade plaster that is the material that matches the technical characteristics of the aerated concrete. It has optimal vapor permeability indicators, has excellent adhesion and an attractive appearance. Therefore, such a plaster aerated concrete will be the best choice for finishing walls laid out of gas blocks.

Consider the main advantages over the analogues:

  • High record permeability, which allows gas blocks " breathe».
  • The minimum amount of water required to locate the mixture. This indicator should not exceed 0.2 liters per 1 kilogram.
  • Resistance to low temperatures.
  • Excellent adhesion.

  • Resistance to crack appearance.
  • Long viability of the solution.

What plaster is not suitable for aerated concrete and why

One of the most popular species of plaster is a cement-sand mix. However, it is not at all suitable for working with gas blocks. Regardless which the blocks themselves were laid on the material (adhesive or cement), the use of this finishing material is unacceptable for the following reasons:

  • Cement vapor permeability is lower than a gasoblock. This is the main reason why the use of plastering of this type should be refrained.
  • Moisture content is also an important indicator for gas blocks. In cement-sandy solution, it is increased, since it is necessary to add a fairly large amount of water to mix it. Since the gas concrete is characteristic of a high absorption of moisture, it will absorb water from the solution, which not only can destroy the structure of the blocks themselves, but reduce the quality of the plastering solution.
  • Cement mortar is characterized by low adhesion. This is explained by the large weight of the solution and the presence in its composition of large impurities.

Gypsum plaster is a good option for plastering of aerated concrete walls. But at the same time, there is a number of shortcomings in front of the facade:

  • Parry permeability of such compositions leaves much to be desired.

Manifestation of White Half - Highs

  • With snow or rain, such compositions are distinguished quite quick wet.
  • On such a surface, spots may appear in need of painting.
  • Contains a greater amount of water than specialized plastering mixes for aerated concrete.

Best time to apply plaster

Considering the fact that aerated concrete has high water absorption, it needs to ensure good wet protection. As mentioned above, the wetting of this building material is not critical if the frosts are not predicted. In any case, after laying the walls you need to give time for graze. It is enough to wait about a month and you can apply a plaster mix.

Ideally, the plaster facade of the house of aerated concrete is produced in the warm season. If it is impossible to perform these work on heat, the walls should be covered with primer deep penetration. It will reduce water absorption. It is also desirable to protect the walls using polyethylene, which remained from the packaging of aerated concrete pallet.

Masters advise work in the period when the air temperature at night does not fall below zero degrees. Thus, it is possible to stucify the walls from the end of March and before the beginning of November.

How to shut down the walls of the houses from gas blocks

One of the main misconceptions is that the main task of plaster is the protection of the walls outside. The only problem is that if such walls are not hardened, then with the arrival of spring they will "give" accumulated moisture. And since the outside there will be a layer of plaster, then all moisture will go inside the house. As a result, cracks on the interior walls are possible.

Tip! The priority of the protection of external walls exists only if the construction of the house occurs in close proximity to the sea, the lake or any water.

The simultaneous finishing of the internal and outer walls is also unacceptable. The fact is that in this case there is a moisture that the gasoblock is so or otherwise, in this case, it will be simply no way out. And its subsidence inside the block only accelerates the processes of its destruction.

Yes, the plaster for external work on a gas-concrete has good vapor permeability indicators. But still they will be not enough to quickly remove moisture. And it becomes especially critical when the average air temperature is lowered below the zero mark. As a result, the gasoblock will begin to quickly collapse.

Given all the above, it should be noted that the most profitable and correct option is this: first, the inner plaster is applied, and after drying this layer - external. In this case, the moisture accumulated inside the aerated concrete blocks will have a way out, which will not bring negative consequences for the building itself.

How to perform an internal finish

Consider a sequence of work on the interior decoration of aerated concrete walls:

  • Preparatory stage. First of all, the walls must be properly prepared: to align, for which the special planer is used on a gas concrete.

  • Apply primer. Some masters offer to breed the primer with water in proportion 1 to 1, which is incorrect, since negatively reflects on the adhesion of the material. The primer composition is chosen depending on the purpose of the room. For example, if a deep penetration is required for a kitchen or bathroom, you can take any universal material for the hallway.
  • Install lighthouses. They allow you to regulate the thickness of the applied solution. Collect them in width of the rule, and accuracy is controlled by level.
  • Pick up the starting layer or "fur coat". Works should be taken up. Next, we describe the rule on lighthouses, leveling the resulting layer. When making emptiness, they immediately close.

  • We carry out the processing of the first layer. After the applied plaster is dry, it is necessary to moisten it with a spray gun, after which it is to dissolve. Lighthouses are desirable to dismantle, because they are the bridges of the cold. Formed after them, the recesses immediately close in solution.
  • We form corners. To create smooth and durable outer angles, use a perforated corner, which is installed on a small segment of the grid and is embarked in the composition.

  • Apply the finishing layer. Grout is performed if necessary, paint can be applied to the walls. The finish finish of the walls is not carried out if they subsequently be assessed by wallpaper.

Since the paint is also characterized by certain indicators of pig-pixeliness, it is necessary to approach its choice with all attentiveness. Latex based formulations, PVA, acrylic emulsions, cement and paints based on organic solvents are good options.

How to plaster wall outside

What to plaster aerated concrete outside? The best material for such a decoration is the decorative facade plaster. There may be two options for applying:

  • Tolstiral finish, providing for the application of a material with one thick layer.
  • Several layers implies thin layer plaster. This version of the wall decoration will be discussed below. It involves applying a finishing material, no more than 10 mm thick.

Outdoor plaster is applied as follows:

  • The preparation of the wall is carried out. It is about equalizing the surface, which is done in order to reduce the consumption of the material.
  • Before plastering the wall you need to be primed.
  • After that, the starting layer of the mixture is applied. In thickness, it should not exceed 5 mm.

  • The finishing layer is rejected by a metal grid having small cells. It places 50 mm brass. At this stage, the corners of the house also occurs, for which the perforated corner is used. The main task of the grid is to prevent the formation of cracks in the plastering layer, which may occur during the building shrinkage.
  • To "drown" the grid in the solution, a spatula is used.