What cutters are used on milling machines. Mc for metal processing on a milling machine

The processing of the parts manufactured by the parts is many features. Details with the necessary grooves, grooves of various shapes are necessary for high-quality finishes. Operations for manual wood equipment are performed by a special tool - cutters. Each type of action provides a separate variety of used tooling.

Classification and types of wood cutting

Power tools for working with sawn timber - hand-type milling. The surfaces of the parts made from wood are subject to work with special devices. Manufacture of products requiring the necessary grooves, recesses and recesses implies use. Before starting, you need to purchase a snap, intended for specific purposes according to the product configuration.

The choice of a tool processing the tree occurs according to the specification of the crafts. Professionals have sufficient experience and skills to use the desired equipment. The cutter on wood has many destinations:

  • When the edge processing is used to combine the blanks by splicing the grooves.
  • Manufacture of recesses for use, installation of mounted loops, other devices.
  • Making a decor - in this case, use a cutter for the manufacture of a pattern or during the wood processing processes with a complex configuration.

The tool differs greatly by the type of configurations, purpose. Prior to the start of action with a tree, it is necessary to determine the type and species used for billets. The unit of measurement of the tail is calculated in millimeters or inches, depending on the type of power used. Common options are types of cutter with a diameter of 6 to 12 mm. It is worth focusing that the use of an inch collet and a millimeter tail is unacceptable, as this can cause a breakdown of equipment or injury.

Machine manufacturers provide for various modifications. In the construction market there is a large selection of cutter cutters, depending on the purpose and used in the manufacture of the material. The equipped manual device can be used to process plastic and metal, but the greatest distribution received in wood processing. Major species on working with wood.

  1. Production of grooves, the formation of recesses is performed by the end types of cutters.
  2. The groove, used cylindrical cutter on wood processs the necessary grooves of the rectangular shape.
  3. Shaped wood snapshots are used in curly recesses, edges, allow you to give the uniqueness of the product.
  4. The edges are made in the design with the bearing, which allows manufacturing a product according to the template.

It is important to remember that the presence of a bearing in the manual milling means its maintenance. It is necessary to lubricate the rotating element with a thin layer, this action is performed at the request of the long service life of the tool.

End cutters

End devices in design and appearance similar to the usual drill. A distinctive feature is the absence of a conical part at the end of the cutter. On the end part, located to the sides at an angle of 90 degrees, a teeth of cutting are made. Constructive feature allows you to perform various operations. The main types of work produced include:

  • Manufacture of products with grooves of a certain depth, through holes.
  • Cutting products.
  • Drilling, or processing edges of the part.

The main functions of the hand mill of the end-type milling mills are provided in the details of the slots and loops installed in the door. The kit is distinguished by multifunction, with the help of prepared equipment and a competent approach, you can perform many interesting elements.

Edge cutters on wood

The edge instruments are used for the manufacture of a variety of edges and recesses. Wood products can be processed by a manual milling with edge milling milling machines. The edge species is most common in use and has many modifications:

  • Profile sets handle parts in such a way as to give the necessary edges.
  • Calevochny has the opportunity to round the edge of the part on a quarter of the circumference.
  • Cousses remove the chamfer, the angle of which is often 45 degrees.
  • Disk serve to make the champers on the details, making it possible subsequent connections.
  • Folds handle the detail from the edge, leaving a quarter from the height.
  • Gallery is necessary for the manufacture of a groove, which is derived in a quarter of the circle.

The edges of the wood cutters used for the manual freesome are often equipped with a bearing, whose functions limit the depth of the necessary processing. The departure of the processing area is adjusted to the instrument itself. Performing processing of massive parts requires many attempts. The manual milling is done on a tree in several stages, until the thrust bearing starts.

Slip cutters

The main purpose of the type of wood grooves is the manufacture of grooves using a manual power tool. The varieties of fixtures are sufficient, the dummy mill, allows you to perform actions on a tree with a manual milling. Main types of groove cutters:

  • Spiral, reminiscent drill, are formed with a screw edge of an external type. Make it possible to produce parts with recesses and grooves with a straight angle.
  • Gallery - made with a rounded tip.
  • Conical often use for action with planes.
  • The shaped allows you to produce the deepening of the necessary structure.
  • "T" shaped, cutter "Lastochka Tail".
  • Combined are applied when docking wooden parts of large size.

Most of the species are made in a monolithic format, less often encounter equipment from carbide metal.

Copy cutters

The least common type of fixtures when performing wood processing tasks The hand-type tool is copied mills. Distinctive features are a numerous variety of cutting elements, various location of stubborn bearings and small sizes. The milling head, for the craft on a tree, arranged in the form of an arc. The deepening into the part depends on the processing angle.

The use of a template tool allows you to achieve the desired result when working with wooden blanks. It is necessary to use a manual milling mill with accuracy and caution, non-compliance with the requirements may result in a damage of parts or electrical equipment.

Milling designs and their impact on the technology of milling operations

The tools under consideration are divided into several main categories, classified by type and appointment. They perform their functions not only under the axial load, have the ability to move during operation, due to the presence of side edges. Cutting edges, more precisely, their number directly depends on the quality of the actions performed by the manual milling.

Used tool intended for processing is considered to be a manual milling mill. There are means of execution of a crown type, they allow you to perform the work of an ordinary drill. In this case, the milling head applied by wood performs the role of edge processing, the manufacture of simple holes.

Design and manufacture of products with grooves of the required depth, sizes are carried out using end mills. Knives used for wood cutters are subjected to considerable loads. Preventing excessive processing is affected by the use of bearings. Face mills for manual milling makes it possible to create compounds of wooden structures by means of a spike / groove system.

To make the required hole on the tree, you will need borp. In most cases, this tool is used for intermediate processing. Sharoks allow you to "reveal" a hole to the necessary depth, after further actions are made.

Types of design cutters

There are many designs and varieties of snap to the manual woodworking machine. When choosing a tool, pay attention to the purpose, equipment device. Shape sharpening cutters can be two species - screw and straight. The use of the straight shape of the sharpening can lead to fast-powered equipment, and the final product can be obtained by having potholes and burrs.

For work on a tree milling mill, the best option is the use of the tooth of the roofing line of the teeth. The only minus is the impossible sharpening with priests to produce the former acute, it is necessary to take advantage of special equipment. Using cutters, for work, a manual wood milling tree should pay attention to the sharpening angle. The wooden surface is the best way to be processed by the tool, the sharpening angle of which is not more than 90 degrees. The design provides for the effective conclusion of chips, thereby achieved the maximum effect of the tool.


The most common market view is prefabricated. Consists of blanks, woven on top of the edges. Simple making makes them most attractive for the manufacturer. The relatively low price allows not to waste time on sharpening, but simply replacing with a new one with the loss of acute.

With replaceable cutting edges

Mills with interchangeable edges. They have replaceable cutting edges when the loss of the knife is loss on the one hand, it is possible to turn the tool to continue to work.


Monolithic type mills have cutting edges at the base. They differ in high strength, but after not long work and the subsequent sharpening the part quickly loses the cutting properties.

Types of blade cutters

Materials used in the manufacture of wood cutters are distinguished by some characteristics. The first type of material is high-speed steel. Products manufactured from this material are marked with HSS characters. Hand tool, the use of equipment of this type will easily treat soft wood. Due to pointed properties, the speed of operation increases in relation to the solid-state milling mill.

The cutting part can be made of carbide metals. Such products are indicated by HM, mainly used in the processing of solid wood. A distinctive feature is strength and resistance to elevated temperatures. It will be difficult to qualitatively handle the soft wood species such a cutter, since the frequency of the actions performed is noticeably different from high-speed materials.

Functional sets of cutters

Often, you can find on sale functional kits that consist of two or more elements. This set includes fixtures and nozzles for a tree milling. The main purpose of such sets is the processing of two or more details to obtain the same type of connections. For example, there is a set of 2 cutters, one of which forms the edge inside the product, and the second allows you to make a groove part.

There are universal options that can be used for various purposes. The collapsible part involves the replacement of the cutters for the cutter, after which work with wood is produced.

It is worth noting that the presence of a table for storing all types of equipment to equipment will reduce the time for the actions produced, and there is also the possibility of building the semblance of a milling machine. Having installed mobile stops on the table, the master expands the range of tools for woodwork.

Scope of application

The use of any type of equipment involves dangerous work with rotating elements. When working with wood, you need to remember the safety technique. The completion of complex elements is not made in one approach, the edges of the cutter must be sharpened for the best result.

Freser carving

Getting Started, it should be understood which type of cutter must be used. High prevalence received the tool of the edge category. This category makes it possible to produce almost all types of wood work personally. Slip or cylindrical cutters serve mainly for the manufacture of recesses in the ends of the material.

How to choose a milling cutter under the hand mill

The choice of cutters in the building materials market is very rich. The price range is diverse, it is not always possible to decide whether the purchase is done correctly. It is necessary to adhere to several basic conditions for the proper selection of cutter cutters.

  1. Quality. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of the detail. The product should be without burrs, have high-quality threads, landing places.
  2. The thermal strength is indicated in the passport, the higher, the better and more reliable in further use.
  3. Solder material, as well as the connection of the tail with a part responsible for cutting.

The quality of soldering products plays an important role in actions with a sawn timber. Then, when working with solid wood, a certain stock of the tool is required. Solder is divided into types and brands, when buying it is necessary to pay attention to its quality in the mill. It is advisable to pay attention to the tool, the solder brand of which is not lower than PSR 37.5. The higher the number - the better the reliability indicators, the quality of the part. Mark is indicated as part of copper and silver. When combining welding method, the use of the mill becomes unsafe and meaningless.

Monolithic cutters must be checked before use. The quality of the metal is determined by the inscription. If there are noticeable scratches or cracks, it means to postpone this tool. Optimal metal hardness from 58 units. The quality of the work performed by the manual milling is directly depends on the availability of devices and sets.

Selection of the necessary tool the right path to a good result when working with a tree. The cutter made for a tree milling mill must respond to all standards and be high-qualityly manufactured. There are many sets that are designed for wood work. A qualitative set guarantees not only the tasks completed, but also safe operation.

Recently, the demand for special devices (milling mills) has increased for nail care. If earlier such a technique could only be found in the beauty salon office, now the range of milling rates expanded, prices have declined noticeably and any woman can afford to perform hardware manicure or pedicure at home. So that your fingers always have an impeccable appearance, it is enough to perform the procedure several times a month. Use the apparatus for nail processing is very easy and not necessarily sign up for training. You can master the hardware manicure technique at home, having studied the video lessons and a step-by-step master class with a photo. For home care, the nails will suit an inexpensive milling mill to 10,000 revolutions per minute. The handle of the device direct from the center to the edges, holding the angle of inclination of the nozzle at 45 °.

In addition to the machine itself, the kit for the hardware manicure includes cutters. These are special nozzles that are easily fixed on the rotating head in the milling handle. The cutters have a different form and size, are made from different materials, differ in the degree of abrasiveness. For the purpose, they are divided into the following groups: For processing the free edge of the nail and giving it a shape, for grinding the surface of the nail plate, for polishing the nails, to remove the rooted cuticle, to remove the flabber skin around the fingers, for grinding the hopes and corns on the legs (nozzles for pedicure). If the set of your chosen model of the device includes a minimum number of nozzles, then you can always buy a set of machines you need for a milling machine.

What cutters are needed for high-quality hardware manicure? The home set for the milling machine can be supplemented with miniature nozzles, with which it is easy to handle the sinuses of nail rollers and other hard-to-reach areas of the skin on their hands and on the legs. If you need diamond nozzles with small abrasive to correct the cuticle, then during the processing of a thick layer of burritable skin or giving the shape to the scorched nails, it is necessary to use ceramic cutters with a large abrasive. With the help of silicone nozzles, you can quickly remove the remnants of oroging skin and polish the shine marks. The hardware manicure refers to one of the safest home care procedures. If your nail plates are very britter and often smell, if the skin around your marigolds is very gentle and is constantly injured during the edged manicure tools with good sharpening, then be sure to buy a mill with a set of different cutters.

♦ Types of nozzles for the mill

A detailed description of the functional features cutter for hardware manicure and pedicure will help you choose suitable nozzles for your typewriter. At first, consider the types of cutters that differ in the material of the manufacture.

▪ ceramic (baked);

▪ diamond (spraying from natural or artificial stone);

▪ metal (from solid alloys or steel);

▪ Combined (silicon-carbide).


It is usually tough and fairly large nozzles for the milling machine, with the help of which it is convenient to treat thick and dense nails, flaming corn corn and natopeshi, the resulting erupted cuticle. Ceramics cutters with different degrees of abrasiveness differ in color: dark brown and black - up to 400 microns, white - up to 200 microns, pink and blue - up to 100 microns;


These nozzles are manufactured in two ways: in the process of electrolysis, small crumb is applied to the basis (besieged); Diamond dust is mixed with special glue and exposed to heat treatment during the connection with the basis. Diamond spraying mills are very sensitively removing the burned layer with a thin cuticle, purify the printed rollers from dry skin and align the thinned nail plate. The abrasiveness of diamond nozzles can be determined by shade and number of notches, as well as on the basis of the base;


Make out of solid alloys and high-quality medical steel. Carbide carbide and tungsten tungsten can be used to treat artificial nails, solar housing and corns. Mills from alloyed medical steel are particularly popular, which do not turn the damaged skin into dust, and remove the chips with a thin layer. Metal nozzles are distinguished by a pattern of notches. For example, cutters for manicure and pedicure with a cruciform notch quickly remove damaged skin, and with oblique or direct notch it is convenient to give the desired shape to the nail plate;


These are disposable silicon-carbide caps that cost inexpensively and very comfortable in work. Combined nozzles are suitable for the fulfillment of home hardware manicure both beginners and professional craftsmen. The rigidity of such caps can be determined by the number: for polishing - 280-320 grit, for the correction of the free edge - 80-100 grit, grinding - 150 grit.

♦ Forms of nozzles

To make it easier to determine which cutter is for what is intended, pay attention to the color and form of the instance. It is also important to determine whether the nozzle you have chosen is suitable for your mill. In addition to the working tip in the cutter there is a shank, the length of which should correspond to the length of the knob of the apparatus. Check that the cutter is inserted until it stops, fixed and tightly kept in the nest.


Universal option, which is usually included in the kit for hardware manicure and pedicure. Cylindrical nozzle is convenient to adjust the shape of the nail, process the side rollers, remove the upper layers of the gel varnish or other coating;


Externally resemble a small-sized sponge. The trapezoid milling mills align the surface of the nails, slice the cut of the free edge, remove the jar, grind small corns on the fingers of the hands;


This is a cylindrical nozzle with a high grate of the working surface. Used for the correction of thick nail plates, for grinding the coarse leather, for the correction of the nail growth line between white and pink plots;

Character (borsa).

With the help of boron, you can perform the most delicate processing of hard-to-reach areas of the skin on your hands and on the legs. The nozzle with the ball on the end easily aligns the surface of the nail with small cracks and stripes, painlessly adjusts the cuticle line, processes the printed rollers, cleans the nails from the fine film of Pesigi. Together with spherical shelves for processing gentle and pointed leather, they use needle and pointed fissure cutters;

Cone-shaped (polishing).

Rounded at the end of polishing nozzles are made of soft, elastic materials: silicone, felt, felt, cotton. With the help of such caps, the surface of the nail plates is polished. Silicone nozzles are strong enough, easily sterilized and can be used until the working surface is erected. The cone-shaped nozzles differ in the degree of rigidity and during polishing the nails change them, ranging from the toughest and ending with the most soft. Such nozzles are covered with a polymer to polish the marigold to a beautiful gloss.

- Click on the photo and deploy all types of cutter for hardware manicure with description

♦ Sterilization of nozzles

It is desirable to sterilize all cutters not only before the start of the procedure, then after. Before processing the nozzles with a special tool, we remove fat stains and dirt from them, hooked under the jet of running water and then rub with a lint-free napkin.

You can get rid of microorganisms on nozzles using heat treatment. If you do not have a special sterilizer, you can put nozzles (without plastic holders) in hot water and boil about 10 minutes. After sterilization, lay the cutters on a clean terry towel to complete drying them, and then put in clean hermetic bags.

It is possible to disinfect metal cutters in a brass closet, pre-heating it to maximum temperature. Mills lay on a sheet of pure foil in a baking sheet. Clear ceramic and metal nozzles from dust using brass brush.

♦ How to make a solution for sterilization

It is not necessary to buy a special solution for disinfection of nozzles, as you can sterilize them with a homemade antiseptic.

In a glass jar, we pour 100 ml of 70% of medical alcohol, add 10 grams. Bras and gently mix. After that, add to the solution of 30 grams. MANGANDING Potassium (mangartee). We put the cutter in the bank and lower the jar into the steam bath for 15-20 minutes.

♦ Lifetime cutter from various materials

Each set cutter for hardware manicure is often attached description of the technical characteristics and recommendations for the deadlines for exploratory tools. But if you do home hardware manicure not very often, the nozzles can serve longer than the period specified in the description. At least once a month, inspect the working surface of the nozzles from your home dialing and, as necessary, replace the worn copies to new ones.

√ with diamond or sapphire spraying.
The layer of spraying is thinning for quite a long time when used at home. If you regularly clean such cutters from dirt, they will serve you for more than 3 years;

√ From alloys or from medical steel.

Very durable nozzles that will serve you for more than 5 years;

√ Ceramic.

Designed for operation within one to one and a half months. But often remain suitable for home use for 3-4 months;

√ Silicone.
Silicone polishers will serve you for several years;

√ "Sandy" and "emery" caps.
These are disposable nozzles, which is limited to one procedure.

♦ How to make hardware manicure at home

Step-by-step instruction

♦ Video lessons for beginners

High-quality cutters allow you to perform hardware manicure safe and painlessly. Professionalism of the master is also important for the comfort of the procedure. The procedure conducted correctly will allow you to significantly attend the masters without prejudice to the manicure.

When performing a hardware manicure, it is important to know about the characteristics of the procedure:

The cutters for hardware manicure are delicately affected, which is an advantage in comparison with the edged manicure. The master with the help of nozzles removes the burned particles of the cuticle and side rollers.

Healthy skin remains untouched, which avoids bleeding and pain, as it happens with cutting tools. In the absence of damage, healthy skin remains smooth longer, thereby disappears the need for frequent correction.

The hardware manicure technique is not suitable for everyone, and this is its disadvantage. With a launched state of nails with dense cuticle and rigid side rollers, cutters will not provide high quality processing. In this case, the edged manicure will look careful.

Milling machine

The milling machine is an apparatus with a set of nozzles. They can differ in power and speed of rotation of the mill.

The set of this unit includes:

  • Pen-micromotor.
  • Control block.
  • Pedal.
  • Micromotor holders.
  • Stand for handle.
  • Mill kit.
  • Case for cutters.
  • Bag for the device.

When choosing a mill, it is important to decide whether the device will be used in domestic or salon conditions.

Home mill has a number of features:

  • Low power.
  • The number of revolutions does not exceed 5000 rpm.
  • Small size.
  • A light weight.

This device is convenient for the procedure yourself.

For professional use, the device should be selected, estimating the following characteristics:

  • The mill must be high-speed and powerful.
  • The number of revolutions should not be less than 30,000 rpm.
  • It is important to preserve the built-in vacuum cleaner for the collection of opiled.
  • The ability to use the device is not only for manicure, but also for pedicure.
  • Exception overheating with long work.

Without having special skills, the professional device is easy to damage the nails. In such cases, you should choose a home milling mill.


Manicure nozzles performed using the device, unequal in size:

Types of cutters

Cutters for hardware manicure are divided into several varieties:

  • Corundum cutters Made of synthetic ceramic crumbs resembling acrylic. They do not have sharp corners and edges, and the structure of the particles is not tough. They gently remove sensitive skin. After them, there is no scratch. Tissue when interacting with corundum material will not cover with peelings. This nozzle is recommended for processing side sections around the nail. The service life is about 2 months.
  • Diamond cutters contain diamond dustThanks to which are the most accurate and versatile. They are suitable for exposure to the skin of medium and high rigidity. Due to its high accuracy, they can be used in the works requiring accuracy. Diamond cutters are used for design, correction and increasing acrylic nails. It will last such a mill to 3 - 4 months.

    So the diamond cutters for hardware manicure look like

  • Ceramic cutters Suitable for delicate processing. Corundum particles included in their composition do not damage the skin. They have the restorative effect itself and do not cause allergies. Such cutters are suitable for processing Pesigi and Cuticle. The service life for them is about 2 months.
  • Carbide cutters Trauma, so it should not be used on natural nails. In working with artificial nails, they allow you to perform extension, design and correction, as well as piercing and recesses under rhinestones. In the case of natural nails, they can only be used to remove ingrown nails and hopes. Serve carbide cutters from 4 months.
  • Pomegranate cutters Consist of pomegranate crumbs. They relate to the new generation, and allow you to perform work without damage to the skin. Such cutters are recommended for the processing of thin cuticle to novice masters. They will serve about 3 months.
  • Silicon-carbide The cutters are made of coarse materials, but carefully affect the skin. They are allowed to be used only on the coil skin. It is recommended to remove the cutter areas by cutters. They are able to serve about 6 months.
  • Silicone cutters A mixture of silicone with abrasive particles is a mixture. Mostly they are used on extensive nails. On natural nails, with their help, you can remove the glossy layer before extension. Serve such nozzles 4 - 5 months.
  • Steel cutters Consist of high quality alloys. They are comfortable for removing a weakened nail layer, work on the nail plate and burned skin. With this device, you can perform correction of extensive nails and eliminate cornstorm formations. The service life is about 6 months.

Varieties of molds

The cutter form is divided into categories:

Classification cutter for appointment

Title cutter Purpose
Reverse cone We are necessary for processing the free edge of the nail. With it, you can cut the nails on one length, not leaving the jar and irregularities. This nozzle helps to align the tip of the nail, smoothing the height differences.
Ball-shaped boron Designed for skin treatment around the nail. Thanks to the spherical form, the nozzle allows the flap of the coil skin without affecting the nail plate. Indispensable to eliminate outports and cracks.
Cylindrical nozzle Nozzles of this form are subtle and wide. They are used to remove the lacquer gel and nail design correction. In addition, they are most convenient to shorten the length of the free edge of the nail.
Drum Allows you to remove a corn, coating skin. With it, you can cut thick nails. It is also used in hardware buildup.
Polisher This nozzle resembles a rounded cone. It is soft, medium or coarse according to the degree of rigidity. The tip is made of plastic or silicone with a polymer coating. It is used for smoothing roughness on the nails, glowing.

Stiffness classification

Rigidity cutters is easily determined by color designation. The color of hard cutters is always darker than delicate nozzles.

It is customary to distinguish mills on shades:

  • Black and blue high abrasive Nozzles are used for processing coarse and thick areas of the skin, causing removal, as well as to shorten the dense nail plate.
  • Green and red middle abrasive nozzles Can be used to work with side rollers and nails having an average density.
  • Yellow low abrasive nozzles are designed for thin sensitive skin with near-locked vessels. They are used to correct thin and brittle nails.

How to choose?

With a self-election cut, it is important to take into account the opinion of professionals:

  • It is necessary to determine the purpose of the cutter. To perform exclusively hardware manicure, you should purchase an appropriate machine. Equipment for combined work on manicure and pedicure is more expensive.
  • You should decide on the method of working with cutters. Individual work requires less power equipment, which is cheaper. The number of revolutions of such an apparatus does not exceed 5000 per minute. For cabin use, you should choose powerful expensive models.
  • When choosing, appreciate the functionality of the device. The number of functions affects the cost, but not all of them are useful. For example, the built-in backlight is often exemplary. But without the functions of protection against overheating and accidental inclusion, the machine will quickly come into disrepair.
  • The device must be convenient to use. It is necessary to evaluate the weight of the device, its mobility and the length of the wire.

Cutters for hardware manicure determine the result of the procedure. Therefore, the device must comply with all quality parameters.

Top - 5 essential nozzles for beginner masters

Of all the variety of nozzles for a mill, it is impossible to make a hardware manicure without the following cutters:

How to insert a mill into the device

Method of inserting the cutter is determined by the type of clamp in the device.


They are 3 species:

  • Manual clamp opens by pressing a button. After that, open the hole for the handle and paste it. Closing is carried out by the same button. Such a clamp is suitable for working at home.
  • The semi-automatic clamp is triggered by turning the knob nozzles clockwise. After replacing the nozzles, turn the handle to the opposite side until it clicks. This clamp is more convenient than manual. It can be used both in the cabin and independently.
  • With an automatic clamp just insert a mill. It will fix on their own. This technology is used in expensive cabin devices.

Tips on the use of manicure devices at home

Cutters for hardware manicure under services should be applied in accordance with Recommendations:

  • It is necessary to use the antiseptic so that the tools and the processing zone are sterile.
  • Do not use devices with high speed. This will help avoid injuries and cuts.
  • To shorten the length, it is convenient to use disk cutters.
  • Processing the cuticle and side rollers are carried out by movement from left to right.
  • The mill must be held parallel to the nail.
  • When processing the sinuses of the nail is prohibited to hurt a nail plate.
  • It is possible to affect the nail only with polishing cutters.

How to make hardware manicure

The hardware manicure procedure is performed in several stages:

How to sterilize cutters?

Manicure cutters should not contain residues of contamination, bacteria and infections.

Sterilization of hardware tools occurs with the use of specialized disinfecting solutions:

  • Alaminol.
  • Optimax.
  • Gigasept.
  • Blaneidas.
  • Corzolex.

These funds are sold in concentrated form. For disinfection tools, you need to prepare them. This happens by adding 3 tbsp. l. Preparation in 1 l of cold clean water.

When sterilizing cutters, it is important to take into account the stiffness of the material and the depth of notes in the nozzle.

Soft coating is spoiled after a long disinfection, so you need to reduce the time. The average processing time in the solution is 30 - 40 minutes.

After immersion in the solution, the following processing steps are passing:

  • Cleaning under running water.
  • Manual brass brush cleaning.
  • Ultrasonic processing.
  • Immersion in dryhead or autoclave.

Features of cutting mills

For a long time of the device service is not possible without proper care:

  • During the execution of the manicure, it is impossible to squeeze the handle and put pressure on the nozzle. This will delete the head at the base of the handle, which is why the cutter will become unsuitable for use.
  • Changing nozzles should occur according to the rules specified in the instructions for a specific instrument.
  • After sterilization, the cutters must be stored in a case that will protect them from moisture, dust and mechanical damage.
  • The device must be adjusted and cleaning in the service center in a timely manner.

With the help of a hardware manicure, you can make your nails perfectly smooth, and the hands are well-groomed and neat. Painlessness, the lack of risk of infection or damage thin skin, as well as convenience and high speed of operation provided devices wide application. They are used both in the salons and at home. In order for the hardware manicure is really impeccable, and the nails have purchased and retained the selected form for a long time, it is necessary to correctly select nozzles for the device. Each of the cutter performs its functions. Nozzles coming in a set with the device often turns out to be not enough, so you have to supplement them separately purchased.

Varieties of nozzles required for hardware manicure

Nozzles for the apparatus used in the execution of manicure are different not only by abrasiveness. They have different diameter of the tip and speed limitations, are intended to perform various operations.

Each nozzle has its purpose

Modern manufacturers of manicure devices offer many different nozzles. They can be divided into three large groups, depending on the main purpose:

  • mapping and giving shape nails;
  • grinding cutting and surface of the nail plate;
  • finishing polishing and shine giving.

In addition, there is a narrower division of nozzles on other criteria.

Militens for manicure - video

We choose the material cutter

Depending on what material they are made, nozzles for hardware manicure are:

  • diamond (from natural or artificial stone);
  • ceramic (baked);
  • combined (silicon-carbide);
  • metal (steel, solid alloys).


Diamond cutters are designed for:

  • processing sensitive skin and thin nails;
  • removal of thin cuticle.

Diamond spraying allows you to make the surface of the skin and the nail plate more smooth. The nozzles with a small diameter help to stick to the printed roller, and the larger in size can remove the corn.

Diamond nozzles by the method of manufacture are divided into:

  • sintered (diamond dust mixed with glue and undergoes thermal processing at high temperature);
  • the deposited (the stone crumb is glued to the base blank during electrolysis).

The radiation frequency of diamond nozzles - every 3-4 months.

It is possible to determine the degree of rigidity of the diamond cutter by the number of side notes and their shade. The black mark indicates a high rigidity, blue - to the middle, etc.

Hardware manicure diamond milling cutters - video

Ceramic cutters

Ceramics cutters can enter both a professional apparatus and a mini-set for home use. The stiffness of ceramic nozzles is less than that of diamonds. They are used to handle the most difficult areas:

  • removal of corns, drove, burned skin;
  • having rigid, dense nails;
  • cuticle processing.

You can determine the grain of the ceramic cutter by its color:

  • white - up to 200 microns;
  • blue or pink - up to 100 microns;
  • black ("Artificial Pumice") - up to 400 microns.

Ceramic cutters - video


Combined nozzles for the apparatus of manicure ("sand caps") - a find for beginners. The combination of silicon and carbide attracts low cost and ease of use. You can find such cutters in any specialized store.

Professionals consider disposable silicon-carbide caps, since they are enough for 1 manicure procedure. After use in the cabin, such cutters utilize.

Roughness of caps is determined in special units. They are selected depending on the operation:

  • removing the main layer of the nail plate (step) - up to 80 units;
  • grinding - up to 150 units.;
  • finishing polishing - up to 320 units.


Metal cutters can be made of high-quality alloyed (medical) steel or solid alloys. With the help of such nozzles, you can:

  • remove oroging areas on the printed roller;
  • handle cuticle.

A carbide mill made from tungsten and carbide, for natural nails is almost not used, because there is a risk of harm the nail plate. But it will become useful for adjusting the length of artificial nails (acrylic).

Metal cutters differ from all other categories of the method of work: they are not spilled, but is cut with a thin layer of nail or skin. As a result, no dust is formed, but a fine chips.

On cutters made of metal applied notches that happen:

  • straight;
  • oblique;
  • cross-shaped.

The most rusting in the work is the straight notch. The cruciform notch is clogged much slower than the rest, therefore it is considered the most durable. Reversing nozzles that can rotate in both directions will be useful for the left.

Metallic and diamond nozzles belong to the category of universal. With their help, you can make many operations. They are equally well suited for skin grinding, and for nail heating.

Metal cutters for manicure and pedicure - video

Types and shapes

Purpose of nozzles for manicure is easy to determine in their form. They are:

  • trapezoidal;
  • spherical (boras);
  • cylindrical;
  • "Drums";
  • cone-shaped rounded (polisher).

In the process of polishing, silicone nozzles can heat the nail plate; To avoid discomfort does not stand for a long time to polish nail in one place

Silicone nozzles, unlike metal and diamond, are not clogged. When the upper layer of abrasive is erased, the lower, etc. is performed on the surface. Therefore, they work with such cutters until completely abrasion.

On silicone mills, it is convenient to develop work with a manicure device. It is easier to get used to work with handle, as well as determine the duration of processing for each nail.

Criteria selection of nozzles

So that the manicure is able to select only high-quality nozzles for the device. Some of them differ in a considerable cost, but they are reliable, safe and serve for a long time.

An important feature of a good cutter is the lack of strong overheating. With intensive work at high speed, the nozzle temperature increases, but slightly. As a result, the nails will be protected from negative thermal exposure.

The minimum set for home hardware manicure includes several different cutters. The kit may be like this:

  • middle diameter boron - will help remove remote skin, bringing around the nail plate;
  • grungy cylinder - give nails the desired form (oval, rectangular);
  • fissurious (pointed) nozzle - used for grinding the printed rollers, as well as in pedicure;
  • the needle cutter is used to remove the cuticle in hard-to-reach places (on the sides of the nail).

Disposable sand caps or felt mills will be used as auxiliary nozzles.

Each nozzle consists of a shank and an abrasive working tip. The length of the shank should be approached by the size of the clip of the device. The nozzle must be inserted until it stops and hold onto the nest. The size of the shank diameter is standard and is 2.35 mm. The slightest deviations from this figure will strengthen the vibration of the handle of the device, creating inconvenience when working.

Select nozzles for hardware manicure in shape very simple:

  • drop-shaped, conical and cylindrical possess a large side surface area, they will help cut cuticle and polish the printed rollers;
  • disk and cylindrical with a large abrasive adjust the length and shape of the cutting of the nail plate;
  • conical roundeds are designed for grinding the surface of the nail;
  • soft, artificial or natural materials cutters are necessary for polishing.

Rules for cleaning and sterilization of manicure nozzles

To make a manicure safe, avoid the formation of injections and enhancing infections, tools and nozzles for the manicure apparatus are subject to sterilization before and after each procedure.

Before disinfection, the surface of the nozzles is purified from dirt and fat deposits. The easiest way is to rinse the cutters under the rods of running water, and then wipe with a cotton swab dipped in a degreasing nail spot.

To clean ceramic and carbide nozzles from dust at the completion of the manicure, special brass brushes are used.

Delete harmful microorganisms from the tool surface will help heat treatment. It is able to withstand it only high-quality nozzles without plastic holders. For this:

  1. Place the nozzles in hot water, boil them for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Then extract mills from water with tweezers, lay out on a disposable paper or pure terry towel, leave until complete drying and cooling.
  3. Clean the cover or hermetically closed package.

Metal nozzles can be disinfected at home using the oven. It is heated to the maximum allowable temperature, and then laid on the tray of the cutter. Nozzles should not come into contact with each other. The tools are kept in a closed "oven" for 15-20 minutes, then carefully pull out and give it to cool. After that, you can pack the nozzles into the case.

Preparation of solution for sterilization

If the nozzles are used individually, for the same person, you can sterilize them with different solutions. For the preparation of the solution at home you will need:

  • 30 g of manganese-oxidine potassium;
  • 100 ml of 70% of medical alcohol;
  • 10 g of borants or boric acid salts.

In a small glass bubble with a tight fitted lid poured alcohol, then a boor or a boric acid salt is added there. Thoroughly stirred (not to be confused with scamming!) Before clouding a liquid. After that, add manganese.

The finished solution is poured into the container, and then put the nozzles in it and put on the steam bath.

Also, ready-made preparations are suitable for sterilization ("Kutaacept F", "Octenise," Sterillium, "Corzolleks Plus").

Video: Cleaning Rules

For each stage of the manicure procedure, there are certain types and types of nozzles. One and the same cutter to shorten the nail and cut the cuticle will not work. Abrasive material applied to the surface of the nozzles is stepping over time. And even competent care and regular cleaning of tools are unable to prevent their wear. Therefore, from time to time cutters, it is necessary to carefully examine, if necessary, replace new ones.

Since the replacement of cutters occurs in the process of work when the handle stops rotating, professionals recommend choosing models for manicure machines with a comfortable clamp - completely or half automatic. This will allow you to quickly remove the unnecessary nozzle and secure the new mill in the nest of the handle.

Lifetime cutter from various materials

The service life of the cutter will depend on what material they are made:

  • cutters made of steel and alloys are considered the most durable. The service life is more than 5 years, depending on the frequency of use and quality of the material;
  • diamond or sapphire spraying is also erased rather slowly, but requires regular cleaning. Subject to the daily use of such cutters for 2-3 years of work;
  • ceramics nozzles are designed for 30-45 days of use. But the timing of the service of silicone and rubber mills, as well as polishers much more;
  • disposable "emery" and "sandy" caps are the most short-lived, the timing of their operation is limited to one manicure procedure.

Variants of System Systems Mills

On professional machines, the replacement of the nozzles occurs by turning the head. On home apparatus, a key can be installed, with which the cutter changes.

System shift cutters can be:

  • self-defining;
  • with a locking button;
  • with a sedent clamp.

The easiest to use is a self-defining system. It is often installed on handles not intended for professional use.

Easy to use and system with a locking button. To insert a nozzle, you need to click on the button and scroll the cartridge clockwise before the occurrence of the characteristic click. After that, without releasing the button, make several turns counterclockwise. Now insert the nozzle into the cartridge and tighten it until it stops. Release the button and the mill is ready to work.

Handles for professional use are supplied with a sedent clamp system. To insert a nozzle, scroll through the middle part of the handle before clicking. After that, scrolling the handle in the opposite direction.

Video: How to insert a milling mill for manicure

The cutter is a tool for processing metal parts on machines. The process is called milling, in efficiency and performance, it exceeds other methods for treating metal products.

Principle of operation and design

The tool at high speed moves around its own axis and on a small - forward, treating the workpiece from the metal. Forms of surfaces are obtained different: grooves, cylinder, grooves or smooth planes depends on the nature of the straight line.

The rotating surface of the workpiece is processed by a rotational, feeding movement. Rotational motion is used to create screw grooves.

The cutter consists of a housing to which the working protrusions are attached - teeth. The entire body is divided into the work part, the shank and transition - neck. The final form of the workpiece depends on the position of the tool and the original form.

Types of cutters

There are many species designed to perform various works:

  • end;
  • cylindrical;
  • corner;
  • disk;
  • terminal;
  • shaped;
  • keyword;
  • to perform T-shaped recesses;
  • natural (composite and solid).

Composite units are used to create complex forms. With the help of solid, especially accurate operations are performed, they are well balanced.

Cylindrical cutters

Installed on type. Workers teeth can have a screw or direct form. Screws are convenient for work at narrow areas when the properties of the screw teeth do not significantly affect the cutting process. To reduce axial efforts, dual cylindrical cutters with different slope of cutting surfaces are used. This form aligns the axial efforts affecting the tool during metal work. Tools are performed from high-speed metals with carbide inclusions on working surfaces.

Facial cutters

Used on milling vertical machines. The axis of the tool is located perpendicular to the axis of the working surface of the workpiece. They work here mainly the top of the working surfaces of the teeth. Face parts help, cut the side work surfaces located outside.

Due to the fact that only the tops of the edges are profile, the shape of the edges differ in diversity. Most convenient tools with working edges in the form of a circle or broken. Using the oversized tool, the work is performed smoothly with a minimum allowance. In this case, the allowance does not affect the angle of contact with the detail, only the diameter of the tool and the milling width are important. Compared to other types, the end may have large dimensions and rigidity, so the cutting teeth are firmly attached and are supplemented with plates of solid alloys. This tool has a greater productivity than cylindrical.

Corner cutters

Used for milling of inclined metal planes and angular recesses on machines. They are divided into monogenous and two-hectares. In the first active teeth cover the entire work part of the body, the second is only a cone.

In metalworking are used to perform inlections. Two-augle cutters work relatively smoothly. To the top of the tool is not heard too quickly, it is made rounded.

End cutter

Generates deep excavations and grooves on metal details. The shank for attachment in the machine at the end milling mill is distinguished by its form - a cone or cylinder. Face edges carry an auxiliary function, the main load lies on the teeth located in the cylindrical part. They are performed by inclined or screw. In the second case, it is necessary to withstand the slope of no more than 45 degrees.

Shopping cutters

Used mainly to perform holes in the metal. Only end edges work. When draining, the rear working edges affect, so the diameter of the tool is not reduced over time.

To perform T-shaped recesses

T-shaped notes on metal parts are not uncommon, for their execution, a special form has been developed. In the process of operation, the chips are removed badly, so they quickly break. In one turn of the tool, the tooth works twice. The teeth are multidirectional, sharpened alternately with one, then on the other hand.

Disk cutters

It can be a double-sided, groove or trilateral, cuts out the removal and deepening of various shapes. The groove disk tools are equipped with teeth on the cylinder, with their help you can perform shallow grooves. To reduce friction in the ends, the tool is sharpened at an angle that reduces the thickness to the center. The thickness of the tool involves the tolerance of up to 0.05 millimeters, which gradually decreases in the process of heating.

Two-sided and trilateral cutters are equipped with workers teeth, including on the ends. The working teeth in the ends have an auxiliary value, the main load on the metal is carried by the cylinder.

Disc tool teeth can be inclined or located directly. The first increase the productivity of the tool. For this, there are multidirectional teeth on trilateral cutters. Work is made by teeth with a cylinder, and part of the end removed, which does not affect performance.

Shaped cutters

Required when performing shaped parts. Very comfortable with a big difference between the width and length of the workpiece. With a short surface, a pulling method is used. On such tools, the teeth can be hidden or sharp. The second provide cleaner processing, less abruptly sprinkled with the machine for metal. But their production and drainage is possible exclusively on special devices that clearly withstand the configuration of work planes. Therefore, this type of cutter is used only at large enterprises.

Colored cutters

Present a housing in which rail or teeth are inserted from solid alloys. The form of the working edges of such tools is simple, the processing of complex parts is ensured by the special profiles of the housing in which the teeth are inserted.