How to insulate wooden windows for the winter with a film. How to insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands - we will teach! Making windows airtight

In recent years, the popularity of plastic windows has increased significantly. Despite this, wooden windows are still quite common. Therefore, the question of how to insulate wooden windows for the winter remains relevant to this day.
In winter, up to fifty percent of the heat is lost through old windows. There are 7 known ways to insulate windows for the winter.

Heat transfer mechanisms

There are three main mechanisms for transferring heat:

  • direct heat transfer (thermal conductivity) through windows, walls, doors, ceiling and floor;
  • infrared radiation through;
  • convection - heat escapes through porous materials, crevices and cracks.

Traditional methods of insulation

If the budget is limited, then we often insulate wooden windows for the winter with improvised materials. A brief overview of budget insulation methods:

  • If the windows do not close tightly, then use self-adhesive rubber seals of suitable thickness. You can buy them at any hardware store. There are times when the glue does not stick well. In this case, use a hairdryer or fan heater.
  • Toilet paper is moistened in water, wrung out and hammered into the cracks. Paste on top
  • With the help of cotton wool, foam rubber or tow, they clog the joints between the frames and the sashes, after which they are sealed with tape.
  • Relatively cheap, but reliable material - self-adhesive foam rubber, or polyethylene foam. It simultaneously possesses the properties of insulation and adhesive tape. Sold in rolls like scotch tape.
  • The cracks are covered with plasticine or ordinary window putty. But the method has a big drawback - in the spring it is difficult to remove them from the window. This method is used only in extreme cases.

Use of heat-saving film

One of the ways to insulate wooden windows for the winter is to use a heat-saving film. If in winter condensation and ice appear on the inside of the window glass, this is a sign of low thermal insulation properties. The problem is inherent even in modern double-glazed windows. The film is installed on the inside of the frame, parallel to the glass.

It simultaneously performs two actions: it prevents heat loss in the form of infrared radiation and creates a heat-insulating layer of air between the film and the glass. It makes it possible to avoid the effect of "crying windows".

Installation of thermal film is quick and easy. First of all, the frame is cleaned and degreased, and the usual film is glued around the glasses. The usual film is sold folded in two layers (the layers are separated before use).

The film is glued to the tape so that it covers the entire glass. It is pulled, not paying attention to the resulting wrinkles. In doing so, care should be taken to ensure that the edges of the film are firmly seated and that no bubbles form. After that, hot air from their hair dryer is blown onto the film. Under its influence, it stretches and smoothes.

Insulation of windows with paper and soap

This method is one of the oldest and is rarely used. Newspaper paper is torn into pieces, moistened in water and all the gaps between the frames are sealed with the resulting mass. Before you insulate wooden windows for the winter with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary tools: a knife, a flat screwdriver or a metal ruler. When all the slots are sealed, strips of paper and adhesive tape are glued over them. You can also use fabric. The strips of paper must first be lubricated with moistened soap, which will allow them to be securely attached to the surface. The method is relatively cheap, but it has one serious drawback - it is problematic to remove the paper without damaging it. Often the windows have to be repainted.

Insulation of windows with foam rubber

This type of insulation is similar to the first one. The difference lies only in the material used, that is, instead of paper, they take foam rubber. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the installation technology before insulating wooden windows for the winter. The advice of specialists is not at all necessary, since the technique is quite simple, and any errors can be easily eliminated.

Foam strips are sold at any hardware store. Compared to paper, they are easy to dismantle. On top of them, you can also glue strips of paper, pre-smeared with soap.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

The best advice on how to insulate windows for the winter will certainly be given by experts. Using polyurethane foam is one of the most effective ways. In recent years, it has become widely used both in construction work and in everyday life. blow out all cracks, chips and other defects. After the cavity is filled with foam, it is allowed to dry. The excess is cut off with an ordinary knife.

When the foam is applied outside, all places must be plastered. This must be done because the foam crumbles in the sun and turns into dust. In general, the material is reliable and durable.

How to insulate windows for the winter: instructions and step-by-step technology

The silicone-based method requires more effort than conventional gap filling, but it is also the most effective. This is due to the fact that the method allows not only to minimize heat losses, but also to improve the overall sound insulation of windows.

The technology consists in the following: the glass fixing points are insulated with silicone. First of all, the frames are removed from the hinges and placed on the floor, after which the glazing beads are dismantled. You will need a flathead screwdriver to do this, but a knife will work as well. It is important to be extremely careful, as the glazing beads can break. It is advisable to pre-purchase spare. After dismantling them, the glass is removed. All work should be carried out with gloves, as there is a high risk of cutting yourself.

The place where the glass was previously located is cleaned of all kinds of dirt and filled with a sealant. At the next stage, the glass is put back, after which the sealant is passed a second time and the glazing beads are hammered back. At the end of the work, the frame is hung back. In parallel with the insulation, it is recommended to repair the frame: remove old paint, fill in cracks, put high-quality constipation. In the question of how to insulate wooden windows for the winter, every little thing plays an important role.

Tip: It is best to use a transparent sealant as it will not be visible if it gets on the glass.

Elimination of gaps

Under the influence of various temperatures, wooden frames often crack. Before insulating wooden windows for the winter, all these gaps should be repaired.

For this, the following materials are used:

  • molten paraffin;
  • sealant;
  • a mixture of sand and flour in a ratio of one to three.

There are other methods, but they are less common. If you use any of them, the windows will have to be repainted.

Insulation of windows along the perimeter of the frames

In the general case, window insulation is the sealing of cracks where the window sashes are adjacent to the window frame. To achieve the tightness of the joints, you can use rubber tubes with an adhesive base, foam tubes, polyurethane foam and other materials.

One of the most effective ways to place the seal is to glue it to the window frame around its entire perimeter. When the window is closed, the seal will bend and block the cold air flow from the street. In this case, it is important to ensure that the frame bends the seal, and does not slide over it.

If the frame is wide enough, then the seal is glued in several rows. To secure it securely, small nails are nailed along the edges of it. This will prevent the material from peeling off. It is important to carefully examine the frame before insulating the windows for the winter. Thermal insulation of wooden windows with a sealant can lead to the fact that they will not close. Therefore, the frame sometimes needs to be suspended so that the seal does not push the sash forward, as a result of which the window does not rest against the adjacent sash.

This method is most effective when used in conjunction with window fittings with silicone sealant. One of the main advantages of the method is that it is not necessary to dismantle the entire seal after winter is over, so it can be used for several years.


Wooden and plastic windows have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are distinguished by their sound and thermal insulation characteristics and require completely different care. In our climatic conditions, the issue of window insulation still does not lose its relevance, therefore it requires careful and deep consideration.

Having studied the mechanisms of heat transfer from the apartment to the outside, as well as the structural features of the building, it is possible to insulate the room with high quality and reliability in the shortest period of time at minimal cost. Windows play perhaps the most important role in this. Therefore, they are engaged in warming in the first place. The article described the main options for how this can be done efficiently and professionally. We hope you find these tips helpful.

About 50% of the lost heat leaves the apartment through the windows in winter, and you can insulate yourself quickly, simply and inexpensively, so it makes perfect sense to understand this issue in more detail. The primary task in this case is to insulate windows with your own hands, but a separate section is also devoted to the issues of general insulation of the room.

It is not very reasonable to start construction and repair work for the winter, so we will consider how to insulate an apartment, in most cases without even moving the furniture. Nevertheless, the described procedures most often allow you to survive a winter with frosts for -20 in a killed block Khrushchev in sweatpants and a T-shirt, without spending too much on heating.

Heat transfer mechanisms and methods of their control

Back in school, we taught in physics that there are three mechanisms of heat transfer: direct heat transfer (thermal conductivity), convection and thermal (infrared) radiation. In a chilled apartment, all three take place:

  • Thermal conductivity - through walls, windows and doors, floor on the ground floor and ceiling on the upper floor.
  • Infrared radiation - mostly through window panes; in block Khrushchevs with batteries in wall niches, up to 15% of heat loss is given by radiation through the walls.
  • Convection - through cracks, cracks, porous materials.

According to the mechanisms of heat loss, the methods of warming a room for the winter are also different.

Thermal conductivity

It is difficult to deal with heat transfer: in most cases, construction work is required, moreover, external. When insulating from the inside, it is possible that the dew point may move inside the room, and this not only nullifies all efforts for the sake of comfort, but is also dangerous to health.

Read more about insulating the walls of an apartment and under what conditions and how it can be done from the inside.

Fortunately, most materials used in construction do not conduct heat well, and direct heat dissipation through building structures, even in old block houses, does not exceed 25% of the total value. Therefore, measures for, walls, and ceiling can be used as additional, or even do without them.

If such events are planned, then after the windows are insulated, the floor and corners should be dealt with:

  1. Heat transfer from the floor will need to be switched from convection mode to radiation mode (see the section on additional insulation below). In this case, a thin layer of air near the walls will cool down a little, but in general it will become warmer in the room.
  2. The thermal resistance of the corner is one and a half to two times less than that of a flat wall of the same thickness. Therefore, the corners, in order not to round off, should, if possible, be isolated from the general heat exchange in the room - see the same section below.


It is most difficult to prevent heat rays from escaping: they are very "nosy", and where they seep it is not visible. However, there are simple and cheap ways to significantly reduce heat transfer by radiation; they are described below.

Infrared heat drain from a private house. In a city apartment, there are the same weaknesses: in most cases, these are windows in the first place.


To stop convection, slots in building structures are naturally sealed with any suitable materials. Window and door slopes (their thermal resistance is initially low, and convection occurs here even without cracks) should be additionally insulated with materials that do not conduct heat well. As for the slots in the frames, there is an interesting way to turn convection from an enemy into a friend, it is described below in the corresponding section.

Insulation of windows


Insulation of windows for the winter begins with the slopes. First of all, we treat them along the contour around the window frame with a primer on concrete of deep penetration; before this, it is advisable to remove the paint with a sandpaper. This will increase the thermal resistance of the concrete or brick.

For wooden houses, slopes are processed in the same way with natural linseed oil. It is impossible to use water-based polymer putties, in all other cases, simply wonderful, for this purpose it is impossible: they reduce the thermal resistance of wood.

Plastic slopes

Next, we install overhead PVC slopes, see the figure on the right. It will be inexpensive, but the thermal resistance of the "cold bridge" of the slope at the frame will increase tenfold. We fill the cavity inside the plastic slope with polyurethane foam, foam, and best of all - cheap jute or linen tow. An old, washed (dirt is a good conductor of heat) potato bag, cut into strips or loosened into threads, is perfect.

Mineral wool cannot be used categorically in this case. First, it is harmful to health when used in this manner. Secondly, moisture is quickly pumped out of the air, subsides and, instead of heating, begins to cool.


If you are photographing, do this experiment: remove the dirty glass through the infrared filter, and then wash it clean, and take the picture again. For non-photographers, we will immediately describe the result: the dirty looks only a little unclear, and the clean looks silvery.

The glass itself reflects the IPC well, but the dirt, which is almost transparent to it, on the glass works like the anti-reflection of photo-optics: the transparency of the entire optical system for thermal radiation increases. A fad of infrared rays.

Output: for the winter, the glass must be washed until it squeaks when wiped with paper - the thinnest invisible film of dirt will secretly do its job, and seal against dust.

Sealing methods will be described in the next section, since refer to the insulation of wooden frames. Double-glazed windows in PVC windows are already tight enough.

Further, the inner glasses from the inside, from the side of the room, are pasted over with transparent self-adhesive. Even the craziest self-adhesive from a Shanghai offshore barn reflects IFK better than glass, and in a room it will last a year for sure.

Don't worry about trying to smooth out bubbles on cheap self-adhesive. It is enough to pierce them with a thin needle and leave them alone: \u200b\u200bthey will soon fall off and stick themselves.

Window sill

It seems that such a trifle as an incorrectly installed or damaged window sill can cause additional heat loss.

A cold bridge is often formed under the windowsill. If there is a gaping crack, it is foamed. Further repairs can be postponed until spring: they will not be seen. It is advisable to obliquely attach a piece of plastic board under the windowsill, filling the cavity with the same material as in the overhead slopes. In addition to insulation, this will improve air circulation from the radiator, you just need to make sure that there is a gap of at least 6-7 cm.A very good result is also given by a rag roller, tied to the underside of the window sill and the wall with tape. Not in a modern way, but you still can't see it. And it will last until spring with repairs.

Wooden windows

Insulation of old wooden windows requires, first of all, sealing glass and frames. The places of sealing and the materials used are shown in the figure for "Swedish" windows with split frames. No dust pad is needed for normal windows, but a contour seal is required for the second frame. In all three cases, sealing can be simplified and cheaper.

Sealing wooden windows


It is not necessary to use expensive proprietary formulations for this. Liquid silicone grease or silicone is perfect for refurbishing plastic bumpers and spoilers, sold in car dealerships and car dealerships, and the cheapest "china".

Horizontal joints are poured from a pipette (it will have to be thrown out later, but it’s a penny) at the rate of 1 cm - 1 drop, and an hour later they are dug in again. Vertical joints are dug in starting from the upper corner: they let in a few drops one at a time until they flow into the joint, then the next section is dug in, and so on to the bottom. Fresh excess sealant is removed with a cloth moistened with vinegar; hardened - cut with a safety razor blade.

Anti-dust pad

For her, foam rubber is suitable for one season, for several years - a rubber medical bandage or any thin rubber band in a roll. It is only necessary to make sure that there are no gaps at the joints: through them the window will pull dust into itself stronger than without a gasket.


This is where a trick can be applied. There is such a phenomenon - the throttling effect. Simply, the air, squeezing through a narrow hole, heats up from internal friction - the viscosity of the air, although negligible, is finite.

Using the throttle effect for insulation is not an opening. For a long time there have been adhesive-backed foam strips on the market specifically for this purpose. Microporous insulation works like this: with a small pressure difference, air cannot leak through the foam rubber, and the seal acts as a seal.

With a crosswind, the air from the room is almost not sucked out: the turbulence in the window recesses reduces the pressure difference. But the frontal, the coldest wind pushes the air inward and that, due to the throttle effect, heats up, and the stronger, the stronger the wind. In general, the temperature in the room does not drop, but it happens that it gets warmer due to wind energy.

And what is the trick then? The point is that when buying, you need to check the suitability of the foam rubber: apply it to your lips and blow. There should be a slight resistance to exhalation: if the pores are too wide or closed, there will be no throttling effect in the material.

The foam seal is short-lived: in the spring it must be removed and discarded, and in the fall it must be compacted fresh. But it is cheap.

Framed slots

Cracks and cracks in the frames themselves are covered with liquid nails or liquid wood. The latter is much cheaper, but will last a season in the outer frame and 3-5 years in the inner frame.

Video: insulating wooden windows with simple means

Plastic windows

Insulation of plastic windows is reduced after washing the glasses and, possibly, gluing the inner glass with a film, to their revision, adjustment and replacement of worn out seals. The PVC window adjustment scheme is shown in the figure. Operations should be performed with a special key (sometimes supplied with the window) in the sequence of numbering in the image.

You can familiarize yourself with the technique of adjusting plastic windows in more detail.

The sequence of the revision is as follows:

  1. we check if the double-glazed window is loose;
  2. if it plays a little, no more than 0.5 mm, we dig in the edge with silicone sealant. "Erzats" will not work here anymore, you need to use special acid-free formulations;
  3. if it loosened strongly, take out and replace the gaskets with spacers;
  4. adjust the window to a snug fit;
  5. if the adjustment limits are exhausted (see note 2), replace the gasket.


  1. You can fix the glass unit in the frame once and for all with aquarium silicone glue, viscous and durable. Fresh excess is removed with a rag with vinegar, the frozen ones are cut off with a blade. But after that it is impossible to replace the double-glazed window, you will have to break it, and at the same time, most likely, the frame will break.
  2. When adjusting, pay attention to the position of the adjusting pins (Fig. Top right). If it turns easily to the maximum pressure position, the gasket must be replaced.
  3. If there are visible signs of wear (shrinkage, wrinkles, cracks), the seal must be replaced in any case. It is unacceptable to push it into the groove with improvised means; you need to use a special tool (see the figure below).

Video: preparing plastic windows for winter

Additional insulation

Balcony door

Replacing the seal

The exit to the balcony is insulated in the same way as a window. Often this is not enough, therefore, for the winter, it is advisable to hang the exit to the balcony with a thick cloth or film from top to bottom. The best result is obtained with a film on a rack or profile frame, completely covering the opening from the side of the room.

Particular attention should be paid to the threshold. Here, a fluffy or thick wicker rug will be of great benefit: a cold trickle will spread to the sides and become imperceptible; in addition, the throttle effect will also work, only superficial.

Entrance to the apartment

The entrance opening is insulated in the same way as the window, with one difference: instead of foam rubber seals, the good old felt are best suited for the door. Foam rubber is generally unsuitable for the door. A quarter is insulated in the same way as a window slope.


The ventilation openings must not be closed, and the blowing from them is noticeable at times. A radical way to establish proper ventilation in winter is with flap valves in vents. Without air blowing from the outside, the flap of the firecracker will slightly open to provide ventilation: in winter, due to the greater temperature difference, the air circulation between the house and the street is stronger. When blowing from the outside, the flap will slam shut, but enough air will seep through the gap so that the apartment does not become stuffy.


The easiest way to insulate the floor until spring is to cover it with carpet or just carpets. Convection will move towards the walls and weaken. Carpet, if you do not arrange "noise" and furniture, if necessary, move, and not move, fit without fixing, floating.

About full-scale floor insulation.

Corners and openings

Each opening is several corners, so corners and openings are insulated in a similar way. Without repair, curtains in combination with a lambrequin are quite effective. Without a lambrequin, there will be little sense: the air behind the fabric will come out quite freely from above. The fabric should be chosen not as heavy as dense. A film is well suited: it can, without especially spoiling the appearance of the room, be pulled in the corners to the walls and attached with tape behind the furniture.


It is advisable to put heat-insulating mats made of organic fibers (not mineral wool!) Behind the radiators. Such a screen will attenuate the infrared radiation from the battery on the wall by more than 40 times. In a Khrushchev building with radiators in niches, thermal shielding is equivalent to plywood wall cladding.

Warmth in a house or apartment is a guarantee of comfort, coziness and well-being. To do this, we install central heating in our apartments, build underfloor heating, and more. However, it is important not only to deliver heat to the house, but also to preserve it.

Most of the heat leaves our apartments through the windows, insulating which you can significantly improve your living conditions in the cold season.

Let's look at quick ways to insulate, both modern plastic windows and old wooden ones. Let's start with the simplest and cheapest ...

1. Do you want to insulate the window? - Wash him!

Heat leaves our apartments not only due to drafts, but also to go outside in the form of infrared radiation.

Conventional glass, being transparent to visible light, has a low level of transparency to infrared rays that transmit heat.

But contaminated glass, losing transparency in the visible part of the spectrum, significantly increases it in the infrared spectrum. Therefore, to keep warm, you just need to wash the window before the cold season.

However, in the spring it will not hurt to do this either - so that less radiant heat penetrates into the apartment in an already hot summer.

The inside and (necessarily!) Outside should be washed with a product based on ethyl or ammonia. This will allow, firstly, to cleanse grease contamination, which is especially important for the kitchen, and, secondly, to avoid streaks left by the salt dissolved in water, which remains after the moisture evaporates.

In addition to the glass, the frames also need to be washed - we will glue seals, insulation and more on them. It sticks poorly to dirt, but falls off quickly. You don't want to re-glue the seal in the middle of winter with wide open windows?

2. Traditional methods of window insulation

An effective way to reduce heat loss is to install a heat-shrinkable energy-saving film on the inside of the frame, parallel to the glass or glass unit.

This film has a double effect. First, it prevents heat from escaping in the form of infrared radiation. Secondly, it creates an additional heat-insulating layer of air between itself and the glass. This usually removes the crying window effect.

Installing the thermal film is quite simple. After cleaning and degreasing the frame, we glue double-sided tape around the glass. The film is usually sold folded in two layers. We separate the layers among ourselves and cut the film to the size of the glass, plus two or three centimeters from each edge.

We glue the film onto the tape so that its surface covers the entire glass. We try to stretch the film, but don't pay attention to wrinkles. It is more important to ensure that the entire edge of the film "sits" tightly on the tape without "bubbles". Direct hot air from a household hair dryer onto the film. Due to its heat-shrinking properties, the film will stretch and flatten itself.

The view at the window with such a film, of course, is not so hot, for it is warm and dry.

New double-glazed windows do not heat. Why?

Similarly, the seal on the frame changes, after which the sash is installed in place.

The procedure for installing the sash is the reverse of the removal procedure:

The sash is pushed from top to bottom on the lower hinge, then the parts of the upper hinge are connected by a movement away from you, the hairpin, the lock washer and the hinge cover are installed. We close the sash with a lock and check the quality of the work performed, testing the joint for a draft.

In order that the seal on the plastic window does not have to be changed every two to three years, this part requires proper care. It is required to clean and lubricate the seal at least once a year, but preferably twice, before and after the cold season.

We wipe the seal on the sash and frame with a dry, fluffy cloth to clean the accumulated "rel \u003d" lightbox "href \u003d" / images / stories / kvartira / 7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_8.jpg "\u003e mud. Then we wipe the seal with soapy water for better cleaning and degreasing and wipe it dry. We put silicone grease on a rag (it can be purchased at any auto shop) and rub it into the seal. This simple procedure will protect the sealant from drying out in the heat and "chilling" in the cold, allowing it to retain its qualities for a long time.

6. We insulate slopes and window sills

For some reason, some people forget that a window is not only glass, frame and sashes, but also slopes and window sills. What is the use of the best window, if from under the windowsill in full "siphon"? Of course, it is better if, along with the replacement of the window, you also replaced the slopes and window sills with modern PVC structures, however, it is during their installation that installers often "hack", knowing that the customer will pay main attention to the frames.

Inspect where the slopes meet the concrete. If large cracks are found, we clog them with tow, or with foam rubber and cover with alabaster on top, or fill with polyurethane foam, which will need to be smoothed with sandpaper after drying. We complete the sealing of the cracks with construction sealant.

If initial examination reveals nothing, do a more thorough test with a burning match or wet finger. In case of detection of "cold bridges", it is necessary to "tap" the cladding layer. A dull sound in comparison with adjacent areas will indicate the presence of voids under the cladding layer. In this case, remove the cladding and seal the cracks in the manner described above. To do this, though "rel \u003d" lightbox "href \u003d" / images / stories / kvartira / 7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_9.jpg "\u003e , should be in the warm season, because foam and finishing construction sweep away in the cold work poorly.

You can also make slopes yourself from inexpensive materials at hand, for example, from polystyrene, while saving on PVC slopes and the services of installers. To do this, you will need foam panels at least three centimeters thick, foam glue (such as ceresite) and cement mortar.

This work, however, is not the easiest, fastest and cleanest. It is worth thinking twice about whether it would be better to invite a professional. But if you decide for yourself, then in short the following awaits you:

The sides of the window opening and part of the adjacent wall should be opened to the base - brick or concrete. This is done in order to drown the insulation layer into the wall. Here you can expect a lot of surprises, in the form of boards walled up by builders, rolls of tow and other "heaters". The holes will be impressive. A good chunk of plastering from the adjoining wall may even fall off, so be prepared for a plastering job of the appropriate scale. To ensure reliable adhesion of the future slope to the base, you can fix the reinforcing net with dowels (plastic - so as not to conduct the cold).

After mixing the cement mortar, we apply a layer of plaster on the window opening and on the wall, to the width of the future slope (about 20 cm) from the opening. You can add clay to the solution. This will give it additional viscosity, and it will be easier to plaster the vertical surface of the walls. We achieve a flat surface and let the plaster dry well.

However, if you are confident in the reliability of the existing plaster layer, then you can simply carefully scrape off the wallpaper, paint or other decorative wall covering, prime and level the surface with a small layer of putty.

"rel \u003d" lightbox "href \u003d" / images / stories / kvartira / 7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_10.jpg "\u003e Next, apply glue to the foam panels with a notched trowel and press the panel to the surface, holding it for 10-20 seconds until the glue “hardens”. First, we glue the foam to the vertical part of the wall and slopes. The seams between the panels are carefully covered with the same glue. Similarly, we install the panels on the horizontal part of the slope in the window opening.

Alternatively, you can use polyurethane foam. It fills well the voids in the slopes, holds firmly to the base, and the insulation itself can be reliably "glued" with it. Here, only, it costs a little, but you need a lot of it (a large cylinder for a two-leaf window may not be enough).

You can close the foam with plasterboard or thin plastic panels, placing them again on glue.

Again, the surfaces are complex, there are many angles. Professionals use other insulation materials and install special cladding panels. But if you need to save money or want to do everything yourself, you can try it.

7. Window insulation using Swedish technology

If the installation of a modern PVC-profile window is too expensive for you, or is not suitable for some other reason, you can insulate an ordinary wooden window using the newfangled Swedish technology. Such a sonorous name was given to the technology of window insulation with the help of a Euro-strip groove sealant, made in Sweden, although analogs from Eastern European countries have already appeared on the market.

The technology requires the use of a rather specific tool, which not every home craftsman can find, and experience in handling it is needed. So for this service it is better to turn to 7 ways to insulate windows for the winter: Photo 11 "rel \u003d" lightbox "href \u003d" / images / stories / kvartira / 7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_11.jpg "\u003e specialists. But all the work is done quickly, so the method is quite suitable if winter "suddenly crept up unnoticed."

To install the seal, the window sash must be removed. In the place where the sash adheres to the frame, a cutter makes a groove, where a tubular profile is placed with a special roller, which takes the form of a groove. Additionally, the connection is sealed with silicone sealant. If desired, insulation with the help of the Swedish profile can also be performed inside the double frame. The balcony door is insulated in the same way.

7 ways to insulate windows for the winter: Photo 12 "rel \u003d" lightbox "href \u003d" / images / stories / kvartira / 7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_12.jpg "\u003e "Swedish technology" also includes the adjustment of sashes, frames and balcony doors, but this must be done in any case, regardless of the installation of Swedish seals.

The effectiveness of such insulation is slightly better than traditional gluing, but it allows you to freely open windows and vents during the winter for ventilation.

We have considered the most common ways to insulate windows that do not require major repairs. Hopefully these tips will help add some warmth to your life.

Why insulate plastic windows? This reasonable question arises, for sure, among all owners of modern sealed structures, because the manufacturers sold us a perfect product with perfect thermal insulation. Installation errors, improper operation, house shrinkage and time can play a cruel joke even with the highest quality windows. Do not rush to change the entire structure - you can try to insulate plastic windows with your own hands. It is simple and short-lived. We deal with the weak points of modern windows and learn how to eliminate them.

# 1. Why do plastic windows need insulation?

In the first years, well-made and installed plastic windows will certainly be a reliable barrier to cold air, drafts and noise. Over the years, of course, problems can appear, and often the user himself is to blame. In case of improper installation, various defects can make themselves felt in the very first season.

The most common reasons for additional thermal insulation of plastic windows:

  • installation performed in violation of technology;
  • shrinkage of the building, which is especially typical for;
  • wear of the rubber insulation. Responsible manufacturers and installers inform the user about the rules for caring for the rubber seal, but few follow the rules and regularly inspect the condition of this structural element. Lack of proper care leads to an accelerated process of thinning and drying of rubber, the appearance of microcracks in its structure, the result is a decrease in the density of adhesion to the frame and deterioration of thermal insulation;
  • incorrectly set slopes.

A window of poor quality or with technical characteristics inappropriate to climatic conditions will also not be able to provide normal thermal insulation, therefore it is so important to be able to correctly and immediately determine the right one.

# 2. Identifying weaknesses

To carry out effective insulation of plastic windows, you must first figure out where the tightness is broken. Immediately from the list of suspects, only the frame can be deleted: multi-chamber plastic is a good heat insulator, it does not dry out, unlike.

Cold air can penetrate such structural elements:

A double-glazed window rarely causes a violation of thermal insulation (the exception is its depressurization), but it can also be additionally insulated. "Extra" warmth in winter will not hurt in any way.

Identify leaking elements window simple - just hold your palm along and across the entire structure, and you will feel that in some places it blows decently. Some people advise using a lighter for this purpose. If you light a flame and hold it around the perimeter of the window, keeping a safe distance, then it will tilt in places where there is even a slight draft. Be extremely careful with this method!

As a rule, work on the insulation of a plastic window can be done by hand. The exceptions are cases when it is necessary to insulate from the outside, and the apartment is located above the second floor. It is necessary to be prepared that complex insulation may be needed if several zones of warm air leaks are found, but first things first.

Number 3. Debugging the pressure mechanism

Shrinkage of the house and weather factors can lead to slight distortion of the window sashes and slight deformation of the sealing gum. This leads to a deterioration in thermal insulation, but in this case, the return of the former tightness is a matter of a couple of minutes, however, knowledge of the design of a plastic window and skills in working with tools will be needed.

Clamping mechanism regulation can be carried out using special eccentrics located along the perimeter of the flaps. In order for the sash to fit more tightly, the eccentric must be turned clockwise using a 4 mm Allen key. Focus on the serif located on each such element. When it is directed towards the street, the clamp is weakened, towards the sealant - it is strengthened. The video shows everything well.

Sometimes a simple one helps to insulate a plastic window regulation of loops, which also have their own mechanism responsible for the pressure density. Here the regulation is carried out using a hexagon. One should be guided by a simple rule: if the tongue is strongly extended, then the sash fits well. To pull it out, you need to turn the hexagon counterclockwise if the hinges are on the left, and clockwise if on the right.

The situation is even simpler with glazing bead... It is enough to pry the old gone glazing bead with a thin spatula, and in its place install a new one, which can be bought in the same company that sold and installed windows for you.

After adjustment, check if the tightness of the structure has improved with the palm of your hand or a lighter. If everything is done correctly, and the draft still walks, then most likely you will have to change the seal.

No. 4. Replacing the seal

Ideally, a rubber seal can last long enough, but certain conditions must be met for this. According to the rules for the operation of plastic windows, the sealant must be regularly lubricated with special substances, but which of us does this? So it turns out that after 5 years, the rubber dries up and starts to let the cold breeze from the street. The problem may be in the seal, which is located under the glass, or in what is along the contour of the sash. Replacing the seal in a plastic window is not so difficult as it is responsible. If you are in doubt about your skills, it is better to call a specialist.

Procedure for replacing the glass gasket:

Replacement may need and seal, which is located along the contour of the sash... In this case, it is better to remove the sash. First, the decorative overlays are dismantled from the hinges, and then using the mounting handle or the pin is pulled out of the hinge. It remains to carefully remove the sash, and only then it is very easy to remove the old seal from it. It is better to start installing a new seal from the top of the sash, gently pressing it, but not stretching it. It is better to secure the beginning and end of the sealing tape with glue. All! All that remains is to hang the sash back: the pin can be installed with bare hands, and then the decorative strip can be replaced. The video shows and describes everything very well.

No. 5. Window sill insulation

Installation of a plastic window is often associated with decent destruction, they are especially significant in the area between the wall and. Some installers throw cement and debris into the cracks. No comment here. Better, of course, when the space under the windowsill is filled, but this option is not ideal either. Over time, the foam can shrink or even dry out, decent cracks are formed through which cold air enters the house.

To insulate a plastic window, you will have to get rid of the old foam and fill in a new one. Keep in mind that it tends to expand when it solidifies. The surplus is cut off after complete solidification; some builders recommend additionally filling small cracks with silicone sealant. This is followed by plastering and decorative coating.

If possible, the window sill area can be additionally insulated from the outside. For this, polyurethane foam is also used, but sometimes and is used. From above, everything is on the grid and gets off.

No. 6. Insulation of slopes

Today, often when installing plastic windows, slopes are additionally installed, smooth, beautiful, made of dense plastic. It often happens that there is a large crack between the decorative strip and the wall, which perfectly conducts cold and wind into the apartment, therefore, to improve the thermal insulation of plastic windows, it is recommended to insulate the slopes from the inside or outside.

The procedure is as follows:

  • dismantling of unnecessary parts of polyurethane foam;
  • if the surface is very uneven, you can plaster it;
  • treatment of the slope with a primer, you can use antibacterial compounds to prevent the development of mold;
  • a fragment corresponding to the slope is cut out of the foam. In order for it to better adhere to the surface, it can be slightly scratched on the back side. It remains to apply assembly glue and press firmly against the surface of the slope, to guarantee you can install several dowels;
  • it remains to mount the corner, putty the surface and fix the platband.

No. 7. What else can be done to insulate a plastic window?

The above methods will allow you to reliably insulate plastic windows and get rid of all the cracks, but there is an opportunity to make the structure even warmer - it will not only not let the cold into the apartment, but will also prevent warm air from escaping from the apartment. This is not magic, but reality, which is achieved through the use of:

  • heat-saving film;
  • electric heating of windows;
  • woolen blinds and curtains.

Heat Saving Film- a thin transparent material that does not change the optical properties of the glass, but reflects heat energy back into the apartment. The effect is achieved due to the presence of a thin metal layer. Of course, when it comes to plastic windows, it is better to use a special heat-saving glass unit - its efficiency is several times higher than any film, but if a regular glass unit is installed in the existing windows, then additional insulation will not be superfluous.

You can easily handle the installation of the film yourself:

  • glass surface and frames are thoroughly cleaned;
  • double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter of the box;
  • the necessary fragment is cut from the roll of film, it is better to cut with a margin;
  • the film is glued to the previously attached double-sided tape, its surface is blown with warm air from a hair dryer. It is necessary to act slowly so that the result is accurate, there are no distortions and bubbles. Correctly glued film is almost invisible.

Electric glass heating it is already more difficult to equip, it is better to do this even at the stage of installing windows, but most window companies can install such a system already on an installed window. Heating is carried out by means of an electric heating coil mounted in the glass.

Well, and finally, the most banal, simple and universal ways to make the window a little warmer. it thick curtains and wool blinds... The latter can be done by wrapping ordinary blinds with woolen cloth.

It is better to carry out work on the insulation of plastic windows on a warm, dry day, since it is no longer possible to work with many materials at temperatures below + 5 ... + 10 0 С, and you can let the cold into the apartment. In order to face the problem of warming a modern window as late as possible, it is worth taking the choice of a window manufacturer as seriously as possible, paying attention to the selection of optimal technical characteristics, focusing on the climate of the region. It is also important to choose a responsible installer and not forget about the need to properly maintain the window.

Insulating windows for the winter is an invariable ritual carried out by owners of wooden frames before the onset of cold weather, which makes it possible to increase the temperature in the room by 5-10 degrees and reduce heating losses. There are many ways to insulate windows for the winter, both with the use of special seals and sealants, and with the help of improvised means available back in the days of our great-grandmothers.

The principles of window insulation

The meaning of insulation is to create the most sealed internal air space between the frames. As you know, air is an excellent heat insulator, provided that it is enclosed in an enclosed space. This space is the distance between the outer and inner frames. It turns out that in order to insulate the windows, it is necessary to eliminate the cracks that allow cold air streams from the street to penetrate.

When insulating wooden frames, three methods are usually used: using sealing rubber bands, sealing the gaps between the frames and gluing them with strips of paper, tape or fabric. At the same time, it is not recommended to seal the outer frame with vapor-tight tape - this will lead to their strong fogging, and in frosts - to freezing. On the other hand, it is better to glue the inner frames to avoid moisture penetration into the space between the frames.

It is advisable to lay an adsorbent between the frames - silica gel, activated carbon, soda or salt. So that they do not spoil the appearance of the windows, they are placed in small bags made of white paper. However, in a city apartment with normal humidity, you can do without an adsorbent. If the humidity is high, it is better to sacrifice the appearance of the windows: moisture, condensing on the glass, flows down onto the wooden frames, as a result of which the paint peels off and the frames begin to rot.

Before insulating windows and frames, you need to wash and wipe dry, check for large gaps, as well as the tightness of the glasses. Poorly fixed glass not only allows cold air to pass through, but also rattles in the wind. If necessary, the glass can be strengthened, how to do this is described below.

Glass repair and sealing

It so happens that even insulated frames do not protect the apartment from drafts, and most often the problem lies in poorly fixed glass. Previously, glass was placed in frames on window putty, which looked like a dirty gray frozen plasticine. Over time, the putty begins to dry out and crumbles from the temperature and humidity changes, and after a few years or decades it does not remain at all. In this case, the glasses begin to rattle, and large gaps are obtained between them and the frame. Silicone sealant will help to correct the situation.

Repair and insulation technology:

  1. Assess the condition of the glazing beads - the rails that hold the glass in the frame. If they are rotten, staggering and crumbling, it is better to immediately buy new ones in the required quantity.
  2. Gently pry the glazing beads and pull them out along with the studs. Take out the glass.
  3. Clean the frame from the remnants of the old putty and excess paint in the place where the glass is installed.
  4. Remove any residual putty from the glass with an alkaline solution such as soda ash. It is not recommended to scrape the glass with a knife, as this will leave scratches that cannot be removed.
  5. The frames are wiped dry and coated with transparent silicone sealant around the perimeter, after which the glass is installed.
  6. Glazing beads are nailed into place using window nails. This must be done very carefully, trying not to pinch the glass, otherwise it will crack when the temperature drops.
  7. The remaining cracks are also coated with sealant, removing its excess with a damp cloth. Let it dry for 2-4 hours. After that, the windows are wiped with a window cleaner and the frames are insulated.

Materials for insulating windows are sold in hardware stores, they are a narrow sealing tape with an adhesive layer of foam rubber or soft polymer. Sealing tapes made of polymeric materials can be used for several years, while you can open windows, wash them without removing the tape. Foam insulation gets wet when water gets in, so it is better to remove it annually.

How to glue the sealing tape? This process is very simple: a seal is glued to the open sash of the window around the perimeter using an adhesive layer applied to it, after which the frames are carefully closed with locks. This is done with both external and internal frames; with large gaps, the windows from the inside can be additionally glued with masking tape - it is also sold in household goods stores.

Insulation of windows with large gaps

If the frames are too old or too skewed, there may be huge gaps in them that cannot be covered with sealing tape. In this case, you will have to seal the cracks with cotton wool, foam rubber, rags or paper, or putty them with special mixtures. This is done like this:

Insulation of windows with putties

A more radical method that allows you to qualitatively insulate not only windows, but also cracks in the windowsills, is to use building mixtures. For this purpose, you can use glue-based putties, a solution of alabaster mixed with chalk in a 1: 1 ratio, as well as window sealants.

The selected mixture is applied to the crevices with a metal spatula, leveled and left to dry completely. It should be remembered that removing such putties can lead to peeling of the paint, so use this method carefully. However, it is very effective for old frames, which will soon be replaced - it is often impossible to insulate them with a sealing tape, and putties and alabaster solution perfectly seal the space between the frames.

You can also use moisture resistant outdoor sealants, but choose white or colorless. The sealant is applied directly from the tube, smearing all the cracks with it, as well as the joints of the glass and the frame.

Cardinal window insulation method

If you do not plan to ever open a window, you can use polyurethane foam. The cracks are filled with it, they are waiting for its expansion and solidification, after which the excess is cut off with a sharp knife. To avoid yellowing and deterioration of the foam, it is covered with normal white exterior enamel.

In practice, this method is used extremely rarely, and polyurethane foam is usually used to insulate a window box, filling it with the cracks between it and the walls. This operation is performed at the stage of installing windows, but if you think that heat loss occurs precisely for this reason, you can open the window sill, window slopes and ebb tides and foam the window frame.

Video - how to insulate wooden windows for the winter?