How to make a water ball with your own hands. Snowball with their own hands

New Year is a very bright and fabulous holiday. On this day, it is customary to give all the gifts and most of us are accustomed to buying them in stores. But how nicer to get original gifts from the loved ones they did themselves with their own hands. Especially appreciated gifts donated by children made by them personally. Original gift for the New Year can serve a souvenir - a snow ball. Especially fabulously he will look under the fluffy tree.

Even a child can make such a souvenir, and it looks very worthy and symbolic. Such a gift can be given to a person of any age. And a little smoking, and at all, do something unique. Instead of the figurines inside the jar, you can immerse a cable photo or another small significant subject. If it is destroyed in water, cover it with a water-repellent varnish. How to make a New Year's snow ball? Everything is very simple.

To create it, we will need:

  • Beautiful small bank with a tightly closing lid.
  • The items you want to immerse in the bank.
  • Artificial snow, which can also be made with your own hands.
  • White paraffin candle.
  • Sequins.
  • Waterproof or silicone glue.
  • Distilled or boiled water.
  • Glycerol.

First of all, we prepare the scene that will be inside the bank. To do this, we have and glue with silicone glue all objects on the inner side of the lid. If the shapes need to be immersed in drifts, we apply glue to the lid and sprinkle with artificial snow. Replace it with a white paraffin candle.

To do this, cool the candle in the refrigerator and three on the fine grater, after which it sprinkled with a dense layer on glue and fit well. Thus, it is possible to make the desired number of layers and get a conceived result. And if the paraffin is heated to a soft state, then you can immediately make the necessary drifts, cool them and glue the lid on the inner side along with the other objects.

Silicone glue dries sufficiently for a long time, so so that the snapshots of the snow ball, it turned out to be high-quality and durable, it is worth the patience and give the adhesion to dry completely.

fig.1 Figurine for the Snow Bowl

At that time, while our composition dry, prepare the jar for the snowy ball. Wipe it with alcohol. This is done so that water is not cloudy with time, but remained transparent.

Then in a separate tank, we drag warm water and glycerin. The greater the glycerin, the thickness there will be a solution, and snowflakes will fall slower. If you want snowflakes to fall very slowly, use glycerin without water. The resulting mixture is poured into the bank, but not to the edge.

It should be borne in mind that the compositions on the lid also need a space in the bank and the extra liquid is poured over the edges.

fig.2 Cooking a solution for a snowy ball

After the glycerin with water was poured into the jar, we fall asleep in it artificial snow and sequins. Try first to throw a few snowflakes and see how they will fall on the bottom. If they drop too slowly, pour some water. If too fast, please glycerol. Artificial snow for the snowy ball can be replaced with white sand or finely shedding paraffin. Shine can be bought in the store "All for nails" or "Everything for creativity." White sand is sold in a pet store, in the fish department.

Try not to pour a lot of gloves and snow, as during turning the water may seem muddy, and the snow ball will be spoiled.

fig.3 Fall asleep sequins for a snowy ball

When blasts and artificial snow are added to the bank, the most responsible moment comes. It is necessary to verify that all the figures were well glued to the lid and only after that immerse them into the solution. Excess fluids will begin to pour out the edges, so we advise you to substitute the saucer. If after you lowered the cover with the figures in the solution, a free place remains in the bank, pour a solution. It is better to do with your own hands with a syringe.

Now that everything is ready, carefully wipe the excess liquid with the car's thread and apply glue on it. Then tighten the lid tightly. Do not immediately turn the container. Wait when the glue dries under the lid. When everything dries, you can see what happened.

If air bubbles remained in the bank, try removing them with a syringe. The syringe can also pour fluid if it is missing. If water leaks from under the cover, you need to flip into the can, wipe dry and wash with a re-glue, and then let it dry.

fig.4 Ready Craft - Snowball

Your snowball is almost ready, it remains only to make a beautiful cover. To do this, you can use multi-colored foil, openwork ribbons or beads. You can also enclose the cover of the polymer clay and paint acrylic paints. This will be the final part of the work. Now you know how to make a snowball at home. It is absolutely simple, and the gift is very original and unique. Decoking them a house, you will create a unique New Year's atmosphere.

Dreams come true, even the most fabulous! Since childhood, I wanted to have a similar snow ball, which often appeared in new Year's films. Gentle flickering snowflakes inside me completely fascinated ...

What joy I learned that such a ball can be done on my own, and make exactly how you want!

There will be pretty simple elements in work, so find them and boldly start creating a New Year's miracle. It is very good idea for gift, with your own hands you can create a little joy for relatives and friends. And the children will simply in ecstasy from such a toy!


You will need

  • glass jar with tightly spinning lid
  • boiled or distilled water
  • glycerin solution
  • waterproof glue
  • snow substitute (artificial snow, sequins, foam, broken egg shell, coconut chips, white beads)
  • various figures from kinder surprises
  • different little things for decoration

Christmas story He knocks into the house of everyone! Do not lose time in vain and take the New Year cooking now, thinking about gifts, remember this ball. A completely magical thing!

Share the best ideas with their friends - tell them about this article with a simple instruction, how to make a New Year's snow ball. Let the festive mood be with you every day!

Snowball - One of the most popular Christmas souvenirs worldwide. Inside the glass toys are usually some figures - snowmen, small Christmas trees, elegant houses or other traditional characters. It is worth shaking this simple composition, how the fairy tale comes to life: artificial snow or blasting is slowly circling and gradually settle. Such an interesting handicap and a memorable gift can be easily made with your own hands and at home.

How to make a snow ball?

To snowballit was bright, add sparkles, but not too small. If you are not sure about the quality of sequins that can contain gold dust instead of small grains, you can use a conventional tinsel, which is finely cut by conventional scissors. You can also use artificial snow or beads.

You still need:

  • figurine (any suitable size and which is not dissolved in water, you can even a cubized photo or a picture),
  • beautiful bank with a well-closing lid (I used half a liter, but you can also use jars from under children's food, the main thing is to find a suitable figure in size),
  • universal glue moment
  • the glycerin is liquid at least 1/3 of the volume of the jar (the amount also depends on how slow you want to fall "snow", the more glycerin, the slower. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise "snow" will hang in the air all the time ),
  • water (or filtered, or boiled, or distilled. If you take simple water from under the tap, then over time your snow ball will close),
  • adhesive pistol.

If you decorate a jar or make a decorative stand, like me, additionally prepare:

  • satin ribbons, decorative twigs, flowers, etc. For jewelry jar,
  • cardboard (but not hard)
  • scotch,
  • scissors,
  • self-adhesive film - gold,
  • pVA glue,
  • dry sparkles - gold,
  • thin brush
  • well, already listed, glue thermopystole.

So let's get up!

Well wash the jar, the lid, the figure and all additional decorations so that water does not close the water over time. I processed all the boiling poles as for conservation.

Fresh all decorative elements to the lid on hot glue.

I have already used snow as imitation: tinsel, sequins and beads.

I will tell you how to make a snowball with sparkles, as there are its subtleties here. There are no such problems with Misheo and beads.

We take a clean jar, in my case half-liter, pour 150-250 ml of glycerol.

The rest is poured with water (the jar is not fill to the edge, because we still fit the figure, which will displace some amount of water).

We add sparkles and mix clean spoons.

Even if large sparkles, there are such particles that did not dare to the bottom of the jar. We must definitely collect them, otherwise they will always be flooded from above, and it looks, just say, not very. You can make it a small spoon or tip of a pure waffle towel.

Now it is very careful, better above the plate, immerse our composition in a jar, cutting it a bit so that there are no air bubbles anywhere. Firmly firmly twist the lid. You need to try to close so that air bubbles remain in the jar. Since we inside the cap were not lined, if necessary, it will be possible to remake.

When the lid is spinning, it is possible to walk along the joint on top of the universal glue (if any, then it is possible to water). There were never problems with such jars, therefore glue, in principle, serves only for fixing the lid so that no one has opened it.

Our snow ball is ready! Little to place it to hide all traces of the lid and jars.

From multiple cardboard strips, you can make a solid coexier, go to her golden self-adhesive film. The diameter is equal to the diameter of the lid. Decorate with all sorts of ribbons, branches, it all depends on your desire and fantasy!

I added a little curls from the sequin, with their help hidden the thread at the bottom of the jar and all sorts of unnecessary numbers to us. To do this, we divorce 1: 1 water and PVA glue, generously add dry sparkle into this mixture. The curls drew an ordinary thin brush.

But what happened to me!

And with flying sparkles ...

This magical gift will love both children and adults. Everyone will be confused by the magic melting behind the glass. Give each other joy and here are so wonderful snowballs made by your own hands, in which the particle of your soul and heat is invested!

I was glad to help!

The new year is getting closer, and more and more I want magic, snowflakes, circling in a golden light of the lanterns, a festive atmosphere ... In the meantime, it is for a long time, we ourselves can make a small miracle - a snow ball with their own hands. This magical gift will surely enjoy adults, and the baby will be confused by the magic melting behind the glass.

How to make a snow ball? When you look at the magic spising snowflakes above the small, as if a giced house or a toy snowman, it seems that it is not possible to repeat such a miracle. But we assure you - if you follow simple instructions, you will succeed!

What do we need to create a ball?

  • a small glass jar with a sufficiently tightly closed lid (volume - no more than 1l);
  • a small figure, which will need to be placed inside the ball - a house with luminous windows, Santa Claus or a snow-covered Christmas tree - anything, which will help create a New Year's mood;
  • waterproof glue (it will be more convenient to use a glue gun);
  • distilled water;
  • sequins (you can use artificial snow);
  • glycerin (sold in any pharmacy);
  • if you want to create imitation of snowy snowdrifts in a bowl, you can use selfless plastic for this purpose.

The process of manufacturing a snowy ball:

Creating a snowy ball with your own hands more convenient to start with gluing toys to the lid of cans. If you use metal figures, it is better to process them with an anti-corrosion agent. Beautifully combine them into a single composition (for this it will be more convenient to use a gun with super-glue), you can make it yourself with plastic drifts - in general, manifest a fantasy and create a truly magical New Year's composition! Before placing the lid in the bank in this case it will be necessary to give plastic to dry completely.

Then purely wash the jar, pour water there and add glycerol. It should be a little less than water, the more it will be, the slower the sparkle or snow will fall into our figures. If you doubt the dosage, throw a few sequins into the water and see how fast they are lowered. Too fast - add to solution glycerinslowly -water .

Add half a teaspoon of sequin or artificial snow. By the way, make it with your own hands very simple: it is enough to clean the eggshell from the film and grind it into the mortar.

When the glue on which toys are planted, dry, tightly (very tight!) Close the cover of the jar. Tip: Over time, water from the ball may begin to leak, and so that this does not happen, the lid and threads of the cans on the edge can be well missed with glue.

To complete the composition, decorate the resulting snow ball along the edge of the cover with a decorative braid or ribbon. Little New Year's miracle is ready!

... And also - a gift for your loved one!

If you want to do not just a New Year's decoration, but a gift that will only be intended for one person and can show your love for it, we offer a great idea - a ball with a photo! It is done in the same way as we just described, only inside it will be necessary to place a pre-elected photo of who a gift is meant. Well, or your joint with him, looking at which long winter evenings, he will be with warm and joy to remember you 🙂

We offer you a master class on the manufacture of an accessory, without which it is simply impossible to introduce New Year's holidays. We will make a glass snowball - a decoration that is always like and adults, and children.

These balls with snow just fascinate. You should shake them - and it seems as if something magical happens. Beautiful flakes are slowly spinning behind the glass, as if in your palms a whole snow world.

Of course, these traditional New Year souvenirs on the eve of the holiday are not difficult. But much more pleasant (and, by the way, at times best) make them with their own hands. At some point you will even feel the wizard!

What do we need?

  • transparent glass jar
  • water (better to take distilled so that it does not "proud")
  • glycerol
  • white sparkles
  • small figurine for the base


  1. To the back of the lid, stick the figure (Christmas tree, snowman, birds - your taste).
  2. Water mix with glycerin in proportion one to three and fill out the bank to the very top.
  3. White sparkles.
  4. The edges of the lid neatly wash the glue and screw off the jar.
  5. It remains only to tie a beautiful ribbon around the neck and turn the jar.
  6. Magic begins!

Tip: If the neck and, accordingly, the lid is too narrow, the sticky stick straight to the bottom of the cans. To do this, drop the glue is not on the bottom, but on the figure and lock it inside.

We offer you several ideas for inspiration.