What is manganese: we study the chemical element. Manganese (chemical element): properties, application, designation, oxidation state, interesting facts

Chemistry Olympiad

(1 school stage)

1. Test

1.Manganese has the highest oxidation state in the compound

2. The neutralization reaction corresponds to the abbreviated ionic equation

1) H + + OH - \u003d H 2 O

2) 2H + + CO 3 2- \u003d H 2 O + CO 2

3) CaO + 2H + \u003d Ca 2+ + H 2 O

4) Zn + 2H + \u003d Zn 2+ + H 2

3. Interact with each other

2) MnO and Na 2 O

3) P 2 O 5 and SO 3

4. The equation of the redox reaction is

1) KOH + HNO 3 \u003d KNO 3 + H 2 O

2) N 2 O 5 + H 2 O \u003d 2 HNO 3

3) 2N 2 O \u003d 2N 2 + O 2

4) BaCO 3 \u003d BaO + CO 2

5. The reaction of exchange is interaction

1) calcium oxide with nitric acid

2) carbon monoxide with oxygen

3) ethylene with oxygen

4) hydrochloric acid with magnesium

6. Acid rain caused by atmospheric presence

1) nitrogen oxides and sulfur

4) natural gas

7. Methane, along with gasoline and diesel fuel, is used as fuel in internal combustion engines (motor vehicles). The thermochemical equation for the combustion of gaseous methane has the form:

CH 4 + 2O 2 \u003d CO 2 + 2H 2 O + 880 kJ

How much kJ of heat will be released during the combustion of CH 4, with a volume of 112 liters (at n.o.)?

Choose the correct answer:

2. Tasks

1. In the equation of the redox reaction, arrange the coefficients in any way known to you.

SnSO 4 + KMnO 4 + H 2 SO 4 \u003d Sn (SO 4) 2 + MnSO 4 + K 2 SO 4 + H 2 O

Indicate the names of the oxidizing agent and reducing agent and the degree of oxidation of the elements. (4 points)

2. Write the reaction equations that allow the following transformations:

    (2) (3) (4) (5)

CO 2 → Ca (HCO 3) 2 → CaCO 3 → CaO → CaCl 2 → CaCO 3

(5 points)

3. Determine the formula of alkadiene if its relative density by air is 1,862 (3 points)

4. In 1928, Thomas Midgley, Jr., an American chemist at General Motors Research Corporation, was able to synthesize and isolate in his laboratory a chemical compound consisting of 23.53% carbon, 1.96% hydrogen and 74.51 % fluoride. The resulting gas was 3.52 times heavier than air and did not burn. Derive the formula of the compound, write the structural formulas of the organic substances corresponding to the obtained molecular formula, give them a name. (6 points).

5. Mixed 140 g of a 0.5% hydrochloric acid solution with 200 g of a 3% hydrochloric acid solution. What is the percentage of hydrochloric acid in the newly obtained solution? (3 points)

3. Crossword

    Solve the words encrypted in a crossword puzzle

Designations: 1 → - horizontally

1 ↓ - vertical

    ↓ Corrosion product of iron.

    → Formed by the interaction of (6) with the basic oxide.

    → Unit of heat.

    → A positively charged ion.

    → Italian scientist, named after whom is one of the most important constant quantities.

    → The number of electrons at the external level of element number 14.

    → ....... gas is carbon monoxide (IV).

    → The great Russian scientist is famous, including as the creator of mosaic paintings, the author of the epigraph.

    → The type of reaction between sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid solutions.

    Give an example of the reaction equation for (1 →).

    Indicate the constant value mentioned in (4).

    Write the reaction equation (8).

    Write the electronic structure of the atom of the element, which is mentioned in (5). (13 points)

Metal chemistry

Lecture 2. The main issues addressed in the lecture

Metals VIIB subgroups

General characteristics of metals of the VIIB subgroup.

Chemistry of Manganese

Natural Compounds Mn

Physical and chemical properties of metal.

Compounds Mn. The redox properties of

Brief description of Tc and Re.


Event No.

Metals VIIB subgroup

general characteristics

VII-subgroup is formed by d-elements: Mn, Tc, Re, Bh.

Valence electrons are described by the general formula:

(n – 1) d 5 ns2

Simple substances - metals, silver gray


heavy, with high melting points, which

increase upon going from Mn to Re, so

only W is second to Re.

Of greatest practical importance is Mn.


Elements Tc, Bh - radioactive elements, artificial

actually obtained as a result of nuclear fusion; Re -

rare item.

Elements Tc and Re are more similar to each other than

with manganese. In Tc and Re, the highest stability is more stable.

stump of oxidation, therefore, these elements are distributed

compounds in oxidation state 7 are strange.

The oxidation states are characteristic of Mn: 2, 3, 4,

More stable -

2 and 4. These oxidation states

manifest in natural compounds. The most common

strange Mn minerals: pyrolusite MnO2 and rhodochrosite MnCO3.

Compounds Mn (+7) and (+6) are strong oxidizing agents.

The highest resemblance of Mn, Tc, Re is manifested in the highest degree of

lion, it is expressed in the acidic character of higher oxides and hydroxides.


Event No.

Higher hydroxides of all elements of the VIIB subgroup are strong

acids with the general formula NEO4.

In the highest degree of oxidation, the elements of Mn, Tc, Re are similar to the element of the main subgroup of chlorine. Acids: HMnO4, HTcO4, HReO4 and

HClO4 are strong. For elements of the VIIB subgroup,

a similarity with its neighbors in a series, in particular, Mn, is similar to Fe. In nature, Mn compounds are always adjacent to Fe compounds.

M ar ganets

Characteristic oxidation states

Valence Electrons Mn - 3d5 4s2.

Most common degrees

3d5 4s2


oxidations at Mn are 2, 3, 4, 6, 7;

more stable - 2 and 4. In aqueous solutions

oxidation state +2 is stable in acidic, and +4 in

neutral, slightly alkaline and slightly acidic environment.

Compounds Mn (+7) and (+6) exhibit strong oxidizing properties.

The acid – base nature of the oxides and hydroxides of Mn is naturally

varies depending on the degree of oxidation: in the degree of oxidation +2, the oxide and hydroxide are basic, and in the highest degree of oxidation - acid,

moreover, HMnO4 is a strong acid.

In aqueous solutions, Mn (+2) exists in the form of aquacations

2+, which for simplicity denote Mn2 +. Manganese in high oxidation states is in solution in the form of tetraoxoanions: MnO4 2– and

MnO4 -.


Event No.

Natural compounds and metal production

Element Mn in prevalence in the earth's crust among heavy metals

fishing follows iron but is noticeably inferior to it — the Fe content is about 5%, and Mn is only about 0.1%. In manganese, oxide is more common.

mineral and carbonate and ores. The most important minerals are: pyroly-

zit MnO2 and rhodochrosite MnCO3.

to get Mn

In addition to these minerals, Maus 3 Mn3 O4 is used to produce Mn

and hydrated psilomelan oxide MnO2. xH2 O. In manganese ores, all

Manganese is mainly used in the production of special grades of steel with high strength and resistance to impact. Therefore,

the new amount of Mn is not obtained in pure form, but in the form of ferromanganese

tsa - an alloy of manganese and iron containing from 70 to 88% Mn.

The total annual global production of manganese, including in the form of ferromanganese, ~ (10 12) million tons / year.

To obtain ferromanganese, manganese oxide was reduced


MnO2 + 2C \u003d Mn + 2CO


Event No.

Along with Mn oxides, Fe oxides contained in

de. To obtain manganese with a minimum content of Fe and C, compounds

Fe is pre-separated and mixed oxide Mn3 O4 is obtained

(MnO. Mn2 O3). It is then reduced with aluminum (pyrolusite reacts with

Al is too stormy).

3Mn3 O4 + 8Al \u003d 9Mn + 4Al2 O3

Pure manganese is obtained by the hydrometallurgical method. After preliminary preparation of the MnSO4 salt, through a solution of Mn sulfate,

they release an electric current, manganese is restored at the cathode:

Mn2 + + 2e– \u003d Mn0.

Simple substance

Manganese is a light gray metal. Density - 7.4 g / cm3. Melting point - 1245 ° C.

This is a fairly active metal, E (Mn

/ Mn) \u003d - 1.18 V.

It readily oxidizes to the Mn2 + cation in diluted


Mn + 2H + \u003d Mn2 + + H2

Manganese is passivated in concentrated

nitric and sulfuric acids, but when heated

Fig. Manganese -

begins to interact slowly with them, but

similar metal

even under the influence of such strong oxidizing agents

on iron

Mn goes into cation

Mn2 +. When heated, powdered manganese interacts with water with

the allocation of H2.

Due to oxidation in air, manganese is covered with brown spots,

Manganese forms an oxide in an oxygen atmosphere

Mn2 O3, and at a higher temperature mixed oxide MnO. Mn2 O3

(Mn3 O4).


Event No.

When heated, manganese reacts with halogens and sulfur. Affinity Mn

more sulfur than iron, so when ferromanganese is added to steel,

sulfur dissolved in it binds to MnS. MnS sulfide is not soluble in metal and goes into slag. The strength of the steel increases after removal of the brittle sulfur.

At very high temperatures (\u003e 1200 0 С), manganese, interacting with nitrogen and carbon, forms non-stoichiometric nitrides and carbides.

Manganese compounds

Manganese Compounds (+7)

All Mn (+7) compounds exhibit strong oxidizing properties.

Potassium Permanganate KMnO4 - the most common

mn (+7). In its pure form, this crystalline substance is dark

purple color. Upon heating crystalline permanganate, it decomposes

2KMnO4 \u003d K2 MnO4 + MnO2 + O2

By this reaction in the laboratory, you can get

Anion MnO4 - stains perm solutions -

ganata in raspberry violet color. On

surfaces in contact with the solution

Fig. KMnO4 solution rose

KMnO4, due to the ability of permanganate oxide


water, thin tan

mnO2 oxide films.

4KMnO4 + 2H2 O \u003d 4MnO2 + 3O2 + 4KOH

To slow this reaction, accelerating in the light, KMnO4 solutions are stored in

mint in dark bottles.

When several drops of concentrate are added to permanganate crystals

trined sulfuric acid manganese acid anhydride is formed.


Event No.

2KMnO4 + H2 SO4 2Mn2 O7 + K2 SO4 + H2 O

Mn 2 O 7 oxide is a heavy, oily liquid of a dark green color. This is the only metal oxide that under normal conditions

it is in a liquid state (melting point 5.9 0 С). The oxide has a mole

the cellular structure is very unstable; at 55 ° C it decomposes with an explosion. 2Mn2 O7 \u003d 4MnO2 + 3O2

Mn2 O7 oxide is a very strong and energetic oxidizing agent. Many or

chemical substances are oxidized under its influence to CO2 and H2 O. Oxide

Mn2 O7 is sometimes called chemical matches. If the glass rod is moistened in Mn2 O7 and brought to the spirit lamp, it will light up.

Upon dissolution of Mn2 O7 in water, manganese acid is formed.

Acid HMnO 4 is a strong acid, exists only in water.

solution in the free state is not allocated. HMnO4 acid decomposes -

with the release of O2 and MnO2.

When solid alkali is added to the KMnO4 solution,

green manganate.

4KMnO4 + 4KOH (k) \u003d 4K2 MnO4 + O2 + 2H2 O.

Upon heating KMnO4 with concentrated hydrochloric acid,

cl2 gas is produced.

2KMnO4 (q) + 16HCl (conc.) \u003d 2MnCl2 + 5Cl2 + 8H2 O + 2KCl

The strong oxidizing properties of permanganate are manifested in these reactions.

The products of the interaction of KMnO4 with reducing agents depend on the acidity of the solution in which the reaction proceeds.

In acidic solutions, a colorless Mn2 + cation is formed.

MnO4 - + 8H + + 5e–  Mn2 + + 4H2 O; (E0 \u003d +1.53 V).

A brown precipitate of MnO2 precipitates from neutral solutions.

MnO4 - + 2H2 O + 3e–  MnO2 + 4OH–.

In alkaline solutions, the green anion MnO4 2– is formed.


Event No.

Potassium permanganate in industry is obtained either from manganese

(oxidizing it at the anode in an alkaline solution), or from pyrolusite (MnO2

variably oxidized to K2 MnO4, which is then oxidized at the anode to KMnO4).

Manganese Compounds (+6)

Manganates - salts with the anion MnO4 2–, have a bright green color.

Anion MnO4 2─ is stable only in a highly alkaline environment. Under the influence of water and, especially, acids, manganates disproportionate with the formation of

mn in oxidation states 4 and 7.

3MnO4 2– + 2H2 O \u003d MnO2 + 2MnO4 - + 4OH–

For this reason, H2 MnO4 acid does not exist.

Manganates can be obtained by fusing MnO2 with alkalis or carbonate-

mi in the presence of an oxidizing agent.

2MnO2 (q) + 4KOH (g) + O2 \u003d 2K2 MnO4 + 2H2 O

Manganates are strong oxidizing agents. but if you act on them,

if even more powerful oxidizing agent, then they pass into permanganates.


Manganese compounds (+4)

- the most stable compound Mn. This oxide is found in nature (mineral pyrolusite).

MnO2 oxide is a black-brown substance with a very strong crystalline

lattice (same as rutile TiO2). For this reason, despite the fact that MnO 2 oxide is amphoteric, it does not react with solutions of alkalis and with dilute acids (just like TiO2). It is soluble in concentrated acids.

MnO2 + 4HCl (conc.) \u003d MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2 O

The reaction is used in the laboratory to produce Cl2.

Upon dissolution of MnO2 in concentrated sulfuric and nitric acid, Mn2 + and O2 are formed.

Thus, in a very acidic environment, MnO2 tends to go into

mn2 + cation.

With alkalis, MnO2 reacts only in melts with the formation of mixed

oxides. In the presence of an oxidizing agent, manganates are formed in alkaline melts.

MnO2 oxide is used in industry as a cheap oxidizing agent. In particular, redox   interaction

2 decomposes with the release of O2 and

oxides of Mn2 O3 and Mn3 O4 (MnO. Mn2 O3).

Hydroxide Mn (+4) was not isolated during the reduction of permanganate and man-

ganate in neutral or slightly alkaline environments, as well as during oxidation

Mn (OH) 2 and MnOOH from the solutions a dark brown precipitate is hydrated.


Mn Oxide and Hydroxide (+3)have a basic character. It's solid

brown, insoluble in water and unstable substances.

When interacting with dilute acids, they are disproportionately

they form Mn compounds in oxidation states 4 and 2. 2MnOOH + H2 SO4 \u003d MnSO4 + MnO2 + 2H2 O

They interact with concentrated acids as well as

MnO2, i.e. in an acidic environment pass into the Mn2 + cation. In an alkaline environment, they are easily oxidized in air to MnO2.

Manganese compounds (+2)

In aqueous solutions, Mn (+2) compounds are stable in an acidic environment.

The oxide and hydroxide Mn (+2) are of the main character, easily soluble.

are formed in acids to form a hydrated Mn2 + cation.

MnO oxide is a gray-green refractory crystalline compound

(melting point - 18420 C). It can be obtained by decomposing

bonate in the absence of oxygen.

MnCO3 \u003d MnO + CO2.

MnO does not dissolve in water.



Event No.

Electronic configuration of the unexcited manganese atom - 3d 5 4s 2; the excited state is expressed by the electronic formula 3d 5 4s 1 4p 1.

For manganese, the most characteristic oxidation states are +2, +4, +6, +7.

Manganese is a silver-white, brittle, fairly active metal: in a series of stresses it is between aluminum and zinc. In air, manganese is coated with an oxide film that protects it from further oxidation. In a finely divided state, manganese is easily oxidized.

Manganese (II) oxide MnO and the corresponding hydroxide Mn (OH) 2 have the main properties - when they interact with acids, salts of divalent manganese are formed: Mn (OH) 2 + 2 H + ® Mn 2+ + 2 H 2 O.

Mn 2+ cations are also formed upon dissolution of manganese metal in acids. Manganese (II) compounds exhibit reducing properties, for example, the white precipitate of Mn (OH) 2 in air quickly darkens, gradually oxidizing to MnO 2: 2 Mn (OH) 2 + O 2 ® 2 MnO 2 + 2 H 2 O.

Manganese (IV) oxide MnO 2 is the most stable manganese compound; it is easily formed both during the oxidation of manganese compounds in a lower oxidation state (+2), and during the reduction of manganese compounds in a higher oxidation state (+6, +7):

Mn (OH) 2 + H 2 O 2 ® MnO 2 + 2 H 2 O;

2 KMnO 4 + 3 Na 2 SO 3 + H 2 O ® 2 MnO 2 ¯ + 3 Na 2 SO 4 + 2 KOH.

MnO 2 is an amphoteric oxide, but its acidic and basic properties are poorly expressed. One of the reasons that MnO 2 does not show distinct basic properties is its strong oxidative activity in an acidic medium (\u003d +1.23 V): MnO 2 is reduced to Mn 2+ ions, and does not form stable salts of tetravalent manganese. The hydrated form corresponding to manganese (IV) oxide should be considered as hydrated manganese dioxide MnO 2 × xH 2 O. Manganese (IV) oxide as an amphoteric oxide formally corresponds to the ortho and meta form of manganous acid not isolated in the free state: H 4 MnO 4 - the ortho form and H 2 MnO 3 are the meta form. Manganese oxide Mn 3 O 4 is known, which can be considered as a salt of divalent manganese of the ortho form of manganous acid Mn 2 MnO 4 - manganese (II) ortho manganite. In the literature there are reports of the existence of oxide Mn 2 O 3. The existence of this oxide can be explained by considering it as a salt of divalent manganese, a meta-form of manganous acid: MnMnO 3 - manganese (II) metamanganite.

When the manganese dioxide is fused in an alkaline medium with oxidizing agents such as potassium chlorate or nitrate, the tetravalent manganese is oxidized to the hexavalent state, and potassium manganate is formed - the salt is very unstable even in a solution of manganous acid H 2 MnO 4 whose anhydride (MnO 3) is unknown:

MnO 2 + KNO 3 + 2 KOH ® K 2 MnO 4 + KNO 2 + H 2 O.

Manganates are unstable and prone to disproportionation in a reversible reaction: 3 K 2 MnO 4 + 2 H 2 O ⇆ 2 KMnO 4 + MnO 2 ¯ + 4 KOH,

as a result, the green color of the solution, caused by manganate ions of MnO 4 2–, changes to the violet color, which is characteristic of permanganate ions of MnO 4 -.

The most widely used compound of heptavalent manganese is potassium permanganate KMnO 4, a salt known only in HMnO 4 manganese acid solution. Potassium permanganate can be obtained by oxidizing manganates with strong oxidizing agents, for example, chlorine:

2 K 2 MnO 4 + Cl 2 ® 2 KMnO 4 + 2 KCl.

Manganese (VII) oxide, or manganese anhydride, Mn 2 O 7 - explosive green-brown liquid. Mn 2 O 7 can be obtained by the reaction:

2 KMnO 4 + 2 H 2 SO 4 (conc.) ® Mn 2 O 7 + 2 KHSO 4 + H 2 O.

The highly oxidized manganese compounds +7, in particular permanganates, are strong oxidizing agents. The depth of reduction of permanganate ions and their oxidative activity depends on the pH of the medium.

In a strongly acidic environment, the product of the reduction of permanganates is the Mn 2+ ion, and salts of divalent manganese are obtained

MnO 4 - + 8 H + + 5 e - ® Mn 2+ + 4 H 2 O (\u003d +1.51 V).

In a neutral, slightly alkaline, or slightly acidic medium, as a result of the reduction of permanganate ions, MnO 2 is formed:

MnO 4 - + 2 H 2 O + 3 e - ® MnO 2 + + 4 OH - (\u003d + 0.60 V).

MnO 4 - + 4 H + + 3 e - ® MnO 2 ¯ + 2 H 2 O (\u003d +1.69 V).

In a highly alkaline medium, permanganate ions are reduced to manganate ions MnO 4 2–, while salts of the type K 2 MnO 4, Na 2 MnO 4 are formed:

MnO 4 - + e - ® MnO 4 2– (\u003d +0.56 V).

One of the most important metals for metallurgy is manganese. In addition, he is generally quite an unusual element with which interesting facts are associated. Important for living organisms, needed in the production of many alloys, chemicals. Manganese - a photo of which can be seen below. Its properties and characteristics will be considered in this article.

Characterization of a chemical element

If we talk about manganese as an element, then first of all, one should characterize its position in it.

  1. It is located in the fourth large period, the seventh group, a subgroup.
  2. The serial number is 25. Manganese is a chemical element whose atoms are +25. The number of electrons is the same, neutrons - 30.
  3. The value of the atomic mass is 54.938.
  4. The designation of the chemical element of manganese is Mn.
  5. The Latin name is manganese.

It is located between chromium and iron, which explains its similarity with them in physical and chemical characteristics.

Manganese - chemical element: transition metal

If we consider the electronic configuration of the reduced atom, then its formula will look like: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 5. It becomes obvious that the element under consideration is a transition metal from the d-family. Five electrons on the 3d sublevel indicate the stability of the atom, which is manifested in its chemical properties.

As a metal, manganese is a reducing agent, however, most of its compounds are capable of exhibiting sufficiently strong oxidizing abilities. This is due to the various oxidation states and valencies that this element possesses. This is the peculiarity of all metals of this family.

Thus, manganese is a chemical element located among other atoms and having its own special characteristics. Consider what these properties are, in more detail.

Manganese is a chemical element. Oxidation state

We have already given the electronic formula of the atom. According to her, this element is able to exhibit several positive oxidation states. It:

The valency of an atom is equal to IV. The most stable are those compounds in which values \u200b\u200bof +2, +4, +6 are manifested in manganese. The highest degree of oxidation allows compounds to act as the strongest oxidizing agents. For example: KMnO 4, Mn 2 O 7.

Compounds with +2 are reducing agents, manganese (II) hydroxide has amphoteric properties, with the predominance of the main ones. Intermediate oxidation states form amphoteric compounds.

Discovery story

Manganese is a chemical element that was not discovered immediately, but gradually by various scientists. However, people have used its compounds since ancient times. Manganese (IV) oxide was used for the smelting of glass. One Italian stated that the addition of this compound in the chemical production of glasses colors their color purple. Along with this, the same substance helps eliminate turbidity in stained glass.

Later in Austria, the scientist Kaym managed to get a piece of metallic manganese, influencing high temperature on pyrolisite (manganese (IV) oxide), potash and coal. However, this sample had many impurities, which he failed to eliminate, so the discovery did not take place.

Even later, another scientist also synthesized a mixture in which a significant proportion accounted for pure metal. It was Bergman, who had previously discovered the element nickel. However, he was not destined to bring the matter to the end.

Manganese is a chemical element, which Karl Scheele first managed to obtain and isolate as a simple substance in 1774. However, he did this together with I. Gan, who completed the process of smelting a piece of metal. But even they were not able to completely rid him of impurities and get a 100% yield of the product.

Nevertheless, it was this time that became the discovery of this atom. These same scientists made an attempt to give a name as discoverers. They chose the term manganesium. However, after the discovery of magnesium, confusion began, and the name of manganese was changed to modern (H. David, 1908).

Since manganese is a chemical element whose properties are very valuable for many metallurgical processes, over time it became necessary to find a way to obtain it in its purest form. This problem was solved by scientists around the world, but managed to be resolved only in 1919 thanks to the work of R. Agladze, a Soviet scientist and chemist. It was he who found the way in which it is possible to obtain pure metal with a substance content of 99.98% from sulfates and manganese chlorides by electrolysis. Now this method is applied worldwide.

Being in nature

Manganese is a chemical element whose photo of a simple substance can be seen below. In nature, there is a mass of isotopes of this atom, the number of neutrons in which varies greatly. So, the mass numbers vary from 44 to 69. However, the only stable isotope is an element with a value of 55 Mn, all the others have either a negligible short half-life, or exist in too small quantities.

Since manganese is a chemical element, the degree of oxidation of which is very different, it also forms a lot of compounds in nature. In its pure form, this element does not occur at all. In minerals and ores, his constant neighbor is iron. In total, you can identify some of the most important rocks, which include manganese.

  1. Pyrolusitis. Formula of the compound: MnO 2 * nH 2 O.
  2. Psilomelan, molecule MnO2 * mMnO * nH2O.
  3. Manganite, formula MnO * OH.
  4. Brownite is less common than the rest. Formula Mn 2 O 3.
  5. Hausmanite, formula Mn * Mn 2 O 4.
  6. Rhodonite Mn 2 (SiO 3) 2.
  7. Manganese carbonate ores.
  8. Raspberry Spar or Rhodochrosite - MnCO 3.
  9. Purple - Mn 3 PO 4.

In addition, several more minerals can be identified, which also include the element in question. It:

  • calcite;
  • siderite;
  • clay minerals;
  • chalcedony;
  • opal;
  • sand-silt compounds.

In addition to rocks and sedimentary rocks, minerals, manganese is a chemical element that is part of the following objects:

  1. Plant organisms. The largest storages of this element are: water chestnut, duckweed, diatoms.
  2. Rust mushrooms.
  3. Some types of bacteria.
  4. The following animals: red ants, crustaceans, mollusks.
  5. People - daily requirement of about 3-5 mg.
  6. The waters of the oceans contain 0.3% of this element.
  7. The total content in the earth's crust is 0.1% by weight.

In general, this is the 14th most abundant element of all on our planet. Among heavy metals, it is second after iron.

Physical properties

From the point of view of the properties of manganese as a simple substance, several basic physical characteristics can be distinguished for it.

  1. In the form of a simple substance, it is a fairly hard metal (on the Mohs scale, the indicator is 4). Color - silver-white, covered with a protective oxide film in air, glistening in the section.
  2. The melting point is 1246 0 C.
  3. Boiling - 2061 0 C.
  4. Conducting properties are good, is paramagnet.
  5. The density of the metal is 7.44 g / cm 3.
  6. It exists in the form of four polymorphic modifications (α, β, γ, σ), which differ in the structure and shape of the crystal lattice and the packing density of atoms. Their melting point is also different.

In metallurgy, three main forms of manganese are used: β, γ, σ. Alpha is less common as it is too fragile in its properties.

Chemical properties

From the point of view of chemistry, manganese is a chemical element whose ion charge varies greatly from +2 to +7. This leaves its mark on its activity. In its free form in air, manganese reacts very weakly with water and dissolves in dilute acids. However, it is only necessary to increase the temperature, as the activity of the metal increases sharply.

So, he is able to interact with:

  • nitrogen;
  • carbon;
  • halogens;
  • silicon;
  • phosphorus;
  • gray and other non-metals.

When heated without access to air, the metal easily passes into a vaporous state. Depending on the degree of oxidation that manganese exhibits, its compounds can be both reducing agents and oxidizing agents. Some exhibit amphoteric properties. So, the main ones are characteristic for compounds in which it is +2. Amphoteric - +4, and acidic and strong oxidizing in the highest value of +7.

Despite the fact that manganese are complex compounds for it are few in number. This is due to the stable electronic configuration of the atom, because its 3d sublevel contains 5 electrons.

Production methods

There are three main ways in which manganese (a chemical element) is obtained in industry. As the name reads in Latin, we already designated - manganum. If you translate it into Russian, it will be "yes, I really clarify, discolor." Manganese owes its name to the manifested properties, known since antiquity.

However, despite the fame, they managed to get it in pure form for use only in 1919. This is done by the following methods.

  1. Electrolysis, the product yield is 99.98%. In this way manganese is obtained in the chemical industry.
  2. Silicothermic, or silicon reduction. With this method, silicon and manganese (IV) oxide are fused, resulting in the formation of a pure metal. The yield is about 68%, since the compound of manganese with silicon into silicide is incidentally. This method is used in the metallurgical industry.
  3. The aluminothermic method is reduction using aluminum. Also does not give too high product yield, manganese is formed contaminated with impurities.

The production of this metal is important for many processes carried out in metallurgy. Even a small addition of manganese can greatly affect the properties of alloys. It has been proven that many metals dissolve in it, filling it with its crystal lattice.

In the extraction and production of this element, Russia ranks first in the world. This process is also carried out in countries such as:

  • China.
  • Kazakhstan.
  • Georgia.
  • Ukraine.

Industrial use

Manganese is a chemical element, the use of which is important not only in metallurgy. but also in other areas. In addition to the metal in its pure form, various compounds of this atom are of great importance. Denote the main ones.

  1. There are several types of alloys that, thanks to manganese, have unique properties. So, for example, it is so strong and wear-resistant that it is used for smelting parts of excavators, stone processing machines, crushers, ball mills, armor parts.
  2. Manganese dioxide is an indispensable oxidizing element of galvanic, it is used to create depolarizers.
  3. Many manganese compounds are needed for the implementation of organic syntheses of various substances.
  4. Potassium permanganate (or potassium permanganate) is used in medicine as a strong disinfectant.
  5. This element is part of bronze, brass, forms its own alloy with copper, which is used for the manufacture of aircraft turbines, blades and other details.

Biological role

The daily need for manganese for humans is 3-5 mg. Deficiency of this element leads to depression of the nervous system, sleep disturbance and anxiety, dizziness. Its role has not yet been fully studied, however, it is clear that, first of all, it affects:

  • height;
  • genital gland activity;
  • hormone work;
  • blood formation.

This element is present in all plants, animals, and humans, which proves its important biological role.

Manganese is a chemical element, interesting facts about which can impress any person, and also make you understand how important it is. Here are the most basic of them that have found their imprint in the history of this metal.

  1. In the difficult times of the civil war in the USSR, one of the first export products was ore containing a large amount of manganese.
  2. If manganese dioxide is fused with and nitrate, and then the product is dissolved in water, then amazing transformations will begin. First, the solution turns green, then the color changes to blue, then purple. Finally, it becomes raspberry and a brown precipitate gradually falls out. If you shake the mixture, then the green color will restore again and everything will happen again. That’s why potassium permanganate got its name, which translates as "mineral chameleon".
  3. If fertilizers containing manganese are introduced into the ground, then plants will increase productivity and increase the rate of photosynthesis. Winter wheat will better form grains.
  4. The largest block of rhodonite manganese mineral weighed 47 tons and was found in the Urals.
  5. There is a triple alloy called manganin. It consists of elements such as copper, manganese and nickel. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it has a large electrical resistance, which is not dependent on temperature, but is influenced by pressure.

Of course, this is not all that can be said about this metal. Manganese is a chemical element, interesting facts about which are quite diverse. Especially if we talk about the properties with which he gives various alloys.