Dangerous situations in air transport. Rules of conduct in case of transport accidents

Aviation accidents and catastrophes are possible for many reasons. The destruction of individual aircraft structures, engine failure, disruption of control systems, power supply, communications, piloting, lack of fuel, interruptions in the life support of the crew and passengers lead to serious consequences.


DECOMPRESSION is the rarefaction of air in the aircraft cabin when its tightness is violated. Fast decompression usually begins with a deafening roar (air leaves). The salon is filled with dust and fog. Visibility drops sharply. The air quickly leaves the lungs of a person, and it cannot be detained. At the same time, ringing in the ears and pain in the intestines may occur. In this case, without waiting for the command, immediately put on an oxygen mask. Do not try to help anyone before you put on the mask yourself, even if it is your child: if you do not have time to help yourself and pass out, you will both be without oxygen. Immediately after putting on your mask, fasten your seat belts and prepare for a steep descent.


Remember that in the event of a fire on board an aircraft, the greatest danger is smoke, not fire. Breathe only through cotton or wool clothing, dampened with water if possible. When making your way to the exit, move crouching or on all fours, as there is less smoke at the bottom of the cabin. Protect exposed areas of the body from direct exposure to fire by using available clothing, blankets, etc. After landing and stopping the plane, immediately head to the nearest exit, as there is a high probability of an explosion. If the passage is littered, make your way through the chairs, lowering their backs. When evacuating, get rid of hand luggage and avoid exit through hatches near which there is open fire or heavy smoke.

After exiting the aircraft, move away from it as far as possible and lie on the ground, pressing your head with your hands - an explosion is possible.

In any situation, act without panic and decisively, this contributes to your salvation.


Before each takeoff and landing, carefully adjust the seat belt. It should be firmly fixed as low as possible at your hips. Check if you have heavy suitcases over your head.

Takeoff and landing accidents are sudden, so pay attention to smoke, sudden descents, engine shutdowns, etc. Empty your pockets of sharp objects, bend over and clasp your hands tightly behind your knees (or grab your ankles). Lay your head on your knees or tilt it as low as possible. Rest your feet on the floor, pushing them as far as possible, but not under the front seat. At the moment of impact, strain as much as possible and prepare for a significant overload. Under no circumstances leave your seat until the plane comes to a complete stop, do not panic.

Regardless of the fact that, according to statistics, air transport is considered the safest mode of transportation, there are a few rules that you need to know that will warn you against danger.

Before using the services of any airline, take a flask of water with you into the cabin of the aircraft and the entire "duty kit" for survival, which is clearly adjusted for the season and flight conditions.

When flying on the surface, you need to have something buoyant enough with you. For example, you can tie your hand luggage in a rubber bag and disguise it in your bag.

In an emergency landing, the safest place is the middle of the cabin. If possible, try to sit right there, without waiting for the incident. Do not forget that at the time of the announcement of an emergency, the middle will be in short supply.

Before boarding the plane, check with the airline staff where the emergency exit is located on the plane, what methods of evacuation from the cabin can be used, how many oxygen masks are on board and how to start oxygen in them, and whether there are water rescue equipment.

As a rule, containers with masks are fixed on the ceiling or on the back of the front seat. Rescue watercraft may be inflatable vests under the seats, ladders, rafts, as well as lower seat cushions.

Try to sit closer to the emergency or regular exit from the aircraft. The emergency exit is usually located above the wing. It can be used in the event that a fire breaks out in the cabin or the plane lands on water.

Pay attention to the seat belt at the seats. Adjust it to your body and try to fasten and unfasten it as quickly as possible. Remember that when fastened, the belt should clearly fix your body and prevent it from moving freely.

It is strictly not recommended to unfasten during the entire flight, as a sudden maneuver or getting into an air pocket can move you to the ceiling. For the same reason, it is forbidden to walk around the cabin. Make sure your neighbor is securely strapped in or he will fall on you.

Takeoff and landing accidents

When the plane starts to take off and land, it is best to wear a coat made of a slow-burning material (leather or wool). This will give you some protection in the event of a fire. It is not recommended to wear shoes with thin heels, as they will pierce the emergency inflatable ladder.

If the risk of a crash landing increases, remove everything hard and heavy from the shelves. Your luggage should be kept on your lap or under a seat. If an emergency landing is unavoidable, wrap your head with some clothing, cover your face with your hands and bend down to your knees as much as possible. So you protect yourself from splinters. If the space between the seats is too tight in the cabin, you should rest your hands on the front seat and put your head on your hands.

In the event of an emergency landing, your main task is to get out of the plane as soon as possible, otherwise the fuel may explode and the chances of rescue will decrease dramatically. If suddenly you witness the development of panic, then help the crew to remain calm.

For example, take full responsibility and firmly state: “I know a shortcut to the exit! All over me". Your loud and confident voice will help many passengers to come to their senses and quickly head to the exit instead of randomly rushing around the cabin. Your means of self-preservation are calmness, an order, and in some cases a fist.

Here are the basic aircraft safety rules and tips on how to behave in an emergency. Knowing them, you can always save the life of yourself, your comrade, and maybe even the entire crew.

Emergencies in aviation are cases of partial or complete destruction of an aircraft.

Over the past 10 years, planes in Russia began to fall twice as often. Emergency situations with helicopters and light aircraft are an urgent problem of the present time.

They began to fall 3-4 times more often (excluding military helicopter crashes).

The safest wide-body aircraft in the world is the domestic Il-86. For 20 years of service with these aircraft in the sky, not a single disaster occurred.

More than 80% of air crashes occur due to the "human factor", 15% - the result of a breakdown of equipment. Sometimes it is difficult to prove whether the accident was caused by pilot error or a technical malfunction of the aircraft, since the crew, as a rule, perishes along with the passengers. The surviving passengers receive injuries of various nature and severity. Among them there will be persons who will require emergency care due to acute somatic conditions that have developed in them (fainting, psychogenic shock, myocardial infarction, an attack of angina pectoris or bronchial asthma, stroke, etc.).

Any air accident is accompanied by large material damage, which is determined in monetary terms and in the number of damaged, destroyed or missing aircraft.

Emergencies in aviation transport are divided into catastrophes, accidents and breakdowns.

An aviation accident is an aviation accident that resulted in the death of one or more people, the complete or partial destruction of the aircraft or its disappearance without a trace.

An aviation accident is an accident without human casualties, but causing significant damage to the aircraft.

An aircraft breakdown is a situation that reduces flight safety.

Currently, the most dangerous and common tragedy on board an aircraft is fire and explosion.

Flight safety is ensured by:

Strict regulation of design, construction, testing and certification of aircraft, aircraft engines and equipment;

A complete list of technical requirements and standards for the characteristics of aircraft, their elements, systems, units and equipment;

Aircraft technical operation system with a list of mandatory rules for their preparation and maintenance;

Technical requirements and standards for airports, airfields, air routes;

Rules for the organization of air traffic control;

The procedure for the work of meteorological services providing air traffic;

Air accident investigation system.

Rules of conduct for passengers in an aircraft accident. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the crew and maintain sober calmness. It is very important to overcome panic and stupor in yourself and other participants in the flight.

Behavior of an air passenger during decompression. Decompression is the rarefaction of the air in the cabin in case of violation of its tightness. There is a deafening roar - air leaves the cabin very quickly, and then the cabin begins to fill with dust and fog, which reduces visibility; the air temperature drops sharply in the plane. In a person, air is rapidly drawn out of the lungs, no matter how hard you strain your chest, it is impossible to hold it. At the same time, the eardrums are overloaded, pain and noise in the ears, headache occur. Gas expands in the intestines and sharp pains appear. After a few seconds, he loses consciousness from suffocation.

At the sound of air leaving the passenger compartment, you must immediately put on an oxygen mask, which is located in the back of the seat in front. First of all, you should protect yourself: a person cannot control the symptoms of decompression, quickly loses consciousness and does not have time to help others, including his own child. Then fasten your seat belts, as the plane will begin to descend rapidly and you may be thrown out of your seat. Prepare for a sharp descent: remove hard, sharp, cutting objects from your pockets, lighter, remove your tie, glasses.

Behavior of an air passenger in case of fire on board an aircraft. In case of smoke in the cabin, protect the respiratory organs with a damp cloth, a piece of clothing; Do not remove outer clothing, as it will protect the body from the direct action of high temperature. It is better to remove synthetic clothing, tights, underwear adjacent to the body: when melted, synthetics will cause severe skin burns.

If the plane is on the ground, make your way to the nearest exit, crouching or on all fours, and if the passage is littered - through the chairs, lowering their backs. Do not take hand luggage - it can cost your life. Do not stand in the crowd at the exit - there are other exits.

Do not open hatches near which there is fire or heavy smoke.

After getting out of the plane, run away from it as far as possible, this will save you from a possible explosion.

Passenger behavior during and after a hard landing. Get rid of sharp, cutting and heavy objects, glasses and tie and take one of the fixed postures.

Pose I (optimal): Bend over and clasp your hands tightly under your knees or grasp your ankles. Put your head on your knees, and if this does not work, tilt it as low as possible. Rest your feet on the floor, pushing them away, but not under the front seat.

Pose 2: Place soft things under the chest and stomach. Place your crossed arms on the back of the front seat and press your head against them. Extend your legs further away, but not under the front seat, and rest them on the floor.

If a child is flying with you, put him on your knees and cover with your body.

At the moment of impact, tighten as much as possible to alleviate the consequences of a significant overload of the aircraft as it moves forward and possibly down. Under no circumstances leave your seat until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.

During a forced landing, increased security measures are applied. Organized evacuation of passengers on inflatable ladders. In this case, it is necessary to remove high-heeled shoes so as not to break the tightness of the ladder and not release air from it.

Rescue operations in the event of an emergency in aviation.

ASDNR can be divided into 2 types: conducted by crew members and organized by ground services. As a rule, the crew does not have enough time to take action, as everything happens very quickly. Usually the crew sends a distress signal and lands at the nearest airport. In some cases, ground services take over the leadership for rescuing an aircraft in distress in the air.

The main part of emergencies in air transport (about 80%) occurs in the airport area (parking, takeoff, approach, landing). Carrying out rescue operations here is carried out by emergency rescue teams (ASK), which includes calculations from each service: dispatching, starting, fire and rescue, fire and rifle, medical, engineering, special transport, transportation, police. After receiving information about an accident on an aircraft, ASC are obliged to immediately begin work.

The first priority is evacuation. The evacuation capabilities of aircraft of different classes differ from each other. They depend on the layout of the cabins, the number of passengers, the availability of emergency and emergency exits, and the time to prepare them for work. According to the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), all passengers must leave the aircraft in the event of an emergency on board through the exits located on one side in 90 seconds. In an emergency, all main, service, emergency doors should be used to evacuate people. It can be carried out through breaks in the fuselage, special hatches made by rescuers, cargo hatches, windows in the cockpit. The emergency exit locks are designed to allow them to be opened both from inside the cabin and from outside. From the inside, the exits are opened by crew members or passengers. Outside, this work is done by rescuers. They drive a mobile ladder, a special vehicle to the emergency exit, hang rope systems. The handles of the locks on the emergency exits are simple, they are noticeable and do not require much effort to open.

Sometimes the deformation of the fuselage and the high temperature resulting from the fire, lead to jamming of doors and hatches. In these cases, rescuers proceed to open the fuselage. The places of opening cannot be arbitrary, since electrical wires and pipelines of the high-pressure hydraulic system are laid along the entire length of the fuselage. Their damage can lead to additional difficulties. The optimal opening locations are marked on the fuselage with yellow corners on a white background. Opening should be carried out using circular saws, electric grinders, special wire cutters and axes. These works must be carried out quickly and with all precautions.

The evacuation of passengers and crew members from an aircraft in case of emergency can be carried out using mobile ladders, ladders and fire ladders, bodies of large vehicles, rope systems.

In the aircraft itself, near the exit, there are also special means for evacuation: inflatable ladders, fabric gutters, rescue ropes. Inflatable ladders TN-2 are placed under the floor hatch in front of the front door (Il-62) or on a folding platform (Tu-154), ladder TN-3 - on a folding platform at the front entrance door. To bring the inflatable ladder TN-2 (TN-3) into working position, it is necessary to open the emergency door, the hatch in the floor (IL-62), remove the ladder and fix the hatch. At the same time, the studs should be pulled out of the pins of the cover with a cable. In this case, the cover will open and the ladder will fall out of it. If, in a strong wind, the gangway, after being pushed out, wraps under the fuselage, then it must be pulled by the lower end from the aircraft. After straightening the ladder, you need to strongly turn the handle of the valve of the carbon dioxide cylinder. The gangway is filled with gas in 10-12 seconds and occupies the operating position at an angle of 45-50° from the aircraft to the ground.

It is allowed to lower no more than 2 people down the ladders TN-2 and TN-3 at the same time. The capacity of one inflatable ladder is 100 people in 2.5-3.0 minutes.

Fabric gutters are usually located near the exits on the right side of the fuselage. Cloth chute-tray is designed to lower people to the ground in case of emergency evacuation through service and emergency exits. It is made of material "cloak-tent cover" with combined impregnation. After opening the door (hatch), remove the chute from the cover and insert the hooks of the chute into the upper and lower parts of the door. Throwing the chute to the ground, the cloth is stretched 4-5 m from the aircraft. Holding the loops, lower the passengers down. It is allowed to lower no more than 1 person at a time along the fabric chute with mandatory insurance.

Above each emergency exit, as well as above the window in the cockpit or hatches, there are rescue ropes attached to the fuselage bracket.

Having opened the window or hatch, the rope is thrown out.

On the Il-86 and Yak-42 for emergency evacuation of passengers and crew members there are emergency doors with built-in inflatable ladders. During the emergency opening of the door, the inflatable ladder is automatically ejected from the container and filled with air from the cylinder.

On the IL-86 - a two-track ladder, at the same time 4 people can leave the aircraft and be on the ladder. The Yak-42 has a single-track gangway, 2 people can be on the gangway at the same time.

During an emergency evacuation, rescuers, together with the crew, provide assistance to passengers and their insurance. First of all, children, women, the elderly are evacuated, and only then - everyone else. Passengers who are unconscious or have serious bodily injuries are carefully carried out on stretchers, tarpaulins, shields and lowered to the ground with ropes.

After the end of the evacuation, rescuers check hidden places in the passenger compartments and the cockpit, as well as kitchens, cloakrooms, sanitary facilities and luggage areas to make sure that there are no people on board. If there is information about the number of passengers and the composition of the crew, then they are compared with the data on the rescued and, in case of discrepancies, the search continues until the victims are found. Aviation accidents accompanied by fire are a particular danger.

Fires inside passenger compartments are classified as fires in enclosed spaces. They are characterized by a high smoke density, a small size of the combustion zone, a high temperature gradient and a low (compared to outdoor fires) fire temperature, as well as the presence of significant concentrations of highly toxic substances in the combustion products. A fire in passenger compartments can occur as a result of accidents, careless handling of fire, short circuits in electrical wiring, transportation of flammable substances by passengers, etc.

One of the main causes of damage to people inside salons during fires is poisoning by combustion products. In 2-3 minutes after the spread of fire, carbon dioxide in the salons reaches a lethal concentration. The air temperature rises sharply along the height of the cabin: if at the floor level it is 50 ° C, then at a height of 1.3-1.5 m from the floor it is already 250 ° C.

Extinguishing a fire inside the saloons, rescuing passengers and crew begins with the rescuers entering the emergency vessel. When the fuselage is opened, the intensity of combustion increases, the volume of space engulfed in flames and the temperature of the fire increase sharply.

Rescuers must be equipped with individual means of thermal and gas-smoke protection, a working hose line filled with a foam concentrate solution, and a shut-off shaft.

The presence in the salons of a large amount of dense smoke and toxic substances significantly complicates the situation for both the victims and the rescuers themselves.

Since in the event of a fire inside the aircraft, the temperature rises sharply along the height of the passenger compartments, the rescuers must, at the initial stage of extinguishing, until the average volume temperature is reduced, work, bending down, cooling the upper high-temperature layer of the air volume of the passenger compartment.

When operating in a smoky atmosphere, one rescuer must be outside the fuselage and have the same protective equipment as the rescuers working inside the vessel. His duties include maintaining constant communication with rescuers in smoky cabins, providing immediate assistance to both the injured and, if necessary, other rescuers.

In case of fires inside the passenger compartments, the situation is so complicated and dangerous for people's lives that saving them becomes possible only with immediate evacuation. It should be carried out simultaneously with fire extinguishing, and through all doors, openings and hatches, preferably from the windward side. Opening the fuselage is best to start with the doors, since they have a higher throughput than the holes made in the skin. These openings should be used when evacuation through the doors is not possible.

Some air crashes do not occur in the airport area, which necessitates the organization and prompt search of the aircraft. Search and rescue operations are organized in the following cases:

Receiving a distress signal from an aircraft;

If within 10 minutes after the estimated time the aircraft did not arrive at the destination and there is no radio communication with it;

If the aircraft crew received permission to land and did not make it at the set time, and radio communication with them was terminated;

If during the flight along the route communication with the crew of the aircraft was lost and its location could not be established within 20 minutes, as well as in all other cases when the crew of the aircraft needs assistance.

Search and rescue operations are carried out with the involvement of aircraft and helicopters equipped with search equipment and rescue equipment, as well as ground vehicles with off-road capability and rescue boats. If necessary, the means of the international space system for searching for aircraft and sea vessels in distress "COSPAS-SARSAT" can be used.

When an aircraft is detected, its coordinates are determined, communication is established with it, the state of people's health and the amount of necessary assistance are specified. The possibility of landing and the routes of extension to the location of the aircraft of ground vehicles are determined. If it is impossible to land search aircraft, then the search and rescue team (SRT) and the equipment necessary for work will land on the site of the RPS.

After disembarking, the PSO immediately proceeds to evacuate and move the passengers of the aircraft in distress to a safe distance. Rescuers are required not only to save people, but also to create the necessary living conditions for them to protect them from bad weather, to provide them with first aid. It is also necessary to reassure people and prevent panic.

In case of inaccessibility of the disaster area, rescuers set up a temporary camp with the necessary life support system.

If passengers and crew need immediate and serious medical assistance, and there is no way to deliver them to a medical facility, then a temporary field hospital is deployed in the disaster area.

A feature of rescue operations in the field is the absence of powerful special equipment at the initial stages, then the fuselage is opened with a hand tool (axe, crowbar, sledgehammer, shovel, etc.).

Rescue operations stop only after the evacuation of all people on board the aircraft. Then, if possible, they begin to rescue the aircraft itself and the cargo it carries, and search for "black boxes".

The exception is cases when the goods are of great material and artistic value, as well as dangerous goods (explosive and radioactive substances, hazardous chemicals, etc.). In such cases, the rescue of people and cargo is carried out simultaneously.

Forced landing on water. While maintaining integrity, the aircraft has sufficient buoyancy to be able to save people in time. Before landing on the water, each passenger must get and put on a life jacket, and all passengers must be instructed in advance about the rules for using it.

If there is a danger of water entering through the entrance doors when they are opened, the evacuation of passengers and crew members is carried out through emergency exits (if they are above the water level) or upper hatches (astro hatches) and a window in the cockpit. When evacuating from an aircraft, group rescue craft (rafts) are used, which primarily transport children, the wounded, sick and elderly passengers.

After switching to watercraft, it is necessary to: check the number of passengers, sail to a safe distance from the aircraft (at least 100 m), until it begins to sink into the water; prepare for operation emergency radio facilities, signaling facilities and send a distress signal.

Being on a raft, it is necessary to organize round-the-clock control over the observance of the course of movement, the appearance of the coast, ships and aircraft, and if they are detected, try to get in touch using an emergency radio station.

When the emergency landing site is far from the coast, aviation equipment (helicopters, hydroplanes, ekranoplans) is used to save people.

An aircraft during an emergency landing on water can sink entirely or, if it breaks up, in parts. In a sunken aircraft there is a supply of air, which should be enough for passengers and crew members for some time. Then, special diving teams are involved in rescuing people, having the appropriate training for conducting ACP. When conducting an ACP on a sunken aircraft, its fuselage should be opened in such a place that the air remaining in the cabins does not evaporate.

Air accident- an event related to the operation of an aircraft that occurred while passengers or crew members were on board, which resulted in damage or destruction of the aircraft and caused injury to people or did not cause bodily injury.

Aviation accidents are divided into flight and ground.

Under flight accident understand an event related to the performance of a flight mission by the crew and entailing consequences of varying severity for the people on board the aircraft (injury or death) or the aircraft itself (damage or destruction).

ground incident considered an accident that occurred before or after the flight.

Depending on the consequences for passengers, crew and aircraft flight and ground aviation accidents are divided into breakdowns, accidents and catastrophes.

Breaking - an aviation accident, which was not followed by the death of crew members and passengers, resulting in damage to the aircraft, the repair of which is possible and economically feasible.

Crash - an aviation accident that did not result in the death of crew members and passengers, but led to the complete destruction or severe damage to the aircraft, as a result of which it is technically and economically impossible to restore it,

Catastrophe - an aviation accident that resulted in the death of crew members or passengers in the event of destruction or damage to the aircraft, as well as death of people from injuries that occurred within 30 days from the moment of the accident.

World statistics show that almost 50% of air crashes occur on the airfield. For example, in the airport of Havana in 1989 an IL-62M plane crashed, killing 125 people, in the Sverdlovsk airport in 1990 a Yak-42 plane crashed, killing 122 people.

In other cases, accidents occur in the air at various altitudes, and an aircraft in distress causes the death of not only passengers and crew, but also people on the ground. Thus, in 1994, when a TU-154 plane crashed near Irkutsk, 125 people died, of which 1 was a local resident who happened to be at the scene; in 1988, a Boeing 747 with 258 passengers on board fell from a height of 10,000 meters into residential areas of the Scottish city of Lockerbie, killing 15 people with themhonest inhabitants of the city.

Civil aviation accidents, which seem very frequent and dramatic compared to other transport accidents, are characterized by more modest average sanitary losses. At the same time, almost 100% deaths of the crew and passengers often occur in aviation accidents, exceptions are rare here. Usually, the size of sanitary losses in these cases can reach 80-90% of the total number of people on the aircraft.

Every year, on average, up to 60 air crashes occur, of which all passengers and crew die in 35. Survivors in 40-90% may have mechanical injuries; combined and combined lesions occur in 10 and 20%, respectively, in 40-60%, traumatic brain injuries are possible, and shock develops in 10% of the victims. Almost half of the passengers and members of the aircraft crew can have severe injuries.

According to the EMERCOM of Russia, in 1996 there were 40 accidents in air transport, including 14 air crashes, in which 232 people died and 334 were injured.

Based on the above information, we can assume that the task of providing medical care to the mass number of victims of aviation accidents will not be typical. Most often it will occur in cases of ground accidents or after an emergency landing of an aircraft.

According to available data, the maximum number of victims, depending on the type of aircraft, may be: AN-2 aircraft - 12 people, AN-24 - 47, Yak-42 - 113, TU-154 - 168, IL-86 - 324 people.

Statistics for 1981-1989 shows that per 100 thousand hours of flight in passenger traffic, the accident rate in the USSR was 0.11 cases in 1981 and, gradually decreasing, 0.03 - in 1989. These figures in the USA amounted to 0.06 and 0.04, respectively ; according to the data of the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO (without the USSR), in these years the accident rate was 0.14. The number of victims (crew + passengers) per 1 million transported over the same years, respectively, was: the USSR - 2.34 and 0.30; USA - 0.01 and 0.60; ICAO data (without the USSR) - 0.56 and 1.00 people.

Aviation accidents and catastrophes are possible for many reasons and lead to serious consequences. Takeoff and landing accidents are among those where there is hope for rescue, since they usually occur when the aircraft is still on the ground or not high above it, and its speed is relatively low. Moreover, they tend to happen in the area around the airport, where there are rescue teams and the necessary equipment.

Passenger actions in the event of an accident during takeoff and landing:

    Bring the back of the chair to a vertical position;

    Take off your glasses, high heels, loosen your tie, unbutton your collar, remove sharp objects from your pockets;

    Put soft things on your knees, adjust the seat belt and fasten it;

    Lean forward, lower your head down, rest your hands on the back of the seat in front of you (in its absence, grab your knees with your hands and put your head on them).

Leaving the plane through the exit with the ladder released and inflated, you need to jump on it without stopping, and not sit on the edge and then slide down. Only by jumping is an increase in the speed of evacuation achieved. Take off your goggles and high heels before jumping.

At decompression, i.e. air discharge in the cabin as a result of depressurization, the latter is filled with dust and fog. Visibility is sharply reduced, air quickly leaves the lungs of a person, and it cannot be delayed. At the same time, ringing in the ears and pain in the intestines may occur.

Rapid decompression usually begins with a deafening roar (air escapes). In this case, without waiting for the command, immediately put on an oxygen mask. Do not try to help anyone before you put on the mask yourself, even if it is your child: if you do not have time to help yourself and pass out, then both will be without oxygen. Fasten your seat belts immediately after donning your mask and prepare for a steep descent.

Actions of air passengers in case of fire:

    Listen and follow the commands of the crew members;

    Protect exposed areas of the body from direct exposure to fire, using available clothing, blankets, etc.;

    Crouch and crawl to the exit on all fours;

    If the passage is blocked, move over the lowered backs of the aircraft seats;

    Once outside the aircraft, move as far away from it as possible.

When evacuating, get rid of hand luggage and avoid exit through hatches near which there is open fire or heavy smoke.

For emergency evacuation of the aircraft by passengers and crew, all main and emergency doors, as well as emergency exits, located, as a rule, are used on the left and right sides of the fuselage. Exits for passengers, approaches to them and means of opening are prominently marked to facilitate their detection. All inscriptions are illuminated from the inside, regardless of the main lighting system. The device of emergency hatches and their locks with handles is made simple, noticeable and does not require much effort to open. Instructions for opening them are printed on the doors (hatches).

Aircraft forced landing happens rarely. Before sinking, the aircraft can be afloat from 10 to 40 minutes. However, if the fuselage is damaged, this time is much shorter. Aircraft with wing-mounted engines will float in a horizontal position, while those with two or more tail-mounted engines will float tail down.

In one case, the plane can touch the water surface very smoothly, in the other, it can fall apart and quickly sink. Therefore, when splashing down, it is necessary to clearly act on the command of the crew commander or flight attendant.

Actions of air passengers in case of forced (emergency) landing on water:

    Put on a life jacket and inflate it slightly;

    Bring or wear warm clothes;

    Take a seat on the life raft.

After a forced landing on the water, life rafts descend. The time to bring the raft into working condition is approximately 1 min. in summer and 3 min. in winter.

Using oars and improvised items, you need to move away from the dive site of the aircraft. After that, straighten and throw overboard a floating anchor, which will reduce the speed of the raft drift in the wind and will keep those fleeing in the area of ​​the accident.

September is the most dangerous month for air travel. This conclusion was made by the Internet publication PlaneCrashInfo.com after analyzing data on air crashes that occurred between 1950 and 2013. More than 15% of annual crashes occur in September. May accounts for the smallest share of annual air crashes - about 6%. The most risky days for air travel are August 12 and 29, September 3 and 11, October 2, November 23, December 7, 8, 21 and 22. On December 22, in different years, more disasters occurred than on other days - 17.

Most experts agree that there is no safe seat on an airplane. However, a study conducted by one of the American magazines showed that this was not the case. The study analyzed the statistics of accidents of American passenger liners for the period from 2001 to 2013. In total, during this time there were 25 air crashes. As it turns out, it's safest to sit in the rear of the aircraft - for passengers who are closer to the tail, the chances of surviving a crash are 40% higher than for those who sit in the front rows of the front of the cabin.

Calculating the safety levels of various seats on an aircraft showed that passengers in the back have a 69% chance of survival. For those whose seats are on the line of the wings - 56%. Business class passengers, which are traditionally located in the front part of the cabin, right behind the cockpit, are most at risk - their chance is estimated at 49%.

According to the International Air Transport Association, in most cases the main cause of the accident is pilot error (including forced - for example, due to the influence of adverse weather conditions) - pilots are responsible for 53% of accidents. In 20% of cases, disasters occurred due to mechanical failures, in 11% - due to the effects of weather (including hurricanes, fogs, lightning strikes, etc.), in 8% - due to acts of sabotage (terrorism, attack for the pilot, etc.).

According to Boeing, landing is the most dangerous part of a flight. 45% of accidents occur at the time of landing, another 13% - during the landing approach. 12% of accidents occur at the time of takeoff, 13% - climb, 6% - during the main flight, 5% - during preparation for takeoff, loading luggage and cargo, landing passengers, etc.

According to the International Air Transport Association, Russia and other former Soviet republics have the worst record of air transport safety.

In the accident rate rating of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which takes into account Western-made aircraft and helicopters irretrievably lost in crashes, the CIS, including Russia, is in the unenviable first place, overtaking the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

So, in the CIS, 5 aircraft per million flights die, in Africa - only 3.5. In North Asia, Europe and North America - less than 0.5 aircraft for the same million flights. Thus, according to IATA in 2010, one serious accident falls on 1.6 million flights. In total, 786 people died in them in 2010.

At the same time, the airlines in North America were recognized as the safest, where the accident rate was only 0.1. In Europe, this figure is 0.45, in Japan - 0.34.

The European Union maintains a list of airlines with dangerous aircraft in their fleet. It has 17 Russian airlines.

This is due to the fact that during the market years the quality of maintenance has fallen sharply. Experts point out that the detection of malfunctions before the flight itself has become commonplace. Until now, the repair of domestic aircraft is often carried out due to the dismantling of part of the fleet, which is laid up. Until recently, scandals with the sale of counterfeit spare parts did not stop.

Pilots began to fly more often, but the level of training is still insufficient. To train a pilot, you need to burn tons of fuel, and not every airline will do this. Air carriers prefer to poach pilots from competitors rather than invest in educating their own. As a result, the average salary is growing, but the quality of the flight crew is not getting any higher.

Today, Russian aviation is undergoing a process of gradual degradation. Officials are seeking to reduce the number of airlines, hoping that this will improve flight safety. As a result, the entire sphere of air transport began to decline. Closed airports in remote areas.

A list of the safest airlines in the world is published annually. At the end of 2013, the top ten included:




6. EVA AIR (China)




2. AIR NEW ZEALAND. The only incident with the carrier's aircraft occurred in 1979.

1. FINNAIR. The safest airline in the world has not had an accident for the past 49 years.

According to the US Department of Transportation, the risk of dying while flying on an airliner is estimated at 1 in 52.6 million. The risk of death for passengers of smaller aircraft making short flights is noticeably higher - 1 in 581.4 thousand. For passengers of small aircraft (sports, air taxis, etc.). etc.) - even higher - approximately 1 to 164 thousand.

According to a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the risk of a passenger dying in a plane crash on domestic airlines in industrialized countries is 1 in 8 million. In developing countries, on domestic flights, this probability rises to 1 chance in 500 thousand. developed countries is 1 in 5 million. International flights between developing and developed countries of the world are more dangerous - 1 in 600 thousand. On flights between developing countries, the risk is highest - 1 in 400 thousand.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, about 60 air transport accidents occur on average in Russia every year. Aviation accidents occur more often during landing than during takeoff. The reason for them is the subjective (human) factor, as well as the serviceability of the equipment. The human factor includes crew fatigue, loss of orientation, miscalculations during landing, and a number of other reasons. Unlike motor vehicle drivers, pilots undergo a psycho-physiological selection, and this factor is less important than in case of motor vehicle accidents.

Technical malfunctions of aircraft and helicopters during accidents in recent years, due to their deterioration, began to play a greater role than the human factor. Technical malfunctions include a significant decrease in reliability characteristics, deterioration in the quality of maintenance and repair.

Priority measures to save people in such an accident, as a rule, are associated with the evacuation of passengers from the aircraft. According to the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), all passengers must leave the aircraft in the event of an accident on board through the exits located on one side in 90 seconds.

To reduce losses in air crashes, it is necessary to minimum preparation of the passenger for the flight.

First, you need to use seat belts during the ascent and landing. Secondly, know the location of emergency exits from the cabin. Thirdly, during the accident, it is necessary to take a safe posture, bend and tightly clasp your hands under your knees, put your head on your knees, and if this does not work, bend as low as possible. The legs should be rested on the floor, push them as far as possible, but not under the front seat, which you need to put crossed arms, but press your head against them, stretch your legs and rest. Both poses are taken with a fastened belt. With the destruction of the cabin at a height and the exit of air from the cabin, decompression develops, which is accompanied by a deafening roar (air escapes). The salon is filled with dust and moisture (fog), visibility decreases sharply, air comes out of the lungs, pains appear in the intestines due to swelling of the gas. In these cases, it is necessary to wear an oxygen mask. During decompression, the aircraft crew reduces the flight altitude to 3000 m, where the oxygen content in the atmosphere is close to normal.

In case of decompression, without waiting for a command, immediately:

· Put on an oxygen mask.

· Do not try to help anyone before you put on the mask yourself, even if it is your child. If you do not manage to help yourself and lose consciousness, both of you will find yourself without oxygen.

· Immediately after donning your mask, fasten your seat belts and prepare for a steep descent.

In case of an emergency leaving the aircraft through the doors, one second is spent on average per passenger. In addition, food, water, medicines and an emergency radio station must be removed from the aircraft. The captain of the aircraft must check that there is no silt left in the aircraft of any of their passengers or crew members, and leave it last.

When organizing rescue operations in case of fire on board an aircraft it must be remembered that: after 2-3 min. after a fiery combustion occurs, carbon dioxide in the cabin reaches a lethal concentration; the temperature inside the passenger compartments increases sharply along their height (at the floor level - 50 0 С, and at a height of 1.5 m from the floor - 250 0 С.

In air transport accidents, up to 80% of passengers die. At the same time, 60-80% of the affected, the survivors, get TBI, 60% - shock, 70% - rupture of internal organs, 60% - injuries to the limbs.

Similar information.

transport accident is damage to the vehicle. For example, a car, a train, an airplane, a ship can crash. At the same time, an accident with tragic consequences associated with the death of people is called disaster.

Protection in case of car accidents (catastrophes)

A car accident is one of the main causes of death in peacetime.

In most cases, car accidents occur due to non-compliance with basic safety measures and traffic rules, as well as insufficient awareness of the consequences of a particular violation of road safety rules. For example, few people know that a collision with a fixed obstacle at a speed of 50 km / h without a seat belt is tantamount to jumping face down from the 4th floor.

About 75% of all accidents in road transport occur due to violations of traffic rules by drivers. The most dangerous types of violations still remain speeding, ignoring road signs, driving into oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated.

Bad roads (mostly slippery) often lead to accidents, as well as machine malfunctions (in the first place - brakes, in the second - steering, in the third - wheels and tires).

A feature of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first three hours due to heavy blood loss.

There are several recommendations on how to protect yourself during an accident. So, if an accident occurs on a motor vehicle, if you see that it is impossible to prevent it, try to take the safest position by grouping and covering your head with your hands. During an accident, all muscles must be strained to the limit. Most importantly, stop yourself from moving forward. To do this, if you are sitting in the driver's seat, you need to press your back into the seat and, straining all your muscles, rest your hands on the steering wheel; if you are sitting in the front seat as a passenger, then you should rest against the "front panel"; and if behind - then in the front seat. If you, while driving, did not fasten your seat belt, you should press against the steering column, and in the passenger seat, you should cover your head with your hands and fall to one side. Do not leave the car before it stops, as the chances of surviving in a car are 10 times greater than when jumping out of it.

If the accident is related to a rollover or fire of the vehicle, try to get out of it as soon as possible, using not only doors, but also windows for this if necessary.

If the car has fallen into the water, the doors should not be opened, as the water will immediately rush in and the car will begin to plunge sharply. In this case, you need to get out through an open window.

In the event of a fire in public transport, first, immediately inform the driver. Second, try to open the doors with the emergency release button. If this fails, break the side windows or open them as instructed as emergency exits. Thirdly, try to put out the fire yourself, and if this fails, then immediately leave the salon.

The electrical supply of trams and trolleybuses creates an additional threat of electric shock to a person. Therefore, when getting out of the passenger compartment of a tram or trolleybus, do not touch its metal parts.

In any case, the main thing is to remain calm and in no case panic, as panic can lead to more damage. Decide where in the car and what position you are in, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when overturning). After getting out of the car, move away from it - an explosion is possible.

If nothing serious happened to you, help the injured, organize first aid and take measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident. If necessary, call an ambulance and report the incident to the police.

Protection in case of accidents (catastrophes) on railway transport

As statistics show, the death of people in railway transport is mainly associated with train wrecks. Therefore, it is necessary to know and apply the rules and security measures in the event of this emergency.

In the event of a crash or emergency braking of the composition, the most important thing is to gain a foothold and prevent your movement forward or throws to the sides. To do this, during the impact, the point resulting from the accident, try to grab onto the stationary parts of the car or group, covering your head, in order to avoid injury. When turning the car over, hold on tightly with your hands and rest your feet against the wall, upper shelf, etc. After the car becomes stable, outline the ways out of it. At the same time, if the car is overturned or damaged, get out through the windows, pulling out children and victims in your arms. In the event of a break in the wires of the contact network, move away from the cars by 30-50 m so as not to fall under the step voltage.

Of course, ensuring the safe movement of trains depends mainly on the drivers and dispatchers, but you can also reduce the risk of a possible train crash if you know some rules:

  • in the event of a train collision, the most dangerous are the head and tail cars;
  • compartment doors that are not fixed in the extreme position lead to injuries from their sudden movement when stopped;
  • bulky things, glassware located on the upper shelves also lead to passenger injuries during a sudden stop;
  • on electrified sections of the railway, broken poles and electrical wires lying on the ground are especially dangerous in the event of a train crash.

A fire in the carriage also poses a great danger to railway passengers. This is due to the concentration of a large number of people in passenger cars and the difficulty of their evacuation, the rapid rise in temperature and the spread of toxic gases in confined spaces, the remoteness of the train on the way from fire departments.

In the event of a fire on the way, first of all inform the conductor or driver about it. Try to take all measures to stop the train, using the stop crane or emergency braking system, and extinguish the fire. (Remember that in case of fire, you cannot stop the train on the bridge, in the tunnel and other places where evacuation will be difficult.) If it is impossible to put out the fire on your own, leave the car immediately, using all exits, including windows, while remembering to provide assistance in the evacuation of children and the elderly. Remember that in case of fire, the material with which the walls of the wagons are lined - malminite - emits toxic gas that is life-threatening. Therefore, during a fire on a train, try to protect yourself with respiratory protection.

When evacuating, be careful not to get hit by an oncoming train. After leaving the train, do not stay near it, but try to move to a safe distance.

Protection in case of accidents (catastrophes) in air transport

Flight safety depends primarily on the reliability of aircraft and the professionalism of crews and dispatchers. However, when using air transport, you must follow certain safety rules.

If you have a choice, then sit in a seat that is located near the exit and, if possible, closer to the middle or tail of the aircraft. Find out where the exits (main and emergency) are located on your aircraft and how they open. When taking off and landing, make sure that your seat belt is tight. Be attentive to the commands and signals that are transmitted through the microphone, on the light board or flight attendants.

One of the emergencies that can occur in flight is decompression - a decrease in the oxygen content due to the “leaving” of air. Decompression usually begins with a deafening roar, the cabin fills with dust and fog, and visibility drops sharply. At the same time, people have ringing in the ears and pain in the intestines (gas expands), air quickly leaves the lungs, and people lose consciousness. Therefore, at the first sign of decompression, immediately put on an oxygen mask (where it is stored and how to use it, the flight attendant informs at the beginning of the flight) and prepare for a sharp descent or emergency landing, as a decompression emergency is corrected by lowering the flight altitude .

In an emergency landing, take the safest position. To do this, lower the chair and group, pressing your head to your hands and resting your legs in the direction of travel. At the moment of impact, strain as much as possible. When the plane makes an emergency landing, strictly follow all the instructions of the crew.

If a fire breaks out in flight, do not panic, but try to help extinguish the fire or protect yourself from fire and smoke, using clothes and water to do this. Prepare for an emergency landing and be sure to visualize your way to the nearest exit. After an emergency landing, try to leave the plane as quickly as possible, using emergency hatches and ladders for this (you have one to two minutes for this). At the same time, try to protect your skin and do not breathe smoke. The main thing is to remain calm and do not panic, as not only your salvation, but also the salvation of other passengers depends on this (according to the US National Transportation Safety Administration, over 70% of people involved in air crashes with fires survive). Once overboard, provide assistance to the injured and try to move away with them to a safe distance as quickly as possible.

If the plane crashed in a deserted area, then try to take the most necessary things with you during an emergency evacuation from the plane (first aid kits, warm clothes in winter) and think about how to send signals from the ground, visible from the air.

Protection in case of accidents (catastrophes) on water transport

For the timely and organized work to save passengers and the ship itself, each of them has developed Alarm schedules. They describe all the actions of the crew and passengers on the appropriate alarms in the event of an emergency. In addition, each passenger seat is assigned a passenger cabin card in Russian and English, which indicates: the meaning of the alarms; place of gathering of passengers on alarm; the number and location of the lifeboat; illustrated brief instructions for putting on personal life-saving equipment with an indication of their storage location.

Therefore, before you settle into the cabin, carefully study this card.

There are three ship alarms:

  • "General ship alarm" - one long signal with a loud chime for 25-30 s, after which the announcement of "General ship alarm" on the general ship broadcast in forced operation mode. An alarm is announced when an emergency occurs or in the pre-emergency period, when it becomes clear that an accident cannot be avoided. However, this does not mean "Abandon ship".
  • Alarm "Man overboard" - three long signals with a loud battle call are given 3-4 times. Following this, a voice announcement is made on the ship's general broadcast indicating the number of the boat to be launched. The alarm applies only to members of the ship's crew. Exit of passengers on this alarm to the open decks is prohibited.
  • "Boat alarm" - seven short and one long signal with a loud battle call, repeated 3-4 times, followed by an announcement in a voice over the ship's general broadcast. It is submitted only in the case when the state of the emergency ship leaves no hope for the success of the damage control and the ship must immediately die; announced only by order of the captain. On a boat alert, the crew members responsible for the safety of passengers will take you to the place of landing in collective life-saving equipment.

As statistics show, the main danger during a shipwreck comes from a sinking ship, which is capable of taking people under water with it. In addition, in a shipwreck, people are at risk during evacuation from a sinking ship, as well as when they are in the water, on rafts or boats.

Among the preliminary measures of protection, one can advise to remember the way from your cabin to the rescue equipment on the upper deck, since it is very difficult to navigate during a disaster, especially when the ship is smoking and listing. Preventive measures also include the study of instructions for actions in emergency situations, the rules for using life-saving equipment and practical training in the use of life-saving equipment.

When evacuating people from a ship in distress, the danger arises from failures of launching devices, capsizing and impacts of life-saving appliances, their improper use, and also, if necessary, jumping into the water from a sinking ship from a great height. During the evacuation, you should take with you only the necessary things. Seats on life-saving appliances are given first to women, children, the elderly and the wounded.

When evacuating from the vessel, it is necessary to wear warm clothes, and on top - a protective suit made of waterproof fabric and a life jacket. To go down to the rescue vessel should be on ladders or ropes. If circumstances permit, additional blankets, clothing, an emergency radio, supplies of drinking water and food should be loaded into survival equipment. If you need to jump into the water, you should hold your nose and mouth with one hand, and hold on tightly to the life jacket with the other.

Once in the water, a person is at risk of drowning, hypothermia and exhaustion. To slow down the onset of hypothermia while in the water, you need to keep your head as high as possible above the water, while trying to expend a minimum of physical effort to keep yourself on the surface of the water. You should swim only to the life-saving equipment.

On the high seas, life-saving appliances should observe two basic principles: all life-saving appliances stay together and stay at the place of the shipwreck, if there is no firm confidence in the ability to reach the shore or enter the ship's routes.

When on rafts or boats, the main danger comes from hypothermia, and when staying on them for a long time, from a lack of water and food. Therefore, while on a life-saving device, one should first of all keep the legs dry and cover the body, strictly ration water (500-600 ml per person per day, divided into numerous small doses) and have only an emergency supply. However, in any case, it is necessary to maintain composure and not give in to panic, otherwise it will only reduce the chances of salvation and hasten death.