Research work in mathematics "How to measure without a ruler". How to remove measurements for clothes without a centimeter tape if not at hand

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic Secondary School No. 2" Tashtagol

Technical Mathematical Section:

Nomination: Mathematics

How to measure without a ruler

Julia Julia ,

Grade 5,MBOU "Basic

general education

school number 2 "Tashtagol

Scientific adviser:

Sulekova Albina Farithna ,

mathematic teacher,

second qualifying category

Tashtagol, 2014.

Introduction ..................................................................................... ..3

Chapter 1. An old system of length measures in Russia. ………………………...four

    1. Measures of length in ancient in Russia ................................................... 4

      "Live" scale .................................................................. ... 6

      Measuring paths with steps ............................................................ .6

Chapter 2. "Measure, I measure myself" ........................................................... ..7

2.1. "Live" meter ...................................................................................... ... 7

2.2. Measurement of length by the method of determining the middle step .................. ..8 2.3. Palm measurement, more accurate brush width ............................8

2.4. Determination of the distance "alive" meter .....................................8

Conclusion ............................................................................9

References ............................................................. ..10

Appendix 1. Dictionary. ......................................................... ..1.1

Appendix 2. Standard meter .. .................................................. ..12

Appendix 3. "Live" scale .......................................... ..... 13

Appendix 4. Vintage Russian lengths of length in proverbs .. ... ... 14


Measure yourself - and you

will become a real geometer!

Martilyo Sichino

To date, there is not a single profession and even a school subject, where nothing needs to be measured using instruments or by eye, that is, without instruments.

Well, of course, we have all at home there are measuring instruments. This is a watch for which you know when you need to go to school and when your favorite transfer on TV will begin; The thermometer for which everyone will throw a look at the street; Electricity meter and much more.

Was there ever such a situation: you need to measure something, and the rules, roulettes and other measuring instruments within reach is not?

If you have no absolutely nothing at hand, you have at least your hands and legs !!!

And, although we are all different with you, on average, some parts of the body have enough of us quite close in size.

For example, there was such a situation: they bought a TV. Dad knew the luggage of the car trunk (length, height, depth), and it measured the size of the box with the help of his hand, or rather, the distance of the large and index fingers, i.e. span.

What is not relevant to this topic, if without any tools, you can measure the height of the box, pillars, pyramids, wood, etc.

Purpose: find out: how to measure the distance, if there is no ruler at hand.

Hypothesis : a person in his life can measure any lengths and distances without using measuring instruments.

Tasks :

    analyze literature on vintage length measures in Russia

    compare and summarize the need to apply non-standard measurement measures.

    try in practice Measure the height and length of the object, the distance of the line

Object and subject research : Furniture in the classroom, human growth, measuring the length of the car, diminish the distance of 2 meters long.

Research methods:

    study of information from books, reference books, magazines;

    obtaining information in adults;

    search for information on the Internet;

    observation of measurement without the help of the line;


CHAPTER 1. Ancient system of length measures in Russia

    1. Measures of length in antiquity in Russia

With deep ancient, our ancestors measured the distance by their body. It is also convenient, and hands with legs are always with you, they cannot be forgetting at home. The system of ancient Russian length of length included the following basic measures: a mile, sootten, Arshin, elbow, span and cub.

In ancient Russia for measuring distances was usedVERST ( or earlier name - Popritis) . Mustra - from the word "Vertette". Initially, the distance from one turn of the plow to the other during the package. For a long time, two names were used in parallel as synonyms. The vest as a measure of length in Russia is found from the 11th century. The magnitude of the versts has repeatedly changed depending on the number of the soot included in it, and the magnitude of the soot. The average length of the vests is 1060m.

STEP - The average length of the human step \u003d 71 cm. One of the most ancient length measures. Survived information about the use of a step to determine the distance between cities in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Egypt, Persia. Step as a measure of length is used and now. There is even a special instrument pedometer, similar to a pocket watch that automatically counts the number of steps covered by man. The steps were measured by the distance for which opponents were to converge during a duel.

Arshin - Ancient Russian length of length. There are various versions of the origin of the archet length. Perhaps initially, Arshin denotes the length of the human step (about seventy centimeters, when walking along the plain, at an average pace) and was a basic value for others large Mer Length definitions, distance (sootten, versta). The root "AR" in the word A R W and N - in ancient Russian language (and in other, neighboring) means "earth", "the surface of the Earth", and indicates that this measure could be used when determining the length of the path passed. There was another name for this measure - step.
Arshin is mentioned in literary sources from the mid-16th century. The name comes from the Persian word "Arsh" - elbow. This is the length of the entire elongated hand from the shoulder joint to the end phalanx of the middle finger. In Arshina, 71 cm. But in different countries (and even in different provinces of Russia), there were few lengths of length, therefore merchants, selling their goods, as a rule, measured him with their arches, deceiving buyers at the same time. From here there was a saying "Measure to your Arshin". To exclude confusion, a government arshin was introduced, i.e. Etalon ARSHIN, which is a wooden line, at the ends of which metallic tips with state stigps riveted.

Sashen - Old Russian, one of the main, length measures. Sazhen is mentioned in the "Word about the heard of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery" for 1017. The name of the soot comes from the verb " sink", Meaning" get to anything; Renewable distance. " According to historians, there were more than 10 seeds, and they had their names, were incommensurable, and one another is not painted. SAZHENI: Urban - 284.8 cm, Untitled - 258.4 cm, Great - 244.0 cm, Greek - 230.4 cm, cassenaya - 217.6 cm, Tsarskaya - 197.4 cm, church - 186.4 cm, folk - 176.0 cm, masonry - 159.7 cm, simple - 150.8 cm, small - 142.4 cm and one more - 134.5 cm (data from one source), as well as - Poultry, pavement.

In 11-14 centuries. the soot equated about 176 cm. It was the so-called mahasaendetermined by the scope of the hands of a person from the end of the fingers of one hand until the other fingers. Also used so the soot kosoy (Great), equal to 248 cm (was determined by the distance from the fingers to the end of the fingers, elongated diagonally).

ELBOW - a unit of length that used from ancient times. Initially, the elbow was determined as a distance of an elbow from the elbow bending to the end of the middle (or large) finger of an elongated hand (or a compressed fist). The magnitude of this oldest length of length, in various sources, and in different countries, ranged from 37 to 47 cm. The builders of the Egyptian pyramids considered the elbow the standard of length. In Russia, elbow as a measure of length is mentioned in literary monuments from the 11th century. One of their major Russian length measures. In different centuries, the elbow was from 38 cm to 51 cm. From the 16th century, he gradually displaced by Arshin and is almost not used in the 19th century.

For minor measure of the length of the basic magnitude wasSPAN (Plain), applied in Russia, time immemorial. The span is the distance between the ends of the stretched fingers (big and index). The span was often used in everyday life for approximate definition of small lengths. The real design of the span did not have - used brush hands. Applied spinsmall equal to 18-19 cm, spangreat - 22-23 cm, spanscorer (Pond with the addition of two instrumentation finger joints) - 27 cm, spanmerry - 17.95 cm.

In the 16th century in Russian measures appeared Verzhok - measure length equal to the width of two fingers (index and medium). The name of the "top" comes from the word "top" (top of fingers, i.e. finger). In modern calculus - 4cm 5mm.

Lengths of length (used in Russia after the "Decree" of 1835 and before the introduction of a metric system):

1 verst \u003d 500 or 700 sages \u003d 1km 67m
1 sage \u003d 3 ARSHIN \u003d 213cm
1 ARSHIN \u003d 16 tops \u003d 71 cm
(on Arshin usually applied divisions in the tops)

1 elbow \u003d 44 cm (by different sources from 38 to 47 cm)

1 Tier \u003d 4,5cm

1.2. "Live" meter

It would be good for everyone from us to acquire such a "alive meter" to use them for measuring length in case of need. It is useful to remember that most people havethe distance between the ends of the handrated arrow - Rule, notified by a brilliant artist and scientists Leonardo da Vinci. It allows you to use our "alive meters", because almost everything knows your height.

To measure small distances, it should be remembered by the length of its "Poky", i.e. distances between the ends of the placed and index finger.

To measure the distance between objects, you need to know the length of your step. To measure small magnitudes, it is necessary to know the length of the index finger from the base and the width of its fingers.

Armed with all these information, you can quite satisfactorily perform a variety of measurements literally bare hands, even in the dark.

1.3. Measurement path steps.

Measurement path steps. The measuring ruler will not always be at hand, and it is useful to be able to do something without it. Measure long or short distances are the easiest steps. To do this, you need to know the length of your step. Of course, the steps are not always the same, but still we can know their middle-length. To find out the length of your middle step, you need to measure the length of many steps together and calculate it from here the length of one. At the same time, of course, it is impossible to do without a measuring tape. First you need to measure the distance 20m. Remove the ribbon and fought the line. It is possible that the step will not be whole. If the rest is shorter than half the length of the step, it can be thrown into it, and if longer is considered for the whole step. By dividing 20m to the number of steps, we obtain the average length of your one step. This number must be remembered.

Chapter 2. "Measure, I myself measure"

2.1. "Live" meter.

To begin with, I will create your own "live" meter. For this it is necessary to make the appropriate measurements:


Ancient name in Russia

Length in see


Approximately equal to the maney plant



Approximately Ravenar

length of the entire elongated hand from the shoulder joint to the terminal phalanx of the middle finger


the distance between the ends of the placed and index fingers

Small span

The distance between the largest finger and the maizin

Big Page

Brush width


Distance between the ends of the arranged hands

"Machy Sausten"


distance from left leg sock until the end of the middle finger raised up right hand

Kosy Sazhen


Distance from elbow to the end of the middle finger


measure length equal to the width of two fingers (index and medium).


In theory, everything is clear, and in practice it is necessary to carry out such an experiment: measure the length of the car, the length of the table, the height of the door, its growth and measurement of the distance of 2 meters long.

Measurement of length by the method of determining the middle step.

Having determined the length of the step by the method of determining the middle step, we define the length of the machine.

The length of the machine of my family according to the technical passport \u003d 481 cm.

According to my measurements, the length of the machine is 7 steps, i.e. 7 steps x 71cm \u003d 497 cm. Error, there is (16 cm).

Palm measurement, or rather hand width

In ancient Russia, small items were measured. Knowing the sizes of their study parties, measuring with your palms and span. Happened:

length of the parties (data from the store) \u003d 120 cm.

length of the parties \u003d 7 spans * 15 cm \u003d 105 cm (error \u003d 15 cm)

length of the parties \u003d 16 palms * 7 cm \u003d 112cm (error \u003d 8cm)

Also measurable the door in the city:

height of the door box (data from the store) \u003d 210 cm

door Box Height:

27 palms x 7cm \u003d 189 cm (error \u003d 21cm)

14 spans x 15cm \u003d 210cm (coincided!)

mean your height (155cm):

22 palms x 7cm \u003d 154cm (error \u003d 1cm)

10 spans x 15cm \u003d 150cm (error \u003d 5 cm)

These experiments will interest everyone and can be measured everything around! Starting from classmates and ending with a sandwich!

Determination of the distance "alive" meter.

I decided to measure the distance with a length of 2 meters (200cm) "alive" meter. To do this, I postponed 2 steps (71cm) + 1 elbow (41cm) + 2 palms (7cm) + 1 Tips (3 cm). Then I measured this distance - it turned out 188cm (error \u003d 12 cm)


"What does it mean to measure?" You can briefly answer so "Measure means compared with the standard." In everyday life, the measuring standard should always be available. For the student, the standard can serve as a penny pen, a textbook on mathematics, as well as a "alive" meter, this is, for example, a nail width, or an index finger length. I believe that the "live meter" is more acceptable, although it gives approximate values. In the home source, the standard may be for small measurements, a heap.

The purpose of our work was to find out: how to measure the length to us, the width of any object, regardless of its size, as well as any distance, if there is no line, roulette and other measuring instruments for measuring length.

After examining various literature, information on the Internet and interviewing their parents, we found out thatwith the help of an old system of length measures in Russia, any distance without measuring instruments could be measured.

After conducting research, we installed:

    there are a large number of vintage length measures in Russia;

    the sizes of the body in humans are different, so the "alive" meter was also different;

    the first units for measuring values \u200b\u200bwere not too accurate

Output. As a result of research work, the vintage lengths depend on the characteristics of the physical structure of a person. They are inaccurate and uncomfortable in use. But in the modern world, we use them - for approximate values \u200b\u200b(for example, when buying a product, when transporting any subject, etc.)

Old lengths still live in our speech, in the works of oral folk creativity and literature. Vintage Russian lengths are the heritage of our culture and we must be proud of our ancestors and their reasonable solutions in the settlement and measurements.


    Glaser G.I. - History of mathematics at school. Manual for teachers. M.: Enlightenment, 1964.

    Depman I.Ya., Vilenkin N.Ya. Behind the pages of the textbook of mathematics: the manual for students is 5-6 kl.Sed.Shk. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

    Gold placers. Russian folk proverbs and sayings. - Krasnoyarsk, "Offset", 1993

    Klimchenko D.V. From the history of the metric system of measures. // N.Sh. - 1991. - № 7 - p.21.

    Cordyukova S. "Units necessary for all" - M.: "Children's literature", 1972.

    Vintage Russian Methods of Length, Weight, Volume

    - translator units of measurements

Attachment 1.


Measurement error - deviation the values \u200b\u200bof the value from its true value. Measurement error is characteristic (measure) measurements.

Measure - It means to find with the help of special technical devices the value of some physical quantity. At the same time, it is compared with the same size adopted per unit.

Reference (Fr. ytalon). to check the measuring devices in circulation (tech, physical).Reference meter. || . ready for something (Book.).

Leonardodi Ser Piero da Vinci ( Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci ; , village Ankiano, near the town , near - , lock , near , , ) - ( , , ) I. ( , ), inventor, writer, one of the largest art representatives , a vivid example " » ( homo Universalis ).

Finally, the Russian system of measures was orderedOctober 11, 1835 Decree of Nicholas I "On the Russian measures and scales system."
A geographical mile was introduced a 1/15 degree of the earth's equator, or 7 miles. The versta was 500 sages, soot - 3 ARSHIN, ARSHIN - 4 Pyats (quarter), quarter - 4 tops. Also existed weaving - a hundredth part of the plantation.
For minor distances, English lengths were borrowed, inch, which consisted of 10 lines, and a line that consisted of 10 points.

By the way, the unofficial name of the rifle of the MOSIAN system is "three-year" - characterizes the cartridge caliber, three lines, which is 7.62 millimeters.
On July 21, 1925, it is possible to consider the date of completion of the history of the Russian system. By the decision of SNK in the USSR, a metric system was introduced as a mandatory.

Many of the names of Russian lengths of length entered sustainable expressions, for example, "oblique soap in the shoulders", "seven spans in the forehead", etc.

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3. "Live" scale

Appendix 4.

Vintage Russian lengths of length in proverbs and sayings

In the modern Russian language, the ancient units of measurement and words that are denoted, preserved mainly in the form of proverbs and sayings.

From the pot of twotip , and already a pointer -

a young man who has no life experience, but self-examining all.

She has Saturday through Friday to twotip got out -

about the inaccurate woman who has a lower shirt of a long skirt

Do not give anypoky. -

do not give even the least.

SevenpIDE in the forehead -

about a very smart person

Myself with marigolds, and beard withlokotok -

about the person of unenviable appearance, but using credibility thanks to their mind, social situation or life experience. To Peter I beard was considered the honorary belt of a man. Long, the holel beard served as a sign of wealth, meaningful.

Every merchant to hisarshin Measures -

everyone judges anyone unilaterally, based on their own interests.

Sits, walks likearshin swallowed -

about unnaturally direct person

On threeaRSHINA in the ground sees -

about the attentive, inspired person, from whom nothing cannot be hung.

Kosyasajen. in shoulders -

wideless, high growth man.

Pulled to Pole -sajen. -

on the accumulation of reserves, wealth by saving.

Verst Kolomna -

talk about a high person.

Moscowvest far, and the heart is near

so Russian people characterized their attitude to the capital.

On theleste Let's get up - at ten catch up -

even a small lag is very difficult to overcome.

Sevenmile Steps -

fast growth, good development of something.

On thearshin Head, yes the mind onspan -

when they talk about a stupid man.

Closeelbow Yes, do not bite -

and close, you will not get - you will not succeed

For seven.verso Kisli bread -

ride, go far without a special need.

Appendix 4.

Eating ancient length of length in works of literature

Who does not know from childhood a poem of Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares"! There are such lines:

With each minute, the water was chosen
To poor yormans: left under them
aRSHINA width lands
sazhen in length.

Position and in fact catastrophic: imagine an island of less than 71cm x 213cm! Grandfather Mazay came to the help of oblique how it is impossible in time.

The word "versta" had another meaning - a milestone. In order to notice them better, they usually painted with oblique stripes in two colors - white and dark, most often black, and between them took place a narrow orange bar. It was about such versts that Pushkin wrote in the poem "Winter Road":

Wilderness and snow. ... meet me
veters striped
Come across one.

Hence the expression of the Kolomenskoye verst - about a very gloomy man. It occurs from high vest pillars, placed by the decree of the king Alexei Mikhailovich between Moscow and Selo Kolomensky, where his palace was

P. P. Ershov "Cracker Gorbok".

"Yes Toy-skate

Tall only in threetip ,

On the back with two humps

Yes S.arshina ears "

Russian folk fairy tale "Seven Semions".

"I," says, "I can sow an iron pillarsedna In twenty embroidery. "

M. M. Svavin "Guys and ducklings."

"In the spring it is a lake far away, and a durable place for the nest could only be foundveters For three, on the bump, in the marsh forest. And when the water slept, all three had toveters Travel to the lake. "

Tale "Brothers-hunters."

"Weled porridge, waiting for his brother. It looks out on the paradise the old man, not above the stump itself, the hat inarshin and beard in threesazhen ».

A. S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan".

"Son God gave them toarshin ».

Russian folk tale "Stupid man."

"I did not have time to drive a dozensajen. How bit the bit broke, the man fell and prayed. "

Russian folk tale "What is heard next".

"Yes," says the old man, - Bread Yes Salt for thousandsverso i heard! "

Russian folk fairy tale "Look there - I don't know where, I do not know what."

"A peasant with marigolds, beard withlokotok I sat down near the bull, took out the knife sharpened, started to cut meat, wash it into garlic, pecking yes praise. "

The epics "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale robber."

Straight apart - five hundred therewool

And the Ocean Walkway is a thousand ".

"The fairy tale about the Emel of the fool."

"And this city from the village is in sevenversts …».

Do you need to determine the size of the finished clothes on the table of the sizes or you just want to sew something for yourself or someone else, correctly filmed measurements is the key to the perfect landing of any thing about the figure. It is best to shoot the measurement with a special centimeter ribbon, but if you do not have it at hand, you can use other handicrafts.


Selection of measuring instruments

    Look for something flexible to remove measure. Try to find something flexible at home that it will be possible to wrap around your body to remove the measure.

    • Try to use affordable materials such as yarn, twine, fabric trim or wire.
    • The material you choose should not be a great value for you, as you have to apply a centimeter scale on it, cut or otherwise damage, so that it is more convenient for you to shoot measurements.
  1. Find an item with exactly known to you. Look for a prudent object with a straight edge, the exact length of which you know. Depending on the specific subject, you can either use it as a tool for removing the measure, or to measure with another material, for example, the twine.

    Apply on the selected material for measuring the scale with centimeter marks. If you do not know the exact length of the item selected instead of a centimeter tape, take the line and apply a centimeter scale on it.

    To remove the measurement, attach an improvised centimeter tape to the body. Attach the prepared measuring material to that part of the body, which is going to measure to determine its length, based on the material applied to the material or from the knowledge of its exact dimensions.

    • If the material used is too short to measure the necessary length, make sure the finger as much as possible in the place where the material ends, and attach it (material) to this point again to continue the measurements. Do so many times as you need to fulfill the complete measurement.
    • If you want to first find out the length of any part of the body and only then measure it in centimeters, attach the measuring material to this part of the body and mark on it with your fingers (or if you use the twine, even cut the material in the place), where The required length is erected. Then take a ruler or use the approximate dimensions of your hand to find out the length of the removed measurement.
    • Be sure to write down all the measurements received and do not forget to sign what the numbers you specify do.

    Removing measure for women's clothing

    1. Measure chest girth. To determine your chest girth or grabbing a chest of another woman, it is necessary to carry out a measuring material around the body on shovels, under armpits and on the most protruding portion of the chest.

      Determine the waist girth. Take the measuring material and determine the girth of a natural waist - the most narrow body place. To determine the location of the waist, take a look at the mirror and pay attention to that portion of the body that is slightly above the navel, but below the chest.

      Measure the girth of the thighs. To determine the girth of the hips, wrap the measuring material around the widest part of the hips.

      • Usually the widest point of the hips is located 20 cm below the natural line of the waist, but this parameter varies from person to person. You can remove several different measurements to accurately determine the greatest of them.
      • If you are removing the measure of yourself, be sure to check through the mirror so that the measuring material goes around the hips and the buttocks is strictly horizontally.
    2. Learn the length of step seam. To determine the length of the stepper seam of trousers, it is necessary to measure the distance along the inner side of the leg from the crotch to the ankle. The foot should remain straight.

      If necessary, remove additional measurements. Use the measuring material to remove any other measurements that are specified in the table of the size of the finished clothes or are necessary for selecting the pattern.

    Removing measure for men's clothing

      Measure neck girth. Take the measuring material and measure the neck girth at its base.

      Identify chest girth. To measure the gripping of the chest, it is necessary to carry out the measuring material around the body in shovels, under armpits and by the most protruding chest.

Measurements without a ruler!

Sometimes there are such situations when it is necessary to measure a certain length at least approximately, but at hand there are no necessary measuring instruments. For these purposes, there are plenty of methods that can be used to measure the length and distances. The very first, and well-known, a way that requires only knowledge of its growth, measuring the distance "in parrots" (by analogy of the cartoon known). The presence of a sheet in the cell speaks already for itself. Knowing the foot length can also be used by it, at least just to measure the necessary longer segment on the stick, and already using it (stick) to perform measurements on the principle: the pyramid of measurements. Rope, wires, or similar flexible materials, you can measure climbing your fingertips. To do this, it is necessary to remove any direct hand to the side, and bend another to the elbow and send the hand to the same side. Thus, we get the distance, from the tip of the nameless finger of one hand to the tip of the nameless finger another hand, equal to about one meter. You can use coins or banknotes, unless of course know their diameters or sizes, the only difficulty, remember them. If you lie in the iPhone pocket, you can measure the distance not only by the iPhone itself knowing it length, but also use specially created for these purposes, mobile applications (Apple-O-meter, etc.).

An approximate distance or length, with a small error, can always be determined.


IPhone can still be measured degrees))). Not in alcohol products, of course (about such a program for him, I have not heard), namely the angle of inclination. By the length of the circumference of the iPhone, you can calculate the diameter using the iPhone again)). So on a similar device, it is better not to save.

That is an ambush, and I will do with my highkey what will I do? (((I have a compass, and roulette. And the transportation, and the level, and somehow they do not fit. I understand it! If it were an iPhone, it would be useful for sure. It is necessary to justify such things, but otherwise - why take? ??? !!!

That's the point, when you need, no, when you don't need it, there is also a passport of all the same, too, the option. It's like iPhones-dollars, too, always carry)))

How can I measure the length or distance?

I will complement the responses of consultants and offer some more simple ways to measure.

For example, a chain is a male and female decoration. All chains usually have a different length that is listed on the label. For example, a chain of 50 cm can be measured even the length and height of the walls. Moreover, using a chain, you can calculate the area of \u200b\u200bany surface.
Or shoe laces. As a rule, all laces have a certain length, therefore, pulling out only one lace (and if two lace sneeze together, a whole meter can be obtained), they can be measured by anything.

And the simplest ways of measuring length - human hair; pillowcase (one side, as a rule, 60 cm); the table (if you know its size, then you can attach something - for example, women's tights, measure the desired length, and then measure them); passport; driver's license; Direct in the subway, credit card. And many, many other ways.

Probably, each familiar is the following situation: there is neither a ruler, no roulette, but to measure something and urgently. How to measure the distance or diameter if there is no measuring instrument at hand - the topic of this article. Immediately make a reservation that the idea is not new, but for beginners and lovers to make something she can come in handy.

If you figure it out, almost any item may come for measurements. For example, you needed to measure the width of the table top, you mark the distance of the first thing that fell (let it be at least a spoon, even a chain from the neck), and then with the help of the line, find out the length of this very spoon or chain. But sometimes there are objects, the dimensions of which are standard. Knowing them, you can immediately proceed to the calculation, without measuring these items later.

Computer disc

Not all of us are tackled by discs with them in your pocket, but still this item is quite common: at home, at work, in the car. It is interesting that its indicators of external and internal diameters are integers. For example, the inner diameter of the opening is exactly 15 mm, and the total disk diameter is 120 mm. But this is not all: with the help of a disc can be measured by the so-called wheel method. Its essence is as follows: a pencil marker, a marker or a notch is placed on the edge of the disk. Next, you install the disc mark to the point A (where to start to measure) and roll it like a wheel to the point B. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the specified disc on the disk, counting its full turns. And then we apply a simple formula to learn the circumference length: π * d. That is, the famous 3.14 multiply on the diameter \u003d circumference length, then multiply on the number of full revolutions \u003d length. If we are talking about disk, then 3,14 * 120 \u003d 372 mm is the length of its circumference. One turn is 37 cm, two turns - 74 cm, three - 111 cm and so on.

Wheel method, by the way, works very well when measuring large distances with a bicycle.

The standard cigarette is usually positioned in length as 80 millimeters. There are other values \u200b\u200b(70 mm, 100 mm and even 120 mm). At the measure, it turned out 83 millimeters. If you smoke, the ruler did not turn out at hand, and it is necessary to measure a relatively short distance, then the cigarette will help you do it.

Tetrad sheets

The sheet in the cell is probably the most convenient way to measure the length of something small. Just put the subject on such a sheet and calculate the number of cells that this object closes. One cell is 5 mm.

If the notebook is in the line, then there is a distance indicator between the lines of 11 mm.

Glass cans in any country post-Soviet space are standard. That is why you can advise them as a form of a line. The three-liter bank has a height of 23.5 cm, liter - 16 cm, and half alarms - 11.7 cm. By the way, the neck of any of these cans has the same diameter indicator - 8.2 cm.


I remember, this way was used for a long time. What is good boxes of matches - it has a standard length of 5 cm. And it is convenient to calculate, and the boxes on each corner can be found.

Bank card

The standard dimensions of the card of any bank are based on the idea that this item is convenient for the measurement of something. Dimensions are indicated on the photos and believe that your credit card does not differ in the length and width. Is that content, but this is another conversation J.

Mobile phone

What is convenient way: everyone has a mobile phone and almost always with you. If you know its overall sizes, then you can measure the phone. For example, an old Samsung in a couple of times helped the owner. We believe that it is not such a job once and the width of your phone - this is not such a work, but then, remembering the indicators, it will help you. Still better than nothing.

We use your body

Our great-grandfathers used parts of their body to measure the length of something. Here, for example, a span is the distance between the tips of the index finger and the big and is 17.7 cm. The photo shows that the owner of the hand is the distance equal to 19 cm. Very, let's say, convenient: the fingers have already grown, and therefore "line "There will be no error in many years. Is that improper rearrangement of fingers when measured can give a difference, but still better than measuring with a can, a spoon or cord.

You can use your step, the length of the foot, the elbow, the fingers - the "tape measure" will serve almost the whole body. Just in advance measure part of your body, remember this value and you are already a walking line.

Instead of imprisonment

A simple example: a man in the forest was looking for mushrooms and in parallel found an interesting workpiece for some kind of craft. It seems to be suitable for the eyes, but the eyes can and bring. To drag a piece of wood all the way with me - what if it turns out that it does not fit? Finger, mobile phone or knife (if you know it length) will help immediately understand, it is suitable or no found blank. It can an example and not quite successful, but still not fantastic - everyone can happen like something similar. Not in the forest, so elsewhere where there is no ruler, no roulette, nor caliper.

Corinenko Daniel

This article suggests that a person in his life can measure any lengths and distances without using the measuring instruments.



Without a measuring line or measuring with bare hands

Corinenko Daniel

GBOU Gymnasium №406, 5 "g" class

Bobrovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna

To date, there is not a single profession and even a school subject, where nothing needs to be measured using instruments or by eye, that is, without instruments.

Well, of course, we have all at home there are measuring instruments. This is a watch for which you know when you need to go to school and when your favorite transfer on TV will begin; The thermometer for which everyone will throw a look at the street; Electricity meter and much more.

Was there ever such a situation: you need to measure something, and the rules, roulettes and other measuring instruments within reach is not?

If you have no absolutely nothing at hand, you have at least your hands and legs !!!

And, although we are all different with you, on average, some parts of the body have enough of us quite close in size.

For example, there was such a situation: they bought a TV. Dad knew the luggage of the car trunk (length, height, depth), and it measured the size of the box with the help of his hand, or rather, the distance of the large and index fingers, i.e. span.

What is not relevant to this topic, if without any tools, you can measure the height of the box, post, pyramids, wood, etc.

Problem: Is it possible to measure objects without standard measurement devices.

Purpose: Justify the importance of measuring different values \u200b\u200bwithout measuring instruments.

Tasks :

Analyze literature on vintage length measures

Compare and summarize the need to apply non-standard measurement measures.

Conduct a survey of classmates

Identify presence or lack of interest in my project

Hypothesis : Suppose that you need to measure something, and at hand there is nothing. A person in his life can measure any lengths and distances without using measuring instruments.

The first units of measurement values \u200b\u200bwere not too accurate. For example, the distances were measured by steps. Of course, different people have the magnitude of the step in different ways, but they took some medium size. To measure the long distance, the step was too small unit. Therefore, in ancient Rome for such measurements servedmily (This is the path of 1000 double steps, and the right, and left foot).

And long distances measuredtransitions or movement days. In the story of Jack London, "White Silence" Indian, to the question of how much still left, answers: "Going 10 dreams, 20 dreams, 40 dreams", i.e. day. Estonian sailors Merily distancetubes . So they were called the path passed by the ship at normal speed during the time until the tobacco tube is packed. In Spain, served as the same measurement distancecigar, and in Japan - horsepie Bashmak. Thus called the path passing by a horse while the straw sole attached to her feet was caught, replacing the horseshoe in this country.

One of the most common units of length waselbow . Distance from elbow to the end of the middle finger.

But elbows in different people have different lengths. Therefore, in each city, the king ruled by him published a decree, in which elbow all his subjects should be used. And when the little kingdoms merged into one large state, then appropriate instructions received from the capital.

The measuring ruler will not always be at hand, and it is useful to be able to do something without it. Measure long or short distances are the easiest steps. To do this, you need to know the length of your step. Of course, the steps are not always the same, but still we can know their middle-length. To do this, you need to measure the length of many steps together and calculate it from here the length of one. Another old rule refers to the walking speed: a person passes as much as many kilometers, how much makes steps at 3 seconds !!!

In theory, everything is clear, and in practice there was such an experiment: measure the length of the car. Measuring step length with roulette. It is 70 cm. The length of the machine according to the technical passport \u003d 431 cm. In terms of measurements, the length of the machine is 6 steps, i.e. 420 cm. Error, is.

Palm measurement, or rather hand width

In ancient Russia, the palm was measured small objects, and in English reports it is often possible to meet a description of how the peasant or horses lover determined the height of the horse with the number of palms. Knowing the sizes of its written table, measuring it with its palms and span. Happened:

Stamp length \u003d 200 cm.

table length \u003d 12 spans * 16 cm \u003d 192 cm;

length of the table \u003d 24 palms * 9 cm \u003d 216cm

Also measurable the door in your room:

Height door box \u003d 25 palms Il 13 spans

Height of the door box (data from the store) \u003d 210 cm

These experiments will interest everyone and can be measured everything around! Starting from classmates and ending with a sandwich!

Soot \u003d growth;

sandwich \u003d 6 coins for 10 rubles.

Measure - it means to find with the help of special technical devices the value of some physical quantity. At the same time, it is compared with the same size adopted per unit.

Measurement is one of the most important affairs in modern life. The first units for measuring values \u200b\u200bwere not too accurate. In Russia, there were many different sages, palm for a long time, and so on. The modern unit is mm, cm, dm, meter, etc.

"What does it mean to measure?" You can briefly answer so "Measure means compared with the standard." In everyday life, the measuring standard should always be available. For a student, the standard may serve as a textbook, as well as a "live scale", this is, for example, the width of the nail, or the length of the index finger. It can be noted that the "live scale" is more acceptable.