What does it mean to send cash on delivery by mail. What is cash on delivery

If you like to go shopping in an online store, you know how to use cash on delivery, of course, and you do not need to explain what it is. This article is written for those who first encountered this type of payment for goods and do not know where to start.

Cash on delivery - what is it and why is it necessary

A parcel sent in this way differs from the usual one in that the seller does not receive payment for it immediately, but only after it is delivered to the customer. This is very convenient for the buyer, because unlike parcels received on an advance payment, the risk that you are simply deceived will be significantly reduced - they will take the money and the goods will not be sent. Mail cash on delivery is regarded as a regular money transfer, the amount of which is inextricably linked with the declared value of the parcel. After payment, the money will be sent to the seller by electronic mail transfer or transferred to a card.

How to use the service

So, cash on delivery. What is it, we have already figured out, now let's talk about how to send (receive) goods correctly using this service.

For starters, an instruction for sellers:

  • carefully pack the goods, especially if you are sending something fragile and beating - most often post office employees do not bother with the careful handling of parcels;
  • take two forms from the post office employee - for sending the goods and receiving cash on delivery, fill them out according to the sample (most often it is at the post office), for this, find out the full contact details of the recipient in advance;
  • remember, the sender pays the postage, so before you enter the total amount of the cost of the package, you need to carefully calculate everything;
  • in order to insure yourself and the recipient, it is best to make an inventory of the investments - this is a special form that lists everything that is included in the shipment, is filled in two copies: one - in the package, the other remains with you;
  • all receipts and “roots” must be kept until the receipt of money;
  • please note that if you specify only your address in the cash on delivery form, then you will have to visit the post office again to receive money, if this is not convenient for you, specify the payment details and the bank account number of any bank - the money will be transferred there.

Russian Post and various transport companies that provide private shipping services accept cash on delivery.

Recipient Instructions:

  • at the time of placing the order, select "Cash on Delivery" as the payment method;
  • patiently wait for the parcel to arrive at your post office or office of the carrier company, when this happens, you will receive a notification (in the mailbox or by phone);
  • go to get the goods, not forgetting to bring your passport with you;
  • pay the amount indicated in the notice and receive the goods;
  • if the received parcel has an inventory of the attachment, you can demand the parcel to be opened in the presence of postal workers before payment, if the contents and packaging are not damaged - you can pay, otherwise postal workers will draw up an appropriate act, and you can refuse to receive it.

How much does this service cost

The fact that in this case you will have to pay a bit more for shipping, is known to everyone who has used cash on delivery at least once. What does this mean for your wallet, and how much will the cost of the goods increase?

Before using this type of payment, you should ask about the prices at the nearest post office. This must be done, because it may turn out that the cost of the goods will be less than the delivery service. It all depends on how far the seller and the buyer are from each other. In addition, it must be borne in mind that you will have to pay additionally not only the cost of shipping, but also the percentage for the return sending of the money transfer, which ranges from 3 to 10% of the declared cost.

To whom it is beneficial - opinions of two parties

Many buyers can confidently say about cash on delivery, which is the most acceptable method of delivery, even despite the additional costs. After all, in this way you can protect yourself from scammers, of whom there are a great many on the Web. In addition, even if you don’t have enough money to pay for your purchase immediately, it doesn’t matter, you have a few days left before the mail arrives.

If you have your own online store, you can be dissatisfied with cash on delivery. On the one hand, this option guarantees you receive money for the shipped goods, but on the other hand, it may take a long time before payment, especially if you send the goods to another country, and the process of making profit will slow down for you significantly. In addition, the buyer may ultimately not come for the goods or refuse to pay for any reason. Of course, after a while the goods will return back, but who will return the lost time to you? And the shipping costs in this case will also fall on your shoulders.

I have already said that I sent all the goods sold to my customers by cash on delivery. What is cash on delivery and how to send the package cash on delivery  - This article is devoted.

What is cash on delivery?

Cash on delivery is a way of calculating the buyer of goods with the seller. In this case, the buyer makes the payment directly by mail at the time of receipt of the parcel. The seller receives money for the goods sent at the post office in cash or to a bank account.

How to send a package on delivery?

Send the package by cash on delivery is not difficult. In order to send goods by cash on delivery, you must do the following:

  • Pack the product carefully.

Mail parcels are most often handled carelessly. They throw it from one corner to another; they simply throw it into the car when loading. If you have something fragile in your package, beating, be sure to pack it well. I packed all my goods in bubble wrap or bags.

  • Buy the packaging for the goods (plastic bag or cardboard box), take two forms from the cashier: one for sending the parcel, the other for cash on delivery.

Boxes and packages come in different sizes. I only sent packages in plastic bags. The cash on delivery form has a yellow stripe. Sometimes in the mail they give the usual form for mail transfer. Also, in principle, it can do. If you plan to send the cash on delivery in the near future, take several forms immediately. You can fill them at home.

  • Fill in the forms: cash on delivery form (example of the form below) and the form for sending the parcel (there is an example of the completed form). On the box or package, indicate the address and full name of the recipient and sender.

The address, zip code and name of the recipient must be requested in advance. The index can be found by mail or on the Internet at the address, this is in case the recipient does not know the exact index. I sent all the parcels with declared value, respectively, the value and amount of cash on delivery must also be indicated on the package. There is a special “window” on the plastic bag where it all fits. I always had a value equal to the amount of cash on delivery. If you do not know what and how to fill out, ask the cashier. In the cash on delivery form, you can indicate either your address, then you will receive money in cash by mail, or a bank account number - then the money will be transferred there. If you specify both the address and the r / s, the mail itself will decide where you send the money.

  • Give the cashier a box or package with the parcel and two forms, pay the money for sending and that's it.

Cash on delivery price

The price of sending a cash on delivery package depends on several factors. You can find out more about everything on the mail itself or on the Russian Post website. Personally, my parcels cost me an average of 150 rubles for sending goods by cash on delivery + 15-20 rubles for a plastic bag. The recipient, upon receipt of the goods by mail, must pay the amount of cash on delivery + 10 percent of the amount of the mail itself. This should be taken into account both by the buyer and the seller, who, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthese percentages, should inform the buyer immediately.

The timing

All parcels in Russia are delivered on average in 10-12 days. Delivery time may be shorter if you are sending from one regional center to another, and not from one village to another. There are two ways to increase the speed of delivery - this is to send the package by cash on delivery first class (Russian Post) or via EMS. I made several departures in the first class, the price at the same time increased by about 100-150 rubles, and there was not much sense from this. Delivery time decreased only by a couple of days. I did not do any shipments via ems.

Risks of the sender / receiver when sending / receiving goods by cash on delivery

Cash on delivery does not guarantee the buyer that the package contains exactly the goods for which the buyer pays money. Payment takes place by mail until the cashier in the mail gives you the package. In many ways, the sellers themselves are at risk. The buyer may not pick up the package in the mail. Similar cases occur very often. In this case, the package will be in the buyer's mailbox for 1 month, after which it will be sent back to the sender. In order to take the parcel back, it will be necessary for the sender to pay an amount approximately equal to the amount of sending the parcel. This often happened to me. At the same time, I lost a little more than 300 rubles for sending and subsequent receiving the parcel and a month and a half, my goods were in the hands of the post office. Cash on delivery from China.  Buying goods by COD from China will not work. Send the package by cash on delivery is possible only in Russia. Goods from China are delivered more often only by prepayment. If something is unclear about how to send the package by cash on delivery, ask questions in the comments, I will explain in more detail.

Cash on delivery is a type of payment in which the buyer receives their goods by mail only after they pay a certain amount to the employees of the department.

What is included in the amount of cash on delivery?

  1. Actual value of the ordered goods.
  2. Costs associated with packing and shipping the order.
  3. Percentage of the declared value of the parcel in accordance with the tariffs of the mail itself - this money is needed so that later the mail sends the sender the funds contributed by the buyer.

Cash on delivery is a double operation in which at the same time as the delivery of the parcel, a regular money transfer is issued to the seller. The cost of a money transfer is calculated according to standard mail tariffs and is about 4-7% of the amount. The buyer can receive the purchase only after he pays for the goods - this is cash on delivery. The tariffs on both sides are quite small, but they must be taken into account so that the process of sending and delivery of the order goes smoothly.

Advantages and disadvantages of cash on delivery for buyers


  1. Warranty for the buyer. You pay not for some ephemeral goods, which may not be sent to you at all, but for a parcel that is already in the department. As soon as you deposit the required amount, you will receive your order.
  2. You gain time after ordering goods, and do not pay immediately.


  1. Overpayment.
  2. You can not inspect the contents of the parcel before payment. And if an unscrupulous seller forwarded to you not at all what you ordered, you can only contact the police.
  3. Cash on delivery is the longest type of receipt of goods.

Advantages and disadvantages of cash on delivery for sellers

Benefits: money is credited to the card within 30 minutes - 5 hours. Due to the quick receipt of payment, the assortment is more often updated and the turnover increases.

disadvantages: the store bears losses for shipping, which it pays twice, when sending the order and when receiving a return. Since sending by mail takes a lot of time (from 3-5 days to several weeks), there is a risk of delayed turnover and, as a result, the online store incurs losses.

How safe is it to receive orders by COD?

Many people think that getting a cash on delivery order is safer, but it’s not. You have the right to open the parcel in case of payment of the full cost of cash on delivery by mail. Therefore, you are not immune from fraud. Cash on delivery is the most expensive delivery method, protecting neither sellers nor buyers.

What to do if you received the wrong item by cash on delivery?

  1. You must open the parcel strictly by mail in the presence of postal workers. You must have an order number and a letter confirming the fact of ordering this product (product name, price, store name, details of the store sending the order).
  2. After opening and finding the discrepancy of the paid goods to the ordered, draw up an act in the presence of postal workers.
  3. Write a complaint to the store, attaching a receipt for payment, as well as an act drawn up.

Section 4 of the regulatory enactment “Procedure for the receipt, delivery and delivery of internal parcel mail” says: “4.5. Parcels of declared value forwarded with cash on delivery shall be issued to the addressee after they have paid the full amount of cash on delivery »Postal parcels with cash on delivery shall be issued to the recipients after receiving the full amount of cash on delivery, and only then the client can check the availability of the forwarded attachment (but not quality) If, upon receipt of the postal Departures at the address communications company by external signs may suggest damage or spoilage of the investment, act No. 51 is drawn up and in this case the amount of tax urchin before opening the postal item shall not be collected. If, when checking the attachment, it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory, an autopsy certificate is not drawn up. If with an inventory - then first we open-verify-payment-issuance, and without an inventory - payment-issuance and opening at the request of the client.

If you have doubts about the contents of the package, you can refuse to receive the package without any consequences:

  1. Appear in the mail and in writing refuse to receive the parcel or put a corresponding mark in the notice. The basis for this will be paragraph 45 of the Rules for the provision of postal services, which were approved by RF Government Resolution No. 221 of April 15, 2005. In this case, no payment will be required from him, and the goods will be sent back to the seller.
  2. You can simply ignore the notification from the mail and not appear to receive the parcel. After a certain period (about a month), the goods will be sent back.

Before ordering cash on delivery you should:

  1. Carefully read the public offer on the website of the online store (This is such a long and boring text that, as a rule, no one reads, but immediately makes purchases). Look there for the agreed actions of the buyer and seller in such cases. I believe that with a probability of 90% you will find there all the answers to your questions.
  2. Pay attention to the website of the online store: valid phone numbers and details of the store must be indicated.
  3. Look at the openness of the store (the presence of groups on social networks, the presence of partners).
  4. Reviews! Be sure to read the reviews on the site (enter the store name, Latin example pleer.ru in the search bar. If you don’t have enough reviews, we recommend reading reviews on Yandex.Market, otzovik.com.

Cash on delivery - what is it in the mail system. In the process of processing the parcel, the operator is instructed to do this? How to send / receive with after payment? You will receive answers to these questions right now ...

Despite the fact that in the modern world the term cash on delivery has already taken root among a significant number of people, questions are still being asked about what it is. And how to send the package this way? Now we will clearly consider the issue of cash on delivery, and you will learn how the process of filling out forms takes place before sending, paying, receiving a parcel, and other important points.

Cash on delivery

The Ministry of Communications approved the order No. 234 of July 31, 2014, which displays all the rules related to the provision of postal services. This document governs the delivery of cash on delivery parcels. All shipments are carried out between cities or regions, within one collection from the addressee of the established sum of money. This is cash on delivery.

The recipient agrees to pay, which is sent back by postal order.

How to send a cash on delivery parcel

After we figured out the terminology, it's time to consider how to arrange the payment with payment after receipt. Reception of the parcel is carried out only after the sender fills out a document that is issued at the post office.

At the post office today, form No. 113 and No. 117 are used.

Filling the front part 113 of the form as follows:

  1. The amount of cash on delivery is indicated, both in numbers and in words. Currency - rubles.
  2. Cash on delivery sender details.
  3. Information about the addressee who will receive the parcel.

Do not confuse the procedure for filling in the data on the sender / recipient of cash on delivery. It is important to write information about yourself initially. Next, write the data about the person who will send the cash on delivery to you.

If the recipient pays for delivery, be sure to notify the postal service operator. All this will be included in the total amount payable by the addressee. It is also displayed in the corresponding field on the form to be filled out.

Form No. 117 is completed as follows. It displays the accompanying address to the parcel. Here, the sender indicates the amount of cash on delivery, information about the addressee, and below the data of the sender.

How to send cash on delivery parcels

Earlier, we mentioned that sending something with cash on delivery is possible only if the parcel has an declared value. Note that the amount payable cannot be more than the amount of declared value.

The forms are not stamped, but attached to the shipment.

The mail officer fixes the form so as to exclude the possibility of its loss during transportation. This is often a special self-adhesive bag.

In the process of receiving parcels, the inspector inspects the items:

  1. Presence of the prescribed amount of cash on delivery.
  2. Does the cash on delivery amount correspond to the declared value of the parcel.
  3. Is the translation form correct? Is all the data displayed there.

If everything is filled out correctly, the mail officer enters the data into the database and charges the sender for the delivery of the package (if you will pay for it). As a result, you will be given a check and a number by which you can track the movement of the shipment. All this must be preserved until the parcel is not issued to the addressee.

Cash on delivery package

When the parcel arrives at its destination, the post informs the recipient of this. In order to pick up a shipment, you need to visit the appropriate department.

Parcels are issued only on the basis of an identity document. In addition, you also need to fill out the back of the form and pay the required amount.

Filling out the form, the recipient indicates the following information:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of the parcel with declared value.
  2. Amount of funds sent.
  3. Date of receipt of the shipment.
  4. Passport details of the recipient.
  5. Citizenship of the recipient.

After that, the document is certified by personal signature.

It is strictly forbidden to open a parcel before presenting an identity document, filling out a form and paying.

Summing up, we note that sending a package with payment upon receipt involves filling out additional documentation according to established standards. All forms are issued by mail operators.

When filling out the forms, you must carefully fill in the required information. The recipient is entitled to pick up the parcel only after presenting the passport, filling out the back of the form and paying the declared amount of funds.

As you can see, sending items with payment after receipt is a fairly simple procedure, which requires only careful filling in of data and following the established procedure. Now you know what sending cash on delivery means and how to use this service at the post offices of our country.

Cash on delivery is usually called a fee upon receipt of the parcel at the post office. The sender indicates the cost of the goods in the parcel so that the postal worker can calculate the amount of cash on delivery, which also includes insurance premiums, the Russian Post commission for cash on delivery and money transfer fees to the sender (will be delivered by post).

Benefits of Cash on Delivery

What is cash on delivery Russian Post knows many. When shopping on the Internet - this is a convenient and safe service for paying for goods upon receipt, and not using prepayment. Cash on delivery will be beneficial to those who do not use bank cards and prefer to pay in cash everywhere.

But there is a minus for the recipient:

  • to see that inside the mail at the time of its receipt is impossible - only after payment of cash on delivery, when the parcel is at the disposal of the recipient;
  • it is impossible to return the goods to a postal worker, since the latter is not a representative of the seller, but only an intermediary who delivers the goods;
  • for a postal transfer of money from the recipient to the sender, the post office charges a commission.

Cash on delivery “Russian Post” is a convenient service not only for the buyer, but also for the seller. Cash on delivery guarantees him payment for the goods, because without it the addressee will not receive the coveted parcel.

If for some reason the buyer does not appear at the post office within 30 days while it is stored in the mail, then it is simply returned to the seller. Shipping costs will be borne by the sender, but he will not suffer serious losses due to this.

How to send a package on delivery?

When the postal item is packed in a box or a special package, the sender must take the “Russian Post” cash on delivery form at the post office and carefully fill it out. After the mail worker completes everything, the sender will be issued a receipt with which you can track the path of the mail and control the delivery to its addressee.

When sending a valuable parcel, you will also have to fill out a copy of the attachment in duplicate, which the postal worker must certify with a seal by attaching one copy directly to the parcel. These are all the documents that are required to be sent. The recipient, when he arrives to pick up the parcel, will have to pay the cash on delivery of the “Russian Post”.

Cost: calculate at tariffs

The calculation of the cost of cash on delivery is individual and depends on several parameters of the shipment.

  1. The cost of the shipment (goods).
  2. Amounts of insurance fee for valuable shipping.
  3. Delivery cost, which is the sum of the length of the path and the weight of the package. Russian Post uses five tariff zones to set the delivery price of a particular item, as well as a tariff schedule depending on the weight of the item.
  4. Commissions for the postal transfer of money to the sender. It depends not on the distance of departure, but on the amount of the transfer. The larger the transfer amount, the lower the percentage, but the fixed amount of the postage.

Example: If not more than 1,000 rubles are sent, the commission will be 40 rubles + 5% of the amount, and if from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles, then 250 rubles + 1,5% of the amount.

The cash on delivery rate is best specified directly in the post office. For an accurate calculation, the shipment must be weighed, its value and the location of the addressee determined. Therefore, in each case, the amount of cash on delivery will be individual. An approximate calculation can be done using tariffs and a calculator on the official website of Russian Post, but the exact amount will be said only at the post office after weighing the parcel or the parcel.