How not to let intruders enter the house. Rules for uninvited guests

The rules of decency dictate us to be hospitable and accommodating with other people. However, in life everything is different: sometimes even the most welcoming owners have to send out unwanted guests. Some do it subtly and courteously, without affecting self-esteem, others do not stand on ceremony and live in peace. How to politely get rid of a late friend or an unpleasant guest? This is our article.

How will you get?

Nobody likes when they suddenly come to visit without them, so the desire to expedite the departure of uninvited visitors is not a crime. Indeed, sometimes after a busy day, even the preparation of dinner does not remain strong.

You may complain of tiredness, poor health, or a bad mood. If it’s nearing night, ask how they will get into such darkness. Normal people will understand the hint without unnecessary clues and rush to say goodbye so as not to be late for the last route.

Maybe take a walk?

If you are a sensitive person whose intelligence and good upbringing do not allow guests to be driven out of the house, try to kindly offer a walk. For example, to his street. And do not forget, just in case, to make sure that he has safely reached and that his company no longer threatens you.

Cold welcome

This approach is practiced for visitors who are extremely unpleasant to see, but they don’t want to be rude and spoil their mood. Usually it is boring, shameless talkers, energy vampires and loafers who abuse hospitality.

Try to ignore their presence, show your neglect, make you feel superfluous in the house. For example, when they once again begin to annoy stupid chatter, you can do the following:

  • turn on the TV louder;
  • actively vacuuming, rattling dishes;
  • talk on the phone with others;
  • defiantly turn away;
  • answer out of place.

Keep in mind that such inattention can offend, but you do not have to please everyone. Also, we do not advise you to be too sophisticated, because sometimes, to get rid of unwanted guests, it’s enough to honestly say that they are extremely busy and then they may remember that they have accumulated a lot of important things.

It's time to clean up and do the dishes

Some simple methods of exercise can work wonders. The vast majority of people come to visit each other to rest, drink and relax. The best way to drive uninvited guests out of the house is to ask them to help with cleaning, washing, washing dirty dishes. It is unlikely that someone will want to engage in other people's households, to clean up the apartment.

And if you do not hesitate and offer to clean the toilet clogged in the toilet, the guest will certainly have an irresistible desire to quickly pack his things and leave. Although sometimes, of course, rare specimens come across that are ready to carry out all the tasks, just not to sit at home alone.

In order not to wonder how to kick out a boring visitor, give the most tedious boring work. And if this method has not had the proper effect, get the most out of your intrusive assistant or act directly, without ceremony. Roughly push out the door, frankly expressing your intention to remain alone in the coming days. In the end, you have a legal right to privacy.

Get up early in the morning, round off

There is a very expressive and polite word “round off” in Russian, which has magical power if applied skillfully and at the right time. It reminds a person who has sat up about the rules of decency, while in no case does it cause discomfort to anyone present.

So, wait for a pause in the dialogue, then cheerfully and as if nothing had happened, let us know: - As time flies, and I have to get up early in the morning! Isn’t it time, comrades, to round off? You can look at the watch, shake your head with concern, offer a goodbye cup of tea. Believe me, the result will exceed expectations.

Urgent need to go

It happens that the owners, out of courtesy, have already allowed unwanted guests into the house, given their due attention, and even watered tea, but lovers of gatherings sit and sit on the couch, not about to leave. One thought is spinning in my head: how to get them out sooner?

To prevent such an unpleasant outcome, directly declare that you have outlined urgent matters and have only 15 minutes at your disposal. You can even breathe regretfully. So you convey uninvited visitors immediately and painlessly, without any claims on their part and damage to your reputation.

Limit gathering time

In order to escort uninvited visitors long before they start to bother, it is enough at the very beginning to clearly indicate the boundaries of what is permitted.

In the evening we start to yawn

A reliable way to hint that the guests were late was to portray an irresistible desire to sleep with endless yawns and peeping towards the clock. Perhaps the friends were not going to bother, but simply forgot a little about the time.

Distant relatives on the doorstep

Guests staying up until midnight are not so terrible as acquaintances who suddenly decided to make you happy with their long-term visit and live a week or two. Perhaps such an unceremonious disturbance of peace was provoked by some rash acts in the past on your part, so do not get angry ahead of time, leave emotions for later. Politely explain that from day to day you are waiting for the arrival of distant relatives who are already on their way. Add that they are shy, capricious and unpredictable, they do not like the presence of strangers. This will change the plans of uninvited guests, and the long-awaited peace will reign in the house.

Whatever decision you make, remember that everyone has the right to refuse hospitality, but only in a situation where it is truly justified. For example, when it comes to arrogant and unceremonious types, and not close relatives and friends who need your attention and support.

Everyone knows how unpleasant people can come into a house without an invitation. In such cases, a conspiracy from uninvited guests will always help. There are many such rituals, and they all work perfectly. It’s easy to push a person away from home if you use the advice from experts. Otherwise, with unnecessary delicacy, you will have to suffer for a long time from burdensome visitors.

Conspiracies will help to ward off unwanted guests from home

Unwanted guests tend to come at the most inopportune moment. They annoy with their arrogance and impudence, put the owners in an awkward position and force them to abandon their own plans. Carrying them out can be extremely difficult, so it’s much easier to make sure that they no longer have the desire to appear without an invitation.

Our grandmothers knew very well how to drive an unwanted person away from home quickly in salt or water. Wise women knew how to do this well, without offending anyone by cunning manipulations and without saying anything to the unpleasant guest. Many rituals and conspiracies have survived to the present day and can be successfully used for independent rituals at home.

Water conspiracy

You need to be patient and wait until the annoying guest deigns to leave. Then you need to take a basin of water and say the words three times in a row:

“As this water does not return to my house, so the hand (to name the uninvited guest) will never touch my hand again! Amen".

For reliability, you can add a spoonful of salt to the basin - it will consolidate the information.  The enchanted water must be poured onto the path or road along which the uninvited guest left, thus washing off his traces. If the first time it is not possible to discourage an unnecessary person, then the ceremony should be repeated again.

On the doorstep of the house

A plot from unwanted guests can be done before they arrive.

Coarse salt is needed for the ritual

It is suitable if you want to get rid of the unexpected arrival of relatives, the appearance of an obsessive neighbor and other uninvited visitors. For the ceremony, you must purchase:

  • holy water;
  • a simple or church candle of white color;
  • a sheet of white paper;
  • coarse salt.

Holy water is sprayed on the threshold and sprinkled with bulk material. Conspiracy words:

“I’m not pouring salt, but setting up a wall to block the path to our house (name of an undesirable guest). Do not go through the wall, do not go around the wall, do not break the wall, do not climb. May it be so".

Then you need to light a candle and wait for it to completely burn out. It does not hurt to gently sweep the salt from the porch or threshold onto the paper, put a cinder on it, take it to the nearest intersection and leave without looking back. This conspiracy from uninvited guests is done secretly so as not to offend anyone.

Visitor Abandonment Plot

To protect yourself from the arrival of enemies, neighbors dissatisfied with something, and simply unpleasant people, a proven rite using ordinary table salt will help. It is simple to execute and accessible to everyone. It is necessary to open the door and, sprinkling salt on the threshold from the entrance, read:

“All the negativity that is being sent to me will be returned to the performer. Angels of heaven guard my house and my body. No corruption and no evil eye can harm me, the servant of God (name). I read prayers and believe in God. My faith puts on me amazing strength protection that will not break, even the most experienced magician. No one can negatively affect me or the moss of my native people. No person can ruin my life. The Lord helps the servant of God (your name). And it will always be so. Amen".

After the ritual, unwanted guests will not be able to cross the threshold without an invitation and will leave as they arrived.

Magic Against Uninvited Relatives

White magic will help get rid of unwanted relatives who came for a couple of days and stayed a month. The proposed ceremonies must be performed exactly according to the instructions, otherwise they simply will not work.

Threshold Conspiracy

To perform the ritual, it is necessary to perform a series of magical actions.

During prayer you need to be with loose hair and no shoes

They are simple in terms of applying their own efforts, but mandatory in the order of their implementation. As a result, you need:

  1. To dissolve hair, having taken out all hairpins. They are a kind of antenna for direct communication with the magical world.
  2. To put on a nightgown backwards and inside out. By this you make it clear that you are moving from the ordinary world to the surreal in the form of witchcraft.
  3. Close all windows with curtains. The forces of nature should not act on the rite in the presence of their own will.
  4. Take off your shoes. The ceremony is performed barefoot without your favorite slippers.

When performing the midnight ritual, you need:

  1. Wash your hands and treat them liberally with soap and salt so that there is a lot of foam.
  2. Carefully collect the foam from the hands and apply on the sole of the bare right foot.
  3. In advance with a purchased knife, carefully remove the foam from the leg and throw it on the doorstep of the house.

Rub the foam before entering the house with the fist of your left hand with the words of the conspiracy:

“The bell on the temple, the icon in the frame, the cross on me, the key in the lock, the snake in the grass, the beast in the den, and I am on my doorstep. As this serpent of mine does not crawl, the beast does not cross, so the uninvited guest will not come. I close my words, I bow to you, saints of the image. Stuff this foam eyes to those who come. The threshold will not see, will not cross. My angel, stand with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Despite the mention of the angel and appeal to him, this is still a conspiracy, not a prayer. Church postulates negatively evaluate rituals using black magic. This prohibition of a good desire to protect one’s peace with an appeal to the saints does not apply.

So that uninvited guests do not come, and relatives do not come without an invitation, the ritual is carried out on Thursday.

Rite of water or salt

When uninvited relatives are tired of the procedure, but are not going to leave or leave, you can use ordinary running water. A whisper on the liquid helps get rid of such "comrades", pushes them to leave or leave faster.

To conspire, you need to dial a glass of running water and imperceptibly for the guest to whisper the words, holding the container near the lips:

"I spill this water on the floor, I wash the way for the servant of God (name), as the water flows on the floor, so he will leave the house."

Spellbound water as if accidentally spilled on the floor at the feet of a bothered relative. After some time, he feels awkward and is going home. If for some reason it is impossible to use water (expensive carpet or parquet), then salt will help.

A pinch of salt is spoken with the words:

"As salt flies under your feet, so you will flee from my house."

She is quietly woken up on the floor near the guest. After his departure, it is necessary to clean the house, wipe the floors and read a thanksgiving prayer to the patron.

House protection on a nail or pin

So that in the future, annoying guests do not bother and do not come without an invitation, you can close your house for them with a pin or a nail.

So that unexpected guests do not come into the house, you need to stick a pin in the door jamb

On any of these sharp objects slander:

“I put a pin (nail) at the door, I protect the house from enemies. Let her be sharp, let only goodness enter the house. ”

A pin is stuck into the door jamb (in the upper corner) with the tip pointed down. The nail is driven in with a hat in a lateral position so that the sharp end sticks out of the jamb and is also inclined downward.

Guests will be able to go to you, but will not stay for a long time, and evil intentions will leave behind the door.

Close the road to the house

This plot (mooch) is suitable in order to close the road to the house of a particular person. They say it confidently, imperatively, but in a whisper. Having opened the door, they say on the threshold:

“For the first time, sculpted for an hour, I speak, I speak, I speak my threshold. As people don’t go by shit, How they bypass it, So it would have passed (my name) the threshold, Never came forever and ever. Key to my words, Castle to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The indicated person may approach the door, but change his mind to enter.  If we are talking about a man, the words change a little (bypassed, did not come). The conspiracy is based on the use of one's own willpower and only self-confident people succeed.

Repel unwanted guests

With a knife, they draw 12 crosses on the front door (on the inside). Visually, they should look like a crucifix. They read the plot 12 times on them:

“They crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross, nailed to the Cross, and didn’t let anyone near him. God forbid, And you are at my doorstep of God's servants (names). Amen. Amen. Amen".

When reading, you need to focus on your desire not to let specific people into the house.

Any conspiracy is a secret action, not intended for prying eyes and ears. His goal is to quietly influence a person without offending him directly. No one needs the extra enemies, so it’s worth delicately and with the help of higher powers to get rid of the annoying person.

Often we find ourselves in a situation where you just have to get comfortable with a box of chocolates in front of the TV - a doorbell rings. Flopping to the door, we quietly swear that someone ruined our vacation with our arrival. We open the door - on the threshold of a company of friends shouting loudly: "Hurray!". The painting "sailed ..."

You are completely unprepared for the meeting of uninvited guests. Surprise is not joyful if the working day was very difficult. Rest now will not succeed. Smiling sourly, are you pondering what to do?

It is unpleasant that the visit was not planned in advance. It is doubly unpleasant that friends did not warn about arrival by phone. Horror! You are not ready to receive, the refrigerator is empty.

Well, according to the rules of etiquette to keep guests on the doorstep ugly, invite them in. Your subsequent actions depend on the circumstances.

Educated people will never show that they are unhappy; smile wider! These are your friends and you should rejoice at them. Even if they are wrong.

You can not rush to their necks, but say: “We are glad to see you”, your holy duty. No matter how you want to push them back into the stairwell, call your friends to the table.

Hospitablely open the refrigerator and demonstrate that there really is nothing in it. But what about a box of chocolates? Here is her and serve for tea. Immediately kill two birds with one stone: there will be something to treat and be considered a hospitable host who gives the last.

Sometimes guests appear for a family dinner. Do not spare the borscht, pour it on a plate for everyone. To whom borsch was not enough, feed everyone that is, hospitality obliges. You should not become a cooker and cook complex dishes. The guests lost their right to this unexpected visit. Snacks, tea, or coffee - that's enough.

The lack of refreshments can compensate for the beautiful dishes from stocks and a tablecloth. The dishes in the sink need to be washed quickly, so as not to pass for idler. Slowly hide the scattered things.

Of course, lying on the couch with all the parade is stupid, which means your costume is very "home". You won’t get anywhere, you have to change clothes and comb your hair. Now you are ready to talk.

Even if guests are late, you can not look meaningfully at the clock. Deal with the fact that today all affairs are completed, no matter what plans are made.

But there are times when you do not need to suppress your own desires. You may well turn the guests to the door if there is a good reason.

Illness, preparation for an important event, or repairs give you the right not to receive guests. Let them in and explain with a sweet smile that today: "Well, nothing!". Your further relationship depends on how the explanation is pronounced. Therefore, try as you can, and even more!

“My mother-in-law comes to visit. Take a couple of weeks to live ”- from the ads on the women's forum.

Do you like unexpected guests? And by guests we mean by no means a girlfriend who ran to drink tea, and not a crowd of friends with whom you selflessly sing songs with a guitar. We are talking about guests with a capital G - about those after whom there is an empty refrigerator, a cat that has fallen into hysteria and a firm conviction: “Never again!”



- Somehow, a guy came to visit me from Moscow. We met in Smolensk, he is an actor, came to us on tour, and I did the plot there. Then they began to communicate. We had a great time in Smolensk. And in the evening he drove home. And then I wake up one morning, and I receive a message: "Hello, what are you doing?" I reply: "I am sleeping." He told me: "And I came to visit you."

I used to dream of some kind of similar story, but in reality, a person was very unawares. We quarreled, he went alone around the city for a walk. I was going through. In the evening he came with a big teddy bear. As a result, they parted well, but he never came to visit me again. And I still sleep with his bear.

To avoid such situations, follow the language. Often we throw in a conversation: "Well, do not forget, come to visit." For you, it’s like that, a turn of speech, but a person, maybe, already starts packing his bags.

Rule number 1.Do not invite anyone out of courtesy or for the sake of a red word.

It also happens…


  Somehow they invited us with a young man on his birthday to barbecue in a picnic area. We knew only the birthday man. We arrive at the place - all the faces are unfamiliar there, the hero of the occasion went somewhere (he ran for a drink). We met, drank wine. In an hour, all friends became the best. The birthday man returns, and then embarrassment is not the same. It turned out that the meadow was mistaken. They led us to the right glade, then rested all together.

I came to you to settle forever

Nowadays, when personal space is an almost sacred concept, a request to let live a few days is perceived as an invitation to execution.

When your dad’s second cousin arrives in your city with a visit and two daughters entering the institute, and intends to live with you “a couple of weeks, no more”, it is embarrassing to refuse her hospitality. It is impossible to offer an aunt to go to a hotel - relatives will be offended and will not understand. In this case, it will be less evil to lie than to grind your teeth for several weeks and eventually break loose.

Rule number 2.   It’s better to refuse right away than to then come up with reasons, as if to offer more tactfullyunexpected guests  get out of the way.

Tell them what you have

- repair begins;

- You decided to leave and rent the apartment for a while.

If you have a warm relationship with the prospective guests, but you don’t want to let anyone into your house, you can find them an inexpensive rented apartment and even help with part of the payment.

On the other hand…


- My husband and I are journalists, we travel a lot on business trips. It’s great when you have the opportunity to stay with friends. No one has money for the hotel, and I want to save some money. Therefore, we never refuse those who ask to stay with us for a few days, knowing that tomorrow we will need the same service.



- Twice a year, we have a full house at home: relatives of the wife, who study in absentia, come to our city for a session. Usually this is two weeks of hell - at first they teach at night, then they drink at night. In their free time, they are asked to entertain, show Red Square and carry to Ikea. Our dvushka becomes like a student dormitory - notes, books are everywhere, air mattresses are laid out on the floor. We do not smoke with our wife, and they strive to smoke at night in the kitchen at night. The last straw was that after passing the next exam, the guys brought guests to our house - the owners, they say, would not mind, such a holiday! I could not stand it and said that next year we will not be able to accept them, because we are starting to make repairs. They were offended a little, but peace is more dear to me than kinship.

Vitaly Pakhomov, psychologist:

- The discomfort associated with the reception of uninvited guests is due to the violation of the boundaries of personal space. This is a natural feeling; one does not need to be ashamed of it. To minimize the inconvenience caused by the guests' visit, it is necessary to say that you remain the owner of the house. Do not change your daily routine. The order and order in the house should remain yours. If the visit lasts long enough, you need to discuss who is cleaning the apartment, buying food and preparing dinner.

If it was not possible to avoid the invasion of guests, and for the second week they have laid out their cots, asked for towels, strangled your spirits and squeezed your cat, then it's time to take measures to protect their borders.

- Stop cooking, entertaining and staying up after midnight with the guests.

- Ask the "guests" about the exact date of departure.

- Wedge by wedge: explain that you are waiting for the next batch of guests, so it's time to "free the room."

Rule number 3.   A guest who has been living in your house for more than a week automatically ceases to be considered a guest. This is already a tenant, so feel free to shift to him part of the housework, the purchase of food and other household affairs.

Could be so…


- Once, two girls-friends wandered over to my friend, whom he didn’t really like, and began to behave rudely: it’s not good to joke, to say taunts and nastiness. When asked to leave, they giggled stupidly and remained seated. Then Mitya took a spray gun and made them retreat toward the door with a bang.

Natalia, administrator of the mini-hotel:

- The main thing is that the guests know that you are the mistress here and your decision is not subject to discussion. There are, of course, such guests who make noise, swear. In a good way, you need to call the police, but you don’t want to spoil the rest either, maybe you just drank too much, and that's the scandal. In such cases, I call Gregory - this is our neighbor, such a huge uncle. Usually the buoys from just looking at Gregory calm down.

       Do you often have uninvited guests?

12 ways to spend a late guest

Very often we invite friends and acquaintances to visit, there are different goals, but the result is always the same. Having fun, you get tired and begin to dream of peace and quiet. But what if your guests do not think so?

1. “Subtle hints”
This method is the most polite and therefore the most inefficient. The guest needs to transparently hint by all means that it’s time to get out. You need to defiantly look at your watch, get nervous and sigh, repeating as if to yourself: “It's already midnight! And mom allowed only until eleven ... "or" It’s already midnight, but I haven’t done my homework yet ... ”At the same time, you can yawn frantically and rub your eyes fiercely. You can also periodically contact the guest with, for example, the question: “Do you need to call that you are already leaving?” Or “If you get out now, you still have time for the last bus (trolleybus, metro train, electric train, taxi, ferry , cart - choose the right one. ”
If thin hints  do not help, go to the following methods.

2. “Freeze the guest with hunger”
Good way, helps a lot with those guestswho love to eat and always spinning next to the refrigerator! To such a guest, well, it’s fun, but it’s hard to say that there is no more food in Do! All! Ended up! And there is no money either. So to run to the store is useless with this method to show the guest’s firmness in the kitchen. The effect appears after about half an hour - forty minutes.

3. "Torture him with thirst"
Also a good way. It is especially effective if the guest is fed a herring before it. By execution it is similar to method 2, however, instead of food it is necessary to say about drinks.
If an invulnerable guest climbs out to drink water from a tap, he needs to tell him in a terrible voice that in your tap water no further than typhoid, anthrax and salmonella bacilli are found today. However, after that do not forget to politely give the guest a glass!

4. “Labor service”
If the guest doesn’t want to leave, why not take the job of cleaning the apartment and doing the dishes?
Usually, when a guest sees a mountain of dishes in the sink and a mountain of garbage in the room, he immediately begins to quickly gather. A simple and reliable way.

5. "Financial difficulties"
A good way not only to escort a guest, but also to get rid of a person in general.
Ask him to lend and not be shy and immediately name an unbearable amount. What specific advice we will not each have their own ideas about this amount. Approximately it varies from 100 to 5,000 US dollars at the rate of the Central Bank of Central Asia on the day of the party. One of the most effective ways.

6. "Weak spot"
Suitable for the owner who has well studied the habits of his guests.
Do what your guest does not like most. If he doesn’t like classical music, cut Beethoven’s 5th symphony, or Shostakovich’s 19th, or Prokofiev’s 7th or Rossini’s opera overtures ... on the whole floor ... all that’s at hand. True, there is a possibility that he will fall in love with this music, but then it will be possible to “get it” in another way. For example, your guest does not like animals. In this case, boldly put him on your cat’s lap (a dog, a rat, a guinea pig, a snake, a tarantula, a parrot) with the words: “He loves you, he liked you!” If you don’t have your beast, you can borrow from your neighbors for such an occasion.

7. "Soft rudeness"
It looks like the first method, but its task is a little different. "Soft rudeness" should anger the guest, get him crazy. For example, you can approach him and confidentially inform: “You know, there are such people ... they absolutely do not understand the hints! They are told that the owners are tired, that the guests have to go home, but they don’t react! ”Or, if your guest began to read the last issue of“ TV Park ”, you can grab the magazine from your hands, saying:“ I read it and let others read it ! "

8. "Rude rudeness"
Go up to the guest and say: “You know, Vova, but wouldn’t you go home?” At the same time, you can play biceps in front of his nose, twist a frying pan or remove the muzzle from beloved  bull terrier.
Good, effective way.

9. “Intimidation”

If the previous methods do not help, use bullying. Threaten that if the guest doesn’t leave right away, you will call the police, firefighters, ambulance, gas service, house manager, relatives, brothers, friends ...
If the words do not help, DO IT!

10.   If you have applied all the previous methods, and the guest is still not leaving, we advise you to check - is he still alive?
If not, consider yourself lucky! It remains only to call a carriage. And you will not need to resort to method 12!
And if so ... Then use method 12.

11. “Spit and forget”

This method is suitable for patient, calm hosts.
You have a lot to do, so take care of them. Wash the dishes, clean the room, change clothes, wash, brush your teeth and go to bed.

12. “The supreme measure”
If you consistently applied methods 1-8, if you had all the spa services in your apartment, if the guest loved classical music and is inseparable from your little boy, if he washed the dishes, he cleaned the room and lent you $ 5,000 if you woke up in the morning , and he is still alive here, then only one thing remains - to use the Odyssey method. Remember what he did to the hosted grooms of Penelope? If you don’t remember, re-read Homer's immortal poem Odyssey. This is a good guide for all party owners!