Suppression of the Rurik dynasty year. Pedigree of Rurikovich: scheme with dates of government

For Tsarevich Dmitry, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible (from his last marriage with Maria Naga, which, by the way, was never recognized by the church), it all ended on May 25, 1591, in the city of Uglich, where he was in the status of the appanage prince of Uglich, was in honorary exile ...

At noon, Dmitry Ioannovich threw knives with the other children who were part of his retinue. In the materials of the investigation into the death of Dmitry there is evidence of one youth who played with the tsarevich: "... the tsarevich played with a knife with them in the backyard, and an illness came to him - an epilepsy - and threw himself on the knife." In fact, these testimonies became the main argument for investigators to qualify the death of Dmitry Ioannovich as an accident. However, the residents of Uglich would hardly have been convinced by the arguments of the investigation. The Russian people have always trusted the signs more than the logical conclusions of "people". And there was a sign ... And what a sign!

The Omen

Almost immediately after the heart of the youngest son Ivan the Terrible stopped, an alarm sounded over Uglich. The bell of the local Spassky Cathedral was ringing. And all would be fine, only the bell rang by itself - without the ringer. There is a legend about this, which for several generations the Uglians considered a reality and a fatal sign. When the residents learned about the death of the heir, a riot began. The Uglichs destroyed the Prikaznaya hut, killed the sovereign clerk with his family and several other suspects. Boris Godunov, who actually ruled the state under the nominal tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, hastily dispatched archers to Uglich to suppress the rebellion. Not only the rebels got it, but also the bell: it was torn from the bell tower, the "tongue" was pulled out, the "ear" was cut off and publicly in the main square was punished with 12 lashes. And then he, along with other rebels, was sent into exile, to Tobolsk. The then Tobolsk voivode, Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, ordered the corn-eared bell to be locked in the commanding hut, having made the inscription “the most exalted inanimate from Uglich” on it. However, the massacre of the bell did not save the authorities from the curse - everything was just beginning.

Who benefits from?

After the news of the death of the tsarevich spread throughout the Russian land, rumors spread among the people that the boyar Boris Godunov had a hand in the "accident". But there were daredevils who suspected of a "conspiracy", and the then tsar - Fyodor Ioannovich, the half-brother of the deceased prince. And there were reasons for this.

40 days after the death of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor, heir to the Moscow throne, began to actively prepare for his coronation. By his order, a week before the wedding to the kingdom, the widow-queen Maria and her son Dmitry Ioannovich were sent to Uglich - "to reign." The fact that the last wife of Tsar John IV and the prince were not invited to the coronation was a terrible humiliation for the latter. However, Fedor did not stop there: for example, the content of the prince's court was sometimes reduced several times a year. Just a few months after the beginning of his reign, he instructed the clergy to remove the traditional mention of the name of Tsarevich Dmitry during divine services. The formal reason was that Dmitry Ioannovich was born in the sixth marriage and, according to church rules, was considered illegitimate. However, everyone understood that this was only an excuse. The ban on mentioning the tsarevich during divine services was perceived by his court as a death wish. There were rumors among the people about the failed assassination attempts on Dmitry. Thus, the Briton Fletcher, being in Moscow in 1588-1589, wrote that his nurse died from the poison intended for Dmitry.

The curse of Dmitry

Six months after the death of Dmitry, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, Irina Godunova, became pregnant. Everyone was waiting for the heir to the throne. Moreover, according to legends, the birth of a boy was predicted by numerous court magicians, healers and healers. But in May 1592, the queen gave birth to a girl. There were rumors among the people that Princess Theodosia, as the parents called her daughter, was born exactly a year after Dmitry's death - on May 25, and the royal family delayed the official announcement for almost a month. But this was not yet the most terrible sign: the girl lived only a few months, and died that same year. And here they began to talk about the curse of Dmitry. After the death of his daughter, the tsar changed; he finally lost interest in his royal duties, and spent months in monasteries. People said that Fyodor atoned for his guilt in front of the murdered prince. In the winter of 1598 Fyodor Ioannovich died without leaving an heir. The Rurik dynasty also died with him.

Ancient Russia, Kiev, lived by custom. According to the old custom, the great reign belonged to the eldest as a whole. New Russia, North, went against this custom. The custom has lost its force, but the young state has not yet matured to the law of succession to the throne. All power gathered in the hands of the autocrats, and so John III announced: "Am I not free in my grandson and in my children? To whom I want, to that I will give the principality." This will was not disputed by anyone among the great-grandson of John, Theodore, in the famous 1598.

At the end of 1597, Tsar Theodore Ioannovich fell into a serious illness. On January 6, the nearness of death became apparent to everyone. The immediate entourage of the sovereign gathered at his bed in anticipation of the last autocratic expression of will - a testament to the fate of the orphan country. Patriarch Job, on behalf of all the earth, addressed this question to the dying man. "Sovereign! To whom do you command the kingdom, us orphans, and your queen?" Enlightened by the nearness of death, Theodore quietly replied: "" In the whole kingdom and in you, God is free: as He pleases, so it will be; and in my queen, God is free how she should live. "The words were prophetic. God was pleased that the fate of Russia, which soon plunged into the fiery temptation of the Troubles, would flow in spite of all human foresight.

The people, having heard the news of the death of the sovereign, went in droves to the Kremlin. All expressed their deep sorrow. Many wept bitterly. Theodore Ioannovich left no offspring. He was the last king from the house of Rurik, who gave so many great sovereigns to the Russian Land.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" has preserved a legend according to which in 862 the Slavic tribes living in the Ladoga region, for the sake of peace, order and protection from external enemies, put a powerful military community in command over themselves - the Varangian prince Rurik with his retinue. From this semi-legendary event the Russian statehood originated.

The famous "path from the Varangians to the Greeks" became not a legend, but a reality at the beginning of the 10th century. This grandiose in scale and perfect organization of the military trade campaign carried out the exchange of goods between the East Slavic lands and Byzantium. The name "Rus", as a sign of belonging to this campaign, became known both in the East and in the West. The absolute majority in this environment belonged to the Slavs, and the Varangians among them quickly assimilated.

Rurik's descendants are princes Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko, Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy. Closing this galaxy is Tsar Ivan the Terrible and his son Tsar Theodore Ioannovich. Behind each of them is a stage in the historical path of our Fatherland. All 700 years of the reign of the Rurik dynasty, each of them served the implementation of God's plan for Russia.

The stronghold of Holy Russia became the Moscow State - the Orthodox Empire Third Rome. The power of holiness and the holiness of power - this was the meaning and content of the Russian Orthodox statehood.

The great archpastor of the twentieth century, Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), wrote: “The Russian people consider the whole of Russia as a big family, in which the Tsar is a father, called to protect the moral side of life and be the bearer and spokesman of truth ... According to the ideas of the Russian people, the Tsar cannot have evil will, and therefore Tsar John IV is called not "a villainous Tsar", but Tsar the Terrible. The Tsar uses cruel measures and severe punishments, but, obviously, this is exactly what is needed to eradicate sedition and suppress rebellions. But the son of John IV is Tsar Theodore Ioannovich through mouth Pushkin's name is “Tsar-Angel.” The image of Tsar Theodore, filled with angelic meekness and purity, closes the galaxy of Russian sovereigns, which originated in the 9th century.

But the memory of the times of the Rurikovich is not a dead weight. As long as the people live, the stages of their existence, when they are completed, do not disappear without a trace. We must remember that the first half of Russian history is an integral part of our life.

For many years the Soviet propaganda kept repeating: "We are from October". And today the "new masters" are by no means concerned with restoring the people's historical memory. But the historical horizon is now open to us again, and again the Russian people are becoming the subject of history. Consequently, the restoration of his memory and self-awareness is inevitable.

25. Boris Godunov.

Boris Fedorovich Godunov (1552 - April 13, 1605) - nobleman, brother-in-law of Tsar Feodor I Ioannovich, in 1587-1598 the actual ruler of the state, from February 17 (27), 1598 - the Russian tsar.

Chapter 22. End of the Rurik dynasty

On March 18, 1584, Moscow bells announced the death of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible with their sad chimes. With this news, the people forgot all the great cruelties of the Terrible Tsar, forgot all his hated oprichnina, and remembered only such great deeds of his reign as the capture of Kazan, the conquest of Astrakhan and Siberia, the publication of the Tsar's Code of Law and the construction of the great Cathedral of St. Basil in Moscow. The Russian people sincerely prayed for the repose of the formidable, but at the same time great in his deeds, sovereign.

After Tsar John, two of his sons remained: Fyodor, who was the son of everyone's beloved, meek Anastasia Romanovna, the first wife of Grozny, and the young Tsarevich Dimitri, to whom his father, shortly before his death, assigned the city of Uglich to his inheritance. For a long time the Tsar felt the approach of death and made all the orders, so his eldest son Fyodor calmly, without any worries and confusion, as the chronicler said, "reign and gray on the highest throne of the God-guarded Russian Kingdom."

Everyone in the state, however, was aware that the new king would not be able to cope with state affairs. Fasting and silent, he looked more like a humble monk than a king. His father saw this well, too, who tried to surround his son with loyal and experienced government officials. In the first days, near the new tsar, we see five boyars, who, as it were, constituting a permanent council under him, are in charge of all the affairs of the government.

Among these five persons, in their spiritual qualities and in their influence on the Moscow population, the boyar Nikita Romanovich Yuryev-Zakharyin, the uncle of the tsar, brother of his mother Anastasia, stands out. Throughout the reign of Ivan the Terrible he was close to the sovereign, enjoyed his constant confidence; however, not only did he not stain himself with the slightest participation in his atrocities, but even became famous as a constant intercessor before him for the disgraced; more than once the good hand of Nikita Romanovich tore them out of Malyuta Skuratov's tenacious claws.

Hundreds of three years have passed since this wonderful man died, but even now in our far north there is a legend about how Nikita saved his own son from the wrath of the Terrible ... It is clear why he, as the royal uncle and as the brightest a man among the Moscow boyars, took first place at the throne of the young sovereign.

While Nikita Romanovich was alive, with his kind advice and influence he held back hatred among the boyars. But a year later, the old man Zakharyin was gone, and the enmity among the boyars manifested itself strongly and sharply. The brother-in-law of the sovereign Boris Fedorovich Godunov began to take all measures to eliminate dangerous rivals and rule the state alone. After Zakharyin's death, disgrace befell the noblest boyars, among them the princes of Mstislavsky and Shuisky: they were sent to distant prisons and monasteries. Boris at this time was still friendly with the young Romanovs (this is how Nikita's sons began to be called by the name of their grandfather). They say that the old man, dying, took an oath from Godunov that he would take care of his sons, and Godunov kept his promise so far. Meanwhile, his power in the state is increasing more and more: he receives the title of "ruler", "courtyard governor" and "governor of the kingdoms of Kazan and Astrakhan". Not only Russians, but also foreigners visiting Moscow notice that he, and not Fedor, rules the kingdom. And it cannot be said that this reign was bad: the tsar's brother-in-law, an intelligent and experienced man, tried to calm the state after the upheavals that it experienced under Grozny, and was successful in this good deed.

So peacefully and calmly the life of the state proceeded, when suddenly in 1591 it was disturbed by a terrible event: the seven-year-old Tsarevich Dimitri was stabbed to death on May 15 in Uglich. On the same day, the inhabitants of Uglich killed Bityagovsky, Kachalov and their comrades, who were assigned to him by Boris Bityagovsky, and their comrades, who were considered the perpetrators of a terrible atrocity. Four days later, persons sent to investigate the whole case arrived from Moscow: they were Metropolitan Gelasiy of Krutitsky, Prince Vasily Shuisky, who had recently been returned from exile by Godunov and became related to him, and Kleshnin, a clerk, owed everything to Boris. These investigators conducted the case stupidly, and perhaps even in bad faith, and, returning to Moscow, reported to the tsar and the boyar duma that the tsarevich had not been killed at all, but that he himself, in an epileptic fit, ran into a knife. The Boyar Duma was satisfied with this strange explanation, and the Uglich citizens were severely punished for arbitrariness and for the murder of supposedly innocent people. However, the people could not believe the naive explanation of the Moscow investigators and said that the prince had been killed; and many added that he was killed at the instigation of Godunov.

This terrible case in Uglich has remained completely undisclosed to this day. There are some reasons to consider Godunov guilty of the death of the tsarevich, but it is impossible to prove his guilt. Be that as it may, but the closest heir to the royal throne in 1591 was gone. With Fedor, the royal family of Rurik, which ruled Russia for more than 700 years, ceased.

From the book History of Russia from Rurik to Putin. People. Events. Dates author Anisimov Evgeny Viktorovich

862 - Invitation of the Varangian princes. The beginning of the Rurik dynasty About where and when the ancient Russian state arose, there are disputes to this day. According to legend, in the middle of the IX century. in the land of the Ilmen Slovenes and the Finno-Ugric tribes (Chud, Merya, etc.) civil strife began, “

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Chapter 1 The End of a Legal Dynasty The dynasty of Ivan Kalita, the grandson of Alexander Nevsky, ruled the Moscow state for almost three hundred years. The foundations of her power were laid at a time when the curse of the Tatar yoke was hanging over Russia. Under Ivan III, at the end of the 15th century,

From the book Impostors in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. Grigory Otrepiev author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

Chapter 1 The End of a Legal Dynasty The dynasty of Ivan Kalita, the grandson of Alexander Nevsky, ruled the Moscow state for almost three hundred years. The foundations of her power were laid at a time when the curse of the Tatar yoke was hanging over Russia. Under Ivan III at the end of the 15th century

From the book of Rurikovich. Dynasty history author Pchelov Evgeny Vladimirovich

"Land" Rurik dynasty Despite the damage suffered, the Rurik dynasty did not disappear. Moreover, the princes retained their hereditary thrones, and the fragmentation of Russia continued. Consider the offspring of various branches of the Rurik family, arranging them in the order

From the book Russian princes author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

IGOR STARY - FOUNDER OF THE RURIKOVICH DYNASTY The grand-ducal fate of the second ruler of Kievan Rus, Igor Rurikovich, was completely different from that of his tutor, Prince Oleg. He began to rule independently only when he was three years old.

author Istomin Sergey Vitalievich

From the book of Rurikovich. Seven centuries of reign author Blake Sarah

Chapter 23. Unsolved mysteries of the Rurik dynasty From libertine to saint The great Kiev prince Vladimir - the baptist of Rus - was known before his baptism as the "great libertine" who had several hundred concubines in Kiev and in the country residence of Berestovo. In addition, he

From the book All the rulers of Russia author Vostryshev Mikhail Ivanovich

THE BEGINNING OF THE DYURIKOVICH RURIKOVICHI is the Russian princely dynasty, which stood at the head of the Old Russian state, large and small principalities of the period of feudal fragmentation and the Moscow kingdom from 862 (the calling of Prince Rurik) until 1598 (the death of Tsar Fedor



From the book of the Dolgorukovs. The highest Russian nobility author Blake Sarah

Chapter 4. Vladimir Dolgorukov - a witness to the end of the Rurik dynasty Prince Vladimir Timofeevich Dolgorukov began serving with the rank of steward, then was appointed governor of Pronsk. Almost nothing is known about his childhood, but it becomes clear that Vladimir Dolgoruky was

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Chapter 15 Tutankhamun and the end of the eighteenth dynasty Akhenaten occupied the throne for the largest twenty-one years, of which almost three quarters of the time ruled together with his father (at the beginning) and with his son-in-law Smenkhkar (at the end). Taking into account the political conditions for

From the book Legends were the Kremlin. Notes author Mashtakova Klara

END OF THE RURIK DYNASTY No - I killed him on purpose! He fell on his back, bleeding ... A. Tolstoy In anger, Tsar Ivan the Terrible was terrible: some "demonic" force was leading him and he no longer controlled himself ... And that November autumn day began quietly and peacefully.

From the book The Epoch of Rurikovich. From ancient princes to Ivan the Terrible author Deinichenko Petr Gennadievich

Genealogical tree of the Rurik dynasty Table 1 Rurik in 862 - 1054 Table 2 Polotsk dynasty of Rurik Table 3 Galician dynasty of Rurik Table 4 Turovo-Pinsk branch of the Rurik Table 5 Chernigov branch Table 6 Ryurik

From the book History of Russia. Time of Troubles author Morozova Ludmila Evgenievna

Chapter 2 THE SUNSET OF THE RURIKOVICH DYNASTY The rise of the Godunovs The rise of the Godunovs, who belonged to a far from noble family, did not like the rest of the nobility too much. Some of them began to make attempts to push them out of the throne.

From the book Dmitry the Pretender author Pearling

CHAPTER I THE END OF A DYNASTY IV Ivan the Terrible left an extremely difficult legacy after his death. Of course, it was not frail Fyodor who could cope with such a burden. The young king had nothing to do with his father's dark genius. The monk's robe was more to his face than the role

From the book I get to know the world. History of the Russian Tsars author Istomin Sergey Vitalievich

The emergence of the Rurik dynasty Our ancestors - Slavic peoples - settled on the vast East European Plain in the most ancient times. When they came here and from where it is not known for certain. They settled from the Varangian (Baltic) Sea up to

The beginning of the Rurik dynasty is associated with the vocation of the Varangians - three brothers: Rurik, Sineus and Truvor to rule in Russia (862). It was from Prince Rurik that the Rurik clan originated. They were the first dynasty of princes and tsars who reigned in Russia.

Before their arrival, the power of the people (tribes) operated in the Russian lands, inter-tribal wars began, and it was decided to call a prince from outside, who would govern them.

Despite the fact that Rurik is considered the founder of the family, historians call the ancestor of the Rurik dynasty of Kiev Prince Igor, the son of Rurik.

The rulers of the Rurik dynasty ruled the Russian state for over 700 years.

Board of the Rurik dynasty

During the reign of the first princes from the Rurikovich clan (Oleg Rurikovich, Igor Rurikovich, Olga - the wife of Prince Igor and his son Svyatoslav), the formation of a single state was initiated:

1) Prince Oleg - in 882 the city of Kiev became the capital of Kievan Rus;

2) Prince Igor - in 944 Russia concluded the first peace treaty with Byzantium;

3) Princess Olga - in 945 the introduction of quitrent taxes (a fixed amount of tribute) and in 947 the administrative-territorial division of the Novgorod land;

In the second half of the 12th and until the middle of the 13th centuries, Russia was ruled by: Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod the Big Nest. At this time, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was formed.

From the middle of the 13th to the end of the 14th centuries, the Tatar-Mangol yoke (the beginning of the Golden Horde period) settled in the northwestern and northeastern Russian lands. They captured many cities and destroyed Kiev in 1240. The defeat of the Tatar-Mangols was carried out in 1380 in

The Rurik dynasty and statehood in Russia are, in fact, inseparable concepts. Whatever they say about the roots of this dynasty, about the reasons for its appearance, about how alien it was or, on the contrary, organic for the East Slavic tribes, the fact remains: it was the Rurikovichi who stood at the origins of the Russian state.

By the way, about the "Rus", to whom, according to many researchers, Russia owes its name. It is not entirely clear on what the authors of the "Norman theory" are based on the assumption that this tribe was Norman, i.e. German-Scandinavian. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" about the vocation of the Varangian princes (and the "Varangian", as L.N. Gumilyov said, is not a nationality, but a profession) it is said: "And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians were called Rus like to how others are called Suei (Swedes), and some Normans and Angles, and still other Gotlandians - that's how these were called. " Note: the notorious Normans are called "others" by Nestor the chronicler, i.e. not at all by those who came to the "princes" in 862 in Novgorod, Beloozero and Izborsk. All this coincides with the opinion of medieval European authors, who considered Rurik (Rerik of Jutland, a fellow countryman and one of the ancestors of Amlet, the prototype of Shakespeare's Hamlet) and his dynasty not as Swedes, not Germans, not Goths (Gotlandians), but descendants of the ancient people of Rugs. Whether he had anything to do with the Slavs - scientists have yet to find out. But it was established for sure that it was the Slavs who lived on the island in the Baltic with the name Rügen. There is also the "Prussian theory" of the emergence of the Rurik, according to which both Rurik and the "Rus" came from the Baltic tribe of the Prussians. But they, as you know, had nothing to do with the Germans, but, judging by the etymological analysis of the language of the ancient Prussians, they were close to the Slavs.

Let us not forget that in 862 it was a question of calling the Varangian prince Rurik to Novgorod, which was a common thing for this city-republic, which throughout its history had summoned foreign princes. But this does not give any reason to consider Russia in the 9th - early 10th centuries. "Varangian patrimony". If the so-called. The Norman Rus, whose existence has not yet been proven, subjugated the Eastern Slavs, why did the Varangians not impose on us their language - the first sign of submission - and customs? But in Swedish, for example, we can easily find traces of our influence: there adjectives have the suffix "sk" and are inclined in the Slavic way, which is not found in any of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Germanic group. There is no doubt that the Swedes adopted Christianity precisely following the example of Russia. Following Western Europe, they did not.

Can we speak of Rurik as a "foreign dynasty" if already Rurik's grandson, the legendary commander Prince Svyatoslav, bore a Slavic name and was a Slav by way of life? It turns out that both the French Merovingians and the Carolingians were "foreign dynasties", since they did not come from the indigenous population, Gauls, but from the Germanic tribe of Franks. How do you like the name Normandy? It speaks unequivocally about who once owned this French province - the Normans. The same Normans, who allegedly stood at the origins of the Russian statehood. Meanwhile, we know exactly who was at the origins of the English statehood. It was a Germanic tribe of Angles. Together with the Saxons, Jutes and Frisians, they invaded the 5th-6th centuries. new era from the Jutland Peninsula to the territory of Britain and destroyed, expelled from the island most of its indigenous population - the Celtic tribe of Britons, and subjugated the rest. In turn, the Anglo-Saxons were defeated in 1066 by Norman William, Duke of Normandy, and declared himself an English king. It is William I the Conqueror who is considered the creator of the centralized English state. The lack of independence of British statehood can be easily detected even at the linguistic level. For example, the British are considered the founders of parliamentarism. But the English word "parliament" is of French origin, even Old French, because the form "parlier" (to speak a lot) in modern French no longer exists ("parler" is used and, accordingly, "parlement"). Why did the British choose exactly "parliament" for the name of their representative body? It is very simple: this word was brought to them by the Normans from France, where it in the XI century (and much later) meant the Parisian court of the highest instance. The French later named their representative body differently - the States General. And the Normans, apparently, presented this "parliament" to the Anglo-Saxons, without really understanding whether this is a judicial or representative power. The Frankish leaders get together, they say, and decide together important matters - so you decide. This is how English parliamentarism was born. Truly, from the great to the ridiculous one step ...

And now try to find traces of the same influence of the Varangians in ancient Russian history, culture, language, toponymy! But this is not the most important thing. The Rurikovichs contributed to the strengthening and development of the indigenous population of Kievan Rus - the Eastern Slavs, but the Anglo-Saxon and Frankish kings pushed the indigenous population of Britain and Gaul, the Celts, to the sidelines of history and even life.

Even the first Rurikovichs were tributaries of the Jewish elite of the Khazar Kaganate, and the glades paid tribute to the Khazars long before the appearance of Askold and Dir, the northerners and Vyatichi - before the call of Rurik. Only the grandson of Rurik, Svyatoslav, defeated this Khazar Kaganate without a trace.

The Rurikovichs brought Russia to Christianity, which forever makes this dynasty significant in the minds of Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. The assertions that Christianization has deprived the Russians of their ethnic and religious uniqueness, or, as they say, autochthonousness, are absurd: neither the Britons nor the Gauls did not help paganism to survive as an independent ethnic community.

By the XI century in Europe, only thanks to Christianity, a new powerful state appeared - Kievan Rus. It controlled both the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" and the Eastern European section of the Great Silk Road, previously "saddled" by the Khazars. Kiev at that time was one of the largest and richest cities in the world, which cannot be said about the then Paris or London. Any European royal court considered it an honor to become related to the Rurikovichs, who, meanwhile, did not call themselves kings or tsars.

Even before Batu's invasion, the Rurikovichs created "spare centers" of Russian statehood and culture in the deep forests of Eastern Russia - Suzdal, Vladimir, Moscow, Pereslavl-Zalessky. Like many European dynasties, the descendants of Rurik could not avoid feudal fragmentation, but were able to preserve the dynasty itself under the yoke of the Golden Horde.

The centuries-old neighborhood with Western Europe and Asia allowed the Rurikovichs to draw an important conclusion that the conquest of the country by nomads from the Great Steppe does not always mean the loss of national, religious and cultural independence, which cannot be said about the aggressive policy of the "Germans" (Germans and Anglo-Saxons). These were not limited to tribute and vassal subordination - they wiped out the conquered peoples from the face of the earth. Unable to resist the blows of Batu, the Rurikovichs - the holy noble princes Alexander Nevsky, Dovmont Pskov - repulsed the western "onslaught on the East." Perhaps the Mongol-Tatar yoke threw us back 300 years, but Orthodox Russia has not disappeared over these 300 years.

Rurik, even receiving labels for reign from the Horde khans, did not accept the dependent role of Russia. The Moscow princes patiently gathered Russian lands around them and prepared for the war of liberation.

The holy noble prince Demetrius Donskoy won a victory at the Kulikovo field, and his descendant John III brought such force to the Ugra River that the Horde turned back and forever renounced its "rights" to Russia. By that time, Orthodox Byzantium, the Second Rome, had already ceased to exist, and it was said by the monk Philotheus: "Moscow is the Third Rome, and there will be no fourth." Rurikovich John III began to be called the Grand Duke of All Russia. And his grandson, John IV, was already crowned in the Kingdom.

Already at the time of the first Orthodox Tsar, Russia set out on a liberation campaign against the descendants of Batu. Kazan and Astrakhan fell under the thunder of Russian cannons, the Crimean Tatars fled from the Moscow region Molodya and never again came to the Moscow state with raids. The movement of Rus began to the west, to the shores of the Baltic Sea, captured by the Livonians and Lithuanians.

But on January 19, 1598, the childless son of Ivan the Terrible, Theodore Ioannovich, the last Tsar from the Rurik dynasty, died (in a straight line, because Tsar Vasily Shuisky, who ruled in 1606-1610, was also from the Rurik family). N.M. Karamzin wrote: “This is how the famous Varangian generation, to whom Russia owes its existence, name and greatness, was cut short on the throne of Moscow - from the beginning so small, through a series of stormy centuries, through fire and blood, reaching dominance over the north of Europe and Asia with the warlike spirit of its rulers and people, happiness and providence of God! .. ".

The Rurik dynasty ruled Kiev and Moscow Rus for 736 years. Russia entered the Time of Troubles also in the 300-year period of the reign of the new royal dynasty - the Romanovs ...

Andrey Venediktovich Vorontsov

Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich and Tsar Ioann Vasilievich the Terrible.
Vasily Osipov (Kondakov?). 1689 year.
Fragment of a fresco in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow.

Anastasia Romanovna

Ivan the Terrible ordered to build a church in the Feodorovsky monastery in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. This temple in honor of Theodore Stratilates became the main cathedral of the monastery and has survived to this day.

Feodorovsky (Fedorovsky) monastery

On November 19, 1581, the heir to the throne, Ivan, died from a wound inflicted by his father. From that time on, Fedor became the heir to the royal throne.

Fedor I Ioannovich
Russian Tsar in 1584-1598

Fyodor Ioannovich - Russian tsar, the last Rurikovich on the throne by right of inheritance, the son of Ivan the Terrible and Anastasia Romanovna. The tsar paid great attention to the palace economy, the decoration of the palace chambers. Known for his patronage and generous grants to numerous monasteries and churches. The candidacy of Fyodor Ioannovich was nominated (1573 - 1574 and 1587) for the throne of the Commonwealth. The first years of his reign were accompanied by a fierce palace struggle, during which the established by Ivan the Terrible shortly before his death to govern the country.

Regency Council, which included princes Mstislavsky and Shuisky, Zakharyin-Yuriev, Godunov, Belsky. The half-brother of Fyodor Ioannovich, Tsarevich Dmitry, was exiled (1584) to Uglich. Since 1587 in the reign of Tsar Fyodor his brother-in-law took an active part- "servant and stable boyar" Boris Godunov.

The reign of Tsar Fyodor was characterized by a gradual rise in the country's economic life, overcoming the grave consequences of the crisis of the 70s and 80s, and the unsuccessful Livonian War. At this time there was a sharp increase in the serfdom of the peasants. State taxes on tax, city, population have increased. All this led to an exacerbation of contradictions within the ruling class: between the secular and spiritual feudal lords, between the palace nobility and the Moscow nobility on the one hand, and the provincial servants on the other. Under Fedor Ioannovich, the international position of Russia improved somewhat: as a result, the Russian-Swede. the wars of 1590-1593 were returned (according to the Tyavzin Peace of 1595) the cities and areas of the Novgorod land, captured by Sweden during the Livonian War; Western Siberia was finally annexed; the southern border regions and the Volga region were successfully developed; the role of Russia in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia increased.

But later on, contradictions began to grow in Russia's relations with Poland, Sweden, and Crimea. Khanate and Turkey, as a result of which, during the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich, a knot of classes, intraclass and international contradictions that led to the Great Troubles in the Russian state at the very beginning of the 17th century was formed.

In his daily routine, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich was simple and accessible to everyone who came to him, he loved to pray, he himself performed daily Divine services.

Reconstruction of the appearance

Irina Godunova, wife of Fyodor Ioannovich.

Tsarina Irina Fyodorovna in the Russian historical tradition was a kind, intelligent, literate and pious empress. She was called "the great empress" and it was she who was Fyodor's co-ruler, and not her brother. The king was sincerely attached to his queen and did not want to part with her in any way. Almost all of her pregnancies ended in miscarriages. The only daughter of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich and Irina, Theodosius, lived less than two years.

Reconstruction of the appearance of Fyodor Ioannovich. M. Gerasimov, 1963.