How the kitchen set is installed. Kitchen assembly with your own hands: detailed instructions


Hello, friends.

What is an independent, and what is its general algorithm? We will talk about this today in this article.

But before talking about the installation, I will say a few words about what should be done on the eve.

As the day before, all kitchen modules must be maximally collected and packed for transportation (they are usually packaged in a special film that protects them from scratches). All facades should be on them (first the facades can not be adjusted - they will be adjusted at the end of the installation itself), handles should be launched on the facades. In short, all that can be made before installing the headset - you need to do.

The premises itself, which should be fully prepared for the installation. This means, in case it was repaired in it, then:

  • The floors should be made (the field of mounting the kitchen headset, under his supports you can no longer fit)
  • The working wall of the tile (if available) must be posted
  • All the old furniture located on the installation site of the kitchen should be made out of the room
  • In the room there should be working outlet (or somewhere nearby, to connect carrying)
  • All embedded technique should be available (washing, cooking surface, oven, extract)
  • Approximately, the installation of the kitchen headset must be highlighted, at least a whole day.

When all the above conditions are performed, (in disassembled, of course, the form) is delivered to the installation site.

Any kitchen is usually installed from the lower modules. If this is an angular kitchen, then the installation always starts with an angle (the angular modules are first installed).

Before mounting modules, all the facades are removed from them.

Having exhibit the lower modules, and by covering them between themselves with tie bolts, they must be set "by level" by means of adjustable supports. Modules are exhibited, taking into account all the gaps (relative to the walls and relative to the countertops), which are taken into account in the project.

After all the lower modules are exhibited, the countertop "is adjusted". When the tabletop is adjusted and exhibited, the washing with a cooking panel is cut into it. Then the tabletop is installed on the lower modules and is attached.

When the bottom base of the kitchen is installed, the level of the upper modules is measured, placed on the wall of the hole, under sheds for the upper modules.

The top modules are then padded, "in terms of level" are adjusted, and they are tightened with the same tightened bolts.

When the bottom and top base of the kitchen headset are installed, the plinth is installed (on the worktop), the facades are hung and adjustable, and, in general, everything, the kitchen is installed.

Water and gas to the technique connects the owner. Especially, I do not recommend binding to water, since if something is done not as you need, and the kitchen floods, you will blame for yourself. And this is at least stupid, to do how much work, and then her all "tight".

If it is planned to mount apron from MDF, chipboard or plastic on the working wall (wall panel), then it is attached at the very beginning (before installing the lower modules).

That's all, see you!

  • Preparation for the main process
  • Assembling ordinary bedside tables
  • Build Tomb with drawers
  • Implementation of installation parts headset

The new kitchen set is an important point for any mistress. After all, it is in the kitchen that a person has the opportunity to realize himself and feel himself. The new kitchen headset is usually delivered to the house to buyers in a disassembled form. Therefore, it is necessary to collect it and correctly.

But the assembly in our time with the help of furniture masters is far from always well and as it should be. After all, most workers hurry to collect and install furniture as quickly as possible, while not spending significant efforts to the process itself. But from the quality of assembly and installation directly depends not only by decorative appearance and ease of use of furniture objects, but also personal safety. After all, if you hang a closet for poor quality, it can fall from the wall at any time.

Preparation for the main process

For these reasons, many people prefer to carry out the installation of a kitchen headset with their own hands, without attracting specialists. And correctly do. After all, do you make this work with any man, if he follows some useful advice. The whole process is divided into three main stages: the preparation stage, the assembly stage and the stage of fastening and mounting the kitchen headset. Consider everything in detail and in order.

Figure 1. Promper diagonals is carried out with a roulette or long line.

First you need to prepare for the process of assembling furniture. To do this, purchase in advance all the necessary materials and tools for work. This will ensure considerable savings in the process of work. You will need:

  • building level;
  • screwdriver with various nozzles;
  • electric drill;
  • roulette and labeling pencil;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • a hammer;
  • furniture stapler;
  • nails;
  • carbon black and thin brush;
  • a set of accessories needed to furniture, which always comes complete with furniture.

It is advisable immediately according to the assembly scheme, which is attached to the furniture kit, check out the availability of the entire necessary headset and fasteners. If something is not, then it is necessary to purchase it. Before work, you need to free up as much space in the room so that you can assemble it unhindered. Paul needs to be released if possible from carpet and linoleum. And be sure to cover it with thick tarpaulter, burlap or several layers of polyethylene, so that when assembling nothing to hook and not scratch.

Immediately, without waiting for the assembly of furniture, prepare access in the kitchen to the place of installation of the headset. At the same time, it is advisable to pay the greatest attention to all sorts of pipes, washing and hood. It is very important that all this is in a normal state, otherwise, in the event of a leakage, the furniture can be very spoiled. When you do, unpack the furniture, read the drawing and proceed to the assembly.

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Assembling ordinary bedside tables

Figure 2. Rails must be located close to each other so that there are no gaps between the boxes.

So how to collect the headsets directly according to the drawing, you will not deliver particular difficulties. As a rule, the assembly process occurs alternately for each individual furniture item. Therefore, the unpacking is alternately, so as not to get confused later. We begin to consider the process of assembling furniture from the bedside tables and under the drawers.

At the beginning of work with a pencil and roulette, we definitely do measurements according to the markup scheme where the connections and fastening of parts will be located. Now, with the help of a screwdriver and screws, we fasten the bottom of the couch and the side walls, and then fasten the upper part of it. The place that inside is still free, is checked on a roulette diagonal (Fig. 1). If you get different from each other by more than 2.5 mm, you must immediately settle this problem. Usually everything becomes in its place or after easy climbing with a hammer (better than rubber), or after a deeper deepening of screws, or, on the contrary, twisting them out a little. The correct location of the upper part is checked by the construction level.

After that, you can place places for door loops and install them. On the hinges, the doors are planted, which, then, when installing the cabinets in the vertical position, are adjusted by screwing the screws, which can be made even with a conventional screwdriver or chisel, depending on the screw of the screw. After that, on the top can be attached to the countertop, which is better to do with the help of self-tapping screws. You will only have to attach furniture legs or wheels, which is also done using self-tapping screws.

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Build Tomb with drawers

Figure 3. The distance from the countertops to the locker is usually 500-600 mm.

A little different things are dealing with a table for drawers. Here before bonding the bottom with the sides, the so-called rails are immediately placed on their inner parts (Fig. 2), for which these boxes will ride. Do all this must be extremely carefully, constantly producing measurements. After all, the slightest deviation can give skew, with the result that the boxes will ride quite badly. Also carefully calculate the distance between the rails so that there are no big gaps between the boxes in the future and that they are not very tightly arranged each other. After all, in the end, everything should work freely without much for that effort.

Before starting the mounting of fasteners under the box, it is advisable to immediately collect the boxes for the cabinets themselves. To do this, on the reverse side of the front part of the box, markings are made to fasten the walls and under the installation of the handle. Side, rear and front walls with each other connect with screws. But it may be that (in cheaper headsets), which provides a spike connection in the hole. Then the markup is usually already done, and you will have to just pour into the holes of the joinery glue, where to fix the walls with spikes. At the same time, it is desirable to additionally fix it from the bottom with a powerful building stapler or nails when you penetrate the bottom.

Clearly make sure that the angles of 90 degrees were respected everywhere. With the correct assembly, all the details must be perfect with each other docked. Now you will stay on the front of the handle, which is also carried out in most cases using screws (depending on the specific type of handles). Now just look the boxes in the closet: if everything works well, the assembly is done correctly. If not, you will have to adjust the hammer, and if it does not work, again allotted and insert the guides "rails" re-on.

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Implementation of installation parts headset

Figure 4. The tire for the kitchen headset is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws.

In this way, all the details of the kitchen headset are collected. When it is done, begins with your own hands. You need to start with markup. So, first put some one end to the floor, and measure it from it 50 cm or 60 cm up, depending on how it is more convenient to you (Fig. 3). Put the point in this place and swipe a flat line. This line will show the lower level of the attached headset. Now the full height of the mounted cabinet is added to this line, the point is repeated and the smooth line is drawn again. This band will indicate the upper level of installation of mounted furniture.

Now we put the entire headset that will be below. To do this, in the rear walls, if necessary, immediately cut through the jigsaw or file facilities for pipes. And the locations of the cuts are processing with silicone sealant to prevent their sprinkle and deformation from moisture in the thickness of the wood. During the installation, we immediately check the construction level immediately, and in the case of distortions (and this often happens, since the floors in the rooms are often uneven) twisted the legs so that all the furniture stood smoothly. In the extreme case, you can put under the feet of special rubber linings that are sold in the store.

Now put on the top strip on the wall specific points where hooks for hanging cabinets will be located. Just pre-measure the distance from the table to the lower base of the suspended box and to the upper line, and in the case of which you correct markup.

Now proceed to the mounting of the mounting for the kitchen headset. There are two main types of fasteners: a special metal tire for which the holes are made in the right places, the dowels are driven there, after which the tire is applied and the screws are driven (Fig. 4). Then the cabinet is then hung on the bus.

The second option is to install on special hooks. For this, drill drill a hole, drive a dowel of plastic, we have a very tight screwing the metal hooks, which then wear a wardrobe. For a more reliable fastening, if the cabinet is sufficiently heavy, hooks may not be two, and four: two from above and two below.

So, the installation of the kitchen headset is over with their own hands!

The features of the assembly and installation of the main typical structures were considered here.

In the case of working with non-standard cabinets there is nothing complicated. Just it will take you a little longer. But if you follow clearly drawing, everything will definitely work out, and you will be confident in the reliability of the assembly and installation of furniture with your own hands.

Beautiful, comfortable kitchen should include many details. The prerequisite is the presence of a kitchen headset that accommodates all the dishes, the kitchen inventory, bulk products and household appliances. It is so multifunctional to be a headset in the kitchen. But one thing to choose and purchase furniture in the store. And completely different - install cabinets and pencils in the kitchen. Of course, in any furniture store, buyers will offer master services. But, the installation of the kitchen headset is not such a difficult thing. Therefore, any man will successfully cope with this task.

Auxiliary means

To assemble the kitchen headset details in a single design, you need to prepare auxiliary devices that will help cope with the task. For work it will be necessary:

  • Tool for drilling, screwdriver.
  • Lobzik joiner, who will help cut off the worktop.
  • Screwdriver, hexagon.
  • Set of planks for joints and plinth of decorative trim.

Stages of work

Installing a headset with your own hands begins with attachment of tumbers and drawers at the bottom of the structure. First of all, the hull part is mounted to which shelves and boxes are fixed. In order for the cabinets to connect to a single strong base, they need to be copper with metal ties and corners. Then, be sure to check how tightly the cabinets are adjacent to the wall. So that the upper edges do not crumble, they should be protected by silicone-based sealant.

The next step is the installation of facades with metal loops that are screwed by self-drawing. Remember that before installing the kitchen headset, you should take care of the removal of the sewage and tap pipe. Also, gas and electricity supply is carried out in advance.

Mounting Shells and Countertops

The kitchen sink is installed by cutting into the surface of the table top. Pre-measure measurements and marking corresponding to the sizes of washing. The sink hole is cut out with a jigsaw. To correctly consolidate the sink, know the design features.

There are sinks of two types:

  • With fastening over the couch before mounting the table top.
  • With mount after installing countertops.

However, in both cases, engineering networks must be carried out before the start of installation work.

Installation and assembly of kitchen heads in the photo, involves mounting the table top. The dimensions of this element must be 1-1.5 cm more from the front and end sides than the lower stands. The remaining gaps between the worktop and the wall are closed with decorative plinth.

We protect the working wall

Any kitchen has a apron - a wall between the worktop and the upper lockers. As if carefully, the hostess did not cook food, the area of \u200b\u200bthe apron is contaminated with the fat droplets. To protect the wall, many are facing it with tiles. But another option is possible - to purchase a kitchen set with finished panels to protect the working wall. Such panels are attached simply, with the help of dowels. Color protective screens can be the most different. But it is wiser to acquire the panels that match the colors with a kitchen head.

Top cabinets

Assembling the kitchen headset continues installation of mounted lockers. To secure the locker, it first needs to be collected. Usually, lockers are supplied to the consumer in a disassembled form: a single housing and mounted facades. To secure the case part, you must apply a markup at 60 cm from the tabletop.

Significantly this distance is flat, horizontal, we indicate the place of attachment of the bottom of the lockers. To determine the fastening point, you need to measure the height of each locker.

Once the upper horizontal line is carried out, it can be attached to the bar, which is necessary to fix cabinets. The strap is fixed on the wall using a dowel, and then the plumbs are fixed on the bar. And on the back wall of each cabinet, hooks are attached. After hanging, you should check the upper part of the headset tightly adjacent to the wall. Then the facades are fastened to the body.

To install the kitchen headset on video, passed flawlessly, you should start working from installing corner lockers. After assembling with your own hands and installation of the structure, you must tighten each element with special tightening retainers. If, after performing this recommendation, gaps and cracks will remain between the lockers, overlap with special decorative plinth.

For the finishing of the end parts, plugs and beautiful, elegant corners are applied.

In custody

In order for the assembly of the kitchen headset without problems, it is necessary to carry out the installation of step by step. First, the size of the kitchen headset is determined. Then the markup is created, which will clearly show where and how each design element will be located. If the walls in the kitchen are lined with drywall, you should take care of special fasteners that lock the lockers on the wall. Prepare everything you need, you can proceed to the phased implementation of installation work.

You can face many non-obvious nuances that we tried to describe in the first part of the article. But there is a headset in front, which can pose with its "pitfalls".

How is the installation?

Before hanging cabinets and install tables, you need to take care of the right choice of furniture fittings.

Accessories include bolts, screws, hinges, handles, polktrointers, guides for drawers - all that is not made from chipboard.

Let's start with the main item: configant screws. Such screws are often called "Eurovints", and you can buy them at any furniture accessories store. Such a screw is spinning with a special hex key or a hex broken bit for screwdriver.

The choice of pens fully falls on you: in any catalog of fittings you can meet dozens and hundreds of their varieties, and depending on the color of the facade, you will have to choose the appropriate version of the handles..

The loop is an important point. Exactly due to the quality of the loops, it depends on whether the doors will openFor how long the loops themselves live and they will withstand the load. Standard option - loops with a "cup" diameter of 35 millimeters. On each door up to 800 millimeters long enough to install two loops.

It must be said that the drilling of the facade under the loop at home is a difficult process, and even if you find and buy a special mill, when drilling a drill you will need an assistant. The facade needs to hold hard, and when drilling it is strong enough to put on the drill, so that the cutter does not pull the chipboard.

If there is no experience in such matters - practice the DSP trimming: with manual drilling it is easy to break through the facade through, so it is better to order these works from professionals: the drilling of one hole costs about 30 rubles.

When drilling holes, the main thing is to correctly calculate indents. The selected distance will affect the entire installation process.

If you decide to do it yourself, pay attention to the photo:

Note: this is a reliable photo on which the main thing is shown.: The distance from the edge to the start of the opening is strictly 4 millimeters.

The optimal option is 12 centimeters from the top (or from the bottom) edge to the center of the hole.

Make a wash

As a small retreat, we will explain some moments relating to the selection of washing. This is not accessories, but a full-fledged element of any kitchen.

Washing can be both invalid and mortiseAnd they differ both cost and appearance. Curling sinks look more representative and mounted directly to the tabletop itself.

Each sink has its own characteristics, so you need to carefully measure before starting to melt a worktop.

For the cutout of the hole for the sink, an electric jik is used, but it is impossible to give clear instructions on the insertion of the sink: there are many car producers, and each of them makes bowls in accordance with their own ideas about the correct design.

Therefore, it is more correct to use the instructions attached to the washing or study the installation materials that can be found directly on the manufacturers sites.

Otherwise - from the configuration to the sizes - the selection of the washing will depend on your flavors and financial capabilities.

What to do with all this?!

So, all modules are assembled, accessories are installed, the facades are fixed, which means you can proceed to the last and most responsible phase: to the installation.

Immediately note that to install you need an assistantBut you do not need to call all my friends: just one person is enough, and a large number of people will not speed up the process and only create chaos, in which everyone will interfere with each other.

You will need the following tools:

  • Stepladder or stool;
  • A hammer;
  • Cross and flat screwdrivers (and better - screwdriver with replaceable bits);
  • Pliers and chisel (this is just in case);
  • Electrolovka and hand-hacking for metal;
  • Construction level (the longer - the better);
  • Roulette, ruler and pencil;
  • Electric drum (ideally drill and perforator separately);
  • Tree drills of various diameters (many of them can be useful in different cases);
  • Drills winged with a diameter of 8 millimeters (for drilling walls);
  • Dowel complete with screws for them (size dowels - 8x60 millimeters);
  • Spanners (may not come in handy, but better to have);
  • Silicone sealant;
  • Special tie bolts.

For work!

Installation always starts with the bottom of the headset. Tables must be exhibited by level. The overwhelming majority of headcards are made on adjustable legs-supports that allow you to easily raise or lower the tables.

If you have developed tables with a common one-piece table top - it should be fixed after all the tables are exhibited by level, but before that, the tables are better to pull the screed bolts. Sink must already be fixed to the tabletop.

After that, you can proceed to the canopy of the cabinets. For this, we will need a stepladder. One person climbs on her on the tables and together with the assistant who remains down and helps, lifts the closet. Classic Cabinet Fastening Option - Bracket Cornerswhich must already be fixed on the closet.

In this case, it is necessary to draw a pencil of the hole of the bracket's easter, while the assistant holds the cabinet from the bottom.

If the cabinet is equipped with internal brackets - it is immediately hanging on a special metal rack, which is pre-attached to the wall.

If the kitchen is angular - the installation begins with an angular cabinet, and it must be aligned by level. Read about the design of the corner kitchen with a bar counter.

In the case of direct kitchen, the cabinets also begin to hang from the corner. The average width of 800 millimeters width weighs about 12-15 kilograms, but it is extremely inconvenient to raise.

The mandatory component of the installation process of the kitchen headset is clear adjustment.
Thanks to the correct adjustment of the door adjustment of your lockers will be opened as it should also be longer.

In order to facilitate the task, you can pre-remove the shelf from it, if it is depositable, or even remove the facades, but two men even athletic addition can well cope with this task without removing the doors.

After the cabinets are hanged, it remains last, but responsible step: adjusting facades.

The fact is that the installed modules can skew: it is mainly happening if the furniture is not installed in terms of level.

Adjustment is carried out using a screwdriver, in the photos in detail it is shown in detail which hinges are responsible for adjustment, and on the video installation of the headset, this process is presented.

What how much?

That's all: the kitchen set is installed and washed, the doors are adjusted and the furniture pleases the eye. But let's see how much the materials cost, and how profitable it was to spend a few days of their lives on this exciting, but not the most difficult lesson.

Consider the cost of the kitchen headset on the example

The cost of the represented direct and not the most complex headset width 280 centimeters in the store is about 37,000 rubles.

  • This headset went about half a liter of chipboard. One sheet of chipboard costs 1050 rubles, the cost of cutting at the rate of 120 rubles per square meter was approximately the same. The result is 3000 rubles invested in the material. The cost of the used facade "Softforming" is approximately 900 rubles per sheet of 2.5 meters long. About 10 meters of the facade took this set, respectively, its cost was 3,600 rubles.
  • The retail price of the melamine edge, which was used for pasting, is 3 rubles per stranded meter. The total cost of the used edge was approximately 220 rubles.
  • The total cost of fittings, including the Eurovintages (retail price of 80 kopecks per piece), loops (50 rubles per piece) as well as glass, decor, washing and handles, amounted to about 3,500 rubles. Such components, as the police and legs and legs, will not take into account, besides, the price of accessories as a whole can be very different in different regions, and therefore there is no point in the cost of frunisiness.
  • Another optional cost of expenses is a tool. If you assume that the shock drill you have - you can subtract from the estimates of 6000 rubles.
  • Will not forget about the delivery of a material that can do from 500 to 1500 rubles, depending on the distance and from the total value of such services in each region.
  • Will not forget about the person who helped in the installation of a friend, whom also need to thank money or a bottle of good brandy.

Below is a table in which the costs at all stages of work are indicated in detail.


average cost

Number used in the manufacture of headset

Total cost for this headset

Explanations and Notes


1050 rub. / Sheet (sheet size - 2.5x1.5 m)

1.5 sheets 1575 rub.

Work on cutting

120 rub. / M 2 1500 rub.
Facade 900 rub. / Sheet

4 sheets or 10 pog / m

3600 rub. The cost is indicated for the facade of the type "SoftForning", which was used for this headset. When using other types of facade, the cost may vary, but the cost when ordering the finished furniture increases in geometric progression.

Melamine edge

3 rub. / Brow 70 M. 220 rub.
Furnitura 3500 rub.

The total cost of the European countries, the shelf holders, the legs, pens, glass, decor, roller guides for drawers, screws, dowels for installation and dishwasher in a mounted cabinet over washing are indicated.

Washing 1900 rub. 1 PC. 1900 rub. In this case, an overhead washing was installed by Franke. This is one of the inexpensive and high-quality models. For reference - the cost of kitchen meals depending on the material, the type of installation and design ranges from 900 to 22,000 rubles.

Delivery of material

Depending on the region 500-1500 rubles. In view of the payment of services for the carriage of goods, which varies depending on the region and distance. This item can not be taken into account if there is an own car: all parts of such a kitchen can be independently removed for 1-2 entrances and on a passenger car.
Tool 200-6500 rub. This item is also not necessary to take into account if there is a shock drill. Its cost is from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles. In any case, 200-300 rubles. To add to the general estimate is worth it, because at home I will definitely do not have something necessary: \u200b\u200bthe necessary screwdrivers, level or even a conventional hammer.


As a result, it turns out that with the independent manufacture of such a headset, its cost will be a maximum of 15,000 rubles.. Of course, it is no secret that firms specializing in the manufacture of cabinet furniture coolant up to 200 percent.

In our case, it turned out a little less, but the difference is noticeable. And now that you spent a few days for the manufacture of a kitchen headset, you can answer your question: is it really a game worth a candle.

Read 8 min. Views 971.

A significant part of furniture manufacturers produce their products disassembled. This reduces delivery costs, contributes to the preservation of packaged parts. If the upholstered furniture will be brought to the buyer in the assembled form, then the cabinets will most likely have to be obtained by separate details accompanied by instructions. An independent assembly of kitchen furniture is a way to save and the ability to show your skills. You can order an assembly immediately in the store, but it is expensive, since the cost of the service sometimes comes to 10% of the total price of the kit depending on the number of objects. You can cope with this yourself in the presence of minimal skills to work with tools.

Preparatory stage

If the kitchen is going to do with her own hands, then before starting to assemble work, it is necessary to prepare the area, freeing it from the old furniture, check the sockets, wash, dry the walls and floors, which will subsequently be behind the cabinets. The primary preparatory stage begins before the furniture set for the kitchen is purchased. At this stage, placement is planned:

  • a room plan is drawn up with the size, configuration, stationary structures;
  • the place is determined for the working and dining area, the issue of furniture accommodation (linear, angular, P-shaped) is solved;
  • dimensions are calculated, the number of cabinets, taking into account the stove, refrigerator and other household appliances.

Since the kitchen is a place where the hostesses spend a lot of time, it is necessary to think over in advance (even at the stage of repair) - how and where all the objects of the headset are installed. It is necessary that it is convenient, comfortable, and you can not forget about aesthetic form - the situation must be harmonized with other rooms. If the room is closer to the square, then two walls with suspended cabinets can be selected for the working area. The refrigerator and the table is better to place parallel to the plate and washing, on top - shelves or hinged cabinets.

The zoning of the kitchen depends on the room configuration. The working area is placed where the sink and gas stove is installed. The dining room is located at the free wall or by the window.

Since by the time of acquisition is already known where each closet will be installed, it remains to be installed, and then put all the designs at the prepared place.

Assembly instructions

The first step is to check the configuration. For this, all the details are checked with the instructions for assembling kitchen furniture. If an incomplete set is detected, you need to contact the seller. Do not hurry to independently acquire accessories and fasteners, perhaps the packaging with them remained in the store or machine, the missing details will be returned to the first requirement. Such a simple action will help to avoid unnecessary spending, as well as eliminate the risk that the acquired items will not fit.

The next stage is a careful study of the instructions. It is not necessary to memorize all actions, as you can use the document at any time while the furniture is assembling. When primary familiarization needs:

  • determine the approximate order of work;
  • identify and folded furniture packaging in accordance with this order;
  • learn to navigate in the instructions in the instructions.

As in several stages to collect kitchen furniture:

  • assembly of cabinets from parts in accordance with the instructions;
  • markup of fastening points;
  • installation of objects in place, fixing;
  • mounting countertops;
  • final work.

Before starting the assembly, it is desirable to protect the floor covering, for this you can use packaging from furniture.

Before starting work, you need to check the complete set and explore the instructions.

Hinged cabinets

The prefabricated furniture for the kitchen consists of several top and lower level cabinets. The standard design of the locker consists of two side and rear walls, upper and lower plane, facade, internal shelves. Start with the attachment of sidewalls for the bottom, then attach the top cover. For the connection, eRovints and a hex screwdriver are used. Check the correctness of the geometric shape on direct angles or using the measurement of two diagonals. The rear wall is naked with a stapler or hammer depending on the shape of the mounts. Recently, the staples almost pushed out furniture cloves.

Retractable drawers

It is believed that the setting of drawers is the most time consuming part of the work. But in modern furniture there is special fittings. Inside the cabinet on the side walls, markup is made, the guide clauses are included in the package, the boxes are brought in the assembled form.

If a kitchen set with disassembled boxes is purchased, they are easy to assemble and fix three sidewalls with screws. The front wall is fixed with a screed-eccentric or in another way specified in the instructions. The task of the collector is to determine which walls (right or left) guides are mounted. Then it is fixed by a screwdriver along the markup. Boxes are preferably inserted before installing the doors to determine the ease of their stroke.

After installation, it is once again checked, for what distance boxes are put forward, whether the door does not interfere with their movement.

Masters often argue, in which sequence it is necessary to install kitchen furniture. But this is a question of the personal convenience of everyone. Any option has its own positive and negative sides.

If you start mounting from the top row:

  • it is more convenient to work, as you can fit close to the wall;
  • it is more difficult to determine the height for fasteners, as you need to make calculations.

Starting from the bottom row:

  • it is easier to navigate in height, width and installation places of the corresponding cabinets;
  • it is more difficult to work with the upper level, as already installed structures interfere.

The order of installation is not fundamental, everyone can do as it seems necessary. Usually begin work from the sink, and the top row is from a long corner.

At the finishing stages of the assembly of kitchen furniture, the final work is carried out, the decorated appearance, namely, namely, is:

  • install internal shelves;
  • mounted washing, cranes, connect them to the system of sewage and water supply;
  • moldings and other decorative elements are attached if they are;
  • mounted backlight on the headset;
  • connect the built-in technique to the power grid.

Between the worktop and the wall, the space of the sealant is missing, the connection site is masked using a plinth (it is purchased separately). After that, the tools and packaging are removed, the hostess is invited to the kitchen, which should appreciate the work.

Installing internal shelves Connecting technology


Planning the kitchen, it is important to determine the dimensions of the furniture, the location of sockets, household appliances.

After dealing with how to install the kitchen correctly, it is recommended to pay attention to the electrical wiring. In order not to spoil the appearance of the kitchen and do not stretch the extension player after installing furniture, you will need to immediately outline the places where it is planned to connect a dishwasher, extractor, LED backlight, and so on.

Figure 1. Scheme of the location of sockets in the kitchen.

In this case, 2,39 cm high will be produced.

It is not recommended to install sockets immediately beyond the place where the technique is installed. The discovering socket with the inserted fork will not allow tightly to fit the technique to the wall. The recommended location of the sockets for the kitchen installed can be seen in fig. 1. All kitchen sizes, the installation of which is produced, can be seen in fig. 2.

First of all, you will need to perform measurements. The width of the kitchen cabinets of all types in most cases is indicated on the package. In some cases, the actual width of angular structures can be reduced. For example, if the width of the locker is 60 cm, then it will be 59.5 cm in the assembled form. It is why you need to measure the collected elements. It must be remembered about the discrepancy of the walls. These actions will help to be confident that the acquired furniture is suitable for the kitchen.

From the tools you will need:

Figure 2. Dimensions of the kitchen installed.

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Circular stove.
  3. Lobzik.
  4. Perforator.
  5. Miter saw.
  6. Pliers.
  7. Building level.
  8. A hammer.
  9. Clamps.

Installation of kitchen furniture can be divided into 2 stages: assembly and installation.

Install the kitchen recommended starting from the bottom. If the set with the table is removable legs, they will need to immediately attach them. In some cases, the support parts are screwed to the tables in the manufacture. Then it remains only to insert legs, putting them in the right position.

The height of the legs will be needed to set one level using a plumbing kit.

In the assembly process, you need to fix the mounting bar to make it easier to install the facade elements in the future.

Installation of kitchen

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Installation of angular floor cabinets

You need to start with a corner outdoor locker. In most cases, it is in it that is a water lining. Immediately need to make contigates for water supply and other communications. Everything needs to be done in the installation order of furniture. The position of all elements will need to control the construction level and the square.

The most difficult to connect the angular bottom boxes. The box in which the washing is installed will stand along the wall, and the second element is connected to the first. You can connect boxes using several LDSP panels. It will give the opportunity to slightly dilute the boxes so that the doors can freely open, not touching each other.

The box will need to be installed at a distance of 56 mm from the wall to its front. The distance "L" must be selected based on the width of the facade, which is installed on the locker. In this element, you will need to install the sink, that is, it will be pipes.

In the placement process, you will need to take into account the depth of the second box.

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Assembling outdoor elements

After that, the remaining lockers are installed. If the kitchen is linear, then the items are installed on one side. In the corner kitchen, elements are installed on two sides.

To produce cut, without damaging the item, the rear wall of the locker is recommended to score later. For example, it concerns the locker in which the oven is planned. In most cases, it needs to make a large number of holes for the socket, forks, a gas wire, and so on.

When the outdoor lockers will be collected, it will take to connect them between themselves, withsting the irregularities of contact in the front and upper parts. These elements can be copped with each other, using a 30 mm long samples. There is a more reliable connection option - fastening the elements with screeds for furniture. Such fasteners will be able to securely combine furniture among themselves. For every sidewalls, outdoor lockers will need 4 screeds, 2 screeds on mounted lockers.

When the cabinets are securely fixed with each other, you should cut the element to the sink. This is a secondary material located under the tabletop. It will take to perform the installation of the washing on the top of the locker, exposing it to the required position. The retreat from the wall should be more than 4 cm. This distance will be needed to fix the kitchen plinth.

The sink should be covered with a simple pencil along the contour, after which it is necessary to cut the hole, retreating from the line 1 cm. The size of the sink location will need to be remembered to perform the cutting in the worktop.

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Cut table tops

It is important to take into account the angle of the walls. Most often, the size is determined by the front and rear parts. You will need to make 1 mm intensity at the edges or to the wall.

Next, exhibit a sipped piece of countertops, measuring the protrusion on the front. If in the future it is planned to make a cutout under the cooking stove, then the size should be done the same. There are no standards in size, everything will depend on personal preferences. The size may vary depending on the width of the tabletop installed and the depths of the lockers. If on the one hand size 3 cm, then on the other hand it should be the same.

Plinth for the kitchen can have different sizes. It is necessary to clarify whether it can close the gaps. If the plinth is not suitable, you can install a wall panel. Its thickness can be different - from 4 to 6 mm. It will be needed to install it below the countertops.

Do not forget about metal profiles. They can be end, angular or connected. The size of the countertops must be cut, given the width of the profile. Using an angular profile, you need to connect two tabletop plates at an angle of 90 °. The connecting profile will extend its length.

All tabletop sections will need to be cleaned of dust. Next, sections are processed with sealant and closed. On the edges that are near the stove, the end profiles should be consolidated. The scaled part of the table top also needs to be treated with sealant, then install the corner profile. All profiles are secured by self-drawing.

The sealant is important to use in order to protect the worktop from moisture.

Before connecting the countertops with outdoor lockers, it is necessary to cut the opening of the work on the sink so that it is possible to immediately connect it with the worktop.

Installation of a kitchen headset with your own hands will not only significantly reduce the cost of re-equipment of the kitchen, but also will provide the opportunity to provide us with the quality of work. That is why, acquiring the kitchen, many of us refuse the services of the collectors' masters and prefer to fulfill all the work on their own.

In our article we describe in detail all the nuances of the assembly of the main elements of the headset, and tell about how to install it correctly.

Preparatory stage

Before installing the kitchen headset, it is necessary to carefully prepare and stock all the necessary tools and materials:

  • First, we check the set of the headset so that at the time of installation we accidentally did not find the lack of any part or the fastener element. If you are missing something - you need to or buy this element, or contact the company in which we purchased furniture.
  • Next, you should prepare the entire tool that we will use when assembling and installing a headset. Be sure to check the efficiency of the power tool, and if we use battery screwdrivers or screwdrivers, then you should ensure that the batteries are fully charged.
  • Check the performance of the sockets to which we connect the power tools.
  • Clean the place to build from the construction trash, we take out all objects from the kitchen that may be damaged.

Tip! When assembling furniture there is a risk of damage to the floor covering, therefore should be covered with thick polyethylene, tarpaulom or nonwoven material.

You should also prepare all the communications necessary for connecting to the headset. First of all, it is water supply pipes that will be hidden under the sink, as well as a ventilation pipe for attachment to extract.

When everything is ready - you can unpack the headset and proceed to its assembly and installation.

Furniture assembly

Collect kitchen stands

Installation of kitchen headcards is made in such a sequence:

  • First, we collect all the details of the headset.
  • Then - we apply markup on the walls to install mounted modules.
  • Turn the top lockers.
  • We collect the bottom, connecting the stands with the worktop.

It is in this order that our instruction will describe all these operations.

We begin the assembly with the lower Tumb:

  • Initially, with the help of the EuroBs, which are included in the kit, connect the bottom with the side walls.
  • We set the top strips to which the countertop will be lying. Checking the diagonals of the stands with a roulette. If the length of the diagonals differs no more than 1.5-3 mm, proceed to the next operation.
  • The rear wall of a sufficiently thin fiberboard is secure with small nails or construction stapler. To ensure the reliability of attachment, the step between the brackets should be not more than 8-10 mm.

  • To the lower part of the chamber sets the legs, fixing them with the help of self-tapping screws.
  • In the pre-done nests set the loops and fix them with self-draws, after which - the lower facades are attached to the hinges.
  • By installing the cabinet to the vertical position, align the doors with the help screws on the hinges.

Final assembly stage - installation of pens.

Collect the retractable lockers

The technology of assembling drawers is somewhat different:

  • Initially, on the side walls we apply marking on the installation of metal guides.
  • By markup, we strengthen the guides themselves, after which the side walls connect with the bottom and upper straps.
  • We collect the retractable elements by installing the mechanisms on their side surfaces.

Note! Weak place of such boxes - bottom. It should be fixed using a construction steppler, scoring a bracket with a pitch of 5 - 8 mm.

  • On the front of the drawer, install the handles.

The case of the locker and the retractable elements is better not to collect immediately, but only after installing the entire headset. This will greatly facilitate all manipulations.

Hinged cabinet

This element is intended the easiest:

  • First we collect the "case of a cabinet", connecting the bottom, the upper part and the side walls with the help of the EuroP.
  • Then on the nails or brackets are secure the back wall.
  • When the base of the cabinet is assembled - in the socket we install the loop and fix them with self-draws. At this stage, it is better not to inspire the doors, because they complicate the installation of lockers on the wall.
  • Final assembly stage - fastening of suspensions. When we coped with this - you can start installing our furniture.

Note! The assembly procedure of all parts is clearly shown in the video, in addition, the sequence of all operations should be specified in the instructions that are included with the headcard.

Install furniture

Installation of mounted modules

We begin the furniture assembly from the installation of its upper part, since the assembled lower module with the installed tabletop can interfere with the installation of mounted elements.

To begin with, we apply markup on the mounting of mounted cabinets:

  • We measure the height of the countertops and add from 50 to 60 cm to the resulting digital, depending on our growth. This will be the height of the lower edge of the mounted modules.
  • From the line thus obtained, we postpone the distance to the point of attachment of the mounted 6th locker and carry out another line. It is on it that we will fix fasteners.

Tip! If the kit includes an angular cabinet - start assembling the upper segment from it, and only after it is aligned, proceed to install all other parts.

After markings, proceed to the installation of fasteners:

  • If the lockers are hanging on loop fasteners, then in the wall we drill holes with a diameter of 8 mm, in which they score plastic dowels.
  • In the dowels, we twist the lock screws with the hooks at the ends, after which - the lockers are inspired.
  • An alternative way is to hang modules on a special metal tire. To do this, the cabinet itself join the attachments of a special form, which cling to the metal profile attached on the wall (see photo).

  • The attachment on the bus is considered more reliable, so if you have the opportunity - use this method, especially since the price of the tire itself is small.

When the installation of the modules is completed - inspired the facades and align them with adjusting screws.

Installation of the bottom

The outdoor part is going somewhat easier:

  • At the first stage, with the help of an electric bike or hacksaws with a thin cannol, we cut the holes in the rear walls of the holes for the passage of communications. The edges of the propilov are processed by a selence on silicone-based, protecting furniture from wetting and deformation.
  • I set the place on the place allotted by it, exhibit in terms of the level, after which we connect with furniture screeds with adjacent couches.

When all the courses are in place, you need to install a worktop:

  • If necessary, cut the tabletop panel to the size of our kitchen, after which you install a protective end pad.

Note! When installing the countertops between her and the wall of the kitchen, there should be a clearance of at least 5 mm to prevent deformation.

  • We apply a tabletop to the stands, and on the bottom of it, we mark the place of installation of the washing.
  • After removing the worktop and putting it on the table or workbench, we are doing "Gengot" for washing. It is easiest to do that, drill a few holes with a drill and connecting them with an electroll bison.
  • We set and fix the sink on the table top, processing the place of the joint with silicone sealant.

  • The table top with the fixed washing is placed on kitchen cabins, align horizontally and planes, after which they fix on kitchen modules. To do this, you can use a special fastener, and you can simply drive the spikes on the worktop in the nests, drilled in the walls of the lockers.
  • Table tops and walls we disguise with a special plinth.

On this assembly of all furniture ends. You can connect a washing to the water supply and sewage, install household equipment and start exploiting the kitchen in normal mode.

If you carefully examine all the above recommendations, then questions about how to install the kitchen set correctly, you should not have. And this means that with this work you will handle without addressing the help of craftsmen - and thereby ensure that it is not only a legitimate reason for pride, but also substantial savings!

High-quality furniture is easy to collect, as it does not require any fit. If this is done for the first time, then in case of incomprehensible questions, you can always look into the instructions.

The assembly of finished parts is quite a decent savings, and saved money can be spent more rationally. This can be said about installing the kitchen with your own hands.

We will deal with how to hang kitchen cabinets on the wall so that everything looks beautiful, everything has opened well and closed, and it was convenient to use your kitchen.

Before taking up such a responsible case, like a sample of cabinets, you need to determine the height of the hitch. This is an important factor on which it depends comfortable. operation headsetYes, and aesthetics too.

The correct height of the hitch:

  • The lower edge of the upper cabinets should be on average at a distance of 0.55 - 0.6 meters from the surface of the table top.
  • It is necessary to take into account the growth of kitchen owners.
  • Too low hitch may make it difficult to comfortably operate the kitchen devices standing on the table top.

However, sometimes cabinets have to hang on not very comfortable height - Above the necessary - due to the fact that if you hang below, then it will significantly affect the design of the kitchen, because it is necessary to mount the mounted cabinets above the refrigerator, install high cases, etc.

The fasteners there are a lot, and each of them applies, even seemingly the most outdated. Their main function is to keep the wardrobe.

When the cabinets are attached to screws or hooks, and the wall has a kitchen apron from the tile, then it is better to hang cabinets on a wooden rail, the thickness of which should correspond to the thickness of the tile along with the layer of tile glue - then the upper elements Will hang parallel to the wall.

When the mount is chosen, the cabinets are assembled, the hitch remains. If the walls are too uneven, like angles, then it is worth thinking over the proper preparation of the walls.

What do you need:

  • Shpotelka or plaster.
  • Required tool.
  • Finish the installation of sockets, lamps.
  • Bloom the wallpaper.

The correct installation of the upper cabinets, first of all, implies no less correct marking. This will depend on the comfort of operation and the correct design.


If there are hinged cabinets, then you need to start with them.

Often the owners of the apartment have to solve the question: how to hang the kitchen on plasterboard.

As you know, such a material is not distinguished by durability, but we need guarantees of high-quality installation - who wants some wardrobe ever collapsed to the floor?

The problem is still done.

Fastening methods:

Jack on Foamlocks

Foamflock Although not drywall, but still is not a durable material: it will easily crumble, when drilling, often the hole is broken even from the slightest battery of the cartridge drill. Therefore, it is necessary to provide everything for reliable fastening.

  1. Long dowels.
  2. Dowels for foam concrete.
  3. Metal cork operated by screw.
  4. Rake on Samorzakh.
  5. Kapron dowels with a diameter of more than 10 mm. They screw in the wall.
  6. Chemical anchor. There is a special capsule in it during the installation, and the chemical composition strengthens the hole, the reinforcing

Installation of cabinets on concrete is distinguished by increased complexity due to the special strength of the wall material. In the presence of a perforator and dowels on concrete, the question is solved by itself.

Any furniture, as a rule, comes to the client disassembled. You can hire to build furniture makers, and you can do it yourself.

Required tools:

Any kitchen in disassembled form - this is a set of details from chipboard and MDF, fittings, fasteners. Using all this, you need to collect cabinets. The kitchen is mainly completed with the upper and lower cabinets.

Methods for assembling kitchen headset:

  1. Pairs. The master collects the top and bottom closet headset, and then sets this pair.
  2. Initially, the assembly of the upper cabinets, and then the lower ones.
  3. First, the lower elements are collected, and then the upper one. Many more convenient to hang up the top elements standing on the table top.

If you collect everything at once, and then install, you can climb the whole apartment, and sometimes there is no such possibility, especially if the apartment is one-room or strongly forced furniture.

We collect upper cabinets

The assembly of these items does not represent any particular difficulties. These elements consist of a minimum of details and accessories.

What consist of:

  • Two side walls.
  • Top.
  • Back wall.
  • Doors.

So, at least, the easiest type of cabinet is constructed. However, there is no special design difference.

Tip: Doors are better to hang out after the wardrobe hangs on the wall. This makes it easier to hide the element.

The loops with the oil closer are very popular, through which smooth closing of the door is carried out.

Installation washing

Before installing the sink, you need to accurately determine its location. Based on the exact location of the couch.

Step-by-step instruction:

The assembly of floor cabinets is produced similarly to the upper elements, only with the difference that the role of the top performs the countertop, and in the bottom you need to install legswhich are of different designs, including adjustable.

When the cabinets are assembled, it's about the installation. Start the installation follows from the corner.


Kitchen headcards in our time is manufactured and a great set is sold. And you need to make your right choice in this oppression.

The best-selling today are kitchens:

  • Flora;
  • Provence;
  • Castor.

They won popularity among consumers due to their functionality, aesthetics and practicality. These cuisines are designed for any kitchen. Based on this, they are produced by a variety of sizes. That is, they are suitable for both a huge apartment and for a small "Khrushchka".

Under the name "Flora" are also produced very comfortable walls.

The most popular colors: emerald, pistachio, chocolate, etc.

In conclusion, you must summarize the said. If something is still not completely clear to the assembly of this furniture, it is better to look into the attached instruction or assembly scheme "So you will save time and will be delighted with alterations."