The effect of pav on the human body. Pava at home and in the garage

Recently, reading reviews of various cleansers, I often come across an almost panic fear of lauryl and laureth sulfates. There are many sites on the network that talk about the dangers of “chemistry” and recommend using exclusively organic cleaning products. Generally speaking, this is just nonsense. SLS and SLES themselves are organic compounds, as are a good 90% of the composition of any cleanser (if you do not take water into account, of course). It would be more correct to call “organic” natural, but, unfortunately, the name has already taken root. The same applies to the notorious "chemistry" - everything around can be christened with that very word, because everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves are composed of complex and not very chemical substances.

What is a surfactant?

Surfactants are called surfactants, they are tensioactive substances, they are also sufractants. As their name implies, these substances exhibit surface activity — they lower surface tension at the interface, thereby stabilizing the disperse system. (A dispersion system is called the one that has a phase boundary - these are foams, emulsions, suspensions, aerosols, mists, etc.). In the ordinary state, such a system has an excess of surface energy, and, striving for equilibrium, it is very quickly destroyed. For example, if you pour water into a pan in which oil is left, then with stirring the size of the droplets of oil will be small, but as soon as you stop, they will instantly stick together. And if you add a little cleaning agent there, then sticking will not happen.

Why are surfactants used in cleaning products?

To begin with, grease or dirt, as well as cosmetic residues, mostly non-polar hydrocarbons, are poorly washed off with water, as water is a polar solvent, and the like dissolves in the like. Surfactant molecules are diphilic - they have both a polar and non-polar part. Once in the water, they seek to unite and turn so that their polar parts are facing the water, and the non-polar “tails” are located inside. Such aggregates are called micelles. (Yes, micellar water also works on this principle). The fat is drawn into the micelle and dissolves there due to the phenomenon of solubilization. In order for the micelles to form, several conditions must be met: the surfactant molecule must be long enough, the surfactant concentration must exceed a certain value. The use of several surfactants in detergents can reduce the necessary concentration. Thus, the surfactant dissolves dirt and grease, and then washed off with water.

I would also like to mention the addition of various oils to the shampoo. As you understand, oil and fat are substances of the same type. And if the shampoo easily copes with fat, then there will be nothing left from the oil on your head. It is better to then separately lubricate the ends of the hair or make a mask for them.

What are surfactants?

1) Cationic - the most toxic and practically non-degradable. They have bactericidal activity. Active in acidic environment

2) Anionic - softer, cheaper. Show activity in an alkaline environment. In detergents are used more often than others.

3) Ampholytic or Amphoteric substances. They act both in acidic and alkaline environments. Virtually not applicable due to the high cost.

4) Nonionic - the most mild and biodegradable.

What is the harm of surfactants to the body?

There is a protective lipid film on our skin. Because Surfactants cannot act selectively, they destroy it, as a result of which the skin loses moisture and becomes more sensitive. A number of surfactants can penetrate the body and accumulate there, and some can cause irritation or act as carcinogens.

Some say surfactants can penetrate hair / skin and build up in the body, causing terrible illnesses. This, of course, is nonsense. To do this, keep the product on the skin for hours.

What is the harm of surfactants to the environment?

Very often, treatment facilities cannot cope with surfactants and they end up in drinking water, then entering the human body. Or pollute nature. If the surfactant is not biodegradable or slightly degradable, then it easily penetrates various organisms and exerts its destructive effect. Surfactants can also release heavy metal ions from sand or clay, increasing the chance of these substances entering the human body. Accumulating in the ocean, surfactants reduce the retention of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Is everything really so bad and you can’t use surfactants?

This is not true. Environmental fighters need to remember the huge number of oil refineries, the burial of harmful substances, the exhaust gases of vehicles, and other such things that pollute the planet much more.

In addition, surfactants are used not only in the cosmetics industry or as cleansers. There are surfactants created for the textile, leather, paper industry, they are used in cooking (these are all kinds of emulsifiers) and for other purposes.

Of course, it is best to use expensive and least harmful, soft surfactants (which will be discussed below), which are completely decomposed and do not cause irritation.

But even if you find the inscription *** laureth sulfate or *** lauryl sulfate on your shampoo / washing-up bottle, it does not despair and throw away the product. Just wash it off especially thoroughly and be sure to use balm. And if this is a cleanser, then you still (I hope) use a tonic and moisturizer that prevents dehydration. If the product does not cause irritation and does not dry YOUR skin, then you can safely use it further.

"Good" and "bad" surfactants.

Among the most harmful are:

1) Lauryl sulfate (lauryl sulfate) - the most aggressive, can cause allergic reactions, contribute to hair loss and dandruff, aggravate the condition of patients with atopic dermatitis.

2) Laureth sulfate - is softer than lauryl sulfate, but can dry the skin, so it is recommended to keep it on the skin for a short time and rinse thoroughly.

Some sources write about the supposedly mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic effects of these surfactants, but studies by the US Department of Labor, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the Personal Care Products Council, the American Cancer Society, the Australian Department of Health and NICNAS, an Australian organization that checks the safety of industrially produced chemicals compounds, this is refuted. SLS and SLES do NOT interact with DNA and do NOT cause cancer, and do NOT have a harmful effect on the fetus.

However, Laureth sulfates may contain some dioxane. This substance, which irritates the eyes and the respiratory tract, is possibly a carcinogen for humans (as it is a carcinogen for animals) and affects the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.

So, among the “bad” surfactants, we assign: ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS), ammonium laureth sulfate (ALES), sodium myreth sulfate (SMS), sodium myristyl ether sulfate (SMES), sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate ( SLES).

And among the “good” ones: Lauryl Glucoside, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, Coco-glucoside, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Sodium Cocoyl Sarcosinate (I found that in some cases Sarcosinates can form carcinogenic compounds - nitrosamines), Betamidophenylamine.


1) Surfactants - not as bad as they are said.

2) There are certain standards for the content of harmful substances in cosmetics and cleaning / detergents, so you can not worry about your health.

3) If you have a choice, it is better to avoid SLS and SLES and choose nonionic surfactants in shampoos.

4) Shampoo must be thoroughly washed off and it is advisable to use balm.

5) When washing with foam / gel, you must not forget about the other stages of daily skin care.

6) It is necessary to treat any incoming information critically.

That's all I wanted to tell about surfactants. I hope the article did not bore you.

Thanks for attention. Be healthy and beautiful!

All kinds of cleaning products in the widest range today are presented by modern industry. Today, everyone knows washing powders, soaps, gels, floor care products, glass and so on. Absolutely in all of these products, surfactants - surfactants - are mandatory. In fact, the ability of the product to remove dirt depends on them.

How surfactants work

Any contamination containing fat is almost impossible to remove with ordinary water, which simply drains from the surface. Everything is extremely simple: water particles do not stick to the fat, so it remains in place. The task of the active substance is precisely to bind fat with water, which will help remove it from any surface. Depending on the class of cleaning agent, the content of surfactants in it and their structure differ.

The protective shell of the human body also contains fat, so it is extremely important to use any product with gloves. Nevertheless, you should be aware that modern products are environmentally friendly and practically safe, so their short-term direct contact with the skin will not cause any negative consequences. Thus, possible harm can occur only in the case of professional activities associated with such substances.

Types of surfactants that can be found in modern everyday life

Depending on their chemical origin, all surfactants are divided into several types:

  • nonionic - dissolving in soda, do not contribute to the formation of ions. The main advantages that distinguish these substances are their non-aggressiveness to the surface or fabric and one hundred percent environmental friendliness;
  • cationic. Easily soluble in water, while forming positively charged ions. In addition to cleaning products, they also have disinfecting properties. Among the cationic substances, it is especially possible to distinguish ammonium quaternary compounds and imidosalines;
  • anionic. They dissolve in water and contain negatively charged ions. The main advantages that ensure the popularity of products with their contents are low cost, excellent solubility and decent efficiency. However, do not get too carried away with the use of such cleaners, as they are quite aggressive to human skin;
  • amphoteric. Surfactant data are interesting in that, depending on external factors, they can produce both positive and negative ions.

Modern manufacturers are well aware that it is necessary to make their funds as safe as possible, so the production technology is carefully monitored. For maximum safety, biological components are necessarily present in the product.

The use of surfactants in everyday life

In everyday life, it is impossible to do without the use of special detergent compositions. For their maximum effectiveness, the use of active additives has long been the norm. So, we can see them in the following means:

  • soap. This product is familiar to everyone since childhood. We could hardly do without the usual bar, which has a pleasant aroma and helps to remove even serious pollution without much difficulty;
  • washing powders. Manufacturers are forced to constantly improve the tools that enter the market, because otherwise their place would be borrowed by more successful colleagues in the shop;
  • rinse aids. Hair that has a length above average should be treated with a rinse - this is known to every woman who looks after her appearance;
  • shampoos. Everyone uses this tool to flush fat from hair and scalp. If necessary, you can choose the option from dandruff or high fat content, to obtain the desired flavor is also not difficult;
  • compositions for cleaning clothes and carpets. Even a small speck on clothes can spoil the mood for a long time. Moreover, to get rid of it, dry cleaning may be the only obvious option. However, just buying a quality product is enough to get a great result with minimal effort.

In order to cope with most household tasks, usually just enough to choose the right tool.

Surfactant for motorists

Of course, the active substances are also contained in the means that motorists use to maintain their pet in excellent condition:

  • shampoo. A specially selected composition that will allow you to clean the body of the car from any dirt using an ordinary sponge;
  • hard wax. It is necessary for reliable protection of the surface of the paintwork. Typically, this composition is applied after the polishing procedure using a dense fabric. The process does not require special preparation;
  • polishing and varnish compositions. Designed to give the car a pristine appearance by restoring its varnish coating. For application, a mechanical device will be required;
  • detergent composition for glasses. It can be applied directly to glass that needs to be cleaned, or added to water;
  • composition for cleaning the interior. Effectively removes all types of dirt from plastic, cladding and other surfaces;
  • gel for rims and wheels. The composition varies depending on the material of which the surface is made. May have a different abrasive structure;
  • engine cleaners. These funds can only be used in cars of previous generations. The fact is that modern cars are equipped with a large number of electronics, many of which are under the hood. Even a small amount of water can interfere with the operation of sensitive equipment.

Thus, in our days it is simply impossible to do without surfactants that are created specifically to make life easier for everyone. Nevertheless, there is an opinion that the use of such formulations can adversely affect health.

Safety when using surfactants

It should be clearly understood that any modern means for washing or cleaning necessarily contains active substances. Without their presence in the composition, the use of any means would simply not make sense. Almost all manufacturers use a substance such as laureth sulfate to make their cleaning products more efficient. Indeed, in its pure form, this substance has a fairly strong aggression. Nevertheless, given its concentration in the final product and many herbal supplements, we can safely say that any harm is practically zero. Few people use gloves when washing dishes or a car. However, cases of allergic reactions are rare. Thus, we can safely say that a correctly selected, balanced composition of the components minimizes the negative consequences and brings them closer to zero.

Recently, interested authorities have made increasingly stringent requirements on the quality of cleaning products. This is because the additives used previously required a long time to neutralize in natural conditions. Today’s surfactants are biodegradable compounds, which means their ability to completely decompose in natural conditions without any external impact. Such substances do not harm the environment and the people who use them.

In order not to worry about the health of yourself and loved ones, the ideal solution is to carefully study the composition of the purchased product, which is always on the label. This is especially true for people who have various types of allergies. Such a precaution will not take much time, but will help to acquire a really high-quality tool. If the label does not indicate the composition of the product and its active components - this is a serious reason to think.

To get decent quality at an affordable price is very simple. In fact, it is enough to give preference to branded products, so that all doubts remain in the past. Perhaps this solution will cost a little more, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Tobacco, cigarettes, smoking The active substance in tobacco is nicotine. The active substance in tobacco is nicotine. Tobacco is made from the dried leaves of a plant. Tobacco is made from the dried leaves of a Nicotiana plant. Tobacco is smoked in the form of cigarettes, Nicotiana pipes. Tobacco is smoked in the form of cigarettes, pipes or cigars, but it can also be sniffed or cigars, but it can also be sniffed or chewed. chew. Causes moderate physical and very strong mental dependence. Causes moderate physical and very strong mental dependence. Over time, you need to increase the dose to get the same effect. Over time, you need to increase the dose to get the same effect. Short-term effects: agitation, shaking hands, palpitations, cough, cold fingers and toes, irritated eyes. Short-term effects: agitation, shaking hands, palpitations, cough, cold fingers and toes, irritated eyes. With prolonged use: deterioration of the general physical condition, cardiac and cardiovascular diseases, bronchitis, cancer. With prolonged use: deterioration of the general physical condition, cardiac and cardiovascular diseases, bronchitis, cancer.

Tobacco addiction means: spend a certain part of the money on a daily dose of cigarettes until the end of their days; spend a certain part of the money on a daily dose of cigarettes until the end of their days; severe shortness of breath after running up to a bus stop; severe shortness of breath after running up to a bus stop; unpleasant coughing every morning, which is getting worse from year to year; unpleasant coughing every morning, which is getting worse from year to year; teeth and fingers become yellow-brown; teeth and fingers become yellow-brown; bad breath; bad breath; unpleasant odor, which is saturated with all clothes; But all this is nonsense in comparison with what follows: the unpleasant smell with which all clothes are saturated; But all this is nonsense compared to what follows: 25-30% of cancers in developed countries are the result of smoking. Scientific studies have convincingly proven that 83-92% of lung cancer cases among men and 57-80% among women are the result of 25-30% of cancers in developed countries due to smoking. Scientific studies have convincingly proven that 83-92% of lung cancer cases among men and 57-80% among women are due to smoking. smoking In 80-90% of cases, a cancer of the digestive tract, throat and oral cavity is closely associated with smoking, as such, and with a combination of alcohol and smoking. It should be noted that only a very small number of smokers do not drink alcohol. Cancer of the gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, and uterus is associated, as experts say, with smoking.

Due to smoking, it is estimated that the risk of developing leukemia (blood cancer) is higher. More than 20 deadly diseases can be caused by More than 20 deadly diseases can be caused by smoking, like lung cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, etc. Mortality among middle-aged smokers (35-60 years) is three times higher than among non-smokers. Of the teenagers who smoke, one in four will die from smoking-related illnesses. Tobacco use reduces life expectancy by years (daily by 15 minutes). Half of the deaths due to smoking are of average age (people live 20 years less than non-smokers). Every year, around the world, approximately one person dies for reasons related to smoking. The number of people who die in the first half of the 21st century due to tobacco smoking will be people.

Alcohol, alcohol. Effect of alcohol on the nervous system, blood alcohol content. Alcohol from the stomach enters the bloodstream two minutes after consumption. Blood carries it to all cells of the body. First of all, brain cells are affected. The formation of complex movements slows down, the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system changes. Under the influence of alcohol, voluntary movements are disturbed, a person loses the ability to control himself. The penetration of alcohol to the cells of the frontal lobe of the cortex liberates the emotions of a person, unjustified joy, stupid laughter, and ease of judgment appear. Following increased excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of inhibition processes occurs. A man loses his restraint, bashfulness, he says and does what he never said and would not have done while being sober. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the higher nerve centers, the activity of the lower parts of the brain begins to dominate: coordination of movements, for example, eye movement (objects begin to double), is disturbed, and a clumsy staggering gait appears. Disruption of the nervous system and internal organs is observed with any use of alcohol: one-time, episodic and systematic.

Destroyer of a growing organism. Modern studies allow us to reasonably argue that there is no in the human body. Modern studies allow us to reasonably argue that in the human body there are no organs and tissues that would not be affected by alcohol. Once in the body, it is quite slowly (at a rate of 0.1 g per 1 kg of body weight per hour) broken down in the liver. And only 10 percent of the total amount of alcohol taken is excreted unchanged from the body. The remaining alcohol circulates with the blood throughout the body until it is completely split. The high permeability of the "young" tissues, their saturation with water, allows alcohol to quickly spread throughout the growing body. Even small doses of alcohol affect the metabolism of nerve tissue, the transmission of nerve impulses. At the same time, the work of the vessels of the brain is disrupted: they expand, increase permeability, and hemorrhage into the brain tissue. In adolescence, brain tissue is poorer in phosphorus, richer in water, is at the stage of structural and functional improvement, therefore alcohol is especially dangerous for it. Even a single drink can have the most serious consequences. Repeated or frequent use of alcohol has a literally devastating effect on the psyche of a teenager. Moreover, not only the development of higher forms of thinking, the development of ethical and moral categories and aesthetic concepts is delayed, but already developed abilities are lost. The teenager, which is called "dulls" and intellectually, and emotionally, and morally.

The second "target" of alcohol is the liver. It is here, under the action of enzymes, its cleavage occurs. If the rate of alcohol entering the liver cells is higher than the rate of its decay, then alcohol accumulates, leading to damage to the liver cells. Alcohol violates the structure of liver cells, leading to the degeneration of its tissues. With systematic drinking, fatty changes in the liver cells lead to necrosis of the liver tissue, cirrhosis develops, a very formidable disease that almost always accompanies chronic alcoholism. The effect of alcohol on the liver of a teenager is even more destructive, since this organ is at the stage of structural and functional formation. Damage to liver cells leads to a violation of protein and carbon metabolism, the synthesis of vitamins and enzymes. Alcoholic beverages, one can say, “corrode” the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, disrupt the secretion and composition of the gastric juice, which complicates the digestion process and, ultimately, adversely affects the growth and development of the adolescent. Thus, alcohol weakens the body, inhibits the formation and maturation of its organs and systems, and in some cases, for example, when abused, completely stops the development of some functions of the higher nervous system. The younger the body, the more destructive is alcohol. In addition, the use of alcoholic beverages by adolescents is much faster than in adults, leads to the formation of alcoholism in them.

Silly reasons to start drinking a Hangover. If you really want to spend the day rushing about with a throbbing headache, you have the opportunity - get drunk. Because of alcohol, you feel like an "adult." What is so special about this? Often adults drink in order to forget that they are already adults with all their inherent responsibilities. In other words, they are trying again to feel like children! From imitation of infantile adults you should not feel really adult. Drink to forget about the problems. Believe me, your problems will not go anywhere after you sober up. Drink to be accepted by friends. You heard about the "pressure from the group." Friendship built on alcohol does not last long. These friends will depart for the same reason that drinking becomes boring - it is always the same thing. These are not real friends, these relationships are going nowhere. When you build friendships around common interests, sports, or other activities, your relationship will grow. This is a much stronger foundation for friendship than a common bottle ... To drink from curiosity. There is really nothing mysterious about alcohol. After some time, alcohol will lose its charm. This is why many teens develop an addiction to alcohol. When alcohol begins to lose attractiveness, they need more alcohol to enjoy it, often they lose their ability to get it in other ways. Soon they will lose the chance to study well, lose their health, the trust of family and friends.

What everyone should know about drugs. Drugs are substances of natural or artificial origin that change the human mind. This means that they change our feelings, mood, and thinking. Drugs change the perception of the world. You can become more cheerful or relaxed, but sometimes vice versa sad and depressed. The effect can be stimulating, sleeping pills or hallucinogenic. Stimulating drugs include: alcohol (in average doses!), Tobacco, caffeine, cocaine and amphitamins. Hallucinogens include: acetone, glue, some mushrooms, LSD, ecstasy, hemp and hash. Inhibitors include opium, morphine, heroin, sleeping pills and tranquilizers. Some, such as alcohol and tobacco, are legal drugs and can be purchased without restriction. Other drugs, such as hemp or opiates, are illegal. Russian laws prohibit the use and possession of drugs and recognize this as a crime. All drugs have one thing in common: they are harmful to physical and mental health. This harm can range from minor to destructive. Another feature of drugs: it is easy to start using them, but it is very difficult, sometimes even impossible, to stop. This is due to addiction. There is a difference between mental and physical addictions.

Physical dependence is expressed as a manifestation of an organism's protest against Physical dependence is expressed as a manifestation of an organism's protest against cessation of drug use (withdrawal syndrome or "withdrawal"). This applies in particular to alcohol and opiates. Its other manifestation is tolerance. It is expressed in the fact that with regular use of drugs to achieve the same effect, an increasing amount of the drug is required. Mental dependence means that a person feels the need to take drugs constantly. At the same time, the ability to feel good without a drug is increasingly lost. A person who uses drugs runs the risk of becoming mentally dependent. The timing of this dependence depends on personality characteristics and other factors. Drugs act on the center in the brain, which is responsible for the promotion. In this case, dopamine is released into the blood and a person feels arousal. But drugs adversely affect the human body. First of all, they relieve pain and reduce the pain threshold of sensitivity. Drugs affect the respiratory center and addicts often die from paralysis of the respiratory center as a result of an overdose. Drugs also affect the cough center of drug addicts, the cough defense mechanism is turned off. Drugs contribute to the suppression of the vasomotor center, and as a result, lower blood pressure and slow heart rate. For this reason, the functions of the cardiovascular system deteriorate, the functions of all cells weaken, and the whole body becomes decrepit, as in old age. Drugs inhibit the mechanisms of regulation of digestion, drug addicts dull all taste and olfactory sensations, decrease appetite, decrease the production of enzymes, bile, gastric and intestinal juices. Food is not fully digested and absorbed. Addicts doom themselves to chronic starvation and are underweight.

The state of drug addiction is characterized by three properties: 1. An irresistible desire or need to continue to take drugs and get them by any means. 2. The desire to increase the dose. 3. The dependence of the mental, and sometimes physical nature of the effects of drugs. Addiction syndrome occurs only as a result of taking a drug. The stages of this process are mainly as follows: initial euphoria, often very short; tolerance is temporary. Gradually, the body reacts weaker; addiction; abscess (withdrawal syndrome), the body begins to react weaker; addiction; Absorption (withdrawal syndrome) occurs 12–48 hours after discontinuation of use 12–48 hours after discontinuation of the drug. the drug.