Fox tattoo value. Fox tattoos for men in modern society

Your own individuality, each person shows her own way. 1 From methods to stand out from the crowd - fill the tattoo. Any image on the skin concludes a certain promise, including a tattoo with a fox.

The total value of the fox tattoo: cunning and insidious character. A similar attitude towards red predators was due to stereotypes that are rooted in the fairy tale of the peoples of Russia and Ukraine, the legends of Scandinavians. In the literature, the animal is usually given the role of the skillful chewing, the devil's habits are attributed.

Women typically apply a drawing of a graceful and elegant predator on the skin. He means that the girl knows how to seduce guys. Representatives of heavy sex make such a tattoo to get the forces to achieve their own goal. The main value of the fox is a cunning temper. The carrier of this image will be sick, even if it is not a necessity.

An animal, which rolled into the ball, indicates such features of a girl like a robust, tenderness, light shyness. Such a drawing often make windy and non-permanent women.

For fuel girls, the image also symbolizes duality. Like a fox herself can be wild or homemade and the carrier of the sketch with her can be a faithful wife or a depraved seductive. The duality of the image is manifested in the art: a woman can look cute, playfully, gently, but it remains able to stand up for himself.

Figure make self-confident and selfish women. Accordingly, with the values \u200b\u200bof the tattoo fox for girls, the carrier pictures with red predator seeks to show what:

  • smart;
  • cold-blooded;
  • graceful;
  • sexy;
  • cunning;
  • plastic;
  • brave;
  • different from the crowd.

In guys fastened, the image indicates a clever, smeared, purposeful person. Men do not so often make the tattoo of the red animal, as women, and if they are solved on such an act, they have a picture preferably on the shoulder or forearm. Consequently, the values \u200b\u200bof the fox tattoo on the hand for guys are not so much.

Tattooers apply a predator sketch into skin in various variations:

  • craked beast indicates an aggressive and evil temper;
  • the beast with a cunning glance indicates a cunning, dishonorous, curious person;
  • the curved beast points to a sexual, playful, seductive person.

Usually, the beast drawing is created on the following parts of the body:

  • inner part of the hand;
  • shin;
  • shovel;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • forearm;
  • boca;
  • custody;
  • ankle.

The tattoo can be both black and white and bright. Usually, tattoos use orange and red shades.

When creating a native drawing of animal tattoos, various styles are used:

  • fairi is a small drawing of the beast;
  • tribal - uses a variety of ethnic patterns;
  • geometric design - geometric shapes, straight and curves are applied.

In the criminal world

At the zone of a tag with a fox, it is rare. She is applied to the skin gambling sedelts who love to play cards or other gambling. The drawing shows that his carrier plays perfectly into card games, is a shoeler.

In addition, the image of the fox demonstrates the carrier readiness to do everything to save your life. Here there is an analogy with a red predator that fell into a trap, which units the paws to be released.

Abbreviation "Lis" is often found in prison, much more often than Lysiy image. Decoding Abbreviation - "Love and Death".

Among the peoples of the world

The Chinese animal symbolizes a long life. According to legend, if the fox will live to fifty years old, it will become an adult woman; up to one hundred years - a young girl; Up to a thousand years - heavenly fox (Tien-Hu), which has the ability to turn into women, and in men.

In the past, the Japanese bright predator symbolized well-being and wealth. Fox figures made of clay installed near the doors in the house and temples. In the teeth, the figurines put the key from the rice barn to the big harvest and prosperity remained forever in the house.

Today, the Japanese are associated with lossy image with business. The predator image develops the ability to business.

The tattoo of the fox in the Japanese stylist shows that her carrier wishes to improve, becoming observer and stronger, wants to do his own business.

Fox tattoo in thigh glasses

Lisa invalids the quality of acute mind, intuition and tricks. Inventive forest inventors have an attractive appearance than sexuality express.

In mythology, the animal is attributed to mystical properties and the ability to reincarnate in any form.

Lisa Tattoo: What qualities emphasizes

Tatu Lisa allocates the qualities of a rich inner world of man. The meaning of the figure is built around the properties of the character, mental capabilities. Values \u200b\u200bboth negative and positive.

Some people love to chanting their negative sides, such as cunning and cunning. The image of the cunning tempter of cheat and seductors passes the red thread on the fate of many sign carriers.

From positive interpretations:

  • resourcefulness;
  • courage;
  • sharp mind;
  • light temper;
  • humor;
  • wisdom;
  • indement.

In general, these subtle shades of individuals may change with age. That is why the image of fox is universal. It can be applied to men and women.

What does tattoo mean

Lisa Tatu is most often mythological character. Kitsune-Japanese Fox Werewolf due to its unique properties has become a frequent guest on the skin of the carriers. Such a drawing with a fox, the value acquires sacred.

Tattoo fox kitsune, forearm

A person is ready for transformation, it easily tolerates changes. A distinctive feature of Kitsune is white fur and red eyes exposed. One of the expressions of the mythical beast is a nine-mate fox.

Japanese foxes illegal magic beast. Redhead chanterelle is a straight reference to Slavic beings.

The value of the fox in the Pantheon of the Doharistian gods should be mentioned separately. Her designation for tattoo :

  • wise mentor
  • totem patron
  • explorer in the kingdom of the dead,
  • wealth or hidden treasure.

In the context of tattoo, this is an internal potential that does not demonstrate openly.

Men's or feminine

The fox tattoo has it means that the owner has a sharp mind. Such a person is difficult to circle around the finger. For the girl, the drawing acquires the value of female sexuality, light and funny character.

The foxes depicted in the form of geometric shapes is a sacral search for the meaning of life or a mathematical warehouse of the mind.

For women, fox and stars indicates a happy marriage. Little images are made to good luck in the head of the tibia or palm.

Girls prefer decoration by lisate. I wonder the cartoon options in the foot area look. The female tattoo on the legs means a lightweight gait, the ability to sneak unnoticed.

Men's tattoo for the guy are performed in realism, watercolors and graphics. These drawings denote the foresight and pet Fortune.

Combination with other elements

The image of geometric fox became popular thanks to the development of a hipster movement. The combination of an animal with figures is sacred. The enclosed beast in the triangle denotes the balance of the spirit .

Ideal styles for foxes:

  • realism;
  • minimalism;
  • graphic style;
  • watercolor.

Popular theme is grinding fox. He warns about a strong character and to defend his own.

Fox with flowers is a classic immortality symbol. The muzzle of the beast in the frame emphasizes the aristocraticity of nature. Fox head symbol of rebirth. Funny illustrations emphasize humorous sides of character.

Popular sketches with foxes die on the pages in Instagram. The most beloved tattoo for girls is sitting and running fox.

Popular images of Indian, sketch contains supplements in the form of a head remove with feathers. Thanks to this inset, the drawing may present bright colors of the cold spectrum.

Beautifully looking combination of white, black and red-yellow. Ideas for drawing from Kitsune to ordinary foxes. Such work is favorably looking in combination with flowers.

For large drawings, the face of the fox is choosing exclusively. It is combined with elements of supplement, creating multiple shapes.

Jumping or enthusiastic fox has become one of the most popular picturesque among young people.

Depending on the statics or the dynamics of the figure, the meaning changes. Movement creates a direction. This indicates the dedication of the owner. Sitting emphasize wisdom and prudence.

Places of application, photo tattoo fox

Plastic silhouette of fox can be convenient to fit into the silhouette of the shape. That is why its image is so popular among the masters of Tat.

The ratio of the head of the animal, body and tail makes it possible for successful compositions.

Most popular deposits:

  • on the hip;
  • on the wrist;
  • on the forearm;
  • on the foot;
  • on the neck;
  • on the hand;
  • on the finger;
  • on the stomach;
  • lesana on his back.

For girls, a popular place is a wrist, a flying guest in the hands of representatives up to 30 years. For more adult ladies area of \u200b\u200bapplication: a blade, loin, buttock.

Video on the topic

Fox is a cunning and night detective, whose features should be in a person who wished to make a tattoo with her image. But not in all nations it is a cunning animal and those that are honored, and therefore the attitude towards a fox in different peoples is different.

As a rule, most often such fox tattoos make their girls. The most popular places for them can be called the following parts of the body:

  • Shin.
  • Forearm.
  • Shovel.
  • Shoulder.

If we talk about colors, then the colors are more common today, inherent in this animal, rather than a tattoo in a black and white shade.

In any country, each animal belongs in their own way. And the fox is no exception. Below will be listed how it relates to it in different countries:

  • In China, Fox is a precursor of wealth and good income. People who make such tattoos want to develop.
  • In ancient Egypt, the fox is customary to characterize the same way as in Russian fairy tales, not from the best side. An animal is inherent in such features: cunning, cunning, tendency to deception.
  • I am Japan to this animal also treat well. But it is about white foxes, and not about red cunning cheeks.
  • Scandinavia worship and worships foxes, as he considers them smart animals.
  • In Rome Lisa, on the contrary, a negative character, which is considered the Messenger of the Demon. Therefore, on the body of Romans rarely, who can detect this sign.
  • In the Celtic culture of Lisa are a kind of guard that protects against troubles and adversity.

As a rule, it is acknowledged on his body a fox - this is a responsible step to which there will be no every girl. But those fair sex that make this drawing want to show their femininity, sexuality, eroticism and playfulness. But not only from this moan you can characterize the fox. On the other hand, it is a smart, bright, smelting and ambitious animal. Any fox knows the price, and therefore before you settle it on the body of the body, you need to think well to approach all the descriptions of this interesting animal.

But you should not think that only girls make foxes on his body, if we are talking about dark colors, then the foxes or even the fox will look beautiful on the male body. Most often, men prefer smart fasteners who speak and better qualities.

Lisa tattoo value at zone

In the fox prison, gambling gambling, prone to cards or other games, often seeing such a squirrel players understand that they deal with an experienced player or Shuler.

If you decide to make a tattoo, look at the images of fox. This animal appears in many cultures. Thanks to its qualities, it is one of the central characters in national folklores.

Fox tattoo value

Fox is a very ambiguous animal, it combines good and evil, positive and negative. Very often, Lisa personifies female nature. But despite this, the fox tattoo is a frequent choice of men's half. This animal has always been present in the culture of Japan, China, Indians and Europeans.

In Japan, the tattoo face symbolizes rain, protection and longevity. The Japanese believed that the gods could be confused by her beauty, and they would send life to Earth in the form of rain to Earth, and everyone would be able to continue his existence without perishing drought.

In China, this animal is associated with the otherworldly world. The Chinese believed that if a person sees a fox, then this is a sign from the deceased.

In Korea Fox is a symbol of fertility, the continuation of the kind and female sexuality.

In the ancient Celtic culture of Lisa was a symbol of wisdom, education and honor. As well as the Chinese, the Celts believed that this animal was a conductor in the afterlife.

In Peru, the inhabitants personified this animal with the warrior, holding her mind, strength and courage. It also praised the opinion that Lisa could manage the mind of other people.

At the indigenous Americans attitude towards the fox dual. Some believed that she was a positive character and brings with him good and nobility. Other tribes believed that Fox was a symbol of evil and destruction.

In some countries, this animal appears as a tricky, prudillary, noise creature. Therefore, very often, to convey exactly this value, the fox tattoo is depicted with a cigar or smoking tube. Transfer the positive side of the fox's cunning mind will help glasses.

Now summarize all the values \u200b\u200bof the fox tattoo. So this tattoo may mean:

  1. Cunning;
  2. Rebirth;
  3. Cunning;
  4. Longevity;
  5. Cunning;
  6. Playfulness;
  7. Fixture;
  8. Sexuality;
  9. Protection.

Fox tattoo ideas

As mentioned earlier, this image is chosen both girls and men. In this case, there is no clear separation for typical areas depending on the floor. The fox tattoo can be located on the shoulder, the inner side of the hand, wrist, ankle. As you can see, preference is given to the upper limbs.

Girls for themselves can pick up face-design or a small image of fox. Representatives of the strong floor most often make this tattoo on a large scale, often in combination with other animals.


tribal design

with claws

on the shoulder

and bird on the inside of the hand

feminine design

Another half a century ago, the tattoos in our country were greatly rare, and more often they could be seen in people who had the opportunity to spend some time in places were not so remote. Today, seeing a nice image, we are not surprising, and sincere interest. Why did this man chose this image? Any drawing can be interpreted in various ways. For example, it is quite difficult to correctly determine the value of the tattoo "Fox". We will try to consider the most common values \u200b\u200bof this symbol in different world cultures.

Men's or female tattoo?

Most often images of foxes choose a fine sex representative. What is curious - until recently, this beast chose a middle-aged women who have already managed to see much in this life and achieve something. But today, among young girls, the real fashion on the foxes spread, many consider them beautiful, graceful and mysterious. At the same time, the value of the tattoo "Fox" each carrier can explain in its own way. Images of a red forest predator in our days are sometimes found from male representatives. But still today fox - this is more often a female tattoo.

Foxes in cultures of different nations

In eastern countries, foxes are especially revered from time immemorial. These animals are mentioned in many myths and legends. They are messengers of gods and carriers of good luck. Even in modern culture, Japan and China fox symbolizes good luck in all spheres of life, well-being and prosperity. Such a tattoo is often done, wanting to attract all this in your life.

In the traditional Russian culture of the Fox - the heroine of many fairy tales and Bassen. Often this beast, all these stories exhibit not in the best light. Russian fox enjoys with her beauty and cunning in order to fool those who are weaker and so-cold. In ancient Rome, the red beast was afraid. He was considered a messenger of dark forces, similar to the reputation of the animal and in the Scandinavian folklore. The trick of foxes is not a myth at all, this beast is very difficult to catch with the help of a trap or trap. In the traditions of the indigenous inhabitants of America Fox is a deceiver and a plow, but not necessarily evil.

The value of Tattoo "Fox" in the girl and the guy

Images of graceful fluffy predators are often associated with beauty and sexuality. Give out foxes and sharp mind. And not in vain, without him, it is impossible to fully enjoy the natural cunning and cunning. Do not be surprised if someone tells you that the main importance of Tattoo "Lisa" is pride and egoism. Images of this beast for a tattoo sketch often choose creative people, free-sisted and extraordinary in understanding of the public. A very often given animal is chosen as a symbol and totem various secret organizations and societies.

If you want to make a tattoo with a fox, but afraid of a negative interpretation of this image, boldly choose Japanese white fox. No wonder in Russian folk art, it was the carrier of red fur, consequently, the owners of the footing image of his snow relative can not be afraid of condemnation.

The value of the Tattoo "Fox" is complex and multifaceted, due to this tattoos with these animals are suitable for many and are becoming increasingly popular.

Lisers in the culture of the criminal tattoo

There are images of foxes and in the traditions of prison tattoos. Most often, they choose people who consider themselves cunning and insidious. At the same time, according to the general meaning, this symbol is interpreted in a negative context. Tattoo "Fox" The value in the zone is usually approximate to the devilish tricks and demonic cunning. The text tattoo "Lis" enjoys greatly popularity in Russia, deciphering both "love and death".