How to weld glue at home. Features of the preparation of various types of adhesives at home

The modern consumer has the opportunity to buy any adhesive composition suitable for different types of work. But there are situations when there is simply no way out: for example, the glue lasted until night, all hardware stores were closed, and there was not enough wallpaper glue. How to make a paste with your own hands, what types of adhesives can still be prepared at home and how to apply them - all this in our material.

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When can a paste be useful

Kleister is a universal composition. It is easy to cook on your own and easy to use. After drying, it leaves no residue on the wallpaper and is easily washed off the fabric. Where is paste used:

Where applicable Description

  In repair work
It is used to cover cracks in cracks of wooden frames, for priming walls before wallpapering and painting, for wallpaper.

  In gardening
For labeling small seeds on paper landing strips. For this purpose, use toilet paper, it quickly collapses under the influence of moisture. A safe paste based on natural materials will not prevent plants from developing normally.

  In children's art
Safe natural composition of the adhesive can be used in working with children of any age. Not only can it easily be removed from the clothes and hands of the child, but it will not cause harm if accidentally swallowed or gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

  In needlework
The paste will be needed for scrapbooking, papier-mâché, and the manufacture of interior items from fabric and thread. It is used to give rigidity.

In short, a paste is a very useful composition in everyday life, which should always be at hand. And you can cook it literally in a matter of minutes.

How to make a paste: quick and easy

Before we talk about how to prepare a paste for wallpaper, let's figure out what are the advantages of a paste over a finished factory-made compound? It turns out that there are a lot of them:

  • it is easy to cook at home from the materials that any housewife has;
  • manufacturing costs are minimal (home composition will cost two to three times cheaper than purchased glue);
  • the paste is universal and can be used for any type of wallpaper;
  • the home remedy does not contain toxic substances or other compounds hazardous to human health. It does not cause allergic reactions.

And now about how to cook a paste. We've picked up some of the most popular tips on how to make flour paste or starch paste.

Several options for making flour paste

The adhesive can be made from wheat, corn or rye flour. Flour of the second or even third grade is useful for our purposes. Its larger particles have a higher viscosity, which is good for paste.

Advice!   For a perfect adhesive, use whole grain flour.

An important point: so that the sticky composition is not noticeable on paper, use wheat flour for light wallpaper, rye flour for dark.

Additives and Proportions

Advice!   If you decide to add PVA to the paste, keep in mind that it can be noticeable on dark wallpapers. In this case, it is better to use carpentry glue.

There are situations when the natural composition of the glue attracts small insects - ants and bugs. If there is such a danger - add a little copper sulfate to the composition. A quarter of a teaspoon without top is enough per kilogram of flour.

Important!   Do not use wood glue, PVA and copper sulfate in the manufacture of pastes for children's creativity!

To glue heavy wallpaper, you need to make a thick glue. For light paper wallpapers, less flour is added.

Proportions for flour paste:

Amount of flour (grams) per 1 liter of water Additives For what purposes can I use
100 For gluing plain paper
50 — 100 4 tablespoons of wood glueFor making papier mache
120 — 150 ½ cup wood gluePrimer walls for wallpaper
120 — 150 1/6 teaspoon of copper sulfateFor sticking plain paper wallpapers
200 — 250 14 teaspoons of copper sulfateFor thick embossed paper wallpapers
200 Glass of wood gluePrimer walls under heavy wallpaper
300 — 400 A glass of wood glue, a teaspoon of copper sulfateSticking vinyl and non-woven wallpaper

The most common paste is obtained from one hundred grams of flour and a liter of water. By changing the proportions, you will get a thicker or liquid version.

Important!   The paste must be prepared immediately before use. Two hours after preparation, it will begin to rapidly lose its adhesive properties. For this reason, it makes no sense to procure home glue for future use.

How to change the thickness of glue

While you are working, the paste “insists” and gradually becomes more and more dense. To return it to the state you need, take a mixer and add hot water to a tablespoon, thoroughly mixing the whole mass.

Note!   Dilution of finished home glue with water negatively affects its quality. To avoid this, after dilution it is necessary to bring the composition to a boil.

Another problem: the glue turned out to be too liquid. To fix the consistency in a separate bowl, dilute the flour with cold water to a creamy state, boil the glue again and gradually stir the mixture, pour an additional portion into it.

Note!   If you start pouring dry flour into the paste, you will get lumps that can no longer be stirred. Have to throw the whole batch.


Now consider how to make glue from flour for wallpaper. Here are two of the most proven recipes:

Light paste wallpaper recipe

Take 8 tablespoons of flour and pour about 1.5 cups of cold water into them, stirring constantly.   Pour the resulting composition into boiling water, constantly stirring the hot mixture with a spoon in one direction. After the glue has boiled, wait another three minutes, constantly continuing to stir. After remove the container from the heat and set to cool.

Heavy Wallpaper paste recipe

Heavy wallpaper will require a thick adhesive. For it, you need to take 16 tablespoons of flour per liter of liquid. The principle of preparation is the same. But there is a version of the composition that differs from the traditional increased strength. If you add gelatin, alcohol and glycerin to the mixture, you get PVA. On this glue will take wallpaper from any material.

Proven starch paste recipe

The starch composition is distinguished by the fact that it is completely transparent and leaves no residue on wallpaper or fabric. How to make a starch paste?

For home glue, you can use potato or corn starch. The proportions of starch paste are the same as flour. 8 tablespoons for liquid glue and more for thick.

To prepare the mixture, starch is first diluted with cold water, and then poured into the resulting creamy mass of boiling water, constantly mixing, until the necessary density.

Advice!   Before using starch, sift it through a sieve and remove all lumps.

Sulphate, PVA and wood glue can also be added to starch paste.

Method for making paste for papier mache

Papier mache will need a sticky composition with salt. The proportions are as follows: for 3 cups of water (750 ml) you need a glass of flour half a teaspoon of salt.   How to make paste for papier mache:

  • flour and part of the water are mixed, salt is added. It is better to mix with a mixer, so it is guaranteed that no lumps will form;
  • after the mixture is gradually poured into boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and cooled.

As a result, you get a fairly thick glue that will securely fix pieces of paper in the structure. In some cases, the paper needs to be pre-soaked in adhesive. For this purpose, a liquid paste is made from 1/3 cup flour and a liter of water.

The best recipes for home glue for different jobs

A bit of science for a complete understanding of the process of making adhesives:

  • sealants are mainly composed of organic resins and water;
  • acetone, gasoline and ethyl alcohol can act as solvents for hydrocarbon substances and can be the basis of glue;
  • for elasticity, plasticizers are added to the adhesive mixtures, these can be different types of liquid soap or dishwashing detergents;
  • so that the glue layer does not shrink, wood dust or sand is added to it;
  • to increase the resistance of polymer adhesives they add a catalyst - salt or acid.

And now a few options for home glue that may come in handy.

How to make PVA glue at home no worse than the factory

We have already said that at home you can prepare PVA glue. It is not as difficult as it seems. PVA Glue Recipe:

The composition will require 1 liter of distilled water, a bag of gelatin, 4 grams of pharmacy glycerin, a glass of alcohol and 150 grams of wheat flour.

For a day, glycerin is poured into a glass of water and left to swell. After that, from gelatin diluted to a creamy state of flour and water, glue is boiled in a water bath. After the mixture begins to thicken, glycerin and alcohol are added to it.

Note!   For better bonding of parts before applying glue, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust and, if necessary, primed porous material.

Homemade PVA can be stored at room temperature for up to six months.

How to make glue of foam and gasoline for bonding metal

This recipe is already nearly half a century old. In Soviet times, it could be found in the magazines of young technicians.

How to do:

  • pour gasoline of any brand into the tank;
  • cut the foam into small pieces;
  • gradually immerse the foam in solvent.

As a result, you get a homogeneous mixture, elastic, like chewing gum.

To connect the metal parts, degrease the surfaces, grease with the glue obtained, wait about ten minutes and press firmly. Leave under oppression for a day.

Some argue which polystyrene adhesives are better: in gasoline or acetone? The argument is in vain - both the one and the other have the same strength in gluing.

How to make glue from acetone and linoleum for leather, porcelain and metal

How to make super glue at home from a solvent for nail polish and a piece of old linoleum? Everything is very simple! Linoleum is cut into small pieces the size of a five-ruble coin. After they should be filled with acetone in a sealed container and put overnight in a dark place. During this time, linoleum should completely dissolve. If this does not happen, just wait a few more hours.

It will securely fasten the details of a broken porcelain vase, the back of a wooden chair, leather upholstery of a sofa or details of a metal candlestick.

How to make glue for electrical parts

How to make conductive adhesives with your own hands - many radio enthusiasts think about this. By default, the composition of the mixture should include conductive metal powders, polymers for binders and solvents. The easiest option is to add graphite powder to any superglue.   To do this, just sharpen a simple pencil and use graphite rod powder. The only negative is that graphite has a lot of resistance.

To make homemade conductive glue, take the previous recipe with linoleum and acetone, add powdered silver and graphite to the composition. The amount of filler is selected empirically, but on average a proportion is required: 30 grams of silver x 15 grams of graphite x 60 grams of glue. Carefully move all ingredients and store the composition in an airtight glass container. On the details, such glue dries in a quarter of an hour.

How to make moisture resistant casein glue

If you managed to get casein powder, the task is very simple. The powder is poured with water and insisted for three to four hours.   Separately, the borax is diluted in hot water in a proportion of one to seven. This mixture is poured into casein water and heated to seventy degrees. After half an hour, the glue can be used.

How to make hot glue at home from milk? If there is no casein powder, a similar composition can be made from ordinary milk. It is fermented and filtered through filter paper or cotton. After paper or cotton wool is poured with water and boiled until the substance evaporates - this will be the desired casein. Then proceed with a prescription.

Another recipe for hot glue - from rosin, flour, aluminum alum and water in proportions, respectively, 1.5 x 40 x 10 x 3. All fillers are poured with water, the composition is heated over low heat until thickened. Glue is used hot. After cooling, it is unsuitable for use.

What else can you make glue:

  • from cottage cheese and slaked lime.   The ingredients are mixed until smooth and used to glue parts made of fabric and wood;
  • from drying oil and wood glue. 3 parts of wood glue are heated in a water bath until dissolved, after which 1 part of drying oil is added and mixed. This composition is also used hot. He is not afraid of water and glues tiles perfectly

In this article:

Glue - a substance that is used in the household and in almost all areas of production. The reason for the popularity of adhesives is the ability to connect objects of different shapes, composition and not the same size. Modern types of adhesives provide high reliability and aesthetics.

Due to the huge scope of application of adhesives in the household, very often there are such cases when the adhesive is urgently needed, but it is absent. And then many people think how to make glue at home?

And so we will consider how to make various types of adhesives at home.

How to make PVA glue at home

In order to prepare PVA glue with your own hands, you need to choose the following ingredients:

  • glycerin - 4 grams;
  • wheat flour - 100 grams;
  • distilled water - 1 liter;
  • ethyl alcohol - 20 ml;
  • photographic gelatin - 5 grams.

Some of these raw materials are always at home, and the rest can be bought at the pharmacy. Before preparing the glue, per day, it is necessary to soak the gelatin in plain water.

When the gelatin has already been infused, it is necessary to build a water bath from the kitchen utensils. All raw materials, not including alcohol and glycerin, are placed in a container and cook in a water bath.

Stir the resulting mixture constantly and wait until it becomes the desired consistency (thick).

When the mass has become thick, ethyl alcohol and glycerin can be added to it. Next, you need to thoroughly stir the mass until there are no inhomogeneities in it. After the mass has become homogeneous, you can stop the glue preparation process. You can use homemade PVA glue as soon as it cools.

DIY glue

Quite often in the household it is necessary to glue wood, cardboard or paper. And then it is best to cook carpentry glue at home. To make it, you need tile joinery glue. Before directly preparing the glue, it is necessary to break the tile into small pieces and place them in a container. Next, you need to fill the tiles with cold water, wait 10-12 hours until the glue absorbs water and forms a gelatinous mass.

After this, the container with glue should be put in a water bath and constantly stirred so that it does not burn. If carpentry glue needs a thin consistency, then it will be advisable to add hot water to the mass. It is not necessary to bring the glue to a boil when there are no lumps in it - it means that it is ready.

If it is necessary to join the skin with wood glue, then glycerin must be added to the prepared mass. At the rate of: 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters of glue.

Features of the preparation of tile glue at home

If you have already bought a facing tile and have a desire to work, then you need to prepare the tile adhesive with your own hands. As a rule, the adhesive mixture is prepared from cement and sand, water and PVA glue. Sand acts as a filler and should be small in size, the maximum diameter of a grain is not more than 2 millimeters.

The ratio of cement and sand should be 1: 3. In this case, the measure is not the weight of the materials, but their volume. For example, 2 buckets of cement need 6 buckets of sand.

It must be remembered that tile adhesive quickly hardens and needs to be prepared immediately before laying the tiles. Tile glue solution can be used no more than three hours.

The manufacture of glue at home is carried out in the following sequence of actions:

  • Cement mixed with sand.
  • Then, water is added to the resulting mixture, having previously dissolved PVA glue in it. On a bucket of tile glue, 0.5 kg of glue is needed. If facing works will be carried out in a room with high humidity, for example in a bathroom, then the glue volume can increase and make up to a maximum of 3 kg.
  • Then the tile adhesive is thoroughly mixed, its consistency should be thick. If the mass has become homogeneous - it means that the glue is ready for use.

The strength of the joint tile adhesive, prepared by hand, is quite high, but inferior to industrial analogues.

How to make casein glue at home

If casein powder is available

According to its properties   casein glue similar to carpentry adhesive, but it is not afraid of moisture. Making casein glue with your own hands is quite simple. To prepare it, you need a flat container, casein powder, borax and water. Initially, casein powder is poured with water and allowed to infuse for three hours. Then the borax must be dissolved in hot water in a ratio of 1: 7. The resulting solution is added to casein. This mixture is heated in a water bath to 70 ° C and stirred constantly. The glue can be used 40 minutes after it is removed from the water bath.

If you do not have casein powder, then you can prepare it yourself.

How to make casein glue from milk

For the preparation of casein powder, skim milk is necessary. Milk is put in a warm place for souring and then filtered, using cotton wool or blotting paper. Next, casein remaining on paper is washed in water and boiled. Finally, casein must be spread out on paper and dried at room temperature.

After preparing casein powder, you can start the production of glue. To prepare the glue you need borax, water and casein powder in a ratio of 1: 4: 10. Next, mix the raw ingredients, but first add half the water. Then, add the remaining water to the resulting thick consistency and mix everything thoroughly. Casein glue must be used immediately, after 3 hours it hardens.

Features of the preparation of glue for wood

Making wood glue with your own hands is very simple. The composition of this glue includes: flour, water, aluminum alum, rosin in a ratio of 40: 10: 1,5: 3. All raw materials are poured with water and thoroughly mixed. Then the mixture is put on low heat and heated. As soon as the glue began to thicken, it is removed from the fire.

It is necessary to use glue for a tree right away, until it is frozen.

How to make waterproof glue

Quite often in the household needs glue that is not afraid of moisture. This type of glue is called waterproof. Waterproof glue is used when carrying out facing works in kitchens and bathrooms. This type of glue can be bought ready-made, or you can cook it yourself at home.

There are several ways to produce glue at home:

1. In the first method of preparing glue, cottage cheese or curdled milk, slaked lime is necessary. These two components are mixed until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, the glue is ready for use, but it must be remembered that having applied the substance to the surface, they must be carefully compressed and dried.

2. Adhering to the second method of manufacturing glue, you need to purchase 100 grams of high-quality carpentry glue, 35 grams of drying oil. Joiner glue is placed in a glass and boiled over low heat until it becomes liquid. Then, drying oil is added and the mixture is thoroughly stirred. This adhesive must always be heated before use. Such hot glue with its own hands perfectly connects wooden surfaces, is used when laying tiles, it is not afraid of either cold or hot water.

Knowing how to cook different types of adhesives at home, you can always do all the household work in a quality and timely manner, creating a cozy and pleasant atmosphere.

If you have ever done work where there is a need to use glue, then you probably came across a problem, which is expressed in the low quality of the acquired composition. That is why home craftsmen often think about how to make glue. Many today are trying to find an alternative solution, which is to create an adhesive with their own hands. If you are constantly accustomed to tinkering with something, as well as experimenting, then recommendations on how to make glue will be extremely useful.

Paste making

In some cases, they resort to this only when there is an urgent need to carry out any work related to the use of glue. This may concern the incorrectly calculated volume of the composition, which ended in the midst of work on wallpapering. How to make PVA glue at home will be described below, but the paste is prepared in a slightly different way.

In order not to quit business and not go to the store, you can make glue at home, and its quality will not only be similar, but in some cases even higher compared to purchased counterparts. In this case, you can be sure that the composition will not be harmful to human health. If you are thinking about how to make glue, then you need to prepare the materials that are in every home. Among the ingredients, wheat flour can be distinguished.

For the manipulations you will need 1 liter water, 6 tablespoons of flour, as well as a container, the last of which should be selected depending on the expected amount of glue. First you need to heat the water to 100 degrees, then in a separate bowl in a small amount of water dilute the mentioned volume of flour until it forms. If you are interested in the question of how to make homemade PVA glue, then the tips below will come in handy. The mixture should be free from lumps. As a result, you should get a composition that, by consistency, resembles a thick sour cream. It must be poured into boiling water in a thin stream, while stirring constantly. The composition is brought to a boil and left until cool. When finished, such glue will have a jelly consistency. If you are faced with the task of how to make glue, then you can use starch. In terms of effectiveness, it will be the same as the above mixture. In some cases, such adhesives are superior in quality to industrial options. Wallpaper will hold firmly on any surface. With the help of such a composition, it will be possible to glue all types of cardboard and paper.

PVA glue recipe

Before you do, you should familiarize yourself with the technology. This composition is the most common among those that are used when performing repair work. Among other things, without this mixture large-scale construction manipulations are not complete. The composition is used even in the preparation of solutions that are used for facing surfaces with tiles. Apply it instead of the primer, as well as before the final finish. The scope is wide, which is why it is safe to say that polyvinyl acetate is a universal remedy that can be prepared independently. If you are thinking about how to make PVA glue, it is important to consider that it must contain a strict ratio of all ingredients. Thus, per liter of distilled water you will need ethyl alcohol in an amount of 20 milliliters, pharmacy glycerin in a volume of 4 grams, photographic gelatin in a volume of 5 grams, and wheat flour - it will need 100 grams. How to make glue from flour and water, you will learn in the article. In order to prepare the composition, it is necessary to overcome two stages, the preparatory one acts as the first, during which gelatin should be soaked in a glass for a day. The second stage is the main one.

After the gelatin softens in water, you can start preparing glue. The container in which distilled water will need to be poured should be placed in a water bath. You need to add gelatin and flour to it, the last of which is mixed in a small amount of water. The mixture should turn out without lumps. It is brought to a boil, but it is not necessary to boil. The composition should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. In order to achieve uniformity, stir the mixture constantly. If you are faced with the question of how to make PVA glue at home, then you can use the recommendations provided in the article. In the next step, alcohol and glycerin are added to the mixture obtained in the water bath. In order to get the most thick mass, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. These manipulations can take up to 10 minutes, which will depend on the amount of glue. Before using the composition, it must be well cooled.

Making wood glue

This type of glue is the most acceptable option for gluing wood. The composition effectively copes with gluing cardboard, paper, as well as other materials. However, such mixtures have some features, among them you can distinguish an unpleasant pungent odor, as well as a short shelf life in liquid form, as the ingredients quickly deteriorate, gel and mold. For these reasons, the glue must first be boiled, and then prepare a lot of gelatinous consistency. If necessary, you can cut off pieces of the desired volume, and then heat them over low heat, which will allow the mass to gain a liquid appearance. There are several ways, one of which will help to prepare high-quality glue. Below are the most affordable for home use.

The first method of manufacturing wood glue

If you are thinking about how to make glue at home, then you can use a traditional one. It is crushed and soaked in a container of water until a complete swelling of the particles occurs. The composition should be as soft as possible. The latter is placed in a container for melting. You can make it yourself using a tin can. The container is placed in a water bath and is exposed to low heat. It is important to constantly mix the composition using a wooden stick. It is necessary to exclude the moment of burning, since in this case the mass will change color and lose its adhesive ability. As soon as the mass passes into a liquid state, it must be diluted with vodka, using a certain proportion. It involves the use of 950 grams of vodka per 720 grams of adhesive. Depending on the glue volume, powder alum must be added. They are used in an amount of 12 grams for every 100 grams of adhesive.

If you can properly prepare carpentry glue in this way, then you can ensure maximum strength of the surfaces, as well as their water-repellent properties.

The second way to make wood glue

If you are thinking about how to make glue at home, then you can use the second method. To do this, traditional carpentry glue should be boiled in a tin can, adding water in a ratio of one to one. After that, when the composition is somewhat thickened, the mass should be poured into a porcelain bowl, and then use a stick for grinding until a gelatinous mass forms. It is laid out on a plate, after it is well cooled and cut into separate pieces. In this form, the composition can be stored, and if it becomes necessary to use it, then for every 720 grams of the workpiece, you need to add 360 grams of vodka and 720 grams of water. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil.

The third method of manufacturing wood glue

If this technology will be used, then a water bath should be used, a liter of water and 1 kilogram of traditional wood glue are added to the tank. It is important to prepare and add 1 liter of 9 percent table vinegar. Once the ingredients dissolve, you can add a liter of vodka, providing constant mixing.

The fourth method of manufacturing wood glue

Before you do, you must choose the most optimal way for you to work. As the latest technology, a technique that involves the use of wood glue and water will be described, these ingredients are used in a one to one proportion. It is important to heat the future composition in a water bath, achieving full thickening. After that, the weight part of glycerin, which is equivalent to the weight part of glue, is added. It is important to heat this composition until the water has completely evaporated. The resulting mixture should be laid out in a mold, and then dried. Such glue will be stored exactly as long as necessary. For use, you will need to dilute it with water, using a one to one ratio.

Production of adhesive for foam

Recently, foam and polystyrene foam are often used for heat and sound insulation of residential buildings. Their fastening is carried out on a bearing wall. When choosing a composition for fixing these materials, it should be borne in mind that acetone-type solvents are capable of melting webs. That is why carpentry glue acts as the most suitable option. However, at home, you can perform another waterproof composition, where you should use cottage cheese. To carry out these works, you should mix this ingredient with in equal proportions until you get a homogeneous mass. It is advisable to use such a composition after preparation, without leaving it in storage, since it quickly becomes hard.

Wood glue making

Information on how to make glue from starch was presented above. However, in some cases, there is a need for gluing puzzles, wood or leather. An excellent option for this is glue called casein.

First step

At home, the process of degreasing the cottage cheese should be carried out. Why it is soaked in soda solution for 20 minutes. About 1 tablespoon of baking soda should be used per 1 liter of water. After you can thoroughly rinse with running water, the cottage cheese must be wrung out and dried until it reaches a solid consistency. From it should be prepared a powder called casein.

Glue preparation process

How to make glue from flour, you already know, now it's time to get acquainted with the information, which expresses the technology for producing the adhesive composition from dry casein. To do this, the powder is poured into any dishes, which preferably should be flat. After you need to add a little water, constantly stirring the composition. For one part of the powder, two parts of the liquid should be used. This will allow you to get a fairly thick mass.

It will take about 30 minutes to mix. However, this process can be accelerated using a mixer. This glue will perfectly strengthen the elements of wood. The disadvantage of this mixture is that it must be used within 3 hours. After this time, the mixture will harden and will be unusable.

Making glue for needlewomen

If you are still interested in the question of how to make glue from flour, then you should familiarize yourself with the information below. If you have a need to glue different types of fabric, then for this you can use special glue, which is made on the basis of wheat flour.

For 3 tablespoons of flour, you need 1 cup of water. The ingredients are mixed, and then poured into a glass of boiling water. This mixture should be brought to a boil, after it cools down, you can use it.

Second way

If you are faced with the task of how to make homemade glue, then you can use a slightly different method, it involves the use of one tablespoon of flour, the same amount of potato starch, as well as granulated sugar in the above volume. All ingredients are mixed together, poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil.

You can make homemade glue yourself at home. How to prepare the glue yourself and how to use it is described on this page of the site.

Joiner's glue

Tile of carpentry glue is broken into pieces, lowered into a gluing machine and filled with cold water so that it slightly covers the glue. When the glue swells (after 10-12 hours), the glue maker is placed on a small fire, where it is held until the glue dissolves. It should be used while it is hot.

Glue paste

For bonding with metal, glass, stone, etc. Finely sifted wood ash is added to the hot wood glue to make a thick paste.

Binding glue

Glycerin is added to the melted wood glue (1 part by weight of glycerin per 20 parts by weight of glue).


The composition of this glue: sugar 120 grams, slaked lime 30 grams, wood glue 120 grams and water 400 cubic centimeters. First, sugar is dissolved, then lime is mixed in and heated, stirring, for an hour. The clear solution is drained and pieces of wood glue are added to it. When the glue swells, it is cooked as usual until the glue is completely dissolved. Sindeticon is a universal adhesive.

Waterproof glue

Add natural drying oil or linseed oil to hot wood glue (1 part of drying oil or oil to 4 parts of glue).


Starch: Potato flour (starch) is poured with a small amount of water and thoroughly stirred until a creamy state. Cool boiling water is poured into the resulting solution with a thin stream, continuously stirring the solution so that there are no lumps. As soon as the paste becomes transparent and gelatinous, it can be used.

Flour: Sifted wheat or rye flour is poured into boiling water, and then, stirring, is heated over low heat until the flour is brewed.

Dextrin glue

Dry potato starch is heated on an iron sheet to 400 ° C. The resulting brown translucent lumps are crushed into powder. Preparation of glue: 10 grams of this powder is carefully diluted in 20 -25 cubic centimeters of cold water. You can also add 2 grams of sugar. Glue is used mainly for gluing paper.


Gum arabic is made from gum (resin), which some plants secrete. However, a satisfactory glue can be obtained using the resin of cherry, plum, apricot trees, as well as the resin secreted by white acacia. Pieces of this resin are cleaned of bark and dirt, dried and ground into powder, which is stored in a closed bottle. As needed, the right amount of powder is dissolved in warm water, and the glue is ready for use. Gum arabic is the best glue for paper.


Casein glue is used for bonding various materials, including earthenware, plastics, etc. Casein glue is more moisture resistant than wood glue. Casein is usually sold in powder form, but can be easily prepared by yourself.

Getting pure casein: Skim milk is put in a warm place to make it sour. Then it is filtered through blotter paper.

Casein (the protein substance of milk) stays on paper. It is washed in soft water, then, tied in a rag, boiled in water to remove fat. After that, casein is laid out on blotting paper and dried at room temperature. Glue preparation. Ten parts of casein and one part of borax are kneaded in two parts of water until a dough is obtained, then two more parts of water are added. The resulting glue is suitable for use within two to three hours, after which it hardens. Casein glue can be prepared by adding ammonia dropwise to the curd until a gelatinous, transparent mass is obtained. This mass and lubricate the glued parts. For greater strength, the lubricated surfaces are allowed to dry, then covered with a thin layer of lime dough and after that the glued parts are connected.

A few drops of formalin or a solution of aluminum alum are added to the finished casein glue to obtain a waterproof glue.


Celluloid glue can glue a wide variety of materials - wood, leather, fabrics, plastics, etc. The glue dries quickly and is completely not afraid of moisture. For the preparation of glue use an unfit film. It is washed in hot water from the emulsion and cut into small pieces. These pieces are placed in a vial and poured with acetone or amyl acetate (pear essence). On one part of the celluloid take 2-3 parts of acetone. Shake the vial from time to time. When the film has completely dissolved, the glue is ready to use.


Small sawdust of organic glass is placed in a vial and poured with a solvent composed of equal parts of acetone and amyl acetate. After pouring the solvent, the bubble is put in a warm place for several days. When the organic glass has dissolved, the glue is ready to use.

As a solvent, you can use one acetone or pear essence, while the organic glass does not completely dissolve, but the resulting solution can still be glued. Organic glass before gluing is heated to 20 ° C.


Glue for rubber products can be made in the following way. A piece of good soft rubber (raw rubber) is crumbled into small pieces, which insist for several days on clean, light so-called aviation gasoline. The result is a rubber solution, which is carefully drained, filtered and left open in a warm place until a thick mass is obtained. It is also used for bonding. The surfaces to be joined must be free of all dirt and grease.

Another recipe for galoshes: 13 parts of gutta-percha and 25 parts of rubber are dissolved in 100 parts of carbon disulfide. 7-8 parts of bovine glue are added to the resulting solution and mixed. If the glued surfaces are peeled (with a knife or sandpaper), then it is enough to put a thin layer of this glue so that the connection is very durable. The glue hardens completely after 1-2 days.


Glue composition: Wheat flour - 10 parts, alum - 0.2 parts, water - 410 parts. wheat flour is kneaded in cold water until gruel is formed without lumps.

The remaining water is heated to a boil and alum is dissolved in it. The gruel is added to the alum solution, the mixture is stirred and boiled until a translucent mass is formed.


Dextrin is stirred with a small amount of water and an amount of denatured alcohol is added so that a syrupy liquid is obtained. This glue does not leak through the paper.


To get a mass for gluing glass, you need to melt over low heat 50 grams of light shellac with 25 grams of turpentine. The mixture is slightly cooled and divided into small tiles. When consumed, the mass is warmed and neatly combined. Excess mass is carefully removed. When gluing glass, gelatin is also used, to which a small amount of an aqueous solution of potassium dichromate is added. This glue under the influence of light becomes completely insoluble even in hot water.

Casein dissolved in liquid glass is also suitable for this purpose.

Porcelain can be glued with the same compounds as glass. For fixing dishes, gypsum cement mixed with egg white is especially good. This cement hardens very quickly, and therefore it is necessary to work with it very carefully.

You can get glue for porcelain and faience in the following way: Knock down the egg whites and put them in a cool place for a day. After this, it is necessary to separate the settled protein and thoroughly grind with quicklime powder, adding it gradually in such an amount that a doughy mass is obtained. This adhesive is applied to the parts to be glued in a thin layer. The gluing process should be done as soon as possible so that the glue does not have time to dry. To glue parts of porcelain and glass objects, you can apply the following lubricant: take washed glass flour (ground glass) -1 part, add river sand (seeded) -2 parts and liquid glass -6 parts. This putty very strongly cementes the glued parts. The structure is somewhat rough, so it is used for bonding large objects.

Here is another putty, which differs from the previous ones in a finer structure, is also used for gluing large objects. They take burnt lime (quicklime) -1 part, chalk (ground) - 10 parts and liquid glass 2.5 parts. For both recipes, putty is prepared before use, as it hardens quickly. There is a particularly hard putty for gluing medium-sized objects made of glass and porcelain. You can cook it like this: take burnt sculpted or medical gypsum and put it for one day in a saturated solution of alum. Then it is dried and again calcined and ground. Thus treated gypsum in combination with water turns into a very solid mass. The ratio of gypsum and water should be such that a liquid mass of cream consistency is obtained.


Amber products can be glued as follows. The joined surfaces are washed with an aqueous solution of caustic potassium, slightly heated and tightly compressed. The parts to be glued can also be greased with a thin layer of boiled linseed oil, after which the seam should be carefully heated over a charcoal flame. At the same time, the connected parts must be strongly compressed with a clamp or tied with wire. An adhesive consisting of a solution of hard digging in ether is also recommended.

GLUE FOR Gluing Ivory Products

Ivory is glued using a paste of slaked lime and raw egg white. For this purpose, you can also use a solution of albumin in water. The parts to be glued must be tightly compressed and left to dry in a cool place for at least a day. Small ivory products are glued together with an alloy of equal parts of wax, rosin and turpentine.

This composition is not particularly durable, but it is very convenient to use.


The skin is glued with a solution of pure rubber in carbon disulfide. The parts to be glued are slightly heated and the glue carefully rubbed in place of the future seam. It is recommended to add a small amount of turpentine to the resulting solution. Skin glue can also be prepared as follows: a good light carpentry glue is soaked in water for a day and then slowly melted on a fire with a small amount of water. After that, tannin is added to the liquid mass, which makes it look like sticky threads. Bonding is done with this sticky mass, and the skin must be pre-cleaned (washed with gasoline) and roughened with glass paper (skin).


Marble can be glued in the following composition: four parts of gypsum and one part of gum arabic in powder are thoroughly mixed. Then a strong solution of borax in cold water is added until a dough is obtained. The connected parts are smeared with this putty, tightly compressed and left to dry in a cool, dry place for 5-6 days. Another way of gluing marble: two parts of wax and one part of rubber are mixed with two parts of marble crushed into fine powder and heated over a fire. When glued, the marble must be completely dry. External cracks are additionally covered with alabaster, mashed in gruel with glutinous water. If the marble is gray, then instead of alabaster take slate, red and dark marble smear with ocher. Finally, the entire surface is polished with very fine pumice or tripoli.

Glues for gluing gypsum products

Gluing of gypsum products should be done using syndicon or thick wood glue. And in that, and in another case, you need to ensure that the glue does not squeeze out from the seam to the outside, as this results in a black line that spoils the look of the thing. The seam should be covered with plaster on the outside.


A broken donkey can be glued even if it has cracked into small pieces. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and remove all particles of oil from the fracture points by heating the pieces on a hot stove. After that, all particles that must be in contact are thoroughly sprinkled with shellac and heated again until shellac is melted and fills the pores. Heating should be done on a smooth metal board, and the flame should not touch the pieces, otherwise they may crack elsewhere. For this reason, they should not be heated too much. When the shellac is melted, the pieces are folded together, pressed one against the other and left in the clamp until they cool. The pieces so joined together are so firmly glued that they will not yield to the solid stone.


Bone plates lagging behind the keys are glued as follows. White zinc oxide is mixed with ordinary wood glue, then treated with a file or sandpaper the surfaces of both the wooden keys and the bone plate, the key is greased with this mixture and left for 5-10 minutes. After that, put a plate on the key and tie it with a cord. After 3-4 hours, the glue will dry out and the excess that protrudes around the edges can be removed with a file or sandpaper.


Mica is glued with a gelatin liquid solution. If gluing should be particularly durable, then chrome alum is added to the gelatin.


Universal cement (Chinese) is prepared as follows: a mixture of 54 parts of slaked lime powder, 5 parts of finely ground alum and 40 parts of fresh, well-beaten bovine blood is prepared. All of the above substances should be mixed as thoroughly as possible so that a homogeneous mass of the desired density is obtained, depending on the purpose. In thick form, this cement can be used for gluing stone, earthenware, porcelain, etc. In a thicker form, it is used to cover various kinds of objects to make them waterproof.


This is a thick transparent liquid of light yellow color, which is used for gluing vases, figurines, bas-reliefs, antique items made of earthenware, glass, plastic, wood and metals, as well as for repairing metal products: buckets, tanks, etc. It is not recommended for gluing dishes in which food is cooked. When gluing, make sure that water does not get into the glue. The surfaces to be glued are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, rust and traces of grease. Metal objects are treated with sandpaper and washed with gasoline or other means, non-metal objects are washed with hot water and soda or gasoline. The places to be glued are carefully dried after cleaning. Depending on the type of damage, repairs are carried out as follows: the edges of the end-to-end gluing product are smeared with a thin layer of glue using a wooden stick or brush and dried in the air until the glue stops sticking to the finger. Then a second thick layer of glue is applied and lightly dried. The parts to be glued are tightly connected by tying with a rope or bandage.

Glued small items are placed in a pan or metal can, pour water and put on fire. The water is brought to a boil, which should last at least three hours, after which the pan is removed from the fire, cooled in air and the product is removed. You can also heat products in ovens or ovens at a temperature of 120-150 ° C for 1 hour, or over an electric stove. Holes in products, for example, metal, are sealed as follows from a suitable material (thin sheet, aluminum, copper, etc.) a patch is cut, the dimensions of which should be larger than the hole by 0.5-1 cm.

Patch on the hole and glue the product. Then, water is poured into the dishes so that it reaches the lower edge of the patch and does not touch it. Having put the product on an electric, gas stove or kerosene, the water is boiled for at least two hours, then removed from the heat and cooled in air. If a patch is placed on the bottom of a bucket, basin, etc., they are heated over a fire for one to two hours. When gluing figurines, ashtrays, antique items, large vases, etc., where high gluing strength is not required, you can limit yourself to exposure at room temperature for four days.


This glue is used to repair clothes, linens, carpets, etc. It is a thick transparent liquid of yellow or red color. The places of products to be glued are first cleaned of dust with a brush, moistened with warm water and squeezed well. Having straightened the edges of the wetted areas of the fabric, two layers of glue are applied to them and dried in air after applying each layer until the glue ceases to stick to the finger. Then connect the objects to be glued and press on them with a hot iron (carefully). The iron is pressed through a moistened fabric for 2-3 seconds with an interval of 10-15 seconds until the bonded surface dries. After cooling to room temperature, the product is ready for use.

Homemade glue machine

It is impossible to cook carpentry glue directly on the fire, as it can burn. Therefore, it is cooked in special gluing machines.

A glue machine can also be made from cans. Take one jar larger and the other smaller. A large can at the top makes several holes with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters. Iron brackets are soldered to a small can, with the help of which it is fixed on a large can. Dry glue is soaked and put in a small jar, and large water is poured and heated. When the water boils, the glue will melt and it can be used.

In the process of performing many finishing work, an obligatory component is glue. With it, wallpaper, tile are glued, it is added to the cement mortar. To save on the purchase of glue, we suggest that you read the instructions on how to make glue with your own hands.

  Functional features and chemical composition of glue

Glue is called a multicomponent composition, which is based on compounds of substances of an organic or inorganic nature, which easily stick together materials of different origins, and in particular:

  • wooden
  • leather
  • fabric
  • paper
  • glass
  • metal
  • plastic
  • ceramic
  • rubber products.

The bonding process represents the formation of a strong bond between the adhesive on the two sides of the material to be bonded.

The chemical composition of the adhesive contains materials of artificial or synthetic, organic or inorganic origin. For example, the basis of a fairly popular silicone glue includes compounds of elemental organics. In order for the consistency of the adhesive to become liquid and easily applied to the surface, it contains additives in the form of water and organic liquids.

Most sealants based on organic resins are made of water and are environmentally friendly.

Organic solvents are aromatic or chlorinated hydrocarbon materials. Such solvents are quite affordable, easily evaporate, non-toxic. The most common are gasoline, acetone or an elite alcohol substance.

For the adhesive to become elastic, plasticizers are required. They act in the form of dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, triphenyl phosphate. Fillers are used to reduce the shrinkage of the glue, increase its strength and at the same time reduce the cost. The use of kaolin, quartz sand, sawdust and other components is recommended as a filler.

If thermoactive resins are the basis of the adhesive, special catalyst-type hardeners are required, which are sold separately from the adhesive. They are added to the glue immediately before use. As hardeners use solutions of acids, amines or bases. When the hardener begins to react with adhesives, polymers with a mesh structure are formed, which accompany a sharp increase in adhesive bonding before high or low temperatures.

The difference between catalysts and hardeners is that they are not able to enter into such reactions and do not accelerate the hardening of the glue. Salt, peroxide, and acid are used as catalysts. The main requirement for the use of a catalyst is a strict dosage. If the amount of catalyst is increased, the glue will practically not harden and the glue will remain unstable.

Glues based on thermosetting resins are characterized by the introduction of catalysts, inhibitors or moderators, to adjust the degree of hardening, to accelerate, slow down or stop the interaction of accelerators and the main adhesive element.

To increase the viability of glue based on organic compounds, it is recommended to add antiseptics to them. Catalysts are required to be added to glue of polymer origin; they help to increase their resistance.

  The main types of glue

In accordance with the drying method, the adhesives are divided into:

  • adhesives that are characterized by drying,
  • non-drying type adhesives,
  • polymer compounds.

The first option, in turn, is divided into:

  • pVA glue,
  • silicate glue,
  • carpentry glue,
  • glue based on starch.

1. We will begin to examine the types of glue from the most popular PVA glue, which is an emulsion of polyvinyl metal and water, in a small amount of plasticizers and additives. The smell is almost not expressed, it is used for bonding various substances.

There are such types of PVA glue:

  • household or wallpaper purpose - glues paper products, used for wall decoration with wallpaper, looks like a white homogeneous mass, has a white or beige color, is able to unfreeze and freeze six times;
  • stationery type - glues paper products, photo paper, cardboard, looks like a viscous liquid, color - white with a yellow tint, unstable before water and frost;
  • universal purpose - it is used for gluing wooden, paper, cardboard, leather, glass substances, it is a part of putty, primer, concrete mortar, has the appearance of a white slightly yellowish viscous mass, characterized by six frost resistance cycles;
  • super PVA glue glues wood, paper, glass, porcelain, leather, fabric, linoleum, tiled products, frost-resistant;
  • pVA dispersion - appears in the form of an aqueous solution of polymers, which is stabilized with a protective colloid, such as polyvinyl alcohol, has a high adhesive ability, there are two types of dispersion: plasticized and non-plasticized.

Scope of use of PVA glue:

  • as an additive in mortars;
  • in industrial institutions of textile, shoe, leather, printing origin;
  • in the manufacturing process of such products as: cigarettes, paints, techno fabric, household chemicals;
  • in the process of gluing paper, cardboard, wooden parts.

PVA glue characteristic:

  • high level of frost resistance;
  • high adhesive ability;
  • environmental safety, non-toxicity, fire safety;
  • amenable to most solvents of organic origin;
  • if glue is applied thinly, then after drying it is almost imperceptible;
  • no shrinkage.

2. Silicate glue is also called liquid glass, this material is actively used both in everyday life and in industry, for bonding any details.

Scope of use:

  • spraying for electrodes that are used in a welding machine;
  • in the engineering industry with the delicate connection of parts;
  • in the pulp or paper industry;
  • in ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry;
  • is an integral component of most washing powders.


  • fire safety
  • water resistance
  • frost resistance
  • resistance to acid solutions.

3. Joiner's glue is used when gluing wood parts. There are three types:

  • tiled
  • shavings
  • granular.

In relation to the composition emit glue:

  • abominable
  • bone type.

The first is stronger than bone, characterized by a greenish tint. Bone glue has an orange-brown color. Joiner glue provides for its boiling. Chip glue is cooked immediately, and tiled glue is pre-crushed.

4. Glue based on starch is called a paste; its manufacture is quite simple; it is necessary to mix starch with water and heat to the state of glue. The best quality is glue based on starch from corn, and the worst is potato starch. It is recommended to use it during the day.

Materials that will be required in the manufacturing process of PVA glue:

  • half a liter of purified water,
  • 2.5 grams of photographic gelatin,
  • 2 grams of glycerin,
  • 50 grams of wheat flour
  • 10 mg of ethyl alcohol.

Pre-soak gelatin for a day in water, it should swell. Gelatin must be photographic.

When the gelatin is ready for use, you need to build a water bath. To do this, take a pot of water and place it on the stove. Find a bowl suitable for the diameter of the pan and place it on the surface so that it does not come into contact with boiling water.

Put a mixture of water, flour and gelatin in a bowl and cook until it becomes as thick as sour cream. At the same time, it is required to stir it constantly. Remove the mass from the heat and add alcohol and glycerin to it. Be sure to stir the mixture to make it homogeneous. When the glue has cooled, it is ready to use.

Before using it, you should thoroughly clean the surface of dirt and dust. If pores exist on it, pre-coat them. Stir the glue before applying it to the surface. Then, with a brush or roller, apply glue, and glue the two parts together.

Such glue is used for a maximum of six months, at a temperature of at least +10 degrees.

  How to make glue from flour yourself

Materials for work:

  • wheat or rye flour - 3 tablespoons,
  • purified water - 500 ml.

Glue made from flour will perfectly cope with gluing paper products or wallpaper. Its manufacture is a fairly quick process, which takes no more than half an hour. Therefore, in a situation, for example, when the glue for wallpaper runs out and the store is far away, recommendations on how to make glue with your own hands will be an excellent option.

Instructions for the production of flour paste:

  • Put water on the fire and wait for it to boil;
  • separately dilute the flour in a small amount of water;
  • pour flour into boiling water and stir the liquid constantly;
  • wait for it to boil and remove the glue from the stove;
  • wait for the glue to cool completely;
  • now it is ready to use.

Ready-made glue from flour looks like a thick jelly. As you can see in the answer to the question of how to make glue quickly - making this glue is the best option.

  How to make starch glue

The proportions of starch glue are the same as those of flour glue:

  • half a liter of water
  • 3 tbsp corn starch.

It is better to prepare glue in enameled or galvanized dishes. Put a container of water on the fire, wait for it to boil. Separate the starch and pour it into the liquid. Wait for the glue to boil and remove it from the heat.

The main advantage of starch glue is that it is more transparent and leaves no residue. It is recommended to use such glue all without a trace, since after a while it loses its abilities. To improve the quality of starch glue, it is recommended to add 50-100 grams of PVA glue to it.

If you add carpentry glue to such glue, then it will perfectly cope with the priming of the walls before wallpapering.

  How to make glue using acetone and old linoleum

This method allows you to prepare a universal adhesive material, which has a high level of bonding.

To make glue at home using this method, the first thing you need to do is prepare the materials.

Linoleum should be cut into pieces with a size of 3x3 cm. Next, place it in a container that has the ability to close hermetically. Take acetone, its amount should exceed the amount of linoleum twice. Pour acetone into a container with linoleum and place in a place protected from direct sunlight for twelve hours.

If, during this time, the entire linoleum has time to dissolve - use the adhesive as intended, otherwise, wait until the linoleum has completely dissolved.

Scope of use - bonding:

  • wooden
  • porcelain
  • metal
  • leather parts.

  How to make paper glue

If you are keen on origami, quilling or applications for gluing wood parts, this glue recipe is ideal. It is based on the use of dextrin, which is also easy to prepare at home.

This requires:

  • take a few tablespoons of starch,
  • put it in a heat-resistant dish,
  • gradually heat in the oven,
  • bring the temperature to 150 degrees,
  • leave for 90 minutes.

To prepare the glue, you must have:

  • three tablespoons of dextrin,
  • five tablespoons of water,
  • one tablespoon of glycerin.

The first step is mixing dextrin with water. The mixture is heated until the dextrin is completely dissolved, while constant stirring is required. At the end of the preparation, glycerin is added. After cooling, the adhesive is ready for use.

  How to make glue titanium

For the preparation of such an adhesive, the presence of a chemical substance of vinyl acetate copolymers is required. It is very difficult to get it, so preparing such glue at home is quite difficult.

Consider the advantages and features of glue titanium industrial origin:

  • seemingly clear liquid
  • frost resistant
  • waterproof
  • heat resistant
  • used in the process of gluing ceiling tiles,
  • convenient to use.

  DIY carpentry

The process of preparing carpentry glue is simple, and allows you to make glue that easily glues any wooden parts. But at the same time, this glue has its drawbacks:

  • fast shelf life
  • the presence of a disgusting, pungent odor.

Therefore, in the process of its cooking, a special mass is made, which has a higher shelf life. This mass is solid and cut into pieces, which are boiled for their further use in the form of glue.

Consider the four most popular ways to cook glue for wood:

1. Take standard carpentry adhesive. Slice it and leave it in the water. Wait until it swells. When the mixture is soft, place it in a buttercloth. This is the name of the tank in which the melting process is carried out. Take a tin can and pour the liquid there. Place it in a water bath, stir constantly until the glue becomes liquid. For 360 grams of glue, take 475 grams of vodka and combine them. Then add 100 grams of alum powder. Such glue has water repellent properties and is characterized by a high level of strength.

2. Dilute the same amount of glue and purified water in a metal container. When the mixture thickens, put it in a mortar and rub. Pour the mixture into a bowl and wait for it to thicken completely. This mass, after cooling, is cut into pieces and used portionwise. For 350 grams of glue, you should take 360 \u200b\u200bgrams of water and 180 grams of vodka. Bring all the ingredients to a boil and use glue after cooling.

3. Prepare a water bath. Take half a kilogram of glue and half a spoonful of vinegar per half liter of water. Boil until the glue dissolves, then add half a liter of vodka.

4. For 250 grams of glue, take 250 grams of water, bring to a thickening. At the end of cooking, add 250 grams of glycerin. Wait for the water to evaporate. Put glue in the mold and use as needed. To use this glue you need to dilute it with water, in a ratio of one to one.

Video how to make glue: