British Press: Brad Pitt did not leave Angelina Jolie for Marion Cotillard. Marion Cotillard: the lover of the marriage of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt or the hostage of the situation - everything you did not know about the star Brad Pitt went to Marion Cotillard

The divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is gaining momentum. News from the fields is updated almost every hour. At first I wanted to feel sorry for Brad, because the initiative for parting came from Jolie, she filed for divorce. And it was sad to look at Pitt, he was so angry with his wife for taking dirty linen out of public, and so worried about the psyche of their children ...

And then, bam, and a new twist: so Brad was on a spree! Like, it's no secret to anyone that he has an affair with a colleague in the movie "Allies" Marion Cotillard. In principle, the situation is quite real. After all, with Angelina, the actor also twisted his tricks on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and for the sake of Jolie left Jennifer Aniston. Why doesn't a little affair with a Frenchwoman turn into something more? Moreover, the other day there were rumors that Morion is pregnant! And supposedly from Brad, that's why he is forced to leave the family.

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However, this version turned out to be false. Marion Cotillard, who had remained silent until then, decided to dot the i: she does not have any relations, except working and friendly, with Brad Pitt and she is pregnant by a completely different man, the actress wrote on her blog today.

“This will be my first and only reaction to the news, which hit like a hurricane 24 hours ago, and in which I was involved.

I'm not used to commenting on things like this or taking them seriously, but since this situation affects the people I love, I have to say.

Firstly, many years ago I met the man of my life, the father of our son and the baby we are expecting. He is my love, my best friend, the only one I need (the actress has been living with the actor Guillaume Canet since 2007 - approx. WDay).

Secondly, for those who claim that I am devastated, I hasten to reassure: I'm fine, thank you. This fictional conversation is not upsetting.

And for all the media and the haters who jump to conclusions so quickly, I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery.

Finally, I really want Angelina and Brad, whom I deeply respect, to find peace in this very noisy moment.

With love,

In a review of British newspapers:

  • Trump's election victory "suits Putin perfectly"
  • Arsenal, Arshavin's transfer and fear of the Kremlin
  • Marion Cotillard is overwhelmed by rumors of an affair with Pitt

Why Trump is needed

"Trump's victory will suit Putin perfectly," columnist Roger Boyes told The Times.

"Vladimir Putin is a man not too burdened with principles, but he believes in the ancient rule of 'eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,'" Boyes said.

"The hour of reckoning has come for the Kremlin leader," says Boyes. "Putin's cyber-robbers have gotten to work."

"Russia has never been so directly involved in the American presidential race before," the Times columnist notes, recalling recent US cyber attacks that the press and politicians have linked to Russian hackers.

The beneficiary of this covert campaign today is Donald Trump, who does not hide his admiration for Putin, Boyes writes.

Vladimir Putin is a man not too burdened with principles, but he believes in the ancient rule of "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" Roger Boyes, Times

Perhaps Trump represents Putin as a "strong hand," a determined and powerful statesman. In fact, this is far from the case, the author of the article points out: Putin today is not acting from a position of strength.

"His party just won the election, but this happened with extremely low voter turnout and with the help of ballot stuffing in the regions," explains Roger Boyes.

"He is turning the secret services back into the equivalent of the Soviet KGB - and that is also not a sign of confidence," the Times columnist continues.

Putin fears the prospect of Western-backed popular unrest. However, he wants to be in power at least until 2024, says Boyes.

However, for this - against the background of the far from the most favorable economic situation in the country - Putin needs to achieve weakening or even lifting of Western sanctions.

On this, presumably, President Trump will readily agree, the author of the article fears.

"If America allows Trump to lead it, the result will be that it will be circled around the finger - like the tourists who are checkmated in 18 moves by the grandmasters of Gorky Park," Roger Boyes wrote in the Times.

Transfer secrets

"Arsenal news: how fear of Vladimir Putin made the Gunners pay £ 15m for Andrei Arshavin," reads the headline in the Independent.

The article is devoted to the new book "The Deal: The World Through the Eyes of a Super Agent" - the autobiography of former football agent John Smith, who took part in long secret negotiations about Arshavin's transfer from Zenit to Arsenal in 2009.

According to the newspaper, Smith's book sheds light on how the transfer system works in football, where a lot for the uninitiated public is often left behind the scenes.

Smith claims that initially Arsenal intended to pay half the price for Arshavin, but as a result agreed to give Zenit as much as 15 million pounds.

The former agent explains the intransigence and firmness shown by the leadership of the St. Petersburg club, "the direct influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin."

Zenith is a childhood club for Putin, run by the head of the state energy giant Gazprom, which reports directly to the president, "explains the Independent.

The struggle for the signature of Arshavin lasted an unprecedentedly long - as much as three months, recalls John Smith.

In the end, the matter got off the ground after a large shareholder of Arsenal, billionaire Alisher Usmanov, was asked to involve his Russian connections, the newspaper writes.

Zenith is a childhood club for Putin, run by the head of state energy giant Gazprom, which reports directly to the president of the Independent

Each step of the deal, according to Smith, was controlled by the head coach of the “Gunners” Arsene Wenger, who, in fact, wanted to get Arshavin in his team.

Smith decided to contact Arshavin through unofficial channels: as it turned out, his brother was playing football with Dennis Lakhter, an agent of the Russian footballer.

Arsenal and its managers were against any contacts with the Zenith star, except official ones, but Smith insisted on his own - such a connection was necessary to know what Arshavin was thinking: headhunters usually do the same, establishing communication with a potential employee in advance ...

According to the agent, everything was decided in the last hours of the 2009 winter transfer window. According to Smith, it was his merit that the clubs were able to come together in price and Arshavin still moved to Arsenal.

The Independent writes briefly about the further development of events: “Arshavin played for the club in 97 matches, scored 31 goals and three years later was back at Zenit.

"Extremely dumbfounded"

The Daily Mail devotes an article to the famous French actress Marion Cotillard, who suddenly found herself in the spotlight of the media in connection with.

Image copyright AFP

41-year-old Cotillard, as the newspaper found out, is "completely depressed" by allegations in the media that she allegedly began an affair with Pitt during the filming of the movie "Allies".

"According to unconfirmed reports circulating in America, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce after discovering that her husband was cheating on her with a film partner," informs the Daily Mail.

Jolie, the newspaper continues, allegedly even hired a private detective to spy on her husband, who was filming with Miss Cotillard.

"Cotillard, who is married to actor Guillaume Canet, said she was" utterly dumbfounded "by these suspicions," the Daily Mail continues.

"Marion and Guillaume are incredibly happy together, and it is unlikely that Marion wants to hear such accusations at all," a source close to the couple told the publication the day before.

Cotillard and Canet have a son, Marcel, who is five years old, complements the Daily Mail picture.

Cotillard, who is married to actor Guillaume Canet, said she was "utterly dumbfounded" by these suspicions. "

According to the newspaper, which decided to find out all the ins and outs of the actress, in the late nineties Cotillard met with actor Julien Rassam. In 2000, he fell from the fourth floor of a Paris hotel and was paralyzed as a result.

Rassam committed suicide two years later, the Daily Mail shares the details.

Then Cotillard dated another actor, Stéphane Guerin-Tilly - their romance lasted until 2005.

Another famous partner of Marion Cotillard, with whom she had a close relationship for two years, is the French singer Mathieu Blanc-Francar.

The multimillionaire Cotillard is one of the most successful actresses in the history of French cinema. She has starred in several Hollywood blockbusters, including The Dark Knight Rises, Contagion, Johnny D. and "Inception," writes the Daily Mail.

Everything would be fine, as they say, it is a matter of everyday life, but the Western media are intertwined with the separation of the most beautiful couple in Hollywood. According to rumors, it was during the filming with him in. In view of the excitement around the person of the actress, we are happy to publish little-known facts about Marion Cotillard.


The picture describes the events of the Second World War. The main characters are agents of the French and American counterintelligence services. They fall in love during a dangerous mission in North Africa in 1942. Upon returning home, Pitt's hero learns that his wife and the mother of his child are most likely a Nazi spy.

Even during the filming, they said that Angie was insanely jealous of her husband for the French beauty, and judging by the trailer for the movie "Allies", she really had reasons for this. We offer you a trailer for the movie "Allies".

Watch online video Trailer of the movie "Allies"

Jolie and Pitt's new movie315 615 32: 22 + 02: 00 T0H6M0S

Therefore, we decided to tell our readers some interesting facts about Marion Cotillard, who is suspected of having a relationship with Brad Pitt.

Marion Cotillard: the origin and family of the actress

Marion Cotillard is a French actress who is known all over the world for her role as Edith Piaf in the film "Life in Pink", as well as her participation in the megapopular films "Taxi", "Inception" and "Macbeth". She, by the way, is the first actress since, who won an Oscar for her performance in a non-English language.

The actress was born in Paris into a creative family. Her father Jean-Claude Cotillard was a mime actor and theater director who created the Cotillard family troupe. He later also taught acting at the Graduate School of Dramatic Arts and later became its director. Nizeem's mother Teijo is an actress of cinema and theater, together with her husband she teaches acting courses, and also promotes aspiring artists. Therefore, it is not surprising that Marion became an actress.

Marion Cotillard in the movie Taxi

Personal life of Marion Cotillard

Despite the fact that the actress is now credited with an affair with Brad Pitt, she has been happy with her beloved for many years. In 2003 on the set of the melodrama "Fall in love with me if you dare" she met the actor Guillaume Canet. The couple played love in the movies, and then began a relationship in real life. At first, they saw each other only occasionally, since Guillaume at that moment was married to a German. After the divorce, Canet and Marion began to live with him in a civil marriage. In 2008, they announced their engagement, however, they still have not officially registered their relationship. In May 2011, Marion and Guillaume had their first child, Marcel Canet. The actress practically does not speak about her personal life, does not publish photos on Instagram, but the paparazzi photos say that she is happy in her family life. This is how in one of the interviews Marion talked about old age and children.

I am not afraid of old age. Since I became a mother, I only think about how to quickly become a grandmother. I am literally obsessed with this idea, so I hope my children will not hesitate to have their own children, as I once did. After all, I want to be a young grandmother.

Separately, I would like to note some of the roles of the actress Marion Cotillard, because she has gone from a comedic role in the movie Taxi to an Oscar winner for the role of Edith Piaf. Also, fans are delighted with her Hollywood projects, among the most notable is the film "Good Year" p. The actress also received invitations to major Hollywood projects, including "Midnight in Paris" by Woody Allen, the trilogy "The Dark Knight" and "The Beginning" by Christopher Nolan, the drama "Rust and Bone" by Jacques Odiar. It was released in 2015. Note that critics praised Cotillard's dramatic talent. Therefore, 40-year-old Marion Cotillard is predicted more than one Oscar in the future.

Marion Cotillard as Edith Piaf in Life in Pink

In addition to success in cinema, the actress conquers fans with her deep life philosophy, which she shares on the pages of glossy magazines. In particular, she talked about how she perceives old age and life in general.

We grow old when we stop looking. The search for truth, the desire to change - that's what makes you young. I remember a documentary about a man who was seriously injured by a shark. Then he almost died, and then he went to travel around the world, killing sharks. He became a famous hunter, but at some point even greater fear settled in his head. He thought: I have already killed many of these creatures. What if they just disappear because of people like me ?! At one point he became a shark protector. I remember this shot: he is in a boat, and a shark behavior expert tells him that sharks are not at all such monsters. ! Touch her! ”He says, and the man touches the nose of a shark swimming by. We see how his face changes, but in fact we see that his whole life can change in one moment - if, of course, you keep looking.

Also, the famous Frenchwoman has appeared in advertisements of famous brands more than once. Marion is the face of the Dior handbag campaign.

Beauty, femininity, charm and acting talent, which she showed in the movie "Allies", became the reason that the Western world started talking about the novel of Marion Cotillard and Brad Pitt. Let's see if there will be official data on the relationship of the couple, or if this is another provocation, because of which the actress became a hostage of the situation.

That's how she is, actress Marion Cotillard. Agree, Angie really has something to worry about.

Frenchwoman Marion Cotillard was born into a family of actors and literally grew up in the theater. In 2008, she became the second actress in Oscar history to receive an award for her performance in a foreign language film. However, today the name of the 40-year-old star is mentioned in a completely different context: the world media ascribe to her an affair with the movie "Allies" on the set.

1. Deeply respects Brad Pitt and. “I am not used to commenting on such things. But as the situation escalates and affects the people I love, I need to speak up. First, many years ago I met the man of my life. He is my love, my best friend and the only one I need. Secondly, I really want Angelina and Brad, whom I deeply respect, to find peace in this turbulent time. "

2. In childhood, she was an outsider. “As a child, I did not find a common language with anyone, so I was considered eccentric. Already at the age of seven I started looking for answers to the questions: “Where did I come from? Why am I here? " And at the age of nine I was overtaken by a psychological crisis. It was as if my brain had lost the happy innocence inherent in children in the blink of an eye. At the same time, I had a wonderful family. But from somewhere came a terrible darkness that settled inside me for many years. "

3. Has a masculine character. “When I read the script, I pay little attention to the external image of the heroine, I am more concerned about her inner world. I prefer to be alive, real, suffering. The directors say that I have a masculine character. And Jacques Audiar even thought that I was one of the few actresses who would not be afraid to appear in front of the camera without makeup, crippled. "

4. Dreams of becoming a grandmother. “Since I became a mother, all I have been thinking about is to become a grandmother as soon as possible. I am literally obsessed with this idea, so I hope my children will not hesitate to have their own children, as I once did. I want to be a young grandmother. "

5. Feels uncomfortable on the red carpet. “It took me a long time to learn to be myself on the red carpet. They put you on public display, and some people shout your name and ask you to turn around to take a picture of you. This takes some getting used to. When I first started my career, even photo shoots were a nightmare for me, I thought that I looked disgusting. So I had to learn to be natural. "

6. Fights for the environment.“Our family paid a lot of attention to the topic of environmental protection, for example, we always sort the waste. I was born in Paris and you have no idea how many things are thrown away there instead of being recycled. I pay attention to the origin of the goods that I purchase, whether the manufacturing company uses child labor, whether experiments are carried out on animals ... Of course, I alone cannot change the world, but the responsibility lies with each person. "

7. Negatively relates to plastic surgery. “People who are passionate about plastic surgery are primarily driven by fear. It doesn't matter what they are afraid of - losing their youth, job or something else, but this is fear, and I do not want anything in my life to be dictated by fear. "

8. Don't like yourself on the screen.“I never watch footage. The last time I did this, I had a terrible nervous breakdown, it took ten days before I forced myself to return to the set. Thought: "God, you're the worst actress." Hopefully someday I will gain more confidence. "

Marion Cotillard and her common-law husband Guillaume Canet. Photo: Rex

9. Prefers negative roles. “Playing negative characters is sometimes more interesting, because they often have deeper personalities than the good ones. After all, a person is not born bad, he becomes so. We come to Earth clean, without any evil intentions, and life shapes us in its own way. It is interesting".

10. Will not trade France for America. “I love New York. This city has had a great influence on me. It combines the urban environment and nature. Even when you walk around Manhattan, you can feel the fresh ocean breeze and the scent of blooming parks. However, I have no plans to leave Paris. I love France too much. "