The engine for snow on wheels do it yourself. Snow removal machine with your own hands: a decent alternative to factory models

Snezhnaya Time - Favorite time. Deads: Skiing and Santochki, funny games in the snowballs and the construction of ice locks ... But the owners of country houses are the abundance of snow, it is not very pleased, because it is necessary to take the shovel again and clear the territory. Well, when it is possible to purchase a snow removal machine and turn a seasonal service to a pleasant job. But if there is no extra money to buy a useful "helper", you can always make a snow blower with your own hands from the materials that have long been dusting without a business in the corner of the workshop or barn.

Design # 1 - model of a screw snow blower

We propose first to consider the option how to make a snow blower with your own hands based on the old engine from the motoblock. To do this, prepare:

  • Sheet (roofing) iron for assembling a screw of a screw;
  • Corner 50x50 mm for frame frame;
  • Plywood with a thickness of 10 mm for lateral parts;
  • Halfood tube to arrange the handle of the machine.

Planning to equip the homemade snow blower with air-cooled engine, it is necessary to provide additional protection for the air intake hole from the small particles of snow emitted during operation.

The engine power of this device is 6.5 hp Its quite enough for the cleaning of fresh snow with a nursery territory.

Thanks to the width of the capture of the car at 50 cm, it will be convenient to move the design and clear the winding paths on the site. The machine has compact dimensions, its width does not exceed 65 cm. This allows you to hide a snow blower in the barn as unnecessary to hide a snow blower in the barn, it easily passes through the usual doorway.

For the manufacture of a screw shaft, you can use ¾ inch tube. In the pipe make through propyl necessary for fixing the metal blades with dimensions of 120x270 mm. In the process of work, the captured snowy mass from the transport tape Schneck will move to the blade. This shoulder blade, in turn, under the action of the rotation of the shaft will cast snow to the sides.

Snowflower frame can be welded from steel corners 50x50 mm, and closer to the edges of the design in the pipe to transverse corners, it remains only to weld two corners on each side, the dimensions of which are 25x25 mm

These corners will continue to be attached the engine platform. Creap transverse corners with longitudinal and fix the control handles on them using bolts (M8).

A screw pipe is equipped with a metal blade and four rubber rings D \u003d 28 cm, the material for the manufacture of which can serve as the sidewall of the auto strokes or a 1.5-meter transport tape with a thickness of 1.5 mm.

It is possible to cut the rings from the rubber base using a simple device: to score two screws into a plank, and then this design is tightly fixed on the tape and turn in a circle. It is possible to simplify the cutting procedure using the electrollized

Since the snowplow screw will rotate in self-centering bearings 205, they must be placed on the pipe. In order to make a snow blower himself, you can use any bearings, the main thing - they must be closed. In the role of protective casing for bearings, a support from the cardan of old models of Zhiguli can perform.

Council. To make the design well in the bearings, it needs to make a pair of propilov and cut down slightly. Such manipulations allow a little to reduce the diameter of the shaft.

For the insurance of a homemade auger, it is desirable to provide a safety pin from getting ice. In addition to direct destination - cutting when the screw is jammed, it will serve as a belt fuse (if you set the belt system). A screw drive can be carried out with a chain. The frequency of its rotation at idle comes out about 800 rpm. All the necessary components of a snow blower can be purchased in any specialized store.

For snow garbage, a segment of a plastic sewer pipe D \u003d 160 mm is well suited. It is fixed on the pipe of the same diameter placed on the body of the auger

The continuation of this pipe cut will perform a chute for snow emissions, the diameter of which should be greater than the width of the metal blade of the auger.

Build construction

Before assembling the construction, it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the size of the machine hull must be over a couple of centimeters to exceed the dimensions of the auger itself. This will make it possible to prevent the housing housing mechanism during the work.

Since the snow blower engine in no-way periods can be applied for other purposes, in the design of the unit it is desirable to provide for a quick-consuming convenient platform, thanks to which the engine at any time can be removed without the use of any tools.

A significant advantage of such a constructive solution is the simplicity of cleaning the housing and movable parts of the machine from the rambling snow. Yes, and it is much easier to remove such a snow blower for storage: it is enough to remove the engine and the car will become two times easier.

The basis for skis is wooden bars, which are additionally equipped with plastic lining. Make such linings from the box from the wiring

Snow blower is ready to operate. It remains only to paint the homemade device and start working on clearing snow.

Design # 2 - Rotary Snowpressor "Blizzard"

This pretty simple design apparatus can be made in any workshop equipped with a lathe and a welding machine. A snowgrologist rejected by Penza craftsmen showed itself well even in rather severe conditions of snow notes.

The basis of the design of the device is: an engine with an inserted muffler, a gas tank and a cable for controlling the throttle.

All components of the device can be purchased in the store or take from the same motorbike.

To begin with, it is necessary to make a rotor on the lathe based on the corresponding billet from the detail of the electric motor. Externally, it looks like a steel drive D \u003d 290 mm and a thickness of 2 mm. The disc, connecting with the help of a bolt with a hub, forms a design to which 5 blades are already fastened with welding method. To increase the efficiency of the mechanism of the blade, additionally from the reverse side is amplified by rigidity ribs.

The engine cooling system works on the principle of the fan whose blades are made of duralumin and fixed on the pulley to start the motor

Protects the solder casing fan located on the crankcase lid. To improve the quality of cooling, the cylinder head is placed at an angle of 90 degrees.

A shaft is placed on the rotor housing on the pairwise placed four ball bearings. It is fixed to the body using a steel clamping ring and bolts. The rotor housing itself is pressed against the frame using a special bracket, which partially captures the clamping ring.

Assembly schemes of the main elements of the snow blower "Blizzard"

Removable elements of the machine are the aluminum wall of the rotor housing and placed along the scraper frame.

A significant advantage of the homemade snow removal machine is the ability to adjust the width of the grip by changing the scrapers. At the height and qualitative characteristics of the unit. The weight of the design does not exceed 18 kg, which makes it possible to use it to women, and the snow garbage is about 8 meters.

Ecology of knowledge. Manor: Let's talk about how to make an ordinary shovel or scraper for cleaning the local area after the next snowfall.

Let's talk about how to make an ordinary shovel or scraper for cleaning the local area after the next snowfall. You will definitely be useful if you live in a private house, because it is necessary to clear the area from snow by independently, not counting on utilities.

Of course, it is very convenient to have our own snow removal machine in the farm. Excellent cope with the problem and system of snowy and anti-icing. However, such devices for funds are not every homeowner, many are still forced to work with their hands.

How to make a shovel yourself

Let's start with the simplest and affordable option - shovels for snow from plywood. All you need:

  • A piece of ordinary plywood "fourths" is about 50 by 50 cm. With a larger blade, it will be difficult to work even to an adult and physically strong person;
  • Cut the board length under a piece of plywood, that is, 50 cm for the rear wall, the end of the working part of the shovel;
  • The finished cutting of the old garden tool, the wooden rail of suitable length and strength, aluminum pipe is everything that can serve a comfortable handle for the shovel;
  • Strip from galvanized metal, which we protect the edge of plywood and significantly extend the service life of our shovel;
  • Nails. The most ordinary. You can also use self-tapping screws or screws. And for the cutting of the cutter it is better to take a furniture bolt;
  • From the tool, you will need a jigsaw or saw on a tree, a hammer or screwdriver (depending on what kind of fasteners you use), a tape measure for measurements, pliers to bend a metal strip, Bulgarian to cut it, sandpaper.

First of all, mark the middle plywood on the carved square square - the cuttings will be mounted in this place. In the board, in the middle should cut the hole under the handle of the shovel. The edges of plywood and a wooden rail-handle are cleaned with sandpaper. On the edge of the holder on the oblique spilles the clins, so that it makes it tightly to the plywood. If the stalk you have an aluminum tube - flatten its end. The zinc strip must be bent along the edge of plywood. In principle, all - you can collect a shovel with self-tapping screws or nails. A stalk for loyalty can be additionally fixed by a galvanist strip, which is also attached to the plywood.

If desired, the shovel can be painted. As for purchased options, the simplest shovel for snow will cost 250 rubles. And there is no guarantee that it will last long.

By the same technology, there is a shovel for snow from an aluminum sheet. In this case, behind the sheet should be bend so that it turns out the side of the height of about five centimeters. Sidelights are also made. Since aluminum is a sufficiently soft metal, a strip of galvanized on the front edge of the working surface is also necessary, as in the case of plywood.

Purchased version of shovels for snow from aluminum can cost 400-500 rubles.

Scraper, engine, scraper for snow cleaning can be the most simple plate of all the same light plywood, only in this case experts advise the "six". Leaf dimensions - approximately 1-1.2 m long and 50-60 cm wide. The handle will be not just a stalk, but a design that is attached around the edges of the scraper to be convenient to work with two hands, removing the snow.

At the edges, Phaneru must be reinforced with metal stripes, otherwise the scraper will last very long. The handle can be welded from metal, as well as copold from three wooden plates. The craftsmen advise as a handle for a scraper to take a handle from the old clamshell - it is round, comfortable, durable, perfectly attached to the plywood.

Purchased a simple scraper option, the engine for cleaning snow will cost from 500 to 1200 rubles, depending on the material used and the manufacturer.

Minus an ordinary scraper - it allows it to clean the snow from the paths and the yard, to face it, but will not help throw it, take it out, take off the territory. In this regard, much more convenient scrapers in the form of a bucket, where it is possible to load snow and move behind the territory of the site.

With your own hands, such screensions are already more difficult to make such a sheet, a sheet of stainless steel, which will have to bend, if necessary to engage in welding to give it the shape of a bucket. Such scrapers, scrapers are not in vain often called volokuchi - they allow you to quickly raise snow from the yard, act on the principle of the bulldozer.

Even more comfortable scrapers on wheels or sleds. The bucket can be made from the halves of the metal pipe or barrel, and the wheels take, for example, from the old baby carriage. Stalls will have to boil on their own, but on the snow they go very easily. Published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Cleaning the road from snow in the winter is an important event, besides also healthy for health, if you resort to manual work. But time-consuming! And the more distance, the more you have to spend your strength and time to bring the road to order. And if the tractor is a rare guest in your parts, then a snow cleaning device, a significant simplifying and accelerating harvest process, becomes vital.

So in this case. There is a portion of the road about 250m, which is not cleared by the city administration, because Lane refers to the country cooperative. Those. Technique does not enter here. Call constantly tractor - it is expensive, because There are times when clearing the road from snow takes several times a week. Accordingly, with their own hands, the shovel cleaned the driveway pathways is, at least, time consuming and considerable time. Hence the desire to make a homemade adaptation for the cleaning of snow from the road.

The photo below presents last year's option.

This homemade adaptation for snow cleaning is cling to towing cable to the car hook and rolled along the road. This "grader" (as we were painted him), of course, significantly simplified life last year. After all, it took out to calculate the road just 20 minutes instead of 1.5-2 hours of intensive physical work. But, unfortunately, this option has its drawbacks.

So, that is not suitable in this model "Grader". Weight and shape are those two parameters that in the aggregate reduce its operational parameters. He cries the snow - this is a fact. But because of a small mass and its design when setting a certain number of snow, it begins to rise, as a result of which the snow is partially going, and partially rolled. As a result, the level of the road is growing that in the spring when warming can become a certain problem. Such a clearing of the road from snow is not the best option! To eliminate such a problem, it is necessary to get up on it to someone with a fun (in this role I usually spoke with a child, and my wife was sitting at the wheel of the car) and when set to a certain number of snow, constantly stop and leaving the collected bunch of shovel.

This year it was decided to improve the adaptation for the cleaning of snow. Those. To try to make sure that snow cleaning from the road was performed without unnecessary stops and without the additional attraction of manual labor in the form of discarding the collected coup. And for this, on the basis of small reflections, our fixture for snow clearing should satisfy several requirements:

  • The snow should be assigned to the side, and not to gather in a bunch. To achieve this effect "Grader version 2.0" must be performed in the form of a wedge.
  • The mass of the "grader version 2.0" should be sufficient so that when moving it did not raise it over the snow. To do this, again, it is possible to provide a place for a huge person.
  • Treate to save and spend on making a minimum of finance.

Let's start with the choice of materials. It was originally planned to buy wooden bars 50x50, from which to make a frame. Next, this frame is to strip plywood and start exploiting. But one day, turning the eyes to his site saw that there are several euro pallets from building blocks and a bunch of woods from the disassembled shed. And I was attended by the idea that the wooden tray is already ready for the skeleton of the frame. In addition, to hand over them 50 rubles per piece - it is not cost-effective, because On gasoline, to take them to the point of reception, will leave more. In the case of buying, you will have to spend only 100 rubles per piece. We need only 4 pieces. Those. 400 rubles. These are the same money that they will need to buy bars, only of them will still need to make a frame. Summarizing all the above, I note that I had nothing to buy me. Those. Savings - colossal.

Now directly about the manufacture of the device, with which the snow cleaning from the road should become the maximum simple and fast. First of all, in pairwise sewing euro pallets.

Pallets have the following overall dimensions of 1.2 m to 1m and 1.2 m to 0.8m. I had a pair of each species. The height of the future grader 0.8m and 1m is a bit too much, and the mass of the whole design will be too big. Therefore, I have a little rooted.

Next, you prepare a bar or a board with a length of a width of clearing the road. Those. Cleaning the road from snow will be performed on a certain width of the carriageway. It is 2.1m. It is such a length and chosen a board. After that, we set shields from the pallets in the form of a wedge, trying to combine before the future grader. So that they do not disperse them, you can grab each other with a self-tapping screw or a nail. Now we take the prepared board and fix it to both shields in the back of the grader.

Next, we mount a few more connecting bars in the middle. There will be a pruning of euro pallets. They can be sewed to consolidate strengthen the position of the shields relative to each other and at the same time get a good reserved for weightlifter.

Here we have a rigid construction that can withstand good loads. Now we need to sheathe it. For this, plywood or stainless steel sheets are suitable. But, again, in order to save, you can look in search of suitable, but already unnecessary materials. I had such a trimming of metal tiles. Them and wrapped the frame

The last step remained is to do "ears" to which the cable will be cling. To do this, I used the handles of still Soviet production from some old door. They, by the way, stood on the last version of the grader. As for the level of the installation of the "ears". Mount them stands at the same height, on which the hook of your car is located. If they are lower, then when moving before it will go. If higher, then there will be a grader's back. In any of these two cases, high-quality clearing the road from snow will not work.

Here, in fact, the device for cleaning snow and ready. It looks, of course, not the best way, but performs his tasks properly. You can cling the grader to the car and start working. Snow cleaning from the road using a similar "grader" is an economical, fast and easy solution.

Below is a video in which you can look at the process of cleaning the road from snow by such a device and the result of the work done.

In the cold season, it often happens that all the roads are noticeable snow, it is necessary to get rid of it for the comfort of movement. Clean the snow, the task is not the simplest, often it is tired, but it is worth doing it regularly, to avoid the appearance of large snowdrifts. But if you build a scraper, then it becomes easier to clean the snow. How to build a similar inventory, today we will look at ...

  • First you need to purchase a pipe, the diameter of which should be an eye two hundred seventy millimeters, it will serve the blade for cleaning.

  • Next, we find old metal pipes that will be emphasis. Tubes should be attached wheels and blade.
  • To ensure that the inventory is most convenient, you should take care of the adjustment of the height of the handles.

  • Mount to the bottom of the blade a little transport tape.

This inventory is sufficiently easy to use, well, and materials should not be used to create it.

Varieties of scrapers

One of the most relevant types of scraper is brush scraper. Make a brush often from the pile. Such an inventory should be not particularly difficult, since with a large weight work is much harder to work.

Plastic scraper exceeds the previous version with its low weight, ease of use. It also does not stick it on it. Since it will be easy, it can be done very wide to capture most of the territory.

How to make a scraper from metal

1. First you need a metal sheet, it must be one hundred and fifty centimeters in height and eighty centimeters wide. Also, a metal pipe is up to three meters long, which will serve as a handle, and two corners in length in one meter for the poloz.

3. Confirm the upper part of the scraper by clamps that will help in adjusting the necessary height.

Useful video: hand scraper with their own hands

Inventory for cleaning snow Create in such a way that then it can be compactly folded, in case it needs to be transported, well, or not to occupy a lot of space. With it, remove the snow is very simple, it is also easy to make it with your own hands.