Katarantus in an apartment. Catharanthus flowers: growing from seeds Catharanthus flowers growing

The flower catharanthus belongs to perennial, it is very convenient in that there is no need to purchase seeds for planting every year. But just like for many other perennials, this flower has its own specific care rules.

When grown in wild conditions, cataractus can reach a height of one and a half meters. If you grow a flower in a room, then it will have to periodically trim, since its stems will become bare as they “age”. But at the same time, a flower growing at home will delight you with its flowering all year round. The leaves of the Catharanthus shine and have a dark green color. Flowers can have more than one color. These are, for example, colors such as:

  • white;
  • light lilac;
  • pink.

The diameter of the flower is 3 cm, in the middle of it is a yellow or raspberry-colored eye.

Katarantus ampelous: seed cultivation

There is such a form of this plant as cataractus ampelous. The cultivation of this species from seeds has no difference from any other species, but it still has its own specific characteristics. Ampel forms have a high stem. Ampelic catharanthus must be planted in a pot and hung to a height.


Everyone can grow catharanthus if he adheres to a simple technology of reproduction, planting and proper care.

This flower doesn't like salt soil. To prepare the mixture yourself for its cultivation, you will need to take in equal proportions humus, peat, sand and sod, mix all this. It is also necessary to take into account the moment that the roots of the plant will grow very rapidly, therefore it is necessary to choose a container with a large volume of soil.

Exists several ways of reproduction  Catharanthus:

  • Growing from seeds at home. Currently, the market has a very large selection of seeds of this plant. They are large in appearance and have an almost black color, or rather, dark brown. They must be planted in early spring. In a container with soil, seed is placed 1-2 cm deep and covered with a film. Further, the container is placed in a dark place for a period of 7 to 10 days, the seed should germinate during this time.
  • Cuttings. Material for planting in this case is cut off from the top of the maternal catharanthus, best in spring. In warm weather and proper watering, the shoots take root very quickly and give roots.
  • Division of the bush. Spend it in the spring, already adult bushes can easily be divided. Small separated bushes grow quickly and are very well developed at the new planting site. Delenki can be further grown both on the street and at home.

If you decide to grow it at home, then it is necessary put it in a bright place. It’s better for him when there’s more light. In the opposite case, the stems will become thin, elongate, and the number of flowers on it will decrease and they will become smaller. The best place to find them is the western and eastern windows. It is also necessary to remember the temperature in the room, it should not be lower than 5-8 degrees, and the best for growing is 15-30 degrees. Care must be taken to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, because they can burn its leaves.

Watering the cataractus should be plentiful. It is impossible to allow the soil to dry out, but at the same time there should not be stagnation of water in the soil, this all leads to the death of the plant. Also, the flower likes regular spraying.

This plant requires soil fertilizer every 10 days. At the time of the first flowering, it is necessary to begin to fertilize. Katarantus grows very rapidly, so often there is a need to transplant it into a larger flower pot.

The plant is pruned very much. In the spring you can leave only a small stalk with a height of 15 centimeters. The ampelous appearance is not subjected to this pruning, only those branches that will spoil the appearance require removal. It is worth knowing that when pruning, you must use special tools and gloves for this, since the flower is poisonous.

Pests and diseases

This plant is resistant to pests and diseases. there is the possibility of developing fungal diseases  with heavy watering. In this case, brown spots begin to appear on the leaves.

And if the flower does not have enough moisture in the air, then it can be invaded by a spider mite and scab, and if the plant sprouts on the street, then aphids. Processing operations against pests will be necessary.

Another disease is brown rust. It acts as ulcers on the underside of the leaf and disfigures it.

Atypical diseases can also occur if you do not follow the rules of care. Such diseases include elongated stems, yellowing and curling leaves, dark spots on the leaves. The stalks stretch out when there is a lack of light. The leaves will curl and turn yellow if the flower lacks moisture. And dark spots on the leaves will appear in poor soil, insufficient lighting and poor top dressing.

In order to get rid of possible diseases, the seeds of catharanthus are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, prepared at the rate of 2 grams per liter of water. And so that the seeds are completely saturated with water, they are wrapped in gauze, rolled in two or three layers. In 40 minutes, the seeds will be completely saturated, then they will need to be removed from the solution and dried for 1-2 hours, but in no case under direct sunlight, so the seeds may burn.

The ampelous form of the catharanthus should be immediately planted in the container in which it will constantly grow, since transplant he doesn't like. Therefore, it is immediately worth considering whether the selected pot will suit him after 2-3 years. And since the similarity of the plant is high, then 2-3 seeds are quite enough for one flower pot.

It will be necessary to sow catharanthus at the end of March. Otherwise, the care of the ampelic form implies all the same as the normal form.

As a result, we can say that cataractus will not bring you much trouble in taking care of yourself. In our climate, he took root well, due to its unpretentiousness.

Flowers are able to radically transform the infield. There are many ornamental plants. But exotic options are in great demand today. For example, catharanthus. It impresses with its bright and unusual flowering. How the cultivation of catharanthus occurs: when to plant, how to care for the crop - this article will tell.

Katarantus or periwinkle is a representative of the Kutrov family. The island of Madagascar is recognized. It is a tropical shrub. In Russia, the cultivation of ampelous catharanthus is not an easy task. After all, this culture is very capricious, needs to create certain conditions, constant attention.

The height of the bush reaches 60 centimeters. The trunk is erect, well branched. The leaves are evergreen, have an oblong-lanceolate shape. Their length is about 7 centimeters. The plate is decorated with a glossy sheen. A white streak is visible in the center.

What varieties are suitable for seed cultivation?

Many different varieties of periwinkle are known. Most of them are interspecific hybrids. Thanks to the constant work of breeders, today plants are available that look very compact, bloom profusely and are presented in different shades. There are purple, lilac, raspberry, red and blue specimens. But katarantus pink is more common than the rest.

Below are the most popular varieties of periwinkle:

What methods of reproduction exist?

Wishing that a periwinkle or catharanthus flaunted in the garden or on the windowsill: cultivation should be carried out correctly. You can buy a young culture in the store. Or try to propagate it yourself. It is completely not difficult, so even a beginner can handle it.

There are such options for breeding periwinkle:

  1. Seminal.  The seed selection of this crop is quite wide. In appearance they are large, dark brown. In a week, the seed usually sprouts. Landing is done in early spring.
  2. Cuttings.  This method will require cataractus. From the top of it, cuttings are cut and immersed in water. The procedure is carried out in the spring. In good weather, the shoots quickly take root. Then they are planted in the ground.
  3. By dividing the bush.  Adult plants lend themselves well to division. Separated bushes quickly grow and adapt in a new place. They keep delenki at home or on the street.

How to grow a periwinkle?

Gardeners growing cataranthus from seeds is most often used. The main thing is to buy material from reliable, trusted companies. Further, it all depends on the grower: proper seeding, planting, care.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Sown seeds in the month of February. Growing cataractus from seeds at home, it must be understood that the root zone has the ability to grow greatly. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a larger capacity. The flower prefers salt soil. This mixture is easy to prepare independently from peat, humus, turf and sand. Put prepared soil in a box. Seedling is carried out to a depth of 2 centimeters. Cover with a plastic wrap. It is important to maintain the temperature at +25 degrees. After two weeks, shoots should appear. After that, the pot is transferred to a cooler place. It is important to provide good lighting. When there is a shortage of sunlight, a lamp is used.

As soon as 3 true leaflets appear, they pick out: they plant the plants in separate containers. In good warm weather, seedlings are placed on the balcony.

When the periwinkle reaches a height of 10 centimeters, pinch it, then the bush will grow more magnificent.

Terms and features of planting seedlings of Catharanthus in open ground

Cataranthus seedlings are very tender, instantly reacts to temperature fluctuations. Therefore, transplanted into the open ground in late spring, when the threat of frost passes. This is approximately the month of May. On the street, a temperature of about +20 degrees should be established. Before landing, prepare the place. To do this, dig a hole and make a small amount of expanded clay and finely gravel. Then a mound is poured from the ground and a young plant is placed on it. Sprinkle with soil and lightly press down. After the planting procedure, water moderately.

It should be noted that the periwinkle goes well with low annual plants. For example, with lobelia, petunia, marigolds. With perennial, Purslane Catharanthus also looks very harmonious.

Having planted several types of crops nearby, you can achieve the creation of a unique composition.

Activities for the care of plants in the garden

On the street are shown regular spraying of bushes to increase the level of humidity. It is important to prevent overdrying of the substrate. If there is a moisture deficit, the sheet plate begins to curl. In rainy and cold weather, the plant tends to droop, the flowers fly around. For resuscitation, you need to install an awning over the bush.

With the onset of the spring season, fertilizers begin to be applied. Universal preparations for decorative growing varieties are suitable for this purpose. A solution of ash is also useful. The frequency of top dressing is once every two weeks. Nutrients are added immediately after irrigation. Foliar top dressing is also often used by gardeners. To do this, use the Epin-Extra solution. They spray the bush once a month. With the advent of autumn, they stop fertilizing.

Assumes agrotechnics growing cataranthus also pruning. All yellowed, broken shoots and leaves are removed. However, the crop should not be cut too much. In an open area, the procedure is more of a sanitary nature. It stimulates the formation of new shoots. They hold such an event in the summer. But in room breeding, pruning is needed so that the periwinkle is not stretched by one lash. After wintering, the tips of the shoots are removed. Pruning helps to eliminate flowering.

Periwinkle is recognized as one of the most popular decorative cultures. It is actively grown to decorate garden plots, bred in room conditions. The plant blooms profusely and very beautifully. But in order for the catharantus to grow and develop well, it is important to provide him with appropriate conditions of detention. Check out the article:

Katarantus is a spectacular evergreen tropical flower, also known to Russian florists as pink periwinkle. It is not as widespread as petunia or nasturtium, but in terms of abundance of flowering it is not inferior to these crops. In this article, we will consider the cultivation of catharanthus from seeds in the open ground, propagation by cuttings, and what top dressing and fertilizers are best used.

The origin and general characteristics of the catharanthus

The botanical genus Katarantus belongs to the Kutov family and has eight species. Seven of them are considered endemic to the island of Madagascar, and one is from India. In culture, the only one cultivated is Madagascar pink periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus).

It is noteworthy that this plant is appreciated not only by flower growers, but also by herbalists. In herbal medicine, periwinkle is used as a powerful anti-cancer agent.

Cultivated cataractus is a highly branched herbaceous shrub. Shoots up to 60 cm high, branch in the upper part. Leaves are lanceolate, large, glossy, dark green in color. Five-petalled flowers, with a flat nimbus, about 3 cm in diameter, are located in the axils of the upper leaves in small inflorescences. Catharanthus is characterized by long, extended flowering from June to October.

   The flower-shaped catharanthus resembles phlox.

Catharanthus in the room and in the open ground

Indoors, the catharanthus is able to demonstrate continuous, almost year-round flowering. Of course, this costs the plant dearly, and it quickly depletes, losing attractiveness. Based on this, it is rather difficult to decide where it is better to grow periwinkle. Some gardeners prefer something in between: they grow catharanthus in containers, which are exposed outside in the summer and sent “in the winter” in the fall.

Tip # 1. If you have small children or pets in the house, you need to be careful when growing catharanthus. The leaves of this plant contain alkaloids that can cause severe poisoning.

Bush and ampelous varieties of catharanthus

Periwinkle pink today is not only pink. Breeders bred curious hybrids of different colors and types of habit. The most popular varieties of catharanthus are presented in the table:

Series Name Characteristic
Albus Snow-white flowers with a yellowish core. Shoots upright, up to 25 cm high.
Pacific Large flowers with a bright red “eye” in the center. The color of the petals can be different - white, wine, apricot, pink. The bush is compact, up to 35 cm tall.
First kiss A prestigious American variety show regularly receiving awards at exhibitions. The flowers are large, unusual colors. The most interesting, but almost inaccessible in Russia variety is Blueberry. The color of the corolla is purple-blue.
Bark cascade A series of ampelous varieties. The length of the stems can reach 1.5 meters. All hybrids of the series are resistant to late blight and have a wide palette of colors - cherry, lilac, burgundy, etc.
Mediterranean Another ampelous form with rapid bush growth. Large flowers are presented in three palettes: white, pink and scarlet.

  Ampelic catharanthus look spectacular in hanging planters

Cultivation of catharanthus: seed and vegetative propagation of catharanthus

Catharanthus propagates very easily - both by seed and vegetatively. Consider in more detail breeding methods.

Cataranthus propagation by seed

Catharanthus seeds are small, usually they are few in a bag, therefore it is more convenient to sow them one by one in peat tablets. Cultivation of seedlings is carried out according to this technology:

  1. At the end of February, seeds are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin.
  2. Peat tablets are dissolved. Seeds are laid out in the recesses in the center of the tablets and lightly dripped with a toothpick.
  3. The tablets are placed in a microparic and kept at a temperature of + 25 ° C. Shoots appear 2-3 weeks after sowing.
  4. After emergence, the cover is removed from the greenhouse and the seedlings are placed under the phytolamp.
  5. When the roots begin to sprout through the membrane of the tablets, peat pots are filled with soil. Special soil for geraniums is best suited for catharanthus. In the center of the pots, a hole is made, tablets are placed in it and instilled.
  6. When the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, they pinch the top. This will help form compact, lush bushes.
  7. When heat comes, seedlings of cataranthus begin to temper on the balcony.
  8. When the air temperature in the street starts to warm up to + 20⁰С, young plants are transferred to open ground.

Propagation of catharanthus by cuttings

Least of all hassle is the cuttings of the catharanthus. To propagate the favorite variety or to prepare young bushes to replace the old plant, cut green shoots 10-15 cm long. The lower leaves are removed, the Kornevin slice is dusted and placed in a moist mixture of peat and perlite (1: 1). On top of the tank cover with a lid from a mini-steamer.

  An adult catharanthus tolerates a transplant painlessly, but it is better not to injure young plants once again and grow them in separate cups

Features of agricultural technology of catharanthus in the room

With proper care, a room catharanthus can live quite a while. But this will require a lot of effort to replenish the energy spent on flowering.

A florist growing vinca in a room has two ways:

  1. Stimulate the plant to uninterrupted flowering and regularly update it with cuttings.
  2. To grow a catharanthus as a perennial, giving it a winter "respite."

The second way is less troublesome. The work plan looks like this:

Time Event
March Pinch the plant, shortening all the shoots by one third. Prepare a container 3-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. They fill it with fresh soil and transship the catharanthus along with an earthen lump. Place the flower on the western or eastern windowsill.
Beginning of april The plants are fed with a complete complex fertilizer for beautifully flowering crops.
End of spring When stable temperatures occur and the air warms up to + 20 ° C, the catharanthus is taken out to the balcony. The place should be chosen with a diffused shadow, protected from drafts.
Summer The plant is fed every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering plants. Faded flowers and yellowed lower leaves are wiped away. Keep track of soil moisture.
End of August They bring plants into the room, stop fertilizing and reduce watering. Remove all yellowed or broken shoots. The temperature is reduced to + 15-17 ° C.

Catharanthus is kept in such conditions until spring, providing adequate lighting.

Tip # 2. Katarantus requires high humidity. If it is constantly grown in a room with dry air, you need to purchase a humidifier. Conventional spraying is worse, as it spoils the appearance of the flower.

  To maintain stable humidity around the catharanthus, you can use a sphagnum placed in a pan with a pot

Features of agricultural technology of catharanthus in the garden

If catarantus is grown in the garden as a container culture, then its agricultural technology is no different from growing indoor periwinkles. If the plant is planted directly in the ground, the following are added to the autumn events:

  1. In late September or early October, when flowering ceases, the bush is dug up.
  2. Cut off all the shoots by one third and place the bush in a large pot with a mixture of sand, peat and garden soil.
  3. They are transferred to a room with a temperature of + 15-17 ° C and kept until spring in conditions of reduced watering.

During the summer, it is important to constantly feed the catharanthus to give it the opportunity to bloom well. As fertilizers, you can use the following formulations:

Title Characteristic Application rate
"Agricola for flowering plants"
Water soluble powder high in potassium and phosphorus. Extends the flowering period and increases the number of buds. 2.5 g per 1 liter of water when watering under the root.
POKON for flowering plants Solution with balanced NPK complex. Promotes the formation of a powerful bush, prolongs flowering. 10 ml per 1 liter of water when watering under the root or foliar top dressing.
“Bona Forte for flowering plants” Complete fertilizer in the form of a solution. It activates flowering, promotes the formation of large flowers with bright colors. 10 ml per 1.5 liters of water when watering under the root.
"Blank Leaf for Flowering Plants" Crystalline concentrated fertilizer. Strengthens the brightness of the flower, increases resistance to diseases and pests. Half a measuring spoon for 10 liters of water for foliar dressing.
"Master" for flowering plants A full range of chelated minerals. Promotes the friendly formation of buds, intense coloring and increases resistance to disease. 5 g per 2 liters of water when watering under the root.

  For long, plentiful flowering, cataractus is fed throughout the season with an interval of 2 weeks

Disease Prevention and Pest Protection

Katarantus can be attacked by sucking pests - aphids, scutes, spider mites. Insecto-acaricides can be used to protect against them. Well-known drugs are "Actellic", "Akarin", "Fitoverm", "Oberon", "Marshal".  All of them effectively relieve plants from both insects and ticks.

3 mistakes when growing Catharanthus

Problems with diseases and pests of cataractus arise mainly due to improper care of the plant. Florists often make such mistakes:

  1. Do not monitor humidity.

Periwinkle is a tropical plant. In conditions of dryness, it begins to drop part of the leaves, and the tips of the remaining ones dry out. A spider mite sits on such a weakened plant with pleasure.

  1. Pour catharanthus.

In potted plants, this causes the development of root rot. In open ground, overmoistening of the soil provokes stagnation of raw air in the lower part of the plant and the occurrence of fungal infections.

  1. Do not comply with the feeding and lighting conditions.

In such a situation, the catarhus drops unopened buds, weakens and becomes the object of attack by insect pests. In general, the periwinkle, which contains a lot of alkaloids in the cell sap, is a quite stable plant.

  Direct sunlight is the enemy of the catharanthus. This plant needs diffused light.

Questions gardeners about growing Catharanthus

Question number 1. Is it possible to sow catharanthus seeds immediately in open ground?

It is possible, but only in the southern regions of Russia. In the middle lane and to the north, he will not have time to bloom in the first year. Sow seeds in the ground in the spring, after the establishment of stable heat.

Question number 2. Is it possible to plant several seedlings of catharanthus in one pot?

Katarantus tolerates close proximity well. Therefore, planting in one capacity of 2-3 seedlings is often practiced. Thus, a greater visual splendor of the landing is achieved. In the open ground, you can do the same, and plant several quarantines nearby. But you still need to observe a certain interval - in rainy weather and poor ventilation of the bushes, the risk of fungal infections increases. The optimal distance between the bushes of the catharanthus is 30 cm.

Question number 3. Why do leaves of catharanthus turn yellow?

There can be many reasons for this problem. You need to look at the nature of yellowing. For example, if the completely yellow leaves are soft, lethargic, the plant needs to be removed from the sun. If only the tips turn yellow, the cataranthus is dry. Yellowing and falling of the lower leaves on the shoots is a normal process.

Question number 4. Katarantus does not bloom. What to do?

Most likely, the plant does not have enough heat. Cool air slows down the process of bud formation. This feature is used in the preparation of the cataranthus for wintering. Another reason is that the plant needs rejuvenation. You can cut off the old shoots by one third, feed the caterpillar and wait for the lateral branches to grow.

Katarantus is a perennial. Very beautiful during the flowering period. He came to us from Madagascar, so he loves heat and moisture. In nature, one of its species is found in Sri Lanka and India. Winters in the open ground only in the southern regions: Kuban, Western Georgia, Western Transcaucasia, in the absence of low winter temperatures. As a culture of decorative floriculture gained fame from the XVIII century.

The plant is poisonous, but it has a unique medicinal composition. Contains alkaloids. On its basis, drugs are produced for chemotherapy in oncology. Catharanthus tinctures help get rid of polyps, fibromas. Many recipes of traditional medicine contain it in their composition. At home, you should not study the therapeutic effect.

Flower description

  Katarantus pink ampelous (Vinca rosea)

Katarantus perennial shrub. The height of the plant grown in the greenhouse can reach up to 0.6 m. In a potted culture is much lower, since regular pruning is necessary. Without pruning, the flower loses its decorative effect. The branches are stretched and exposed.

Recently, it has been practiced to grow it as an annual and use it in the design of gardens. Straight stems branch at the top, covered with dark green leaves. The shape of the sheet plate is lanceolate, the surface is shiny, about 7 cm in size.

Flowers are located in the sinuses singly or in groups. The color is varied: white, pink, lavender, blue, purple, you will not list everything. Every year new hybrids of unique colors are created. Indoor blooms all year round. Plants planted in the garden in spring, delight with flowers all summer, finish flowering in autumn.

Thanks to the successful work of breeders, many interspecific hybrids of catharanthus of a wide variety of colors have been created. The most popular combined in the variety series:

  • Culer;
  • Ocellatus;
  • Parasol;
  • First kiss;
  • Cascade
  • Pacifica

Plants related to variety series Culer  - These are lush bushes, highly branched. Height 0.4 m.

The most popular varieties:

  1. Grape Cooler. Lavender pink flowers, pink eye.
  2. Pepermint Cooler. The flowers are white, the eyes are red.
  3. Red Cooler. The flowers are red.

IN   variety series First Kiss,  small varieties are combined with flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.

Bred varieties of 13 colors. New - First Kiss Blueberry. The color is blue violet.

  CATHARANTUS flower CATHARANTHUS roseus ‘First Kiss Blueberry’

Series Mediterranean, Cascade  combine varieties that were bred for growing them in hanging planters. Give long shoots (1.5 m). The flowers are large.

Katarantus ampelny Bark of the Cascade (Cora Cascade)

Pacifica. Plants of this series are unpretentious, start to bloom early, depend on weather conditions a little. In the south they can grow in open ground. They grow well in indoor conditions or in container culture.

Popular varieties:

  1. Pacifica Burgundy. Carmine red, white eye.
  2. Pacific White (White).
  3. Pacific Apricot (Apricot color. Center red).
  4. Pacific Ice Pink (Pink).

Katarantus propagated: seeds, cuttings, division of the bush. To obtain new plants of the original color, it is worth purchasing seeds of new interesting varieties and growing seedlings at home.

When to sow seedlings

Sowing seeds is carried out in February, or in early March. For seedlings, the best time is considered mid-February. Strong seedlings will have time to form before the end of May.

Land and seed preparation

Before sowing, it is necessary to conduct seed treatment. Prepare a solution:

  1. Water - 1 l.
  2. Manganese - 2 g.

It will also take gauze or bandage. Seeds are wrapped and dipped in a pink solution. Keep at least half an hour. Be sure to rinse and dry. Processing is carried out the day before sowing.

Soil requirements, it should be:

  • fertile;
  • wet
  • PH \u003d 5.5;
  • without excess salt.

Take the same amount:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus;
  • sheet land.

When buying ready-made soil, choose a soil mixture for pelargonium. Spill the soil prepared at home with boiling water. For disinfection.

Pour the treated soil into containers prepared for sowing. Compact and water the earth. When the soil is saturated with moisture, decompose the seeds. Cover them with a 1.5 cm layer of earth. It is recommended to close the containers with a black film. It is believed that seeds should germinate in the dark.

Sprouts will appear after 7 days if the room temperature is optimal (25 C). At lower temperatures, the rate of germination decreases. Remove the black film as soon as the plants hatch.

Containers with seedlings put on the windowsill. If there is a choice, then to the western window. After 14 days, young plants can be fed. Well-proven fertilizer Uniflor-growth.

Plants that have reached 7 cm, with at least two leaves are ready to dive. Take the same soil as for sowing, in the same proportions. Take containers separate. Dive carefully. Without damaging the root system.

In one pot, two or three sprouts can be transplanted. With this landing, lush bushes are obtained. Seedling care includes:

  • spraying;
  • watering every two weeks;
  • top dressing.

At the end of spring, prepare a sunny place for landing. Dig the earth carefully. Prepare the planting holes, position them no closer than 30 cm from each other. Drainage is required. Lay it on the bottom and sprinkle it on top with a layer of soil. Roots do not like stagnation of moisture.

Plant seedlings after the weather is warm. In June, when the air warms up to 20 ° C, plant the plants in the wells. To water.


Katarantus tropical plant moisture is necessary for it. All summer it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil to prevent drying out. In rainy weather, provide airing of bushes during continuous planting. This will protect against disease. In addition to irrigation, carry out irrigation. Do it in the evenings or early in the morning.


Pinching the top of the shoot will help to get a decorative bush of catharanthus. Removing the tops stimulates the emergence of new shoots. More shoots - more flowers. The more plentiful the flowering, the higher the decorative effect.

Top dressing

For feeding, you will need a special complex fertilizer, apply it to the soil every ten days.

Recently, cultivars of catharanthus bred are easy to grow in apartment conditions. The rules of care are quite simple. If they are followed, it is possible to provide long and plentiful flowering.

Given the love of the Catharanthus for diffused light, place the container on windows facing west or east, protect them from direct sunlight. Leaves may get burned.

In the summer, you can decorate the balcony, terrace, gazebo with containers with flowering catharanthus. The main thing is to protect it from rain and wind. At the end of summer, bring it into the house.

For winter maintenance, sufficient room illumination and a temperature of 18 ° C are required. It is not recommended to allow overcooling of roots, waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, watering is carried out in winter less often than in summer, top dressing is completely excluded.

In summer, pots with plants can be placed in pallets filled with pebbles and water, this will help to avoid overdrying the soil. In addition, spray the plant with warm water every day. The plant blooms and actively develops in the summer, needs nutrients. Fertilize every ten days. It is convenient to use liquid complex fertilizers.

Pruning is required for indoor plants. At the beginning of spring, each shoot must be shortened. Leave 2⁄3 of the length. This technique:

  • rejuvenates the plant;
  • allows you to achieve a beautiful shape;
  • promotes flowering.

A transplant is required for a houseplant every year. The root system of the Catharanthus is actively developing. A sign that the pot is small - yellow leaves, lack of flowers. The best time to transplant is spring. It is required:

  • larger pot;
  • drainage;
  • soil for pelargonium.

Katarantus can be propagated vegetatively:

  • Cuttings;
  • By dividing the bush.


Cuttings are cut early in the spring, healthy strong branches are chosen from adult bushes. The tops (12 cm) are cut. In the cuttings, the lower leaves are removed and placed in a solution with a growth stimulator. At this time, prepare a container with soil, consisting of fertile land and sand (1: 1), pour it with warm water.

Prepared cuttings are placed in the finished substrate. Cover them with a jar. The air in the room should be warm. Not lower than 20 C. Cuttings take root and grow in three weeks. Until this time, moisten the substrate and spray the cuttings. Rooted plants are transplanted into pots.


The division is carried out in the spring: March, April. Adult bush split. Delenki planted in separate pots or in the garden on a flower bed.

The main plant pests:

  • spider mite;
  • feltman;
  • scale shield.

Regular inspection of the bushes will help to stop the spread of the pest in time. Particularly careful should be in the fall, when returning flower pots to the house.

If aphid is found. Prepare a soap solution and rinse the flower well with it. In indoor conditions, plants are regularly sprayed with water, this is a good disease prevention. If pests are found, treat the bush with any insecticide.

Symptoms of excessive light: soft leaves, lack of shine on them, yellowing. Shading or moving to a less lit place will help.

The yellow tips of the leaves indicate dry air. It is necessary to spray or install a humidifier in the room.

Catharanthus - seed growing: video

The time spent on caring for the plant will not be in vain. Katarus will long delight with its wonderful flowers, decorate the house and garden.

Carantus (Latin: Catharanthus) is a genus of ornamental plants, represented by both herbaceous annuals and evergreen perennials, and shrubs. Only eight of its species are known. Seven grows on the island of Madagascar, and one - in India.

Abroad and in our country, catharanthus is grown as a garden and indoor plant. However, you can see it in summer cottages and in apartments of amateur gardeners quite rarely. Most likely, the fact is that all parts of this plant are poisonous. Therefore, in a house in which there are small children or pets, it is not recommended to grow catharanthus.

Plant description

Katarantus (whose photo you see on this page) is a spectacular plant 30-60 cm tall with an erect branching branch. Its flowers are somewhat reminiscent of, but unlike the latter, they are not collected in inflorescence. Catharanthus is also very similar to balsamines.

Pretty large flowers (3 cm in diameter) smell absolutely nothing. May be pink, pale purple or white. In the middle there is always a beautiful yellow or raspberry “eye”. The plant is attractive not only thanks to the flowers that cover each bush with a hat in the form of a ball, but also to bright leaves with a spectacular white streak in the middle. Every year, grown in room conditions, the catharanthus is becoming more magnificent and more beautiful.
Flowering continues from May to November.

There is also such a form as cataractus ampelous. Growing from seeds of this species is practically no different from growing any other, but has some of its own characteristics. Ampel forms are distinguished by a long stem. Such varieties are planted in pots and suspended in pots at a height. Hanging stems with bright colors look very impressive.

Where to buy seeds?

In household plots and in apartments, only one species of this plant is grown - pink catharanthus. Outwardly, it strongly resembles a periwinkle - a flower that feels rather well in central Russia. Although this is not entirely correct, in our country these two plants are sometimes identified. Therefore, seeds, including those in the form of ampelous catharanthus, can often be seen on sale under the name “Pink Periwinkle”. Buying them is not at all difficult both online and in specialized stores. Usually imported seed is sold. But if you wish, you can find Russian.

In home gardens, this tropical plant is grown as an annual. You will not be able to collect the seeds yourself. In our climate, they simply do not ripen.

Seed preparation

Any plant, whether it be a decorative flower or a garden crop, develops faster and is less sick if the planting material is carefully prepared. Katarantus is ampelous, growing from seeds of which is not much different from caring for any other indoor plant, is no exception in this regard. Planting material should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per liter). For disinfection, the seeds are wrapped in gauze and dipped in a prepared pinkish liquid for half an hour.
Sowing them for seedlings can begin at the end of February.

What should be the soil?

Of course, like any other plant, catharanthus also requires special. Growing from seeds (you can see them at the top) assumes that you follow approximately the same rules as growing garden crops for seedlings. This plant loves loose and nutrient rich soils. For transplanting into open ground, seedlings are best sown in separate cups. If the flower will be the decoration of the apartment, you should immediately take a pot. This plant does not tolerate transplantation too well. In cups plant one seed in the middle. In the pot you can put 3 pcs. Three plants at once in one container, hanging down, will look like one magnificent. The seeds of catharanthus emerge very amicably and quite quickly.

It is important to choose the composition of the soil itself. It is best to mix sheet and turf soil, sand, peat and humus in equal proportions. When growing in a pot, it is imperative to arrange drainage. To do this, pebbles are poured to the bottom and covered with a piece of dornite (moisture-permeable) or not too dense tissue. Top lay the soil.

Where will the plant feel best?

A pot or cups should be placed on the windowsill of a window facing the east or west side. Katarantus is ampelous, growing from seeds of which requires some effort, loves plenty of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight on leaves. Therefore, on clear days, the sprouted plants will need to be slightly shaded. The ampel shape hanging from the balcony looks very nice. Therefore, if desired, the seeds can be planted in a long box and in the spring carry it to the loggia.

The same rules apply when planting seedlings in open ground. It is best to make a tall flower bed on the east or west side of the house or gazebo. You can also plant ampelous catharanthus in large tubs. It is allowed to transfer seedlings to the street immediately after the morning frost stops.

Watering young plants

Most tropical plants love heavy watering. Amaranth catharanthus is no exception in this regard. Growing from seeds, just like propagation by cuttings, involves periodic and fairly frequent moistening of the soil. It is very good if during watering the water will fall on the stems with leaves. In no case should stagnation of moisture be allowed. Otherwise, the plant may simply become ill and begin to rot.

Soil fertilizer

Not a single decorative flower, and especially grown in a pot, can do without periodic recharge. Of course, this applies to such as catharanthus. Growing from seeds (photo of a standard pack on the left), as well as cultivation by cuttings, involves fertilizing in spring and summer at least twice a month. In addition to this, young bushes and adult catharanthus need to be watered from time to time with water, with fertilizers dissolved in it. It is best to purchase a composition intended for indoor flowers in a specialized store. With a lack of nutrients, the plant develops poorly and practically does not bloom.

Pruning plants

Conventional Catharanthus pruning very much. In the spring, leave only a small stalk, about 15 cm high. Katarantus ampelous does not require such pruning. Weaving forms with long stems only slightly form. This means that you need to remove only those branches that spoil the appearance of the plant. You can also slightly pinch the tops of the side shoots. In this case, you should definitely use special tools. You can’t just pinch off the plants with your hands, because, as already mentioned, they are poisonous.

Diseases and Pests

Ampelic cataractus (whose photo can be seen on the right) is sick rarely. Sometimes aphids can appear on the leaves. The most unpleasant disease affecting the cataractus is the columnar (the leaves are covered with pale yellow-green spots). Unfortunately, no treatment methods have been developed. Also, sometimes a plant can become infected with a spider mite or scab.

Another disease that affects a flower is brown leaf rust (pustules on the underside). Cataractus can be cured of this scourge using dithiocarbamate fungicides.

What methods of reproduction still exist?

Propagated by Catharanthus seeds, as well as cuttings.
In the latter case, usually not yet lignified (or not too lignified) stem branches are usually taken. When cutting, you need to ensure that at least one knot is on the handle. As for the first method, then in the article above it is considered in sufficient detail.

You can find a lot of information on the Internet about how to grow catharanthus from seeds (forum, blog - there are quite a lot of them). Experienced gardeners usually speak of this plant as not requiring special care, but not tolerating insufficient watering. Therefore, if there is no lack of water on the site, it is necessary to use this wonderful flower to decorate it.

Winter care when growing indoors

This plant is not too whimsical and very grateful. With proper care, it will surely delight you with abundant flowering throughout the warm season. In winter, catharanthus is kept cool - at a temperature of about 14-15 degrees. However, it is imperative to ensure that the soil does not become cold. In addition, watering should be slightly reduced. With excess moisture in the cold season, the plant may rot the base of the stem.

So, we hope that now you understand how to grow Catharanthus from seeds. This plant is unusually effective, not too demanding and is perfect for planting both on the street, and on the balcony or in the room. Indian healers often use it as a medicine. It is even believed that it can cure cancers and diabetes. However, of course, you should not try to make medicinal formulations of it at home. Ingestion and even simple contact with the skin can lead to poisoning.