The richest people in the world according to Forbes. The powers that be: the most influential people in the world The state of the richest man in the world and how he earned his capital

is a very wealthy investor. He manages to remain one of the richest people on the planet thanks to additional sources of income. The oligarch manages to receive significant sums of money through investments in the engineering industry, the railway industry, and activities related to waste processing.

The richest people in the world, according to Forbes, in 2018 - Warren Buffett, he occupies the third position in the ranking. His personal net worth is $75.6 billion.

Compared to 2017, there is a steady rise in business. Growth is estimated at about 14.8 billion.

Warren Buffett

In order to reduce risks, Warren is trying to expand his investment portfolio. The main investments are connected with oil, metallurgical and food industries. Not so long ago, Buffett became the owner of a steel holding company called Precision Castparts.

The deal turned out to be very profitable. Now there is an active investment of funds through the purchase of shares in oil companies, investing in Tim Hortons, Burger King.

The creator and owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, has risen to the third line of the list of the richest people in the world.

Space travel is the main passion of the billionaire

Jeff Bezos' company Blue Origin is developing reusable rockets.

Its assets are estimated at $72.8 billion. This amount was the reason for the rise in the rating due to the strong growth of the shares (67%) of the company. The profit from the rise of Amazon stock quotes amounted to $ 27.6 billion.

Owners of billions

One of the richest people in the world, according to Forbes, is Carlos Slim Elu from Mexico with a fortune of $54.5 billion. In 2018, positive changes are taking place in his capital, the increase reaches 4.5 billion rubles.

Carlos Slim Elu

Slim Elu was also able to get into the list of the richest people due to the fact that he is a shareholder of the American publishing house The New York Times, and his dollar among the shareholders is very significant. The tycoon controls Grupo Carso (a conglomerate), Grupo Financiero Inbursa, Ideal's financial structure.

The top 10 richest people include Mark Zuckerberg (5th in Forbes) as he owns $56 billion. The success of this man, about whom a film was even made, is associated with the creation of the Facebook social network.

He is the head of the network today. Mark's capital has only been growing lately. Interestingly, this rich philanthropist is going to sell almost all the shares of his company for charitable purposes (99%).

Mark Zuckerberg

Larry Ellison was able to earn a little less (52.2 billion). Ellison got into the rating due to the fact that he heads Oracle Corporation, is the main shareholder in NetSuite Inc. He is an initial investor in (an American company).

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The richest people in Belarus

Larry Ellison prefers to use his fortune in sponsoring specialized competitions in the USA. Alison constantly acquires real estate.

Everyone in the United States has heard of the surname Bloomberg, since Michael Bloomberg was the mayor of New York. He owns $47.5 billion as of 2018. He was ranked 10th out of the 100 richest people on the planet because he skillfully founded the Bloomberg agency and manages it.

Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg spends a lot on charitable causes. The comparative table compiled by Forbes experts indicates the growth of his capital. A few years ago, Michael was awarded the Order of Great Britain, he is an honorary knight commander.

The most significant personalities on the planet

Becoming the richest person in the world is possible thanks to successful investments, a good choice of profession, the creation of a significant invention, etc. In addition to the ratings of the richest people, the list of 100 subjects is updated annually. It is compiled by Time magazine in America.

Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, is on the list, joining Hollywood actors, singers, other politicians, businessmen, and designers.

In order to obtain a description of each subject, the editors invited famous personalities: P. Poroshenko, B. Obama, M. Kane, etc. Influential people of the world are determined by the vote of readers. Vladimir Putin was able to get the most votes.

Putin turned out to be more influential than US President Barack Obama and Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor. It was V. Putin who won almost 7% of the vote in 2018. Putin owes these changes to the worsening economic situation in his country.

According to the political scientist of the United States of America Ian Bremmer, Putin provokes a feeling of admiration in people around the world.

Other influential people in the world in the top five:
  • singer Rihanna;
  • Lady Gaga;
  • Taylor Swift;
  • 2NE1 - CL (soloist of a South Korean pop group).

The magazine prepared 5 copies of the cover for printing. They depict personalities whose names are very popular and influential. Among them are Kanye West, Bradley Cooper, Misty Copeland, Ruth Bader, Jorge Ramos.

Rihanna is on the list of influential people

The list also includes such influential people of the world as Reese Witherspoon, Julianne Moore, Emma Watson, Diane von Furstenberg, Bradley Cooper, Alexander Wang, Kim Kardashian, etc.

Live and get rich

The richest people have many worries every day. What are the real thoughts of rich people, how to live in order to become better every day, increase your wealth, enjoy life?

When a person was able to earn a decent fortune, he certainly has his own specific life philosophy, which he adheres to.

It is interesting that not all tycoons live in a big way, they are used to spending a lot, some live a modest life. Everything is connected with the fact that each individual subject has his own attitude towards money.

Where do the richest people live? For example, Warren Buffett still lives in a house that he bought back in the middle of the last century for $31,500. According to his philosophy, you need to live in a room that fully meets all needs, not being equal to the mansions of others.

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Frederic Idestam

The billionaire strictly adheres to this golden rule, since he sees happiness in completely different things. In most cases, the homes of the richest people are worth a lot of money. They are located in resort towns, in the capitals of highly developed countries, on islands, etc.

Warren Buffett's house

Another exception has to do with Mark Zuckerberg, which shows that the thoughts of the richest people can be unexpected. Despite the huge fortune, Mark believes that the main decoration of a person is modesty.

In the photo, it is easy to see that the creator of Facebook prefers to use the Acura sedan as a means of transportation. The cost of the car is only 30 thousand dollars, while the financial possibilities allow Mark to drive luxury cars or a huge yacht. Mark also believes that, most importantly, in a car - practicality, not pathos.

Acura Zuckerberg

Secrets of rich personalities are different. Carlos Slim Elu is a very wealthy Mexican who has been described as a very wealthy man. When asked how to become the richest person, he replies that you need to save money from your very youth. The sooner you start accumulating, the better the result will be.

The accumulated capital must be able to properly manage. If you learn this, then prosperity in life is guaranteed. It does not really matter what you do, what your profession is.

However, it is necessary to act reasonably, without causing harm to people and the environment. The basis of success, according to the rich man, is goal setting.

Richard Branson

The rich people of the planet, including Michael Bloomberg, often argue in their interviews that in order to achieve wealth and recognition, you need to independently realize what is really needed, what is good for a particular subject, and follow this conclusion exclusively.

Although Bloomberg has a successful business, he only owns 2 pairs of shoes. Black loafers, in his opinion, are ideally combined with all his suits and allow you to experience a feeling of comfort. An investment of dollars should be exceptionally useful.

Hollywood success

You don't have to have your own business to be on the Forbes list. Among the 100 richest people are talented actresses. The ranking of the wealthiest actresses of 2016 in Hollywood has been compiled.

The film "Snow White and the Huntsman" brought immense popularity, a high fee and superiority to Kristen Stewart, who is only 22 years old. She managed to earn $34.5 million. The actress became famous after playing in the Twilight Saga.

Kristen Stewart

Further, Cameron Diaz is included in the ranking on the second line. Her earnings amounted to 34 million dollars. The film "Bad Teacher", which shows a rather specific American humor, turned out to be very successful. At the box office, the income was 216 million.

Sandra Bullock's fortune increased by $25 million. In the photo, Sandra can be seen absolutely happy, because she manages to do an excellent job with all the roles. The film "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" is no exception.

The fourth line rightfully belongs to Angelina Jolie, her earnings are 20 million. Her fortune is earned not by successful roles, but by excellent photos, as she regularly takes part in photo shoots of the most fashionable magazines.

The richest person in the world was making over $3,000 a minute in 2019. His fortune is estimated at 131 billion dollars. And this, oddly enough, is neither Bill Gates, who has been recognized several times as the wealthiest man in the world.

The richest people in the world, included in the TOP 10, own more than half of all the money in the world. This is the data that was published in the IMF report in 2017. Since then, the situation has not changed dramatically. However, new faces have entered the list of the richest people in the world.

TOP richest people in the world

According to Forbes, the richest people in the world have long been ranked in the TOP 100. But the TOP-10 rating is constantly changing, depending on the trends of the global market.

Thus, the richest person in the world in 2020 is Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon. Its nearest competitor needs to make great efforts to overtake it. Considering that the popularity of the Amazon service is growing every year, experts predict an even greater backlog of Bill Gates.

Success stories: how to become the richest

It is interesting to know how rich people made their fortune in order to know in which direction to move in order to repeat their feat. Studying the success story of another person can often lead to the desired results.

The rapid growth of his income is due to a sharp increase in the price of his company's shares. In 2017, the value of Amazon grew by 59%. The businessman is constantly improving the quality of his service, which makes him very popular in the world.

Jeff Bezos is the richest man on the planet

The entrepreneur has spent his entire life building networks for international sales. But he decided to create Amazon only at the end of 1994. He also has a company Blue Origins, which is developing projects for the development of space tourism.

Jeff Bezos is actively involved in charity work. Every year he spends millions of dollars to fight cancer. He also founded the Bezos Family Foundation, whose funds are used to invest in science and education.

Its fortune is based on successful competition with other software producers. Today, most people use Windows on their computers. The use of licensed software and the release of games and other programs by Microsoft increase the income of the organization and its founder.

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.

He also owns the Corbis Corporation, which specializes in creating licensed photographs and videos. Its main idea is that over time people will decorate their houses not with paintings, but with their electronic versions. Today there is active cooperation with leading museums of the world.

bgC3 (Bill Gates Company 3) provides a research center. The entrepreneur invests a lot of money in it for the development of software technologies and information security.

Bill Gates is also the founder of the largest charitable foundation named after himself and his wife. The foundation's mission is to improve the world's health care system and fight hunger.

He owns more than 60 companies. He invests in various companies, acquiring a share of shares, which allows him to earn income in the long term. Entrepreneurs are most interested in ambitious startups. As Warren Buffett himself says, his intuition of where to invest helps him to enter the ranking of the richest people in the world.

Warren Buffett is the most famous investor of our time.

Warren Buffett's income has increased significantly since Donald Trump came to power. He introduced some tax breaks, which led to a decrease in the costs of this entrepreneur.

Buffett has authored many books related to income generation. He himself is very conservative, so he tries not to invest in areas that are incomprehensible to him. That is why he became one of the last to invest in IT technologies and still ignores cryptocurrencies.

Bernard Arnault

His company has founded more than 70 well-known global brands that are controlled by LVMH. His income directly depends on the level of sales. Therefore, his position in the ranking of the richest people in the world is unstable. Back in 2017, he was not included in the ranking of the 10 richest people in the world, but over the year his income increased so much that he was able to immediately take the 4th line according to Forbes.

The businessman himself was awarded several times for his contribution to art in various countries. This is one of the least known personalities in the world. He tries not to give interviews. If journalists manage to meet him, he remains laconic.

Mark Zuckerberg

One of the youngest billionaires in the world. The growth of his income is due to the growth of shares of the social network Facebook. Many entrepreneurs are fighting for shares in his corporation. A distinctive feature of Mark Zuckerberg is that he is only engaged in the development of this company, not trying to establish new brands.

It is worth noting that Mark Zuckerberg receives a salary of only $1. All other income is dividends from his company. Despite his wealth, he leads a modest lifestyle. Today he has a wife and a child.

Amancio Ortega

His company Zara Industries has more than 200 stores in almost 50 countries. The Zara brand is well known and very popular. Expanding the possibilities of sales via the Internet allows you to increase the income of the company.

Today, Zara offers cooperation under a franchise agreement, which allows you to significantly increase the number of branded stores in various countries of the world. Favorable terms of cooperation increase interest in the company, which allows Amancio Ortega to increase his income.

The businessman himself was able to fulfill his dream - to create his own unique business model, which allows you to create high-quality clothes at affordable prices. Many today study this man's success story in business schools. At the moment, he has completely retired and is retired, enjoying life.

Carlos Slim

He owns the largest cell phone operator in Mexico. He also has stakes in the mining industry and in foreign telecommunications companies. An entrepreneur is constantly looking for new ways to diversify their income. In this regard, a 17% stake in The New York Times was once bought.

Carlos Slim invests in various areas. He has a stake in mining, chemical, construction and other areas of the economy. And he buys not only shares of Mexican companies.

The entrepreneur himself is a widower. He has 6 children, three of whom hold positions in his business empire. He did not inherit millions, but he always had a stable income and sought to increase his fortune. Throughout his life, Carlos Slim was distinguished by frugality and a modest lifestyle.

Charles and David Koch

They are co-owners of Koch Industries, which works to create wealth in various industries. They once bought shares from their brothers in order to take control of their father's organization after his death. Today, this company employs more than 100 thousand people. The products they produce are successfully sold not only in the USA, but also in Latin America, Europe and Russia.

These brothers are quite intelligent and calm. Their main merit lies in the fact that they inspire each of their employees that their work is their property. Therefore, everyone is obliged to work in such a way as to preserve their capital and increase it.

It is worth noting that this approach and generous inheritance helped the brothers build a successful business empire.

Larry Ellison

He is considered the second person after Bill Gates in the field of software production. Its software is actively used in financial and credit and other commercial structures. It helps to streamline business processes. Today, the company is actively developing cloud technologies, which has increased the value of shares by 18%. He left the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors, becoming the Technical Director of the organization.

The businessman has always demanded full dedication from his employees, as a result of which his company has become one of the most dynamically developing in the world. As head of the corporation, he led an aggressive policy. Customers were often deceived, and any methods were used to fight competitors. The decision to leave the post of head of Oracle is connected with another marriage.

The richest people on the planet for 2018.

Illustration: Michael Witte

They account for 13% of the $2,208 billion owned by the top 100 billionaires. The minimum entry threshold for this elite club is $39 billion, up 28% from last year.

$112 billion, USA

The richest man on the planet, the head of Amazon, became the first billionaire with a net worth of over $100 billion. Shares of the e-commerce giant rose by 59% in 12 months, adding almost $39.2 billion to Bezos' fortune - a record increase. He also owns the Washington Post and the aerospace company Blue Origin.

$90 billion, USA

Gates has lost first place in the ranking of the richest for only the sixth time in the past 22 years. Over the past year, the Microsoft co-founder's fortune has increased by $4 billion, but he is far from Bezos's epic leap.

$84 billion, USA

In January, the 87-year-old billionaire appointed two senior Berkshire Hathaway employees to vice chair positions, the first step in a plan to take over the company. For now, however, Buffett, who says he's feeling great, continues to manage Berkshire, whose shares are up 16% since the start of last year.

$72 billion, France

The record income of the empire of premium brands LVMH and the purchase of almost 100% of the fashion house Christian Dior allowed Arnault to increase his fortune by $ 30.5 billion.

$71 billion, USA

The head of Facebook is now under scrutiny because of the role the world's largest social network played in meddling in the US election from Russia. Nevertheless, the value of the company's shares increased by 31%, which added $15 billion to Zuckerberg's fortune.

$70 billion, Spain

Much of Ortega's fortune is tied to Inditex, which runs brands like Zara. The company's shares sank, reducing it by $1.3 billion.

$67.1 billion, Mexico

Slim's net worth increased by $12.6 billion compared to last year, mainly due to the fact that the shares of his telecommunications company América Móvil rose by 39%.

$60 billion, USA

In November, Koch Industries, with a turnover of $ 100 billion, announced the launch of the venture arm of Koch Disruptive Technologies, led by Charles Koch's son Chase. The company has already become a lead investor in an Israeli medical device startup with a $150 million investment.

$60 billion, USA

The executive vice president of Koch Industries and his brother Charles made all the headlines in November when their holding's investment arm invested $650 million to buy failing publisher Time magazine. The total amount of the transaction, where Meredith Corp. acted as the main investor, amounted to $2.8 billion.

10. Larry Ellison
$58.5 billion, USA

In the cloud computing market, Oracle competes with Salesforce and Amazon, but despite this, the company's shares rose by 13%. Ellison, who owns a quarter of the shares, is $6.3 billion richer.

$50 billion, USA

The former mayor of New York continues to run his company, Bloomberg LP, which provides financial information and develops a media platform. He supports a pro-gun control organization that has launched new initiatives to protect students since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

$48.8 billion, USA

The Google co-founder and CEO of parent company Alphabet is said to be in talks with Saudi Arabia to build a technology hub in the kingdom. Page's fortune has increased by $8.1 billion over the past year.

$47.5 billion, USA

Page's Google partner is the richest immigrant in America. He is now president of Alphabet and reportedly uses the company's air fleet for both personal travel and the delivery of humanitarian aid to remote areas of the planet.

$46.4 billion, USA

The youngest son of Walmart founder Sam Walton was a member of the company's board of directors until 2016. He now manages the family bank Arvest.

15. Samuel Robson Walton
$46.2 billion, USA

Sam Walton's eldest son was chairman of Walmart for 23 years. Today, Samuel Robson is one of three family members still involved with the company. He and Stuart Walton, Jim Walton's son, are members of the board of directors, while his son-in-law, Gregory Penner, is chairman.

16. Alice Walton
$46 billion, USA

The only daughter of Sam Walton is not involved in the management of the family business, but she owns many shares of Walmart, which makes her the richest woman in the world.

$45.3 billion, China

Ma became Asia's richest man for the first time thanks in part to the success of his company Tencent's WeChat messenger, with almost 1 billion active users. Tencent also has stakes in Tesla, Snap (Snapchat's parent company) and streaming music service Spotify.

$42.2 billion, France

Her mother, L'Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt, died in September 2017, leaving her fortune to Bettencourt-Myers and her family.

$40.1 billion, India

The Indian mogul returned to the top 20 for the first time since 2012.

$39 billion, China

In 2017, Ma propelled e-commerce giant Alibaba to new heights by partnering with the Olympics for the first time and signing a streaming deal with Disney. Alibaba shares surged 76%, propelling Ma into the top 20 for the first time.

Whatever they say about modern Russia in other states. Many foreigners are seriously surprised when they enter our country and do not see bears, felt boots and samovars on the street. Fortunately, the modern world dictates new rules, and today in our country you can meet a huge number of people who are not only educated, but also wealthy. Not surprisingly, in an article recently published by Forbes magazine, the richest people in Russia flaunt on the front page!

How many rich people are in Russia?

Every year in our country, data on the wealthiest citizens are published. At the same time, publications choose a variety of variations of these lists. For example, an article was recently published where only the richest young people in Russia were mentioned. It is worth noting that in order to achieve a certain financial weight in modern society, you need to spend more than one year of your life. The 100 richest people in Russia are mostly successful businessmen and politicians who have been able to achieve high results over the years of hard work. According to experts, the same people are almost always included in the list, only the positions of millionaires change. At the same time, it should be noted that the number of accumulated billions for each of the submitted applicants is only increasing every year. The TOP of the richest people in Russia are famous personalities and people about whom practically nothing is known to the public. Although there are those surnames that have long been included even in the colloquial use of our citizens, for example, Roman Abramovich. In order to talk about each representative who occupies a certain step in the hundred financial leaders of our country, you need to spend a huge amount of time. Therefore, here will be a list of the 10 richest people in Russia.

Place 10. Vagit Alekperov. Wealth: $14.8 billion

I would like to start this list from the last step and introduce a billionaire who ranks 10th in the ranking. Vagit Alekperov is a person who works with the most valuable thing in our state - oil. Despite the fact that the future billionaire was born in Azerbaijan, he was lucky enough to become one of those who today occupy leadership positions in our country. This contender for the title of "The Richest Man in Russia" began his career as a simple engineer, working at the Caspmorneft enterprise. It is worth noting that Alekperov began his career back in the time of the USSR, he held important positions at various enterprises, and in the 1990s he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Oil and Gas Industry. Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vagit Alekperov went into private business and by 1993 became the general director of the well-known LUKOIL concern. And despite the fact that scandals and gossip constantly rumble around this person, he has managed to significantly increase his fortune over the past ten years, bringing it to the mark of 14.8 billion rubles.

Place 9. Vladimir Potanin. Wealth: $14 billion

The penultimate place in the ranking of the 10 richest people in Russia is Vladimir Potanin, who managed to earn about 14 billion dollars during his career. This person may be known to those who are somehow familiar with the Interros holding, because it is in this organization that the billionaire holds the position of president. Potanin began his journey in government organizations, immediately after he graduated from the university. Having gained valuable experience while working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Vladimir Potanin begins to actively work with the private business sector. Unlike the previous representative of the richest people in Russia, Potanin prefers to engage in various types of business. He owns the largest holding Prof-Media, as well as a number of the most popular publications in Russia. But the main source of his income is still considered to be the direction that is associated with the energy resources of our country. Potanin is actively working with the export of raw materials, using the Norilsk Nickel and Interros companies.

Place 8. Mikhail Fridman. Wealth: $16 billion

The list of the richest people in Russia also includes a man who is a native of Ukraine. Mikhail Fridman was born in Lvov. All his adult life, the billionaire, who occupies the 8th place in the ranking of the most successful people in our country, has lived in the Russian Federation. Here Fridman was educated and took his first managerial position at the Elektrostal plant. By the 1980s, Mikhail Fridman began to actively engage in entrepreneurial activities. It turns out quite successfully for him and brings the first fruits, which years later will make him one of the richest people in Russia. Just like the previous representatives of the rating, Friedman prefers to export raw materials. This is not surprising, because, according to statistics, this is the most valuable thing in our state. Over the years of his activity, the billionaire managed to found a company called Alfa Group. Mikhail Fridman is also actively involved in the political life of Russia today.

Place 7. Suleiman Kerimov. Wealth: $16.5 billion

This person, unlike other representatives who are included in the rating of the richest people in Russia, earned his fortune on investments. Suleiman Kerimov rightly took the 7th place in the list of billionaires of our country, because he went to his goal throughout his life. Kerimov was born and raised in Derbent in an ordinary family. Educated in Dagestan, graduating from the Faculty of Economics. The first job of the future billionaire is the Eltav plant in Makhachkala, where he worked for a long time as an economist in his specialty. But by 1995, Kerimov began to quickly climb the career ladder and held the position of deputy director of the Soyuz-Finance enterprise, and not just anywhere, but already in Moscow. Thanks to the analytical mindset, Suleiman can easily work not only with documents, but also with securities of the main enterprises of our country. Today he is a major shareholder. In his investment portfolio, you can find securities of such enterprises as Gazprom, Sberbank, Nafta-Moscow and other large companies.

Place 6. Alexey Mordashov. Wealth: $17 billion

The list of the richest people in Russia also includes a man who earned his fortune through active cooperation with the West. The future billionaire began his career in St. Petersburg, where he studied at the Engineering and Economics Institute. By a happy coincidence for Mordashov, Anatoly Chubais taught at this educational institution during this period. It was this person who influenced the further development of events in the life of Alexei Mordashov and helped him make a brilliant career as an entrepreneur. Immediately after the future billionaire graduated from an educational institution, he began his work at a metallurgical plant in the city of Cherepovets. Without much difficulty, after a couple of years, Mordashov was able to become a director at this enterprise, however, by this time the organization had been renamed Severstal OJSC. Today, this enterprise is highly valued and considered one of the most profitable in our country, but during the period when Mordashov was its leader, the situation was far from being so rosy. For this reason, the future billionaire began to actively develop a scheme of cooperation with Western countries, which brought him his current fortune.

Place 5. Roman Abramovich. Wealth: $17 billion

This surname is widely known in our country and abroad, as mentioned above, and many believe that the richest man in Russia is Roman Abramovich. Despite the fact that this billionaire in 2014 took only 5th position in the list of "lucky ones", he is considered one of the most successful businessmen in the Russian Federation. The oligarch was born in the city of Saratov, but did not spend much time in this city. Together with his family, Roman Abramovich actively moved from place to place until he finally settled in Moscow. Oddly enough, the future oligarch did not want to receive education, and immediately after the army he actively went into business. Trade - that's what attracted Abramovich. Initially, he worked in various directions, until he settled on oil. One of the main achievements of this man was the creation of the Sibneft oil company, which brought profit to its owner for many years. The oligarch was also interested in political life, but the Russians fell in love with him not for his active work, but for his personal life, which was always full of bright shades of luxury and wealth.

Place 4. Oleg Deripaska. Wealth: $19 billion

Surprisingly, the richest people in the world (Russia in particular) are always engaged in business related to the resources of our planet. Fourth place is occupied by a billionaire who earned his capital with the help of aluminum. Oleg Deripaska is the name of a man who deserves a place of honor in the top ten richest people in our country, but among the people he is called the "aluminum king". The future oligarch, unlike his predecessors, was born and raised in a small farm with the symbolic name Zhelezny. After Deripaska graduated with honors from the university, he began to actively engage in investment. It is worth noting that the future oligarch was well versed in this area and from the mid-90s he actively invested in the metallurgical field. Building his successful career, Deripaska managed to work as the general director of an aluminum plant in Sayanogorsk, take part in the development of the Siberian Aluminum company, and also become the general director of RUSAL.

Place 3. Alisher Usmanov. Wealth: $20 billion

The honorable third place is occupied by a person whose biography is as entertaining as the directions in which he works today. The contender for the title of "The richest man in Russia", who takes third place in 2014, was born and raised in Tashkent. Alisher Usmanov is the name of a person who was able to achieve his success using the most unexpected directions in business. Despite the fact that the future businessman grew up in the family of a prosecutor, immediately after graduating from MGIMO with a degree in International Law, Usmanov was convicted of extortion. The future oligarch spent almost 6 years in prison before it turned out that all the evidence for this crime was fabricated. Perhaps it was the fact that Alisher Usmanov spent so much time in prison that influenced the choice of business in which he began to engage. In Kazakhstan, Usmanov organized extreme hunting for people who could afford it. Having achieved some success, the future oligarch decided to conquer Russia as well, which he did very well. Today, one of the richest people in our country is a major shareholder and owner of the popular publication Kommerasant.

Place 2. Mikhail Prokhorov. Wealth: $22 billion

The ten richest people in Russia, considered by us in this article, could not do without the presence of Mikhail Prokhorov, who ranks second in the ranking. This man became known to the Russians largely due to his perseverance. Of the entire list presented, perhaps only this person can be considered a native Muscovite. Prokhorov was born and raised in the capital, where he was educated and served in the army. The career of this billionaire is directly connected with Vladimir Potanin, because it was with him that the future oligarch owned the securities of Norilsk Nickel. According to experts, Prokhorov could have shown himself to the maximum in the position of general director, but in 2005 business partners began a lengthy litigation to divide property. After the career of a successful businessman ended in failure, the billionaire actively engaged in political activities. He was the leader of the Right Cause party. At the same time, it should be said that almost all information about this oligarch is hidden, although a number of articles have been published in the media that cover events from the life of Prokhorov related to international scandals.

Place 1. Vladimir Lisin. Wealth: $24 billion

So our conversation reached the first place in the rating, which is occupied by the well-known billionaire Vladimir Lisin. The richest man in Russia, at least in 2014, began his career as an ordinary electrician. According to leading experts, this man has done a great job, going from the simplest steelworker to a billionaire. Trans Commodities - this company interested the future oligarch back in the distant 1980s, when few people thought about profitable investments. After Lisin earned his capital, he invested it in the shares of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. Like all rich people, the billionaire leads a largely closed lifestyle, so it is not easy to get any information about such an important figure in our country. It is known that he prefers to lead a quiet life. This confirms the fact that for the entire time of his career, Lisin did not become a defendant in a single scandal.

Most recently, a list of the richest people in the world was published. The data obtained from this list shows that it is now the entrepreneurs and self-made businessmen who are in the highest positions, so that the leaders are no longer those who inherited their wealth. Of course, it is also worth considering that there are quite a few families on the list that pass on their wealth and their companies by inheritance, such as the owners of Koch Industries, Walmart and even the cosmetic empire L "Oreal, more and more self-made billionaires from all over the world appear on the list. Most of them made their billions in the high-tech industry, such as, for example, Jack Ma or Mark Zuckerberg. It's time to find out who is the richest in the world?

Alain and Gerard Wertheimer - $24 billion

The brothers are the owners and managers of the well-known perfume company House of Chanel.

Samuel and Donald Newhouse - $25 billion

The brothers inherited Advance Publications, a multi-million dollar publishing empire that owns publications such as The New Yorker and Vogue.

Ma Huateng - $26 billion

The Chinese Internet businessman is the founder, president, chief executive and board member of Tencent. It is a holding company whose subsidiaries do absolutely everything: online advertising, press, entertainment and payment systems.

George Soros - $26 billion

Soros is one of the most famous and successful investors in the world. However, he started small, working as a railway porter and waiter, thus earning his way to study at the London School of Economics.

Phil Knight - $26 billion

Knight is the co-founder and chairman emeritus of Nike, one of the world's most renowned sports companies.

Maria Franca Fissolo - $26 billion

The Italian billionaire is the owner of one of Europe's largest confectionery companies, Ferrero. She is the widow of Michel Ferrero.

Mukesh Ambani - $28 billion

Ambani is the Chairman, Managing Director and the largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Limited, a Forture 500 company.

Axel Dumas - $28 billion

He is the chief executive of one of the largest fashion houses Hermès. He belongs to the sixth generation of the family that founded the house in 1837 and has run it ever since.

The Henkel family - $28 billion

The German chemical and consumer products company was founded in 1876 by Fritz Henkel. Christoph Henckel inherited the company in 1999 when his father Konrad passed away.

Steve Ballmer - $30 billion

Ballmer is a former chief executive of Microsoft who held this position from 2000 to 2014. He is now the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team.

Jorge Paulo Lehmann - $31 billion

Lehmann is Brazil's richest man and made his fortune as a corporate takeover legend.

Sheldon Adelson - $31 billion

He is the founder and CEO of gambling giant Las Vegas Sands Corp and is also an active member of the Republican Party.

Li Ka-shing - $32 billion

This is one of the richest people in China, and he is one of the first major investors in Facebook. He also acquired the British telecommunications company O2 in 2015 for 15 billion.

Wang Jianlin - $33 billion

He is the founder of China's largest real estate company, the Dalian Wanda Group, and also owns a 20 percent stake in Spanish football club Atlético de Madrid.

Jack Ma - $36 billion

This Chinese high-tech billionaire is the founder and executive chairman of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group.

Ingvar Kamprad and his family - $36 billion

The Swedish business mogul is the founder of IKEA, one of the largest furniture stores and most loved brands in the world, and has been at the helm of the company for over 70 years.

Carl and Theo Albrecht Jr., Beate Heister and family - $39 billion

The German Karl Albrecht founded the Aldi supermarket chain with his brother Theo.

Stefan Quandt and Susanne Klatten - $39 billion

He is the son of Herbert and Johanna Quandt, and he owns 25 percent of the car giant BMW, while his sister owns 20 percent.

Liliane Bettencourt - $41 billion

She is the heir to the fortune that she inherited with the cosmetics company L "Oreal, and she is also the largest shareholder of this company.

Sergey Brin - $43 billion

The Russian-American computer scientist, along with Larry Page, created the tech giant Google.

Larry Page - $44 billion

Page overtook his partner in creating Google Sergey Brin by one billion.

Bernard Arnault - $45 billion

Arno is the chairman and CEO of the world's largest luxury goods company, LVMH.

Michael Bloomberg - $50 billion

He is the founder, owner and CEO of global finance, software and media company Bloomberg. It is worth noting that he bequeathed half of his fortune to charity after his death.

Larry Ellison - $52 billion

Ellison is the founder and chairman of the international giant Oracle. He is also a yacht aficionado and has been credited with buying some of the most outstanding yachts in the world, as well as acquiring entire Hawaiian islands.

Carlos Slim Helu and his family - $59 billion

He is the richest man in Mexico, and he also became one of the richest self-made billionaires in the world after taking control of America Movil, one of the largest mobile telecommunications companies.

Mark Zuckerberg - $61 billion

This 32-year-old is the chairman, CEO and co-founder of Facebook, the world's largest social network.

John and Jacqueline Mars - $63 billion

Brother and sister are the heirs of the confectionery empire, which is known throughout the production of Mars bars.

Warren Buffett - $79 billion

This legendary investor is considered the most successful investor in the world, a title he achieved while serving as the chairman and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway. He also pledged to give 99 percent of his wealth to charitable causes.

Jeff Bezos - $80 billion

He is the founder, chairman and CEO of the world's largest online retailer, Amazon. He is also a successful investor and invests through his own investment company, Bezos Expeditions.

Amancio Ortega - $82 billion

In 1985, Ortega created Inditex, a company that owns brands such as Zara, Bershka, Pull & Bear and Massimo Dutti. He also owns 60 percent of the company's shares.

Bill Gates - $91 billion

Gates made his fortune by co-founding the world's largest personal computer software company, Microsoft.

Charles and David Kohey - $102 billion

Charles has been Chairman and CEO of Koch Industries, the second largest private company in the United States, since 1967. It is a family business and his brother David is the vice president of the company.

The Walton family - $130 billion

This American family created the world's largest retail company, Walmart. The three most prominent living family members today are Jim, Rob and Alice.