Why pick mushrooms in a dream. Who had a dream? What dreams predict good for us

Having seen mushrooms in a dream in a forest, you can count on making a profit, unless, of course, they were edible, and you dreamed of collecting them, dream books suggest. But the poisonous representatives of the mushroom world, their collection, or thoughtless destruction of edible fungi warn of possible troubles. To find out why a particular plot is dreaming, small details of a dream and some of its nuances will help.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller believes that if you dreamed of a lot of mushrooms in the forest, it means a painful desire to get a lot of profit, and it doesn’t matter how: make money, win, make a profit from investments, or sue.

Did you look for large mushrooms in the forest? Such a vision means that you can be dishonored in public. Particular attention to this interpretation of sleep should be given to a young unmarried girl, because it will be very difficult for her to “clear” her name.

Collect edible fungi: From sluggishness to activity

Interested in why dreaming about picking up forest mushrooms in a place protected from trespassing? Medea's dream book assures that this is a sign that the dreamer will have a lot of small problems that will spoil the mood for a long time.

Freud in his dream book claims that collecting porcini mushrooms in a forest in a dream is a sign of increased sexual activity.

You see that you came to the forest to collect mushrooms, but everywhere you find only cut legs? This indicates your sluggishness. You should learn to organize yourself, dream books suggest.

Toadstools as a symbol of trouble

But as interpreters of dreams explain, picking up poisonous mushrooms in the night dreams in the forest: you run the risk of being deceived. See a lot of fly agaric? There is a hypocrite in your surroundings who can stab you in the back.

Find a mushroom clearing in a dream, but looking closely, understand that all the mushrooms are poisonous - a symbol of the fact that you are hoping in vain for some kind of business, you can’t realize it, just spend time in vain.

And if you find that you cut a lot of forest mushrooms, but they all turned out to be inedible, then, according to the dream books, such a vision indicates your incompetence in some matters.

Unsuccessful "hunt", or Be on the alert!

Seen in a night vision that you collected a full basket of ceps in the forest, but they stole them from you? What is the dream of such a misfortune will tell the Modern dream book: it is likely that a loved one will deceive you. And if the dreamed ceps were wormy, then this means that you will suffer bitter disappointment in someone.

In a dream, picking up a full basket of boletus and losing it is a signal about the disclosure of personal secrets. The consequences will be especially offensive if the boletus in your dream was large.

But in a dream, gathering a large number of chanterelles in half with grebes or with fly agarics is a symbol of a risky event. But if you dreamed that the chanterelles in the basket are most, then you can hope for a successful outcome, delights the interpreter of dreams, Pastor Loff.

Since ancient times, people have had a special relationship with mushrooms. They are often used in the preparation of medicinal potions, are attributes of many magical rites.

Dreams about mushrooms have a very contradictory interpretation, so it is very important to take into account the smallest nuances when analyzing dreams.

The most important interpretation of mushrooms in a dream is to receive any important information in life. Mushrooms in nature grow in a huge variety. And this fact is fundamental in the interpretation of dreams. The size of the mushrooms seen in a dream also plays a role.

Picking mushrooms - the interpretation of sleep

In real life, picking mushrooms is always a great pleasure. Therefore, the question of what dreams of picking mushrooms in a dream is of interest to many. But besides this, you should pay attention to whether you bring the collected mushrooms home, cook them or eat.

It is believed that the most common plot is picking mushrooms. This dream in many dream books is a warning that your own desires can be dangerous for you. Therefore, in real life, you should behave very carefully and be very thoughtful to approach the solution of certain problems.

Why dream big mushrooms?

Why dream big mushrooms? If you take off the big mushrooms that you put in your basket, this portends a lot of luck in any business. But it should be remembered that the solution of issues in such a period of time should be treated easily, in no case should you go too far.

I dreamed of a mushroom glade

If in a dream you find yourself in a mushroom glade, then in real life you need to be careful when communicating with people from your immediate environment. There is a high probability of betrayal. After such a sleep warning, it is very easy to avoid trouble in real life. All that is needed is to carefully analyze the incoming information. It is very important to carefully consider all offers for cooperation.

If you collect mushrooms in a dream in a cemetery, then you too often turn to your past mentally. This does not need to be done at all, since at such moments there is a big loss of energy, which is better to redirect to other goals. Also, such a dream may indicate that you are very dependent on your parents or your love affair does not end well.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to consider the place where mushroom picking is performed:

      In the forest - in real life, you should expect an unexpected turn of events; In the mountains - to the appearance of unexpected obstacles to the goal; Near a natural reservoir - very joyful events are coming; On the side of the road or in a narrow forest belt - to commit completely rash acts.

Dream Interpretation - drop mushrooms

If you collect mushrooms in a dream, you constantly drop them, then this indicates that you cannot use the money you earn for any reason. It is necessary to carefully analyze what was seen in such a dream. The plot of the dream may contain a hint about what to do in real life.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller’s dream book, picking mushrooms in a dream is in real life unreasonably striving for wealth. This approach will not allow, not only get rich, but can contribute to the complete collapse of all the plan. For businessmen and entrepreneurs, such a dream is very dangerous, as it can be a harbinger of problems with the law.

According to Freud

According to Freud’s dream book, mushroom picking means an intense sex life. And for a man - this is subconscious evidence that he very often changes partners and, of course, this can end very badly.

Why dream of eating mushrooms?

Another common story is about cooking and eating mushrooms. It is important to understand why in a dream dreams of eating mushrooms? In this case, there are also many interpretations, which depend on various factors.

A good dream is if you eat a hand-made mushroom dish.

This may portend:

    Emergence of the possibility of new earnings; Return of old debts; Unexpected receipt of money.

But along with this, in any case, eating mushrooms indicates that you need to deal with your own emotions.

Raw or wormy mushrooms in a dream

The best sign is uncooked mushrooms. This is a sign of good health and future longevity. If in a dream there are worms, then in real life one can expect betrayal of a close friend. In some dream books, spoiled mushrooms in a dream are interpreted as a subconscious manifestation of unfounded suspicions. In addition, rotten mushrooms in a dream may indicate that in your environment there are dishonorable people, from whom in the near future you should expect trouble.

Why dream of pickled mushrooms?

If you see pickled mushrooms in a dream, then this is a symbol of a comfortable existence in the near future. But the dreaming salted mushrooms have a different interpretation. They warn about the possibility of an unpleasant situation, which can only be resolved with the help of close friends.

Eat fried mushrooms in a dream

Eating fried mushrooms in a dream means that you are a person who is looking for other people's flaws to cover up for his mistakes. That is, such a dream is advice, as soon as possible get rid of such a habit.

The answer to the appearance of mushroom

Mushrooms in nature grow in a huge variety. And this fact is fundamental in the interpretation of dreams.

First of all, you should know that, in spite of the fact that inedible mushrooms in life can provoke severe poisoning, seeing them in a dream is a good sign, according to the interpretation of most dream books. And this means a fortunate set of circumstances for you in your vital sphere of life. But sometimes there is another interpretation that portends not very pleasant chores, which in general should not affect the course of life events.

According to Loff's dream book, mushrooms with caps of fire, seen in a dream, portend the emergence of strong and passionate feelings.

The interpretation of edible species of mushrooms

It is also important to know what dreams are and what they can mean if you dreamed of other types of mushrooms:
    When ceps were seen in a dream, this indicates that in the near future you will not have health problems and you are absolutely physically ready to achieve your goal. A sign of minor troubles may be dreamed mushrooms champignons. But at the same time, it is likely that they will bring good benefits in the future. Why chanterelle mushrooms dream - troubles in real life will be useless. When mushroom mushrooms dreamed, a senseless quarrel was brewing. To see boletus mushrooms in a dream means to receive confirmation that you have chosen the right path in life and should not be turned off from it, as this can lead to serious losses. If you dream about mushrooms, then you need to be prepared for the fact that soon you will have to pay for the wrong decision in the distant past. When mushrooms appeared in a dream, it may soon be possible to make profitable investments and it is very important not to miss such a chance. But the dream with mushrooms mushrooms is interpreted differently - it promises a good harvest this season. In addition, honey mushrooms on a good tree may indicate a developing disease, and on a rotten one - a speedy recovery. If you dreamed about butter mushrooms, then the dream can be considered neutral in value, since it simply indicates that you are working fruitfully and, most likely, your work will be appreciated by the deserving leadership.
  In general, a dream in which edible mushrooms were dreamed should be treated calmly. It might just be necessary to take a closer look at your immediate environment, and for some time very carefully use the information received from others.

  Almost all dream books highlight the interpretation of dreams with mushrooms in women. Almost all dream books associate a single strong mushroom with a masculine essence. It is on this that the interpretation of the dream with mushrooms in women is based. If you dream that you admire a beautiful mushroom, then this portends a sexual relationship in the near future. But if you see a big, but spoiled mushroom in a dream, then this means that you are not satisfied with your relationship with a partner in the sexual sphere.

Mushrooms in the dreams of men

  As for men and women, uncontrolled collection of mushrooms of various species portends promiscuous sexual intercourse. Moreover, if poisonous mushrooms come across, then this may indicate that you will be the initiator of sexual relations.

Interpretation of sleep for a girl or woman

For a young girl who is going to get married, the dream of fly agaric is a warning. She should consider whether she made the right choice, because such a dream can serve as a symbol of a future failed marriage. But the edible mushrooms seen in a dream on the eve of the wedding are a good sign. He promises to strengthen relations with the groom and the future happy marriage. If the bride dreamed that she was picking beautiful mushrooms without any flaws, then this means that she will not only be happy in marriage, but also will not know the financial difficulties. In some dream books, there is a connection between pregnancy and the dream, in which a woman collects mushrooms in the hem or in a bucket. Given all of the above, it should be understood that if you dreamed of mushrooms, then you need to try to remember the dream to the smallest detail. After all, they are the main nuances that will correctly interpret the dream. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the dream in which you saw mushrooms can simply be a reflection of reality if you took a pleasant walk through the forest or purposefully went for mushrooms.

interpretation of sleep mushrooms in the forest

The thirst for extra income can be hasty and unreasonable. For a young lady it can mean a frivolous attitude to property and dangerous pleasures

dreamed mushrooms in the forest

Such a dream means suspicion, carelessness, illness, surprise. If you dreamed of a large number of ceps in the meadow, the undertakings that you had planned for a long time are most likely not realized.

dreamed mushrooms in the forest

Mushrooms in the forest mean they want to draw your attention to unjustified plans, rush, desire to enrich themselves even more. You may have problems in court and false achievements.

mushrooms in the forest according to the dream book

If you see a lot of mushrooms in the forest, this may mean a gift from above. If a mushroom or two is not good. Something good will happen if you eat mushrooms in a dream.

why dream mushrooms in the forest

If you collect a large number of mushrooms, then you have an active personal life, and you are friendly with everyone. Subsequently, prepare from them dishes for the disease.

dreamed mushrooms in the forest

Collect porcini mushrooms achieve success in any difficulties. Expect prosperity and a quiet family life. If you collect after someone success will be a familiar person, but not with you.

mushrooms in the forest in a dream what is it for

To dream about mushrooms in the forest to stupid drives and unreasonable haste, the desire to receive additional income, which in the future can become a problem for you.

Usually they dream of feeling overwhelmed and longing. Very often picking mushrooms in a dream, especially small ones, means that you have to work very hard to get what you want. The dream book writes a lot about this dream because the mushrooms themselves are an ambiguous symbol.

On the one hand, seeing redheads in the middle of the grass dreams of pleasures, reciprocal love and profit, on the other hand, they mean illnesses, sorrows and other troubles, which can be very complex and unfavorable. This is what dreams of picking mushrooms most often.

Profit and wealth

Such dreams are often dreamed not just by mushroom pickers, but by rural residents, for whom pleasant and tasty mushrooms, thrills and mushrooms are a real source of not only pleasure, but also income. In a dream, picking mushrooms for city dwellers who buy them in stores - more often than not portend painstaking work and activities related to routine and small goals.

Seeing them in a forest in a clearing, especially small ones or even inedible ones, is a waste of work, for which you not only get a trifle, but you can earn nothing at all.

Why did you dream that you collect them in the forest and you come across nice and large mushrooms, mushrooms or boletus, or even more valuable hats? The dream book writes that you will have good financial opportunities and will be able to make good money if you show diligence and perseverance. To find a large edible mushroom, both urban and rural residents dream of a rare profit and good luck.

The significance of such a dream increases several times if you have prepared it and treated your friends and acquaintances. Seeing how someone was able to find a fragrant and mouth-watering mushroom - for profit and a significant improvement in financial standing. The dream book writes that luck will go to such a person to such a person. However, false mushrooms, which only look like they are good for eating, mean skillful deception, which can turn out to be very negative for the one who held it in his hand. Collecting them is a disease and an act that you will be very sorry about later.

What does it mean a dream in which you fill your basket with different fragrant mushrooms, like boletus, mushrooms, white or chanterelles? The dream book writes that such a dream is auspicious and promises a prosperous and measured life, and a very large copy generally means rare luck and profit.

To see how a beautiful boletus, porcini mushroom or breast mushroom, champignon grows before your eyes and pluck it - your talent will be appreciated and business will simply flourish easily and quickly. However, for some women, such a dream predicts pregnancy.

Women's dreams

Seeing and picking mushrooms in a dream often means reciprocal love and pregnancy. The dream interpretation enhances the value, depending on the genus and their quantity in a dream. One big dream is about pregnancy or the development of a deep feeling that will gradually mature in the heart of a girl or woman, provided that it is not poisonous. Here you need to look at the mushrooms by name in order to understand the exact meaning of the dream.

If the girl dreamed that she was picking mushrooms in a clearing in the forest or just on the lawn in pleasant and sunny weather, then such a dream interprets the dream to joy, with pleasant gifts and little things that will lift your mood. However, very small fungi predict routine and trouble, as well as the fact that she will not get what she wanted.

If the girl dreamed that she was picking mushrooms in wet and very gloomy weather, then the dream book writes that such a dream promises her sadness, grief, and even tears. The value increases and if she comes across false fakes of nature, fly agaric or grebes. Such a dream does predict tears, resentment, disappointment and trouble.

What is the dream in which the girl found among the mushrooms a large and beautiful mushroom that can be eaten? The dream book predicts her a new groom or a pleasant feeling, love. Most likely, and her chosen one is also not indifferent to her.

To see them in the basket of a girlfriend or sister is envy and that the guy will like the other and he will have a violent romance with her. The value of sleep is enhanced if it contained a large champignon, breast, or porcini mushroom.   These values \u200b\u200bof nature do mean happiness, joy and reward for the afflictions, suffering and tears of this person.

Why is there a dream in which a tasty and mouth-watering big mushroom grows in front of a girl? This dream means the development of deep and strong love or pregnancy and the birth of a son. The significance of sleep in a pregnant married woman is particularly enhanced. To a girl such a mushroom also means a rich handsome guy, reciprocal love, a new romance or a proposal for marriage.

Bad mushrooms, toadstools, or false chanterelles or champignons mean deception, illness, and great disappointment. Collecting them - to illness, blackening of the soul, despondency, but often such a dream predicts a breakdown, a mockery of love, a rejected feeling, illness and severe depression.

Seeing how a large poisonous mushroom grows and develops - to a dangerous disease, often of an oncological nature. Especially if it grows to gigantic proportions.

In some cases, sleep helps determine the nature of the tumor. Edible - benign, inedible - malignant, but this method of diagnosis is very doubtful. Small mushrooms, especially poisonous ones, dream of offenses, skin problems, acne, warts and moles, which will poison your life, face and beauty.

An exciting lesson is to pick mushrooms in the fall. This helps to get rid of heavy thoughts, distract and relax. As if all unsolved problems remained in the city, and in the forest they seem small and insignificant.

It turns out that you can pick mushrooms not only during the day, but also at night in our dreams. Why such a plot is dreaming, whether it will bring as many positive emotions, we will ask famous authors of dream books.

For ancient interpreters, this occupation is personified with difficulty, with family life, a state of health. More modern authors pay detailed attention to the species and condition of mushrooms. Poisonous and wormy - to a greater extent symbolize disappointment, betrayal, deception and poor health.

What promises women a night hobby

Walking through the woods with a close friend is a good sign. Your relationship will become more sincere. If a young man is more than a friend, expect a wedding and a happy family life.

Found toadstools in your bag - expect big troubles in love affairs. A beloved man can betray or humiliate you. If you are single, beware of random obsessive boyfriends who will try to lure you a large amount of money.

Walking alone with a basket in the woods is an unpleasant sign, this indicates that a woman wastes herself in vain, men do not take such a lady seriously and take her lightly.

We came to the forest, and around you were hanging only white legs - this indicates your excessive suspicion and wariness towards partners or subordinates. Fate can play a trick on you. Most likely, it is for this reason that you will not conclude a major transaction or do not deliver the project on time, thereby losing a major profit.

Borovikov got a full string bag with his family - wait for the addition to the family and, as a result, expensive gifts from loved ones.

What causes the excitement of men in the forest

Porcini mushrooms appeared to be an excellent occasion to prepare a large deal. Many financial benefits are expected, thanks to your work and the right business strategy.

But if you collect on the road - this is a clear call to stop the pursuit of money. The thirst for excessive financial well-being can lead to poverty and ruin.

Borovik rotted or crooked in a dream, so you should pay attention to all the little things in monetary matters, otherwise danger cannot be avoided.

To look for something that has not yet matured in the grove indicates minor difficulties and empty chores.

Another person came to me in search of the gifts of the forest - this is a signal that we need to be more active, quick in life and be able to solve our problems ourselves, not hoping for the help of others.

Going mushrooms looking for someone’s footprint and seeing that all the hats are cut off means that you will witness the successes and takeoffs of your colleagues, your merits until they are noticed and rewarded.

You eat, not knowing what mushrooms, - a dream - a warning, it portends a disease or severe dehydration of the body.

Going to your old proven places for a forest harvest and seeing many beautiful hats - in real life you can safely trust your experience and intuition, they will not let you down.

If you walk through the woods for a long time and the lesson has bothered you - expect a lot of small and unprofitable things.

Volnushki - friends girlfriends

Types of mushrooms can tell the dreamer a lot:

  • big and beautiful white - to long life and good luck;
  • a lot of whites - to financial profit;
  • morels promise excellent health or recovery from illness;
  • russula - to luck in solving protracted cases;
  • honey agarics - to sorrow;
  • fly agaric - a sign that you have gone astray;
  • champignons - a symbol of imitation of alien tastes and preferences;
  • chanterelles - for dubious acquisitions;
  • waves - to a plentiful harvest in the garden, with another interpretation - to the desire to save more money;
  • kombucha - to distrust and doubt.

Author's dream books

Gustow Miller

This hobby is personified with a vicious and unhealthy desire for something forbidden. The dream where you are passionate about finding these forest inhabitants is connected with the presence in your life of a lot of addictions, addictions and hobbies, possibly contrary to law.


I dreamed of a clearing with porcini and ideally beautiful mushrooms - this promises financial profit or large dividends from a recent transaction. Collecting them in a basket is an indicator of the correct investment of acquired capital.

But if after a hike you find grebes - this means the betrayal of your partners or close friends.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

We saw how you are eating the harvest you just harvested, a good sign promising longevity and good health. The collection process itself symbolizes hard work, which will certainly be rewarded.

Sigmund Freud

The fungus represents the activity of the male principle. Walking along the forest and collecting them carelessly means that there is absolutely no problem in sex life. For a girl, such a dream confirms satisfaction with a partner or several partners.

The more edible you have in the basket after the walk, the more fans in reality. Your activity and desire for male attention requires a new surge of emotions.

I dreamed of mushroom pickers walking in a clearing - to your excessive interest in other people's details of their personal lives.

And look for one single big handsome man in the forest - get ready for a serious relationship and constancy.


Seen royal boletus in the thick often portends quick luck and success in reality. In the meadow to see a lot of beautiful hats - they want to mislead you, a dream calls to be careful and rely only on your strength in the future.

Wormy aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms speak of an imminent illness of the dreamer.

David Loff

To collect good edible gifts of taiga in a dream - to pleasant surprises and surprises. Putting false toadstools in a bag is a sign that you have brought an insincere and unreliable person closer to you. Try to keep your plans and intentions a secret.

Yuri Longo

White beauties dreamed of success in the business that you started, you are on the right track and in the future expect high incomes. But the fly agaric seen - to the expectation of trouble. But do not get upset much, you will successfully get out of this situation.

Toxic toadstools deliberately plucked means to be hostile to people. And gathering at night - to unpleasant events in reality.