If in a dream they talk about the ring. What does the Ring in the Gypsy Dream Book mean?

according to Miller’s dream book

If in a dream you wear rings on your hands, it means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky. A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in conjugal affairs and a breakup for lovers. If a girl receives a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are behind, since from now on he will completely devote himself to her present and future. To see rings on others in a dream means an increase in your well-being and new acquaintances.

Why do you have a dream about the ring

according to Vanga’s dream book

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity. In a dream, you put a ring on your hand to your loved one - this dream symbolizes your faithfulness to your feelings and promises. A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends an unexpected help in solving a problem that has long bothered you. If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, it means that in real life you don’t have any cordial affection for anyone. In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you have broken your promise and the oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared for you a life test.

What is the dream of the ring

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

offer, communication; lose - divorce, separation; without stone (for men) - tricks, intrigues in deeds; put someone on the finger - get rid of the enemy; bind the enemy.

Significance of sleep about a ring

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing the ring in a dream - in reality you often become the cause of family strife and conflict, because you still haven't decided and therefore pose a threat to married couples. Trying on or wearing a ring in a dream - you will soon fall in love with a person whom you have not noticed before. He will appear in a completely new image, which will force you to change the current opinion about him.

What is the ring dreaming of

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to admire - separation, quarrel; find - disagreement; lose - will not be rewarded, hope will not come true; receive as a gift - prejudice; give yourself - make an offer; buy - fall in love; damaged ring - fawning.

Dreamed of gold

according to Miller’s dream book

If in a dream you are holding gold in your hands, you will be unusually successful in all your endeavors. If a woman in a dream received a gift of gold gadgets - coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich, but self-serving man. Finding gold means that your virtues will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. If you lost gold in a dream, then because of your negligence you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life in reality. To find a gold mine in a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable business. If in a dream you intend to work on a gold mine, then, then, you will try to illegally seize the rights of others. The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

Dream gold

according to Loff's dream book

Gold is a universal symbol of purity and wealth. To acquire gold is to demonstrate your power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of the gold and know whether it was a gift, conquest or discovery. It is very important to understand how significant a golden item is. What use is gold in a dream whose wealth and power it personifies? If you are presented with a golden helmet, like Don Quixote, this is an example of the archetypal form of that sacred power that you are given to complete a mission or a heroic campaign. Have you found, lost, gifted or received a golden item from someone as a gift? Has this item brought you joy or sorrow?

What is the dream of gold

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

falsity; swallow, bite off - success in creativity; touch, touch - lost luck.

Why silver dream

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to receive an inheritance or other property (Muslim dream book).

The meaning of sleep about silver

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of some silver jewelry, it means that soon you will receive as a gift a thing that you have long dreamed about.

Silver in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Silver is a symbol of good, the moon. To see a piece of silver that is being taken out of the earth - this dream means that in July 2003 a new deposit will be discovered, which will bring a lot of income. To see a bridge forged from silver is a symbol of doubtful good fortune, an alliance bought with money. Seeing silver coins with the image of the moon is a harbinger of a visit to creatures that no one knew anything about, but which have long been giving signals to Earth. Seeing many chests full of silver is a dream that portends a multilevel reform of banknotes. Seeing the huge boa that protects the pile of silver is a symbol of the fact that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery of great importance and consequences will be made, it will have international significance and will make changes to the history books of ancient civilizations. Seeing the silver bayonets with which the front garden is enclosed is a harbinger of an increase in aggression among underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

Dreamed silver

according to Miller’s dream book

Silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not rely too much on money, achieving genuine happiness and satisfaction. Finding a silver coin is evidence of a shortage of other money. It is possible that you too often rush to conclusions for your own comfort. Silverware in a dream portends excitement and unfulfilled desires.

What does the jeweler dream of?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


The meaning of sleep about a jeweler

according to Freud's dream book

If you see a jeweler in a dream, it means that you are waiting for making love in some unusual place, maybe in a chic hotel room or in a cottage outside the city. Order some jewelry from a jeweler or choose something in a jewelry store - there are some disagreements between you and your “second half”, and if you do not want them to turn into a quarrel or break, then use the advice contained in a dream, - present to the partner (partner) something original as a gift. Being a jeweler in a dream - the development of your future relationship depends on how you perceive your partner’s offer to have sex in a slightly non-traditional way. Perhaps the proposal will seem shocking to you, and then a break and mutual disappointment is likely. Well, if you show a healthy curiosity, then you will know such depths of sexual sensations that they were not even aware of.

What is the dream of metal

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

molten - unrealizable.

What is the bride dreaming of

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

expectation; hope in business (for men); to be a bride - to income; inappropriate dress - marriage or deeds (for men) - will not work.

The meaning of the dream about the bride

according to Freud's dream book

For a woman to dream of herself as the bride of her beloved person means a quick change in personal relationships. Perhaps this will be reconciliation after a long quarrel with someone with whom you have long despaired of making contact. Your problem is that you too demand from your chosen one official recognition of your relationship. Reduce your ardor a little, perhaps after a while your chances will be much higher. If in a dream you (it is about women) saw your daughter as a bride, then such a dream suggests that you subconsciously compare yourself with her and often comparison is not in your favor. You note that you are old, your appearance has changed, your character has deteriorated. You imagine yourself in her place, you want the same success that she has. If a man saw his partner or even his wife in the guise of a bride, then such a dream suggests that he is currently not confident in his male power, it seems to him that failure is about to happen. And in the dream, he is trying to return to the time when success was guaranteed. If a man saw his daughter as a bride, then this dream portends the dreamer a quick amusement walk, which he will take with great pleasure. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited meeting with someone whom he had not seen for a long time and secretly wanted to see.

Dreamed of a bride

according to Miller’s dream book

If a young woman sees herself in a dream as a bride, this portends her receiving an inheritance that will greatly delight her. But only if she gladly puts on a wedding outfit. If at the same time she has unpleasant sensations - she will suffer from disappointments in her affections. To dream that you kiss the bride means a happy reconciliation of friends. If the bride kisses others, it portends you many friends and pleasures. If she kisses you, sleep promises you excellent health. It is possible that your lover will suddenly receive an inheritance. Kissing the bride and noting that she looks tired and sick means that you will not enjoy the success and actions of your friends. If a real bride sees in a dream that she is indifferent to her husband, this portends a lot of unpleasant circumstances that will ruin her for several days in her new life.

Why is my wife dreaming?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to be them is disappointment, sadness.

Dreamed wife

according to Miller’s dream book

To dream of his wife means incomplete affairs and contention in the house. To dream that your wife is unusually friendly means that you will profit from some important and risky trade transaction. For a wife to dream that her husband beats her with a whip, she predicts that some of her unsuccessful actions will cause her severe condemnation in the house, and then general disorder and confusion.

Why is my wife dreaming?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(former or deceased) - the return of old affairs; debt repayment; (in a husband’s dream) - the present work; favorite or least favorite hobby; earnings; fight with her - reconciliation; scolding - to the illness of one of the spouses; caresses her husband - a large income; wife beats husband - to illness; a man beats a wife or woman - to love or consent; the wife dreams of a very affectionate husband - very bad in the family; go together to part; Traveling, traveling together - monetary losses; feasting - for separation; to get a wife (unfamiliar in reality) - arrangement of affairs, depending on beauty and nature; ex-wife is an old thing; connect with her - obstacles in a proven case; see Husband.

The meaning of sleep about veils

according to Freud's dream book

If a man put a veil on his head in a dream, then he needs to take care of himself and get less upset due to minor problems. The fact is that a somewhat infantile attitude to life can lead to undesirable consequences and you yourself won’t notice how you turn into a creature that sheds tears at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. If such a dream was seen by a woman, it means that soon something unusual will happen in her family, and you will have to strain a little to properly perceive the news. In a dream, an unmarried woman or girl should wear a veil - to meet a man who will play a big role in her life. A torn or dirty veil is a sign of deception.

Dreamed diamonds

according to Miller’s dream book

Seeing yourself the owner of diamonds is a very auspicious dream, portending honors and recognition of your merits. For a young woman to dream that her beloved is giving her diamonds means that her wedding will be very beautiful and many friends will rejoice with her. Losing diamonds is the most unfortunate dream that predicts shame and need.

Dream diamonds

according to Loff's dream book

A diamond is a stone that represents wealth, love and strength. It is the hardest and most valuable of all gems. To see diamonds in a dream is an indication of the desire for wealth or, on the contrary, a reflection of your thoughts about its corruption. Do you think the rest live better off or are poorer than you? What feelings are associated with the appearance of diamonds in a dream: fear and confusion or pride and complacency?

Dream rings

according to Loff's dream book

Rings can symbolize a contract or a certain commitment, such as in marriage. Sometimes the rings indicate our desire to take on obligations or obtain assurances about the taking of obligations by others in relation to us or a particular company. Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings or “wheat circles” drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that is not allowed to cross evil. In dreams of this kind, you can worry about the circumstances inevitably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make or find a ring? Does it seem to you that you are able to control it? Is this ring used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

receive - protection; to see, collect, admire - false happiness, false hopes in the personal; to put on a finger is a strange exaltation.

Expert Answers


I walked in the snow, it seemed that my ex-husband was on the right, I saw something quickly bending over, I took it in my hands and put my hand in my pocket. He asked me “what is this?” I said that the rings. He says “look at that”. I replied that I took it with snow, the snow would melt later and look. Then I looked, there were several rings in my palm and one earring is for sure, maybe two were, I looked quickly held the fist. (K, Svetlana)

A dream means that in reality you are dissatisfied with the current situation in your personal life, you may be in search, but so far everything is not very successful. At heart, you yearn for family and close relationships and would like to. To make it all work out.


I dreamed of the late father, a young handsome man, with a wedding ring on his hand, a new, beautiful one from him. I was upset and asked - you married a second time? Answered - Yes. What can I dream of? (Olga ducha)

The appearance in a dream of a deceased father is always symbolic. Your dream indicates serious changes in your personal life in reality.

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See the Ring in a dream

If in a dream you wear rings in your hands, it means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in matrimonial affairs and breakup for lovers.

If a girl receives a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are behind, since from now on he will completely devote himself to her present and future.

To dream of rings on others means an increase in your well-being and new acquaintances.

  Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does dream ring mean?

If you find a ring, then you will receive an offer, there may be a connection with the opposite sex.

If you dreamed that you lost, then the dream speaks of divorce, separation.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

What do the dreams of the Ring mean?

It symbolizes the power of the social "Super-I": the political, religious and emotional-sensual power of the family environment;

It means a person accepts his role or loyalty to the rules and regulations.

In some cases, this image can be neutral and simply mean some kind of personality, and in others, although infrequently, it can indicate a very negative psychology that is transmitted from generation to generation through the degeneration of psychic unconscious information.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does the Ring mean in a dream

If a married woman in a dream drops a ring from her finger - this portends her the infidelity of her husband, carried away by an unworthy woman who can completely destroy his life.

If a woman dreams that her wedding ring is breaking, this portends a husband’s illness or death.

And if the ring presses on a finger or crashes into it, then this is a warning about someone else’s disease.

Putting a ring on your finger is the harbinger of an alliance with the person you love.

  Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

The Meaning of Dreams Ring

Ring - With a stone - to sorrow. See which stone.

Engagement - to divorce, failure to fulfill marriage expectations.

Ancient - you have a partner with whom you are connected karmically. Fate will bring you together!

Another (large or ring-shaped object, such as a hoop) is “walk in a circle”, do not look forward.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Interpretation of Sleep Ring

The ring is a symbol of marriage and power.

The ring is usually dreamed of either the formation of strong alliances between people (not necessarily love, it can be friendships or business relationships), or exaltation in your community, gaining fame or respect.

If the ring is put on your finger, it means that soon you will have to bind yourself with some kind of promise.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What the Ring predicts in a dream

Dream of a ring means connection, friendship, union, affection, betrothal.

Getting a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will make you an offer.

To dream of golden rings and rings in oneself portends honors, wealth and prosperity.

Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of breaking up relationships and losing a loved one.

To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will be very worried about, especially if the ring has sharp ends.

Seeing the rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in the company of wealthy people and make new acquaintances.

Amber ring in a dream to see or wear is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult, but wealthy life.

Two wedding rings to see in a dream - to the engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, the engagement will be delayed or will not take place at all.

Talking about the size of the wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love.

The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is.

Wearing a wedding ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or soon getting engaged. To lose him is to chagrin; to receive is the faithfulness of the beloved.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then a dream predicts you happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be darkened by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or treason.

See interpretation: jewels.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to see the Ring in a dream

Wedding, childbirth, acquaintance, relationship;

Iron, with stone - labor with profit;

Golden - for good;

Broken - loss;

Lose - loss, separation;

Giving is a loss.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream interpretation of Veles

Interpretation of sleep Ring

To dream in a dream from Monday to Tuesday the ring on his hand - to the joy that the children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and a showdown with the person you love is behind.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in conjugal affairs.

The dreaming rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring at all times was considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used to betroth the young, being the talisman of the new family.

  Dream Interpretation for Women

What the Ring predicts

If in a dream you lose your ring, then this is a warning about the danger of losing the state or disposition of a person, which means a lot to you.

If you put the ring on your finger, then you will have dizzying success with the opposite sex.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of men

In a dream see the Ring

A broken ring dreams of contention between spouses.

Lovers such a dream promises a breakup.

If a girl dreams that she was presented with a ring, this means that she will stop worrying about her lover - he will prove to her his love and readiness for a joint future.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book

Prediction of Sleep Ring

The engagement ring seen in a dream portends a fast wedding and a happy marriage.

Seeing a lot of different rings on your fingers in a dream means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

To lose a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, to search - a happy chance will help to avoid trouble, to find it - you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children.

Gold rings mean wealth and new useful contacts.

Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over a lover, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to get acquainted with an interesting man.

Seeing a snake curl up in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake rings around you and hissedly releases its forked tongue out of its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with superiors. Hanging on them means you don’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing, insuring yourself with a backup option.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What the Ring is dreaming of

The ring in a dream is a symbol of a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

Wearing rings on your hands in a dream - to new and successful enterprises.

Seeing rings on others in a dream means increased wealth and new acquaintances.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

See the Ring in a dream

A ring in a dream means the growth of your well-being and the emergence of new friends.

If in a dream you lose the ring - this promises a quarrel in real life.

  Interpretation of dreams from the universal dream book

What do the dreams of the Ring mean?

To soon marriage or marriage. Married to a happy family life.

Imagine that you put on a ring, it sits firmly on your finger. No one can take it off.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about the Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, there are new things ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in conjugal affairs and a breakup for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are behind. From now on, he will forever give his heart to her.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of increased wealth and portend new acquaintances.

This is how the dreams of the Wang ring were interpreted.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one’s hand symbolizes your faithfulness to your feelings and promises.

A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends an unexpected help in solving a problem that has long bothered you.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you have broken your promise and the oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared for you a life test.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize a contract or the undertaking of certain obligations, as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes the rings indicate our desire to take on obligations or obtain assurances about the taking of obligations by others in relation to us or a particular company.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. The rings drawn on the ground, or “wheat circles,” are related to protection, because the ring is the border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you can worry about the circumstances inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor. ”

  Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does the Ring mean in a dream

Symbol of commitment and promise.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often, such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to take advantage of this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have made to yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream: this is a sign that some obligations will soon become a burden on you and you will want to free yourself from them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone has given you vowed promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your business.

A ring on a table or in dishes: a sign that, using the help, you can improve your well-being; a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

The Meaning of Dreams Ring

Gold ring on the hand to have - to marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand is for the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - of your own free will or fault to destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying someone else's engagement ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - tying a relationship of light and non-binding.

If a woman sees her wedding ring bright and brilliant - portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Finding a ring is an important meeting, a new love, a new friendship.

Give a ring - for marriage.

Pass the ring - to the loss.

To get a ring is to prosperity.

To remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of the son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, important acquaintance, communication, work and benefit.

The iron ring is hard work and sorrow.

The copper ring is joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

To put on a gold ring - to meet with your loved one and the wedding.

Losing the ring and trying to find the ring is to make sure that your loved one is unkind to you, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Ring purchase - a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to fawning.

  Interpretation of dreams from the 21st Century Dream Interpretation

What the Ring means in a dream

An engagement ring is a symbol of marriage.

Put the ring on your finger for yourself or someone else - for the wedding.

Shoot - to divorce.

Other rings - to friendship, good luck in business, the growth of wealth.

Break, lose the ring: for a woman - to the loss of a loved one.

For a man - to a loss in matters from partners on whom he relied.

The iron ring is a sign of profit obtained by hard work.

  Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

In a dream see the Ring

  • Long friendship. Marriage. Engagement.
  • The ring of truth. Vow.
  • Eternal love.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • The ring is a sign of an ongoing life cycle. A ring can be a symbol of completeness, wholeness and unity.
  • The ring has long been a symbol of friendship, betrothal and marriage. If this sign appears to you, it may portend a lasting relationship or betrothal. It also serves as a symbol of eternal love.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

In a dream see the Ring

  • Good value
    If you dreamed of an engagement ring (worn by someone or in a box, on the window, you looked at him), soon there will be a wedding (you or your friend, you can figure it out). Plant the golden ring in the ground and water it like a flower for a week.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed of a ring, you run in a circle, constantly, making the same mistakes. To find a way out of this situation, wrap a long black hair around the index finger of his right hand for the night.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ring

  • Smooth - marriage, marriage;
  • with a large stone - an unexpected acquaintance;
  • with small stones - to tears;
  • ring - for the wedding;
  • broken - to the betrayal of a loved one

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book N. Grishina

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • Gold ring on the hand to have - marriage, birth of a child.
  • Put on the hand - fulfillment of desires.
  • Engagement or simple to lose - through their own fault, to destroy the old ties; find new friends.
  • Finding a ring is a significant meeting, a new love or friendship.
  • Give - connect with the union. Transfer is a loss.
  • Receive - well-being / your attention is sought.
  • To shoot is the pain of infidelity.
  • It is not removed from the hand - bondage.
  • Break - a dispute, loss, separation.
  • Signet ring - honor / symbol of your son, heir, your spiritual successor / successor.
  • A ring with a large diamond is a great business success, an important acquaintance, communication, work and benefit.
  • The Iron Ring - great labor and sorrow.
  • Copper is joy.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminsky

Dream Interpretation Ring

  • To receive a ring as a gift is a very good sign: for a girl, it is a faithful partner in love, an offer to marry, and for married women, happiness in marriage.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ring

  • If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, you have new things to do in which you will be lucky.
  • A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in conjugal affairs and a breakup for lovers.
  • If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are behind him - from now on, he will forever give his heart to her.
  • Rings on the hands of other people dream of increased wealth and portend new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Book

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • Cheap, shiny ring - you will suffer a slight malaise. A rich, expensive ring - you are a physically strong person with excellent health. The upcoming wedding.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Dream Interpretation Ring

  • The symbol denoting power, the dominance in a person of a social principle over the personal, excessive respect for social rules and dogmas. Remember: the laws of society are much lower than the laws of our soul, and do not attach so much importance to them!

Dream Interpretation: Ancient French Dream Interpretation

Ring (circle)

  • If you had a ring, your dream portends a new friendship or marriage (marriage). If you break a ring in a dream, this is a sign of future disagreements with friends, their insincerity.

Ring (jewelry)

  • Ring in a dream - symbolizes friendship or love. If you dreamed of a gold, silver or engagement ring, your dream promises you a happy family life and many glorious children. If in a dream you give someone a ring, your dream tells you: trust a heart that is full of tenderness for you. If you are given a ring, it is a sign of sincere love. Dream Interpretation Ring

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • If a married woman in a dream drops a ring from her finger - this portends her the infidelity of her husband, carried away by an unworthy woman who can completely destroy his life. If a woman dreams that her wedding ring is breaking, this portends a husband’s illness or death. And if the ring presses on a finger or crashes into it, then this is a warning about someone else’s disease. Putting a ring on your finger is the harbinger of an alliance with the person you love.

Dream interpretation: East female dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ring

  • To see the wedding ring or try on it - for the imminent wedding of friends or relatives. If you put a ring with a stone on your hand, wait for the marriage proposal.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • If in a dream you wear rings in your hands, it means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky.
  • A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in matrimonial affairs and breakup for lovers.
  • If a girl receives a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are behind, since from now on he will completely devote himself to her present and future.
  • To dream of rings on others means an increase in your well-being and new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

In a dream see the Ring

  • offer, communication;
  • lose - divorce, separation.

Dream Interpretation: Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.
  • In a dream, you put a ring on your hand to your loved one - this dream symbolizes your faithfulness to your feelings and promises.
  • A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends an unexpected help in solving a problem that has long bothered you.
  • If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, it means that in real life you don’t have any cordial affection for anyone.
  • In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you have broken your promise and the oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared for you a life test.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

In a dream see the Ring

  • If you wear rings in a dream, then this is a sign that your undertakings will succeed. If the rings are worn by others - this is to improve well-being and expand the circle of your friends. If a young woman dreamed that she was presented with a ring, then this is a good omen. The behavior of her lover will bring peace to her soul, as he will fully devote himself to their common interests. The dream in which you saw a broken ring is a harbinger of quarrels, family troubles, separation.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • Ring, single - marriage; and the girl is married; matched - family increment; with stones - profitable work; iron is sadness; broken - the loss of a friend or property.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

What the Ring is dreaming of

  • With a stone - to sorrow.
  • Engagement - to divorce, failure to fulfill marriage expectations.
  • Ancient - you have a partner with whom you are connected karmically. Fate will bring you together!
  • Another (large or ring-shaped object, such as a hoop) is “walk in a circle”, do not look forward.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

In a dream see the Ring

  • It symbolizes the power of the social "Super-I": the political, religious and emotional-sensual power of the family environment; means a person accepts his role or loyalty to the rules and regulations. In some cases, this image can be neutral and simply mean some kind of personality, and in others, although infrequently, it can indicate a very negative psychology that is transmitted from generation to generation through the degeneration of psychic unconscious information.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ring

  • Rings (jewelry, magic) can symbolize a contract or the undertaking of certain obligations, as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes the rings indicate our desire to take on obligations or obtain assurances about the taking of obligations by others in relation to us or a particular company. Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that is not allowed to cross evil. In dreams of this kind, you can worry about the circumstances inevitably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make or find a ring? Does it seem to you that you are able to control it? Is this ring used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Dream Interpretation: Azar's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ring

  • Dreaming of a ring - affection
  • get a ring - true love
  • agate ring for childless women means there will be children
  • agate ring for women who are already married and have children, means a rich inheritance
  • agate ring for men means trouble
  • agate ring for single women means fast wedding
  • wear engagement ring - wedding and happy marriage
  • ring to lose - annoyance

The site’s dream book - the biggest Runet’s dream book, contains 75 of the best dream books: the new family dream book, Longo’s dream book, Pythagoras’s numerological dream book, Nostradamus’s dream book, moon dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (detailed), the noble dream book of N. Grishina, Shuvalova’s dream book, Assyrian dream book, Sivananda’s Vedic dream book, Health dream book, culinary dream book, Pharaoh’s (Kenkherhepeheshefa) Egyptian dream book, winged phrase book, eastern female dream book, psychological dream book of psychological states, Wanderer dream book, symbolic dream book (symbolic), fairy tale ifological dream book, Azar’s dream book, ancient French dream book, love dream book, Hasse dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, and others.

What is the dream of the ring

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you wear rings in your hands, it means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky.

Broken ring - means quarrels and misfortunes in matrimonial affairs and breakup for lovers.

If a girl receives a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are behind, since from now on he will completely devote himself to her present and future.

To see rings on others in a dream means an increase in your well-being and new acquaintances.

What is the dream of the ring

Freud's Dream Book

Ring - is a symbol of the female genital organs.

Putting a ring on a finger or removing it - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you have been presented with a ring, especially a gold one, someone is seeking to enter into a long-term relationship (marriage) with you or wants to significantly improve the existing relationship.

If you give a ring - it is you who want to enter into such a relationship.

A lot of rings in a woman - symbolizes her lesbian inclinations, and in a man - the desire for thoughtless collecting of new partners.

Broken ring - symbolizes health problems.

Lost ring - symbolizes a break with a partner or the desire for a new partner.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Wanga

The appearance of a ring in a dream - symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

In a dream, you put a ring on your hand to your loved one - this dream symbolizes your faithfulness to your feelings and promises.

A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand - portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has long been bothering you.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you have broken your promise and the oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared for you a life test.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Little ring - affection; engagement to wear - a wedding and a happy marriage; to lose is annoyance; to receive is true love.

What is the dream of the ring

Family dream book

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, there are new things ahead of you in which you will be lucky.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream - her worries associated with her lover are behind, now he will forever give his heart to her.

Rings in the hands of other people - dream of increased wealth and portend new acquaintances.

If the ring is lost or broken, the woman has many sorrows ahead.

The engagement ring seen on someone’s hand portends that you will not take someone’s promise too seriously. Perhaps you will indulge in unlawful joys.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The ring in dreams is a symbol of commitment and promise. The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

A ring on the ring finger or on the little finger is an indication of friendship. Often, such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to take advantage of this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger - symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb - means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have made to yourself.

If the ring causes inconvenience to you in a dream - this is a sign that some obligations will soon become a burden for you, and you will want to free yourself from them.

Finding a ring is a reminder that someone made you vowed promises that may come in handy soon. The place in which the ring is found may indicate what assistance is associated with.

A ring found on the road means that a friend is able to help advance your business.

A ring on a table or in a bowl is a sign that, using the help, you can improve your well-being

A ring on a chair or on an armchair - heralds help in obtaining a new place.

What is the dream of the ring

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ring - to the family union.

What is the dream of the ring

Spring dream book

Engagement ring - to the groom.

What is the dream of the ring

Summer dream book

To see a wedding ring in a dream - to divorce.

What is the dream of the ring

Autumn dream book

Lose a wedding ring in a dream - to widowhood.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

An engagement ring seen in a dream - portends a fast wedding and a happy marriage. The ring worn on your finger during the wedding ceremony - portends true love, a strong family and healthy offspring.

Golden engagement ring - means wealth growth and new useful acquaintances. An alloy ring in the color of gold - you will find yourself in difficulty, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your enemies are.

Buying wedding rings - you will be charged with a cart of public work, not finding the best candidate. Selling your engagement ring means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, to look for a lucky chance will help to avoid trouble, to find it will receive good news.

Too small a ring that does not fit on the finger - problems with children; falling from it - to losses and losses.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ring - fun, wedding

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya

Seeing a ring in a dream is a big change in life.

If you dreamed that you found a ring - soon you will make a valuable purchase.

If a girl receives a ring in a dream, then all her worries are behind, since her lover will completely devote himself to her present and future.

To dream of a ring on other people means an increase in your well-being and many new friends.

The loss of the ring is a tangible loss.

You dreamed that you bought a ring - there are big changes in life ahead.

If you dreamed that you sold the ring - you will expect big changes in life that will happen through the fault of one of your friends.

You gave someone a ring - soon you will lend money to a reliable person.

To melt a ring - to a quarrel with a person close to you.

What is the dream of the ring

Esoteric dream book

Ring with a stone - to sorrow.

Engagement - to divorce, failure to fulfill marriage expectations.

Ancient - you have a partner with whom you are connected karmically. Fate will bring you together!

Another (large or ring-shaped object, such as an engagement ring) is “walk in a circle”, do not look forward.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The ring in a dream is a symbol of a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

To see rings on others in a dream means an increase in wealth and new acquaintances.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand - portends unexpected help in solving a long-standing problem.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, it means that in real life you don’t have any cordial affection for anyone.

A ring dropped from your hand is a bad sign. In real life, you have broken your promise and the oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared for you a life test.

Broken ring - means quarrels and misfortunes in conjugal affairs and breakup for lovers.

If in a dream your wedding ring is bright and shiny - you will be protected from excessive cares and unfaithfulness of your spouse.

If the ring is lost or broken, sadness will enter your life.

To see the engagement ring on the other person’s hand means that you will not take someone’s promises too seriously.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Book of Azar

The ring is a wedding.

Dreaming of a ring - affection.

To receive a ring is true love.

An agate ring for childless women means that there will be children.

Agate ring for women who are already married and have children, means rich.

Agate ring for men means trouble.

An agate ring for single women means a quick wedding.

Wear engagement ring - wedding and happy marriage.

The ring to lose is a nuisance.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Evgenia Tsvetkova

Ring - offer, connection; lose the black ring - divorce, separation.

What is the dream of the ring

Modern dream book

The dream in which you wear rings - predicts you new businesses in which you will succeed.

Broken ring - portends quarrels, unhappy family life and separation for lovers.

If a young woman dreams that she is given a ring, she will stop worrying about the behavior of her lover, as he will completely devote himself to her and their future interests.

Seeing others wearing rings promises an increase in wealth and the emergence of many new friends.

In a dream, a woman seeing her engagement ring shining and bright is a sign that she will not know any worries or treason.

To see in a dream that you have lost or broken a ring means that in real life you will find sadness due to death or dissimilarity of characters.

If in a dream you see a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or another person - in real life you will not take your promises seriously and indulge in unlawful pleasures.

What is the dream of the ring

Eastern dream book

To see the wedding ring or try on it - for the imminent wedding of friends or relatives.

If you put a ring with a stone on your hand, wait for the marriage proposal.

What is the dream of the ring

Schiller-Schoolboy Dream Interpretation

happy wedding.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What is dreaming What does the Ring mean in a dream - you see a ring in your hand - you risk taking on an unfamiliar thing; to your surprise, the first pancake will not be lumpy; You will quickly gain experience in a new business, and it will bring you prosperity. A young woman sees a ring on her finger - this woman will have a lover. The young woman dreams that someone is giving her a ring - the woman’s beloved will be sensitive and helpful; in the representations of this woman, her lover is close to ideal. You dream of a golden ring - the wedding is nearing. Some of the spouses dream of a broken, or bent, or scratched ring - because of mutual misunderstanding and disrespect in the family, there will be constant quarrels.

What is the dream of the ring

Noble dream book N. Grishina

Gold ring on the hand to have - marriage, birth of a child.

Put on the hand - fulfillment of desires.

Engagement or simple to lose - through their own fault, to destroy the old ties; find new friends.

Finding a ring is a significant meeting, a new love or friendship.

Give - connect with the union. Transfer is a loss.

Receive - well-being / your attention is sought.

To shoot is the pain of infidelity.

It is not removed from the hand - bondage.

Break - a dispute, loss, separation.

Signet ring - honor / symbol of your son, heir, your spiritual successor / successor.

A ring with a large diamond is a great business success, an important acquaintance, communication, work and benefit.

The Iron Ring - great labor and sorrow.

Copper is joy.

What is the dream of the ring

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Ring - love, fidelity, marriage, marriage.

Shakes, fell, lose - breakup, divorce.

What is the dream of the ring

Healer of Akulina's Dream Interpretation

What does the Ring mean in a dream - To soon marriage or marriage. Married to a happy family life. Imagine that you put on a ring, it sits firmly on your finger. No one can take it off.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Rings and rings with precious stones on the fingers - a sign of temptation, an indication of black magic.

What is the dream of the ring

Icelandic dream book

Wear a ring on your hand - bind yourself with love with another.

What is the dream of the ring

Folklore dream book

Ring to drop engagement - family conflict, divorce, treason.

What is the dream of the ring

Starry Dream Book

You dreamed of a Ring - a symbol of communication. Marriage is possible.

What is the dream of the ring

Modern dream book

Dream Book Ring - Fun Wedding

What is the dream of the ring

English dream book

You dreamed about the Ring - Hands are an expressive symbol of creative abilities and skills. Rings symbolize status, revealing the social, professional or financial position of the wearer. What a dream is about: Consider the shape of the ring, the material from which it is made, and the circumstances surrounding it. Was it given as a gift or to confirm an agreement, such as a wedding ring? The rings were on all fingers? If so, then a dream may mean that their wearer is not self-confident and uses wealth or a boastful demonstration of talent to hide his flaws. Dreams in which you wear rings on your toes suggest a desire for a more exotic life. See also Hands, Fingers

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed about the Ring - Sometimes to get married or married. Lose the engagement ring A dream that had a dream on Monday night for separation; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, to bewilderment and ignorance of what to do; having a dream on a Saturday or Sunday night, the dream says that you will forget your promises. Dropping a ring into water is a miracle to avoid great danger. To clean the ring is to ask for forgiveness. Break the ring - to the disease. Stubbornly, but without any success, trying to put on a finger a ring that is too small - choose the wrong way to achieve the goal. It is difficult to remove the ring from your finger - to commit a rash act, which can have bad consequences.

What is the dream of the ring

Big dream book of Phoebe

The ring for which it is unmarried and unmarried to the wedding, family - fortunately in marriage. Imagine a jewelry box. You open it and see a lot of different rings. You choose the ring that you like best, and put it on your finger. It’s just right for you, sits firmly on your finger and looks very beautiful.

What is the dream of the ring

Ancient Russian dream book

Ring or ring - Seeing in a dream portends a single marriage, the acquisition of friendship or new acquaintance; to have gold rings on fingers foreshadows exaltation in virtues, the multiplication of honors and the acquisition of power; to receive a ring as a gift means safety; giving a ring portends a loss; losing an engagement ring marks the death of one of the spouses whose ring is lost.

Ringlet - Affection; engagement to wear - a wedding and a happy marriage; to lose is annoyance; to receive is true love.

What is the dream of the ring

Psychoanalytic dream book

What the Ring means in a dream - see also Engagement Ring. 1. A ring in a dream usually denotes some specific relationship. An engagement ring involves union and promise. The heirloom ring represents ancient traditions and values, while the engagement ring is just a test promise of fidelity. The ring of eternity means a long-term commitment. Signet ring - sealing something. A ring hung in the bull’s nostril is an element of cruelty. 2. We all want that that gives in life a sense of comfort and coziness, to continue. The ring symbolizes this, because it never ends. 3. Like the circle, the ring signifies eternity and the divine principle. Integrity.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream book of the sorceress Medea

Ring to see in a dream - Symbolizes a strong friendship or a happy family. Also a symbol of the integrity of the character, sometimes a confirmation of power. Lose the ring - destroy friendship or marriage. The ring falls from the finger - the loss of a loved one. Find a ring, get a gift - to new connections. Ring with a stone (ring) - a sign of honor, power, respect.

What is the dream of the ring

Russian dream book

You dreamed about the Ring - a fun wedding.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What the Ring means in a dream - communication, wedding. Broken ring - parting of lovers. A small ring that does not fit on your finger - the partner you have chosen - is not your fate. To receive a ring as a gift is to have happiness in the future. Seeing rings in the wrong hands - trying to make friends. An engagement ring is for marriage.

You dreamed about the Ring - a wedding, a new acquaintance, an engagement, an offer or a successful business contract. A narrow ring - a breakdown of the wedding. To dream about the exchange of rings is the fulfillment of all personal desires. Putting a ring on your partner’s hand is a sign of fidelity. If in a dream you measure different rings and none of them suits you, then you don’t feel affection for anyone. If the ring slid off your finger and fell - a violation of fidelity.

What is the dream of the ring

Female dream book

Dream ring - A ring in a dream - a symbol of the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oaths, allegiance.

Wearing rings on your hands in a dream - to new and successful enterprises.

Seeing rings on others in a dream means increased wealth and new acquaintances.

If in a dream you put a ring on the hand of your loved one - you will remain faithful to your feelings and keep these promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a long-standing problem.

If a girl receives a ring in a dream, her beloved will now completely devote herself to her present and future.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, it means that in real life you don’t have any cordial affection for anyone.

A ring dropped from your hand is a bad sign. In real life, you have broken your promise and the oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared for you a life test.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in conjugal affairs and a breakup for lovers, as interpreted by the dream ring.

What is the dream of the ring

Housewife dream interpretation

Ring - own image; relationships with other people. Engagement ring - the relationship between a man and a woman; the contract; undertaking certain obligations; the ring is bright and shiny - good feelings and excellent prospects; the ring is lost or broken - disturbing thoughts and uncertainty in a partner; magic rings - dreams of possessing magical abilities; rings or wheat circles drawn on the ground - need for protection.

What is the dream of the ring

Psychotherapeutic Dream Book

Symbols corresponding to all circular systems. A symbol of power, the social Over I. Self-recognition and social loyalty. The impossibility of abandoning the social role can have negative or protective consequences, as the interpreter informs about the essence of the dream that you dream.

What is the dream of the ring

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If you dreamed of a wedding ring (worn by someone or in a box, on the window, you looked at him), it will soon be a wedding (you or your friend will figure it out). Plant the golden ring in the ground and water it like a flower for a week.

Bad value If you dreamed of a ring, you run around in a circle, constantly making the same mistakes. To find a way out of this situation, wrap a long black hair around the index finger of his right hand for the night.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of winged phrases

RING - “ring” - marry forcibly; "Engagement ring" - establishing an intimate relationship.

What is the dream of the ring

Male dream book

If in a dream you lose your ring, then this is a warning about the danger of losing the state or disposition of a person, which means a lot to you.

If you put the ring on your finger, then you will have dizzying success with the opposite sex.

What is the dream of the ring

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It symbolizes the power of the social "Super-I": the political, religious and emotional-sensual power of the family environment; means a person accepts his role or loyalty to the rules and regulations. In some cases, this image can be neutral and simply mean some kind of personality, and in others, although infrequently, it can indicate a very negative psychology that is transmitted from generation to generation through the degeneration of psychic unconscious information.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

The symbol denoting power, the dominance in a person of a social principle over the personal, excessive respect for social rules and dogmas. Remember: the laws of society are much lower than the laws of our soul, and do not attach so much importance to them!

What is the dream of the ring

Old Russian dream book

offer, communication; lose a divorce, separation.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream interpretation for women

To dream in a dream from Monday to Tuesday the ring on his hand - to the joy that the children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and a showdown with the person you love is behind.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in conjugal affairs.

The dreaming rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

What is the dream of the ring

Idiomatic dream book

"Ring" - forcefully marry; "Engagement ring" - establishing an intimate relationship.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of the Past

The ring is a symbol denoting power, the dominance in a person of the social principle over the personal, excessive respect for social rules and dogmas. Remember: the laws of society are much lower than the laws of our soul, and do not attach so much importance to them!

What is the dream of the ring

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberty

A ring is a symbol denoting power, a social super-ego (political, religious, and even emotional). This image means recognition of a role or loyalty in relation to position, status, rules. regulations.

In some cases, this image may simply be indifferent and simply indicate a person.

In some cases, although not often, this image can symbolize a rather negative psychology, which is transmitted from generation to generation as psychic semantics.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream interpretation for the whole family

To dream in a dream from Monday to Tuesday the ring on his hand - to the joy that the children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift - all the excitement and clarification of the relationship with the person you love is behind.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring - means quarrels and discord in conjugal affairs.

Dreamed rings on the fingers of other people - indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you.

If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

If in a dream you lose your ring - this is a warning about the danger of losing the state or disposition of a person, which means a lot to you.

If you put the ring on your finger, then you will have dizzying success with the opposite sex.

What is the dream of the ring

Online dream book

The ring is a symbol of the connection of friendship or family, but most often love. In addition, it reflects the integrity of the person and power qualities. The appearance of such a symbol in a dream may be a hint that your important relationships will soon begin to grow stronger and develop, or your affection will become more priority.

Carrying it on your hand, as the dream book says, is a sign that you will have a love affair.

If there is a gem on it, you will receive a lot of respect and attention.

The signet ring was a dream - a reflection of communication with the heir.

You saw a ring with a big diamond - you can come to success through new connections.

It squeezes a finger in a dream - someone from the environment becomes ill.

Put the ring on your finger - you can be close enough with your loved one.

It was dreamed that they tried on it - someone from the environment would marry.

The silver ring is a very good dream, for you there is a serene period of harmony in everything. Problems and troubles receded into the background.

A rusty ring is an unpleasant time. Parting with family and friends, loss of self-confidence and strength, longing and bitterness due to a break with a loved one.

An ancient ring - a case will introduce you to the person who was supposed to meet on your life path.

A dream in which a turquoise ring appears is an unexpected event that will make your whole family happy. Your affairs will be a matter of pride for your family.

Ring with the inscription - you break other people's hearts. Sometimes the people you seduce are family-friendly, so your behavior brings misfortune to others.

An engagement ring - a concept of duty for you - is not an empty phrase. You keep your promises to someone, no matter what.

It’s impossible to choose a ring according to size - you cannot fall in love, remain indifferent to those who love you.

A dream in which the ring is not enough for you - there will be problems with the children.

Falls from a finger - lose someone who is dear to you.

It was a dream that they found him - will strike a new relationship.

The place where the ring is found may hint at the nature of the relationship.

On the road, business relations.

Found a ring on a table or dishes - relationships will help you get rich.

On a chair or chair - such a dream suggests that you have prospects for career growth.

Lose the ring in a dream - the relationship will be broken.

Diamond ring - well-being and luxurious surprises. For investors, a dream promises attractive offers for investment.

Buying a ring - a nice and cheerful person on your way will tell you what to do next.

The guy gives the ring in a dream - you will see how tender and caring your loved one is. He will fully correspond to your ideas about the ideal lover.

Searched for the lost - you will learn that your loved one is hypocritical to you.

For a married woman, such a dream indicates that the husband can change her.

The ring breaks - the spouse can seriously get sick.

Why dream of a broken ring? Such a plot - you will go through conflicts in a romantic relationship.

Take it as a gift - you will be convinced of the fidelity of the one you love, harmony will prevail in the relationship.

Beloved gives you a ring - in love this person will be faithful to you.

Giving it in a dream is a warning that you will lose something.

A ring on the other person’s hand - you can improve your status.

The ring fell - some trouble in the near future. You did not take seriously the friend’s request, did not help him in a difficult situation.

I dreamed of choosing a ring - fate favors you. Use the chances that are provided.

Dreaming of dropping the ring is a signal for you to be careful at this time. Worry about those things that you did not complete on time, and now repent of it.

The meaning of dreams about rings of various materials

It was made of iron - you will work hard.

You saw a copper ring - experience joy.

Silver dreamed - you will hide the problems.

The Golden Ring, according to the dream book - will be successful in everything.

If you dream about a wedding ring

Wedding ring - you will suffer from troubles and betrayals.

Take it off your hands - you will be limited in something.

If a woman sees in a dream her wedding ring bright and brilliant - she will not have to suffer from worries and infidelity.

Engagement to buy, according to the dream book - a sign that you will receive many assignments for work.

Sell \u200b\u200bthem - you may run into material problems.

Putting it on the beloved's hand is a reflection of your fidelity to your own feelings.

If a stranger puts a ring on your hand, they will help you completely unexpectedly, but on time.

Interpretation of dreams about a ring depending on which finger it is on

The ring to see on the little finger or ring finger in a dream - reflects how close you are with your friends.

On average, fidelity in marriage.

It was dreamed that the ring on the thumb or index finger symbolizes your faithfulness to your word.

Other ring dreams

To melt the ring is a conflict with the one you love.

Gymnastic rings dreamed - you will show character in a dispute with the bosses.

Hang on them - be safe, do not trust promises.

The black ring is a bad signal. By committing reprehensible acts, you complicate your life.

Measuring rings is a favorable symbol, at present you are happy and content with your life, which presents only pleasant surprises.

Steal the ring in a dream - the ex-girlfriend of a loved one will do everything to return him. Nevertheless, all her attempts will not succeed, you have nothing to worry about.

Buying a ring is an influential person who will meet on a life path, will wholeheartedly try to help you, if not by deed, then by advice.

Ring with ruby \u200b\u200b- your chosen one is an overly jealous person, be careful not to give him a reason, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

A broken engagement ring in a dream is a failed marriage, full of unfulfilled hopes. Or

A ring with an emerald, according to the interpretation of the dream book - your love will be in sight, it will be noticed by everyone except the subject of your adoration.

The sapphire ring is a dream - a symbol of goodness, happiness, light in your life. There will be an incentive to create, dream, strive for high goals. You will be given the most unthinkable projects, challenging tasks.

Looking for a ring in a dream - luck will help you get out of a difficult situation, you will not care for any troubles, like water off a duck.

Ring and earrings - to be surrounded by their fans, to enjoy increased attention from the opposite sex. However, you will remain faithful to your beloved.

The dream in which the guy gives the ring is your favorite, very sincere and reliable person, over time you will learn to fully trust him. He will be able to prove to you that he does not put his interests above your desires.

A guy gives a ring - they will delight relations with a loved one, he will be attentive and caring.

Engagement ring - you are prone to analytical thinking, but you listen carefully to the voice of the heart.

Lose the engagement ring

Gold ring - you will plan a wedding with your loved one. Your marriage will be successful, happy, prosperous. He will bring joy to both spouses.

A broken ring is jealousy. It is possible that the second half is cheating on you.

Broken ring dreaming - pay close attention to your spouse. If he has another woman, then you will understand it without words.

To lose the golden ring in a dream - it may well turn out to be a prophetic dream. Protect valuables, keep them away from prying eyes. It may well be that now you will meet the ideal lover.

The dream in which you see a ring on your finger - cherished dreams are about to come true, it remains to suffer very little. Those desires, which, it seemed, are already unfulfilled, will take on a real embodiment.

The ring on the little finger - everything will go as planned. Your family life will be successful.

Find the ring - strangers will give you their feasible support. You will gain what you did not even dream about.

A silver ring, as the dream book says, you have nothing to worry about, your life path is smooth and smooth. Concerns and difficulties are far behind.

To lose the ring is to lose something important in life, to be deprived of something. It is possible that you will not be invited to a friendly party or bonuses will not be paid.

Diamond ring - the changes that will happen to you will be positive. You will be convinced that fortune is favorable to you.

Golden ring with a diamond - a wedding with a loved one, a long married life, filled with joy and peace.

A dream in which they give a ring - a quick marriage with a loved one, you will be left out in the seventh heaven with happiness.

Break the ring in a dream - change your spouse. A new subject for adoration will arise on your horizon.

A broken ring in a dream - the appearance of a rival, rival. Some woman is taking your husband away.

A broken ring - the spouse, most likely, has long been unfaithful to you. Passion on the side.

The big ring - you are not able to feel love for any of those around you. The desire to meet your ideal, active attempts to find your happiness.

She dreams of taking off the ring - you do not follow your life principles, because of this, troubles and hindrances meet on the path of life.

A ring with pearls, according to the interpretation of the dream book - some old desire will easily and quickly come true. You will be in seventh heaven. Your beloved person will present the best emotions to you from the future.

A wooden ring - the marriage you have entered will break up as quickly as it was created.

What is the dream of the ring

Universal dream book

Ring - openly declares that you are connected with your beloved by marriage. Perhaps the dream says that you want to connect your life with someone or participate in a joint project.

What is the dream of the ring

American Dream Book

The ring is a long friendship. Marriage. Engagement.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

The ring is a fun wedding.

What is the dream of the ring

Old English dream book

If a married woman in a dream drops a ring from her finger - this portends her the infidelity of her husband, carried away by an unworthy woman who can completely destroy his life.

If a woman sees in a dream that her engagement ring is breaking, this portends a husband’s illness or death.

And if the ring presses on a finger or crashes into it - this is a warning about someone else’s disease.

Putting a ring on your finger is the harbinger of an alliance with the person you love.

What is the dream of the ring

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Broken ring - dreams of contention between spouses. Lovers such a dream - promises a breakup.

If a girl dreams that she was presented with a ring - this means that she will stop worrying about her lover and he will prove to her his love and readiness for a joint future.

If a girl dreams of a beautiful engagement ring - this means that her lover will keep her loyalty and protect her from troubles.

Lost ring - promises disappointment in love and the bitterness of separation from a loved one.

He interprets the rings on his hands as a portent of the birth of a child, the beginning of a good time, the fulfillment of cherished desires. But also this symbol in a dream warns of disappointments, difficulties in relationships. Details will tell more precisely what the plot is dreaming of.

Matrimony, the birth of a child

Such a dream promises lonely people a change in their status, an early marriage with a loved one.

To dream of their hands in gold rings for a married woman means: soon a child will be born.

Why do you dream about the rings on your hands that you put on? The dream interpretation calls this plot an excellent omen: even cherished desires will come true.

What are they like?

Remember what they were:

  • gold - luck ahead; you can solve business and personal issues;
  • silver - a new period begins, filled with calm, joy;
  • iron - you have to do a lot of work;
  • wooden - the current relationship with the chosen one is not serious and unreliable.

Many rings - success, promising project

Seeing in a dream a ring on a hand portends a happy married life, mutual understanding, harmony.

Had a dream about a pen with several jewelry at once? The vision of a girl promises imminent success with the opposite sex.

Why dream of a large number of rings on the fingers of a man? The dream book suggests: he is implementing a new promising project that can bring quite good profits. It is advisable to develop promising areas of business, as well as take care of stabilizing sources of income.

Your well-being will increase, new acquaintances will appear

If you saw other people decorated with them - someone wants to make friends with you, do not neglect this friendship.

According to the dream book, many rings in the hands of other people are a harbinger of the growth of your well-being. Hard work will bring excellent results, will achieve good financial growth.

Were the rings on the wrong hand? The dreamer is waiting for acquaintance, expanding the circle of communication, very good prospects for partnership.

Beware: possible breakup, divorce

In a dream, they saw someone else’s rings in themselves? In reality, you can fulfill your secret desires, enter into a frivolous relationship. But try to behave so that later you do not have to regret.

Why dream of removing these jewelry? The dreamer will refuse promises made earlier to someone. It can be a breakup, breakup, divorce.

Their fall and loss portends, according to the dream book, the destruction of past friendships or even the destruction of marriage.

Solve issues with a partner, go through a survey

I dreamed of rings on my hands that cannot be removed, no matter how hard you try? In reality, you feel a lack of personal freedom. Talk with the chosen one, solve this problem until it leads to trouble.

Were they broken in a dream? This is a symbol of health difficulties. Pass examination, avoid hypothermia, injuries.

Mutual feelings or difficulties in relationships?

Interpretation is possible based on which stone adorns the ring:

  • diamond - mutual feelings;
  • ruby - some event will disappoint you, bring you to tears;
  • sapphire - problems, loss of understanding with a partner;
  • emerald - achieve financial stability;
  • topaz - new friends, acquaintances;
  • pomegranate - troubles will be resolved by themselves;
  • pearls are a gift from a lover.

Get to know a powerful person, make good deals

Among the rings in the dream was one with a big diamond? Get to know a powerful person. This person will play a significant role in your life.

Why do I dream of many rings on my hands - expensive, beautiful? The dream book promises: very profitable property transactions are coming.

Do not miss the excellent prospects, communicate more boldly

Such a vision also promises the conclusion of profitable contracts with partners. Great prospects will open up for the implementation of their projects.

A lot of such jewels in a dream indicates: ahead is an eventful social life, numerous contacts. Do not be afraid to plunge into it - expanding the circle of friends will be very useful.

The union of two hearts, a good time for business

Two rings on the hand symbolize the union of two hearts - says the interpreter. Three is a love triangle.

Why dream of trying and admiring them? In fact, good luck will smile upon you. It is time to realize the most daring fantasies.

Jewelry on the left hand? Beware of treachery

The dream book considers the ring on his left hand a symbol of deception, cunning, treachery. If it is engagement, the sleeper considers his marriage unhappy and dreams of freeing himself from it.

If you dream about a ring on your left hand, you will have the opportunity to earn income, but not in completely legal ways.

If a stranger wears a ring like this in a dream, someone will want to use the dreamer for their dark affairs.

Work on yourself, decide on a choice

Why dream of finding several rings at once and putting them on? The Dream Interpretation states: you are too confident in your abilities and your own importance, this can serve you poorly. Do not take on too much responsibility; reconsider your outlook on life.

Trying on, seeing the rings on the hands in a dream, but having difficulty in choosing - there will be difficulties in love. You can not choose one of several gentlemen. Try to decide to avoid problems.

An important decision, long-term relationships

Buy and put them on - arrange your life, make an important decision and feel favorable changes.

Such a dream promises, according to the dream book, a change in the love sphere. Soon, long-term relationships will begin.