Why do eggs dream: to be happy or sad? Dream interpretation of an egg, dream egg, dreamed egg.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation Eggs quail had a dream, for what dream in dream Eggs quail». Dreamed Eggs quailbut necessary interpretation sleep dream Eggs quail in dream in dream  saw this symbol. Read full

    Dream Interpretation "k-chemu-snitsja"

    Quail eggs in dream, like chicken, and goose and others symbolize the beginning of something, right up to the beginning of the birth of life. Size doesn't really matter. eggs, their color and shape, the main thing is that eggs  were not spoiled. Such sleep  it doesn’t mean at all that you will be busted; rather, you just didn’t calculate your expenses a bit. To find quail egg, dropped out of the nest - remember the old duty. Read more

  • Dream interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Eggs  on the dream book. If in dream  you saw egg, it doesn't matter, chicken, goose or quail, be sure to remember the plot in detail. in dream  dirty eggs  - to finding parasites. Keeping dependents will not be easy. You will have to work hard and give up a number of familiar things. If had a dreamthat you stole testicles, then in real life you can beat your competitors. Read the full story

    Dream Interpretation "otebe"

    For what dream eggs  chicken quail  and others. Egg, as a universal symbol of the origin of life, in dreams - a dream book eggs  - it can mean the beginning of a new business, a new goal, a new occupation, a new acquaintance, as well as guests, profit, hope and recovery. If you had a dream  unusually large egg  - This is to extraordinary events, great luck and a chance to show those qualities of your character that you had not previously suspected. Color eggs in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    In dream  see Egg. Good value if you had a dream, what you eat eggthen very soon someone will fall in love with you. To find out who it is, carry a rubber ball with you for a week. Bad value if you had a dreamwhat do you colorize egg quail egg.Read completely

    Dream Book "yayki"

    For what dream eggs? Egg in dream  is a powerful sign, a symbol of new beginnings and life from a new sheet, the birth of children. eggs  - 1) You will be disappointed in the life you lead. To avoid negative changes in life, you should eat quail egg. 2) review your intimate life, diversify it. One egg  or several in dream  - The future irreversible consequences of your actions. Read more

    Dream interpretation "magiachisel"

    To shoot in dream quail in dream quail  meat is an indicator of your motility and wastefulness. New family dream book. Appeared in dream quail  - an extremely happy sign. Quail  - fear; start back in horror. if you had a dream: Egg Quail eggs  - a small inheritance or a gift from relatives. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Quail eggs in dream Dreamed Quail, quailbut necessary interpretation sleep  not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why. dream Quail, quail in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream  saw this symbol. Read full

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Quail  - See in dream  living quail  - a very happy sign. Shot down quail dream  to serious trouble. To shoot in dream quail  - a sign that you will be cruelly treated with your best friends. there is in dream quail  meat is a warning against revelry and excessive wastefulness. Quail eggs in dream  - a sign of unsatisfied passion and futile search for a sexual partner who could satisfy her.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation Quail, quail had a dream, for what dream in dream Quail, quail". If you suddenly killed him, it is possible that soon you will act wrong with your old acquaintances. Dreaminghow do you eat quail  meat - you will lead an extravagant lifestyle. See him eggs  - the dream book says that your sexual needs are not satisfied, and in order to somehow fix this, you will look for a new partner.

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    If in dream  you missed quail  - then you will be reconciled with the old enemy. if you had a dreamthat in killed quail  - then you will defeat your enemy. Dream Interpretation E. Avadiaeva. For what dreaming Quail  by dream book: Quail  - If you had a dream quailwhich demolished eggs  - then you hunt in dream  on quail  - a symbol that you are cruelly treating your best friends. there is in dream quail  meat is a sign of your gluttony and extravagance, which seriously harm your financial condition. Dream interpretation of birds and animals. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Eggs quail, sleep Eggs quail, had a dream Eggs quail In dream  see Eggs quail sleep) there is egg  Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    You had a dream Eggs quail in dream? See in dream Eggs quail  - does not necessarily mean something bad or good, sometimes dreams  to star in about the latest events, namely what you thought before sleep  or that day. And what does it mean sleep Eggs quail  if you really see in dream Eggs quail  and what to expect from sleep  - if you ask yourself similar questions, then the answer to them and the interpretation of these dreams  You will find it with us. Read more

    Dream interpretation "magiachisel"

    Quail eggs  - a small inheritance or a gift from relatives. New family dream book. Haunted in dream  nest with eggs  - portends wealth and a happy marriage. Rotten Rotten smell, rotten egg, in general, everything that you see rotten - to gossip. Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December. Quail, quail Quail eggs in dream  - a sign of unsatisfied passion and futile search for a sexual partner who could satisfy her.

    Dream interpretation "mirkosmosa"

    Eggs quail in dream  see. See a few Eggs quail  - the presence of pronounced psychic abilities (prophetic sleep) there is egg  soft-boiled - you will not finish any important business to the end, for which you will suffer; the disease is not completely cured. Read the full story

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dreamedthat I collected with my husband’s grandmother eggs (found them) in the grass near a country road in the countryside. In dream  it was an impression that our task was to find eggs  and we succeeded, found a few, no more than 10 probably. They were clean, beautiful, they felt fresh. I saw in dream eggs  one was goose red pure, there were a lot of chicken in the chicken droppings and a lot quail  dirty too. Read full

    Dream interpretation "magickum"

    if you had a dream  many (good) eggs sleep  means a profitable business, a project. If there were a lot of eggs, however, in dream  something was wrong with them, there were some negative factors, consider that you received a warning. The thing you are doing or planning to do will end in failure and problems. Quail eggs  or small - to small and not expected profits. Read more

    Dream interpretation "AstroMera"

    Boiled quail eggs  - baseless jealousy on the part of the partner. If in dream  you stack boiled eggs  in the refrigerator, then your love is unrequited. However, if you take them out, then soon you will have a mutual feeling. dream  green apples apples, dreamed in dream, promise not only pleasant changes, success and prosperity in family life. According to some interpretations from the dream books, why dream  apples, a dream can ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Eggs quail, sleep Eggs quail, had a dream Eggs quail. Dream Interpretation: The latest dream book of G. Ivanov. In dream  see Eggs quail. To see several I. - the presence of pronounced extrasensory abilities (prophetic sleep) there is egg  soft-boiled - you will not finish any important business to the end, for which you will suffer; the disease is not completely cured. Read the full story

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream interpretation golden Eggs had a dream, for what dream in dream  gold Eggs". We go into the courtyard of our house with someone and my mother goes to meet her (she is no longer in the world) and gives me a golden quail egg, take three of them, one golden thing, I asked about the sisters, but my mother gave me only and told me to eat, which I took pictures and show everyone. I asked my mother how she was, she said that she didn’t.

    Dream interpretation "grc-eka"

    if you had a dream sleepwhere you clearly saw chicken eggs, remember the details of this dream, and try to decipher it. For the correct interpretation sleep  information is needed about what exactly you saw. Remembering all the details, you can understand why dreaming eggBut if it’s not chicken, but goose eggs, in the service you will be promoted. Raw quail eggs dream  to find out the relationship in your inner circle. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    Dream Interpretation Eggs, for what dreaming Eggs, in dream Eggs.Dreamed Eggs. Chicken or quail  I.: To see several I. - the presence of pronounced extrasensory abilities (prophetic sleep) there is egg  soft-boiled - you will not finish any important business to the end, for which you will suffer; the disease is not completely cured. Read the full story

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.bun"

    Dream Interpretation Quail, quail had a dream, interpretation of the word quail, quail  and its meaning in dream, for what dreaming quail, quail, read absolutely free and find out the interpretation dreams!There is quail  meat: portends that you will soon be invited to a great celebration. Quail eggs in dream: a sign of unsatisfied passion and a futile search for a sexual partner who could satisfy her. Dream interpretation of a modern woman Quail, quail  "\u003e.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    see in dream egg had a dreamwhat do you colorize egg  (for example, get ready for Easter), then soon you will be disappointed in your previous lifestyle. So that this does not lead to fatal consequences, eat raw quail egg.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "babyblog"

    To me had a dream quail eggs, I found them in the forest, under the trees, gathered them in my hands, there were several broken ones. In the interpretation I looked eggs in dream  to great offspring and family well-being, fresh broken ones are also good. I really hope that sleep  turns out to be proprietary. Your sleepI just don’t remember what ever I would eggs dreamed.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Quail quail had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Quail quail? Shoot by quail  - unfortunately in the family of your good friends. there is quail  meat portends that you will soon be invited to a great celebration. Quail eggs in dream  - a sign of unsatisfied passion and futile search for a sexual partner who could satisfy her.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    eggs quail.Dreamed  black Eggsbut necessary interpretation sleep  not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why. dream  black Eggs in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream  saw this symbol. Try it! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dreamed Eggbut necessary interpretation sleep  not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why. dreaming Egg in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream  saw this symbol. Try it! My husband had a dream sleepthat he walks in the woods with me and collects eggs. Quail  in size like chicken. He collected them in a plate, the bush pushed aside and there the nest with eggs.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    see in dream egg  and to break it, clearly distinguishing between its three constituent parts - the shell, the protein and the yolk - means that you are currently busy looking for the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you comfort. had a dreamwhat do you colorize egg  (for example, get ready for Easter), then soon you will be disappointed in your previous lifestyle. So that this does not lead to fatal consequences, eat raw quail egg.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-super"

    Quail eggs  - a sign of unsatisfied passion. If had a dream quail  - get the news from afar; if had a dream quail  in flight - the fulfillment of your cherished desire. If had a dream quail  - to rapid promotion; if had a dream  singing quail  - fortunately in love; there is in dream quail  - with your talkativeness, you risk incurring misfortune.

Dream interpretation of quail eggs can be interpreted in completely different ways, depending on who they dreamed about and in what form. So, for example, deciphering why such an image is dreaming, it is necessary to consider whether the testicles were raw or cooked, also interpreters recommend paying attention to the freshness of the product in a dream. Remembering all these details, you will be able to understand what to expect from the future.

New Horizons, or Capacity Building

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, to see in a dream quail eggs with an embryo are a symbol of renewal or the appearance of something new in the dreamer's life.

So, for example, a dream in which a girl shines through them and sees small quails can hint about a possible pregnancy.

For a man, a similar plot predicts an increase in working capacity and potential. And if he observes how small quail hatch from eggs, then there is a chance that personnel shifts will occur at work that will entail global changes.

Secrets of life and other people's secrets

The eastern dream book, explaining what quail eggs dream of, indicates the presence in the life of a sleeping person of some secrets and secrets.

Did you see a basket with small eggs? So you are used to keeping your secrets to yourself. Did someone give them to you, or did you buy them? Someone will share with you their feelings about which they will ask to be silent.

But if you observe how a chicken or another bird sits on quail eggs, wanting to sit chicks, then in reality you will encounter something that you cannot understand on your own.

Health: both joy and anxiety

Fresh quail eggs promise good health to an elderly person. Moreover, the more “oval balls have been dreamed, the better will be,” asserts Longo's dream book. But rotten - they predict an exacerbation of disease.

It’s very nice to drink raw yolks in a dream. Such a vision predicts recovery for a sick person, and for a healthy person it promises a noticeable strengthening of physical strength.

Rebirth awaits you

Some interpreters of dreams with the participation of quail eggs are seen as a signal about the "degeneration of personality" of the dreamer. If you saw them in a dream, then it is likely that an event will soon occur that will change your life.

So, for example, interpreting what dreams of hatching from them chicks of a chicken or another bird, the dream book of Nostradamus states: you are waiting for a change in worldview, in habits.

And if a cub of a snake, a turtle or other living creature appeared from under the cracked shell, then this means that the changes will affect more appearance than character.

Quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided

Do not hope for something good if you dream of quail eggs broken or with a cracked shell. Most likely, you are waiting for quarrels and unpleasant incidents, upset the dream books.

It’s especially bad to see a dead chick - quarrel with someone close. And if the egg embryos did not look as they should, then this is a sign that you will be in conflict with a person with whom you have never met before, but you know him from the stories of acquaintances.

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal.

In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirits, ate an egg in the shell to double their strength.

You probably remember that the fabulous villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity. The custom of dyeing and eating eggs is still very popular.

Folk wisdom holds many sayings and proverbs associated with this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: "There is no worth a damn egg." In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy.

They said about a caressed and spoiled child: "A laden egg is always a talker." It was believed that no serious actions should be expected from such a person.

If you eat an egg in a dream, it means that in reality you pay too much attention to empty and unnecessary business.

The dream in which you have dropped and broken an egg means that you can destroy your own happiness with your careless actions.

Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

To dream about how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life.

If you saw in a dream how you hatch eggs yourself, it means that someone close to you will need your attention and help.

The dream in which you treat someone with a dish of eggs indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn your whole life upside down.

To see rotten eggs in a dream is a bad sign.

Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means a dual situation.

If in a dream you are trying to cook fried eggs, and a live chicken comes out of a broken egg, this is a sign that you are unreasonably using your chance.

To dream in a huge mountain of eggs - to well-being.

The dream in which you saw a snake devour an egg means evil and disease.

To dream about how a pike hatches eggs is a sign that you are too passionate about your fantasies that replace you with real life.

The dream in which you wait when the chicken finally hatches out of the eggs means that you are too keen on what has long been in the past. This is said: "These are hatched eggs."

If in a dream you are trying to break and peel the eggshell - in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and introduce you into significant financial expenses. People say: "They pecked like an egg."

  Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Sleep is another reality that holds different secrets. Many people believe that dreams are important and affect the future. Sometimes it happens that there is a vivid and unusual dream that lingers on memory for a long time. At such moments, even a person who does not believe in predictions will want to know its meaning. What if you dreamed about eggs? Why do eggs dream, what kind of prediction do they keep for themselves, and is it worth it to be afraid of such dreams?

Why do eggs dream, what kind of prediction do they keep for themselves, and is it worth it to be afraid of such dreams?

An egg is a rather strong sign that stores several meanings at once. The most striking of them are:

  1. Creating new life and new potential
  2. A special container where all the secrets of life are kept
  3. Immortality
  4. Eternal life after death

  The egg is a pretty strong sign

From all of the above, we can conclude that the egg foreshadows something new and unusual. If a person had a dream where the eggs were involved, then he can be sure that soon life will present new surprises. But whether they will be good or bad, you can find out after reading the article.

What does it mean to see eggs with an embryo in a dream?

  If you are a young girl who dreamed of eggs with an embryo, then it is worth preparing to replenish

  1. If you are a young girl who dreamed of eggs with an embryo, then it is worth preparing for replenishment. Perhaps soon you will find out that one of your close friends is expecting a baby, or maybe you will find yourself this lucky one yourself.
  2. If a man had such a dream, then you need to seriously think about it. Such a dream can mean a quick failure in business, which will lead to prolonged depression. A man can stop believing in his own strength, his hands will drop, and consciousness will be occupied with self-digging and manifestation of pity for his person.

Therefore, it is necessary to be especially careful about such dreams and pay attention to their meaning in order to avoid unpleasant moments.

To dream: quail, goose and duck eggs in a dream

In your dream, both bird and animal eggs or insects can be involved. Depending on the type of egg, dreams can be interpreted differently, so pay particular attention to this aspect.

  1. Goose eggs - their value is most pleasant, as they symbolize a quick profit. It is worth paying attention to their size and appearance, the larger and fresher they are, the greater profit awaits you. If you actually become the owners of a large amount of money, then the dream book advises not to spend it thoughtlessly. It is better to invest them in real estate or in any profitable business, which will soon bear fruit.
  2. Duck eggs mean good news. The person who presents it will be the one with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Another interpretation suggests that duck eggs can talk about an imminent scandal, at the epicenter of which you will find yourself.
  3. Quail eggs - they can include several values \u200b\u200bat once, depending on the situation in which your dream developed. So, if a person dreamed of a chick that had just hatched from an egg - this could mean a slight ruin of your wallet, maybe you just did not calculate your expenses. To see in a dream a quail hatching eggs - to good luck.

Seeing male eggs in a dream is important

  For men, such a dream means a level of self-esteem.
  1. Male eggs seen in a dream mean fertility. Perhaps a pregnant woman will soon appear in your environment, very often a close friend or relative becomes her.
  2. Another dream interpretation of this dream in a different way, he talks about the girl’s readiness to become a mother. If the girl is single, then most likely she will have an early acquaintance with her soul mate, which is likely to lead to the formation of a large and friendly family.

For men, such a dream means a level of self-esteem. So, if the situation in which the dream fluttered was unpleasant and absurd, then most likely the man is very shy about something or is afraid to decide on something.

What does it mean to see a kinder surprise in a dream

Kinder surprise, as in real life, means something pleasant and unexpected. If in a dream, you were unexpectedly presented with such a treat, then be prepared to receive a gift in real life. What exactly this gift will turn out to be is not important, the main thing is that it will be presented at the most unexpected moment of your life.

If you yourself have acquired a sweetness, then wait in the near future for events that are sure to cheer up and charge positive for a long time.

Dreamed of large, small or multi-colored eggs

  Dreams about eggs can be interpreted from the side of their appearance, based on the color and size of the dreamed eggs

Dreams about eggs can be interpreted from the side of their appearance, based on the color and size of the dreamed eggs.

Big and small

If you saw big eggs in a dream, then soon large-scale plans will appear in your life.  It will take a long time to complete them, but you should not be afraid of this. If you take the task seriously, you will get a big win at the end. I dreamed of small eggs, then you are waiting for small chores associated with everyday activities.

Black, white, gold, dyed

Have you seen black eggs in a dream? Be careful, this means only one thing - all the desires that you have built will not bring you the expected pleasure. Rather, they will leave behind bitterness and disappointment. White eggs tell of successful designs. Which just need to be preceded by life. Golden eggs - promise a profitable business, while dyed ones talk about immediate goals and interesting undertakings.

If you saw dirty eggs in a dream, then in real life you are afraid of your own plans. They seem impossible or unpleasant to perform. It is necessary to relax and look at this problem with a new look.

What if I dreamed about spoiled eggs

  1. Rotten eggs have always been symbolized with something bad and terrible, therefore, in different dream books, this idea is preserved. The dream where rotten eggs were presented can be interpreted as a sleep warning. Perhaps soon something bad will happen and you should be prepared for this. To better understand what exactly awaits you, you need to pay attention to those details and actions that are associated with spoiled eggs.
  2. Most often, such dreams mean poor health. This is especially true for a pregnant woman, if she saw such a dream, then there is a great danger that threatens the health of both the child and the mother.
  3. For others, such a dream may mean the unfulfillment of their own goals. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully consider all your desires and identify priorities. If in a dream you got rid of rotten eggs, then wait for a quarrel in the family, with the second half and children.
  4. In the case when you break broken eggs, in real life you need to better control your emotions. Aggression, which sometimes prevails in you, can soon destroy your life and lead to irreversible consequences.
  5. For business and work, these dreams also do not bode well. In business, losses can be expected, and work may take too much of your time. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing new proposals, creating tasks and planning strategies.

What do chicken eggs dream of (video)

Eggs: dream book (video)

Eggs dreamed in a dream have many meanings. The main thing is to pay attention to the details and the situation in which the dream developed. One thing is certain: any dream is a “cry” of your subconscious, so do not leave them unattended.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dream interpretation quail eggs

  Often we see eggs in a dream. In general, they act as a symbol of the birth of a new life. In night visions, they are seen as the beginning of something new.

The dreamer will discover new horizons or opportunities, will do what he loves, change his occupation.

Is there any difference in which eggs of a bird appeared to you in a dream? Why do quail eggs dream? You will be able to find answers in dream books.

What does the future hold?

Seeing a quail delicacy in a dream

If such symbols were dreamed, then the interpreters speak of the outstanding personality of a sleeping person.The dreamer has some supernatural abilities, he has a highly developed intuition.

What happened to them in a dream?

Negative if you broke eggs in night vision. Such a dream promises quarrels and squabbles with surrounding people, a failure in business, a general worsening of the situation.

If a pregnant woman observed such a vision, then childbirth may not go according to plan. You should be more careful about your fetus, follow the instructions that will be given by doctors.

Break them yourself - a vision that says that you are not able to bring the work you have started to its logical conclusion, you are throwing everything halfway. This is the reason that you do not succeed.

Find an empty shell - you should only look forward. The past has long been lost for you, there is nothing in it.

Seeing an empty shell in a dream

Watch someone boil quail eggs - intrigue weaves behind your back. Someone defames your good name.

Make an egg purchase - you are ready for a change.Now is the time to radically change your life. It will be easy for you to get rid of bad habits, start living right.

Find the eggs that quail hatched - you can achieve the goal, this will happen with the help of your positive qualities.

To fry them - it is believed that a sleeping person will spoil with his own hands what fate will bring him, having lost his chance of a better future by his own stupidity.

She dreams of cleaning - you will do the work, which will require attention from you. Its monotony will drive you crazy.

To drink raw - you are apprehensively awaiting a certain event, you are very worried about this.  In the case when you want to predict the future and understand what the ending will be, it is worth recalling your feelings. If it was pleasant to drink an egg, then everything will end in the best way.

Drink raw delicacy in a dream

Predictions of various interpreters

It is quite difficult to find information that would directly relate to what we dream of the eggs of this particular bird. But in the interpreters there are many predictions, which means, in general, vision about the egg.

As a rule, dream books give advice not to distinguish between them.

Erotic interpreter

Many eggs in the basket - you are tired of your erratic sexual relations. You have long wanted to start a family and devote yourself entirely to one partner.

The interpreter Meneghetti

The psychologist believed that these visions have a negative message, because this symbol is that which is hidden from prying eyes, behind a layer of shell.

Think about it, because under the shell anything can be hidden, you will not be completely sure whether the egg is fresh in front of you, or if the embryo is already developing in it. To know for sure, you need to get rid of the shell.

Had a lot of eggs in a basket

But Meneghetti positively perceived any vision in which you prepared a dish of quail eggs.

Interpreter of Aesop

If you eat an egg in a dream, then in reality you give a lot of time and energy to a worthless business.

In addition, the dream book gives a number of valuable indications of what a particular plot from your dream means:

  • accidentally drop and break an egg - do a rash act, thereby destroy your happiness;
  • see an empty shell - you should look at the state of your health;
  • to collect eggs from nests - cardinal changes for the better;
  • hatch them yourself - someone needs your help and support;
  • prepare a dish from them and serve it to guests - in life you will have to meet a person who will affect your future fate;
  • detect two yolks in it - you will find yourself in a difficult and incomprehensible situation;
  • many eggs - well-being, both material and spiritual.

Seeing two yolks at once in a dream

Miller's prediction

Encountering eggs in the nest in night vision - material well-being, successful family life. Eat them - you will become anxious due to an ambiguous situation.

To see broken, cracked eggs is a gift of fate, soon happiness awaits you.

If they were rotten, then things will decline, and you also risk losing your property.

A basket full of eggs, according to this interpreter of dreams, means that you will receive an advantageous offer that you cannot refuse. You will become involved in a business that will succeed.

Walking through the woods and stumble upon eggs - a distant relative will leave you a legacy.

Big interpreter

Break the delicacy for processing in a dream

This dream book examines quail eggs in the following vein:

  • one thing - wait for the arrival of guests;
  • there are many eggs - the dreamer will succeed;
  • break it yourself, or see them cracked already - incur costs, risk losing an important thing for you.

French interpreter

If in a dream the eggs were of a strange color, then you will be in trouble, which will greatly overshadow your life.

If they were fresh, then you will find good news. A basket full of eggs promises participation in a losing business.

Broken means sadness.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

Dreamed of hatching a quail

To watch a chick hatch from an egg - a brilliant idea will visit you and you will realize it.

She dreams of rushing them - you will find disappointment, the collapse of hopes. The same prediction will be made to you if you see them broken.

A lot of eggs are for chores and worries.

Nest Vision

Watch how the quail hatches eggs - good luck awaits you.

To see how little chicks hatch - a sleeping person should reconsider his expenses.  Now is the time to stockpile for the future.

To find an egg that has fallen from the nest will remind you of an old duty.

If in a dream you plundered quail nests, then in reality you will be disappointed.  Bringing home the eggs that you found in the nest of wild birds is a symbol of big trouble. The dreamer will make an annoying mistake.

Seeing yourself surrounded by quail eggs - you will be the focus of attention at the event, which you will soon visit.