Drinking women stories from life. The consequences of long-term drinking bouts - real stories from the lives of alcoholics

I know firsthand about the problem of female alcoholism. My mother was an alcoholic. In her youth, she and her father liked to drink a little beer after work or on days off, like most people. Then the amount of alcohol gradually increased, especially on holidays. After my mother gave birth to me, she was 29 years old at the time, she went to work (I was 4 months old) and ended up in a women’s group, where they often drank alcohol. She didn’t even notice how she became dependent on alcohol. She started drinking all the time, and then binge drinking.

It is impossible to convey in words what it is like to live in a family of alcoholics (later the father also began to drink heavily with his mother). While my grandfather was alive, my parents were a little afraid of him and hid, and did not drink water openly. But after his death, complete horror began. But today I don’t want to talk about it. At 48, my mother died. As far as I remember, she did not have all her teeth, she looked terrible, much older than her age, although she was quite young.

I had a friend when I was a child. After school, the connection was broken, but then when I returned home and gave birth to the child, we started communicating again. In the end, they decided to take her as godfather. We were friends after that for about a year, then we stopped, because she threw in her lot with a person who was against her communicating with our family, that is, with me and my husband. Now she comes mainly just to congratulate the child on his birthday. This was a short introduction, and now the story itself on the topic of female alcoholism.

Kuma started drinking. It’s not just drinking alcohol on holidays, but almost anyone who drinks can go on a binge. Sometimes I meet her, since she lives nearby, she always makes me smell of fumes. She became really scary. Her face is red and swollen, covered in some kind of pimples, which she doesn’t try to fight. The hair is long, but not well-groomed, dirty, so greasy that it immediately catches your eye. The front teeth are all black. She is only 27 years old, but looks about 40 years old. My husband once saw her from afar, didn’t recognize her, says what kind of aunt she is.

She has a 4 year old child. Now her mother is mainly taking care of her daughter. The girl never leaves her grandmother's side. Both the godfather and her husband do not work anywhere; her mother provides for them, but at the same time they find money for alcohol. I feel very sorry for her child. She is so young and already an alcoholic. Simply terrible. The man himself ruined his life.

But they are constantly jealous of us because we either bought a car or did repairs. But we strive for a better life. Honestly, I probably have some kind of fear of alcohol addiction. There is no way I will allow my children to go through what I once did. Although they say there is no need to promise. At least I will try my best for this.

Alcoholism... Perhaps not a single word is associated with as many diverse problems as this one. And rarely do so many myths, stereotypes, and rumors arise around any disease as around addiction to alcohol. What is the nature of alcohol addiction, how does a person get caught in these networks, can he get out on his own and how can you help him? Is it possible to recover from alcoholism? We talk about this and much more with the general director of the AlkoMed clinic, narcologist Maxim Aleksandrovich Borovkov.

- What is the biggest misconception about alcoholism?

Most likely, it is treated as a kind of social promiscuity and permissiveness. A large mass of the population imagines alcoholism simply as dissolute behavior and a person’s gradual slide down the social ladder. Few people understand that alcoholism is a real disease, which is characterized by changes in metabolism in the body, due to which a person is unable to stop himself even after the first drink.

- What's going on? Why does alcohol become a vital need for a person?

Dependence develops gradually. At first, a person simply enjoys drinking alcohol, then a stable association is formed in the brain: alcohol = pleasure. This is how psychological dependence is formed. If you don't stop in time, the disease progresses. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) burns easily not only in air. Under the conditions of our body, alcohol “ignites” very quickly - it breaks down and releases a large amount of energy. In the human body, energy is extracted from proteins, fats and carbohydrates; alcohol is not only easily integrated into metabolism, but also, being a psychoactive substance, contributes to addiction. Constantly receiving large amounts of alcohol, the body adjusts its metabolism to it. That is, alcohol receives maximum priority. This restructuring is irreversible. As soon as the “supply” of alcohol stops, the metabolism gradually returns to normal. But very slowly and very painfully - with pronounced mental and physical suffering that few people are able to endure. It is much easier to give the body another dose of “fuel”.

- It seems like you are describing withdrawal from a drug addict...

And so it is, it’s the same abstinence. The mechanism of alcohol and drug addiction is absolutely the same. And clinical manifestations - intoxication, craving for the next dose, withdrawal symptoms - too.

- Let's go back to alcoholism. Is this disease curable?

No, it is not curable. Like drug addiction, alcoholism is a lifelong diagnosis. Another thing is that a person can stop drinking alcohol himself or with the help of doctors and not drink for the rest of his life. But even in this case, we are talking about long-term remission, but not about cure. The fact is that the very first glass of alcohol triggers the “dormant” mechanisms of an already formed disease with all the ensuing consequences. And this breakdown can happen at any moment.

- What is binge drinking and what are its dangers?

First of all, it should be said that binge drinking occurs in a person suffering from the second stage of alcoholism. Drinking alcohol for several days does not constitute binge drinking for an ordinary person, although such abuse also causes serious harm to the body. For a patient with alcoholism, binge drinking begins with one or two drinks, after which the body switches to the already familiar alcohol metabolism - and if alcohol is not taken, abstinence occurs. A person cannot stop, because - as we have already said - giving up alcohol causes significant physical suffering.

Binge is dangerous due to metabolic disorders. People on a binge either eat nothing or eat very little. They have enough energy from alcohol. But proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements do not enter the body, and the longer the binge, the more severe the violations on the part of all organs and systems.

- Can a person come out of binge drinking on his own?

Theoretically it can. But in practice this is very, very rare. Self-exit from binge drinking is associated with severe physical suffering, increased blood pressure, increased stress on the heart and a high risk of complications such as myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, gastric bleeding, epileptic seizures and delirium tremens (delirium tremens).

- How can a doctor help in such a situation?

The doctor, with the help of various drugs that are administered, including intravenous drips, helps the patient survive the period of recovery from binge drinking with virtually no risk of complications. The so-called “shaking” is removed, blood pressure is lowered, sleep is restored, the body is nourished, electrolyte balance is restored and, as a result, on the second or third day the patient’s well-being normalizes without alcohol in the blood.

- Is there a difference between stopping binge drinking at home or in a hospital?

The peculiarity of home treatment consists of several points. First of all, the patient is in a familiar environment under the supervision of family and friends. This is very important, since breaking out of binge drinking is often associated with various depressive disorders. And no one, even very highly qualified nursing staff, will pay as much attention to the patient as his relatives. In addition, after the acute manifestations of a hangover are relieved, our patients can return to work and participate in social life within 2-3 days. Treatment in a hospital usually takes much longer.

Treatment at home requires high professionalism, experience and composure from the doctor. In a fairly short period of time, he needs, without having the results of tests and instrumental studies in hand, to assess the patient’s condition, determine which drugs to administer and in what doses, predict the development of the situation and leave clear instructions to family and friends: how to act, what medications to give. In 1-1.5 hours, the doctor must restore the functions of the body, which has been exposed to the destructive effects of alcohol for days and sometimes weeks.

However, there are a number of situations in which hospitalization becomes an absolute necessity; attempting treatment at home in these cases can only worsen the patient's condition. First of all, this is a long-term binge, which led to a pronounced weakening of the body, as well as all cases where there is a high risk of developing delirium tremens. Unconditional hospitalization is also required by exacerbation of various chronic diseases due to binge drinking, for example, peptic ulcer disease, as well as acute emergency conditions, for example, acute pancreatitis.

- How long after an interruption does a person live without binge drinking?

But this depends on him. In this case, we act as an ambulance, eliminating life-threatening consequences. But the reason itself remains. And nothing prevents the patient from going all out again 2-3 days after the “cleansing”.

- And what to do in such cases?

Block dependence on alcohol, or, as they often say, “encode.” There are two methods - psychotherapeutic and medication. Psychotherapy is aimed at creating in a person a clear attitude towards a sober lifestyle, as well as the formation of a negative image of alcohol and everything connected with it. However, there are a number of limitations. First of all, not all people are suggestible; in addition, in our country it is somehow not customary to talk to a psychologist or psychotherapist and pour out your soul to him. Secondly, it is very difficult to break the value system established as a result of many years of drinking alcohol. It requires painstaking and lengthy work.

The medical way to block alcohol dependence is to administer to a person one of the modern drugs that significantly reduce the craving for alcohol. At the same time, this drug is incompatible with alcohol (torpedo effect). However, the psychotherapeutic component of this method is also very important. The doctor does not just silently administer the drug, he must explain to the person what is happening, why the medicine is being administered (this is like a kind of insurance that keeps the person from drinking).

Does a sober lifestyle mean that a person should give up any type of alcohol? Or can you drink while observing some norm?

If a person is diagnosed with alcoholism, then it is necessary to give up any alcohol. Even from non-alcoholic beer - because the smell, taste of the drink, the sight of the bottle cause an exciting effect, a person feels a slight intoxication, which the brain “remembers”, and a breakdown occurs.

- Is it possible to treat alcoholism without the knowledge of the person himself?

No you can not. Compulsory treatment is provided for by law only in cases where a person becomes socially dangerous. And as long as a person is sane, no violence against a person is permissible. And all the “miraculous” and “magic” remedies in the form of drops, infusions, powders and other things that are proposed to be quietly mixed into the food of a drinking person are nothing more than speculation on the problem and deception of consumers. In the treatment of alcoholism, as a very serious disease, the motivation of the patient himself, his internal attitude towards recovery and a favorable outcome are extremely important. If there is no motivation, there will be no effect, no matter how hard the drinker’s relatives try.

Alcoholism is a serious disease in the development of which numerous biological and social factors play a role. For example, if a person has a genetic predisposition to the development of alcohol dependence - when his body has a deficiency of an alcohol-decomposing enzyme - then, having started drinking, he can develop stage 2 alcoholism within 2-3 months. Therefore, this problem should be dealt with by professionals - narcologists. Our knowledge and experience, an arsenal of medicines and therapeutic techniques allow us to help people in even the most difficult situations.

The answer to this question lies in the fields of psychology and psychiatry at the same time. It is impossible to cure any person's alcoholism without addressing the root of the problem.

But if they talk often and a lot about male alcoholism, then it is believed that female alcoholism is incurable due to the special structure of the female psyche.

This is a false statement!

It is difficult to treat for the reason that a woman who drinks is deliberately condemned, often without even giving her a chance to correct her behavior. A man in a family may drink, but a woman who drinks will a priori receive less attention from society.

As a result, treatment of female alcoholism begins only when the second and even third stage of the disease occurs, and at this stage it is always more difficult to treat the disease.

Hence the sad statistics.

So, why is female alcoholism incurable, as most believe?

Knowing the causes of alcoholism, it is easier to find a way out of the maze.

At one time, the theme “two worlds - two ways of life” was actively cultivated. Today there is no one to fight with, the name of the dispute has changed, but the essence remains: we are the best in everything.

But when discussions of the problem of alcoholism are supplemented with digital illustrations, “optimists” have no choice but to appeal that people in the West also drink.

But, as one of the site visitors noted, Czechs and Germans prefer beer, the French prefer wine. And in the former CIS they still drink vodka.

So already a superficial look at the problem suggests that the causes of alcoholism have different starts, but they are still classified.

According to the results of studies by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the problem of alcoholism in the world, the post-Soviet space really remains ahead.

The average European drinks just over 12 liters of alcohol per year. Moldovan - 19, Russian - 15, Ukrainian and Belarusian - a little less.

For comparison: Czechs prefer beer – 57%, French wine – 62%. In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus they are given less preference, respectively from 33% to 20% and from 1% to 9%.

The highest prevalence of severe forms of alcohol use was observed in Ukraine – 31.5% (among men).

1.7% of the Russian population are hopeless alcoholics and are officially registered. In Belarus and Kazakhstan – 1.6%, in Ukraine – 1.5%. And this is only according to official data, but how many such, but not taken into account, sufferers are hiding in basements and attics!

Thus, the topic of alcohol does not lose its urgency with changes in the political and social sphere of society. Regardless of who drinks, how much and where, all people are divided into two categories.

Some do this with a sense of proportion and do not fall into the hands of the green serpent. And for others, the first glass is a start into the deceptive world of pleasures and satisfaction.

Who and how does alcohol choose?

The activity of the human central nervous system is often compared to the operation of a computer. Let's use this analogy that is understandable to modern people.

What happens to a computer when it is attacked by viruses? That’s right: it starts to “glitch”, or even fails altogether. It all depends on what file the Trojan infects.

For humans, alcohol is the same virus, poison. Once in the body, it affects almost all organs, but most of all – the liver, kidneys and central nervous system (CNS). Let's take a closer look at the last one.

By affecting individual areas of cells, alcohol modifies the composition of their chemical substances:

  • gamma-aminobutyric acid, which controls impulsive actions, changes its function and drops noticeably;
  • glutamate, being a central nervous system stimulant, also undergoes changes;
  • the level of dopamine, which is responsible for triggering the “pleasure” mechanism, also changes.

These and other changes at the level of the chemical composition of the brain require restoration of the level of tone achieved by enriching with new portions of alcohol, and with a plus to the achieved level.

A person is constantly drawn to the best. Not realizing in this case the imaginary nature of the best, he reaches for another portion of vodka in order to fall back into euphoria.

If this craving becomes noticeable in a person, this is already a warning signal. This means that the risk of alcohol dependence has increased, and the disease begins to progress.

The person requires immediate outside help.

Factors and reasons for the development of alcoholism

If the same chemical formulas “work” in the brain of all people, then why are the results different? Why do some people move to another level - an alcoholic, while others do not become alcohol dependent?

Stages of female alcoholism: is there any point in treatment at home?

The first and most dangerous stage of female alcoholism, which only a woman can recognize, is almost invisible outwardly. However, it is at this stage that the alarm should be sounded.

Signs of the first stage of alcoholism:

    Drinking alcohol 2-3 times a week, mostly for no reason.

    Loss of the gag reflex and the ability to drink increasing amounts of alcohol without getting drunk.

    The desire to drink alcohol and attempts to find excuses for this desire.

Female alcoholism. Binges

If the majority believes that female alcoholism cannot be treated, then how can addiction be treated?

The treatment process and its sequence depend on the stage at which the drinking woman is.

At the first stage, the woman drinks excessively, experiencing memory loss and a severe hangover the next day. When drinking alcohol, he does not control himself, behaves extremely incorrectly and unusually for others.

After breaking up with my beloved guy, I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time. For days on end all I did was cry, looking at the ceiling, or paint pictures.

Naturally, they all turned out in dark tones. How else can a person who has a black night in his soul create? I poured out all my emotional state onto the canvas...

And then a heavy binge began. Monthly.

Time passed, but it did not heal my mental wound. On the contrary, a new problem has emerged - female binge drinking. But at first I didn't understand it.

And then it was as if some kind of turning point occurred in me. I saw many things in a completely different light. And finally I realized: life has many colors, not just shades of black!

In the morning she rose before dawn and opened the curtained windows wide. She turned on the music and took the easel. Out of habit, I dipped my brush into black, but immediately came to my senses.

I looked at the colors for a long time and chose red, then green, and... a rainbow appeared. The painting reflected all the colors of life: bright tones and halftones, its diversity and versatility... Having finished, I stood for a long time and looked at my creation.

And I decided to give up alcohol forever and completely. To support this decision, I signed up for a session using the method of removing subconscious barriers and was given protection from drinking alcohol using the method of removing subconscious barriers. Goodbye female alcoholism!

Then she called Edik and invited him to come and have a look. In the evening he was with me.

“You inspired me to create a new painting for your cafe,” she said, showing him the drying canvas.

– Anya, this is just wonderful! - he exclaimed. - Exactly what I was looking for. Everything is so bright. Juicy! Thank you!

And I suddenly thought that I seemed to have come to life again with new feelings. Therefore, when, leaving home, Edik nevertheless invited me on a date, without hesitation, I agreed. Vitaly is right: his friend is a wonderful person. I love the colors of his world!

Hello, dear readers! Today I would like to talk about such a terrible problem as female alcoholism.

When a man drinks uncontrollably, it is terrible, but a woman subject to such a destructive passion is a disaster.

Children of alcoholic mothers suffer the most

The female body is designed to bear and give birth to children, but it can cope with addiction to alcohol in exceptional cases.

Vivid examples are famous female alcoholics for whom the love of alcohol has ruined everything: their careers, their personal lives, and deprived many of the opportunity to become a mother.

I think it’s no secret to anyone that attachment to alcohol has its roots in childhood. Many famous women acquired this habit due to the fault of their environment.

For example, in the case of the “Parisian sparrow” - a miniature woman named Edith Piaf. She had an incredibly powerful voice, especially considering her height and build. Personally, when I hear her voice, goosebumps always run through my body. And you?

Edith Piaf "The Little Sparrow of Paris"

But this talented woman was devoured from within by a terrible addiction - Piaf was a drug addict and alcoholic. While she was able to overcome her addiction to drugs, she could not cope with alcohol. The reason for this may be the fact that she, while still a tiny baby, was constantly given wine so that she would sleep and not scream if she wanted to eat. Can you imagine the damage the child’s immediate family has caused to the child’s body? Naturally, in her case, the passion for alcohol was literally absorbed with her mother’s milk.

Edith Piaf suffered from alcoholism and drug addiction

Another woman who can be classified as a famous drunkard is Galina Brezhneva. In her youth, she had everything she could want, even large diamonds lay in a vase like candy canes. But her love for vodka ruined her health, destroyed her mind, ruined her and killed her.

Galina Brezhneva with her famous father

Brezhneva ended her turbulent life in a mental hospital, alone, unwanted, sick.

Alcoholism destroyed the happy life of Galina Brezhneva

Female alcoholism

A woman is outwardly a very fragile and delicate creature, but by nature her body itself is designed for serious overloads - she must bear, give birth to and feed a child. A woman even lives longer than a man, but she cannot drink like him. Her body is not designed to fight alcohol, so a woman’s dependence on alcohol occurs much faster and lasts much stronger.

Our beloved Tatyana Dogileva was able to overcome alcoholism

Celebs who have overcome alcoholism

We all know celebrities who have quit drinking. A striking example is Britney Spears, a young American singer whose love of drinking, drugs and partying led to the almost complete destruction of her successful career, shameful photographs in the press, the collapse of her marriage and the loss of custody of her two sons.

Britney Spears and alcohol

Now she is gradually leveling out and changing for the better, but what has been done cannot be returned - the stamp of rejection will forever remain on her. It’s a shame that the flight that started so well was cut short at the very beginning, and Britney herself, like a wounded bird, was left reproaching herself and fate for the tragic events in her life.

An equally notable example from the life of stars who quit drinking forever is Elizabeth Taylor.

Elizabeth Taylor quit drinking forever

This incredibly beautiful woman slowly got involved in drinking, trying to save her husband, the artist Richard Burton, but soon she herself began to drink as much as him. She quickly gained weight, looked ugly and began to lose roles. But her fighting nature took its toll, and she was able to cope with alcoholism. The same cannot be said about her husband - a handsome and talented actor, whom we know from his roles in “Cleopatra” and “The Young Lions”, Burton died suddenly, not even reaching the age of sixty.

Unfortunately, in the artistic community there are a lot of women suffering from alcoholism. The availability of booze, the harmful example and environment have become the reason for the continuous drunkenness of such stars as actresses Drew Barrymore, Lindsay Loan, singer and artist Courtney Love, Larisa Guzeeva, supermodel Lara Stone, and many other famous women. However, if Drew Barrymore, Guzeeva and Stone were able to overcome addiction, this is not yet possible for other women.

The difference that sobriety makes can be demonstrated by the example of Kelly Osbourne, the daughter of the “great and terrible” Ozzy Osbourne.

Kelly Osbourne was hampered by alcohol

She was a monstrously overweight, ugly girl with excellent vocal abilities, who simply killed herself with alcohol because of a painful perception of her own appearance. As soon as she realized that vodka would not help her, she just needed to take care of herself, and the result was not long in coming. Kelly lost weight, fell into the hands of a talented stylist and was literally transformed - she revealed herself to be a very attractive and talented young woman with a bright and successful future.

Kelly Osbourne became a beauty thanks to sobriety

To do this, she had to realize that it was she herself who had value, and not the alcohol she drank.

Alcohol kills women

Don't expect alcohol to solve all your problems. Where a glass of cognac relieves stress, a bottle will become a step into the abyss. Consider whether you are ready to take this step.

I am very glad that you were with me today.